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For whatever reason, you stage a (fake) terrorist attack on New York.
Maybe it’s a drill. Maybe it’s an excuse to create your own army (DHS). Maybe you want to invade Iraq.
For whatever purpose, you stage the fake attack. And everyone’s fooled.
Until a few years later, when NSA calls: “We’re picking up phone chatter about ‘jet fuel only burning at 750 degrees; too cold to melt steel beams.”
The next day, DARPA reports “Facebook users examining video of planes hitting the WTC.” People are wondering why no aircraft parts broke off – how did skyscrapers totally “swallow” two jetliners?
A week later, the Pentagon calls you: “Folks on the Web are digging into 9/11. We thought we could stall them 50 years, like with JFK. But with Social Media growing, people compare notes much quicker. Here in the Pentagon basement, our supercomputer predicts that Americans will realize 9/11 was faked pretty soon. We think they’ll wake up during the next Presidential term – and realize 9/11 was staged.”
You’re not thrilled with this news. The Pentagon was supposed to contain the secret, but it’s already leaking out? You trust France and England, but what if the Moslem Brotherhood finds one of your “dead hijackers” drinking mojitos at the beach? What if people realize Flight 93 left no wreckage at Shanksville, PA?
If folks realize the real terrorists are US officials, (i) The government could collapse, and (ii) Rich politicians (including you) will go to prison.
There’s no time to panic. The question is: What do you do? How do you keep 9/11 covered up?
First, you have CIA bribe or threaten any newscasters that aren’t on CIA’s payroll. That way, FOX won’t ask too many questions as your plan unfolds.
Second, you have NCS (National Clandestine Service) and DARPA rent a few warehouses. When Facebook users post something questioning 9/11, their comment pops up on a screen in Arlington, VA. Your shills are lined up in telemarketing centers – posing as “real people” on Facebook:
Most play “Concerned Citizen,” guiding Facebook conversations away from danger topics that might expose 9/11 as bogus. If all else fails, your Shills “blow up the conversation” with profanity and crazy behavior, to scare away bystanders. DARPA adds the biggest truth-seekers to their “Suppress List,” so when those users post something on Social Media, only a few people see it.
You congratulate yourself for cleverness – when suddenly, CIA calls back. Apparently, foreign intel agencies noticed that you staged 9/11, and that means leaks. There’s almost 200 countries in the world – and normal CIA dealmaking won’t keep them satisfied forever. To keep 9/11 secret, they want special favors.
So you bribe foreign countries with a Trillion dollars that the Fed refuses to explain. The money just “gets sent overseas to banks” without telling taxpayers which banks or why. You tell Americans there’s a “financial crisis” and if you don’t vanish a Trillion dollars, bad things will happen. Your polling company keeps checking public opinion, and it seems CNN earned its propaganda pay, because most folks fall for the heist.
To celebrate the coverup, you meet Barney Frank for drinks at his favorite restaurant. Everything’s going great, until Barney finishes his fourth drink and asks: “Who are we gonna put in the White House?”
And suddenly, you realize you cannot let the normal election process take its course. Because the next President will have access to Top Secret files, and within days of his election, he’ll realize you staged 9/11.
He’ll also discover the pile of scams and crimes committed by Congress and CIA – going back decades. What if the next President isn’t corrupt? Or, what if he’s corrupt, but hits a limit (Treason) he’s not willing to cross?
Barney looks at you, knowingly: “We need someone who’ll keep the lid on.”
In other words, the next President needs to be someone who WON’T blow the whistle on (i) Decades of deceit, or (ii) Crimes committed to hide that deceit.
So you’ve got a problem: Who exactly can you install (as the next President) to keep the lid on 9/11?
No Good Guys
For the next President, you can’t install a Good Guy (like Chuck Norris) because he’ll get halfway through page 1 of your Top Secret 9/11 files, flip out, and blow the whistle. If he doesn’t go public, he’ll at least toss someone in prison, and that guy might squeal and bring the whole scheme down – sending you to jail for staging 9/11 and covering it up.
No Bad Guys
But you can’t install a Bad Guy either. Michael Bloomberg didn’t get where he got by selling the most Girl Scout cookies. He got this far (and collected $37 Billion) by being clever.
The Uniparty doesn’t let you become Mayor of New York if you’re too naïve to push their agenda. For example, if the Regime tells you to shepherd a fake 9/11 survivor around Manhattan, you do it:
Later, Bloomberg won’t notice when NETFLIX exposes that fake 9/11 survivor in the documentary, The Woman Who Wasn’t There. If anyone asks about Tania Head (fake WTC survivor), Bloomberg can say that he was tricked, his security team was tricked, Giuliani’s security team was tricked, and Pataki’s security team was tricked – by a kook from Spain using a fake name.
Plus now, Bloomberg’s got skin in the game – since he’s on camera escorting a 9/11 fraud around Manhattan.
But if CIA suggests disarming the American people (before they discover 9/11 was fake and go ballistic), you might hesitate. But where do we find Michael Bloomberg? When the Regime stages a fake shooting in an Aurora movie theater, Bloomberg jumps aboard the Gun Grab Roadshow and promotes the Aurora gun-grab hoax with vicSIM Stephen Barton:
Bizarrely, Stephen Barton rode his bike 2,000 miles across the USA, from Newtown CT to Aurora CO – just in time for opening night of Batman, where he got shot with 24 shotgun pellets in the head and neck….. before making a full recovery to become Gun Grab Roadshow poster-boy:
Then, Bloomberg announces his new gun-scam group – Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). Before long, 50 mayors flee MAIG upon realizing Bloomberg’s favorite shootings are faked by the US Government to dupe Americans out of their firearms:
Crooked or not, Bloomberg isn’t stupid enough to reside in the Oval Office holding the hot potato when the Big Con collapses – when Americans wake up and realize 9/11 was fake and Sandy Hook was Treason. Bad Guys instinctively know when the “con” is too bold. A street-level mugger will take wild risks if he hasn’t eaten in two days. But once you’ve got mansions and $37 Billion in the bank, you’re not going to mug an old lady – the reward isn’t worth the risk. Rather, a billionaire politician only takes risks when (i) He’s protected (not likely to get caught), (ii) The reward is huge, or (iii) He’s got no choice (blackmail). If all three of those conditions are met, it’s absolutely “risk-taking time.”
So your search for Presidential candidates is more frustrating than you expected. Good Guys have moral limits. Bad Guys are too smart to risk their wealth and freedom serving as Front Man when perhaps the biggest scam in history collapses on their head. Good Guys will freak out upon spotting the dirt. Bad Guys know the dirt goes deeper than anyone can imagine – and aren’t stupid enough to babysit the corpse.
Solution? You call John Kerry.
John Kerry won the game by marrying rich women, getting their money, pretending he hates war and doing his horseface-hippie routine. John isn’t bright. But sadly, he’s not dumb enough to trade yachts and mansions for a prison cell. He’s not about to waltz into your historic scam as the fall guy. John Kerry doesn’t return your calls – he doesn’t want the job either.
So for President, you can’t hire an Eagle Scout (Chuck Norris). You can’t plant a Dirtbag (Bloomberg). And even Dopes (John Kerry) are avoiding the plot.
So, who’s left? Who can you put in the Oval Office?
The Ultimate Temp
You hire The Ultimate Temp.
You install a puppet, who can disappear with an hour’s notice when NSA realizes the jig is up and the Pentagon computer models stop saying “We’ve got six months until folks wake up” and start saying “We’ve got six DAYS until folks wake up.”
You need someone who won’t miss the USA. Someone who won’t miss the people. Someone who won’t cry himself to sleep every night because he’ll never see the Empire State building again. Someone who’ll enjoy relaxing in Pakistan for the rest of his life.
That’s who you get.
Someone with no real family. Someone with a fake wife who might be a dude wearing a dress. Someone with two kids (obtained in Morocco?) to complete his cover identity. Someone with CIA-assigned SSN’s, a forged birth certificate, and a botched Selective Service card.
In other words, you get someone off the shelf from CIA, who spent much of his life overseas. Someone CIA has in the hopper, floating around Indonesia or somewhere. Someone they’ve got on their roster who’s not doing anything vital.
You install a low-level CIA lackey. Someone you control that’ll sit there and do as he’s told. To keep the lid on your prior scams – not blow the whistle on you – while you finish looting the USA, stealing whatever’s not nailed down, and shredding decades of evidence. Someone who won’t gripe while you offshore trillions of dollars (bankrupting the Treasury to bribe foreign intel agencies so THEY won’t leak what’s really going on and land you in prison):
That’s who you put in the Oval Office.
Pretend the USA is a company. The “owners” of this company tell everyone, “Hands off the Temp.” They need the Temp happy and showing up. They don’t want him hassled. That’s why MSM gets threatened into silence: “Don’t ask how we found the Temp. He’s obviously qualified – because we hired him.” Judges are told “Don’t bother our Temp with that lawsuit. Make it go away, or you’ll have problems.”
And if the Temp is a flippant jerk, all the better. You want everyone looking at the Temp, wondering why he’s wearing sandals to work, insulting everyone. You want everyone worrying about the Temp, so their attention is on him while you’re in the back office shredding documents and looting the vault.
Temps get bored – so does Obama. Temps don’t care – neither does Obama. His attitude is “What are you gonna do, fire me?” Because he knows the trouble it took to install him. He knows the Regime isn’t looking to go through THAT again. He didn’t seek the job – they recruited him.
Have you ever seen someone ready to quit their job? It’s obvious they don’t care anymore. They come in late, put their feet up, the boss says “Hey, don’t do that again,” and they bob their head – then do it again. And again. They don’t care because they’re just passing through. If it ends today, great. If it ends in 2016, same difference.
Most employees form long-term relationships with neighbors and co-workers. Obama doesn’t, because there isn’t any “long term.” He does the job, then he departs. If America discovers 9/11 was staged and Sandy Hook was Treason, Obama gets whisked off to join Loretta Fuddy in Fuddyville. If those crimes never “go public,” Obama retires to one of his new mansions and launches a speech tour.
Obama’s job is (i) Looking the other way while evidence is destroyed, and (ii) When evidence cannot be destroyed, burying it by Executive Order.
That’s the job.
Obama didn’t want the job. He didn’t work towards it, because he didn’t care about attaining it. He cared about smoking crack with gay men in limousines – not becoming President of a country he hates.
Obama the Temp barely shows up, spending most of his time on golf courses. He doesn’t care about job approval or cutting deals – neither do Temps.
While the Temp is minding the office, folks come and go, borrowing whatever they wish. The Temp isn’t there to enforce rules, since there’s no consequence if something goes missing — he’s just the Temp. He didn’t know – just like a Temp. To learn about his company, he sees articles in the paper – like Temps do. He doesn’t call the shots because Temps are outside the decision tree.
Obama didn’t rise by wanting to do Good (like Gandhi), nor did he rise by wanting to do Evil (like Hitler). He’s a flunky – planted to keep us occupied. He was installed to babysit 300 million people as burglars finish robbing our home.
He’s the Ultimate Temp.
The Temp Agency
But where did they find Obama? You can’t just put a lackey in the Oval Office, because your audience of 300 million Americans will say “Wait a minute. This guy was washing cars two weeks ago. Now he’s president? That doesn’t make sense.”
So CIA manufactures a backstory for this low-level puppet. They stick him in the Senate where he votes present for months. Meanwhile, CIA goes to the file cabinet, and pulls out a prefab “identity” – complete with fake resume and fake family. As Photoshop images go, the Obama family pictures are okay. Most folks won’t zoom in to notice that the Stanley Ann Dunham (mother) pictures are doctored. Here, we notice Obama’s mother is a white woman, but her right fist is visiting from Kenya:
We also notice (yellow outline, above) that Dunham’s dress was edited along Obama’s upper arm; and (green circle, above) that Obama’s grandfather has a bionic arm and prosthetic hand, like a Star Wars action figure.
Here, we notice digital artifacts around the neck, where the head of “Stanley Ann Dunham” was added:
Why are these Photoshops so sloppy? Because they were done decades ago (pre-Photoshop) as standard procedure for a new CIA recruit. They were routine – just another fake background for a typical CIA operative. Nobody knew they’d be examined this closely. Nobody knew “Obama” would be needed for such a crucial role. The photos were faked, then stuffed into a file cabinet until further notice.
So CIA publishes a fake backstory book: Dreams From My Father. The book answers the questions: “Where did Obama come from?” and “Why won’t we ever meet Obama’s parents?” It contains a sketchy Kenyan father and a white (CIA cutout) mother – and it’s the first big marketing push for the Temp. Did this “Stanley Ann Dunham” person exist? Maybe, but she’s not Obama’s mother.
London Calling (TPP)
Remember those foreign intel agencies you bribed with a Trillion dollars? They call you, seeking another couple Trillion. But you can’t keep vanishing Trillions without telling taxpayers what the heck you did with the FIRST Trillion. You realize those foreign countries will never stop asking for money – and you can’t print an unlimited sum of cash because you’re already at 0% interest, printing like a wild man, close to collapsing the dollar.
So you walk to the blackboard, cross out the word “Money,” and write the word “Power.” You need to give those foreign countries something of value – or else you’re going to jail. So you call the United Nations and ask what they’ve got on the shelf. They just happen to have something called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). It sells out American sovereignty by handing control of the USA to foreign powers and international bodies.
So instead of money, you give foreign countries sovereign power over the USA. The SAME DAY you cram TAA (TPP) through the House of Representatives, you stage another Fake Shooting. You stage the fake “Black Church Shooting” in Charleston, SC to distract everyone from TPP (by flooding the news cycle):
Obama keeps selling us out? Nope. CIA and Congress keep selling us out. They’re bribing world powers by handing over money and US sovereignty – to avoid getting exposed and imprisoned. Obama is the scapegoat for their betrayal of the USA. That’s the role he was hired to play. Once we understand that, we realize that he’s worthy of an Oscar.
But Really, Who Is Obama?
Obama is a façade – an actor. In IRON MAN terms, Obama is The Mandarin:
He’s a sparkly ball of tinfoil paid to distract us.
Obama’s job is keeping us busy – chasing phantoms – while Traitors put distance between themselves and their crimes. We chase Obama’s car, while the Traitors escape (the opposite direction) in their getaway car.
Obama is the decoy. The red herring. The wild goose we’ve been chasing.
He leads nowhere. He leads to a file cabinet in CIA’s basement.
When The Temp Job Ends
Obama’s job assignment ends the day America wakes up and realizes 9/11 was staged and Sandy Hook was gun-grab Treason. When Americans realize we’re being systematically betrayed, robbed, and disarmed by Congress, the White House and the Pentagon – they’ll flip out, asking “Why didn’t Obama do anything to stop this? Is he part of it?” But Obama will be long gone.
Maybe one of those “White House fence jumpers” will finally encounter Obama as they scamper through the West Wing, dancing the Charleston:
Is that how they’ll vanish Obama – he got killed by Forrest Gump?
Maybe the Pentagon will stage a “Missing Malaysian airliner” ploy, using Air Force One as the “missing aircraft.” Key people will be aboard – people who don’t wish to be found. They’ll relocate to Pakistan or wherever CIA sends retired operatives (aka Fuddyville):
They’re Setting The Stage (Before Your Alarm Rings)
Some Americans will wake up tomorrow, switch on the TV, and wait for Anderson Cooper to forget who pays his salary. Maybe CIA’s fax machine will break and NBC won’t get their talking points. Maybe the CIA cafeteria will run out of Jello and McCain will pitch a fit, disband ISIS, and retire to the Riviera to open a bookstore.
But probably not.
The fact is, this Regime will expand like cancer – until we dismantle it. If we never dismantle it, we will get further enslaved by criminals. At some point it will become necessary to imprison some of us. Ask Dinesh D’Souza how his “reeducation” went. Farther along, it will become necessary to kill some of us. If you don’t think the Regime has considered how to imprison large numbers of American citizens, you are confused. If you don’t think the Regime has considered how to kill large numbers of Americans (who don’t feel like getting imprisoned), you are confused.
Do you see why we have one political party (the Uniparty)? They’re all equally screwed. They’re all hiding behind CIA. The thieves know that eventually folks will wake up and discover the robbery – so they’re setting the stage for the moment you awaken.
Does the illegal domestic army (DHS) make sense now?
Do you see why NDAA made it “legal” to indefinitely detain you without trial?
Do you see why FOX doesn’t challenge Obama’s lies or forged ID? Anyone can pick up a gay hooker in Jakarta, hand him a fake birth certificate, and book him a flight to Hawaii. But not just ANYONE can enforce a 7-year media blackout regarding Obama’s identity. Not just ANYONE can block all courtroom challenges to Obama’s fake ID. Only CIA can enforce these lockdowns.
Now do you see why anyone honoring the Constitution is a “domestic terrorist?” Do you see why Timothy McVeigh got cast to play the “dangerous white domestic terrorist bad man?” Because they’re setting the stage for when you react to their crimes.
Do you see why BOTH Harry Reid and Eric Holder got “rushed to the hospital with shortness of breath” in early 2014? They’re setting the stage to fake-die and vanish.
But even with unlimited hollowpoint ammo, DHS is still outgunned by 80 million gun owners. McCain knows this. Feinstein knows this. Their handlers know this. So they invented the Gun Grab Roadshow: Fake shootings across the USA, town to town, to scam you out of your guns by demonizing firearms – with FELONS and ACTORS playing PARENTS of FAKE VICTIMS.
After all, why battle you, when they can trick you into disarming? The trick worked for Hitler.
Do you wonder why NRA pretends “they don’t see” Sandy Hoax or other Fake Shootings? Some feel NRA is blackmailed. NRA’s whole purpose is “Protecting your 2nd Amendment rights.” Yet when faced with historic Gun Grab hoaxes (and Treason) like Sandy Hook, NRA “doesn’t notice” this FORENSIC PROOF THAT SANDY HOOK WAS FAKE.
Put yourself in McCain’s shoes. When 300 million Americans realize “Osama Bin Laden” was a fiction – that 9/11 was staged – do you want those Americans holding rifles? Or would you prefer they show up with brooms and rakes?
The Regime needs to disarm you. Right away. That way, DHS can hose you down with water cannons and tear gas. Facing disarmed mobs, DHS can win. Facing millions of American gun owners, the modern Gestapo will lose.
My Solution
Whenever the Globalists want to corner a market, they call it “Unsustainable” and swoop in to impose their Mafia-style protection racket.
But there’s something truly Unsustainable: This Regime.
Here’s what we can do: Expose the Traitors, starting with any crime you can uncover — working your way up the ladder. The courts are blackmailed, so get hidden video and go public. Round up the Traitors. Hold Nuremberg-style trials. Abolish crooked Federal Agencies (IRS; EPA; etc) and abolish a bunch of taxes. Cut remaining taxes to 10%. Maybe a steam-cleaned government can try doing something it’s supposed to do instead of committing Treason.
Once Europe and Asia hear about our 10% tax rate, folks will seek to establish companies here. Who knows – instead of our shrinking GDP, we might awaken one Christmas morning, glance under the tree, and find an economy.
But first, we must spread the word about Fake Shootings and Staged Government Terrorism (see links below this article). Fury against this Regime can fuel great change.
Who Are You Voting For?
Next up for President is a Canadian citizen (and Cuban citizen too)? In other words, a dual-or-triple citizen. Born in Calgary, Canada. With ties to CFR and Goldman Sachs. Whose dad fought FOR the Communist Castro regime in Cuba, before vanishing when the candidate was young – then reappearing after he “found Jesus.”
In other words: A foreigner, with sketchy Communist parents.
FBI: Federal Bureau of Illusion explores sketchy, flawed, and possibly planted “evidence” in high-profile shootings and bombings.
DHS Admits: Staged Shootings In Malls explores fake “events” sold to the public as “real.” With Sandy Hoax “parents” strong-arming kids on TV, the government is desperate to keep you fooled until they’ve grabbed your guns.
Trauma Town USA explores odd shootings/stabbings in Monroeville PA. It sounded “tinfoil hat” until Jeh Johnson (DHS Secretary) admitted the US Government has been staging fake Shopping Mall shootings for 2 years.
Shocking Facts – Sandy Hook COVERUP explores the (3) bizarre “public-record lock-down” bills crammed into law after Sandy Hook. We discuss WHO likely staged Sandy Hook, and WHY they took such a huge risk. We also explore the fantastic tale of Bloomberg’s sidekick, Aurora victim “Stephen Barton.”
Sandy Hook Death Records and Obama’s SSN explores connections between Newtown CT and Obama’s SSN. Was Obama’s SSN stolen from a man who died 1 mile from Sandy Hook Elementary?
An Eerie Visit To Sandy Hook explores (citizen journalist) Barry’s trip to the spooky Newtown Mental Hospital, where Harrison Bounel died. We show you Barry’s stunning photos, and discuss what really happened at the historic “Sandy Hook Massacre.”
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Undeniably Brilliant… Well done Barry Soetoro Esq!
Leroy Winston
Yo Mister The Equalizer – what is “undeniably brilliant”?
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
It’s closer to the truth than most. However, it implies that the Bush family orchestrated Obama’s rise to power.
It tries to imply that the Bush family has control of this situation.
Obama came to power through Pablo Escobar (Castro) and company.
I forged his birth certificates and am one of the few survivors who know the exact details.
It’s design is to pave the way for a Cuban King on the American throne so that Castros can own the south Floridian sugar cane fields already owned by the Mott family.
Thankfully, we have Trump for the block.
doggy do
Yo Mista. Me Mr. Won Hung lo. How’s it hangin’ Me have lots money gold natl bank ghana. you help get i give u reward . It is about as truthful as the report above. I thought Obama was going to buy a palace in Egypt? You people amaze me. No, wait, on second thought, you don’t. You fulfill my expectations here on BIS.
Leaping Lizard
I have two problems with this article though I agree with much of it. My first problem is his constant use of the word, “fake,” to describe 9/11. There was nothing fake about 9/11 in that 3,000 innocent people died. Fake implies a hoax such as Sandy Hook where no one died. Of course, the official story is total BS from start to finish. Probably the closest we can get to the truth behind 9/11 is Rebekah Roth’s two books and defrocked professor of material engineering, Judy Wood’s epic and meticulously constructed classic, “Where Did the Towers Go?” Sandy Hook was a FEMA/DHS drill that the presstitute media portray as real. Likewise, the Boston Marathon was a total hoax. Nobody died or was wounded. All crisis actors. The kid on death row is a total patsy. Jim Fetzer, et. al., proved this beyond the slightest reasonable doubt with his book, “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,” which Amazon banned but is available now as a free ebook.
Second, his idealization of media constructed fantasy heroes such as Chuck Norris. Norris is an idiot. But at least he had a serious skill, unlike John Wayne, who was a skilless bag of rotting meat. True grit indeed, but only on the silver screen. Perhaps we should elect Batman.
??? If you think this 2 year old article is New(s) it’s time to remove your heads from that ostrich hole
Leroy Winston
I know Mister Wong should not like this article, but for some reason Mister Wong does
Personally I don’t care if it is a re-hashed article from the past, it’s still good; the narrative approach works well, and it could form the basis of a black comedy (no pun intended) /farce thriller. It’s got the characters, the plot, the mystery.
Go on, someone write 9-11 The Story
AH Ha ! The Troll is back with his Commie dsinformation speak….
Ditch the suit Boet it gives away your claim to fame Dude !
Un-De-Twot of North Korea carries that distibction.
You know that Chinese Puppet….
But please do continue….
This is so much fun !
Leroy Winston
Yo Boet
Remind me again, what were you trying to say? did you have a point or were you just trying to make noises with words to sound important and mysterious?
Anyway, nice to see you “back” (? where have you been? oh do tell, I am interested, not), and making sense as ever (not)! Who are you anyway ….not, nah, in fact, I don’t care
Leroy Winston
Mister Wong: reminder pick up dry cleaning
Good stuff to ponder, but Hitler wasn’t evil. He was cleaning house and ridding Germany of the evil that the fake Jews were spreading throughout his country just as they have spread throughout the Soviet Union (which was created and run by jews), the US and most of the so called civilized world.
He was burning gay and socialist propaganda and pornography and deporting all of the socialists and perverts.
He didn’t gas anyone. Those were just lies spouted by the khazarian jewish press in order to gain support for the war. Unfortunately, he lost so the lies stuck.
If he had won the war we would be free from the federal reserve and all of the perverse propaganda that we are constantly bombarded with in the US.
Good stuff to ponder, but Hitler wasn’t evil. He was cleaning house and ridding Germany of the evil that the fake Jews were spreading throughout his country just as they have spread throughout the Soviet Union (which was created and run by jews), the US and most of the so called civilized world.
He was burning gay and socialist propaganda and pornography and deporting all of the socialists and perverts.
He didn’t gas anyone. Those were just lies spouted by the khazarian jewish press in order to gain support for the war. Unfortunately, he lost so the lies stuck.
If he had won the war we would be free from the federal reserve and all of the perverse propaganda that we are constantly bombarded with in the US.
I understand your thoughts regarding Hitler after reading “mein kampf” Hitler often expressed his dedication and love for the “The great German mother country” a pride and love that has been removed from America’s youth and immigrants who occupy the US. This “decay” brought about through liberal socialist propaganda & as Dr. Ben Carson explains… politically correct “brainwashing”.
Ditto with the politically correct brainwashing of Ted Cruz. The immense lies perpetrated upon Cruz are despicable. The establishment hates Cruz. does not want him to win, doing everything possible to spread treacherous dishonest stories. The Goldman Sacs loan was paid off. His wife’s job had no more privilege than a bank teller. My husband was a bank VP for 20 years and had NO authority what so ever. Ted’s dad WAS A BOY 17 years old thinking Castro would be better than Battista. When he discovered he was wrong about Castro he fled Cuba and went to Texas. Ted’s mother was born in America and an American citizen. Ted checked out his qualifications to run for president TWO years ago and was OK’d. Cruz has fought tooth and nail against the establishment. As for amnesty he said no and in a talking point he stated if you give them amnesty then do NOT give them full voting privileges. But the main stream media takes what he says and splices down…then twists it to fit their stinking politically correct agenda and make Cruz look like a dishonest crook. Whereas Cruz is the MOST honest of them all. Cruz exposed the criminal congress. Cruz has stood and fought time and again winning every case he presented to the Supreme Court….for “we the people”. It is the gullible that believe the horse manure spewed about him. Cruz is a very good man….the only one that could save our country….the only one. He will not compromise with evil. He knows the Constitution and can recite it. Hence knows the laws and what to do to fix or create a safety net to protect we citizens. Yes he is a talker…so what. Always patient, respectful, thoughtful, and accurate in what he says. Not like the RINO puppets or the overly popular flip flopper democrat but a republican now but yet still a democrat saying he’s a republican. Saying all kinds of things we want to hear and the masses are buying it hook, line and sinker. But this democrat now a republican might tighten the spending but will lead us right into the hands of the NWO. Most web sites ridicule Cruz except Check out the many Cruz videos an open your eyes. Don’t allow another Ross Perot stunt by the MSM to ruin the best candidate. Just look how we have deteriated since Perot didn’t win. If he had won things would be much better.
Leaping Lizard
Yeah, the establishment hates him so much that Goldman-Sachs made his wife a managing director and loaned him a million for his Senate campaign. They hate him so much that they have ignored the fact that he is undeniably ineligible to be president under Article 2, section 1 of the Constitution being born in Canada with non-USA citizen parents. You are a maroooon!
Makes you wonder why this foreign national, ‘War’ criminal, George Soros worked with the Hitler regime and called it this ” the best days of his life.”
Then came here and started supporting.. gays, socialist propaganda, drug use, harvesting (Afghanistan ) and distributing and perversion.
It is not very well known but Hitler was collaborating with the zionist jews because they both wanted the same thing. That thing being getting the jews out of Germany. Hitler wanted them out because they were destroying his nation and the zionists wanted them out in order to form a new jewish state.
Strange bedfellows indeed.
They just put a 90 year old world war II German camp guard on trial.. bout time to come get old George.
I know …I know… don’t hold your breath. He financed the overthrow of the US government in 2008 and placed (financed ) another, foreign national, criminal, to become POTUS .. Now he owns Us..’ lock-stock & barrel .’
He’s not going any where… We are.
Right to the bottom of the Democrats ‘Socialist Sewer!’
Busta Myth
Oh dear
Watch the video I linked if you want to know the truth. Hellstorm is another good one. I used to call people racist nazis for defending Hitler but that was just me demonstrating my ignorance at the time.
let me ask you this. Is it possible for white people to be racist against other white people? The answer is self evident. Antisemitism was just a slur meant to prevent anyone from questioning the lies.
Watch for the total solar eclipse on March 8th at 19 degrees Pisces. Many political leaders around the world will begin to step down and I think some many be assassinated. The Sun represents authority here on Earth and when the moon fully eclipses it, authority will disappear in many, many places. It happens in Obama’s first house of how the world sees him. He will be eclipsed, so to speak.
Why do you think Mookie’s Mama has been living at the White House under it’s scrutiny and protection all this time. With her dubious past and everything she knows, she must be kept on a VERY short leash. Wouldn’t take much for a White House butler, cleaning or laundry person, or kitchen person to pick up DNA samples from ALL of them for comparison. THEN we will find out who was born as what, and if ANY of them are related.
With cameras in every room it would be impossible to even get fingerprints from a glass onto scotch tape. The help must go thru monitors upon entering and exiting everyday. Not as simple as you think. If caught would they be “eliminated”??????????
Even if this article is a rehash of previous articles, it was brought together perfectly, and makes one truly THINK. I have heard all of this before piece by piece, however to have it ALL spelled out in one article is really quite good and extremely thought-provoking! Whatever our government is hiding from us; they have done a great job, however their web is becoming unraveled and quickly too. Americans are waking up and starting to piece the whole thing together.
The pieces are coming together nicely for the Elite and we are marching on like sheeple to the slaughter of the New World Order. Just blindly following our government and the world; not asking questions and relying on our cellphones; our iPods; our reality TV; our sports teams. Relying on EVERYTHING OTHER than the one who craves relationship with us…..
God created you to know him personally. Psalm 139:13-14 “You created every part of me and put me together in my mother’s womb.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for our Sin.. For the wages of sin is death. He died in our place
Romans 5:8 “But God showed hsi great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while were still yet sinners.”
He rose from the dead:
1 Corinthians 15: 3-6 “Christ died for our sins.. he was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day…He was seen by Peter and then by the twelve apostles.. After that he was seen by more than five hundred”
Through Jesus alone we can know God personally and experience God’s love.
John 4: 6 “Jesus said to them, ‘ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
We must believe in and receive Christ.
John 1:12 “to all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God. All they had to do was to trust and believe in Jesus to be saved.”
We receive Christ by FAITH
God promised eternal life to all who receive Christ
1 John 5: 12-13 “Whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have His Son, does not have life. I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”
Leroy Winston
Mister Texas Sprouts
Nonono, no thank you. God bless YOU…… if that makes you happy
thank God for that. I was still under the illusion that thousands died on September 11 and some building were destroyed. it’s good to know it was only a hoax, just a drill and everyone is fine. why didn’t they just tell us in the first place?
the hoax was the story attached to the controlled demolition, dumbass.
I really don’t think the CIA is on Our side anymore… I know the ‘corrupt’ Federal Justice Dept , the Roberts Supreme’s and IRS, is not…. add Hollywood and the ‘race-baiting’ (AP) ‘left-stream’ Media to this list.
At one time.. when a people like Obama, Bernie, Reid, Pelosi, Soros (pervert) Bill and Killary started destroying and dividing Our great nation..we could rely on them to eliminate the source. If they were on Our side.. they would have eliminated this destructive regime of criminal’s.. long ago!
When Barry appointed a Islamic Muslim as director of the CIA… I knew it was over.
I read things like this and I just have to assume this whole post was written in irony. As in: this is my thought experiment on how many stupid things I can say in one post and how many people will give me a thumbs up.
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
Not quite. Here’s how it really goes (rough outline, not in chronological order):
Cocaine hits America.
Politicians want money so the align with cocaine kingpins like Pablo Escobar.
Pablo Escobar is aligned with Castro and develops friendships with enemy leaders.
They all became (rich) friends and the gullible (weak) American leaders think it’s going to last forever.
Owens murders Mark Chapman, aka John Hinkley Jr which is witnessed by Abel Danger’s daughter, Jennifoer Potter.
Owens murders both Chapman and Potter.
Potter, having bombed a south Florida passenger airline for which he worked, in unable to prosecute or expose.
Potter also becomes involved in the murder of a fake Gorbechev and relies on this assassination and is now “Untouchable.”
Owens, who orchastrated the first Gorbechev assassination, in now introduced to Hillary Clinton who also is standing down.
Owens, Bush Jr, and Gorbechev leave the dinner party, Bush, Jr being none the wiser that he is traveling with the real Gorbechev and drunk off of his ass, finds himself confronted by the truth disclosed by a deadly Owens in the back seat, and crashed the vehicle.
Gorbechev is shot by (Biden?) who is traveling in a vehicle behind with Mike Volin (Who along with Mike ZulloMoore desperately tries to deny that Owens even exists) upon Owens’s urging to murder the Russian general.
Hillary Clinton retaliates by ordering the murder of (Biden?) which Owens refuses to do. Owens’ partner and two time husband Rivi Ayala (Cocaine Cowboys), is not so reluctant.
In the meantime the enemies like Pablo Escobar gather information which includes the murder of Adam Walsh.
Owens, a resident of Conway, Arkansas and killer of both Hoffa and JFK, Jr. (home of Larry Nichols with whom she has a brief affair), after traveling from Florida to Arkansas with her boyfriend who “conveniently” landed a job with Ward Oil Company, asks Bill Clinton for help.
Bill Clinton, a serial rapist, dishes out his own form of justice (rape and torture) and joins Pablo Escobar’s South Florida group.
Pablo Escobar is only too happy to add corrupt politicians to his ever growing list of loyal supporters.
Loyal supporters like George and Jeb Bush kill federal agents while pretending to further the goals of the DEA.
Pablo and company, now dominating South Florida airways (911 pilots reportedly train one town over in LaBelle) begin installing mini submarines in the Rim Canal of Lake Okeechobee unchecked by the Reagan (I’m standing down because of my boo boo) administration.
Owens is ordered to bomb Napoles which is located in Pablo Escobar’s and Owens’ hometown of Clewiston, Florida which happens to be centered in over one million acres of sugar cane coveted by Fidel Castro and company.
The bombing (successful) is actually a sham and Pablo escapes to West Palm Beach.
Pablo Escobar and company bide their time saying, “If it keeps going like this, one day we will own your country,” meaning the hispanic New World Order (and company).
Owens earns a degree in journalism and nearly murdered two weeks into her first reporting job.
Owens takes the hint and assures the cartel that her degree was just a precursor to her studies in Advertising.
Pablo Escobar and Nancy Owens (Adam’s kidnapper) forge her brother (Allen Owens aka Obama) birth certificates in order to put a king on the American throne.
Owens heads to Gainesville for her studies and ends up murdering Tiffany Sessions and several other college students which are dubbed “The Gainesville Slayings” and pinned on Danny Rollings who was Sessions partner and now becomes Owens’ partner for a short period of time.
Owens partners up with Sonny Barger, Jr and she buries a butcher knife in Escobar eight weeks after the birth of her first child whom Escobar had forbidden be allowed to birth.
Owens guts him and then decides to cut out his heart to make sure he is unable to be resuscitated.
Bill Clinton, the fake, claims Escobar’s murder three years later.
Volin and company take down the fake Bill Clinton (underestimating the south Florida backwoods hicks) with the blue dress which had his semen DNA from 1982 just as the new technology breaks into the mainstream.
Owens, having been brutally raped by Volin, refuses to testify and Monica LOU (Hendry) N Is Key steps in.
Owens, one of the killers of Hendry County Sheriff Sermon Dyess, Sr, murders the son former sheriff Sermon Dyess, Jr which is when the Pablo Escobar murder is disclosed to the HCSO.
Three months before 911 Owens, Barger, Jr. are on a prison construction project housing her former/current? husband Rivi Ayala in Arcadia, Florida under a Mims Steel erection company. (ISI?)
For the full background stories on video go here:
I am currently working on several books documenting the early years of Pablo Escobar, Rivi Ayala, myself, the American Castros and Obama Owens.
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
Jumbled, I know. But, I’m working on these books as I have just stated and it will make sense once it’s all jotted down in an orderly fashion. It covers forty years so it will take time and a whole lot of patience.
Leroy Winston
Why not put this into an article?
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
I think I will. It’ll take me a few days, possibly weeks, to explain it fully in an article.
Let me quote my favorite duo:
“You believe me Scully?”
“No Mulder! You’re Batcrap Crazy.”
I assume you’re self publishing.
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
No. The publishers all want the Pablo Escobar story so I will address this once the book(s) are done.
Pablo Escobar lived quite comfortably in South Florida (Sugar cane) in the early 80′s contrary to what the Bush crime family would have you believe.
Ha… ‘The publishers.’ That’s a good one. Again this must be irony when you use the phrase ‘contrary to what the Bush crime family would have you believe.’ I mean coming from you? That’s rich.
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
Why do you think Jeb Bush is loosing? It’s not just because he’s a imbecile. Even that imbecile managed to become “governor” of Florida.
Nobody likes learning that Jeb and George Bush killed military leaders to impress Pablo Escobar.
They certainly had no idea what Gorbechev was doing in South Florida and only became privy to that info through myself and John Gotti.
Leroy Winston
Don’t listen to cranky old captainaubrey – s/he’s possibly just a jaded and disillusioned failed-author who didn’t make the grade, and now thinks it’s his/her duty to pour scorn on the efforts of others.
His/her self esteem probably took a battering from repeated failure and rejection, and now s/he thinks it is impossible for anyone to publish.
I think I love you! Ive been seeing your comments a lot and and like to think I have a good sense of recognizing sincerity. Was wondering why you werent posting articles and then you tell us you are working on books. Awesome. hope to read them. Keep it up.
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
I’ve been writing down every memory that I could and have sorted out one book for publication which is the Obama Forgery. However, publishers don’t want that one right now. They want Pablo Escobar, period. So, I have to sort out the events with Pablo from the events with Griselda Blanco, and the events with my husband/former husband Rivi Ayala and, finally, the two Dyess Sheriffs. Not easy and it’s definitely taking up all of my time.
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
By the way, those three grey buildings were located in South Bay, Florida, just on the other side of Clewiston and were burned to delete evidence of Pablo Escobars domain one town over in Clewiston Florida.
It was a short time after the bombing of Pablo Escobar’s Napoloes.
They were torched under the orders of Hendry County Sheriff Sermon Dyess, Jr. who was later convicted of protecting the Medellin Cartel.
I myself threw one of the torches which was a glass bottle filled with a flammable and a cloth which was ignited just prior to tossing.
I sincerely suggest that you get some professional help. There is a life worth living outside of your own delusions. Some therapy, some medications and you might actually be able to face reality.
The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens
They lie. We clarify.
doggy do
Please don’t be an idiot with photoshopped photos, and stupidity. There’s enough of that on BIS already.
This would make a great movie, so I’ll wait for it instead of reading to the end.
King of Shambhala
Ignore the false christs in the comments here.
None of them are revealing the Antichrist Obama and the Apocalypse like I am.
In Obama’s hometown the day after his election, the lottery drew the Number of the Antichrist 666.
King of Shambhala
I don’t know if you know.
It’s our DUTY to reveal the Apocalypse everywhere in the world and do it fast now.
doggy do
Blah blah blah and more blah
King Of Jambalamba
get raped by Muslims taking over your country.
Leroy Winston
Er is this one of your fantasies Mister King?
Wikileaks and social media and we still can’t leak a “fake terrorist attack” after 15 years? 15 years, man. Perhaps time to let this one go.
King Of Jambalamba
maybe its time to let your sex slaves go from your moms basement! poor hamsters!
Leroy Winston
Maybe… no, definitely, classic case of what is referred to as “projecting”: you insult others with adolescent accusations which actually reflect your own life.
In other words, what you say pertains to your own life. Your words hold a mirror up and we can see you reflected back.
So, anything you want to share with your BIN family?
So far we know you live with your mom, most likely in her basement. You have a keen interest in pornography, and very likely harbour some taboo-level fetishes.
Sick freak
Maybe they can make Barry and Wookie disappear but they’re going to have to break out the old black light to remove all the evidence from Reggie, and Barry’s other “playmates”, from every “nook and cranny” The place will probably light up like a 70′s psychedelic poster shop at midnight.
Hey, Jimi, Elvis, Janice, Jim, D.B. , Amelia, It’s Me and Wookie !! Let’s get this party started !!
This thread is worse than the brown acid at Woodstock.
This informant is SO sick… – so terrified of losing his guns he dreams us these trash conspiracies
What you don’t seem to realise is that the TRUTH will always come out in the end. No amount of lies and fabricating will make what you say real – so you are wasting your time. You can’t hang onto your guns because your young are being slaughtered so you dream up all this weird sick stuff hoping you can keep them that way.
You need to grow up and give up your evil toys once and for all
If the sh!t don’t hit the fan pretty soon………….I can not see it not happening. The American people are finally starting to wake up to the 911 government joke. Wow is it not about time? Just how long will we pretend it didn’t happen for real and is a government agenda. The proof is so over whelming about that day. Just take the first step, that’s all you need to do ……..take the first step and open your eyes. Once you start to spend some time to look up stuff and do some reading it all comes natural. No more hiding…to many people died that day for us to just sit back and believe the bull sh!t that we were told in the government report.
Iv’e never heard an arse speaking and making so much sense before in my life.
C.C. Forche
THE author is Barry Soreto ,this is Barack Obama and esq. means attorney google it
C.C. Forche
You are saying this was all written by Barack Obama himself? Barry Soreto is his name used in College and esq. means attorney. Does everyone know this?
Daniel Jackson
Well it was captivating to read to say the least. Whatever the truth to things are today we may never know especially if Obama and NATO keep pressuring Putin in the world stage. We might not ever get a chance to learn the truth to things if we are crawling around in caves in a post apocalyptic world.
This lying, foreign national, Islamic ‘Brotherhood’ Muslim ‘terrorist’, criminal, POTUS need to be arrested, imprisioned or deported…ASAP!
With all this documented proof.. anyone that thinks otherwise is looking mighty uninformed, illiterate and ‘third world’ STUPID! .. That goes for you too, Bill O’ Reilly
The World knows… which really makes you Obamatards look might stupid!..List of some of the Obamatards: Hollywood, ‘race-baiting’ (AP) ‘left-stream’ Media, Hawaii, the ‘corrupt’ Federal Justice Dept.& IRS, the Roberts Supreme’s and the Democratic ‘Socialist’ Party… How proud you must be!
Undeniably Brilliant… Well done Barry Soetoro Esq!
Yo Mister The Equalizer – what is “undeniably brilliant”?
It’s closer to the truth than most. However, it implies that the Bush family orchestrated Obama’s rise to power.
It tries to imply that the Bush family has control of this situation.
Obama came to power through Pablo Escobar (Castro) and company.
I forged his birth certificates and am one of the few survivors who know the exact details.
It’s design is to pave the way for a Cuban King on the American throne so that Castros can own the south Floridian sugar cane fields already owned by the Mott family.
Thankfully, we have Trump for the block.
Yo Mista. Me Mr. Won Hung lo. How’s it hangin’ Me have lots money gold natl bank ghana. you help get i give u reward . It is about as truthful as the report above. I thought Obama was going to buy a palace in Egypt? You people amaze me. No, wait, on second thought, you don’t. You fulfill my expectations here on BIS.
I have two problems with this article though I agree with much of it. My first problem is his constant use of the word, “fake,” to describe 9/11. There was nothing fake about 9/11 in that 3,000 innocent people died. Fake implies a hoax such as Sandy Hook where no one died. Of course, the official story is total BS from start to finish. Probably the closest we can get to the truth behind 9/11 is Rebekah Roth’s two books and defrocked professor of material engineering, Judy Wood’s epic and meticulously constructed classic, “Where Did the Towers Go?” Sandy Hook was a FEMA/DHS drill that the presstitute media portray as real. Likewise, the Boston Marathon was a total hoax. Nobody died or was wounded. All crisis actors. The kid on death row is a total patsy. Jim Fetzer, et. al., proved this beyond the slightest reasonable doubt with his book, “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,” which Amazon banned but is available now as a free ebook.
Second, his idealization of media constructed fantasy heroes such as Chuck Norris. Norris is an idiot. But at least he had a serious skill, unlike John Wayne, who was a skilless bag of rotting meat. True grit indeed, but only on the silver screen. Perhaps we should elect Batman.
??? If you think this 2 year old article is New(s) it’s time to remove your heads from that ostrich hole
I know Mister Wong should not like this article, but for some reason Mister Wong does
Personally I don’t care if it is a re-hashed article from the past, it’s still good; the narrative approach works well, and it could form the basis of a black comedy (no pun intended) /farce thriller. It’s got the characters, the plot, the mystery.
Go on, someone write 9-11 The Story
AH Ha ! The Troll is back with his Commie dsinformation speak….
Ditch the suit Boet it gives away your claim to fame Dude !
Un-De-Twot of North Korea carries that distibction.
You know that Chinese Puppet….
But please do continue….
This is so much fun !
Yo Boet
Remind me again, what were you trying to say? did you have a point or were you just trying to make noises with words to sound important and mysterious?
Anyway, nice to see you “back” (? where have you been? oh do tell, I am interested, not), and making sense as ever (not)! Who are you anyway ….not, nah, in fact, I don’t care
Mister Wong: reminder pick up dry cleaning
Good stuff to ponder, but Hitler wasn’t evil. He was cleaning house and ridding Germany of the evil that the fake Jews were spreading throughout his country just as they have spread throughout the Soviet Union (which was created and run by jews), the US and most of the so called civilized world.
He was burning gay and socialist propaganda and pornography and deporting all of the socialists and perverts.
He didn’t gas anyone. Those were just lies spouted by the khazarian jewish press in order to gain support for the war. Unfortunately, he lost so the lies stuck.
If he had won the war we would be free from the federal reserve and all of the perverse propaganda that we are constantly bombarded with in the US.
Good stuff to ponder, but Hitler wasn’t evil. He was cleaning house and ridding Germany of the evil that the fake Jews were spreading throughout his country just as they have spread throughout the Soviet Union (which was created and run by jews), the US and most of the so called civilized world.
He was burning gay and socialist propaganda and pornography and deporting all of the socialists and perverts.
He didn’t gas anyone. Those were just lies spouted by the khazarian jewish press in order to gain support for the war. Unfortunately, he lost so the lies stuck.
If he had won the war we would be free from the federal reserve and all of the perverse propaganda that we are constantly bombarded with in the US.
I understand your thoughts regarding Hitler after reading “mein kampf” Hitler often expressed his dedication and love for the “The great German mother country” a pride and love that has been removed from America’s youth and immigrants who occupy the US. This “decay” brought about through liberal socialist propaganda & as Dr. Ben Carson explains… politically correct “brainwashing”.
Ditto with the politically correct brainwashing of Ted Cruz. The immense lies perpetrated upon Cruz are despicable. The establishment hates Cruz. does not want him to win, doing everything possible to spread treacherous dishonest stories. The Goldman Sacs loan was paid off. His wife’s job had no more privilege than a bank teller. My husband was a bank VP for 20 years and had NO authority what so ever. Ted’s dad WAS A BOY 17 years old thinking Castro would be better than Battista. When he discovered he was wrong about Castro he fled Cuba and went to Texas. Ted’s mother was born in America and an American citizen. Ted checked out his qualifications to run for president TWO years ago and was OK’d. Cruz has fought tooth and nail against the establishment. As for amnesty he said no and in a talking point he stated if you give them amnesty then do NOT give them full voting privileges. But the main stream media takes what he says and splices down…then twists it to fit their stinking politically correct agenda and make Cruz look like a dishonest crook. Whereas Cruz is the MOST honest of them all. Cruz exposed the criminal congress. Cruz has stood and fought time and again winning every case he presented to the Supreme Court….for “we the people”. It is the gullible that believe the horse manure spewed about him. Cruz is a very good man….the only one that could save our country….the only one. He will not compromise with evil. He knows the Constitution and can recite it. Hence knows the laws and what to do to fix or create a safety net to protect we citizens. Yes he is a talker…so what. Always patient, respectful, thoughtful, and accurate in what he says. Not like the RINO puppets or the overly popular flip flopper democrat but a republican now but yet still a democrat saying he’s a republican. Saying all kinds of things we want to hear and the masses are buying it hook, line and sinker. But this democrat now a republican might tighten the spending but will lead us right into the hands of the NWO. Most web sites ridicule Cruz except Check out the many Cruz videos an open your eyes. Don’t allow another Ross Perot stunt by the MSM to ruin the best candidate. Just look how we have deteriated since Perot didn’t win. If he had won things would be much better.
Yeah, the establishment hates him so much that Goldman-Sachs made his wife a managing director and loaned him a million for his Senate campaign. They hate him so much that they have ignored the fact that he is undeniably ineligible to be president under Article 2, section 1 of the Constitution being born in Canada with non-USA citizen parents. You are a maroooon!
I apologize for the technical difficulties.
Makes you wonder why this foreign national, ‘War’ criminal, George Soros worked with the Hitler regime and called it this ” the best days of his life.”
Then came here and started supporting.. gays, socialist propaganda, drug use, harvesting (Afghanistan ) and distributing and perversion.
It is not very well known but Hitler was collaborating with the zionist jews because they both wanted the same thing. That thing being getting the jews out of Germany. Hitler wanted them out because they were destroying his nation and the zionists wanted them out in order to form a new jewish state.
Strange bedfellows indeed.
They just put a 90 year old world war II German camp guard on trial.. bout time to come get old George.
I know …I know… don’t hold your breath. He financed the overthrow of the US government in 2008 and placed (financed ) another, foreign national, criminal, to become POTUS .. Now he owns Us..’ lock-stock & barrel .’
He’s not going any where… We are.
Right to the bottom of the Democrats ‘Socialist Sewer!’
Oh dear
Watch the video I linked if you want to know the truth. Hellstorm is another good one. I used to call people racist nazis for defending Hitler but that was just me demonstrating my ignorance at the time.
let me ask you this. Is it possible for white people to be racist against other white people? The answer is self evident. Antisemitism was just a slur meant to prevent anyone from questioning the lies.
Watch for the total solar eclipse on March 8th at 19 degrees Pisces. Many political leaders around the world will begin to step down and I think some many be assassinated. The Sun represents authority here on Earth and when the moon fully eclipses it, authority will disappear in many, many places. It happens in Obama’s first house of how the world sees him. He will be eclipsed, so to speak.
Why do you think Mookie’s Mama has been living at the White House under it’s scrutiny and protection all this time. With her dubious past and everything she knows, she must be kept on a VERY short leash. Wouldn’t take much for a White House butler, cleaning or laundry person, or kitchen person to pick up DNA samples from ALL of them for comparison. THEN we will find out who was born as what, and if ANY of them are related.
With cameras in every room it would be impossible to even get fingerprints from a glass onto scotch tape. The help must go thru monitors upon entering and exiting everyday. Not as simple as you think. If caught would they be “eliminated”??????????
Even if this article is a rehash of previous articles, it was brought together perfectly, and makes one truly THINK. I have heard all of this before piece by piece, however to have it ALL spelled out in one article is really quite good and extremely thought-provoking! Whatever our government is hiding from us; they have done a great job, however their web is becoming unraveled and quickly too. Americans are waking up and starting to piece the whole thing together.
The pieces are coming together nicely for the Elite and we are marching on like sheeple to the slaughter of the New World Order. Just blindly following our government and the world; not asking questions and relying on our cellphones; our iPods; our reality TV; our sports teams. Relying on EVERYTHING OTHER than the one who craves relationship with us…..
God created you to know him personally. Psalm 139:13-14 “You created every part of me and put me together in my mother’s womb.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for our Sin.. For the wages of sin is death. He died in our place
Romans 5:8 “But God showed hsi great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while were still yet sinners.”
He rose from the dead:
1 Corinthians 15: 3-6 “Christ died for our sins.. he was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day…He was seen by Peter and then by the twelve apostles.. After that he was seen by more than five hundred”
Through Jesus alone we can know God personally and experience God’s love.
John 4: 6 “Jesus said to them, ‘ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
We must believe in and receive Christ.
John 1:12 “to all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God. All they had to do was to trust and believe in Jesus to be saved.”
We receive Christ by FAITH
God promised eternal life to all who receive Christ
1 John 5: 12-13 “Whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have His Son, does not have life. I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”
Mister Texas Sprouts
Nonono, no thank you. God bless YOU…… if that makes you happy
thank God for that. I was still under the illusion that thousands died on September 11 and some building were destroyed. it’s good to know it was only a hoax, just a drill and everyone is fine. why didn’t they just tell us in the first place?
the hoax was the story attached to the controlled demolition, dumbass.
I really don’t think the CIA is on Our side anymore… I know the ‘corrupt’ Federal Justice Dept , the Roberts Supreme’s and IRS, is not…. add Hollywood and the ‘race-baiting’ (AP) ‘left-stream’ Media to this list.
At one time.. when a people like Obama, Bernie, Reid, Pelosi, Soros (pervert) Bill and Killary started destroying and dividing Our great nation..we could rely on them to eliminate the source. If they were on Our side.. they would have eliminated this destructive regime of criminal’s.. long ago!
When Barry appointed a Islamic Muslim as director of the CIA… I knew it was over.
I read things like this and I just have to assume this whole post was written in irony. As in: this is my thought experiment on how many stupid things I can say in one post and how many people will give me a thumbs up.
Not quite. Here’s how it really goes (rough outline, not in chronological order):
Cocaine hits America.
Politicians want money so the align with cocaine kingpins like Pablo Escobar.
Pablo Escobar is aligned with Castro and develops friendships with enemy leaders.
They all became (rich) friends and the gullible (weak) American leaders think it’s going to last forever.
Owens murders Mark Chapman, aka John Hinkley Jr which is witnessed by Abel Danger’s daughter, Jennifoer Potter.
Owens murders both Chapman and Potter.
Potter, having bombed a south Florida passenger airline for which he worked, in unable to prosecute or expose.
Potter also becomes involved in the murder of a fake Gorbechev and relies on this assassination and is now “Untouchable.”
Owens, who orchastrated the first Gorbechev assassination, in now introduced to Hillary Clinton who also is standing down.
Owens, Bush Jr, and Gorbechev leave the dinner party, Bush, Jr being none the wiser that he is traveling with the real Gorbechev and drunk off of his ass, finds himself confronted by the truth disclosed by a deadly Owens in the back seat, and crashed the vehicle.
Gorbechev is shot by (Biden?) who is traveling in a vehicle behind with Mike Volin (Who along with Mike ZulloMoore desperately tries to deny that Owens even exists) upon Owens’s urging to murder the Russian general.
Hillary Clinton retaliates by ordering the murder of (Biden?) which Owens refuses to do. Owens’ partner and two time husband Rivi Ayala (Cocaine Cowboys), is not so reluctant.
In the meantime the enemies like Pablo Escobar gather information which includes the murder of Adam Walsh.
Owens, a resident of Conway, Arkansas and killer of both Hoffa and JFK, Jr. (home of Larry Nichols with whom she has a brief affair), after traveling from Florida to Arkansas with her boyfriend who “conveniently” landed a job with Ward Oil Company, asks Bill Clinton for help.
Bill Clinton, a serial rapist, dishes out his own form of justice (rape and torture) and joins Pablo Escobar’s South Florida group.
Pablo Escobar is only too happy to add corrupt politicians to his ever growing list of loyal supporters.
Loyal supporters like George and Jeb Bush kill federal agents while pretending to further the goals of the DEA.
Pablo and company, now dominating South Florida airways (911 pilots reportedly train one town over in LaBelle) begin installing mini submarines in the Rim Canal of Lake Okeechobee unchecked by the Reagan (I’m standing down because of my boo boo) administration.
Owens is ordered to bomb Napoles which is located in Pablo Escobar’s and Owens’ hometown of Clewiston, Florida which happens to be centered in over one million acres of sugar cane coveted by Fidel Castro and company.
The bombing (successful) is actually a sham and Pablo escapes to West Palm Beach.
Pablo Escobar and company bide their time saying, “If it keeps going like this, one day we will own your country,” meaning the hispanic New World Order (and company).
Owens earns a degree in journalism and nearly murdered two weeks into her first reporting job.
Owens takes the hint and assures the cartel that her degree was just a precursor to her studies in Advertising.
Pablo Escobar and Nancy Owens (Adam’s kidnapper) forge her brother (Allen Owens aka Obama) birth certificates in order to put a king on the American throne.
Owens heads to Gainesville for her studies and ends up murdering Tiffany Sessions and several other college students which are dubbed “The Gainesville Slayings” and pinned on Danny Rollings who was Sessions partner and now becomes Owens’ partner for a short period of time.
Owens partners up with Sonny Barger, Jr and she buries a butcher knife in Escobar eight weeks after the birth of her first child whom Escobar had forbidden be allowed to birth.
Owens guts him and then decides to cut out his heart to make sure he is unable to be resuscitated.
Bill Clinton, the fake, claims Escobar’s murder three years later.
Volin and company take down the fake Bill Clinton (underestimating the south Florida backwoods hicks) with the blue dress which had his semen DNA from 1982 just as the new technology breaks into the mainstream.
Owens, having been brutally raped by Volin, refuses to testify and Monica LOU (Hendry) N Is Key steps in.
Owens, one of the killers of Hendry County Sheriff Sermon Dyess, Sr, murders the son former sheriff Sermon Dyess, Jr which is when the Pablo Escobar murder is disclosed to the HCSO.
Three months before 911 Owens, Barger, Jr. are on a prison construction project housing her former/current? husband Rivi Ayala in Arcadia, Florida under a Mims Steel erection company. (ISI?)
For the full background stories on video go here:
For the video that Mike Volin and MikeZulloMoore are trying to keep hidden Go here:
For pictures of Owens compared to the girl in the Obama photo, go here:
I am currently working on several books documenting the early years of Pablo Escobar, Rivi Ayala, myself, the American Castros and Obama Owens.
Jumbled, I know. But, I’m working on these books as I have just stated and it will make sense once it’s all jotted down in an orderly fashion. It covers forty years so it will take time and a whole lot of patience.
Why not put this into an article?
I think I will. It’ll take me a few days, possibly weeks, to explain it fully in an article.
Let me quote my favorite duo:
“You believe me Scully?”
“No Mulder! You’re Batcrap Crazy.”
I assume you’re self publishing.
No. The publishers all want the Pablo Escobar story so I will address this once the book(s) are done.
Pablo Escobar lived quite comfortably in South Florida (Sugar cane) in the early 80′s contrary to what the Bush crime family would have you believe.
Ha… ‘The publishers.’ That’s a good one. Again this must be irony when you use the phrase ‘contrary to what the Bush crime family would have you believe.’ I mean coming from you? That’s rich.
Why do you think Jeb Bush is loosing? It’s not just because he’s a imbecile. Even that imbecile managed to become “governor” of Florida.
Nobody likes learning that Jeb and George Bush killed military leaders to impress Pablo Escobar.
They certainly had no idea what Gorbechev was doing in South Florida and only became privy to that info through myself and John Gotti.
Don’t listen to cranky old captainaubrey – s/he’s possibly just a jaded and disillusioned failed-author who didn’t make the grade, and now thinks it’s his/her duty to pour scorn on the efforts of others.
His/her self esteem probably took a battering from repeated failure and rejection, and now s/he thinks it is impossible for anyone to publish.
I think I love you! Ive been seeing your comments a lot and and like to think I have a good sense of recognizing sincerity. Was wondering why you werent posting articles and then you tell us you are working on books. Awesome. hope to read them. Keep it up.
I’ve been writing down every memory that I could and have sorted out one book for publication which is the Obama Forgery. However, publishers don’t want that one right now. They want Pablo Escobar, period. So, I have to sort out the events with Pablo from the events with Griselda Blanco, and the events with my husband/former husband Rivi Ayala and, finally, the two Dyess Sheriffs. Not easy and it’s definitely taking up all of my time.
By the way, those three grey buildings were located in South Bay, Florida, just on the other side of Clewiston and were burned to delete evidence of Pablo Escobars domain one town over in Clewiston Florida.
It was a short time after the bombing of Pablo Escobar’s Napoloes.
They were torched under the orders of Hendry County Sheriff Sermon Dyess, Jr. who was later convicted of protecting the Medellin Cartel.
I myself threw one of the torches which was a glass bottle filled with a flammable and a cloth which was ignited just prior to tossing.
I sincerely suggest that you get some professional help. There is a life worth living outside of your own delusions. Some therapy, some medications and you might actually be able to face reality.
They lie. We clarify.
Please don’t be an idiot with photoshopped photos, and stupidity. There’s enough of that on BIS already.
This would make a great movie, so I’ll wait for it instead of reading to the end.
Ignore the false christs in the comments here.
None of them are revealing the Antichrist Obama and the Apocalypse like I am.
In Obama’s hometown the day after his election, the lottery drew the Number of the Antichrist 666.
I don’t know if you know.
It’s our DUTY to reveal the Apocalypse everywhere in the world and do it fast now.
Blah blah blah and more blah
get raped by Muslims taking over your country.
Er is this one of your fantasies Mister King?
Wikileaks and social media and we still can’t leak a “fake terrorist attack” after 15 years? 15 years, man. Perhaps time to let this one go.
maybe its time to let your sex slaves go from your moms basement! poor hamsters!
Maybe… no, definitely, classic case of what is referred to as “projecting”: you insult others with adolescent accusations which actually reflect your own life.
In other words, what you say pertains to your own life. Your words hold a mirror up and we can see you reflected back.
So, anything you want to share with your BIN family?
So far we know you live with your mom, most likely in her basement. You have a keen interest in pornography, and very likely harbour some taboo-level fetishes.
Sick freak
Maybe they can make Barry and Wookie disappear but they’re going to have to break out the old black light to remove all the evidence from Reggie, and Barry’s other “playmates”, from every “nook and cranny” The place will probably light up like a 70′s psychedelic poster shop at midnight.
Hey, Jimi, Elvis, Janice, Jim, D.B. , Amelia, It’s Me and Wookie !! Let’s get this party started !!
This thread is worse than the brown acid at Woodstock.
This informant is SO sick… – so terrified of losing his guns he dreams us these trash conspiracies
What you don’t seem to realise is that the TRUTH will always come out in the end. No amount of lies and fabricating will make what you say real – so you are wasting your time. You can’t hang onto your guns because your young are being slaughtered so you dream up all this weird sick stuff hoping you can keep them that way.
You need to grow up and give up your evil toys once and for all
If the sh!t don’t hit the fan pretty soon………….I can not see it not happening. The American people are finally starting to wake up to the 911 government joke. Wow is it not about time? Just how long will we pretend it didn’t happen for real and is a government agenda. The proof is so over whelming about that day. Just take the first step, that’s all you need to do ……..take the first step and open your eyes. Once you start to spend some time to look up stuff and do some reading it all comes natural. No more hiding…to many people died that day for us to just sit back and believe the bull sh!t that we were told in the government report.
Iv’e never heard an arse speaking and making so much sense before in my life.
THE author is Barry Soreto ,this is Barack Obama and esq. means attorney google it
You are saying this was all written by Barack Obama himself? Barry Soreto is his name used in College and esq. means attorney. Does everyone know this?
Well it was captivating to read to say the least. Whatever the truth to things are today we may never know especially if Obama and NATO keep pressuring Putin in the world stage. We might not ever get a chance to learn the truth to things if we are crawling around in caves in a post apocalyptic world.
This lying, foreign national, Islamic ‘Brotherhood’ Muslim ‘terrorist’, criminal, POTUS need to be arrested, imprisioned or deported…ASAP!
With all this documented proof.. anyone that thinks otherwise is looking mighty uninformed, illiterate and ‘third world’ STUPID! .. That goes for you too, Bill O’ Reilly
The World knows… which really makes you Obamatards look might stupid!..List of some of the Obamatards: Hollywood, ‘race-baiting’ (AP) ‘left-stream’ Media, Hawaii, the ‘corrupt’ Federal Justice Dept.& IRS, the Roberts Supreme’s and the Democratic ‘Socialist’ Party… How proud you must be!
Try this: