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By Michael Moore
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Governments Know About a Possible Pending Global Disaster – Something Big Will Happen on the Beginning of the Year 2020 —- End of The World?

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Possible Pending Global Disaster
World powers know about a possible pending destruction, but are not announcing it, in order to take advantage of the common man’s ignorance…

The main stream media has focused mainly on the global unrest and have remained quiet of environment situations. Governments have remained quiet. Scientists have stayed mum for now.

For those who are not yet aware that governments take precautions for a possible global disaster, here are some remarkable facts:

The U.S. Space Shuttle launched its last mission in mid-2011. At that time, NASA entirely a banded it’s government-funded manned spaceflight program.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was sealed in 2011. This seed bank will allow the world to restart agriculture given a global catastrophe.

The impending total collapse of the global financial system. It is as if various governments are not expecting to have to pay back their debts, perhaps anticipating a global economic reset due to reasons not currently stated.

Governments, Organisations and Military building at an increased rate World Wide Underground Survival Bunkers. The rise of Bunkers being built around the World be almost 700% in the past 3-5 years. The governments of the world have been building 1000’s of deep underground bunkers (D.U.M.B.s) for many years.

The U.S. is digging huge underground facilities in inhospitable regions difficult for the masses to reach!

China is digging extraordinary subway complexes under most of its major cities in a crash program that seems odd in terms of timing and scope.

Russia announced in 2019 that it is adding 5,000 new nuclear bomb shelters in Moscow, enabling it to protect all of Moscow’s residents. The project had to be ready in 2017.. Russia’s new subway systems have also been place deeper than needed so that they can be used as deep emergency shelters.

The Norwegian government is building more and more underground bases and bunkers. When asked, they simply say that it is for the protection of the people of Norway.

Fema Camps: Over the past few years, FEMA has been very busy, building ‘camps’ and has acquired millions of body bags. They are also stockpiling millions of tons of dried food. A public service announcement from FEMA in 2018, suggesting that we all get a survival kit, in case our ‘world is turned upside down’ and DHS is buying for billions of rounds of ammo! Why?

Why all these preparations, and why the rush?

Solar activity will continue to increase as the solar cycle progresses toward solar maximum, expected in the 2019 time frame.

Could a major SHOCK WAVE of ENERGY be heading right for PLANET EARTH? Inside Military sources say “NASA is watching the sky for this Global event to reveal itself in October of 2019 with as they call it “The Second Wave”, and then again in December of 2019 with the power punch of energy we as humans have never seen before.” Which they believe could effect up to 1/3 of humanity.

In 2018 NASA recorded the biggest Pulsar wave to come in contact with our atmosphere in human recorded history. Scientists detected a flash of light from across the Galaxy so powerful that it bounced off the Moon and lit up the Earth’s upper atmosphere. The flash was brighter than anything ever detected from beyond our Solar System and lasted over a tenth of a second. NASA and European satellites and many radio telescopes detected the flash and its aftermath on 2019. The scientists said the light came from a “giant flare” on the surface of an exotic neutron star, called a magnetar. The apparent magnitude was brighter than a full moon and all historical star explosions. The light was brightest in the gamma-ray energy range, far more energetic than visible light or X-rays and invisible to our eyes.

NASA is now predicting that the Sun may generate unprecedented solar storms for a lengthy period in 2020. They cannot accurately predict Earth’s normal weather a week in advance, and it is by no means clear how NASA can do this with respect unprecedented weather on the Sun years in advance. They are saying that they are more dependent on vulnerable computer technology now. But we had similar dependencies in 2001 and 1990 when previous 11-year solar cycles hit. What is different about the current cycle?

Recent data from the remote viewing sessions, shows the mysterious “object” to approach our planet from the opposite side of the Sun. They say it will approach so close that it might break apart, turning into many smaller objects.

If it remains intact, the trajectory calls for an approach to our planet by an orbit a little greater than that of our Moon. But if it breaks apart from its close approach to the Sun, this may change.

Remote viewers predicting events that would happen prior to a solar or meteor impact.

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Regional Disasters: Are You Insured from Catastrophe? Don’t Make This Common Mistake and Lose Everything
We have seen regional disasters strike repeatedly in recent years and the near future looks like more are heading are way and may get worse. Don’t make this common mistake with your insurance policy and lose everything when catastrophic disaster strikes!

A lot of people just don’t realize how quickly natural disasters can strike and without warning.
The evening before on late night news the weather reporter shared that some strong winds and rain would greet residents the next morning, and something like that just doesn’t prepare people for what the skies above would have in store the next morning for the city.

And so the day began … A menacing sky and lightning followed by a thunderous clap that shook literally thousands of homes and businesses was the only warning residents of a major U.S. city had that something out of a disaster movie was about to take place, but in real life. Lightning strike after lightning strike. Sudden fires. And the roar — who can forget that roar of thunder that bellowed overhead unlike anything that modern society has put into books to date about a sudden and lengthy lightning storm with winds that seemed almost supernatural.

Extreme Weather Events Getting Worse
Before the next 8 hours would pass in this fictional account, city homes would be ripped apart, skyscrapers would have windows and infrastructure blown out, schools and shopping malls would be leveled and on fire, and the entire landscape would be unrecognizable as the city it once was. 190,000 would lose their lives and the millions of people who lived in the suburbs miles out from where the highest winds and most damaging lightning had struck would now be faced with huge bills and rebuilding — damage to their homes, properties, vehicles, and peace of mind.

Catastrophic Disasters Strike Can Strike Without Warning
Looking back, Louisiana, California, Colorado, Washington, New York, Florida, Texas, Missouri — several states for that matter — Japan, Indonesia, Chili, Spain, China, Pakistan, Australia — I can list possibly a hundred other regions around the globe — the list of catastrophic disasters to strike around the earth has grown to staggering numbers when it comes to lives taken, cost of property damage, and the overall cost to society and individuals who have lost everything.

A lot of people are predicting apocalyptic disaster to strike at some point, but I believe that the odds of apocalyptic disaster are lower in the short term while the odds of the next catastrophic disaster striking your region or a region near you are growing by the year.


Are You Ready to Lose Everything?
Without the right insurance policy and coverage, you just might. Does this sound like a television commercial? When I wrote that sentence just now that’s exactly how I perceived it being taken by readers. But this isn’t a television commercial — it’s common sense. We better be ready for a severity in disasters and we better come to the realization that we might lose everything (for some people, losing everything might be a good thing — but I digress.)

How many people have paused to consider how important the right insurance policy and protections are for people?

In fact, where I live a lot of the communities and families in my region may find themselves dealing with larger than normal flash floods (this spring specifically), even in places that have never seen flooding previously. Not at these kind of levels that is.

The conditions seem to be coming together for a disastrous flood season across the region I currently live that could be bigger than Colorado’s recent catastrophe just several months back, and that was called a “1,000 year weather event.” (What does it mean when “1,000 year weather events” start occurring with more frequency? It means we need to be prepared for some truly disastrous years ahead.)

I Don’t Live in a Flood Plain — I Don’t Need Flood Insurance
Studying the earth’s up tick in disasters in recent years, whether you don’t think you need earthquake insurance, flood insurance, wildfire insurance, etc., etc., my recommendation to readers is to get as wide a scale of protection as you possibly can.

(If you live on the West Coast, you might want to ask about Volcano insurance.) What? Yeah, volcano insurance. Mount Rainier. Mount Baker. Mount Hood. Mount Shasta… the West Coast sits on the “ring of fire.” Then of course there are all the earthquake faults reaching into many states and that includes the New Madrid fault line crossing the eastern Mid West states and a major seismic zone that could produce earthquakes devastating several regions.

2020 may not bring a disaster that levels an entire country; it might bring disasters that level several communities though, where you lose your home, your vehicles, and now you’re sleeping in a spare room somewhere and have to start out from scratch. Ouch. But it happens and has happened to many over the years.

If you’re not insured, maybe it’s time to get on the phone with an insurance agent. I don’t want to recommend one company over another company, but the major players in the industry, State Farm, Allstate, Metlife, American Family Insurance, etc., are the ones most likely to pay for damages accordingly, while absorbing a sudden huge demand for insurance claims that may come their way that could bankrupt smaller companies before they could pay you what you’ve been promised.

Click here to learn all about the 3 skills that will help you thrive in any crises situation.

How to prepare before the disaster

The time to prepare your home is long before a disaster or severe weather event happens. It’s vitally important to make a plan and have the supplies necessary to either take shelter after a storm, or evacuate on short notice.

Darryl Madden, FEMA’s Ready campaign director, said the most important thing to do is to plan ahead.

That includes knowing what to do in several disaster scenarios, from tornadoes to hurricanes to wildfires, and making a plan with your family.

He said it’s a good idea to sit down and imagine what would happen – and what you would need – if the power went off for an extended period of time.

He also said communication is vitally important, whether you need to call emergency services or get in touch with relatives, friends and neighbors to let them know where you are, and how you’re doing.

“Have a communications plan,” Madden said. That includes things like an NOAA weather radio and phone access.

He said it’s best to get a crank-powered radio so it doesn’t rely on any energy other than what you can generate yourself in case the power goes out. Another thing you want to look at is a solar-powered phone charger, so if you’re without power for an extended period of time, you can still communicate.

Next, you need to have the supplies necessary to survive at least 72 hours on your own. In heavily hit or rural areas, it can take rescue personnel a long time to make it to you.

“You want to have three days’ worth of water for each individual,” Madden said. “Any resources that they need, obviously, food and water is their primary concern.”

He said the most important things are water, a first-aid kit and a flashlight, followed by necessary medications and specific needs such as formula and diapers for small children. He also said non-perishable food is not a bad idea to keep on hand.

“It’s not something you have to focus on every time, just you know when you go to the store, grab a couple of things that will keep,” he said, and advised storing the food somewhere besides the pantry so it’s out of the way.

He also said that people with critical medical conditions that require special treatment, such as dialysis patients, should get in touch with their local emergency manager, fire department, or FEMA to inform them ahead of time about your condition. That way emergency personnel know where you are in case of a disaster.

Back To Basics: How To Make Jerky For Survival

VIA :  By Theresa Crouse

Jerky can be made from just about any type of lean meat that you can think of. It’s a great food for a survival situation because it’s lightweight, nutritious and energy-dense. It’s also easy to make; the Native Americans and many other civilizations were making it long before food dehydrators and commercial packaging were in existence.

I make this all the time, or at least I did when I still had kids in the house. The only problem that I ever had was that even if I made 3 or 4 pounds of it (which is a LOT of jerky) there still wouldn’t be any left by the time I got home from work every day. I got pretty good at taking out my own stash before I even let the herd of teenaged boys in the house know that it was done!

Back to the topic though. There are basically two ways to flavor your jerky. You can use a wet marinade or a dry rub. If you’re using a marinade, you need to let the meat soak in it for at least 24 hours if you want it to absorb enough flavor.

A good recipe for teriyaki-style jerky is to use equal parts of Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce, then add in some garlic powder, salt, black pepper and, if you’re like me and like it a bit spicy, a bit of cayenne powder and some crushed red pepper flakes. Make enough marinade to cover the meat and stir it several times so that the meat in the middle gets marinated too.

If you’re using a dry rub, just add it to the meat an hour or so before you start the dehydration process. The recipe for this one is all on you. There are a kazillion Cajun, Mediterranean, Italian and American rub recipes out there that you can pick and choose from.

Cutting the Meat

The first step to making your own jerky is choosing the right meat. You need for it to be lean and as free of tendons as possible. I like to use a rump roast. Yes, it’s expensive but it makes good jerky. Venison jerky made from rump roast is amazingly delicious and much better for you than beef because it has a much lower fat content.

Low fat content is a good thing not only from a health perspective but also from a preservation perspective. The leaner your meat is, the longer it will take for it to go rancid.

In order to get the amount of jerky that you want, assume that you’re going to lose half the weight of the meat if you leave your jerky a bit moist and 2/3 of the weight if you make it completely dry. I suggest making it a bit moist if you’re going to eat it quickly but making it dry if you’re trying to preserve it for survival purposes.

Now that you have your meat, you need to slice it. Your butcher may do this for you but I prefer to do it myself. Unlike when you’re cutting steaks, you’re going to cut the meat WITH the grain. Figure out which way the grain goes on the roast and that’s the direction that you’re going to cut. Next, you’re going to need an EXTREMELY sharp knife. I use my butcher knife.

I’ve found that it’s easier to cut the meat if it’s extremely cold or even partially frozen. Don’t try to cut it if it’s completely frozen unless you want to lose a finger. Also, if you have to force the knife through the meat, it’s going to be hard to get the proper thickness.

You want each slice to be as close to exactly the same thickness throughout as possible. Shoot to make each slice no thicker than a quarter inch thick. This will give you plenty to chew on without worrying about moisture still being locked in the center of the slice to make your meat go rancid faster than anticipated.

Once you have the meat cut, prepare it as I explained above either using your marinade or your rub.

Video first seen on Cabela’s Outdoor Cooking Channel – Cook with Cabela’s

Drying the Jerky

If you’re using a food dehydrator, this is the easy part. Just put the meat on the trays in a single layer and turn the machine on. I’ve found that the bottom layers dry faster so I prefer to switch the layers around a bit and as some of the pieces are done, I consolidate the slices onto fewer trays until it’s all finished.

If you’re using the oven , you’re going to need to do smaller batches because you’ll be using a cookie sheet and you won’t be able to fit as much on it as you can a dehydrator. Place the meat on the tray in a single layer. An alternative that I’ve seen to using a cookie sheet in the oven is to hang the slices from the racks by using a toothpick inserted through one end of the meat and hooking it between the slats of the rack. Personally, this seems like it would be really messy.

Either way, set your oven to 150 degrees and cook for about 2 hours. Check it and, if you’re using a cookie sheet, flip the meat over. Cook for another two hours or until meat is done.

You’ll know that your meat is done when you can bend it and no moisture beads out of the crack. Again, if you want it a bit moister to make it less leathery, stop at this point. If you want to completely dry it out, cook it until it cracks when you bend it sort of like stiff leather would. It’s not as tasty but it will last longer.

Once your jerky is done, (assuming you have any left after the family figures out that it’s finished) you can either choose to eat it now or preserve it. You can preserve it by vacuum sealing it into bags or by dry canning it.

If you’re in a SHTF situation and don’t have access to an oven or dehydrator, follow all instructions up to the point of cooking. Then string it onto a piece of wire and hang it over a fire to dry. Remember to keep it high enough that it’s only getting low heat. You want to dry it out, not cook and burn it.

Now that you know how to make jerky, go give it a shot then come back and share your results with us. If you’re an old pro at making jerky at home, share some of your tips with us!

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The Lost Ways 2 program is to reveal all the ancient techniques and secrets used by our forefathers to deal with harsh conditions such as diseases, wars, drought, and other life-threatening conditions.

In this program the author explains how to grow and store these foods for a long time in pit holes. Other than this, you will find a lot other valuable information explained in this guide on topics such as finances, health, and life crisis among others.

Basically the guide covers majorly on the super nutrient foods that can help you survive during times of food shortages. These foods have a longer lifespan which enabled our ancestors to store them even when they didn’t have access to refrigerators and other related technologies.

Inside this document you will discover how the pioneers from the Wild West hunted deer and how they tanned hides without chemicals and without spending a dime. You’ll also find out how to butcher a deer and what parts are best for certain preservation methods.

Lost Way 2 – second edition show you how to use the activated charcoal to build yourself a simple and reliable water filter that can clean 800 gallons of water.

When all the water is contaminated, and all you can find are muddy creeks and pools with diseases running rampant you’ll keep your loved ones drinking crystal-clear healthy water. Activated charcoal pills are very useful in treating acute food and chemical poisoning too.

Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.

Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)

The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome  by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )

Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)

The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)



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