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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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The Golden Secret Society With a Black Soul That Rules the World (Video)

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by N.Morgan

This Secret Society, The People of the Eye, Run the World. They Include Rulers, Popes, And Influential people in all walks of life and backgrounds. Even Dr Fauci the Fraud is one of them

Obama is controlling Joe Biden as you all should know and his Anti-God, Anti-America cabal is destroying our Country and crushing the U.S. Dollar, don’t wait for the banks to shut down and prevent you from getting your hard-earned savings.

Prepare and get precious metals.


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 12 comments
    • Anonymous

      This is my understanding of the QQQQQQ

      The Pope the Devil, The Black Pope Satan (According to Skull and Bones)

      Interestingly Leo Zagami says they call the Pope Pharaoh, and why else all these obelisks?

      The skull and bones (322, Swiss) play a costume play, the devil is the Pope, Satan is the black pope.Today the grey Pope is

      Pepe Orsini (most powerful out of the black nobility, in Italy), the pope got another name too, they call him Pharaoh. The Swiss

      creates time (watch) Chronos, Saturn, soon you all wear the Bell too, bio-metrics information (to track you down and hold you

      down forever; slave) and they stash that also in a data-Bank vault in Switzerland

      From Farnese to Frances: Symbols of Counter-Reformation
      Image Courtesy: Wikipedia/Encyclo. Britanica

      95 Thesis nailed to a church in Wittenberg, Germany didn’t just raise eyebrows; it sparked the flame that generated a directed

      energy weapon aimed straight at the church, and that deadly energy remains a thorn in empire’s flesh creating fury,

      consternation and agitation down the collective spine of the hierarchy in Rome to this day. The indefatigable monk, Martin

      Luther, had sparked a fury compelling the church to grudgingly reform its practices after failing to curtail massive exit.

      From Wittenberg, Germany to Italy, Spain, and now to the shores of American empire, footprints and fingerprints of The

      Reformation have taken firm root and are hiding in plain sight around…

      • Anonymous

        Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.
        1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.
        2. The Illuminati, Zionists,globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
        3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.
        4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.
        5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders.

        • Anonymous

          “See, my lord, from this room – from this room I govern not only Paris, but China:
          not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how “tis managed.”
          - Michael Angelo Tamburini, 1720, General of the Jesuits (The Black Pope), Speaking to the Duke of Brancas.
          The Secret Behind Secret Societies / Total Onslaught Mini Series – Walter Veith

          The Superior General of the Society of Jesus, In command of:
          The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Scottish-Rite Shriner Freemasonry, The Order of the
          Illuminati, The Knights of Columbus, The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, B’nai B’rith, The Nation of
          Islam and its private army called “The Fruit of Islam”, The Mafia Commission and Opus Dei along
          with a host of lesser Brotherhoods. (Anti-Defamation League)

          The Black Pope, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.
          1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.
          2. The Illuminati, Zionists,globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
          3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.
          4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.
          5. The Jesuits have…

          • Anonymous

            According to Ralph Ellis, The physical “Jesus” was a warrior King that lost his battle for the throne of Rome (Empire) he was forced to transfer his prophecy he was carrying with his very person/being over to his Roman conquerer, then he was cut down from the cross, he was transferred to Britannia and held prisoner there (house arrest).

          • Anonymous

            The Ring Verse (In Black Speech)
            One Ring to find them
            One Ring to bring them all
            And IN THE DARKNESS BIND them
            [And in ignorance BIND them]

            The Essenes, to avoid persecution and because they were a secret sect, employed the uses of ciphers and codes to hide the

            identities of important names. One such cipher, known to bible scholars and translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is the Atbash

            Cipher. To use the cipher you swap the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet for the last, second for second to last, third for third to

            last and so on. This means that Aleph=Tau, Bet=Shin, hence the name Atbash.
            Essene knowledge got passed on to the Gnostics, and Gnostics then passed it on to the Cathars. The Knights Templar was at

            one time enrolling many Cathar nobles as new recruits. It is likely that among the knowledge passed to the Templars from the

            Cathars, would have been the knowledge of the Essene ciphers, including Atbash.

            Hugh Schonfield had a different idea for the origin of the name Baphomet.
            Hugh Schonfield obviously thought so, since he didn’t hesitate in applying the Atbash cipher to what he saw as the “obviously

            artificial name Baphomet”. So Hugh wrote out the name Baphomet in Hebrew, applied the Cipher and revealed the word

            Sophia! Baphomet was the Greek goddess of wisdom!

            The Inquisition had thought that Baphomet was the bearded male head that the Templars prostrated themselves…

          • Anonymous

            The Leather Nun – Desolation Avenue (The Great aka perfected Socialist Society)


          • Anonymous

            The thing is that real Humans and Psychopaths do not really MIX very well; probably not at all and they take that like they fooled us permanently, and we will have to deal with them once and for all!

            • Anonymous

              Parasites can not live on their own, they needing hosts always. I only got one thing to say to them “get OUT OF MY HOUSE!”

            • Anonymous

              The EYE of a psychopath is “reptilian” cold, no mirror of a soul there. Saul Solon Sol life bringer.

            • Anonymous

              There is a reason I am Christian of BALDER, going back to roots. Here I am holding the truth and the spirit of good. And no need for any Satanic “Jews” or even good ones at all, the Synagogue of Satan got no purpose in my world at all, …sure but only as any other adversaries.

            • Anonymous

              “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”

              ― Socrates

              But first recognize the very being of Socrates first, the learned in them Mysteries. And he is saying this out of his very own vantage point.

    • truthseeker4809

      It’s Horus the one eyed devil descended from Osiris and Isis. Dead Osiris had sex with ISIS and gave birth to Horus. What a deception happened thousands of years ago !!!! Look at all the devil worshipers who willingly have their one eye bruised. It’s the symbol of joining the Satan’s club. You can find who they are because it’s in the google images. The overflowing stories of magic in Egyptian history tells that the priests of Horus cult deceived the people of Egypt to death.

      Ancient Egypt is gone and the same fate is going to happen in the modern human society if people do not wake up.

      The apron is another Horus cult symbol. Cover your non-existent penis !!!!

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