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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Emergency Broadcast: FBI Raid Trump Signals Deep State Coup Has Begun: Alex and Roger Respond (Video)

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by N.Morgan

August 8th 2022 is dark day for America. FBI raids have finally reached the former president of the United States as Donald J Trump’s Mar-A-Lago residence was invaded by an army of Feds under the guise of looking for classified documents.


Alex Jones and Roger Stone respond to this signal that the deep state coup against free America has gone into overdrive and what we can do to stop it.



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    Total 23 comments
    • Josey Wales

      Media personalities are fanning the flames, the American people have no clue what is coming… Civil war, peace keeping troops (U.N.) mass deaths, starvation, local police going rogue, working for the NWO WEF just as they are programmed to do. But the American people won’t do sht until their favorite TV personalities tells them what they need to do next, to save the republic,,,,, Right?

      America is late to the game, instead of thinking for themselves, Americans need to be spoon fed the information they are fed, then they will follow like a puppy on a string… “Now you have to rise up, this is a third world country” right?

      Do as you’re told, rise up now…. Y’All needed to rise up a long, long time ago. You’ll all be cannon fodder now… Late to the game… wait for your next instructions…

      • DangerWillRoberson

        trump is a career criminal lock his ass up, he sold out the patriots for cash to pump the kill shots! :!:

    • GJ

      Still trusting the plan? Morons!

    • I’m not gonna take it…

      What kind of Judge would sign a warrant for this. Is this constitutional, or a political favor. These type of judges ruin our country and break the law. There should be an instant inquiry for every judge that does this.

      Arrest everyone that was involved in getting this together.

      • westgate

        There is no way that the Secret Service would be made to stand down for the FBI, no way. Not even a judicial order could be enforced past the SS, unless Trump made them stand down. Even so, Secret Service massive failure on giving the FBI a free pass.

    • residentp

      This is all part of the continuous show as to make Swamp Trump out as being on the people’s side and that he is victimized by the evil terrorists and FBI /v3/r2/?url= Trump showed his alliance with Klaus.

      • Anonymous

        trump was hated at the homo davos –he lectured them on their stupid policy–he told the germ man delegation they were stupid for depending on russian gas–they laughed at him–they are not laughing now–you and that creep deleted keep singing the same tune–your way off key…jackass

        • residentp

          You probably had 3 shots already of that snake poison Trump helped selling, that is why your eyes and ears prevent you from seeing …have another look at that incriminating video and Trump telling Klaus Schwab he is doing a great job and Klaus you should know is the leading figure promoting the communist nwo, but of course if you are a communist nazi then nothing Trump says will be seen as suspect. Where is the video footage of Trump saying at That meeting that they have a stupid policy,…?… and a policy on gas has very little to do with siding with the depopulation program and economic destruction of the globe. You probably believe the experimental gene therapy is a happy juice to make you live forever.

        • residentp

          The raid already is an attempt by the nazi to make people like you believe that they are the enemy of Trump and you will joyfully only see that and in the meantime it is their game and they will keep pushing this crisis acting charade until Trump succeeded to rile the patriots to take up arms and then the nazi get exactly what they want….a reason to declare martial law and then the constitution is set aside and new laws apply and all guns will be legally removed and then you come crying to the patriots to save you. Trump will quietly step aside and hide in a bunker.


          …… WHERE DID YOU HEAR that audio ????
          …… If you saw a video with the session listening to TRUMP MULTI CAMERA SHOOT…
          …… ALL THE MASSIVE BULLSHIT ATTENTION B-I-N is drumbing up from knowingly every single


          ….. Get em all worked up into a frenzy….. and throw em out the window…
          …. It’s a long way down TRUMPERS…..

    • freedomfirst

      Every U.S. citizen should be very upset with this illegal raid/warrant on President Trump. Aside from this communist break in they (Deep State) want to show Americans this treatment can happen to your home because this foreign coup in our White House does not work under the Original CONSTITUTION we are a REPUBLIC ,but this dictatorship is growing quickly it’s evil agenda is to remove every patriotic person by 2023. Do not trust any politician you must look into their actions find a strong patriotic web site like Dave Hodges, Alex Jones, Hal Turner, William Mount who can give you intelligent good references on who to vote for to save our country before the evil ones come for you in the middle of the night. Wake up get active we need everyone !

    • Slimey

      Trump has done nothing wrong. This is to prevent him from running again and they are committing abuse of power and lawlessness up there. This is a purposefool move to bring America under the one world government and communism and they are breaking every law to do it.

      I’m shocked they are allowed to do it using the goverment’s illegal agencies and illegal taxes of yours to do it. These Demons are the most reprehensible people around. Almost like cannibals and wolves up there.

      Their punishment should be the same they mete out to US. Time to get MEAN on them. No more Mr. Nice guy. Time to go NUTS – dough NUTS! :lol:

      • Morgana Le Fay

        Are you f*cking joking??? He doesn’t only need to be stopped from running again….the bastard needs to be court martialed for crimes against humanity and mass genocide. Have you forgotten what’s been happening for last 879+ days…all initiated by your beloved Trumple-Gooch?!! Don’t tell me he has done no wrong. Your last batch of doughnuts must’ve been rotten.

        • Morgana Le Fay

          …and GOD-DAMMIT; don’t even try to play the card of me being a Biden fan or a Demon-crap. They both need to be hauled away to Hell’s version of “Shady Pines.” :mad:

          • residentp

            WELL SAID…..

    • Anonymous

      Hope they have insurance when the home burns down.?!


      President just raided a former President – his political opponent.”

    • janet

      this is a bad script and we are getting so tired of the fake movie. Just keep flaming the fire…. Its dangerous how you all are pushing the movie and scaring people . As a child I learned to not trust family much less the news , I am really loosing the trust of all people especially sitting in front of a green screen. because how many times do we have to hear one thing and then its spun and then repeated. Enough is enough.

    • bud

      I think you democrat criminals have stepped over the line now

    • jdpent01

      Alex, you can’t stabilize anything until you remove the criminals permanently. This is what God is going to do to Lucifer, he gives him every possibility to repent, but we see the ending foretold he doesn’t repent and then is destroyed, forever.

    • randy

      John Durham failed to make any serious attempt to properly prosecute those involved in the felonious abuses of authority in the Russia Collusion Scam so the same villains feel that they can do it again. And they are.

    • grayeagle40

      ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”President Trump Declares War on Federal Government” Real Raw News.
      Now the mass arrests will begin.
      Pharmakia of Revelation 18:23 Pls like & link (esp Breitbart) this video thank you. Over 15,400 views.

    • freedomfirst

      President Trump must be reinstated now in order to save our Nation. the communist Progressives Dems/Rep will never allow a legitimate election Never.

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