Juan O' Savin Special Series: Major Updates and Info You Need to Know! (Videos)
by N.Morgan
Part 1: In part 1, Juan discusses how our Soul is not co-located in our physical body, but is an Avatar from outside time-space using torsion physics.
Part 2: In part 2: 107 discusses how there is an ancient race among us who preserved themselves over time by taking our bodies
Part 3: Triple Helix and the Children of Cain, “W” Intelligence Insider. Powerful episode exposing. the “Serpent Seed” / Triple Helix, among us!
Stories Contributed by N. Morgan
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More endless bulkshit from blah o slavin,the fat ass know nuthin fake phony blow hard gas bag puke from hell pimped by click bait slut N.Morgass- time to fertilize the garden with all the shit these two ass wipes put out…
If you don’t want hear things like time torsion fields go to another site for crying out loud! Quit bitchin leave.
I gave up on Juan and his bullshit long ago but I always come here to read the comments just to see how many other people have smartened up and come to the realization he is being paid to string us along by pretending somehow our Rainbow Pentagon and WHite Hats will rescue us – never going to happen – the queer folk military answers to NATO and disgusting British Crown….
Is he still pretending he is JFK Jr?
Your o slavin bitch asshole- you think your bitching about me saying the facts on loser o slavin is more righteous? Jerk
… freeus like most all the comments are always fun to review.. no panic yet boys and girls
… Captured ALL 3 of these videos… your comments detail you have no idea what was said
… And that is all this BAG OF SHITTY WIND does… it’s how they feed chickens….
… You have no idea they go out to the yard and THROW HANDFULLS ACROSS THE GROUND
… You want it all lumped up in one pile so you can cry cause you don’t understand….
… Like listrening to that CRAZIEST of the CRAZIEST … DECODE… too much to take in…
…. Our little buddy ” Freeus ” impressed with Torsion Field concepts… what cha got?
…. Access to Antartica where you intend on finding a portal to encode distant portal
…. Locations for what ??? DICKHEAD… One of the uses of Torsion field would be an
…. Access barrier to prevent portal breech in and to unlock access into a distant portal
…. Of course me listening and capturing everything I find.. have heard on many occasions
…. Detrails that outgoing portals had been opened to MOON – JUPITER – GALACTIC SHIP
…. That was parked off of JUPITER… That upon it’s arrival IS WHAT ACTIVATED THE ARCS…
……………………………….. EVERYWHERE… anyone got a guess why….???
…. Clif High had a serious conversation about the effects going on with the ARCS with that
…. BOREALIS FRENCH GUY… Who entertained some off track thoughts.. that you will hear
…. Clif interrupt in french guys mid thought.. because CLIF knows the activity in the ARCS..
…. IS ACTUALLY MORE AN ALARM SIGNAL… and Clif can actually see in some fashion the
…. ACTUAL beams of energy that is being outwardly radaited from our surface.. that
…. Widens as it exits the surface or our atmosphere.. not interrupted by the van allen belt…
…. An I’m gonna just stop here cause you guys already know this… Or not…..
……………. https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090114015859/http://www.darpa.gov/coinlog.html
… IF SLavin is going to expose himself as NEIL BRYANS… THEN JFK jR.. can play ” BABY JESUS O SLavin ”
… Might be getting closer to the ” FAKE PATRIOT WARRIORS ” GRAND FINALE…
… HEY… NEIL… [ we're gonna start calling you NEIL...NOW... ]
… It’s going to be interesting… with the MILITARY NOW TRANSPORTING THE GOLD TO where ever
… ” QFS COMMAND CONTROL – KIM GOGUEN ” So the currency can be established….
… That will be good for a change…
… Big question is.. when will TRUMPS DEATH BE REVEALED…
… I like this… it has been a long time coming…
… The US MILITARY can not install a TRUMP CLONE as PRESIDENT… when found out our nation would explode
… And … the MILITARY thinking they could slide JFK in as PRESIDENT… SINCE TRUMP IS DEAD…
… Will become a complcaton… Lets see if the ” ANCIENT-UNDERGROUND-RULERS ” will reject him again
… having already decided he was not worthy to become ” WORLD LEADER “… What an AWESOME MOMENT
… I have SLavin droning on and on in video 2… of this submission… the commentor narrating is telling people
If anybody wonders if this is really JFK jr. , the negative comments give him credence.
Remember hillary clinton asking for millions of dollars years ago for “Cyber wars”. Everything is a war with that crowd. Some things we can’t know for sure until we get more information. Hillary is a case in point, if anyone ever liked and trusted her to start with.
Only to the retarded does the retard puke have cred-the fat ass is as fake as they come
Stop with all your bullshit
Juan O’ Savin is a master B.S. Artist. He thinks he knows so much, yet what he is talking about is the same thing Baruch Spinoza was talking about in the 17th Century. O’ Savin makes me want to puke. He doesn’t understand that EVERYTHING “is” This Consciousness he drones on and on about. I have tried and tried listening to this man because most people think he’s so wise, yet I find that he is a Master Bull-Shitter. He refers to DARK MATTER, which is simply more B.S. God is ALL THAT IS. Dr. John Hagelin, a Quantum Physicist with a Ph.D. from Harvard has fond that at the NANO LEVEL, “everything” is made of this same “stuff”, some form of electro-magnetic energy, possessing or under the direct influence of some ALL-PERVADING Intelligence. Dr. Hagelin calls it PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. I call it God. O’ Savin is trying to make it about him and how “intelligent” he is. He’s a Master B.S. Artist who actually contributes NOTHING of value at this time. He’s too confusing because he lacks the required understanding. I believe when he was told by the Masters to “Meditate” to become at-one with God, O’ Savin thought they said “Masturbate”, and maybe that’s why I find him to be such a Jack-Off and waste of my time.
…. The world we live in is fun to watch others in… PrepuceBruce wants to call SLavin a bullshit artist…
…. But bows to the great ” BABY JESUS SLavin ” in humble adoration referring to him as
………….” Juan O’ Savin ” …. Keep drinking the KOOL AID BRUCIE…. soon you will be the AI
…. our fake ass DARPA COIN RECEPIENT #107 – NEIL BRYANS…. has you lined up to becoming….
…. https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090114015859/http://www.darpa.gov/coinlog.html
… The lies follow the lies follow the lies… buried so deep… why… YOU JUST GET SO CONFUESED…..
… All we can do is listen… but.. look at everyone commenting…they have come in one form or another
… HATERS… WHICH IS PRETTY COOL… seeing our AMERICAN collective has given this RAT BASTARD
… A chance.. TIME AND TIME AGAIN.. and he leaves all of them with the same sense of
………….. ” SOMETHING’S JUST NOT RIGHT ” —- I REALLY like this about these guys… real people
… Forward here… I’m going to be in communication with all of them… just like you….
… How and why will be later… but giving – creating a PLATFORM for us to voice what we see and hear
… …. talking about ” LIVE VIDEO MULTICONFERENCE ” … because we could, as a group have a
… Conversation about what ” BABY JESUS ” is [ as I see it ] imparting on more the small minded AMERICAN
… Populace who are looking for guidance and education… instead the sharing of thoughs and concepts….
… Ya made me smile.. cause this ” SUPEROR SLavin ” went from screaming ” ITS IN THE BLOOD ”
… To now.. 12 sec later talking about VENUS…… oooh.. now about preists sexual acts… [ W T F ]
… I’m just saying… I want AMERICANS to ” SEE ” the faces and reactions of a collective of AMERICANS
… As they listen to OUR RESIDENT ” SUPERIOR SLavin “… and get a chance to wonder themselves…
… ” WHAT THE FUCK “… or not.. maybe they will be appreciative… and grateful and seek to be minion
… To worship at the FEET of ” BABY JESUS SLavin” and I want to play a audio clip in the background…
… ” Oh little town of BETHLEHEM ” — ” OH COME SHALL WE ADORN HIM… – BABY JESUS SLavin ”
… And you are so right… he is so wrong.. but ” if LOVING him is wrong — they don’t wanna be RIGHT ”
………….[ still in the song... " if he's wrong - they want to HOLD ON - to the best thing they ever HAD " ]
… Looks like I got plans to turn a TELECONFERENCING VIDEO REVIEW into a VID REVIEW MUSICAL
… That’s what I’m saying… got to have fun and bring some shit into the mix…
… If you read and take in what they are saying… ” Baby Jesus SLavin ” is like the half ways interesting
… Girl… who spends the whole evening talking about the guys she use to bang… and their cars….
… There is actually something inherently wrong in his message… just like listening to what I call
… Radio in the ear assisted… I caught SLavin once in a rant saying -
… ***** note – I capture every video I watch .. becomes data base… reference referral and video
… Presentation content for discussion… am capturing PART 3 of this SLavin submission right now
… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpPxfmNvCqc&t=149s
… The link is to the 3 MONITOR VIDEO WALL [ in transport mode ] on the back of my truck
… What I do on the weekend evenings… F/S/S I do technology – when my STARLINK sat system comes
… I’m going to be able to remote broadcast my little events… have cameras on top of the monitiors
… For live view of events…
Full disclosure, I can’t stoand to listen to this grifting bullshit artist anymore! A great idea for a bitchute channel would be condensing the musings of this blow hard down to a less than 60 second video. The Yawn O’Savin 60 second update!
60 seconds sounds a bit long to me.
B. S.
Seems like Juan is a little bit kookie on this vid, ready and waiting to blame some Scapegoat on the horizon
Slow down on the Shrooms, Juan.
Kryon talked about dark matter in the eighties or so. Said it is not dead and once makkind realized this it would be amazing. Doing great keep it up. Pray for the sheeple.
Why do you still hide your identity? Your a fraud!! Fuck off Neno with your boring interviews. You suck!!
Question: If God wiped out the Nephilim during the flood, why did the seed of Cain still exist? Also, a Canaanite isn’t a descendent of Cain, they were decedents of Canaan, Ham’s son. Question 2: Why was Noah’s family saved too? Were they perfect in their generation also? If not, then the flood was a very poorly designed plan. Ham and his family were cursed by Noah for seeing him passed out drunk and naked.
One Noah’s flood wasn’t worldwide. Two Noah took two of every flesh aboard the ark. Aren’t the sons of Cain flesh? Noah and his family were pure blood Adamic that’s why they were saved. Uncovering your father’s nekkedness means you slept with his wife in this case his mother.
Kryon talked about dark matter in the eighties. Said it was not ‘dead’ and when mankind finds it’s purposes it will be amazing. Keep up the great works. Pray for those asleep.
I’m definitely over the Cult of Juan O Savin but still keep listening to him anyway, what else have we got, almost everybody else is even WORSE garbage. Super annoying, his attitude sometimes though. People are losing their lives and their livelihoods and being treated as expendable pawns while a handful of people play God? Sitting in a cushy hotel room sipping a martini chuckling about how people who have been enslaved their whole lives haven’t suffered enough yet? Making decisions for the world based on a supercomputer that says we can’t handle the truth, so we need some more suffering and near-death, or else there would be civil war – trust us on that, the supercomputer said so – it said there would be civil war so sorry to anybody who died and lost their jobs and had their kid murdered by illegals while we were waiting until you suffered a bit more. We were just doing what the computer said. Hahaha take a deep breath while the screw buries itself even deeper in your @$$. “But Juan nothing’s happening.” “Oh yes it is, all the election theft stuff.” Which he now says won’t get us anywhere. “But Juan it seems like nothings happening.” “Oh yes it is look at Durham.” Which he now says won’t get us anywhere. Now they seem to be stalling us until at least midterms while America gets invaded right in front of us and we do nothing.
LMAO!! This Cat is nutty as a Fruit Cake. Closer to the guy in the Sham Wow Commercials with sort of a Slim Pickins come on.
Everything and more that you ever wanted to know about forks. How to properly work your way thru them and get to the right one to get to work on that T-bone.
Does Juan O’ Ravin go off screaming again?
… How is it that you are sitting around on your ass waiting for them to DECEIVE YOU with their view
… Of events and what has gone on… but FUCK that… if you do the work.. had done the work …
… You would know… None of the small minded POPULACE CAN TAKE ANY OF THE GRIFTING BULLSHIT
… I hear you.. I don’t want to go out on a date… I just want to get laid…
… Look at the comments on every submission… How do you learn shit in a 60 second update… ???
………….. and his name is not ” the Yawn O’Savin… ”
… https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090114015859/http://www.darpa.gov/coinlog.html
… Facts about peoples lives bleed forward… the 107 .. was a faital link… and that means he worked
… For DARPA… did some maritorious thing to be AWARDED.. THAT WAS OMITTED FROM THE INTERNET
… And this video narrator calls him ” W ” for wayne….. willet ? don’t know or care am sure he #107
It takes Juan to know Juan!
Does anyone have a reference to the experiment about the effects of Venus on the Accura tuning fork?
If you see the name Juan you can be certain there will be NO updates of any kind and NO info anyone needs to know.