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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Juan O' Savin and David Nino Rodriguez What's Coming Next (Must See Video)

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by N.Morgan


In their latest video, Juan and David expose what’s coming next and what we need to prepare for. This summer could be one that changes history forever.

This is a must see and must share! 

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    Total 10 comments

      One Oh Tard, more hopium BS.

    • HawkBowler

      Juan: Melania’s dress is very important. I’m willing to pay $10 grand cash. I need an original, though, not a knock off.

      Nino: Can’t U just get the dress from Melania?

      Juan: No, she’s not giving it up… that’s one of the most important communication dresses of all time… it’s going into a museum.

      Juan points to specific pages in the book:

      pg. 71 = 17
      pg. 51 = 17 x 3

      Melania’s dress is dark to light, orange cubes that start small at the top and end big. Juan stresses this… notice that the cubes start out small… don’t worry.. the orange cube portion is big in the end.

      E = M3/C – MAGA XXX over Corn or MAGA XXX divided by Corn?

      Juan keeps telling us that Melania’s dress was the last message given to the cabal before ‘going into the storm.’

      That last part is important. Trump leaving the White House represented a new scale of conflict known as ‘going into the storm’… this is different from “riding ON the storm.”

      Juan says in no unmistakable terms that the Trumps are in bed with the cabal, and they signalled that they’re onboard with the cabal plan just before leaving the White House. Now there’s conflict between 107 and the Trumps… Y else does Juan keep reminding the Trumps about the secret plan?

      David beat Goliath with his brain more than the sling shot. The story of David, the running theme throughout the bible, is the underdog. David is constantly surrounded by enemies, constantly facing overwhelming odds, and still…

      • HawkBowler

        David is more than a great warrior, strategist and King… his character epitomizes the battle of the soul… that faces enormous odds.. a soul that needs a steady crown, great courage and intelligence to succeed. David is a spiritual attainment level that is available to all of the souls who are worthy… and needy, facing some sort of Goliath threat.

        Juan is worried about the coming uptick of rhetoric on both sides. On one side, the unvaxed are killers… on the other side goons are coming to your house to execute U on your doorstep. Juan is worried about the reaction to this retarded debate tornado that we’re heading into. Make no mistake, he’s worried about saving himself and his warlocks and witches. He’s worried that an uptick in rhetoric will produce more Davids, who drop everything in life and start working against the cabal. The public is waking up faster than the cabal can roll out their mechanisms of control. There are two guns for every American in this country. A door-to-door forced vaccination program is a bluff that’s only going to piss people off.

        • HawkBowler

          Adomites vs Edomites

          It sucks but we have to consider Juan O Savin our spiritual teacher.

          I’m being serious. He’s given out information that is unavailable to the public when it comes to biblical prophecy, origin of species, as well as the government of the world, how things really work.

          What sucks is that he’s the master locksmith. The man behind a thousand locked gates. When we hear that ‘information is power’ it is usually not true in the sense that most people think… If one obtains knowledge that is freely available to everyone else, they may have educated themselves, made themselves more employable and such, but they haven’t gained any power. No, the knowledge that gives power is always ‘secret knowledge’ that is well guarded and only shared in small doses. If people learn too much they start thinking for themselves.

          But let’s not be butt whiners, Juan O Savin is giving ‘secret knowledge’… it behooves us to pay attention.

          107 explains how we (I’m calling Adomites) and them twisted sisters (I’m calling Edomites). Working labels, now… 107 says that Satan ‘beguiled’ Eve… “Sexual Assualt” an “Alien Invasion” of the Adomite bloodline. Forget what U believe, keep following Juan… we need to understand both sides of this conflict in the least.

          Now, given this problem of alien invasion of God’s Adomite peoples… Satan has succeeded in A) preserving is own Edomite bloodline and B) preserving his own existence… God, decides to…

          • HawkBowler

            Then God, in a serious WTF move… decides to leave Satan in charge of the world and let the two bloodlines co-mingle until the time of the harvest.

            It’s a bumpy road. The Edomite clan, Giant assholes at first eat almost all of the Adomites. God floods the earth in a last digit effort to preserve the Adomite DNA.

            Now there comes a part in the movie when a Dr. J character comes along… highly relevant to this bloodline conflict issue, but let’s ignore him for now so we can understand our Hatfields vs the McCoys bloodline fued.

            Satan and his Edomites were placed in control. By who? God, all sides agree. No disagreements. Now, given this knowledge, are we to believe that God would then allow Satan to give us over to an alien species from some other part of the galaxy? God said we were his pride joy. No way THE BIG GUY let’s that happen. Satan is given power and time, but he’s locked in the same place as the rest of us.

            The Edomites are the elites and figure heads of our world. Our politicians and Tech giants, movie stars and even some sports heros. We have the illusion of two worlds. The Edomites know the truth whereas the Adomites think they’re special. This is their ONE and only advantage.

            “THE STORM IS UPON US”

            U heard Juan correctly… what this means is that the Edomites, the Riders ON The Storm… are facing a cap crisis. They know the harvest time approaches… they know people are waking up…they know where they are set to be sorted. Maybe…

            • HawkBowler

              Maybe now… let’s not judge… they say Dr. J has the voodoo that only he do… it’s gotta be better than a med bed.

              Still, the Edomites are an irrational and insane bunch. Like their leader, they’ve taken on the “Rebel To The End” mentality… U know… it’s almost like this guy Satan is a dick on purpose, do U know what I mean? It’s almost like it’s his job. And the curious thing about Satan is that he’s an angel, yes a fallen angel, but still an angel. What do we know about angels? They don’t have free will. A curious puzzle… maybe 107 can explain?

    • allendaves

      #1  “ONE” not triune: ……Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no “three in one” is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur OR or THE TRINITY HERESY

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! … DOWNLOAD FREE 480pg textbook or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom or 

      #3 There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups : (A) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life …..Rev 17: 8 NAMES …NOT WRITTEN …FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD 

      (B) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al)

      (C) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) ….  Predestination….its true..its all true Most true Christians go to hell

      #4 Water babtisim?  HTTPS://WWW.SCRIBD.COM/DOCUMENT/326686356/THIEF-CROSS-3D

    • grayeagle40

      ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Not an exact quote Joe Biden: If you want to attack America you will have F15s & nukes after you.
      Actually this comment by Joe Biden is hate speech, & Hitlerian.
      Quote Xi Jinping: Heads bashed bloody against a Great Wall of steel.
      Quote Declaration of Independence: That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
      Americans have the absolute right to abolish our government whenever it decides to deploy F15′s & nukes against
      We the People. And the government has zero right to deploy F15′s & nukes against us US. China Joe has made
      himself become the greatest threat to the American Republic since Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941,
      Pharmakia of Revelation Pls like & link this video thank you. Over 11,700 views.

    • Marilyn

      We need to see Melania on the cover of George magazine, special addition. That could cause as stir for sure.

    • buffaloman

      more bullshit, why dont you two get jobs and quit lying

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