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Dr Pierre Gilbert Warns Since 1995 Magnetic Vaccines — These Vaccines Will Make Possible to Control People

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Dr. Pierre Gilbert is married and father of 4 children. He was born in Trois-Rivières Ouest, province of Quebec although he lived in the Bahamas and in the United States. In 1962, after a college course in science, he graduated from Palmer University in Davenport, Iowa USA as a chiropractor.

Among his experiences and qualifications, according to his website:

It has been in practice since 1962 and in 1974 established a system of seven clinics and operated up to 7 clinics at a time.
In 1978, he opened a fasting clinic in the Bahamas, on the island of Eleuthera, especially for heart patients.
In 1979 he joined a group of nutritionists under the auspices of the King Mountain Academy. These studies were based on “the biochemical balance of saliva and urine”.
Dr Gilbert is the author of written chronicles and of a book entitled “La Santé Totale”.

In 1974, he created Health Seminars, both for the profession and for the public. He was a consultant for one of the largest such firms in the US.
He was a member of various research societies such as: American Arthritic Society Gonsted Technics, Goodhearth Kinesiological Research Group, Van Rumpt Reflex Technic.

Dr Pierre Gilbert in 1995:
“In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda”

Here’s the video.

IMAGINE BEING ABLE to signal an immune cell to generate antibodies that would fight bacteria or even cancer. That fictional possibility is now a step closer to reality with the development of a bio-compatible transistor the size of a virus. Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber and his colleagues used nanowires to create a transistor so small that it can be used to enter and probe cells without disrupting the intracellular machinery. These nanoscale semiconductor switches could even be used to enable two-way communication with individual cells.

Lieber has worked for the past decade on the design and synthesis of nanoscale parts that will enable him to build tiny electronic devices (see “Liquid Computing,” November-December 2001, page 20). Devising a biological interface, in which a nanoscale device can actually communicate with a living organism, has been an explicit goal from the beginning, but has proven tricky. At its simplest, the problem was inserting a transistor constructed on a flat plane (think of the surface of a computer chip) into a three-dimensional object: a cell perhaps 10 microns in size. Merely piercing the cell was not enough, because transistors need a source wire from which electrons flow and a drain wire through which they are discharged.

The key, Lieber says, was figuring out how to introduce two 120-degree bends into a linear wire in order to create a “V” or hairpin configuration, with the transistor near the tip. Getting the entire structure off the surface on which it had been created was easier: Lieber integrated the nano-wire probes with a pair of bimetal, layered interconnects. Joined strips of two different metals that expand at different rates have been used in thermostats for years–when the temperature changes, one metal swells or contracts more than the other, bending the thermostat to the opposite side to accommodate the expansion. Lieber used this principle to lift the transistor up and out of the flat plane on which it was created.

When he finally engineered the tiny device and tried to insert it into a cell, however, he had no luck: pressing hard enough to disrupt the cell membrane, he reports, killed the cell “pretty quickly.” But when his team coated the hairpin nanowire with a fatty lipid layer (the same substance cell membranes are made of), the device was easily pulled into the cell via membrane fusion, a process related to the one cells use to engulf viruses and bacteria. This innovation is important, Lieber explains, because it indicates that when a man-made structure is as small as a virus or bacteria, it can behave the way biological structures do.

Tests of the device indicate that it could be used not only to measure activity within neurons, heart cells, and muscle fibers, for example, but also to measure two distinct signals within a single cell simultaneously–perhaps even the workings of intracellular organelles, the functional units within cells that generate energy, fold proteins, process sugars, and perform other critical functions. (When those processes stop working, the breakdown can lead to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or Tay-Sachs.) And because a transistor also allows the application of a voltage pulse, such devices might one day provide hybrid biological-digital computation, or deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s patients, or serve as an interface for a prosthetic that requires information processing at the point where it attaches to its owner.

“Digital electronics are so powerful that they dominate our daily lives,” Lieber points out. “When scaled down, the difference between digital and living systems blurs, so that you have an opportunity to do things that sound like science fiction–things that people have only dreamed about.”

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In a 2016 experiment, synthesized proteins were inserted into a VIRUS, where they were injected into brains of mice to ultimately control the reward/motivation centers of brain using magnetic fields.

A theology professor in 1995 warned of mandatory vaccines containing magnetized particles that would turn recipients “into zombies.”

Scientists developed a new method of controlling certain nerve cells of the brain to manipulate behaviors — and it’s delivered via viral injection.

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In 2016, researchers at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville genetically engineered a magnetized protein, called Magneto, which is inserted into a virus that’s injected into an animal’s brain to manipulate neural activity under the remote influence of magnetic fields….

Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez of Harvard University, left, who uses optogenetics to manipulate memories in the brains of mice, says the mind control study is “badass”.

“Previous attempts [using magnets to control neuronal activity] needed multiple components for the system to work – injecting magnetic particles, injecting a virus that expresses a heat-sensitive channel, [or] head-fixing the animal so that a coil could induce changes in magnetism,” he explains. “The problem with having a multi-component system is that there’s so much room for each individual piece to break down.”

This remarkable study is notable given anecdotally reported strange side effects with the COVID-19 vaccine involving magnetism.

It’s also worth pointing out that Canadian theology professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert (above) during a lecture in 1995 warned of a coming mandatory vaccine containing liquid crystals that, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into “zombies.”

“In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields,” Gilbert said. “What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections.”

“This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory,” he continued. “And these vaccines will make possible to control people.”

– How to identify prophesies coded in the visions of four men whom God revealed information about the latter days to.
 How to survive each day with little necessities of life like little food, no technology as there will be no electricity, and sometimes poor housing.
 How to preserve medication and food at home without chemical preservatives or a refrigerator.
– How to identify biological weapons and chemicals thrown your way, understanding how they affect your body and what to do about it and also how to avoid it and stay safe.
– How to make protective clothing to shield you against chemical weaponry using simple household items. This covers you when an attack is imminent and you do not have the necessary gear or did not have time to buy required gear.
– How to craft a plan to survive even when times become challenging. Here, Cain explains simple military science to help you survive at home. You will need to use simple equipment and substances available at home.
– How to distinguish clean water and food from ones that have been contaminated after an attack. This keeps the family safe and free of diseases that may be caused by contaminated food or water.



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    • Katherine

      Learn at Christ’s Feet and Only from Him. Luke 10:38-42

      Unless the “teachers” are obedient to God’s Commands, they will never understand, give or speak truth because they will be deceived. Partial truth will never do.

      All of humanity has been born into this Antichrist beast system. This beast system is now and always has been in the business of programming each and every one of us on how to “view” and then to believe Satan’s “point of view” instead of [[ knowing ]] God Almighty’s Truth and Reality!

      Fear is the at the apex of the beast system’s PSYOP on the control of everything !

      This “fear” is nothing to God’s own. It will have zero hold on or over you inevitably, once you get connected and stay connected to Christ 24/07.

      So, we are definitely able to rid ourselves, forever, of the ungodly “FEAR”, deliberately created through a myriad of “FEAR PSYOPS” carried out by none other than this world’s Nazi Style Serial Killing Pedophile Death Cult.

      CHRIST IS TRUTH AND LOVE. Do this God’s Way; not the world’s way which includes the counterfeit, fractured-denominational church way. They only DIVIDE CHRIST in a horrific way which causes many seeking him confusion. They will lead you where you do not want to go.

      CHRIST 24/07 at your side will have you realizing this “fear” is vaporizing into what it actually is; FAIRY FLOSS, COTTON CANDY: A NOTHING BURGER !!!

      The Nazi Style Serial Killing Pedophile Death…

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