Phil Godlewski- Black: Sh*t Did Hit the Fan on the 24th-Here's the Details!! (Video)
by N.Morgan
Phil gives a breakdown of what really went down yesterday and what we can expect to see in the coming weeks. This is bad, Folks, we could see censorship like never seen before, power outages and other things to shut down life as we know it..
This is a must listen!!
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Yes, pandemics can happen, and sometimes they also involve pathogens that have already been patented and thus lab-created. Maybe we should call them plandemics?
At least. Or perhaps, nefarious attacks on humans from non humans. And yes, planned. Quite.
No. They don’t exist. Epidemiology is not real science, You, a person, cannot give or catch sickness from another person, as far as viruses are concerned. Viruses are produced by ‘sick’ cells, cells that had become toxic or poisoned. A virus, turns out to be an encapsulated package of isolated poison to be excreted as waste product. There are some videos that explain thi in detail. Look for Dr David Martin…there are some other drs, if I find any videos, I’ll post the links…
Right on, I agree whole heartedly.
Germ theory versus Terrain theory. Its all about acidity / acidosis of the blood, tissues, organs, interstitium. Eat Alkaline, avoid acidic foods / drinks and you will help your body remain healthy. Your body will love you.
Dr David Martin is a businessman and he knows nothing about biology and medicine. Alex Collier says the same thing he was an IRS agent and knows nothing about biology and medicine. You people just latch on to anything these people say. Dr Royal Rife identified viruses under the microscope and was successful at killing them . The Mayo clinic was interested in his research. The cabal made sure no physicians took up his research and would withdraw medical funds from anyone who would. Rife was a genius and it was psychic using his sixth sense to kill off pathogens by hitting them with frequencies that killed them. It was a tragedy to the world among many tragedies and crimes against humanity that people like this were ruined financially and died destitute. I am sure Rife could have cured cancer. But we will never know and who if anyone has the technology that he had or the abilities that Rife had to kill pathogens. There are such things as viruses. You don’t get the Nobel Prize for nothing.Dr Luc Montagnier did for identifying the AIDS virus. He said the coronavirus was manmade created in a lab. It was. It had mRNA from the HIV virus capsule which he was 1 among several doctors given the Nobel Prize for identifying the AIDs virus. He predicted that patients would develop AIDS. That is why the military is now screening the vaxed military for AIDS. He said that neurodegenerative diseases would result from the vaccine and they have identified Jacob Creutzfeldt disease which is…
He’s serious. You can tell cause he got that operator’s rounded bill to his ball cap. And, oh yeah, he speaks in an imitation masculine voice, sometimes. He serious citizens.
Does everyone on EARTH have a “CHANNEL” now??????…lol…….So many opinions now, it’s IMPOSIBLE to follow them all…lol…..EVERYBODY is a TV celebrity and they all have FOLLOWERS that they INFLUENCE…lol….How PATHETIC!…Here we have a YOUNG man, who has absolutely NO IDEA about ANYTHING, yet he feels the need to share his opinion. Makes you wonder where the INTELLIGENCE went doesn’t it?..The world is such a DUMBED DOWN pile of GARBAGE anymore……yet EVERBODY has the ANSWERS and EVERYBODY is an EXPERT!….WOW?????????
“The World is such a dumbed down pile of garbage” , you have such a way with words . Did you ever stop and think that maybe they are feeding US what they want to keep US the way we are ?
……………….. I DO !!!!! I DO !!!!!
…. You know he’s a CERTIFIED REALTOR !!!!
……… And pray the lord will decypher it before the 3rd coming
“Real People with cameras have become the only truth on TV,
and it’s a shame, ’cause who’s to blame is the biggest criminality.”
Don’t Come For My Gun (and I Won’t Shoot Ya)
Let me say one thing about Phils comments about blackrock.
Blackrock is a large umbrella corporation that holds many sub corporations via mutual funds (individual portfolios) and ETF’s, etc. For example, all mutual funds are setup as separate corporations with boards of directors. I believe the filing below is only one Blackrock mutual fund sub corporation out of hundreds owned by the parent. I sincerely hope Phils intel source and Phil are not making the stretch the entire umbrella (parent) is bankrupt. I despise blackrock and its ESG religious cult blackmail practices just as much as Phil does. Follow BLK on the stock market this week for any “tells”.
My first day typing I typed more words per minute than he speaks. and then it just seem to be the usual Q crap that just a little while longer and it will all be good and things are happening but we can’t show you anything or tell. You just have to believe us and don’t do anything yourselves.
I am guess he is high as Hell on pot. Maybe PCP on one of the newer drugs I am not familiar with.
For people doing shows irf you want to wait for people to join a live stream don’t include the waiting part on the recording as some of us have stuff to do than admire your bizarro world room with satanic lighting effect with a geeky looking clown who like to hear himself talk while pretending gay boys are swooning over him on their computers.
Parties over dude go sleep it off and don’t do it again as you don’t have any brain cells to spare.
Because I always get my SUPER TOP SECRET INTEL from Dudes who decorate their Garages and Living Rooms to appear like News Rooms. And wear worn out Ball Caps to appear like just one of the good old boys. Phil here is much like the newest Super Hero, Derek Johnson . They both came from seemingly no where to become instant Super Hero’s to the Q Balls because their Intel Swag is simply overwhelming. I think it was time to bring in some new blood here at BIN because the Juan, Simon, Charlie, Jaco , Mike Adams and the unbearable Judy B BS simply got boring. In a brilliant move to keep the Hopium Addict’s fed and watered with fresh , piping hot Hopium. For us old Codgers , its too late to redeem us . We have all been Bull Shitted all of our lives and can spot a Moron from behind a brick wall. In Phil’s case , my Radar went off at his first utterance of Psyco Babble. ENJOY THE SHOW!!
Yeah. Derek Johnson, the new hero, is the new JOKE!
yep. I call them Chachi. Brought into to give new live to a wornout show. Fonzi already jumped the shark so these attempts are super sad.
I was thinking though this might be the guy years ago that expalined where all these clowns came from. He said he was invited to a conference call and told not to speak but only listen. he said that they were chosen to realease info fro Q though I am not sure if he said Q at that time.I saved the video but that computer got bricked by lightening.
So many push this New Age 5D crap it makes me wonder if that is part of the scam.Maybe I will see you one day “Way Down Yonder in the PAW PAW PATCH” lol
I really like the Chachi/ Fonzi comparison. When you get right down to it, BIN is kindy like Happy Daze? The cast of characters here lend themselves to a myriad of old TV Comedies. I once thought of JACO as a dead ringer for a dark Jethro Bodine. And Juan as Otis from Mayberry. He’s always talking from off camera like Otis would to Andy and Barney. Remember nothing is as it seems! And Nothing can stop what’s coming! Heck maybe Barney ain’t dead and it’s him they are thinking that’s JFK Jr. Game changer I tell you. Stay frosty Tom.
Yeah even the most seeming innocuous stuff was programing us. Andy was a liberal that was always smarter than everybody else. You know like Jud Hirsch and Alan Alda. Do you remember Andy even pushed a vaccine on a man? Scared him with certain death if he didn’t get it? Sang a song “Dig My Grave With a Silver Spade.” Yeah and there was one where he talked a dad into let his daughter wear make up or something like that. Subtle ways of making people doubt the Word of YHVH. Anti gun message with him being so smart he didn’t need one except a few time.
Yeah Joe Kennedy made a fortune in moonshine and then he was an insider to planned crash of 29. Sold out just before it crashed and bought back in at the bottom. He and Robert both banging Marilyn and then “someone” had her snuffed out
JFK started the big lie and continual rookery of NASA and the fake moon and space race. Why does that make Jr. fit to be unelected leader of the country? If he is alive. IO mean don’t get me wrong if JFK was against the Fed and Secret societies for real good for him but I know some politician that say what they know you want to hear but never act on it. I’ll let YHVH sort these people out.
Stay warn with Joe’s high energy prices.
Another turd rising to the surface eh NM?
Only bad thing going to happen is Biden as always
Do we really need a 10 minute countdown before every opinion piece.
16 minutes in, all he has said so far is, how could he have known that?
How could he have known?
How could he?
This guy is a Neo Maxi Zoon Dweebie
An hour about nothing. What an asshat.
Yeah,… I was curious & listened to 2 or 3 of his previous podcasts,… & don’t know what the hype is about this guy, or is it just self created, but this guy is a narcissistic say nothing & make it sould like a lot, bull-shit artist,… & on top of that,… boring as hell listening to his nothing talk, & watch him make faces, as if he was some comedian,… what a drag,…
This is boring
oh brother another nesara gesara bs artist
we have heard this gor decades.. its a scam you get everyone to stop paying their notes so our government can swoop in and take anything you are behind on and the new armed irs is coming after all patriots ho destroy americans
how many times have we heard nesara gersara has already been activated.. but not a thing changes??? many times is the answer.. so this viper is just another lying pos..
wake up people.. pray and read scriptures for the truth.. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life.. trust God and Jesus only
The shit has literally hit the fan. Godsplewski pulled his pants down in front of the fan and… duck retards!
Why is this on #1 on BIN ? in the beginning he admits he is almost deep asleep.
Did he get wiped at the stockmarket ? The way he speaks, basicly saying
nothing , unless you join his pay for local channel, is abhorrent.
Again why is this on #1 ?
An into himself,… “narcissistic-say-nothing-&-make-it-sound-like-a-lot-of-bull-shit-artist” kind of a guy,…
Anytime I hear anyone in 2022 say the word “firmament”, they are telling you they are a flat earther. If you go look through any telescope in this world, you will see with your own eyes, the globeness of every body that sits in an orbit. EXCEPT earth, it’s a pancake. Earth is the one pancake. Earth is the one pancake WHY. Just…….why.
These dweebie dudes, they are as unbelievable as a flat earth.
Small chins, low testosterone, and their “you better watch out, because I can do things and know things, and if I told you, I would then have to kill you, with my unearthly ninja training, learned from super beyond secret Masters.” Okay, Officer Barney Fife.
Rebuttals To Eric Dubay’s 200 Proofs Earth Is Flat & Every Other Proof
Just the first ‘rebuttal’ is total nonsense. I didn’t waste my time any further.
If you are going to do ‘rebuttals’ at least know what the Flat Earthers are actually saying. Don’t be so thick.
That gross title on this video is not what Phil said. Your channel is gross. I don’t tell anybody about it anymore cuz it’s all old videos and disgusting titles and disgusting ads and you’re discussing. Thank you very much
All the ads on this website are repulsive visual assaults. They are as bad as disgusting porn.
This fellow was recommended by a friend. I watched. 1 hour and 40 minutes of innuendo and implication and . . . dramatic pauses. The Supreme Court has already overturned the election? So, we are now in a secret society where the most important decisions are done in secret? Isn’t that what we are against? Truth is its most powerful in the light. Black Rock and Vanguard file for bankruptcy? Where is that filing? What bankruptcy court? It does not show up in any search of BR filings. Provide some kind of support for your allegations; otherwise they are unfounded babble.
Is it not ironic that what he claims the white hats are doing is the same kind of behind closed doors action the black hats and the left engage?
Zero information other than what this fellow ‘hears’ or ‘knows.’ No sources, no facts, just innuendo and poorly drawn conclusions. What he knows is how to push the buttons of those who desperately desire a savior but should no that is not how it works. The parallels between those on the left who only hear the left dogma and those on the right who listen to these type of non-information peddlers is clear to anyone. He ‘goes after the enemy’ and ‘takes them out?’ Is he talking about the last video game he played in his basement? Goodness.
Ha ha ha! What frivolous crap. He hunts down his enemies and takes his enemies out? Where, in the video games he plays in Mom’s basement? A punk.
He sounds drunk, high and retarted. Pick a new line of work.
what’s coming is electronic currency, with Complete Control of every person on earth. the current system was designed to fail in order to usher in this new system. to say this is good, is short sighted. yes, one side falls but the other side is just his other hand. only God can deliver us from this satanic plan, satan is leading the whole new/old world order in order to place his throne in the temple. we are about to see things unimaginable. politics are just a charade to guide the masses, to their own destruction.
All the debt in this world is based on fraud therefore cannot be carried over to the new system.
And dude as far as your grief goes, being awake is a burden for all of us but man I’m glad I woke up back in 2007 and like you, I’m in awe of the total mind control idiots waiting to get blindsided from what is coming.
I set the speed to 1.25 to speed up his speech and hes talking as slow as ,75.
There has to be some reason for him to speak this slow to say nothing.
Is there some programming of the sub conscous involved.
Setting it to 2.0 to be done with it, he does not get 1hr and 39 minutes of my time
I just want the details and it may be one sentence, and I’m out.
okay, so he drug us in, to get us to invest in metals.
My guess is something financial is happening.
If the tables flip and poor has money and rich don’t
then the rich have metals they bought with fiat, and they need money.
So they will get the poor to give them the money so they can be rich again, but having the poor buy metals.
That’s the gist.
See, if you know something is going to happen, that’s how you do it.
There is the CEO of the company that stepped down after taking all those people’s digital wealth in crypto.
Now banks will probably have to give back what they had on their balance sheets, where our money was their assets, and they acted like a loan from them was a liability, but they added digits to their balance sheet for the amount of the loan, (money they created) and then wanted us to pay it back with interest.
Problem was, interest was never created.
So if two people borrowed 100, and the bank created 100 for two people, and that’s $200 in the entire world.
and the bank charge $10 in interest on that loan, the first person to pay $110 is debt free, but only $90 is left and the second person can’t pay without borrowing again.
If the don’t pay they file for bankruptcy.
But the bank gets their 90, they have bad credit and they have a hard time getting another loan.
this is all over money that was created out of thin air, and more money was asked for in return than money was created.
do not put your money in metals, if this system…
do not put your money in metals, if this system changes over.
supposedly the monney they will move to is backed by metals.
You will end up with metals no one else will buy when you spend all you rmoney.
You will leave it for your children who will find no buyer , they weill be growin up with other children trying to sell their metals.
It’s a promo, and he held your attention long enough to push the sale.
I have sat through many infomercials to know one when I see one.
I told ya.
Holding federal reserve notes of a bankrupt bank, means they do not have to honor the money.
Look at the freaking notes, anything that is a $5 or above says federal reserve system.
Any federal reserve bank can choose to honor it or not.
if they are bankrupt, the answer is? you know it’s not honor.
The dollar bill, the dollar, the dollar, is the only note that is backed by a federal reserve bank.
The bank is happy to give you 20′s and 100′s because it reduces their liability if you demand their IOU and they can’t pay it.
you aren’t awake if you are taking advice from people pretending to give you intel.
The dollar bill has the actual name of the federal reserve bank that will honor that dollar bill.
letters A through L for the 13 federal reserve banks.
If you have anything over $1 bills in your stash, you would do better to have coins from the US Mint.
also, only the gold and silver of the mint is currency in the us. all the other coins are trinkets, investments, like collecting marbles, or buying beanie babies.
I don’t care how many times they programmed you for gold and silver to be in the 10′s of thousands, its so you will give them real money, when the reset happens, for junk metals.
No one, in hundreds of years will use gold or silver except for industry and jewelry, and you’ll be moving that shite around from pillar to post and your kids and grandkids will too, because the rest of the world will talk about how fool’s gold could not find a…
the system is punishing greed.
people who rush to take out fiat money knowing the banks are going bankrupt are stupidly asking for what they will get.
when the money changes over, it won’t be on the withdrawal slip, it will be on the deposited money.
if it’s fiat, it will be backed by something 1 to 1.
if it’s in your wallet, it’s fiat, and useless to the rest of the world, because who will take fiat when there is real money coming from the united states postal service or whoever is going to be the new banks for the people.
youlll be trying to get them to honor that money and they can literally reject it, if the bill says federal reserve system on it.
because any bank can ‘choose’ to honor it, and all banks can choose to not honor it because their name is not on the bill.
The dollar bill has the name of the federal reserve bank and that bank ‘has’ to honor that bill, they backed it’s existence.
The rest of them are leveraged bills with no obligation to make a $5 into 5 $1 bills.
The meek will inherit the earth, the meek are not greedy and will not try to be first to pull their money out of the banks.
They are already victims and by leaving it in, they will inherit.
Those who jumped and bought gold will find out it’s useless. Remember all the reports of fake gold.
Most of you trusted the gold selling company but what happens if their website stops working like jsmineset and they change the name of their website to keep from being obligated to you for…
to keep from being obligated to you, in my opinion, for your purchases.
Supposed they say they changed ownership or something and what you purchased was from a different company.
If they point to their disclaimers, you have nothing to stand on, and you’ll be moving those metals from house to home until you get tired of looking at it, and melt it into a pillar for your house.
Don’t some countries have gold ceilings and gold spires? it’s because it’s plentiful.
you’ve been lied to.