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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Juan O’ Savin: Makes His Most Explosive Speech Ever!! It's Time to Get Busy!! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

In this latest video, Juan blows the audiences’ mind with this compelling and inspirational speech he gave recently! He paints a picture of what our future will look like if we don’t stand and fight what is coming down the line..

It is Juan at his finest and as never seen before! 

This is a must see!


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 21 comments
    • Son of a Gunny

      When was the video by Juan originally aired?! There have been a lot of people posting OLD Juan Videos and acting as if they were new, only to waste 20-30 min listening to find out it was old.

      • Debbie

        Yep, they just keep digging up old videos and playing them as if its new stuff…doesn’t matter, everyone should know by now that DARPA JUAN is a black hat and his job is to convince Patriots they shouldn’t;t fight for the Republic because “white hats and good military have a plan”…this of course, is totally bogus…there are no good guys and Obama purged the military of good guys who would protect our country and the constitution a long time ago…nothing left in the military but queers, drag queens and Generals who serve the CCP….

        It’s too late Americans ….the country is no more…just a Biden regime working with the CCP and British. Crown Pilgrims Society to make sure America collapses in their engineered poverty and famine….we are being denied gas right now…supply chains have been shut down, Black Rock and Vanguard command all the big corporations…they are being told to stop production and create shortages while the Feds pay them for the losses…

        • 2QIK4U

          🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 Perfect Score

          • 2QIK4U

            Hate to agree my count is the same. People think they just VOTED in our new Prime Minister… The exact same DOMINION voting machines were used in our election and they have not been Fixed at all and still running the exact same way as how America was stolen…. People think that everything is ok now ! Idiots :cry:

        • starshine

          Debbie, you think you know so much, but you know nothing!! Juan is far from a black hat!


            …. Poor starshine… what is it that has you so confused…
            …. Try not to argue or disagree with your betters… try to imagnie
            …. getting something at the counter at a 7/11 and suddenly
            …. Finding yourself … trying to pick yourself up from the floor…
            …. But you can’t… you seem to have hit your head on the floor
            …. When you fell… and then… now.. you can’t get up …. can’t
            …. Because there is terrible pain.. in your knee .. you can’t
            …. Straighten it out.. it’s like.. someone .. stepped on it…
            ………. Juan is a lonely fat fukk … who spent his life time playing
            …. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES… you just seem to know nothing about

            … We understand that SKIPPY STARSHINE… you will have some time
            … to think about things.. since it is going to take quite a few months
            … before you can walk normally again… could have lost that leg… like … So many AMERICANS have suffered and lost loved ones due to the
            … BABY JESUS SLavin worked on for so many years against our own
            … NATIONS POPULACE…

            … Who will help you with your marketing and laundry.. when you are
            … laid up for months … will give you time to reflect… ” HUMANITY”
            … Is coming for all the lunatic TRUMP FUNDED-SUPPORTED PATRIOT … WARRIORS … Where your inability to understand or comprehend…
            … …

      • 2QIK4U

        ??? Why listen to another Liar showing off his Cowboy outfits to you… .The person who probably paid for them !

        • ~~U Know WhAt…….[!]…….
          ~”AUSTRALIA MISFIT”:……
          ~U Need To Go “Fuck Yourself “…….
          ~[Complacence of [U.S.A.]>>>•••>>>
          ~AssHole…….(Go Kiss The Queens ASS)

    • decleateed

      Great message . . . but not many outside Mar a Larga are aware of it. Perhaps that will change . . . but is there time to waste giving speeches to the wealthy and not the masses?

      • 2QIK4U

        ? Same crap and another Day goes by ? I bet … I do not waste my time on these liars once.. on the 6th January 2021 I saw this entire site turn inside out… The rare honest few posters left and these Grifters continue… Some may seriously still believe this Qgarbage but look around…. The Line was held so long it’s rotted while the Criminals Stomped the line into the Mud… Just as these people wanted you to do.. Nothing :idea: A BILLION guns and not a Real Saviour to be seen :idea:


          CHRIST IS REAL

    • Slimey

      Sorry, don’t know the boots. :lol:

      • decleateed

        They got whiskey, women
        Music and smoke
        It’s where all the cowboy folk
        Go to boot scootin’ boogie

    • garyk

      He is a narcissist! Me me I I what i have done what I will do and by the way have you seen how wealthy I am?

    • Rich

      Shoe leather stinks like your chit

    • leahburchett

      Way to go Juan.

    • Anonymous

      this fat ass blow hard with his phony queer cow boy(eh cow boy,wanna ride..) boots is the most useless shit talking,er,i mean mumbling jackass around-Blah O Sloberin strikes again,craps his pants or what ever it is senile people do…

    • Debbie

      Juan is leading you to your slaughter – hope he enjoys all his wealth from doing it…Bullshit all the way…there are no white hats, no good military and Trump is not President…we have a country that is collapsing…
      Biden promises us no baby formula today,
      no meat tomorrow,
      no gas,
      no heating oil
      …just death and destruction to America and no one is coming to the rescue…under the new Red Flag laws every Patriot will be a Red Flag and that is how they confiscate all the guns…just as all communist parties do before they kill hundreds of millions…America is following the same playbook as Mao, Stalin and all the other mass murderers….time is running out for Americans…

    • BruceWinshipWright

      Juan O’Savin, or whatever his name really is, is useful as a history teacher or maybe a teacher of Political Science. He does know a lot about many things. As a Private-Eye, who takes pictures, through Bedroom Windows, of Cheating married folks, then sells them for a living, Juan spends a lot of time reading and doing research.

      However, according to PHIL GODLEWSKI, who appears to be the “ONLY” person, TODAY, with “any” useful intelligence about the activities of Trump & The Q-Team, Juan “WAS” an insider for a short time. But, Juan has a really BIG MOUTH, as we all know, and didn’t respect his inside sources enough to keep his mouth SHUT about certain “sensitive” matters, so TRUMP & The Q-Team cut him OFF!!!

      If you are interested in learning about History & Political Science, Juan is an excellent source of information. However, if you want to know what Trump & The Q-Team are “really” doing, JUAN O’SAVIN does not have a clue. I have found him to be a GIGANTIC “DISTRACTION” & Waste of Time!!!

      We may find out, later, that he has the smell of a Rothschild on his breath.

    • G

      A strategy for failure:
      We will get rid of corruption from government through elections using the corrupt system itself and once we are in control of the government we will bring to justice all criminals and traitors!

      If America continues on this path, destruction of the country, total loss of freedom, and the killing of all who oppose those in power will happen. Take your lesson from the history of the 20th century when, just to mention the best known cases, Stalin in Russia and Mao Tsé-Tung in China caused the death of tens of millions of people, people who’s only fault was not approve of their ways of conducting their countries.

      The major battle in the war against ALL humanity is at this very moment being fought in the United States of America and so far the people are being beaten badly. There is only one way to save the country, freedom for all, and the very survival of humanity: Unite in every corner of the country and start fighting back, because this the second war of independence, the real independence from those who want to kill most of us, and enslave the survivors. The 1776 way is the only way, but there is none to lead the people in this battle for survival!

    • ~~To Mr. 107…….
      ~We Love You,…….
      ~Your One Of The Most Beautiful
      We’ve Ever Heard,…….
      ~It Was Brought Up About What;…….
      ~Truly Means,…….
      ~Every “Soul” Is Priceless,…….
      ~To “Help”As Many As Possible,…….
      ~Is The “Name Of The Game”,…….
      ~~~>>>Thank You
      ~God Bless……………..

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