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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Vital Breaking Intel on Live With Dr. Bryan Ardis! (Video)

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by N.Morgan


Certified Acupuncturist and Nutritionist, Dr. Bryan Ardis joins us today. He shares new Intel about how to beat the mainstream medical industry! 






Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 9 comments
    • John

      My Uncle also murdered by hospital “protocol” when in good health.

      “Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine produces the toxic Spike protein in Human Body Even after 2 Years”

      With an explosive study a microbiologist confirms the tremendous alteration of the DNA
      in the blood of a former Swiss banker injured by the jabs of the mRNA genic serum

    • HypothesisFree

      Which God in the Bible can POSSIBLY be worthy of RESPECT/HONOR, in consideration of the FACT that the Bible is pro slavery, rape, mass murder, and mass unfair/non-loving human sacrifice as a burnt offering to Satan, or excuse me, to God!

      Exodus 21:7 -
      “When a man sells his daughter as a SLAVE, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.

      Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (NAB):

      If a man is caught in the act of RAPING a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

      What kind of lunatic would make a rape victim marry her attacker? Answer: Jehovah/Gods of Christianity.

      In Judges 21 God orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead, except for the virgin girls who were taken to be forcibly raped and married. When they wanted more virgins, God told them to hide alongside the road and when they saw a girl they liked, kidnap her and forcibly rape her and make her your wife!

      God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there. He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of value (Deuteronomy 3).

      Hosea 13:16
      …they shall fall by the sword;
      their little ones shall be dashed in pieces,
      and their pregnant women ripped open.

      Psalms 137:9
      “Blessed is the man who takes your babies and smashes them against the…

      • HypothesisFree

        Psalms 137:9
        “Blessed is the man who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks”

        The Bible also orders believers to KILL ALL WHO BELIEVE DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU – Deuteronomy 17:2-5.

        2 If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the Lord gives you is found doing evil in the eyes of the Lord your God in violation of his covenant, 3 and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars in the sky, 4 and this has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, 5 take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death.

        According to Romans 1:29-32, anyone who disobeys their parents is worthy of death.

        These Bible verses stand in stark opposition to the widely held notion that God is Love. Is it possible that Christianity is essentially another flavor of Satanism. Like Satanists who make trafficked children eat poop, Jehovah saw fit to threaten to wipe poop on the faces of Priests.

        Malachi 2:3 (KJV):
        Behold, I will … spread dung upon your faces

        Jehovah also requires wide-spread human sacrifice as a burnt offering to God (Deuteronomy 13:13-19)- How Satanic is that?

        “Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by…

        • HypothesisFree

          “Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.”

          Even Jesus is OK with Slavery (which is never rebuked anywhere in the entire Bible).
          Ephesians 6:5-7:
          5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people

          1 Timothy 6:1-2 (KJV):
          6 Let…

          • HypothesisFree

            1 Timothy 6:1-2 (KJV):
            6 Let as many (slave) servants as are under the yoke count their own (slave) masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.
            2 And they that have (Christian) believing (slave) masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort.

          • HypothesisFree

            So if the Christian Godhead as presented above is essentially as EVIL as Satan, where does the notion come from that Christians are somehow GOOD people or any better than anyone else?

    • Anonymous

      Let’s get past the Bullshit and get to the trials for mass murder.

    • g77enn

      In the interview below Trump had the gaul to say that no one died from the Vax?
      CANDACE OWENS: Why Trump Got Upset With Me

      (THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP AND RFK JR.)New Dr. Shiva & Dr. Jane Ruby: Two Wings One Bird, Corrupt Political Candidates, the Great Awakening in Truth, Freedom & Heal:/prophecy/2023/07/new-dr-shiva-dr-jane-ruby-corrupt-political-candidates-the-great-awakening-in-truth-freedom-heal-2543468.html

    • Follows TheWay

      Nicotine Patch Study referenced by Dr. Ardis:

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