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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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War Imminent? Recently, US Military Air Traffic Above the Continental US Quadrupled and Everyone Wants to Know Why (Video)

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by N.Morgan


The upheaval in the US isn’t limited to just the US, it is now making its way abroad. If military air traffic gets your motor going, your go-to guy is “MonkeyWerx” aka “MilSpecOpsMonkey.” For the past three years, MonkeyWerx has been following military air traffic above the US, writing about it and making YouTube videos once a week…until now. Now he makes videos almost daily because there’s just so damn much going on!

Military air traffic above the continental United States has quadrupled (at least!) since MonkeyWerx started his YouTube channel and he’s quick to remind us that’s only the air traffic we’re allowed to see. The increase can’t be simply explained away by bringing our men and women in a uniform home from overseas so the question on everyone’s lips is, “What the *$&@%!$# is going on!?!”

MonkeyWerx writes, “What does it all mean? I am looking at this from three different possible scenarios:

  1. People involved in the voting fraud are being pursued
  2. Members of the terrorist organization(s) BLM and ANTIFA are being pursued and/or human traffickers
  3. A combination of both.”

His 152,700 Twitter followers are the “Digital Soldiers” General Flynn talks about with boots on the ground in every corner of this nation, providing info on what they’re observing in their own backyards. Sometimes they even catch photos…when their phones aren’t suddenly and mysteriously disabled from taking pics!

Christy writes, “A flight of C130s is usually an operation, not an exercise.”

D. E. Parrish wrote, “The C130s…if they didn’t put boots on the ground, they sure pretended to.”

Stillpoint Storm Watch wrote, “A friend in LA says there are hundreds of military vehicles along the LA River.”

Arctic Blue chimed in with, “Never seen anything like it in twenty-four years service. Not even in a combat zone.”

Suzy Qster reported that “My daughter lives very close to Nellis [Air Force Base] called me freaking out this morning says there are so many huge planes landing there and shaking her house.” So apparently not business as usual at Nellis assuming Suzy’s daughter has lived there for a while.

But others pooh-poohed it as merely the Air Force’s Weapons School Integration training (WSINT) “simulating near-peer adversaries such as Russia and China.” Drills, drills, drills. Everything can be explained away by drills, drills, drills. Robin Sage training for Special Forces Qualification began on December 4th. WSINT continues through December 10th. But as MonkeyWerx is quick to point out, they seem to have a real affinity to flying to-and-from locations known for being black sites and prisons. Places like “the spa” aka Guantanamo Bay. Michael and I also particularly noticed how thick the aircraft were above states where  election fraud is being hotly contested: Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada.

Remember back on 11/13 when I told you the US had raided and seized servers in Frankfurt, Germany? That article received so many comments saying I was certifiably insane for believing such bunk…until it became common knowledge.


But it gets even better. Supposedly multiple sources have confirmed that the CIA’s Gina Haspel was on-site in Frankfurt during the raid and wounded in the fracas as were, reportedly, five of the good guys. Might be true, might not be true but patriot geeks who are addicted to the flight maps can confirm there was a flight out of Frankfurt to GITMO that day which jives with the rumor that Gina began “singing like a canary” on that flight. The same day, Sidney Powell is reported to have visited Gitmo for two hours via another flight.

See? Flight tracking can be fun! Downright addictive. Gives patriots a way to be personally invested in history as it unfolds.

But if you watch the military air traffic long enough, there are two unavoidable conclusions that keep pushing until your brain feels shoved.

Number One: There may need to be a brief period of Martial Law while the Swamp is drained under the 1807 Insurrection Act.

How do you catch shoplifters? First, you let ‘em steal, then you catch ‘em. (Unless you’re my rich Aunt Dotty, then you just let her steal all she wants, ring up what she steals, and send the bill to her rich husband. True story!)

How do you catch election thieves? First, you let ‘em commit fraud, then you catch ‘em.

Number Two: We may be preparing for war on our soil. Do you really think China shelled our $400,000,000 to purchase Dominion to ensureJoe Biden became President only to take a casual la-dee-da attitude about their investment when it all came to naught!?! I don’t think so but I pray I’m wrong!

We’ve known for years the Chinese military were massing down in Mexico and up around Vancouver Island. They reportedly own seaports in California, thousands of acres in Texas as well as land in Florida and Arizona. Despite my deep-seated loathing for looking on the dark side and especially that intensely annoying know-it-all make-fire-with-a-toothpick-and-spotted-quail-feather preppers on YouTube, yeah, it may be time to lay in some flour, sugar, salt and yeast…and learn how to use them! Bread-making is deceptively difficult but I’ve made every possible bread-making mistake so you don’t have to! (Click here for how-to!)

Teddy Roosevelt said, “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” Good advice but let’s update it. “Keep your eyes on the flight tracking map and your emergency radio handy.” God forbid but you may need it.


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan


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    Total 18 comments
    • 2QIK4U

      Now 4 of you are you pushing this guy…. Shows you all just copy and follow each others posts… Does anyone actually Research and find TRUE News anymore ? Or we’ll just go with what the neighbors doing ….. :shock:

    • 2QIK4U

      That’s what they called Event 201… Oh Covid 19 Pandemic Exercise for you Civilian. ….. :idea:

    • Daughter of the Church

      It took years of preparation for the Japs in order to attack us at Pearl Harbor, and it is took us months and a lot of ground loss before Admiral Nimitz stopped the Japs at Mid-Way. It also took us a long time for General Eisenhauer to prepare D-Day’s beach landing in Normandy.
      Same for the Chinese commies! it has taken them years of preparation in order to attack us at Election Day 2020, intending to put their lackeys in power. Same as after Pearl Harbor, for the Japs, The Chinks and their lackeys seem to have gained ground after Election Day. It is not overnight that they will be stopped. Just give our President the time to regroup.

      • 2QIK4U

        Took a lot of planning and Military helping George Bush to pull off 9/11 and have 0 jets scramble :shock:

    • jdrochon

      Operation Rapid Response is a military operation to use the force to vaccinate Americans around the nation. Seems more logical that this is what is really going to happen.

      • Anonymous

        unfortunately I too think that this (aka operation warpspeed?) is the real reason….God I hope not, I want the military protecting the country, not putting an untested, dangerous “vaccine” in everybody!

    • Debamboozler

      Left out impending natural disaster and martial law. The USA ceased to exist way back in 1938 when it went bankrupt and was taken over by the Federal Reserve Corporation. All that is left is to intern the witheringly stupid population in FEMA debtors prison where they belong. The next step after that is to exterminate all of the useless eaters who willfully and vigorously ignored reality in favor of a materialistic fantasy. You partook of her sins (Babylon) now you suffer her punishment. The remedy for stupidity is death. Long live death.

    • Debamboozler

      Operation Orkin Man to rid this country of all the useless eaters. Anyone not sustained by their own effort on their own land is a useless maggot. When you ignore the most essential element of your existence (growing your own food) and put it in the hands of others you forfeit your humanity and become vermin. We are getting exactly what we deserve and have no one to blame but ourselves.

    • Debamboozler

      Zionists control China and will use it under the UN banner to take over the collection of fools formally know as the United States of America. You allowed yourselves to be backed into a corner and now it is time to die like the mice you are.

      After 57 years trying to awaken the materialistic dead, now justice has come due. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELVES. You turned a blind eye to the hard truth because football and the pursuit of corrupt corporate script was more important.

      Believe it or not, the Chinese are going to do God’s work by punishing us for our sins of omission. It’s called judgment, karma, cause and effect and its coming to your round an brownie very soon.

    • Debamboozler

      Survival of the fittest. Time for the unfit to die. The shoe on the foot of death fits right up your keister. You chose materialism over truth and now must pay the price in death. A flock of Bower Birds fascinated with the bright and shiny, oblivious to fundamental truth…the only thing that matters. Divine Justice will come when the fallen twirl on the end of a Chinese bayonet.

    • 2QIK4U

      Chinese don’t need to. They’re already in Canada over a year and entire platoons of up to 100 fully camouflaged chinese military uniforms are jogging all through the Canadian back roads…. Video I posted on Fakebook from youtube a few months ago

    • Slimey

      I don’t think the military is worried about a few Negroes, women, and white fatherless morons that make up BLM and Auntyfa or whatever. They couldn’t even hit the side of the barn 20 feet away. :lol:

      Could it be they are mass shipping DOUGHNUTS for the celebration when they put TRUMP BACK IN OFFICE!

      I know these stuff, ya know? :lol: :lol: :lol: <- :wink:

    • truck driver

      Probably flying in people from India that don’t take a bath or shower.because it’s against their religion. To operate the convent store’s and motels

    • Anonymous

      Chemtrail sprayers, the same reason that it is so windy dark and cold.

    • Jackson

      I have read several articles that spoke about chines forces in Canada throughout their Nation. Many pictures too. Folks are showing pictures of them on Salt Spring Island Prince Rupert Island. Why isn’t any one talking about this??? Also i seen on the internet hundreds of US tanks going to maine on Rail road. What gives here? Is this a possible Red Dawn Scenario ?
      I believe it is.
      Can any one please help verify these reports of tens of thousands of Chines troops in Canada??

    • Jude

      Calm down! When snowfall begins a lot of aircraft are shuffled southerly so they are not iced in. The same during incoming hurricanes or impending flood. Since Trump is pardoning so many friends as he leaves office, he should pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. It’s funny how the people who reveal the truth are indicted, arrested, or forced to flee and get no pardons from the guy who claimed he was going to clean up the swamp.

    • Jude

      China and Canada, joint military cold weather training. Trudeau is trying cooperation with China. My dad was a WWII veteran, his only prejudice shown against our opponents was when he once remarked about the Japanese. “They are sneaky”

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