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Fwd: Urgent! PROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafia by Dr. Preston James and Mr. Mike Harris

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Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta 

We The People! Brothers and Sisters! 

Please, Dear Folks!–read, publish and re-send to your friends aPROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafiawritten by Dr. Preston James and Mr. Mike Harris (I added little notes for my friends)

Dear fellow Americans, Please, please WAKE UP and STAND UP for our country and for the future of our children!  Time is no longer on our side! 
Our country is being completely  money grubbed by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia who have hijacked American society. They are blatantly asset-stripping our civilians of their wealth, their property and the fruits of their labor!   The Khazarian mafia, along with their US traitors–who are on a pay list of KM and who have infiltrated government and law enforcement agencies, are continuing unchecked to rob, torture and murder US citizens.
Please, read my letter to US Provost Marshals which is below the Proposed Declaration of War  and which has a brief summary of my research that some of FBI agents suggested that I do; it shows that a Holocaust of US civilians actually took place right here in the USA!

With my blessings,
Nina Sidorova,
President of the Northern California Tenant Association

PROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafia 

Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on May 8, 2015
A Plan to Declare War on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia & eradicate its espionage and penetration of America

by  Preston James and Mike Harris
Before America can embark on a national mission to eradicate the influence of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) in America, it is important to understand its incredibly evil hidden history.


All Americans need to know that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is based on a secret death cult, ancient Babylonian Talmudism (aka Kabbalism, Luciferianism, Satanism, Sabbatteanism, Frankism).
The Georgia Guidestones in Georgia, USA
Only by knowing the sinister origin and core belief system of the RKM can we understand why the RKM is hell-bent on systematically infiltrating and destroying each and every society and nation on Earth.
We know for certain that the RKM is planning on mass-murdering 90% of all humans, unless they are stopped and this intention has been admitted by RKM officials in public documents. Even more than this the RKM has actually carved their sinister death cult intentions in stone on an expensive granite monument, the Georgia Guidestones.


All Americans need to understand that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is by far the World’s biggest parasitical invading organism in history that sucks the lifeblood out of any host country until mass-death of the Citizenry and the nation itself is attained.
Left unabated the RKM parasite will destroy each host country it has infested and, if unabated, will eventually destroy the whole world.
As the truth about the RKM diffuses to the world by the Internet and word of mouth, soon the whole world and all nations and people will understand that a major global war against the RKM must be declared and waged.
As the truth about this World Largest Parasite of mankind spreads to every nation, folks everywhere will come to understand that mankind’s biggest enemy is the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) which intentionally destroys every culture, nation and society that it comes to infest.
As the people of the world come to understand this RKM evil, all people even from different cultures and nations will be motivated to come together with this one, single objective, to eradicate the RKM’s infiltration, hijacking and control over almost every nation of the world.

Картинки по запросу must do We Must Do It!!!

To eradicate the RKM chieftain’s grip on America and most of the World, we must decapitate the RKM from its elastic, endless Fiat counterfeit supply of “funny money” debt-notes!
We know for certain that in order to do this effectively and in the shortest time possible, the RKM will have to be decapitated from its counterfeit and endless self-produced money supply and in order to do this, the RKM’s unconstitutional Federal Reserve System will have to be eliminated by the USG and a new American Bank set up in the US Department of the Treasury. This cannot be done until Americans take back Congress and drive out those who have taken the required AIPAC loyalty oath to Israel.
All AIPAC Israeli influence peddling of Congress must be stopped cold and all Members of Congress who signed these Treasonous, Seditious AIPAC Loyalty Oaths to Israel must be voted out and fully prosecuted for espionage against America.
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has reported to several sources that all newly elected members of Congress are given an AIPAC loyalty oath to Israel to sign. If they refused, a well-financed opponent would run against them, in most cases preventing re-election. She refused to sign it and lost her re-election campaign.

If We the People can successfully decapitate the RKM from its endless, elastic money supply manufactured by their private Federal Reserve System Banksters, this means these banksters will no longer be allowed to lend citizens RKM debt-notes at pernicious interest. This will remove the main source of money and power for the RKM and will immediately stop any more accumulation of fraudulent public USG debt.


If we eliminate the Illegal, Unconstitutional private RKM Fiat debt-note based “funny money” and the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Income Tax, we can increase our purchasing power by approximately 40%.
When the completely, illegal Federal Income Tax is eliminated and a new real and honest American money system owned by We the People is activated, this will immediately increase American purchasing power by approximately 40% because that is the approximate amount of the American consumers prices are inflated by because of this two part theft, phony Fiat debt-notes loaned at pernicious usury and illegal, unconstitutional Federal income taxes.
Let’s face it, no sane person would pay a foreign Bankster pernicious interest to use what is fraudulently presented as their own money and turns out to be counterfeit banknote loans backed by nothing real by “sleight of hand” money-fraud like Bernie Madoff, the man who made-off with billions, but only got caught because he didn’t foresee the speed of the recession coming upon America in 2007.
How do like having retail prices inflated by 40% for nothing by the private RKM Banksters’ charging pernicious usury to you for using their money?
Once you understand that approximately 40% of all retail prices at the grocery store and other stores is based on paying these RKM foreign banksters pernicious usury for using what should have been your own money in the first place, it is easy to become enraged at how you and all Americans have been ripped off and financially defrauded by the RKM banksters since 1913.
Artist’s depiction of soul stripper
It is important to understand how RKM Chieftains differ from normal human beings.
RKM chieftains either were born without human souls or lost them along the way. Normal humans unless they are hard core complete sociopaths tends to have a conscience and will feel shame when they do wrong against others. These RKM chieftains never feel any shame for harming others, rather this makes them feel pleasure.
They capitalize on others’ ability to feel shame and orient much of their engineering of governmental policies to create as much shame in those peoples they are oppressing and asset stripping. They learned long ago that, if they can provoke folks to do things wrong using Hollywoodism and the controlled major mass media (CMMM), this will help destroy character and moral strength in a people and make it far easier to corrupt them and control them.
Thus, you find the RKM chieftains, kingpins and cutouts inevitably involved in proliferating extreme forms of perversion and pornography few would feel comfortable running, and they do this for big profits. These folks are running a culture war against all Americans, strip their character and manipulate them to lose their integrity.
Before we can discuss an effective strategy to arrest, convict and jail the RKM, we must discuss how the RKM proceeded to infiltrate and hijack America beginning in 1913.

It is indisputable fact that the United States of America was first infiltrated by the RKM beginning in 1913 when the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System established a Beachhead in America.
Once the monetary production and distribution beachhead was established in America in 1913, the RKM proceeded to progressively infiltrate and hijack every single American institution bit by bit, usually one at a time, but sometimes simultaneously in groups.
The illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by bribing weak members of the US Congress to betray their country and manipulating an illegal vote on Christmas Eve — even with no proper quorum present. This fraudulent bill was signed into law by a compromised, corrupt President, who was willing to betray his country for banksters’ money.
Once the RKM succeeded in setting up their fraudulent money production and distribution machine – the world biggest counterfeiting scheme – then these criminal banksters proceeded to buy, bribe and own almost every congressperson, most USG Officials, and almost the entire Judiciary, as well as most Military High Command.
And while the RKM used their massive elastic checkbook of phony Counterfeit money to infiltrate and hijack all American Politics, they also charged dumbed-down Americans illegal, pernicious interest (actually illegal usury) for using what should have been their own money in the first place.
Making money from nothing and backing it with nothing but the enforced taxes of its captive customers is nothing less than modern day secret slavery and has been the greatest financial fraud in history and is major RICO crime.
Of course these RKM foreign-based banksters created their own money from nothing and lent it to Americans, charging pernicious usury. This is course was a very devilish and crafty trick and must be considered the greatest financial crime in history and provided the great money power to then infiltrate, consolidate and hijack all the Major Mass Media in America forming their own illegal, Unconstitutional news cartel, a secret illegal news and media monopoly best referred to as the CMMM.
Obviously, the CMMM should have been broken up long ago under anti-trust laws, but when the US Congress, the Administration, the US Department of Justice and the Courts are owned by the RKM lock stock and barrel, this has been an impossibility.
Once the RKM gained control over the American Money Production and Distribution, gained control over almost every member of Congress, all Presidential Candidates who would be elected, and even the Major Mass Media, they were able to seize control over almost every aspect of American life, including the educational curricula at every level of education.
Gulag archipelago, written about by Solzhenitsyn
The RKM succeeded in hijacking the Major Mass Media in America, then consolidated it, and then converted it into their main propaganda machine deployed against the American people to mind-kontrol them to support whatever policies their top RKM Chieftains desired.
Once the RKM was able to effectively consolidate and thereby control CMMM and their main propaganda machine, similar to what existed in the former Soviet Union, which is owned and controlled by only six RKM kingpins.
Technically this control over the six Major Mass Media News Corporations has transformed this RKM CMMM into an illegal monopoly, best described as an illegal news cartel designed and operated to mind-kontrol the American People and feed them a continuing stream of USG lies, false-narratives and USG propaganda needed to support the RKM’s sinister agenda for America.
The RKM has worked hard to remove its history from libraries and history books because, once known by the public, they would become targeted for destruction for all the millions of rapes, tortures and mass-murders of invasion and war they have perpetrated.

The RKM has thus restricted the access of ordinary Americans to what the real truth about the RKM is, where they came from, and their deadly agenda is which is to asset strip, oppress, tyrannize and disarm America, and then transform America into GAZA II, the world’s largest open air prison camp where Americans can be mass-murdered at will, like the Palestinians. The RKM’s secret goal is to create a RKM Apartheid in America against We the People.
What the RKM did to the people of Russia during the “Bolshevik Revolution” was not so much a revolution, but an act of torture, mass-murder, and asset-stripping of Russian wealth. This is best described as International Piracy and Parasitism, and Mike Harris was the first to discuss this realistically for what it is — RKM vengeful mass-murder against the Russians for having driven the Khazarian Rulers out of Khazaria around 1200 AD. We know that the RKM was behind the horrific mass, rape and genociding of one and one-half million Armenians in 1915-1917.
Guernica – a depiction of war by Picasso
Revenge by annihilation, no matter how long it takes is always the number one motive for the RKM.
It is important to understand that the main motives that drive the RKM are hate and revenge, best exemplified in their Bolshevik Red Terror and Cheka rape, torture and mass-murder of 22 million innocent Russians between 1917-1919, followed by approximately another 80 million murders of innocents until, the Iron Curtain fell. This was also exemplified by the Hellstorm and mass rapes, tortures and mass-murders of innocent Germans by Russians at the end of WW2.
                Khazarian Trick—Chutzpah!       
The RKM greatly fears retaliation by the whole world, if the public finds out who they are and how they operate. This is why the RKM’s number one goal is secrecy, followed by bribery of officials, human compromise, human child sacrifice and pedophilia, while always

projecting blame for all they are actually doing by accusing innocent

others of their own major sins, and then pro-actively attacking others

as an effective defense.

A Note from Nina:
This Khazarian trick, Chutzpah, is a method of wild meanness, arrogance and lies of blaming and accusing innocent people in committing crimes that the Khazarian criminals with RKM committed themselves. The origins date of the Khazarian Jewish Chutzpah goes back to the chutzpah Talmudic lies.
For example, a Jew– Alan Dershowitz, Professor of the Harvard Law School, in his work “Chutzpah” stated that the Jews should be grateful to “Chutzpah” for its rule and the dominance of the whole world by Jewish power, and they should not be ashamed of it as insolence and audacity…  Below is a poster created by Harvard Professor Dershowitz, in which he appeals to Harvard graduates, “Going Off to College? Be Prepared to Defend Israel!” This is what Khazars—Professors are doing in the USA, in American Universities!

Because ordinary mainstream Americans and the world public have had truth denied them by the RKM’s CMMM, they will only learn the truth about the RKM and its sinister Death Cult Agenda by either word of mouth or the Internet’s Alternative Media. Until recently the Alternative media was looked on as fringe or conspiracy nutcase information.
Now thanks to the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, truth is being published and broadcast to almost every nation of the World and is diffusing to mainstream.
This of course alarms the RKM, which is in a panic. To counter this diffusion of the truth about what they are, where they came from, the RKM has set up numerous shill websites. But, in order to get any readers, they have had to use a “limited hangout” approach, hoping to rope readers in using 60-80% of the truth, followed by a bad payload to mislead folks away from the truth.
RKM “Stooge” misinformation websites, who use the popular “limited-hangouts, with occasional misleading payloads” approach, are failing because web users have become so sophisticated that they select out the truth nuggets from many websites and connect the dots themselves, and ignore the bad payloads. These increasingly astute readers are then able to connect all the truth nugget dots into fairly sound conclusions.
As truth is disseminated across the world and to many Americans for the first time, there appears to a serious accelerating in the rate of information transmission and absorption, much to the dismay of the RKM Chieftains and crime bosses.
The Liberated Constitutional Republic of the United States of America

                 NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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    Total 5 comments
    • Klemens

      The easiest way to fight against the Rothschild-Debt-System:
      Crash JP Morgan – Buy Silver!

    • Ideas Time

      Restore the 13 amendment that bars all BAR attorneys from public office.

    • nomorelabels

      These fokls can declare war all they want…it matters little because the bloodsuckers are heavily insulated from this kind of hype. Most do not know elitist idiots exist, because it is all so hidden (occultic), and most governments support the constant obfuscation of it all.

      No way to avoid the game unless one has the means to stop supporting the system created for us to be enslaved to, and that is unlikely in most cases. So stop playing and start learning how these arrogant controllers keep one enslaved…then realize the real enemies are those who continue to lie to us all…once we understand truth, and how the game is played, their illusion collapses on itself. We have allowed others to create our reality…it will only stop when stop believing it and playing along.

      • Behead Despots & Tyrants

        Withdrawing from ‘their system’, not acknowledging and/or participating in it, and not supporting it succeeds only to a limited point. The exception is if you’re truly “off-the-grid” living in the wilderness; which is possible for hunting, farming, building pioneers.

        I have those skills, but I live on the fringes because I never amassed enough where-with-all to embark on wilderness life with necessary start-up material to do so. No “grub stake”. Not an excuse, just a fact.

        Scraping by on the outer fringe is getting evermore difficult. Often, you can’t find enough work to earn survivable income. Why? Because employers won’t run the risk of taking (and hiding) even the best person for a job. Not when the RKM-owned criminal godvernment is jumping all over employers’ @$$e$ to extort & extract every cent and more. Accountability is the big stick godvernment mafias wield.

        Foreign banks don’t want Americans because the Pure Evil IRS (the feral Federal Reserve’s private-collection street thugs/goons) put economic threats on nations and their bankster operations. Foreign banks have to report/tattletale all transactions (income and payments) Americans make through their bank accounts. Or else!!!

        If you try to stay in the usssssssa (Un-free Soviet Socialist Satanic Soulless Savage-like Slave States of Amerikka) to work, potential employers require 1 (one) piece of information. Your SSN (9-digit Slave State Number). They don’t need or care about your name, address, work history, etc. It’s mere window dressing. If they dislike even the most microscopic data on records they dredge up using your SSN, you get zero reply. And, of course, no job.

        Pure Evil runs/ruins ‘the system’. Even for those who’ve totally divorced it after they discovered its 100% fraudulent basis, it is necessary to function with that system to some extent. That is the reality even when you forge your own new reality ~ short of going total wilderness.

    • Behead Despots & Tyrants

      I agree 100%. But,
      “Never speak your mind out when you say what you plan.” — Joe Walsh, rock guitarist extraordinaire

      This ‘war’ should have been already happening for decades. Discreetly picking off monsters. Hunting them into total extinction. NO MERCY. Same as they’ve done to and been against Humankind.

      Preston & Mike are quite bold; in fact, “brazenly bold”. Mentioning the inhuman, inhumane monsters is one thing. Threatening them usually gets you assassinated. Proposing to declare war on monsters is a direct threat.

      Note to Preston and Mike: Please be VEEEEERRRRRRRrrrrrrryyyyyy careful.”

      On one hand it is good to stand out front and lead the charge. It distracts from those who prefer operating behind the scenes (e.g., snipers) and keeping low profile. On the other hand it is bad to set yourself up, wittingly or unwittingly, as a target/sacrifice.

      If Humankind wars against Kharzarian Mafia monsters (not only Pure Evil rothschilds, but rockefellers, warburgs, bushes, and many more “too big to fail” tyrannical banksters and all their crime partners that are financial terrorists & economic enslavers), then when you find them, behead them. If not, their bodies can be re-animated/walked-into/taken over and controlled by evil entities (“evil spirits”) that are even more monstrous. No head = severely reduced chance to re-animate.

      Yeah, I know. I’m crazy, radical, extreme. But, I’m correct. I hate stupid horror films where the evil entity returns again and again to kill and maim more and more victims because nobody “finished the job” after subduing the monster enemy. No head = I don’t see you return. That’s a good result.

      Bible legend says the anti-Christ is the amazing, death-defying resurrection of someone with a severe head wound. OK . . . preemptively remove the vile, wicked, satanic head. It’s not a wound. It’s gone.

      Recover and repatriate all the real wealth the totally super-parasitic monsters stole. That’s another discussion.

      Beware! The monsters will run (many have already run) to their subterranean-city hideouts. And, they will nuke Earth’s surface. They think, “If I can’t have everything, then you get nothing.” They think differently than humans. They think exponentially more evil. They pooh-pooh, curse, scoff at and disregard human laws. They’re above all laws. They won’t be held to our laws. They fly above accountability to true Justice. Many delude themselves into knowing they’re gods.

      Don’t forget, they are soulless MONSTERS. Two ways to prove it: 1) dissect down to the finest spec of DNA ~~ it’s not human. 2) Put them on a finely calibrated scale at point/time of death. They won’t lose 4-8 ounces the same way humans do when the soul leaves the physical body at time of death.

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