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Wikileaks Explodes! MSNBC/WSJ/NYTimes/WashPost! Media Blackout Ending! Chelsea Comes Clean!

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The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turned. Wikileaks has finally burst the Clinton bubble. There is no turning back now. There has been a media blackout for months while the MSM kept blaming everything on the Russians. Seems that barrier is now broken and the truth is coming out big time. Trump will be all over this in his rallies. Even if Hillary becomes president, the Clintons are going down. She should withdraw and go into hiding!


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    Total 36 comments
    • Boo

      Bottom line, not one of our Main Stream Media Outlets broke this story. WikiLeaks deserves our utmost respect, and we should be giving Julian Assange asylum here in this country in the least. Our newscasters and news stations have pretty much been reduced to gossip outlets. Our newspapers are reduced to tabloids fed by gossip columnists. Now our MSM is trying to jump for one that sailed away with the alternative news long ago. MSM is sleeping with the fishies now no matter how you cut it.

      • Eggzactly

        Govt ran propaganda is what the media is and has been for a long time now. :mad: at them too.

      • Morgana Le Fay

        If it wasn’t for this country, Assange wouldn’t need asylum now would he?

        • DISPENSER

          But it is sooooooo dangerous, and possibly treasonous for people to learn the truth! Just ask any fascist!

        • JKnTX

          If it wasn’t for this country, you wouldn’t be typing on the ‘net now would you?

          • DK

            Tim Berners-Lee created the protocol for the World Wide web while working at Cern in Europe, routers/computers running the HTTP protocol create the WWW we know today. Tim is English not American, the best you could claim would be Arpanet which used to link Government, Academia and Military- the very system hacked in War Games by Joshua. Every country had its own version which was abandoned for the WWW.

            • JKnTX

              Better revisit “Operation Paperclip” and rethink that.

            • JKnTX

              Better revisit “Operation Paperclip” and rethink that one.

            • JKnTX

              Ahem. Without Tesla and his AC discoveries, neither computers or the ‘net would exist at all today. Although he was a Serb, he came to America and his ideas and inventions bore fruit here in this land, so what I said IS true.

      • JKnTX

        WikiLeaks is nothing but a front and conduit for the Spooks, absolutely nothing appears there that they are not the ultimate source of.
        When they push the “war switch”, whomever they target for whatever reason is going down on fire. They created the ‘net, they control and use it, it is nothing but a Disneyland to them. That is the reality.
        If they decide the Helldabeast gets torpedoed, and Georgie Sorea*ss’ rigged voting machines will not help the harpy, then so it will be.
        Sit back and watch it happen.

      • robotlion

        I’m an Aussie and think Julian is a very brave Man. A hero in most Aussies eyes. Unfortunately the Australian Government doesn’t have a very good track record in helping it’s own citizens. The Govt. would rather let you rot in prison or places like Gauntanamo Bay, held for years without charges, tortured, without legal representation. Julian has been treated horribly by the Australian Govt. who choose to let others do their thinking for them, and who treat us with contempt. All ‘Whistle Blowers’ are Hero’s. They tell the Truth, often when it could result in jail or death. Truth will always find a way to surface

      • 1 darkstar

        Anyone heard anything about Julian Assange lately?

    • Ideas Time

      The elite can no longer hide behind rigged polls to steal the election. Congratulations Pres. TRUMP!

      There is another 33 thousand email that are to be released in batches starting Nov. 1. Let’s put the final nail in HC coffin.

    • coveredlikeatent

      Fox has not broken any thing when it comes to news. We have already heard of this weeks ago that’s why Fox is not a watch channel here.

    • Pink Slime

      If it took them this long they must be pretty dense! Giving US news more than several month old. Duhhhhhh…. :???:

    • coveredlikeatent

      Contrary to what the msnbc blonde hag said it is not legal especially since Clinton Foundation is not a real charity, My GOD you people are lame. No the Bush’s knock down buildings or have they not heard the truth yet, typical of slime stream.

      • Everette

        Just about every president since Reagan has been a NWO , UN idiot ! With executive orders they have been slowly binding the American people getting them ready for their slaughter . Now our Muslim president who swore in on the Koran will probably declare Marshall law with the UN , Russian troops he has been sneaking into America by the thousands . Not to mention the Isis radical Muslims he is bringing into America and placing them into certain cities . It is also said because they love to cut off heads some of them will be running the FEMA guillotines that Bush signed into law and Obama ordered from China (30,000) and are now in America because of Treasonist executive orders .

    • Anonymous

      Wait a little bit, play their game of democracy for a while.

      If they steal the election by voter fraud, then they out Hillary, then they are going for Martial law all in one way or another or not?
      Do not get caught in the middle, before the counter revolution by the military and the people and the militia. And the rest of the world.

    • Squeezebox

      Trying to read between the lines, if MSM is starting to lift the veil on the Clinton corruption, does it confirm that Trump is headed for a landslide that can’t be fixed and MSM is starting to cuddle up to the potential winner?

      Also Hillary and Bill both have major health problems and probably won’t last long. Are they building Chelsea up, so she can keep the rest of the fortune?

      There is certainly a lot going on behind the scene, so in exchange does Trump settle for the scalps of Bill & Hillary and let all the rest of the corruption walk free?

      Should be an interesting next couple of months.

      • JKnTX

        It means Chelsea is a cardboard cut out of a woman that Web Hubble blew up all over and is trying to cut the best deal she can behind the scenes to save her own sorry tail.


        It was 5 years ago that Chelsea was concerned about illegal activities with the Clinton Foundation. She has been cut in on the profits now, and is laying low until the diseased ridden “parents” pass on to their reward of endless torture. (In a perfect world) She will then assume control of the huge, and powerful crime family.

    • Wynter Silvermoon

      Notice how they are directing everyone’s attention to “the person that told her she could have a separate email server.” NO! DON’T BUY INTO THIS. IN HER POSITION SHE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. IF SHE DIDN’T KNOW THEN SHE’S NOT FIT TO BE PRESIDENT.

    • Deputy Dawg

      As I have been saying for some time God seems to be shedding a bright light on all that is done secretly in the dark. Understanding that very defining crimes and manipulations of the cabal have now been publicly exposed through Wikileaks. The participants recalling with clarity what George H.W. Bush once said about the people coming for them with pitchforks are like rats jumping this rapidly sinking ship.

      Mainstream media or Clinton’s public relations cohorts are campaigning to mask the smell radiating from themselves since the last round of Wikileaks revelations. They can sacrifice the Clinton clan but the networks have been slithering through the sewer being merely the other end of the same snake. The gig is up for all of them, the domino effect at it’s best. The networks like Fox, CBS and MSNBC are at minimum guilty of election fraud and subversion. They became the 501 attack adds against a Clinton political opponent for the presidency attempting to sway the election. I’m no expert but I can’t imagine that reasonable people would allow such blatant lopsidedness from networks appreciating tax reductions, collecting government funds or outright grants to broadcast events of public interest.

      Speaking of public interest, there is a new book out called “PROPHESY AGAINST THE NATIONS” that I highly recommend. It explains what is going on right now in the world in a very understandable way. It provides unmatched insight into God’s truth. If you have the guts to be challenged read it! Your views just might be forever changed!

    • Pinto Beans

      I trust tabloid articles to be more truthful than MSM.

    • patriots.bonfire

      I’m surprised the Democrats haven’t accused Comey of working for Putin.

    • Air Quotes Shill Air Quotes

      Misleading headline! Same Media Coverage As Usual! No New Information! Chelsea Says Nothing Important! You All Got Tricked Into Giving Him Clicks!

      Theres a more accurate headline for you.

    • rmstock

      See also :
      Scarborough, ‘Morning Joe’ Panel Rip Clintons: They Keep Crossing The Line And Then Are Shocked At Investigations
      Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date October 27, 2016

      Above three youtubes make up the 17 minute morning introduction
      of `Morning Joe’ from last Thursday Oct 27, 2016. Somehow
      youtube user “GOP War Room” has quite some troubles with

      • rmstock

        also watch this one :

        Well, it now turns out that the youtube user GOP War Room has been
        messing around pretty badly with the original MSNBC footage of Morning
        Joe Spends 17 Mins Opening On “Sleazy” Doug Band ‘Bill Clinton, Inc.,
        not only calling it Morning Joe Spends 17 Mins Opening’ while it’s
        actually 19m42secs, GOP War Room has very sneaky altered the entire
        message of the broadcast. Enough for Youtube to get this user kicked
        off entirely.

        If you read this, download above youtube clip immediately.

    • Rick65423

      Assange is doing this because Hillary wanted to kill him with a drone.

      • JKnTX

        No, because he is an CIA asset and a conduit for them and the NSA, that is why.

    • Enjoykin4


      D – rive
      R – evolution
      A – gainst
      I – sis
      N – orth america

      T – AKE
      E – ND

      S – peach free
      W – isdom free
      A – rms free
      M – ind free
      P – ower free

      DRAIN THE SWAMP FOLKS !! :grin:

    • gottaluvitt

      Now its Hillary’s turn, what goes around comes around.

    • Enjoykin4

      URGENT BREAKING NEWS 29 Oct. 2016.

      Sub for more: | Truth Feed News reports, WND’s reporting in late August of a marked classified email Hitlery Clington forwarded to aide Huma Abedin (member of ISIS) could cast light on FBI Director James Comey’s dramatic disclosure to members of Congress Friday that the bureau had reopened its investigation into HitleryClington’s use of a private email server due to new information apparently discovered in the sexting probe of former Rep. Anthony Weiner, Abedin’s estranged husband.

      Folks – Huma Abedin is a known Muslim (member of ISIS) who has previously worked for terrorist groups like Al Quada and many more. She is a Extreme ISIS Muslim undercover who has infiltrated Hitlery Clintgon and Hitlery knew this.

      Watch and join commenting at Tube !!

      Inform yourself better at NextNewsNetwork !!

      DRAIN THE SWAMP INFO REPORT TO VOTER FRAUD: Call Trump Ballot Security at 1-855-245-4634 or send an email to: [email protected]

      D – rive
      R – evolution
      A – gainst
      I – sis
      N – orth america

      T – AKE
      E – ND

      S – peach free
      W – isdom free
      A – rms free
      M – ind free
      P – ower free

      DRAIN THE SWAMP INFO REPORT TO VOTER FRAUD: Call Trump Ballot Security at 1-855-245-4634 or send an email to: [email protected]

    • Godzilla

      You can’t help but feel betrayed by the fourth estate not doing its job until the very end, and doing so only 10 days before the election to save face in case trump wins and they have to answer to him and the public. Better to be called incompetant than of conspiracy to rig the election with misinformation, which could result in a big investigation with RICO charges against all guilty parties.

    • Enjoykin4

      BREAKING NEWS 30.October.2016

      Syria: Terrorists’ Offensives in Western Aleppo Fended Off for 2nd Day
      The military fronts in Western Aleppo are witnessing severe clashes between the Syrian army and the terrorist groups for the second consecutive day, field sources said on Saturday.

      More People Run from ISIL Terrorists amid Iraq’s Offensive to Retake Mosul
      raqis from the village of Ayn Nasir, South of Mosul, gathered outside the village on October 29, 2016 as Iraqi forces prepare to enter the village to fight against ISIL terrorists as part of an operation to liberate the city of Mosul.

      Syrian Army Takes Control of More Areas in, around Khan al-Sheih in Southwestern Damascus
      Reports said on Saturday that the Syrian Army soldiers seized control over several key positions and roads in Western Ghouta and laid full siege on the trapped US baked Fatah al-Sham Front (formerly al-Nusra Front) terrorists in Khan al-Sheih town.

      Over 20 Terrorists Killed in Failed Attack on Army Positions Southwest of Aleppo
      Syrian government forces repelled Jeish al-Fatah’s offensives on their strongholds in the districts and neighborhoods of Zahiyeh al-Assad, al-Rashedeen 4 and 5, Sowq a-Jebes, Housing Project 1070, al-Hikmeh School and Jam’iyat al-Sahafi’ein.

      Syrian Military Forces Repel Terrorists’ Attack on Suran North of Hama
      The Syrian army repelled a major offensive by the terrorist groups on the town of Suran, North of Hama province.

      Iraq’s Joint Military Forces Moving towards Mosul
      Iraqi army and the Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Forces) deploy towards the village of Ayn Nasir, South of Mosul, on October 29, 2016, during the ongoing battle against ISIL terrorists to liberate the city of Mosul.

      Iraqi Popular Forces Launch Anti-ISIL Offensive West of Mosul
      Iraqi Popular Forces began their offensive against the ISIL terrorists just West of Mosul Saturday morning. Armoured vehicles and bulldozers could be seen moving towards the city of Tal Afar, some 78km (49m) West of Mosul. [VIDEO at Tube]

      Yemeni Forces Launch Ballistic Missile Attack on Saudi Airbase in Jeddah
      Yemeni army and popular forces launched a Borka 1 ballistic missile attack from Saada province to a Saudi Airbase in Jeddah.

      Bahrainis Express Solidarity with Sheikh Isa Qassim
      Bahraini anti-regime protesters took to the streets to express solidarity with senior Shiite clerics Sheikh Issa Qassim and Ali Salman. Demonstrations were held in the villages of Diraz, Shakhoura and Abu Saiba on Friday.

      Iraqi Volunteer Forces Join Battle on ISIL West of Mosul
      All brigades of Iraqi volunteer forces joined the country’s battle on ISIL and begun an offensive against the terrorists West of the Northern Iraqi city of Mosul to cut the militants’ supply lines and movements between Mosul and.

      A Ghastly History: US Is Using Uranium Weapons Against Syria
      Despite serious ethical problems, the Pentagon has finally admitted that it has used uranium weapons in the war on Syria – against SAA.

      SDF Wins Back 4 Villages, 3 Farms from ISIL’s Control in Northern Aleppo
      Battlefield sources disclosed that the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have managed to seize back seven strategic regions, pushing the ISIL further back from the Northern parts of Aleppo province.

      Taliban Kills ISIL’s Suicide Attacks Commander in West Afghanistan
      Local sources in Western Afghanistan announced that a senior leader of the ISIL terrorist group has been killed by rival Taliban militants.

      Saudi Arabia Evacuates 60 Percent of Villages Along Border with Yemen
      The Riyadh government has evacuated over half of its rural areas along the kingdom’s border with Yemen, media reports said Saturday.

      Zarif, Mogherini Stress Fight against Terrorism, Need to Resolve Syrian crisis
      Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and visiting European Union (EU) Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini in their second meeting in Tehran on Saturday underlined the need for fight against the terrorist groups and the urgency.

      Security Source: US Sending Arms Cargo to ISIL in Iraq’s Diyala
      The US-led coalition helicopters carried a large number of weapons and military equipment to the ISIL terrorists stationed in Iraq’s Diyala province, Arab media outlets reported, citing an unnamed security official.

      US Air Force Command Apologizes for Flying Close to Russian Jets over Syria
      The Russian Defense Ministry said that the US Air Force Central Command apologized for US planes flying close to Russian jets over Syria.

      ISIL Executes Dozens of Iraqi Civilians in Southern Mosul
      The ISIL terrorists continue to execute tens of citizens in a village to the South of the city of Mosul in Nineveh province, Arab media sources reported on Saturday.

      Iraq: Hundreds of Foreign Female Terrorists Driving ISIL’s Suicide Vehicles
      The ISIL is using hundreds of female terrorists from different world countries to drive suicide vehicles of their husbands during the Mosul liberation operation by Iraq’s joint military forces, media reports said.

      Deputy FM: Security of Bab Al-Mandab Strait Highly Important to Iran
      Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Jaberi Ansari underlined that Tehran wants establishment of security in the strategic Bab al-Mandab Strait near the Gulf of Aden.

    • retiredpatriot

      Yawn and still no one is gong to do a single thing about it. Clinton will buy and steal the election and we will be still the same miserable country.

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