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This Is the Video to Watch: Infecting W/COVID Swab, the RNA Vaccine, Artificial Intelligence

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    Total 52 comments
    • allendaves

      #1  “ONE” not triune: ……Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”. Fools, hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into your image! 

      A man is human flesh with a spirit inside of it that gives that flesh life. All men have a created spirit except for one man. The man jesus Cheist spirit is not a created spirit but rather the spirit of God himself that gives life to that human flesh……Jesus is only a son by vertue of the fact that the human flesh that the SINGULAR PERSON GOD occupied belonged to God personaly there was no other spirit in Jesus to lay claim to the male human flesh/son of marry/”SON OF MAN” …..erogo “son OF GOD” bleonging to God (as a possesion) not a second or different person!! As such Jesus is not the bastard son trinitarians or muslims would try to make him out to be

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! … or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom or 

      Predestination….its true..its all true…download here Most true Christians go to hell

      • Ranger007

        You sound like a cult member..

    • sammy67

      These people are completely diabolical. Too many out there willing to listen to their propaganda and fall victim to it. It is easy to see their endgame and it’s to destroy us all.

      • Guido

        No, they are mostly going to destroy, Them All, …. not US All !!
        Those por stupid, sheeople, bastards still believing in the MSM and hacks like Fauci and evil fucks like Gates, Soros, Schwab, etc who are all too happy to roll up their sleeves and take one for the team, … deserve what their ignorance brings.

        That one part of the video was my favorite, when he said “Go Ahead And Take One For The Team”, … I got a chuckle out of it.

        None For ME, Thanks !!

        • Equalizer

          Do NOT get tested or vaccinated. You have been warned, again.

          • Equalizer

            How utterly pathetic America’s anti-human satanic society has become…Shut up and take your CCP-19 test and multiple ongoing death vaccines you worthless sheeple as they rip human infants into sellable chunks of meat and precious organ$ (much like the CCP dissidents?) yet libs are concerned with cattle flatulence…WTF???

            “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither”- Thomas Jefferson

      • DangerWillRoberson

        King James Version 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. :idea:

    • Hsaive

      Is there a copy of this video that allows viewing in FULL SCREEN?

      • rmstock

        watch it on bitchute directly :

        Once Were The Living [2020] – SpaceBusters (Documentary Video)
        First published at 00:14 UTC on February 4th, 2021.
        Sergeant Major – SERGEANT MAJOR’S TRUTHER INFO 30232 subscribers

        “The story of the 4th Industrial Modified Reset Man. What’s been put up
        your nose in nano dust “test swabs” and in your mRNA, 4th Industrial
        Revolution, Great Reset, how the nano dust tech works, it’s all in

        This video pulls no punches, it only has Pfizer and AstraZenica
        CEO’s sprint off to their cars and pelt away with 200 mph.

        • HypothesisFree

          It only plays for like a minute and a half. I tried refreshing the page and same thing.

          • HypothesisFree

            OK, today it works. Apparently I needed to reboot my computer.

        • HypothesisFree

          One of the pioneer lab workers who worked on isolating HIV wrote in a book that HIV was never properly isolated. Therefore, effectively we cannot demonstrate that HIV even exists. The people who supposedly died of AIDS in the traditional sense, in reality died from the HIV treatment drug called AZT, which breaks down your immune system even more-so than chemo therapy.

          So while it may be true that the PCR Covid exam is designed to cause an auto-immune disease where cells in your body will produce protein to which your immune system willl mount an immune response, the documentary incorrectly claims that the Covid PCR exam is infecting people with AIDS, which is a disease which in actuality does not even exist.

          Ironically, the acronym AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which actually IS descriptive of what the PCR Covid exam causes:

          A – Acquired. This condition is acquired, meaning that a person becomes infected with it.

          I – Immuno. It was a lie to state that HIV affects a person’s immune system, the part of the body that fights off germs such as bacteria or viruses, since effectively HIV does not exist. However, if you replace “HIV” with “Covid PCR Test”, you now are making a true statement.

          D – Deficiency. The immune system becomes deficient and does not work properly.

          S – Syndrome. A person with AIDS, or no, let´s make that A person who has been given the Covid PCR Test, may experience other diseases and infections because of a weakened immune system.

    • ReflectoMatic

      K L A U S S C H W A B and M A U R I C E S T R O N G


      Exclusive preview for select members, only 300 seats available

      World Forum at the Lodge at Vail – Sept 1982 – 5 day event

      Presenting the plan for world domination as created at the Maurice Strong Baca Grande Hippie Commune

      A Galactic Circus Extravaganza

      and search that link for “San Luis Valley” for the secret map

      • ReflectoMatic

        Around and around and around, a circus ring of horror around the Baca. A vortex. Along the southern edge of the ring is also Rosewell and that Epstein Zorro Ranch from where the plan was to repopulate the world with his DNA after the plandemic killed off most of the population. Zorro Ranch was a bee hive of globalist activity, Epstein donated millions into the Harvard medical research to create the virus. The ranch itself was previously the home of Governor Bill Richardson. Billionaires, Generals, MIC CEO’s, Hollywood movie stars partied at the Epstein Zorro ranch. Wexner was a Canadian and that Canadian group had a virus lab also. Maurice Strong was a Canadian billionaire who owned the Baca Grande hippie commune up in the center of the ring. Brisish and European royalty are very familiar with the ring around the Baca. One ring to rule them all.

        • ReflectoMatic

          Along the eastern edge of the ring is Denver Airport with it’s occult artwork, walls painted with apocalyptic scenes of nuclear war, the plandemic, child sacrifice, and underground tunnels to the D.U.M.B.S.. South of Denver along the ring is the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear War Bunker and Command Center. In the center of the ring is the Baca where the Director of the Los Alamos Lab who created the atom bomb tells his scientist, that is where Oppenheimer and his scientist went to meditate on how to build the bomb, and over the years ideas for other advanced tech came from that same location at the Baca.

          Following the Roswell UFO incident, Truman and then Eisenhower signed treaties with the aliens and that treaty expired in 2004. A fifty year treaty expired. The story goes that Bush and Dick Cheney went to some location within “that ring” to renegotiate a new treaty but the aliens did not show up at the place and time as planned. Bush and Cheney got stood-up by the aliens and the treaty is expired. I found this little story interesting because I was at the first World Forum in Vail, 1982, where Strong & Klause & Kissinger told everyone else “this is the way it’s going to be, make it happen”. I found it interesting because over the decades since, Dick Cheney had become the public spokesperson of that group as Kissinger faded into the background with old age…

          • ReflectoMatic

            Philip Anschutz is a key player in this also. He provides the Lodging for the gatherings and has research facilities that are involved with the ind control aspects. He also owns thins like railroad and a media empire.

            He owns a Vail local newspaper called

            Go there and do a search for “World Forum” , it should pull up a list of articles that stop in 2015 when Anschutz moved the event to his private island off the Georgia coast called Sea Island which is right next to Jekyll Island. Do not be thrown off by the “AEI” part of “AEI World Forum”, I was told the original AEI meant “Alliance of Economic Institutions. And remember this, the event is created by Maurice Strong & Klaus Schwab the same two guys who created the World Economic Forum in Davos, neither of whom is an American.

            Who is Liz Cheney? Bawhahaha…

            • ReflectoMatic

              The little Thule god runs circles around them again. Is it any wonder they created a day of the week in honor, Tu’s Day. Or honor with the Space Command fighting against “them” being located at Thule Airforce Base.

              The MJ-12 knew, thanks Allen it’s been fun.

            • ReflectoMatic

              I finished watching all 5 parts of the Dan Burisch interview at Project Camelot. Although seriously shaken, I think I’m OK. I thank him for describing the ET in a bell jar life support system, that is the vision that terrified me of what was in that room at Val’s house east of JPL, Val and the psychics were all there that night when Allen and Bob took me out there. It was a trap I refused to enter. This was in 1973, around the same time Dan describes they trapped him, sorry Dan, better you then me, you have a more sizzling hot story to tell, so there’s that. I’m not sure if I jumped into the fire and maybe blew the whole thing up, I don’t know, I believe it depends on the people understanding the Maurice Strong half of the Strong and Klause Schwab partnership.


      • Debbie

        People need to learn to stay the hell away from the Medical Industrial Complex and the Big Pharma poison pill Complex….
        Fact – Medical Industrial Complex is the third biggest killer of human beings
        If you are sick cure yourself with natural remedies, vitamins, supplements….and try not to eat their poison food wither…big food manufacturers are satanic and the food is designed to make you sick…so many chemicals and additives..

    • truck driver

      Robot people just like the Borg from star trek and the McGog from that star ship commonwealth tv show from the 1999 area

      • AJ

        I’ll take 7 Of Nine though!!

        • The Watcher

          Hell, yeah :!: :razz: I’ll take all 9 of them :!: :razz:

    • Greybeard

      Government looking to double capacity at Howard Springs, lifts cap on international arrivals
      By political reporter Georgia Hitch
      Prime Minister Scott Morrison says National Cabinet has agreed to increase the cap on international passenger arrivals from mid-February, but flagged people will still have to do hotel quarantine even if they have had a vaccine.
      Posted 3hhours ago / Updated 1hhour ago

      …………So even if vaccinated you still have to quarantine… much for the vaccine!!11

    • Greybeard

      ‘Vaccine could protect against severe disease’: AstraZeneca analyses results of South African variant trial
      While the British company says none of more than 2,000 participants died, the trial showed only limited efficacy for the vaccine against mild disease due to the South African variant.
      Posted 1hhour ago

      ….only 2000 and when the number increases it becomes less effective…and more deaths….as in norway… they then change the narrative to suit themselves….if an individual dies of a heart attack…they called it a covid death….’cause apparently they had it…..
      They then inject the vulnerable …apparently the ones whole really need it…. Which …as in norway…once received the shot…all displayed the same systems of fever…etc etc….then died….so the narrative changed to they were old and sick…. Apparently the very group of people who require the vaccine… but they all had the same symptoms after the injection and died… so the jab killed them…. Can’t alter narrative just because it’s your needle!111……

      • 2QIK4U

        Government are Murdering us !

        • nikita

          & you’re murdering the grammar! :wink:

          “Government is murdering us!”
          “Governments are murdering us!”

          But your thought train is correct….

    • Greybeard

      Live: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine may be less effective against South African variant
      By Michael Doyle
      The AstraZeneca vaccine appears to offer only limited protection against mild disease caused by the South African variant of COVID-19, based on early data from a trial. Follow live.
      Posted SatSaturday 6 FebFebruary at 9:38pm / Updated SatSaturday 6 FebFebruary at 11:47pm

      ….. appears to offer only limited….so pointless!!11
      And now that its mutated means the old strain that first appeared now no longer exists….that’s why you don’t get the flu variant from ten years ago as its burnt out and mutated…..making any vaccine pointless… nor can they show or tell you of its effects upon you in two/ten years nor what ramifications in x number of years….so possible harmful substance being imposed upon the people via blackmail by the government….if you don’t get it you can’t fly…you can’t receive money….you can’t live…you can’t you can’t you can’t… threats of intent via blackmail !!!111……so much for law and so much for judges of honorable status…!!111…….

    • Greybeard

      On top of that ….
      How are they going to stop an incredible smart virus as covid!!?…..apparently it waits till you return to your country of origin then infects you and kills you then…….ya know the missing narrative of….

      Natural disaster somewhere…….call this hotline if someone you know has/is in this area/place/plane/

      And in all of these multitudes of death across the world…….apparently only really healthy people go on holiday/live/work around the world…no one with underlining conditions apparently do…..even though multitudes of foreigners/natives of, are trapped all across the globe….so none of them among the dead are ten Australians…..fifty Americans….20 Chinese…etc etc in foreign countries… one extremely intelligent virus….waits till ya get home!11……then gets ya!11…..hahaha…yeah right…hahaha
      Better off staying away from your own country!

    • sam slater

      heres the thing that traitor has sold out his flock. it was all a reality tv show. each of the presidents save for JFK had a role to play in order to advance the NWO.

      After trump America is now in shock mode because trump promised them the world and delivered zero. Now after trump a special team has been put in place to keep the trump support base in check, with fiction after fiction n of mass arrests, fake assassination attempts on the creep blah blah blah…

      the so called deep state have proven themselves to be very serious in their operations and if traitor was a real threat they would wipe him and his entire family off the face of the earth. the useless eaters have been had again but never you mind after a steady diet on junk food they will grab a flag and hobble on to their next choice who will spin them more illusions.

      how do I know this? its because its been happening for hundreds of years starting with the masonic founding fathers and their fake constitution . the fat americanos are also dumb enough not to see that their constitution is a fake like the fake tramp they elected.

      face it americans without the constitution you have nothing …no values …no tradition …no country your beloved america is just an illusion of your mind because you are living on some one else’s farm.

      you were complacent and silent when the so called deep state murdered and stole half the world …you sat by sipping on soda pop munching on fries and burghers …riding the…

    • HfjNUlYZ

      How can they discuss variants of a virus that they have never isolated in the first instance.

    • betty boop

      all healthcare workers have to have Hep B vaccine- any stats on those people dying?

    • oldyellersghost

      When you allow the Monsters to swab your nose, you are allowing them to damage your penial gland.. your third eye.. Why do you think the test hurts? They could swab the end of your nostril for DNA but you have allowed them to jab your brain instead.

      If that doesn’t do it for you, the jab may. You are their dog then. Wake up. You are being chained by the government and you don’t even know it. Unleash yourself!

    • Barry

      They gonna start stickin’ that swab up yo ass. And you gonna like it. And, you gonna love that vaccine, mmmm hmmmm! Yessir! Gonna love what it do to you

      • Stonemason

        NWO shill :lol: Tik tok

        • Barry

          Racist muthafucker. You can eat the peanuts out my turd, tik-tok till supper time shithead clown. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • zzz

      this was very early on, I took the test cause I THOUGHT you had to be tested before going on an airplane, I took the test and then VERY HARSHLY SALT WATER cleansed that nose for about an hour. WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THIS NOW!!!!!!???????? IS THERE ANYTHING CAN DO!?!?!?!

    • Dan Hammer

      Pretty boring SOS, nothing new here.

      • Dan Hammer

        Sorry, wrong blog, this was an interesting video, if half of this is true this is very scary stuff

    • OrionBelt

      These silver nano particles is nano-aluminum which binds to viruses and bacteria in your blood and makes your own immune system attack yourself. This is why we have been seeing people dying of inflamation of the brain from receiving the mrna vaccines. It is two-step punch biowarfare solution, as Bill calls it- the Final solution.

    • residentp

      Fauci and gates are making money like crazy and using a cheap method by placing parasites on test swabs to get us into hospitals, they are making a killing. They didn’t even needed a very expensive lab created virus and in hospitals you get treated for covid with the same symptoms as Malaria and Malaria medicines work to kill this ‘virus’. All done to sell the Vaccines that will eventually do the depopulation job for them.

    • phicrappazappa

      Supposedly a known…yet Fauci gets a million? Sure that’s a swab at your rear?


      you all better learn there is a price on on all of our heads the GOV put life insurance policy’s “life force annuity’s” thru the art of pledging to the pope and queen We all have been BONDED into slavery thru the “dead baby scam ” The UNITED SECURITY S SCAM ” and rolled into several GLOBAL TRUSTS everything is a TRUST , why do you think the fed notes all say “IN GOD WE TRUST” “EVERYTHING IS A TRUST. want proof read Colonel mandell house speech . In a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (US President 1913 – 1921) Colonel Edward Mandell House predicted the banksters’ plans to enslave the American people. He Stated:

      Still want proof your asses are traded around the world go here type in your SSN and try not to have a mental breakdown

      YOU ARE WORTH MORE DEAD THEN ALIVE the older the more your worth 10 to 100 million “nursing homes anyone”

    • Vickie 75

      I just wonder if people who was tested for flu before covid. If those swabs have nanoparticles on them?

    • Mr. X

      I have no doubt about the technology that is being used against people all over the world! I do however have to call BS on the cotton swab with “Nano Particles” image. Nano particles can’t be seen with the naked human eye.

      Mr. X

      • residentp

        It is a graphic representation of a situation, not an actual situation. Different Scales are layered as to explain the situation.

    • WaitingForJesus

      During the great depression, the Bank of Italy, now known as Bank of America, forclosed on most of the land in California. When they sold the land, they kept the mineral rights and that is how B of A got so rich

    • Болеслава

      The Difference Between the Safe Russian Sputnik Vaccinne and the Dangerous and Deadly Western EXperimental Astrzeneca Vaccine in a Nutshell.



    • beLIEve

      28 July 2015

      WHO MEMO$ from 1972 explain how to TURN VACCINES INTO A MEAN$ of KILLING. . First published 2009. :idea: :mad:

      CORONAVIRU$ Isolated From Humans, PATENT Timeline :idea:

      Why Are We In Lockdown-As Of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 Is No Longer Considered To Be A High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) In The UK

      100 BULLET POINT FACT$ to show the C – 19 is BASED entirely ON FICTION: :lol:

      It needs to be understood that the UNITED NATIONS is a ROTH$CHILD creation and acts as the WORLD government FOR the BANK$.
      It is now time to demolish it so that I$RAEL, another ROTH$CHILD CREATION, can form a NEW GLOBAL GOVERNMENT in I$RAEL under the TALMUDIC NOAHIDE PLATFORM. :mad: This is the role of KING CYRUS, to emancipate the supremacist’s that control I$RAEL and GIVE THEM the WORLD UNDER MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP. Now you can understand the current PANDEMIC as the means to UPROOTING the UN.

      Those that formed the following agenda will also CONTROL the NEW PLATFORM IN I$RAEL and of course will continue everything achieved by the UNITED NATION$ and it’$ ….WORLD HEALTH ORGANI$ATION. BILL GATES I$ a front for the CIA, the Rockefellers and ultimately the Rothschilds. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. :idea:

      LOCKDOWN News :idea:

      Two KEY MEMORANDUM$ from the World Health Organisation, (WHO)……. :idea:

      • beLIEve

        ……CONTINUED….from my incomplete post above……. :idea: :idea: :idea:

        LOCKDOWN NEWS :idea:

        Two KEY MEMORANDUM$ from the World Health Organisation, (WHO) discovered by PATRICK JORDAN, show the WHO has INTENTIONALLY CREATED the three-shot KILLER VACCINE, :mad: with the intent under pandemic regulations, to FORCE PEOPLE to TAKE A$ MANDATORY under some FANTA$Y CORPORATE DECLARED MELTDOWN. :idea:
        It is the CONTINGENCY ACT 2004 in the U.K., the PATRIOT ACT in the U.S. with all other nations under the U.N. controlled insolvency administration platforms having there own version, that the incorporated governments will MOVE TO ENFORCE the MADNE$$ you are going to read about in this report. :idea:

        Many statutes were changed during the 2009 flu script that will allow the State to enforce vaccinations under the mental health platform you promote with vigour, without recognising the SHADOW AGENDA ready to become the :idea: RULES :lol: OF the CORPORATE STATE. :idea:

        Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework, PDF :idea:

        UNDERSTAND one thing, all this Legal LEGISLATION applies only to the Person, it HAS NO JURISDICTION IN the WORLD OF MAN. :idea: Study :

        1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No 2 Memoranda #1 and #2 :idea:
        Virus-associated immunopathology :

        ANIMAL MODELS and implications for human disease technically outline the ability to CREATE BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS IN the FORM of VACCINES…….THAT………

        • beLIEve

          ……CONTINUED….from my incomplete post above……. :idea: :idea: :idea:

          ANIMAL MODELS and implications for human disease technically outline the ability to CREATE BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS IN the FORM of VACCINES…….THAT…… CREATE…. :idea:

          1) TOTALLY DISABLE the IMMUNE SYSTEM. :idea:


          ONE, TWO, THREE, DEAD. :oops:

          These WHO Memoranda’s describe the THREE-STAGE IMPACT OF the THREE SHOTS many people will be forced to take in the autumn to allegedly treat a VIRUS that WHO also HELPED CREATE and RELEA$E. :idea:

          This is a crucial piece of evidence of WHO’s long-term intentions because these memorandums give the best and fullest insight into the WHO and AFFILIATED LABS, (such as the CDC) and their current activities, activities such as the PATENTING of the MO$T LETHAL BIRD FLU VIRU$E$ available, and sending the virus to BAXTER’$ subsidiary in AUSTRIA, which WEAPONISED IT…AND…SENT OUT 72 KILOS TO 16 LABS IN FOUR COUNTRIES ALMOST TRIGGERING….A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. :idea: :idea: :mad:

          For every CRIME, there needs to be MOTIVE, an indication that it was deliberate, A PLANNED EVENT. The WHO MEMORANDUM$ PROVIDE the EVIDENCE :idea: OF just such a DELIBERATE LONG-TERM PLANNING TO KILL PEOPLE BY WEAKENING THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM by use of the first vaccine, INJECTING A LIVE VIRUS into the

          Video available here :

          Download the WHO Memoranda on : here :oops:

          How did we arrive at 2020 :

          Scroll down the PDF until you find : :oops:

          CLICK on LINK below for full article……. :idea:

    • Arthur Trafford

      I appreciate and can see what a WORST-CASE scenario might look like in the near future. But if I get tested and my immune system ALREADY HAS anti-bodies protecting me; then why would I need a vaccine, since my creator is already PROTECTING ME???

      Stop the “BS”, Basic Satanic mindset “twisted”, be TRUTHFUL, balanced, and more positive in your religious world views. Try avoiding total “FEAR MONGERING” and mix in a lot more faith, hope and love into your pessimistic MINDSET!!! LOL.


    • Christian Patriot News

      Please feature my latest video in your next article. People will love this intel!


      Choose my Bitchute link or Rumble.

      Thanks so much!

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