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Breaking!! Alex Jones Issues An Emergency Alert Transmission You Can’t Afford To Miss!!!

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Want Freedom From Being Censored? Check Out This Last Frontier of Free Press – Tutorial


By Lisa Haven


Things are about to hit high gear, literally!

Our stocks have been on a constant decline ever since we entered into the New Year, President Obama has announced his plans to create a national gun registry for all gun owners thus making it impossible for anyone to own a gun without intrusive checks and balances, all hell is about to break out at the Hammond ranch where patriots and militia are standing guard against the corruption in America, the TPP is about to ransack Media with so many copywriter laws that it will be illegal for them to operate, and Obama is preparing for domestic upheaval.  

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If you think things are bad now then you’ve got another thing coming, because it’s about to get worse then ever before. 

In the video below Infowars’ Alex Jones issues an emergency alert transmission warning of things to come, I HIGHLY recommend you watch it in its entirety… and please get ready for what’s coming… 



Want Freedom From Being Censored? Check Out This Last Frontier of Free Press – Tutorial

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    Total 59 comments
    • Justice

      Let’s keep talking about it seems to be working.

      • xenoverse

        I can’t afford to miss? WAIT, here let me pay you NOTHING. THERE, see I can afford it.

        • Sean

          Always find it funny that Occupy Wall street, Patriots, Oath Keepers and Militia can never find Washington DC, where Laws are Created and Can Be Changed

          • The Clucker

            Hi Red. I like your chicken BIN ID better.

      • PeoplePower

        REFUTABLE PROOF that Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks-

        Don’t be deceived by these FRAUDS & Expose The Truth!

      • PeoplePower

        Comment above correction—

        IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks-

        Don’t be deceived by these FRAUDS & Expose The Truth!

        • sitrep

          >PeoplePowder…………LOL your correction was something, everyone is witness to that.
          Plus it was so cool how you caught that, It is amazing how fast you are with all those windows, and tabs opened up at the same time, Talk about Multi-tasking.
          You should use one of those software programs, yeah a voice recognition, or spell check or something….Oh My…..
          Check out some shareware sites, or tell your boss you need a break.

      • Veriton

        All this gun grabbing propaganda is about building up Obama’s “Antichrist” credentials. And there is a very strong, facts-based argument to be made that the globalist script calls for Putin to take the “Savior” role this year:

        • PeoplePower

          “Alex Jones’ beginning? Alex Jones’ career did not spontaneously begin on his own initiative with an Austin talk radio and local cable access program, as he has alleged.

          Rather, his career actually began with Sacred Cow Productions – a multi-media company founded by musician/writer Kevin Booth and comedian/entertainer/actor Bill Hicks.

          Bill Hicks’ career was stalled in stand-up and he began trying to take new career directions – including ‘conspiracy‘ theories. At the time of his alleged death he was ranting about the Waco massacre. 

          Then two years later “Alex Jones” shows up at the same spot as the new ‘right-wing hero’ by championing the Waco Branch Davidians by helping them rebuild their church.”


          ALEX JONES Is Really Bill Hicks:

        • sitrep

          Yes, and The NWO Elitis are using the Agencies, as there personal proxy Armies.
          Also The Elitis have installed young men that are military age into all western countries, as another proxy.
          There will be no Place for these proxies after the NWO has Used them.
          As the world is witness to, the Elite gets rid of Proxies in a very Ugly fashion, Using Old Hitler Methodologies.
          Even the Turkish public is fooled, if only they could see the NWO future Global map, they may have been erased. Although Puppet Erdogan thinks he is in the inner circle, The NWO would not trust him with a box of matches, although may reserve a place for him in a locked underground bunker.

      • Homeowner Of Record

        Here is undeniable proof:

      • sitrep

        Rumours breaking, and Going very Viral all across the Internet….
        Ah, CNN is rumoured to start having all employees to conform, and start wearing The Hijab, and have Arabic language instructor teach them their new language, Just rumors, although this would not surprise anyone.

        Also the NWO Elitis has their new Proxy Armies in place, and creating Much Chaos before Phase 2 starts.

    • Boxed in Freight

      The BLM has no authority to OWN, MANAGE, or RESTRICT millions of acres in the Western States and stop private ownership, mining, logging, ranching or any other public or private uses of the land. The BLM cannot setup illegal Wilderness Study Areas that keep persons out, they cannot designate roads to be off limits, and they cannot restrict access. Those lands are under the control and supervision of the Sovereign States they are a part of not the Federal Government.

      Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, of the U.S. Constitution – Provides 10 square miles around Washington D.C. which the Federal Government can own the land of, it also states that Ports and Forts can be controlled by the Federal Government, but only with the permission of the Sovereign State in which a Port or a Fort is located.

    • re grump

      I’m sorry this is the stupidest video you have ever promoted Lisa. Come on you are better than this.

      • Anonymous

        sadly, she is not better than this. this vid that is slapped together w/ soundbites and one line clips is a promo- tells nothing and certainly has no new ‘emergency alert’ warning from Jonestown as he has burped out in past.
        sorry i clicked on it. waste of time

      • sitrep

        >Re Dump

        Coming up with stupid remarks is not the solution to the problem.
        Anyone can come up with a problem, although the real leaders are the ones that come up with solutions.
        Everyone is witness to your “Stupid” remark, and can easily see you are no Leader, your no problem solver, you are the problem.

        Maybe Lisa is doing the best she can with the resources available, to her.
        I bet if she had some funding, she would be one of the best Investigative Journalist on the Planet. I would donate some money to help Lisa, as everyone else should too.
        She Prob working hard just to make ends meet.
        Some are quick to slam these BIN Journalist, when they should be helping them out.
        I cannot donate much, although if everyone donated a little of what they can afford, it would be a larger sum.
        So quit slamming people, if you want some real news reach into your pockets, and help out.

        ***Lisa, if you want Set-up an account for Donations, and explain what it will be used for.

        Everyone keep in mind, this will not happen overnight, plus she prob is tired of people slamming her, and not offering any solutions.

        • You People Are Nuts

          Well Father, I can’t donate to sensational journalism. Some of the stories she comes up with are just too outlandish.

          Besides, just look at her appearance. This work is literally killing her. She has become pale, thin and sometimes like the Grim Reaper has her in his grasp.
          I’m not demeaning her, it’s actually out of concern.
          So instead of telling her to ask for money, you should be telling her to stop and rest, be with family, get some fresh air….etc…etc.

    • CEEBEE

      Alex Jones is jawboning. For the real story tonight go to Youtube “BURNS OREGON – IMPORTANT COMMITTEE OF SAFTEY MEETING” The real news is America, we the people have a method using you and me to take back their rights and lands from the Federal gov.. This meeting was held tonight in Burns, Oregon.

      Alex missed the most important meeting of citizens in two years and Alex I do like your program, but you are failing to give us the Oregon news. Where’s Joe Biggs? Why are you ignoring the patriots of Burns?

      By the way 3% Idaho and Oregon patriots are now on board providing security for the refuge. Big Shout out to them. THANKS MEN AND WOMEN OF THE THREE PERCENT.

    • Boo

      Lisa, it’s one thing to be aware and grow soundly through strength, it’s another to dive off the deep in with no water in sight. Please… inflammatory rhetoric serves no one. Weakens the message and disrespects the very power of that precious soul your savior rose to prove it’s eternal indestructability. No fear…just be aware and invincible … steady as she goes…

      • Andoron

        Boo, sound theology and rational reasoning are not her forte. Lisa specializes in using cheap manipulation tag lines to get people to click on her links and then promotes unsound paranoid speculations and/or false prophets.

        • sitrep

          Ah, and what solutions have you offered? None, Right, Ehhhhhhhh?
          Clearly, as everyone is witness to your knee jerking reactions, is this the hight of your problem solving skills.
          Clearly you add to the problems engulfing everyone, with pure ignorance.

          Instead of stating your opinions on what is going on in the world, your safe in your bubble. Yeah, safe until the Elite pulls the plug. Then, and only then will you attempt to move, to get up, and look out the window, Right, Ehhhhhhh?
          If you think your immune, and or been falsely promised, you could be in for a rude awakening.

          Hopefully things will get better, although world events are looking grim, or have you not noticed?

          • Andoron

            First off name calling shows a serious lack of maturity. The events of this world are not in our control, it’s as simple as that. Am I responsible for the leader of N Korea acting liking a psychotic nitwit? Can I prevent him from being this way? No, and No.
            The real solution is in the bible, and true salvation is in Christ Jesus. I am very aware the 2nd coming of Christ is very close at hand. What I do not approve of however, is people in the name of Christ promoting false prophets, sensationalism to make a fast buck, and causing mockery to people who believe in bible prophecy.

            Next time, get to know me first before making assumptions.

            • sitrep

              No one is doing any sort of name calling, you did not get the message. Plus this is no place to get to know someone, this is not Social Media, and clearly not some dating web-site.

    • CEEBEE

      Where was Alex Jones tonight in Burns, Oregon? Alex I like you but you are looking like your somewhat compromised with the FEDS. The meeting tonight in Burns was the most important patriot meeting in two years.

      To view the meeting go to Youtube “Pete Santilli Live Burns Meeting” . 11 PM Eastern and the meeting is just finishing up. Burns people are ready to take back BLM and Gov. lands and oversee them directly.

      This is huge.

      Big shout out to 3%ers of Oregon and Idaho providing security for the refuge. THANKS.

    • CEEBEE

      Why are u refusing to post my comments? This is not freedom of expression.

      Alex appears to be compromised with the FEDS. Why is he not reporting on the most important meeting of patriots in two years – Burns, Oregon citizens. This is huge people taking back their County lands from the BLM and Fed..

      Thanks to Pete Santilli for reporting live meeting tonight on Uboob. Thanks Pete.

      Big shout out to 3%ers from OR and ID for providing security at the refuge.

      • Boo

        Maybe because your not promoting the meeting…Pete Santilli”s video’s and antic’s take away from the serious and meaningful message of these Ranchers. Shilling for Pete using these event’s in Oregon is all I’m seeing here.

        • sitrep

          You should write an article, stand up!!!!Sound Off OOOOOHayayayyay Like you mean it, Right

          Yes, Reach down deep write an article, show people you are a Leader, a problem Solver.

          Boo, you can do it!!!!!
          You will make a good reporter…….Now get Out there, and deliver your messege with a good Article…..
          We will all be looking for it. Good job!!!!!

    • King Of Jambalamba

      Alex the Jew owned fraud….I used to listen to him but realized he is a shill. Once you quit listening to this blowhard, you’ll be happy once again. Fear porn is his product and I’m not buying.

      • sitrep

        One has to admit, Alex is more into making money, now sitting in his Recliner raking in Da Cash.
        His message is for everyone to purchase his products, and send in more donations.

    • CTrent33

      How much did you get paid for this advertisement?

    • Linda

      Q. You know how you can tell if someone is a government shill?
      A. They’re still allowed to post their stupid videos online!

    • Pink Slime

      Hello Angle#1,

      Charlie here. I don’t get it. If it is NOT Constitutional you do not have to obey anything from them. They are only suppose to be your Constitutional rep up there representing you and your Constitutional rights.

      If they are NOT doing that which is their duty and sworn oath too, then you have a right to remove them as your rep much like you can when a lawyer is no longer representing you in court!

      And if they refuse to be removed, then IGNORE them and prep for another replacement. Either government or another representative. BUT NEVER EVER OBEY THEM!! That would be TREASON, inside SEDITION, complicity, etc.


      Charlie (if the negro came for my weapons I would say what Patton said, NUTS! DOUGHNUTS!) :lol:

    • Anonymous

      Lisa put in the wrong video.
      the correct link is this one:

      the title on Youtube is:
      Impeachment Leader: Obama Establishing A Dictatorship

      This is a very important video please watch it and pass it on. the video Lisa put above is the wrong one! :!:

    • zero

      “When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred.” -Machiavelli

    • The Ferrett

      You and Alex Jones – what a pathetic pair of liars by omission you both make.

      Too afraid to mention the “J” word – that they may take offence.

      How unbelievably sad is that . .

    • Ideas Time

      The foreign owned BLM has no more authority over the sovereign states than they do the Indian Tribes who are also sovereign on their lands. Time to kick them out and take bake what they have stolen for the UN and agenda 21.

    • 1159oneminutetomidnite

      I stopped watching and reading Lisa’s articles and videos a while ago, Lisa and Lyn are both sensationalist trying to make a name for themselves with inflammatory articles and videos. Fear mongering, so they can sell their Miracle Tea and other products. I would be much more tolerant and interested if they didn’t put garbage like this up for us to click on, only to have it turn out to be nothing.

      I saw NO urgent warning from Alex Jones, all I saw was a commercial for his show. to which I don’t watch him either. If you have “REAL” news to report, then so be it. Other wise, just know this, Your subscribers are waking up to your false prophet agenda. Maybe you should consider writing children’s books or even a science fiction book. Seams to be your strong suit.

    • chefjim

      So Lisa is in bed with ol’ froggy throat. We already knew that. What’s the emergency alert that I can’t afford to miss?

    • Klemens

      Every Christian should have got in this crazy times: “The Mircaculous Medal” :!: You do not need to be catholic to wear it.

      please google for more information about this medal!

    • Solar)Geometry

      Lisa Lisa and the Cult Fam

    • monjon

      need something new GOD is even finding it funny

    • Mr Lightbeam


      I do believe that our freedoms are being taken away slowly.
      I am fro the UK ,but do admit that citizens In the USA are going to be first to feel the force
      If you say Blackman ,Muslim ,then you are racist
      If you are white and a Blackman or a muslim Insults you ,they get a house and home and benefits and then they are also allowed to rape your women.
      Today’s young who walk around playing 24/7 with their mobile phones and playing Playstion games are being slowly dumbed down and with a Mcdonalds or a kentucky fried chicken they are finished as an Intelligent beings.
      These Muslim people know this and are also streetwise.They are also well educated.
      If we speak out against these primitive people and their stupid religion,we get slammed down.

      I do think that Obama Is a good man,but under a lot of pressure.Gone white haired too early!!!
      We have to teach the EAST to be human—AN IMPOSSIBILITY!!!
      VOTE DONALD TRUMP–maybe a good solution ,but a dangerous one
      Anyone white who thinks like me are bewildered at how the politicians cannot see that we are being put down by something worse that we can imagine.
      We are definitely heading for another great war if these people of the galactic federation do not interfere.

    • VomitO

      would alex’s daddy marry his jew cousin?

    • Dusty Bottoms

      The Biblical use of Force:

      The Bible, and Jesus, were hardcore, as the author of the above video states. We are not called to be marshmallows but warriors who know when to fight – and win.

    • A Commentator

      So he does this all the time.

      Nothing ever happens.

    • CEEBEE

      Why is Alex Jones and Joe Biggs missing in Burns, Oregon at the historic FBI and 3%’ers exchanging ideas and shaking hands today? BIG BIG SHOUT OUT TO these people for getting along without a slaughter.

      Where is Oathkeepers? Tired of all the jawboning. 3%’ers are real men supporting peace and freedom. Protecting freedom and supporting the voice of redress.

      Awesome. Video at –

      Thanks Pete Santilli. Thanks for being there. Thanks for giving a voice to the people. Thanks for spending what little you have to stream the truth.

    • Miss M

      This guy’s on the illum. playing cards–’nough said!

      • sitrep

        MD, you are totally correct. You have your eyes wide open, good call.
        A lot of People slamming Lisa, although she is using a reverse tactics to expose these people whom are mere puppets for the Elitis.

        • Ambicatus

          What a well mannered man! and chivalrous, without trace of intent! how interesting! Did you know, you BLEEEP very loudly on my “radar” PING!!! PIIIIING! it goes, hmmm, i would like to use, one of my “cards” its kind of like, when the lady shows you a picture and asks you, “what do you think of this” , well dear sitrep, i have such a thing, many of them infact, and i would like to know, what is your honest , first reaction to this here lil story i made, cause i like storys, this one is about those of the square and compass, and they are aged, so yes. please, what is your opinion of this>?

    • sed

      Alex Jones is an idiot shill. He loves to promote fear porn just like the little twit that is promoting him with this stupid video.

    • You Have 7 Weeks

      This is a distraction tactic to keep you all chasing your tail. I think Lisa means well, but everyone knows by now that Alex is a shill. So either she is on his side, or incredibly stupid. Notice how he is completely avoiding the Oregon stand off? And the Oath Breakers as well, because it’s not on the game plan. So stop falling for their BS. Call them out! This keeps you from stopping the problem, you read about it and think oh, that is interesting.
      Please see /christian-news/2016/01/the-only-date-you-need-to-know-2022-not-what-you-think-2521936.html

    • FindtheTruth

      What? Someone “killed” a cop that was guarding him?

    • VirusGuard

      Alex Jones is a gate keeper for the jewish banking system and never goes after Israel or the bankers, he’s brought and paid for and makes people around him look stupid.

      David Icke with his drug induced visions of lizards running after him is closer to the truth since he mixes his visions in with at least a few facts and is not working for the bankers (well I don’t think so)

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