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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Ashtar Decodes Obama's State Of The Union, Says Obama Told Humanity, 13, 000 Years Of Darkness Are Over!

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Ashtar Decodes Obama’s State Of The Union, Says Obama Told Humanity, 13, 000 Years Of Darkness Are Over! 

The following message from Ashtar, suggests to read beyond the surfaces messages of the State Of The Union address, to see that Obama was indirectly telling humanity that 13,000 years of darkness on our planet are over!

Indian in the machine



Think and Connect with Your Hearts!

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
January 12, 2016

“Greetings, Beloved Family! We see a whole Brighter, Higher Level of Energy, the Energy of Love moving gloriously across Planet Earth! Even those who did not listen to the speech given by President Obama* are nevertheless receiving the incoming beams of this Energy!!!

“He stood before the World, not just the United States of America. He spoke of the World. He spoke of bringing the World together in so many ways. And if you did not have the opportunity to listen, then listen, or read it. READ THE WORDS!* Treasure them and savor them. What he was telling you is that of a whole new World – the days of darkness, the 13,000 years of darkness, are over!!! The Light is shining, and while it may seem as though he was just giving a list of problems that have yet to be solved, ALL of the solutions are here – and more!

“We call it NESARA, and its whole purpose is not only to bring Abundance to all, not only to bring Freedom to all, but to bring that Love, that Security, that Trust, that Faith in oneself. This allows not only the inward feelings of Unconditional Love, but it allows everyone to feel the expansion of it and, yes, then to reach out to all of Humanity, in fact, to all the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia!!!

“What was made abundantly clear – once again – was the answer to the question which we Mentors have answered time and again, that question being, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’ Yes, indeed, you are your brother’s keeper! In some cases your brother can only receive help of some kind because your brother, or your sister, might be a tiny child, an orphan who really can’t make his or her own way in the World, but must be taken care of.

“But more often than that, your brother or sister is someone who simply wants you to recognize that they are a worthwhile and worthy human being!!! And that if you will reach out to them, they will answer you and you will both lift up into Higher Realms of Vibration of Light – yes, of Love, where TOGETHER you can resolve whatever there is to resolve! You can clear whatever needs to be cleared and you can heal whatever there is to heal!!!

“It is for Humanity to recognize that there have been great usurpations and misuses of the empowerment which has been available, and it has been deliberately concentrated into the hands of the few at the expense of the many – in all aspects of life. And while it is true that to be a citizen of the United States of America is a grand heritage, it also carries with it especially grand responsibilities! The World is tired of hearing that America can do no wrong, or America can go in and do whatever it wants in the name of its empowerment. You’ve all heard this: ‘Money talks’ – and so on and so on. And the corporations go in and they set up their sweat shops or slave labor farms in countries where somewhere along the line, somebody gets paid enough money to look the other way while these injustices are happening, and so on and so on.

“And we understand that you’ve heard a lot about these things and might want to not be hearing about them anymore. Well, we assure you, these things are getting cleaned up!!! We can’t do it without your permission, your welcome and, yes, your assisting us with your energetic support! And then if you have the opportunity, dive right in and be an activist anywhere in the world!!!** Speak up for change that brings about the Golden Age. And do whatever you know to do in your Heart that is – let us say, the right thing to do! In Hawaii it is called the ‘pono’ actions and expressions.

“This is coming from the Heart. It’s not about wealth, as in, ‘If I support this person in this project, then I will make a lot of money.’ It’s not about that! It’s not about, ‘Well, if I write this particular article, I’m going to get a lot of people that will want to jump off the bridge because I tell them to do that.’ It’s not about that kind of power! It’s not about that kind of leadership! It’s about expressing everything that you do from your Heart, which is the center of thinking in the Golden Age!!! It is the center of Harmony within the totality of your beings, not just that part of you that looks – you know, has form and shape in the third dimension. All of you, IT’S ALL OF YOU! It’s your Heart that connects with all of you. It gets the observations of your Higher Dimensional Selves coordinating with your Hearts, your brains – all of you – determining what is the pono course of action or expression, or both, and going from there.

“NESARA brings the Freedom to every man, woman and child and by extension, to all of Planet Earth and the Universe beyond!!! It is the bringing of Divine Governance, which partners with you. You become partners. You must be partners in governing yourselves, and joining with everyone else to let your voices be heard in the Unison, the Harmony and the Joy of being a Citizen of the Golden Age of Planet Earth!!! This transcends all borders, transcends all feelings about possessions of this or that.

“Oh, yes, you’ll have comfortable home spaces and clothes to put on your bodies and whatever you need. And you’ll be able to have what you desire to require for yourselves, but from the Higher Dimensional Levels of being One With All. And as it is so eloquently put – and has been so many times – if you will simply lead the way within yourselves, governed by Love and all that Love engenders, being the Compassionate Observers of all, being in Divine Forgiveness of yourselves and all others, and being Grateful for where you are in every moment and for where you are going, then, Beloved Ones, you are on the Path!!!

“You are Citizens of the Golden Age and you are on the Path further toward your own Ascensions. That is the nuts and bolts, if you will, of your Ascension preparations!!! Utilize these Energies of Love. They’re absolutely bombarding Planet Earth, and all of you and all who dwell below, on and above the Planet! Use them, bring them in, cleanse and clear out whatever there is of the old paradigm that no longer suits you!!!

“Do you know that when you do this for yourselves, you do it for the entirety of the Planet and you help to loosen the hold that the naughties, as I call them, or the dark hats, have held over you for the past 13,000 years? That’s huge!!! So remember that! You are doing it for the entirety of the Planet!!! And when you connect within yourselves and allow yourselves to feel and know and trust in your abilities so to do – because you all have them – when you clear out whatever blockages you might have to your own self-knowing and your own self-trust, that is when you create from this High Vibrational space!!! That is when all you desire to require is made manifest in your World! That is when you come together with your brothers and sisters, joining in a joyful connection, in a joyful communication and in what my Beloved Brother Sananda calls ‘a most Sacred and Joy-full Communion,’ a Communion of Hearts, echoed in your minds and coming together to co-create the Golden Age and the Ascension of Planet Earth!!!

“And so now I invite you to come to the website of and read the messages there, to join our e-mailing list. If you have not done so, you can do that right there to partner with us, empowering even more with your Love and your participation, that we may together bring forth NESARA and the open acknowledgement of our presence – the presence of the Ashtar Command and your Starseed brothers and sisters – and move together into this wondrous time of the Golden Age of Planet Earth. The Truth is that it’s already here!!! We simply ask you to join with us and raise yourselves up and into it! Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being here in this most Sacred Gathering, a Gathering of Light, a Gathering of Love! And so it is. Salut!”

* Links to recording and transcript of Obama’s speech

** Link to Ashtar On The Road Activists

Transcription by Marta.

Given through Susan Leland, January 12, 2016.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2016. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.



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    Total 44 comments
    • iamamerican

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! obama clearly wants to hammer us with more useless executive orders and us have fall deeper into the rabbit hole.
      I didn’t think so-called ascended masters took sides in the political arena.

      • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

        I’ll go with what one of the main commanders of our universe, says, as it resonates with my heart. :)

        • PeoplePower

          NASA Deception and the Flat Earth –  Flat Earth Facts:

          If the world wasn’t a ball, what would it be? This would make it flat. I understand your immediate reaction might be to completely ridicule this and chuckle. But take a look at the facts, do some thinking and you may be surprised. Interestingly enough the symbol for the United Nations is the symbol for flat earth. There is no Antarctica in their logo. Even from the highest point in the world you cannot see any curvature of Earth. Those who believe in a flat earth claim the edges are huge walls made of ice designed to keep everything in. They also claim the sun, moon and stars revolve around the earth. The sun goes in a circle between the North Pole (center) and Antarctica (ice walls). The Yin-Yang symbol perfectly represents this. Currently there are very suspicious ‘no-fly zones’ over the North Pole and no country is allowed to go too far into Antarctica.

          • srsly1

            And sure enough, there’s PP again, stamping his hands and feet, crying about the flat earth. Whaaaahhhhhh whhhaaaaaaa

          • Bacchus

            PP is challenging KOS for the resident loonie award, but I think the Indian has been chewing on those cactus buds again.

        • srsly1

          how many times can your “main commander” be wrong before you wake up and realize it’s all BS. someone’s just making that sheet up.

        • santiago

          Fortunately there are some so-called channelers who are not afraid to admit they are deceiving people:
          “I humbly and sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone who has followed my work as a so-called channel of the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command. There is no denying my complicity, and I accept full responsibility for my actions. Soon I will be judged by our true higher powers in this universe, and may God have mercy on my soul for helping steer so many of you so far astray and into the clutches of this devilish, life destroying mind control program. I am forever truly sorry. Greg Giles”

        • marianne

          this is nonsense.

          there is only one commander of this universe and his name is Yahweh.

          and bozo is evil, not good

      • PeoplePower

        Freemason Nazi NASA Connection / The Flat Earth Masonic Freemason Manipulators Exposed:

        NASA Freemason Neil deGrassevTyson Admits Lies Of Earth Shape & Contradicts Own Theory:

        • Auriga5

          PP, people are not ready to swallow the truth, they’ve invested too much in useless math to admit the earth is indeed level to the eye no matter what altitude.

    • lucidlunatic


      Not buying your crap.

      • Anonymous

        And he tells us not to worship false idols!

        • apllythought

          They should ban him from posting, he’s been proven to be a deceiver a few times now…

          And no, I’m definitely not one for censorship. But this dude…. This dude is different.

      • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

        Please research who the company of heaven are… or share with us your research who the ‘good guys’ are , out there in the vast multiverse. :) If you haven’t come up with a list, then why not? Disinfo agent yourself perhaps??? Okay I’ll await your list… many of us will eagerly await for you to bestow this list, upon the little people. :grin:

        • Everette

          The bible says Satan is the prince of the air ! So now you tell us who is out there . In the book of Job GOD says HE resides in Orion , way out there . So who is running around in those space ships ? Its not GOD . Soon Satan is about to be cast to the earth . The the bible says WOW to the inhabitants of the earth because he now knows he has little time left . Yeah it’s about to get real all right !


          Nice Sidestep. I asked a simple question. I didn’t say anyone was good or bad. What has the Ashtar command said that has come true? The attack is because you know the answer already. Nothing. I am working on a story of truth with sources and proof which I will gladly print when you reply to my question and it won’t be cut and paste. I need not do any more research on the Ashtar command as I follow the transmissions. You have my name call the Chapel of Awareness in Encinitas, Ca. and ask if I studied to be a Spiritual Minister. Is that your way of showing love by an attack and calling names. You say it’s in your heart but to me it seems your heart is conficted. I was just showing information I had come across from writing here and contacts I have made. So anyone that does not agree with you is a disinfo agent? Namaste Robert Schoen make the call. Disinfo ha!

    • Mark

      Two Ashtar BS pile on a Saturday? It’s much to anyone’s head… Mohican you are representing the most fake site on the internet… a pit you are so blind… :cool:

      • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

        Thank you oh great Mark! Tis a pity, I, one of the little people, are so blind… please forgive me and Ashtar the great commander (who is cherished in all multiverses), for not being as superior as you…. oh dear… I must go now, and seek new ways to emulate your superiority… and it takes me longer, for I am blind… oh dear… don’t beat me again…

        Ashtar has written several books for those who are open.

        • srsly1

          Wow, if the darkness is over, your negativity is astounding. Such sarcasm feels evil.

          And BTW, Obama said none of that. Get real


      I do indeed have much respect for your work and quest for ascension as it is my quest as well. I suggest you watch this video it shows how the Gov’t can send a message to an individual. I have suspected this for a long time as I always wondered why the messages channeled never come to pass. The reason is the message comes from the government. And unless a race is standing in front of me telling me something I must consider that the message is derived from DARPA. This should explain why we can’t be told about Planet X our day of ascension and many other things. And don’t give me it would violate the law of free will. All we can do is be stalled while the NWO marches on. Filling the idiots with false hopes. I do dare you give me one thing thats come true that has been stated by the Ashtar Command. As a precognitive intuitive my % is better. Yes I do believe some channeled info is real. MOST is not. This information comes to me from a Gov’t source and they find it hysterical that we are easily taken in. . I have been hearing about NESERA for 20 years. Please give me a brake. You need to wake up to the scam or your thrive to disseminate the truth is not truth at all. It’s called V2K. Voice to Skull technology. It’s been in paractice for at least 20 years.

      • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

        Please research who the company of heaven are… or share with us your research who the ‘good guys’ are , out there in the vast multiverse. :) If you haven’t come up with a list, then why not?

        • magusincognito

          Progress is made by the unreasonable. And the apophatic path is wise and legitimate. Your reply to “get out while you can” does not demonstrate that you have mastered this wisdom.

          And as I have pointed out to you in several similar threads, there are four dangers which must be mastered. Again, you are quite correct in working past the materialist danger. However, the clairvoyant, magical and mystical dangers are quite prevalent. (New Age dogmas typically tip this off.) Are you drawing down the higher worlds? Do you believe you are receiving orders? Are you confusing your own desires with what comes from above?

          Because you are challenging others to put out “their own list,” perhaps, it is fair to ask why you are not presenting your own first-hand experiences? Are Margaret et al Initiates? Are you aware of what the difference between a plain ole clairvoyant and Initiate is? Essentially, what you are asking the rest to do is put faith in their reports…as you have. Personally, I have not found their reports to be free of presuppositions…something require to attain higher knowledge.

          Ultimately, the only point of agreement we seem to share is that humanity should steer clear of the materialist danger; closing one’s self off to the above. And most of the organised religion types are mired in that. However, New Age dogmas are not an improvement. Dark occultists are controlling the infos coming through the New Age movement. And they are a tool of those who aim to provide a new religion for the coming where people do not resist what to think, feel and do. That is not freedom! It’s a form of enslavement designed to choke the living spirit out of humanity.

          Solipsism- that leads to moral relativism -is not the way. Satanic covens promote it big time! Psychopaths- like the one who uses the name “Barack Obama” -require what this New Age religion promotes; a humanity that stands down and who will simply allow evil to run rampart.

          Are you aware that spirituality and truth are not simply to make one warm and fuzzy?

          • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

            Is it not time for those who say anothers list is wrong, to at least provide a list theselves…. YEAH! :idea:

            • magusincognito

              Then provide YOUR first-hand observations from the spiritual world and not some channeler who claims they are in touch with their true self!

              And when someone presents a list of occult facts, consider not scoffing at them because they conflict with offerings that are not even your own.

              “Clinging to one’s opinion is the best proof of stupidity” (Michel de Montaigne).

            • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

              I do. :)

        • Anonymous

          Of COURSE you do!


          “The Narcissist is Never Wrong”

          Written by Alexander Burgemeester on September 14, 2013

          How did he get this way?

          A narcissist grew up believing from his earliest years that he is special and was most likely treated that way even as a small child. A narcissist develops a pathological sense of self entitlement very early. Truth is a foreign concept to the narcissist. His personality is built on a “false self”, believing that he is a superior, perfect being without flaws. As a child, he was not held accountable for his mistakes, lies or cruelties. His parents did not provide a sense of limits or respect for other human beings. He learned as a child to exploit and manipulate other human beings- to win at any cost. The damage to another person’s life was just collateral and necessary to his own immediate goals. This “golden child” learned very early that he had free rein over others. If someone got in his way, he would simply push him aside or knock him down. The parents defended their child’s inconsiderate, cruel behavior; they believed that their extraordinary child did not have to follow common social rules that apply only to others- not to their child.

          What does he do when he does make a mistake?

          The narcissist is never, ever wrong, and he likes to present “proof” that he is correct. The narcissist cannot accept responsibility for making a mistake and he is expert at diverting the blame to others – (“It’s not my fault. I lost that promotion because my team let me down”, “You were acting so stupid-you made me hit you.”, “If you weren’t so cold, I wouldn’t have had that affair”). A narcissist will never admit even horrendous mistakes and when confronted, he will deflect, delay and tell more lies. He believes he is invincible and perfect.

          • Ambicatus

            ah feck. well, you at least put it nicely, the gematria called me a “pschopathic, clown-like narcissist” but like, what if you REALLY ARE INVINCIBLE? then what?can you still be called “nasus” ? and what if there are NO mistakes EVERRRRRR?? and what if Truth is your Foundation? look, you CAN be a narcissist, if you can keep Torah.


            • Anonymous

              Having first-hand experience with Dieter Braun, a.k.a. Indian in the machine, hopefully this article will help you, you, you, Richard.

      • srsly1

        Please, give me the name of ONE person you know personally that has ascended. Just one

    • jknbt

      the picture above is what Satan looks like when he puts on a blond-haired, blue-eyed human suit. There is still a snake inside. This is the devil that deceived Eve. Beware.

    • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

      6/21/93 SANANDA

      Always man will delay his decision-making unto the final hour. The bell shall toll and, let us hope, beloved brethren of Light, that it shall not toll for thee. Tend the matters of Spirit for in the end it is your soul which is of import. Ah, but you say, “you say to us to prepare, prepare in the physical.” Yes, I have stated thus, and so it is. The physical must be prepared to make it through that which shall befall man. The physical is but a passing illusion; the soul is ETERNAL! Make your peace with GOD and the rest shall simply fall into place. Trust that it is so and it shall so be. Look not unto fortunes. Look not unto the material world to bring thee anything but temporary enjoyment. Do not seek to live in impoverishment, for God is ABUNDANCE.
      God wishes for you to have it all. The manner in which all is attained is the key. To have it all, most will turn their backs on honor. To have it all in abundance in a Godly manner means to follow God’s Laws for man. It means the Golden Rule. Yes, I hear the cry, “But good guys on Earth always finish last!” Think not that this is so for the good shall be lifted up before God’s eyes and the many shall be given to know the good from the evil, the true from the false.
      Keep your eyes upon thine goal! Have you no dreams? No goals? Most do not, for the dreams have been stolen from thee. They have been shattered by watching the world around you in its chaos and confusion. HOLD THE GOAL, BELOVED, AND THE REST SHALL FOLLOW AS DAY FOLLOWS NIGHT!
      Store not your treasures where moths and dust doth corrupt, where strangers come to steal. Store your treasures in HEAVEN WHEREIN THERE IS GLORY! IT AWAITS!
      Beloved, it is a time of ACTION. I did not say it is a time of foolish action. It is a time of ACTION WITH HONOR, ACTION WITH PURPOSE. IT IS A TIME OF ACTION WITH INTEGRITY FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF THE WHOLE! Each is connected to all.
      Build not places of safety for evil, for evil shall be separated away from the GODLY. EVIL WILL NOT DWELL IN THE PLACES OF THE LORD. EVIL SHALL RECEIVE ITS JUST REWARD!
      Quiet thineselves that you might listen to that voice which offers your daily instruction. I did not say the voice broadcast over the low-level waves from the air base nearby. I said, quiet thineselves that you might listen to that STILL VOICE OF GOD WITHIN YOU FOR IT IS LIGHT OFFERING ALL THAT YOU NEED!
      Put aside the ways of ego that seek to divide and tear man apart. Come together that you may work side by side in unity of purpose. Unity of GODLY purpose, in LIGHT!
      Ready thineselves to receive the rewards for thine service. Think not that you have served in vain, for the RECORDS OF HEAVEN HOLD ALL. HAS IT NOT BEEN SAID, BY YOUR WORKS SHALL YE BE JUDGED? Will your work hold the test of time? Will your work have an impact on a transitioning planet? Will your work have impact on another single human being? Does it matter? Indeed, the work matters greatly. READY YOURSELF TO RECEIVE FROM GOD THE REWARDS OF SERVICE! SO BE IT.
      Turn not aside in the final hours before the dawn. Shore up thine backside and walk yet another step. Stay the course and hold the goal and let LIGHT SHOW YOU THE WAY. THE LIGHTED PATHWAY IS DIRECTLY BEFORE YOU; COME AND WALK THE LIGHTED PATHWAY THAT YOU MAY KNOW GOD!

      Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, June 22, 1993, Volume 1, Number 13, Page 35.
      Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.

      • Ambicatus

        In the Set Apart Name of YaHWeHShua Messiah, i nullify, and bind your satanic prayer, may all your requests be reversed, for to look within thyself, is great folly, for nothing good is within us, there is only One who is Good, your dreams of bliss, shall become horror,
        Isa 24:1 See, יהוה is making the earth empty and making it waste, and shall overturn its surface, and shall scatter abroad its inhabitants.
        Isa 24:2 And it shall be – as with the people so with the priest, as with the servant so with his master, as with the female servant so with her mistress, as with the buyer so with the seller, as with the lender so with the borrower, as with the creditor so with the debtor;
        Isa 24:3 the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered, for יהוה has spoken this word.
        Isa 24:4 The earth shall mourn and wither, the world shall languish and wither, the haughty people of the earth shall languish.
        Isa 24:5 For the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the Torot1, changed2 the law, broken the everlasting covenant3. Footnotes: 1Torot – plural of Torah, teaching. 2Jer. 23:36. 3This is the only reason, according to all Scriptures, why the earth shall be burned in the day of judgment – see also 13:9, 13:11, 26:21, 66:24, Mic. 5:15, Zeph. 1:2-18.
        Isa 24:6 Therefore a curse shall consume the earth, and those who dwell in it be punished. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned, and few men shall be left.


    • HfjNUlYZ

      his guy is a total NUTJOB or DISINFO/COunterINTEL stooge (Or just another braindead liberal “hippie”)!!

      NESARA = National Economic Stability And Recovery Act

      NESARA was the result of a lawsuit brought against the banks – the Federal Reserve by the Farmer’s Union. It was formed under the Clinton Admin and was to be announced near the end of 2001, but was overshadowed by 9/11 and was not surprisingly swept under the rug. NESARA would have stripped the Federal Reserve Bank of NY of all power over currency and given it back to the Treasury Dept where it belongs, among many other things.

    • Wizenheimer

      ashtar needs to trade in his crack pipe for a bible

    • Shorty

      He just forgot to take his meds.

    • freedomfirst

      This resonates from my intellectual vibration Ashstar you have been in space too long my distant after thought, your connection to Obama was a total melt down there was NO truth to any word he said he/Obama has stayed on path to destroy our nation and give it to the ISLAMIC SATANIST MUSLIMS without a fight from us citizens. YOUR GALACTIC insight needs rebooting maybe a trip with the borgs is needed but before you space worp out please beam up Obama and his family of leaches you could use them in party swaps with the borgs.

    • James - Divine Love Spirituality

      True ascension comes about when the soul grows in truth. And then one ascends the Circles of Light, which comprise the different spirit worlds and spheres all the way to the Centre of All – Paradise, where our Heavenly Mother and Father reside.

      True ascension can only be achieved by looking to your feelings for their truth.

      All this business about people ascending because of the up-stepping of the light is only wishful thinking, all mental stuff designed to lead one further from the hidden truth of ones feelings.

      The planetary Rebellion that we’ve all been conceived into has been going on for a lot longer than 13,000 years – re: The Urantia Book. And the only way to heal yourself of your wrongness is to look to your feelings for the truth of why you are wrong.

      There is not going to be any Ascension of Planet Earth; Sananda is not Jesus. Any such ‘ascension’ as is talked about immediately dismisses the fact that we have to uncover for ourselves the truth of our anti-truth states. We’re not going to be magically saved or healed, not even by Jesus or God, there’s no getting out of it so easily. We have to do it ourselves and the hard way.

      As soon as you read things like God being called The Most High God of Light, you know these spirits have no real personal relationship with God like Jesus did. For if they did then they would have embraced Jesus’ Spirit of Truth which would have led them to relate to God as their Heavenly Father. So such spirits are living against the truth of Jesus and have no idea what they are speaking about – they are just making all this stuff up. And there seems to be an endless number of people willing to believe it no matter how mad it all sounds.

      And why they persist in having to call people ‘beloved’ using all that gooshy talk is beyond me, it’s a contrived way of trying to show they are oh-so-loving, they being so much ‘in the light’. But again there’s no truth to what they are saying.

      If you want to understand something about the truth, read the Padgett Messages, and read what Mary Magdalene and Jesus say about how to obtain it in these messages:

      And if you are interested in sincerely growing in truth through your feelings instead of going off into fantasy land through your mind, you can visit here to witness a handful of people striving to set themselves free of their evilness:

    • Leo

      I see those Ashtar Command Nut Jobs are at it again . the only thing the Obama regimes state of the union address revealed is that Obama is a liar and a Communist . if there is such a thing as the Ashtar Command it is made up of Fallen angels, (ie) Demons that refer to themselves as extraterrestrials . Not fooled, You where cast out into outer darkness, (space) where you belong and you are still trying to deceive those that are not awake . As with me, EYES WIDE OPEN . liars . :cool:

      • Mr Lightbeam

        No such things as religion or Demons.
        That is fear and control of the masses WAKEY WAKEY!!! :cool:

    • Mr Lightbeam

      I fail to see any years of darkness over

      Thousands of people are dying all over the world due to starvation and abuse.
      Some of us have great lives and others nothing.
      Isis are going around capturing 400 people severing there heads and committing awful atrocities.
      Iran getting the all clear Is totally dangerous with Israel across the road.
      The saudi and iran at each others throat.
      China building secret bases next to the Philipines.
      This world has to stop Killing and greed. also learn respect and love for one another
      It will take big force to sort all of this out

      It would be nice to have a race of people from the stars to make all see the light.
      This can only happen In your dreams :cool:

      • Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)

        Some live in a world of ’cause’ and ‘effect’, and some live only in a world of ‘effect’… each can seem strange to the other, but only the one who knows the cause, knows why something happens.

    • Mark

      Well, I tried to warn you Mohican, to you get out of this vicious cycle of this ridiculous site helping them to spend all this false information to the public. It seems that you already bought your piece of purgatory to spend much time there or you are too dumb to not realize this. I tried to save you but I’m giving up on you. Remains a spokesman of these idiots. Continue being ridiculous. This observation will appear on all threads of this sort that you make. A hug! :cool:

    • KKD

      This is wrong, were it really from a “commander” there would be no need for the extra punctuation you clearly over use in a desperate bid to get people to believe this garbage. ….”worthwhile and worthy human being!!!”

    • Anonymous

      “I humbly and sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone who has followed my work as a so-called channel of the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command. There is no denying my complicity, and I accept full responsibility for my actions. Soon I will be judged by our true higher powers in this universe, and may God have mercy on my soul for helping steer so many of you so far astray and into the clutches of this devilish, life destroying mind control program. I am forever truly sorry. Greg Giles”

      There you go. Thank you santiago.

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