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CIA Running Scared: May Attempt False Flag On Trump! Wikileaks Drops Evidence

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By Lisa Haven   


With the release of “Vault 7,” the largest ever publication by Wikileaks of confidential documents on the CIA, information is starting to pour in mass droves about the corruption within the CIA. Everything from breaking our Constitutional rights, to having the power to control life, have been discovered in the vault. 

In the video below I delve through two very disturbing files in Vault 7 that the CIA could use to create a false flag and frame Donald Trump and Patriots as Russian agents…or for that matter… frame them for any crime. All that and more in this breaking report… 


According to Wikileaks the CIA has created it’s own global covert hacking system with unchecked powers: 

“The CIA had created, in effect, its “own NSA” with even less accountability and without publicly answering the question as to whether such a massive budgetary spend on duplicating the capacities of a rival agency could be justified.” 

Some of the programs within the vault include a program called, “UMBRAGE” that can pin a forensic “fingerprint” on someone’s operating system: 

“The CIA’s hand crafted hacking techniques pose a problem for the agency. Each technique it has created forms a “fingerprint” that can be used by forensic investigators to attribute multiple different attacks to the same entity.

“This is analogous to finding the same distinctive knife wound on multiple separate murder victims. The unique wounding style creates suspicion that a single murderer is responsible. As soon one murder in the set is solved then the other murders also find likely attribution.

“The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

“With UMBRAGE and related projects, the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.

“UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers, password collection, webcam capture, data destruction, persistence, privilege escalation, stealth, anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques.” 

Even worse! It was also discovered that the CIA looked into capabilities to hijack and take control of your vehicle

“As of October 2014, the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks. The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.”

Needless to say, the CIA is crossing way too many lines and being given power no one in the government should have. Please spread this far as wide! 


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    Total 10 comments
    • dennis48309

      Looks like the CIA killed Michael Hastings after all.

      • Equalizer

        One hopes Wiki leaks has all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed on the dark state and its perpetrators exposed before a false flag can be pulled on America and President Trump. O-vomit cannot stop this awakened patriotic giant, nationalism has come home to America of once again!

    • The Troubles

      Ms. Haven…please distribute accordingly. Thank you.

      News Flash from GOD the Creator.

      Have no Fear. We have been called up and raised up to counter this offensive in the flesh. Just over 3 years ago, the Lord GOD, began to raise his Army of Lay-Pastors, whom are awoken between 1:00am and 2:00am each and every morning, without fail, by the calling of our Father. This is the 4th Watch. We are The Men of the 777 Watch. Yes, we have been called upon, whom we then enter into long suffering prayer, as directed with spiritual warfare, casting out and rebuking Witches, Warlocks, Sorcerers, Spell Casters, Dark Magicians and all Demonic Activity that may be cast upon or directed at POTUS Donald. J Trump. We turn the dark tide back against them. All of THEM. While America sleeps, we battle in the Heavens as called up. We are the Spiritual Warriors!

      We bind them and crush their evil spell casting each evening, and they are neutralized, placed in a holding cell and given a chance at repentance, all the whilst HIS Holy Justice and Judgment awaits them. These Dark Magicians do not stand a chance, here in Planet Earth. Be sure to Thank YOUR Father Above, he loves all of his Children.

      The solution is in the Works, as it is Written. The result of such action, the Lake of Fire fills up quickly!
      POTUS TRUMP IS therefor victorious and Wins. This is the “win” in which HE Speaks of.

      • Andy

        NEWSFLASH – there are no gods and the universe wasn’t created, it has always existed

        stick with the fairy-tales child, reality is simply beyond your capacity

        • ItsEverywhere

          Yes, you are truly proof that there are some things in the Universe that show no signs of Intelligent Design.

      • james amen

        THE LORD BLESS you Spiritual Warriors!
        prayers and blessings to you; along with prayers of protection for you..
        please allow me to give THE BODY OF CHRIST an added info awareness:
        dear born~again christians:

        too many stories surface of christians being persecuted for obeying JESUS and THE WORD; in praying, evangelism, at work, doing ‘good samaritan’ acts.

        it is coming from anti-christ people in general public, media, law enforcement, judges, and government.

        if you are experiencing this, or witness your fellow brothers and sisters, being treated as such..

        here is how to fight back BIBLICALLY: you MUST MEMORIZE these verses: Matthew 5:12;
        Matthew 10:14~15; I Corinthians 16:14; Titus 1:3,5; and Titus 3:10~11.

        the verses summarized for you:

        1] do ALL service of THE LORD in~love: deed and speech.

        2] when encountering opposition, then warn your attackers, IN~LOVE.

        3] do this with polite explanation and warning to repent.

        4] you have the authority to do this toward ANYBODY, of ANY level, on the planet.

        5] you are only COMMANDED to do this, at most, two, genuine times.

        b] if attacks continue, then quietly obey Matthew 10:15 and Titus 3:11

        7] ‘BLESSED are you to be persecuted’ Matthew 5:12. let JESUS handle it from here.

        DO NOT fear confronting anyone with BIBLICAL TRUTH EVEN if it means being persecuted.

        IF YOU FEAR OR REFUSE PERSECUTION “getting into trouble”, THEN YOU


    • Boo

      Lisa…What your audience needs to be asking themselves now is, “For what purpose would the CIA have a program where they can counterfeit any persons materials, and make it look like falsified information from the CIA was actually generated from someone they are trying to set up? Other then make it look like that innocent person was committing a crime or nefarious in their dealings, to whose purpose does this serve? I don’t think any of our intelligence agency’s should have this capability. But now that we know they do…are we going to police them? How can we?

    • Josie

      The CIA needs to be shattered, just like president Kennedy said.

    • George Peabody

      ARREST illegal alien usurper Barack H. Obama aka Barry Soetoro to NDAA Prison for TREASON, I.D. Fraud Voter Fraud, Immigration Violation, SS# Fraud, Murder, ETC! Install CC camera connected to internet one way view looking in on Obama from Americans and the World to keep Obama from escaping. Pay 4 View at 10¢ of Obama in prison writing his $20-M memoirs with a pencil on toilet paper will raise so much money Americans will never again have to pay taxes. Add in Clintons and Soros, and the Pay4View will be so popular that the $20-Trillion Debt will be paid off in 5-years. Arrest them NOW! Pay4View online!

    • Light In The Dark Place
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