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Obama Is Finished: A Color Revolution Finally Coming To America ... Planned For This Fall Of 2016

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today


The Obamanation:
How One President
Irreparably Destroyed


An Open Letter to President Barack Obama

Regarding the Unprecedented Number of Presidential Fiascos, Governmental Failures and Fabricated False Flag Operations During Your Presidency

Written by Concerned Citizens of the USA in view of a nation wrecked and ruined beyond repair


Dear President Obama,

We are the citizens of the United States of America who listened to your campaign message of “HOPE and CHANGE” in 2008.  We are also in close touch with the peoples of the world, throughout nations large and small, near and far, who have suffered tremendously during your two terms in office.

War, not Peace

We then watched you receive a Nobel Peace Prize before you performed even a single act of peacemaking?

Your first presidential initiative after receiving the ‘prize’ was to send 30,000 more troops into the already destroyed and defenseless country of Afghanistan which never committed any offense toward the USA or her allies.

Your second major war initiative was to greatly intensify the unlawful extra-judicial drone assassination program against the powerless tribal people of Pakistan.  Not only have thousands of innocents been killed there, yet another nation has become the victim of an unprovoked U.S. war of aggression.  Somalia and Yemen have suffered the same fate — the massacre of women and children, ailing and elderly — over the course of your two terms.

You continued this policy of ‘hope and change’ by initiating or participating in new devastating wars in Libya and Syria, as well as re-engaging the war in Iraq.  All three of these nations have been literally transformed into post-apocalyptic wastelands on the basis of fighting international terrorism.  Ditto that for the numerous proxy wars that you have stealthily launched throughout Africa where the CIA has created one national disaster after another.

Of course, nobody mentions that it was U.S. military aggression which created the ideal environment for terrorists groups to form in the northern Levant.   And for sure nobody ever makes the mistake of informing the American people that the CIA, DIA, and NSA — working in tandem with MI6, MOSSAD and DGSE — were directly responsible for arming and funding ISIS, al-Nusra, and the many other al-Qaeda offshoots in Syria and elsewhere in the Mideast.   In fact the very same game plan was used as the one that established the original al-Qaeda during the Mujahideen proxy war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan during the 1970s.

Then there is the CIA Torture Report produced by the U.S. Senate.  As the perennial provocateur operating in every country on Earth, this thoroughly rogue organization has been empowered by the White House to continue down its path of death and destruction. As if the Senate report did not clue you into what everyone already knows.  And, yet, you have failed to hold the CIA accountable for even a single transgression of law … any law, many of which they have broken countless times during your tenure.

Economic instability and financial insecurity 

Next up, there is the unprecedented kowtowing to Wall Street which the Executive Branch is now infamous for.  Your last Attorney General — Eric Holder — avoided any and all personal prosecutions of even the most obvious financial wrongdoings, illicit economic activity, as well as the assortment of acts of unconscionable enrichment at the expense of the American people.  Perhaps you just ‘hoped’ that the banksters would ‘change’ … maybe?

Shall we talk about the NSA spying scandal first or the NDAA legislation which only intensified the whole U.S. security and surveillance regime?  That’s right, the indefinite detention of American Citizens is now the rule rather than the rare exception.  It seems that those who schooled you have used the ‘National Security’ excuse more than we can count. Furthermore they have used the same explanation to build the most fearsome and formidable national security state on Earth, bar none.

That you promised to head the most transparent Administration in recent history has proven to be quite the tall tale indeed.  Even the patently false Obamacare promises have turned out to be so much snake oil.  And we mean no disrespect to snake oil.  Seriously, President Obama, you just outright lied to the American people to sell the ACA which was guaranteed to raise premiums for so many financially strapped and out-of-work folks.

Lawlessness and the breakdown of the rule of law

Which brings us to the many violations of federal law and state statutes, financial fiascos and political debacles, sordid scandals and ongoing malfeasance which  have occurred under your watch.  The list is seemingly endless and actually begins with your failure to file your original birth certificate (BC) with the Federal Election Commission.  Surely you know by now how such a deliberate act of negligence set you up for a fall, yes?

Before we discuss your BC further, let’s review just the short list of some of the more obvious examples of presidential misconduct and governmental improprieties which have occurred during the two Obama Administrations.

•  Using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies
•  Reckless and unlawful NSA spying on American citizens and foreign leaders
•  Repeatedly and illegally rewriting the Affordable Healthcare Act
•  Initiating undeclared wars in Libya and Syria
•  Prosecuting illegal wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan
•  Ramping up the unlawful drone assassination program in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
•  Benghazi debacle and cover-up
•  Associated Press reporters’ phone records scandal
•  ATF “Fast and Furious” fiasco
•  HHS Secretary Sebelius solicits large donations from companies to save Obamacare
•  Pigford scandal
•  Immigration Enforcement – relentless subversion by DOJ
•  GSA Administrator resignation in the face of blatant waste of taxpayers’ money
•  Justice Department monitoring reporter James Rosen of FOX News
•  Cash for Clunkers debacle
•  ‘Monsanto Protection Act
•  Indefinite Surveillance via the National Defense Authorization Act
•  Solyndra and other solar company financial scandals
•  BP Gulf oil spill gross misrepresentation and mishandling
•  US Federal Government used to promote the LGBT agenda alienating black churches
•  Zealous advocacy worldwide for gay marriage, especially in conservative Africa
•  Posting a fraudulent and forged copy of Obama birth certificate at
•  Obama’s birth place questioned according to his own Harvard Law Review entry
•  CIA Spying on the Senate
•  Disastrous rollout of Obamacare
•  Orchestrating a violent coup d’état in Kiev throwing the Ukraine into civil war
•  Issuing illegal executive orders to legislate new immigration law without Congressional approval
•  Appointing unqualified candidates to ambassadorships
•  Inflaming racial hatreds in Ferguson, MO and NYC, Sanford, FL and Boston
•  Race-bating whenever it serves the Administration’s narrow political goals
•  Continuous attempts to incite a full-blown national race war
•  Granting police powers to the U.N. within the USA jurisdiction
•  Creating the Islamic State, funding ISIL, arming ISIS and supporting Daesh
•  Execution of the fake Sandy Hook false flag ‘shootings’
•  Implementation of the fabricated San Bernardino false flag shootings
•  Aggressive promotion and approval of the NDAA to ‘legalize’ false flag operations
(Source: Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War)

Are these the consequences of Barack Obama’s hope and change!

Now we turn our attention to the four most calamitous ‘initiatives’ of your Administration.

#1 — Restarting the Cold War with Russia easily ranks as the worst foreign policy disaster of this 3rd millennium.  Provoking a disastrous civil war in the Ukraine and setting up ISIS to prosecute by proxy the Syrian War have proven to be unparalleled and odious war crimes.  Yes, the Iraq War was also a compete catastrophe, but repeatedly poking a justifiably angry bear in the eye served to unsettle the entire world order.  It has also guaranteed the demise of the once Almighty Dollar.  Was this your intention?

#2 — Forcing new immigration law and policy on the nation — without the involvement of and appropriate legislation from Congress — is undoubtedly the most foolhardy domestic endeavor in U.S. history.  We understood that you were a constitutional lawyer of sorts. This colossal blunder has only been further exacerbated by your full intention to proceed without the necessary legislation being approved by Congress.  Isn’t that what the Legislative Branch is supposed to do?  We thought you were a constitutional lawyer? No? Yes?

#3 — Foisting your signature law — Obamacare — on the country during a period of extraordinary economic uncertainty and financial difficulty was as catastrophic as it was insane.  Particularly in view of your total neglect to address the most critical economic issues facing America, do your presidential priorities make no sense.  That federal financial stress is increasing by the second through a burgeoning national debt of upwards of $19 trillion is also quite alarming.

The Company You Keep

You know, President Obama, that a man is known by the company he keeps.  We wonder if perhaps you have over-relied on so many from the Chicago political machine.  Certainly you know that there is no city in the USA that compares to the corruption of Chicago, and that includes New Orleans and Miami.

Likewise, taking foreign policy advice from the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Soros has proven to be disastrous for you, the nation, and the world-at-large.  Cold Warhawks like these two will only siphon off precious little time and money, energy and focus, from so many urgent matters at hand.  There are many other narrow-minded CFR types who have taken over your Administration and seemingly sealed its fate.

Believe it not, we have only just completed the good news.  Now we come to the bad news … very bad news.

You and your Administration have succeeded where even George W. Bush failed miserably. You have revealed the entire Democratic to be nothing but the other side of the U.S. counterfeit political coin.  Where Bush junior was an obvious tyrant, who really acted and looked like one, you presented a ‘good guy’ image.  In so doing you have chased away millions from the Democratic Party, just as Bush did by decimating the Republican Party.

Now that’s NOT a bad thing.  By unveiling the true intentions and MO of the Democrat side of the aisle, many have come to see that there is simply no conscience there … no moral compass at all.  The presidential election of 2012 is a perfect example of this revelation. Your campaign was, by far the dirtiest, ugliest in American history.  Whether the election was literally stolen at the ballot box will probably never be known.  Nonetheless, the outrageous conduct by your campaign forever pushed many a citizen away from the civic duty of voting, as well as the thoroughly corrupt Democrat Party.

What the point here?

Where President Nixon may have undermined faith in the White House, you and your cadre have destroyed all trust between the U.S. Federal Government and We the People. Never has the citizenry been exposed to conduct so unbecoming a President.  Never had the behavior of both a Democratic Senate leader and House leader been so OPENLY dishonorable and PURPOSELY deceptive. Never in US history!

The real problem with that predicament, as well as the way that the Republican majorities in Congress now enable your incompetent and neglectful leadership, is well demonstrated by the following list of your signature achievements.  As follows:

• Relentless Secularization of Society and Removal of God and Prayer from Schools
• Wholesale Abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973 and 58 Million Killings of the Unborn
• Redefinition of Marriage by Unconstitutional SCOTUS Ruling
• Aggressive Imposition of LGBTTTT Agenda Worldwide
• Implementation of Unlawful Immigration Policy and Encouragement of Illegal Aliens
• Legalization of Recreational Marijuana and Promotion of Drug Culture
• Undermining Religious Institutions, Cultural Traditions and Conservative Values
• Promotion of Perpetual War Economy and Endless Subversion of Sovereign Nations
• Restarting the Cold War with Russia and Relentlessly Undermining World Peace
• Unrestrained Spying on U.S. Citizenry and Foreign Governments and Corporations
• Neglecting an Ever-increasing $18.2 Trillion Unsustainable National Debt
• Failure to Prosecute U.S. Government Perpetrators of 9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks
• Covert Geoengineering via Chemtrails and HAARP Intensifying Global Climate Change
• Relentless and Profound Weakening of Necessary Clean Air and Clean Water Acts
• Pushing Draconian Legislation to Make Mandatory Vaccine Programs Law of the Land
• Militarization of Police Departments Nationwide Law and Lethalizing Law Enforcement
• Fomentation of Racial Tensions Toward the Incitement of a Full-blown Race War
• Conducting Military Exercises (Jade Helm) on US Soil in Violation of Posse Comitatus
• Continuation of Dangerous Nuclear Power Generation Despite Fukushima Catastrophe
• Permitting the CIA to Conduct False Flag Attacks and Assassinations (JFK, MLK, RFK)
(Source: The USA Has Become An Obamanation)

Herein lies the crux of this open letter.

More than any president in the history of these United States of America, you have behaved like a king, like a modern despot.  In so doing you have shattered the very system of democratic government that our Founding Fathers conceived and brought into manifestation.  By continually acting like a tyrant, you have repeatedly breached the social contract that exists between the government and the citizenry.  Likewise, you and your appointees have profoundly violated the public trust.

So profoundly has this sacred covenant between We the People and the U.S. Federal Government been broken, that it cannot be repaired.  You have shown us — wittingly or unwittingly — what really goes on behind the curtain.  Once that veil was rent in two for everyone to see, everything has changed.  Again, this is really not bad news as you have served the same function that your predecessor served in illustrating the very worst that government can do.

Exactly what is that?  The only purpose for you and your entire Administration is to protect and safeguard the nation from forces within and without.  To ensure that the affairs of the nation are responsibly administered.  And to serve the populace with honor and integrity by upholding the US Constitution.

Not only have you failed miserably to perform any of these functions, your reckless and neglectful stewardship has left this nation in ruins.  Your utter failure to address the economy in any meaningful way has essentially destroyed the middle class.  All the while you have worked closely with the MSM (mainstream media) to generate volumes of propaganda which have presented the illusion of recovery and prosperity to the American people.  This ongoing deceit will be your undoing.

Yes, the American people have been so dumbed down so that they are unaware of so much societal degradation and economic doldrums.  Nevertheless, they will wake up one day and you will have no place to hide.  The world-at-large already has your number just as the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has twice[1] stated their regret of awarding your prize[2].  So, too, will the U.S. citizenry awaken to the extraordinary tear in the social fabric which was quite deliberately done under your highly destructive presidency.[3]


As previously mentioned, just as George W. Bush exposed the underbelly of the Republican side of the aisle, you have done the same for the Democrat side.  In so doing you have performed a great service to this constitutional republic.  Your treasonous actions have shown the American people that it is time to dissolve the current U.S. Federal Government.  Only in this fashion can there be a fresh start for a nation in desperate need of one.  fresh starting over.

Hence, we take the extremely wise words of John F. Kennedy to heart in this particular regard.  Perhaps you will be out of office for good when the citizens take matters into their own hands.  Regardless, no one will ever forget the ‘great’ service that you so willingly and purposefully performed during your 8 disastrous years as a fundamentally unqualified president.

We now know that real “Hope and Change” will only occur when each and every politician of your ilk has been run out of Washington for good.  The two-party system has thoroughly devastated this nation and you exemplified the very worst that it had to offer.

May you be forever banished from this country during the upcoming Second American Revolution.  And may you be forced to contemplate the profound damage wrought on this constitutional republic throughout your reign.   Thankfully, you have unwittingly reawakened throughout the body politic the primordial desire for a true representative democracy as envisioned by our great Founding Fathers.

Concerned Citizens of the USA
March 18, 2016
State of the Nation

P.S.  It’s quite obvious to the informed electorate that you are merely the frontman for an international crime syndicate that hijacked the American Republic many decades agao. We get that.  The serial criminality and perpetual lawlessness delineated above was the result of the direct orders of your true masters; hence, this tyrannnical regime was foisted upon you from the NWO ruling cabal (aka World Shadow Government).  Nevertheless, you allowed them to use you to deeply betray the American people in ways never seen in U.S. history.


[1] Nobel Peace Committee Wants Obama To Return Peace Prize

[2] Nobel Peace Prize Committee: Former Secretary Says Obama Failed

[3] ObamaNation: Pandering to Illegal Immigration, Homosexuality, Abortion and the Celebrity Culture

[4] Phoenix Sheriff: Obama’s Birth Certificate Is A ‘Fraudulent, Fake Document’


National Socialism: The Striking Similarities Between Obama’s USA And Hitler’s Germany

ObamaNation: Where Lawlessness And Moral Depravity Prevail

Top Obama Appointee: “President Knowingly and Willingly Armed ISIS”

Obama Signs Executive Order To Legalize BLM’s Land Grabs

Recommended Reading

Barack Obama: Manchurian Candidate, CIA Cutout, Or Both

Obama Birth Certificate: Confirmed Forgery According To Top Experts

Deaths connected to the Obama White House

Barack Obama: Guilty Of Conduct Unbecoming Of A U.S. President

Obama’s Unkept Promise to 9/11 Families: Releasing the 28 Pages

Barack Obama’s Harvard Law Review Entry

Video Exposé (MUST View)

Unparalleled Video Exposé of Obama’s 7 Years as POTUS


2016 — A Critical Year! The American People Must Act NOW … Or Face The Consequences Of Electing Treasonous Leadership

2016 in the USA : A 2nd American Revolution, Civil War, or Both


Originally published by SOTN at:

The Obamanation: How One President Irreparably Destroyed The USA | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

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    Total 25 comments
    • Busta Myth

      ” In fact the very same game plan was used as the one that established the original al-Qaeda during the Mujahideen proxy war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan during the 1970s.”

      They were called Hitlers Arab Nazis aka the Muslim Brotherhood under an Egyptian man called AL BANA long before they were called Al Qaeda, Al Nusra or “ISIS”

      The Muslim Brotherhood were an arm of German Intelligence during WW2 and they swore to kill British, Americans and Jews for Rommel

      if you type “Hitlers Arab Nazis” in to Google images and you will see loads of old WW2 photos of them in their NAZI uniforms wearing red arab FEZ hats with the NAZI Skull and Bones aka Totenkopf cap bages on them

      The American OSS hired Hitlers Arab Nazis after WW2 and sent them to live in Saudi Arabia, they taught Osama bin Laden (who the CIA later hired and called the MAK) or Maktab al Khidimat il Mujahideen …for short

      In great detail below

      The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda by ex US Justice Department Investigator John Loftus

      • Ted

        It’s getting really frustrating trying to read articles on BIN with all the F#(K1NG pop-up advertisements! :mad: :razz:

        • charlie2dogs

          what popups, dont you use admuncher

        • Eggzactly

          Ad Block Plus would make your life a whole lot easier….

        • FraMar

          Switch to Chrome O/S and add the AdBlock extension.

      • sim1776

        Some points where you are incorrect.

        The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) was a creation of MI6 in the 1920s to counter Arab Nationalism. The old “divide and conquer” strategy. The Nazis were financed by City of London bankers. Perhaps now you can see the connection and where everyone’s “Marching orders” originated. The MB is also Freemasonry’s connection to Islam. Freemasons also wear the red Fez which is an ornament celebrating a battle where the Christians were butchered and the hats were dipped in the blood. The overtures between the Nazis and Arabs are well-known but it never amounted to much. Today’s Islamic nutjobs are run out of Wahhabist Saudi Arabia or the MB

    • Ideas Time

      Great article. Talk about a great list of points for the Trump campaign.

      • chefjim

        If you think that a.) Trump will actually win the presidency or 2.) he could make the changes to get our country back if he did, then d.) contact me ASAP; I’ve got a great bargain on a bridge for you.

        We’re getting Hillary no matter who wins the “majority”. I can’t believe that there are so many critically thinking people out there who understand that our country (and the world) has been taken over by evil, greedy, murderous Luciferians hell-bent on a new world order in which they will kill most everybody and leave just enough to support the world as their slaves and who now control EVERYTHING from behind the scenes yet these people believe that our most important election would ultimately be decided by the people.

        Just goes to show that the illusion of freedom they have foisted over our heads has a much farther reaching impact on our reality than most are willing to admit.

        • dianecee

          Freedom fighters won’t permit Hitlery anywhere near the White House. Watch for her demise in the coming months.

    • truther357

      There was enough information in 2008 to have this foreign nation, criminal, POTUS and his communist followers ( at the Soros ..Daily Kos- Fact Check- MoveOn & PolitiFact ) arrested and sent to Leavenworth .. We can officially call the years 2008 to 2016 ” The Dumbing Down of America!” Mainly because the Attorney General for George Bush and the FBI had all this information and didn’t do a damn thing about it. ( AS USUAL! )

    • chefjim

      Good piece but shows displaced aggression. You’re throwing tomatoes at the puppet after a lousy show when you should wait until after the show and throw the tomatoes at the PUPPETEERS!

      Our vote for who gets in the white house is about as effective as my toddler daughters’ steering wheel on her playschool car gets her to “work”.

    • Ambicatus


      HMMMMM, that would make this, a most sarcastic video, i watch it over an over,

    • charlie2dogs

      and who let him do all this?????? you deserve whats coming

    • Ross

      If you describe Obamas actions as incompetent you just don’t understand that he operates as a wartime advisory not the POTUS.
      Also, you forgot to blame the victims (except the quote by Vaclov Klous) of his fake laws and aggression for allowing him to sit in the Oval Office. So why don’t you remove him from office and prosecute him for his crimes?

    • Anonymous

      Your commentary is accurate and justified. But, is it clear why all this is happening? I found this book extremely helpful and so I recommend to all who may not understand the core of the beast we are now subject to.

    • ecclesiatical

      You`ve been saying that for the past 7 years and 30 days,give and take.

      But you still got the fall thing wrong, cos it will be winter and the 20 th of January to be precise.So its still 306 days and 11 hours and under counting.

      The mentality in Demoncratic countries is that a two party situation is not a monopoly is a fable,the situation is brought on by we the citizens,who are fooled into this situation, were we have to choose between two evils.

      We tend to call a Demoncratic state,secular,yet we then judge people by their creed,skin color and even their ancestors.

      You talk of financial instability as if its something of the past seven years,yet you dont mention the trillions that vanished long before that.

    • Arse

      He souds just like Zuma and Mugabe. Stupidity knows no end. This man belong behind bars, locked away for eternity so he can never touch any thing or any body to harm ever again. :cool:

    • Don - 1

      Wow, 2009….America finally placed a black man in the Oval Office. This was wonderful news. That meant that race issues are finally coming to an end. Mr. Obama will make all things racial…finally OK. He will mend fences and do great things for blacks in America. It will be a new era in the USA.!

      Sure..LOL. NOTHING could have been further from the truth and reality. 2009 was just the beginning of a national nightmare of unimaginable proportions.

    • 1 darkstar

      Obama was never a constitutional lawyer.
      I see nothing wrong with the legalization of marijuana.

    • FraMar

      Obama knows all that but simply doesn’t care. He’s just following orders.

      If you are having difficulty trying to understand how the feds can get away with all these activities that SEEM to be unconstitutional, it’s simply that you are looking at the WRONG CONSTITUTION. Here is a simple explanation:

      The act to cancel that second Constitution was not effective. If you want a more detailed explanation, try this site:

      And if you THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH, try the Canadian site which is less controlled than American ones:

    • Pink Slime

      You are not telling us anything new. This was well-known back in 2007 not to put in a Democrap negro. Rush knew it, I knew it but they put in the worthless guy anyway.

      The real danger is you might get the negro sodomite for LIFE! Should you reject him they have Hillary lined up.

      The communist and liberals have figured out your weakness.

    • Redlist Renegade

      I remember quite clearly where I was back during that time ! I was warning people about the Bush’s , the NWO , the Illuminati , a coming police state/surveillance state , the talliban and al-queida and the evils of big government in general that was way out of control . I was warning people back in the late 1980′s and early 1990′s about all this and almost NO ONE wanted to listen or hear , care about OR believe any of it ! Almost nobody that I knew then even cared about or wanted to hear about the real importance of things like Ruby Ridge or Waco but I cared and I still do care !

    • Farmer

      I’ve lived in the third world and endured the despots and petty dictators that thrive there …. so it is with obama …. samo samo …. third world petty king!

    • Chronos

      This abomination of an ass-clown did exactly what he was placed in position to do and the damage he has done will have much further and longer lasting consequences than anyone can imagine. He has begun the dismantling and destruction of America and left it in such division,fear,paranoia, and confusion that there is no going back. He has also used Americas position in the world to create the same conditions in other countries as well. He has pretty much turned the world upside down. Now, Hillary Clinton will be put into place as president to continue what he started here, and he will be appointed to head the U.N. to continue his work on a global scale. Thats the plan, and I believe the future will prove me to be correct. The current theatrics were designed to divert your attention from what is really taking place. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.

    • robobbob

      Obama vs a leftist Color revolution?
      Like a bribed boxer taking a dive
      Obama wouldnt be able to hit the canvass fast enough to either give into their demands, or declare martial law, probably both.

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