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Paul McCartney's Death in 1966 Goes Much Deeper Than an MI5 Replacement Operation

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TMR Editor’s Note
Years prior to the The Millennium Report website going online one of our writers conducted exhaustive research into the “Paul McCartney is Dead” conspiracy.  It is, in fact, a real conspiracy because of the number of willing participants who, by necessity, had to participate in it in order for it to be successful for almost fifty years.

However, only one element has been missing over the past 49 years. And that is a member of The BEATLES stepping forward to tell the unvarnished truth. It now appears that this little secret has been finally told by Ringo Starr. Certainly, with the death of his band mates, except ‘Paul’ of course, the burden of this secret became greater for him to carry alone as the years wore on.

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The newsprint piece shown above well captures the respective roles of the four BEATLES. What it fails to point out is that Ringo Starr was not only the drummer, he was also the heartbeat of the band as all drummers are. It now appears that the true story about Paul is Ringo’s to tell or else the heartbeat would become increasingly labored by the sheer weight of the harder-to-hide truth (The internet has a way of doing that, yes?). There is no one else who has the authority, by virtue of his firsthand experience with the whole wild and crazy affair, like Ringo Starr.

The “exhaustive research” conducted over several years did produce an extraordinary amount of evidence pointing to the great likelihood that the original Paul McCartney did leave The BEATLES circa 1966.  There is now a massive body of forensic proof, anecdotal testimony, scientific photograph assessment, comparative voice analysis, circumstantial evidence, etc. on the internet which supports Ringo Starr’s ‘alleged’ revelations.

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The following article appears to be correct in stating all the primary facts with the exception of the very last paragraph as follows:

“The British MI5 also announced an investigation to determine if an imposter could have indeed posed for 48 years as the Member of the Order of the British Empire, Sir James Paul McCartney, during official ceremonies involving Queen Elizabeth II.”

Surely, it was MI5 which coordinated the entire coverup, since they were best positioned to ensure that the conspiracy of silence would stick for so many years.

As for why The BEATLES agreed to go along with the coverup scheme since 1966 — the answer, especially if you were living during the 1960s and had sisters who could sing every single BEATLES song with perfection, is quite obvious. Paul McCartney’s death would have triggered an unprecedented shock to his millions of young and often delirious female fans around the entire world.

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For a much better explanation of just how traumatic such a shocking revelation would have been in 1966, the following true story is presented for the reader’s edification.

“During The BEATLES performance at Shea Stadium, which kicked off their 1965 US Tour, the massive contingent of New York City policemen who were assigned to crowd control reported “rivers of urine” which flowed from the girls and young women in attendance, they were in such genuinely altered states. They were so excited and beside themselves that they were literally ‘unconscious’ to controlling their bodily functions.”

Here’s another take on the fans’ out-of-body excitement and uncontrollable urges:
Did Beatle fans wet their pants at concerts??

Fans at Shea Stadium in 1965

Clearly, MI5, MI6, together with the British Monarchy and Parliament had to make a very swift command decision to hide the death of Paul McCartney.  The following quote from Guitar World’s article titled “Did Paul McCartney Actually Die in 1966?” reveals more of the inside story.

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The Replacement Of Paul McCartney — Why? And by Whom?

The article below, as it turns out, was published by a tabloid-styled, faux-journalism website by the name of World News Daily Report.  However, it contains a general narrative regarding the Paul McCartney story which could actually be true … right down to the exact dates and details.

That the real Paul McCartney left the ‘world scene’ on November 9th of 1966 is an absolute certainty for those initiated into this particular line of inquiry and investigation.  Their only questions relate to why MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5) arranged for his removal.  And, exactly who did they replace him with?

Their underlying theory goes like this: Paul McCartney’s 1966 death was the result of an MI5* Black Operation overseen by the Tavistock Institute. The BEATLES, it was understood, had way too much POWER AND INFLUENCE for the British Intelligence Services not to take advantage of it.  How to practically harness such power and influence, however, remained a very difficult task, especially given the indomitable John Lennon and deeply spiritual George Harrison.

*The Security Service, commonly known as MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5), is the United Kingdom’s domestic counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of its intelligence machinery alongside the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS; also known as MI6) focused on foreign threats, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and Defence Intelligence (DI).
(Source: MI5)

The ‘drug overdose’ death of their first manager — Brian Epstein — in 1967 devastated The  BEATLES, as it was meant to.  His knowledge of Paul’s death led to serious personal problems, as well as posed a hugely unpredictable public issue.  That George Harrison lost his bouts with throat cancer, lung cancer and a brain tumor at the age of 58 are also considered suspect by many.  Then there was John Lennon’s shocking assassination at 40 years old by “Manchurian Candidate” Mark David Chapman which was the direct result of his ardent anti-war stance and incessant world peace message.

The BEATLES Lead The British Invasion Bands

The key piece of this ongoing and originally British musical phenomenon, known as the British Invasion, revolves around the BEATLES, and especially the original Macca — Paul McCartney.  For it was Paul who was the premier singer for the first and most famous of all the British Invasion Bands to invade North America.  In that very special and unique capacity did Paul exert an inordinate degree of influence over a musical era defined as the “Golden Age of Rock” (sometimes labeled the “Golden Age of Modern Music“).

Starting in the early 1960’s, The BEATLES arrival in New York City on February 7, 1964 marked the beginning of a worldwide musical revolution that would continue until the mid-1980’s.  Sometimes known as the “Rock and Roll Revolution“, this global movement respected no boundaries and utilized the universal language of music (and English) to transform the entire planetary civilization.  British rock groups have consistently occupied the top 7 or 8 positions of the “TOP 10 Rock ‘n’ Roll Bands Of All Times” lists with The BEATLES always at the #1 spot.

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What is not very well known is that throughout the development and evolution of the Rock and Roll Revolution, there were always two sides operating in the background trying hard — VERY hard — to influence the direction … and the content … and the spirit of the movement.  Only by comprehending his role as the mega-Macca[1] in this often covert, multi-decade, Anglo-American operation will the real back story of Paul McCartney be properly understood.  So will the true conspiracy behind his death and coverup, as well as his purposeful replacement.

[1] Macca:

“A person possessing extremely large sex appeal in spite of being a care bear. Possibly the most gorgeous and sexy and cute thing ever invented, better than The Beatles and Darius put together. Also has good taste in music and smells nice.”
(Source: Macca)


One last series of revelations about the 1966 death of Paul McCartney comes in the form of a book by author Dr. Nick Kollerstrom who is featured in the following video titled:
Who is Paul McCartney?  Published in September,2015, The Life and Death of Paul McCartney 1942 – 1966: A very English Mystery offers a riveting account of the true history of the Beatles and in particular Paul’s untimely death.

VIDEO: Who is Paul McCartney?

Did Ringo Starr Admit Paul McCartney Died In 1966, Replaced With Look-Alike?

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The following article appeared on a website that is often used to leak truths into the public domain.  Sites like World News Daily Report are utilized to disseminate highly sensitive and secret information in a manner that permits plausible deniability.  While the exact facts surrounding Ringo Starr’s involvement may or may not be true, the background Beatles material certainly fits with the most likely historical narrative. Removes Original Reference To Paul’s Death On Google Which Appeared On Ringo Starr’s Personal Facebook Page

The Millennium Report

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by Barbara Johnson

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Beverly Hills| The former drummer of the Beatles, Ringo Starr, surprised the world this morning during an interview in his luxurious Californian residence, when he admitted that the 45-year old rumors about the alleged death of Paul McCartney in 1966 were actually true.

In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the “real” Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles’ recording session. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of jovial personality as Paul.

“When Paul died, we all panicked!” claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. “We didn’t know what to do, and Brian Epstein, our manager, suggested that we hire Billy Shears as a temporary solution. It was supposed to last only a week or two, but time went by and nobody seemed to notice, so we kept playing along. Billy turned out to be a pretty good musician and he was able to perform almost better than Paul. The only problem was that he couldn’t get along with John, at all.”

William Shears Campbell, better known as Billy Shears, does indeed “disappear ” from records in 1966 and no traces of him can be found after Paul’s alleged death.

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Mr. Starr alleges that the group did send out a lot of hidden messages through the years to prepare the population for the truth.

He notably says that the entire Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album was awash with Paul-is-dead clues: the Beatles had indeed officially formed a “new” band featuring a “fictional” member named Billy Shears, which happened to be the actual name of Paul’s replacement.

“We felt guilty about the deception” added Ringo Starr. “We wanted to tell the world the truth, but we were afraid of the reactions it would provoke. We thought the whole planet was going to hate us for all the lies we had told, so we kept lying but sending subtle clues to relieve our cousciousness. When the first rumors finally began about the whole thing, we felt very nervous and started fighting a lot with each other. At some point, it was too much for John and he decided to leave the band.”

Ringo Starr claims that he finally decided to tell the truth, because he was afraid that it was going to die with him. At age 74, he is the only other surviving member of the famous band besides Paul McCartney, and he was afraid the deception would never be revealed.

The rumors of Paul’s death began more than 45 years ago, but had always been dismissed as nonsense by the band and its entourage. In September 1969, American college students published a series of articles in which they claimed that clues to McCartney’s death could be found among the lyrics and artwork of the Beatles’ recordings. Clue-hunting rapidly proved infectious, and within a few weeks, it had become an international phenomenon. Rumours only declined after a contemporary interview with McCartney was published in Life magazine in November 1969.

Neither Paul McCartney nor anyone from his entourage have commented on Ringo Starr’s declaration yet, but the interview has already provoked a lot of reactions around the world. Journalists and paparazzis from around the world have surrounded the residence of the musician only minutes after the interview was broadcasted and are awaiting for the star to comment on the allegations.

The British MI5 also announced an investigation to determine if an imposter could have indeed posed for 48 years as the Member of the Order of the British Empire, Sir James Paul McCartney, during official ceremonies involving Queen Elizabeth II.

* * *  END OF ARTICLE  * * *

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Special Note:

It is definitely possible that Paul’s replacement was unaware of any furtive plots hatched by MI5 to control the biggest rock band of the era.  In that case, where he was installed to coverup a truly accidental death of the real Paul, the following perspective is offered for the reader’s consideration.

It must be acknowledged that Paul McCartney’s replacement was tasked with one of the toughest jobs in the world. Regardless of who he really is, the new Paul (some call him Faul) was certainly coerced (or simply assigned by MI5) to play a roll that only preordained destiny could have fatefully brought to him in 1966. In this light, his was perhaps one of the greatest sacrifices made in modern times. For he was compelled to leave behind his real identity for the rest of his life in the interest of the greater good for all of humankind. Yes, he got to play a rock ‘n’ roll superstar, but that’s not nearly as fun or easy as it sounds.

Now many may say, as many have already said, that he was, and is, an imposter. No, he is not an imposter!

In reality, all of us are called upon from time to time to be or act like something that we are not. We spontaneously fill that vital role in the moment because it is ours to do. In the case of Paul McCartney’s replacement, his noble and selfless deed surely saved the lives of who knows how many across the planet?

Again, this highly qualified perspective is being presented in the event that Paul’s replacement was truly unaware of any designs by British secret services to use The BEATLES to advance a clandestine worldwide agenda.


The following excerpt comes from a post at under the title
“Paul is Dead: New evidence based on computer enhanced forensic technique”.

Did Ringo Starr Admit Paul McCartney Died In 1966, Replaced With Look-Alike? | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

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    Total 25 comments
    • Redeemer
      • Sean

        What are the Odds that 4 out of 4 Beatles were all Rh Negative Blood Types :evil:

        Goes Much Deeper Than an MI5 Replacement Operation :lol:

        • Sean

          The Idol Worshiping Lemmings are being held back by the police, Release the Lemmings

          Run Lemmings Run :lol:

        • DistantCousin

          John Lennon had a verified Royal descent, through the Stanleys, (The same as
          George Harrison’s descent is through a Norman Knight’s Family that came to
          England with the Norman Conquest in 1066. Powerful landholding family in
          Ireland for many Centuries. Guaranteed that there is Royal descent intermarriage
          in the line.
          Macca, at least the Macca after 1967, has facial features that would link him
          to a Royal descent, although verification is impossible.

          RR :cool:

    • A Witness

      The old fake Ringo Starr quote again huh? I guess it’s been a few days since sometime tried to post this known lie here again.

      BIN, recycling stories.

    • LifeIs

      The Beatles –all of them– –always– were a Tavistock operation, to drill messages into peoples’ heads. For example, Lovely Rita the meter maid serves to soften your attitude toward authority.

      It’s not even subtle, with “Revolution” and “Let It Be.”

      Maybe the original Paul didn’t want to go along with promoting drug use or something…but…I think it’s more like, “the best way to convince people you’re not lying, is to tell them that you ARE.” Like, “Paul is fake, but the rest of it is real.”

      NONE of it is real.

      • Anonymous

        True. Theo Adorno. See doc on The Wrecking Crew who played a sizable amount of the famed 1960 classics.
        Brit Invasion Counterculture ‘Revolution’ was another Illuminati societal overthrow, like its successor the US Invasion ala Arab Spring Revolution.
        ‘Revolution’ is the very SIGNATURE of the Illuminati Zionists. Their calling card and imprimatur

      • bdn

        I agree. I’ve listened to Jim Fetzer about this…The Beatles didn’t write any of their own songs. Even the fans screaming was a put up job. Part of it was to get people’s mind off of the assassination of JFK, and the other was to corrupt the youth with LSD, abortion and other moral rot. Even their long hair was planned as that is in direct opposition to the Bible. (1 Corinthians)

        There was an awesome book written by Salvador Estucia that can’t be found anywhere that details how the CIA took out John Lennon. He was shot from the service elevator going up the stairs in the hotel, not by MDC.

        These people that run everything are just beautiful aren’t they?

    • Guitarilla

      Oh, sure. They fiound a guy who looked exactly like him, sounded exactly like him and had the same genius in writing songs as him. Nobody sounds exactly the same as anybody else.

      • LifeIs


        (1) Fake Paul is taller, his face is longer, his ears are completely different. They don’t look alike at all. Thus the sudden need for facial hair.

        (2) Fake Paul does not sound the same. Thus the need to stop touring and stay in the studio.

        (3) What makes you think either of those two guys wrote anything?

        • Central Scrutinizer

          But did they write ‘African-American Comets’ flying all around us????????

          That would have been an excellent Beatles song……

          [Number 9...... Number 9...... Number 9......] :mrgreen:

    • DK

      Only there were 8 Beetles, Stuart Sutcliffe, Pete Best, Jimmie Nicole & Andy White. Paul McCartney was James Paul McCartney who for some reason used Paul as his stage name, being substituted by the current Paul McCartney in 1966, a role which could only be played by the worlds second best artist/actor of the 1960′s.

    • Carro

      True or not true, what does it change?
      The answer is nothing, because nothing is being done about everything.
      Chatter chatter with no action or ability to act is just that – noisy chatter..
      People might be right and claim their smartness, but so what?
      99% don’t care, and for the ones that may just a little, cognitive dissonance will play a role.
      Best to just enjoy the music if you wish and take care of your family as the walls close in.

    • living and loving

      Was big news in 1966. People used to play their records backwards, record them on reel to reel and play backwards.
      On the magical mystery tour album, the name billy shears is introduced I believe or the Sgt. peppers lonely heart club band.

      Strange, but to me, in some of the photos insert booklet that came with the magical mystery tour it was John Lennon who looked different.

      On some of the songs there were hidden messages and at the end of one song, you can clearly hear john lennon say ” I buried Paul” and not cranberry sauce

      At that time the Beatles had taken a beating in the media when john lennon said that the beatles were more popular than Jesus. Massive destruction in the burning of beatle records and stuff. After that they never regain the status they once had but the albums that may had contained messages regarding the rumor of pauls death sold like crazy.

      I lives through that era. Looking back and reading this article, you have to ponder, the music, not really the beatles themselves that had some effect to make women to pee, if so. Black Friday is somewhat close to how girls acted then.

      We live in a world of deception, The Matrix? :neutral:

    • Geeper is a well-known hoax site, you might want to remember that.

      Their disclaimer page says “WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.”

    • Madtingo

      Eric Clapton died in 1971 but nobody’s bothered to tell him yet.

    • G

      The band Wings was the fake Pauls tribute to being Paul McCartney. Songs on the Wings album tell clues to the listener if they pay attention, which most will not.

      Venus and Mars rock show Paul sings,

      “What’s that man holding in his hand?
      He looks a lot like a guy I knew way back when
      Its silly willy with philly band
      Could be … Oo-ee ”

      Silly Willie is William (Billy) Shears singing that revelation

      Then later in Venus and Mars rock show there’s this lyric,

      Venus And Mars / Rock Show / Jet Video:
      Lyrics to Venus And Mars / Rock Show / Jet
      Sitting in the stand of the sports arena
      Waiting for the show to begin
      Red lights, green lights, strawberry wine,
      A good friend of mine, follows the stars,
      Venus and mars are alright tonight

      What’s that man holding in his hand?
      He looks a lot like a guy I knew way back when
      Its silly willy with philly band
      Could be … Oo-ee …

      What’s that man movin’ cross the stage?
      It looks a lot like the one used by jimmy page
      Its like a relic from a different age
      Could be …Oo-ee …

      If there’s rock show
      At the concertgebow
      They’re got long hair
      At the madison square
      You’ve got rock and roll
      At the hollywood bowl,
      We’ll be there … Oo yeah …

      The lights go down – they’re back in town o.k.
      Behind the stacks you glimpse an axe
      The tension mounts you score an ounce ole!
      Temperatures rise as you see the white of their eyes

      If there’s rock show
      At the concertgebow
      You’re got long hair
      At the madison square
      They’ve got rock and roll
      At the hollywood bowl,
      We’ll be there … Oo yeah …

      In my green metal suit I’m preparing to shoot up the city
      And the ring at the end of my nose makes me look rather pretty
      Its a pity there’s nobody here to witness the end
      Save for my dear old friend and confidante – madamoiselle kitty ”

      Was the car green that McCartney died in. Did he drive with his nose on the steering wheel like most out of it people do.

      Numerous songs on Wings albums seem to tell a tale. Uncle Albert, Band on the run and others have to be lyrically dissected

    • Anonymous

      It’s funny. We’re supposed to believe that he was replaced by someone who not only looked like him but also wrote songs and sang like he did. What an amazing coincidence.

      • Guitarilla

        Sounding exactly like him would be impossible. Paul has a very distinctive voice.

    • DangerWillRoberson

      dude that is old news, but old news becomes new news, ant that a kicker? i believe paul the original not billy shears look alike much with some help from some plastic surgeons friends, was sacrificed to satan for satan’s input into the groups success! this ant rocket science basic spiritualism 101 read books stop watching tell more lies visions :idea: ?

    • Anonymous

      The Paul McCartney after 1966 was still a musical super-genius. The Illuminati cannot replicate genius at all. It is so obvious, duh. Paul McCartney never died in 1966. What a bunch of rubbish!

    • saucepan

      Interesting article. It is possible, I guess, but I don’t believe it.

    • Anonymous

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