Mike Flynn Is Q! Trump's Q+ Coming Soon To A Theater Near You! Have Faith! It's Going To Be Biblical!
Mike Flynn Is Q! Trump’s Q+ Coming Soon To A Theater Near You! Have Faith! It’s Going To Be Biblical!
COVID-19 & COVID-19 Shot Therapy – They Don’t Want You To Find
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COVID-19 & COVID-19 Shot Therapy – They Don’t Want You To Find
Trump’s EPIC Q Comms & Truth Bombs In CPAC Speech! Everything Has Meaning! You’re Watching A Scripted Movie!
Plus Scroll Down for 7 Even More Sensational Videos!
Mike Flynn Is Q! Trump’s Q+ Coming Soon To A Theater Near You! Have Faith! It’s Going To Be Biblical! Both Mike Flynn and Donald J. Trump have been dropping a multitude of Q Comms & Truth Bombs! Remember, everything Has Meaning! You’re Watching A Scripted Movie! And Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing! A Mass Awakening Is The Deep State Cabal’s Greatest Fear! You Are About To Witness “The Start” Of A Worldwide Military Intelligence Sting Operation! There’s a massive storm on the horizon!
We Had To Walk Through The Darkness Before We Could See The Light! It Had To Be This Way To Safeguard Future Elections And Save Our Children From The Real Pandemic: Child Sex Trafficking! Patriots can prove everything! But the longer we wait, the more The Deep State is Exposed! Every Scenario Was Planned For! The Whole World is Watching!
Q is promising a Very HOT SUMMER! The Deep State, Election Fraud, Fake News, Big Pharma and The Climate Hoax are all being EXPOSED! Sometimes you can’t tell the people the truth, you must show them!
Arrests & Military Tribunals Are Coming SOON! Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Fauci, The Obamas, Bidens & Clintons will all end up in GITMO for High Treason!
Trump vows “We’re Going To Take Back Our Country SOONER THAN YOU THINK! You will see things you’ve never seen before!” Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of The United States! In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America returns to The Gold Standard! Plus NESARA will be inacted and all debts of every American will be cancelled!
Welcome to The Great Awakening! Nothing Can Stop What is Coming! Nothing. Enjoy The Show!
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Previous Updates:
Q: July 10 Deltas! Smoke & Mirrors! Lies Become Truth! Truths Become Lies! MSM: Enemy of The People!
Military Occupation! Q: Class Action! Big Tech Weapons! Irregular Warfare [MZ] @Jack All Assets Seized!
Flynn Publicly Endorses Q! Conspiracy No More! WARNING Urgent Message! The Start: WW Military Sting Operation!
Trump is Q+ MASSIVE Storm Coming! ALICE & Wonderland! It Had To Be This Way To Safeguard Future Elections!
Q Perfectly Predicts Ghislaine Maxwell Clinton Crimes! Obama, Oprah, Rothschild ALL PEDO’s! Patriots Have It All!
Will GA or AZ Be First to De-Certify? Trump Hints He Never Left! Q: Epic 1 Year Delta! Dems BUSTED in USB Scandal!
SHOCKING! AZ Audit Reveals 667 Different Versions of Ballots Used in Maricopa! Military Election Sting! Q: Light Kills The Virus!
Flynn’s July Surprise! Trump Reinstall PLUS 3rd Term? Military In Control! Deep State PANIC False Flag Coming!
Trump Military Reinstatement! Expect Fireworks! Q: Every Scenario Planned For! The END is Near! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!
U.S. Military Takeover! EPIC Quad Q Proof! Trump Reinstatement! 20 State Audits! The World is Watching!
Mark Zuckerberg’s Going To Prison! Lindell’s EPIC Speech! Hunter Biden Indictment! GA, MI, CO Forensic Audits
CJ Truth’s EPIC Good News! Top 15 PLUS 15 Forensic Audits! FBI [FF] Lies! Q: Climate Scam TRILLIONS!
COVID-19 & COVID-19 Shot Therapy – They Don’t Want You To Find
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We’ll see.
All of humanity has been born into this Antichrist beast system. This beast system is now and always has been in the business of programming each and every one of us on how to “view” and then to believe Satan’s “point of view” instead of [[ knowing ]] God Almighty’s Truth and Reality!
Fear is the at the apex of the beast system’s PSYOP on the control of everything !
We are definitely able to rid ourselves, forever, of the ungodly “FEAR”, deliberately created through a myriad of “FEAR PSYOPS” carried out by none other than this world’s Nazi Style Serial Killing Pedophile Death Cult.
These are the people many trust so much that they have placed them in positions of “trust and power”.
This Antichrist beast system and it’s psyop system, will prove to be pointless, futile, ineffectual, impotent, fruitless, and at the “end of the day” completely unsuccessful.
It is completely up to you what you choose to do.
We were told Obama was the Antichrist, why because they did not want us to realised that trump is the real antichrist.
i took this handle from something marilyn manson said. he called himself the third and final beast. i remember thinking “wait, i thought there was four. why is the third final? does it work so well that a fourth wont be needed? or does it fail so hard the people will never allow a fourth?”
in his song astonishing panorama of the endtimes he says “kill your god, kill your TV”
You begin every post with h the same line. You do realise you are talking to the same people every time? I understand your meaning now that you kindly explained it. Thanks for that.
Q was several people
None ever talked to any YouTube grifters.
I read someone else is Q
#2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! …those that deny the second coming of Christ in the war of AD70 are practicing a damnable heresy in denying the lord that bought them ( 2Peter 2:1-2 ;2Tim 4:8/ you cant love an appearing you deny& the context is the 2nd coming not the first)… Mat 7:23..”I NEVER KNEW YOU” …..Mat 10:33. But whosoever shall deny me before men……..sound familiar?…. If I said I am coming to your house in this generation when these things happen but no one knows the day or hour what fool would think I might be coming in 2000 years latter!?!? ..2 Tim 4: 4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be TURNED UNTO FABLES. 2Thess 2: 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. DOWNLOAD FREE THE ENTIRE 480PG BOOK AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS https://www.scribd.com/doc/305366745/Revelation-the-First-Gospel-of-the-Kingdom or http://www.globethics.net/gtl/5455069 Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom or https://www.academia.edu/23464127/REVELATION_THE_FIRST_GOSPEL_OF_THE_KINGDOM
#1 https://www.scribd.com/doc/305367608/The-Trinity-Heresy OR https://www.academia.edu/23463667/THE_TRINITY_HERESY or http://www.globethics.net/gtl/10920799 THE TRINITY HERESY
#3 Predestination….its true..its all true…download here https://www.scribd.com/doc/306868420/Most-True-Christians-Go-to-Hell http://www.globethics.net/gtl/10920800 Most true Christians go to hell https://www.academia.edu/25217564/Most_True_Christains_Go_to_Hell
#4 Water babtisim? HTTPS://WWW.SCRIBD.COM/DOCUMENT/326686356/THIEF-CROSS-3D
I’ve never lost faith in these two amazing men. God wins🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
Mike Flynn is a patriot, but he is not capable of calculating billions of likely time lines two years out and predicting to the day and sometimes the hour as to what is going to happen.
Quantum computers are what can do that, which is why the Q is called Q.
Q is 12 people and a Quantum computer under Trump’s direction.
Q is CIA.
Q is someone who has plead guilty to lying twice? That sounds about right after 5 years of Qfraud and false predictions.
since you brought up a post with the word deceiver in it (only used a few times starting mid 2020) id like to say that i think its a direct result of me. whoever is running Q is watching everyones discussions about it. i made a comment on a youtube video that has since been deleted apparently that went something like this
is this Q?
marilyn manson had 3 core albums from 1996-2000. antichrist superstar, mechanical animals, holywood. he said theyre a triptych in reverse order. so holywood is the beginning, mechanical animals the middle, antichrist superstar the end.
holywood begins with the track godeatgod (imagine the political ‘fights’ for control) followed by the tracks love song and fight song. then disposable teens which has a line “the more that you fear us the bigger we get and dont be surprised when we destroy all of it”. 5th track is target audience that holds the line “i see all the young believers, their target audience and i see all the old DECEIVERS, they all just sing this song”
the next track is called president dead. the entirety of the lyrics are notable but heres a bit “president dead is clueless and hes caught in a headlight. police state god and his skull is stained glass” this is back in 2000. fast forward to election day 2016 and manson released a short clip…
for a song on an upcoming album say10. in it, there are a few frames of a beheaded figure in a red tie laying on the ground with manson holding the severed head that really resembles trumps hair. turns out, the guy that directed this video is the same guy that did the photoshoot for kathy griffith holding the severed trump head. might have even been the same prop. also in 2016/2017 manson started wearing a face mask. and in his latest album has a song that says “we are sick”
a line from his album the golden age of grotesque “were the low art gloominati and we aim to depress”
lines from antichrist superstar “capitalism has made it this way, old fashioned fascism will take it away” and “the beautiful people, the beautiful people, its all relative to the size of your steeple”
we’re watching a movie? imo manson has given people the script. near the end of holywood “is this what you wanted? this is what you get, KING KILL 33″
Idiot Flynn has been in too many battles and has lost his mental functions. There is no way constitutionally for Trump to be put back in office. It’s not going to happen idiots – WAKIE The F*ck up.
Qtards fall for the con every time.
Talk about losing your mental functions….you have done lost them. Clearly it will be over your head to explain how its constitutionally possible and as a matter of fact already happened. After an indepth investigation by Military, Trump was sworn in on March 11, 2021. Biden is the president chairman of the United States Corporation of America of the 1871 Act, illegally passed by Congress. Allowing foreign entities control over Washington DC. 2019 Trump abolished it and declared it bankrupt. Every president chairman from the 19th-46th has been an illegal president. Trump is the legal President of the United States of America Republic. That is no longer under the control of Rothschild Federal Reserve World Bank and the highly illegal IRS. Before the Deep State could Reset the economy to completely wipe out the US, Trump already signed into law Nesara/Gesara and a new gold backed currency. QFS; Quantum Financial System. I could careless whether you believe it or not, or like it or not, its already happened idiot. Join the rest of your flock and go back to sleep or pick up where I left off. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!
A i
Q is a CIA operation for retards like yourselves.
Consequently you are of no use to the Trump side whatsoever.
You are merely a drain on the energy needed to fight. Piss off the lot of you.
At what point do you start getting humiliated after spreading disinformation on a regular basis? Thats what happens when you always copy other peoples content and not researching anything for yourself. Flynn is NOT Q. Q comes from the Military Quantum Computer. What makes you think after watching 1 of your videos anyone would consider watching 7 more? Especially when people have seen them over and over.