Judy Byington: The Storm Is Here, Any Moment Now...Q Be READY - Special Intel Report For Thurs. 28 Sept. 2023 (Video)
by N.Morgan
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Compiled Thurs. 28 Sept. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”
The Storm Is Here
Any moment now. . .
It is only wise to put away a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential supplies for yourself and to share with others.
“American Anthem”
The Dream of a Nation
Veterans Day Special: The Dream of a Nation (11/7/21) | Music & the Spoken Word – YouTube
More than 20 years ago Gene Scheer read a book about the creation of the US Constitution. It made him realize the passionate dedication of the founders of this nation – a nation that would one day become a symbol of Freedom for the World. He felt inspired to write the song “American Anthem.”
All we’ve been given by those who came before
The dream of a nation where freedom would endure
The work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day
What shall be our legacy? What will our children say?
Let them say of me I was one who believed in sharing the blessings I received
Let me know in my heart when my days are through,
America, America, I gave my best to you.
Judy Note: There were all kinds of signs that a Global Economic Collapse Event was happening right now and would continue to plunge in a slippery slope with the collapse of Cabal corporations after the RV.
A Global Currency Revaluation of Currencies and Redemption of Zim Bonds would soon set the stage for the World’s recovery.
Hold on tight. There is no cause for discouragement. There is no room for despair. You are The Chosen if you bought revaluing currencies and/or Zim Bonds. You have set yourself up to play an important role in rebuilding our World. Go forth with courage.
One person’s opinion on how the Global Financial Collapse will happen only after the RV: “I think I’m getting it. Could it possibly be that it’s not what we all think? This is a ‘controlled military operation’. Yep, got it. I think you know it, too. Hint: Each industry has to be shut down, such as CVS pharmacy (no need for medication when you have med-beds) and Apple stores (when you have Q, phones). How do you close stores down? How do you crash the economy? How do you get people to lose their jobs? Yep.” …Rubix Q on Telegram Wed. 27 Sept.
“Because the comms are getting really obvious and the markets are on their last legs, jobs are being cut and harder to find, more truth coming out in Mainstream Media about jabs and corruption everywhere. This week Trump was shown with a gun after his speech in South Carolina and it links to the Q drop that is shaped like a gun with the text reading BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Blackout.” …Al on Telegram Wed. 27 Sept.
The Blackout will host the EBS to explain the truth behind Terrorism around the World, Big Pharma, Red Cross Child Trafficking, World Wars and how it’s all Bottle Up at UBS/Credit Suisse.
- Wed. 27 Sept. Something Big is Happening, Tucker Carlsen: ‘Something Big Is Happening in United States!” | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Wed. 27 Sept. SGAnon Situation Update: SG Anon: Situation Update – Upcoming Shock Event – Be Ready!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- On Tues. 26 Sept. something went literally wrong in the US. Sailors on a US Battleship saluted the Stars and Stripes which was hoisted incorrectly upside down – a signal of dire distress that the country was under attack. …Rubix Q on Telegram Wed. 27 Sept.
- Wed. 27 Sept. Philadelphia PA BREAKING: Large Crowds of people have started to riot, looting multiple stores as a Citywide Rapid Response has been activated in Philadelphia, PA: https://www.fox29.com/news/police-responding-to-reports-of-looting-in-center-city
- Wed. 27 Sept. Bitcoin Holdings Plummet, Mass Exodus.
Judy Note: If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official.
Global Currency Reset Possible Timeline:
- Tues. 26 Sept. Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification should be sent out after the Gazette publishes the new Iraqi Dinar Rates. Tier 4bappointments should be available sometime between now and Fri. 29 Sept. The first two weeks of Oct. NESARA should pay out (reclamation funds).
- Wed. 27 Sept. MarkZ: “The Senate passed a resolution to end the War and sanctions on Iraq. Once the house passes it Iraq will have full control over their own money, oil and destiny. Many of my sources were still looking for the end of the week.”
- Frank 26: “A ten day process will start on Thurs. 28 Sept. where there will be a gradual and automatic increase in the value of the Dinar; the Iraqi people will receive their HCL proceeds and Iraq will ascend into the World Trade Organization so that on Mon. 1 Oct. the WS Bank “branch” would be open for business.”
- Fallawsophy: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification, with appointments set for the next 12 days, or until Wed. 11 Oct.
- Walkingstick (an Iraqi citizen and bank owner): “The tender for the currency and coins has been met per request, meaning the needed currency and coins, the count and the value, for the release of the new exchange rate has been fulfilled.”
- TNT Tony: “Everyone is saying it will be done by the end of this coming weekend.”
- Wolverine: The funds have been released and placed on the Quantum Financial System.
- The first two weeks of Oct. NESARA should pay out (reclamation funds).
- By Sun. 1 Oct. all banks were required to be on the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System rather than the old SWIFT System based on the fiat US Dollar.
- Sun. 1 Oct. the USN was set to be announced.
- Mon. 2 Oct. US Inc. government shutdown – causing a worldwide financial crisis.
- Tues. 3 Oct. has been officially designated as the National Day of the Republic of Iraq in order to celebrate Iraqi freedom from the US Inc.
- By Tues. 10 Oct. the bulk of redemption appointments and exchanges were expected to be done.
- On Wed. 11 Oct. possible EBS with Biden removal – that would kick off a four month military action.
- The end of October Sidney Powell has a date with the Supreme Court to present evidence on 2020 Election Fraud.
- Wed. 1 Nov. It was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, at which time the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless.
- Holly: Some very important things are going to happen: 1. The USA sanctions on auctions for Iraq are being lifted after 30 years!!!! Signed off by treasury last week when Iraq was in USA! Boom! 2. Iraq is being part of the WTO by October 4th! They have to have an international rate to be part of it! Boom! 3. Iraq is having their first ever Independence Day on October 3rd!! Congratulations Iraq! This means they are independent and their war has ended! This by far is the biggest Boom ever!
- In November Social Security will be paid out in much higher payments.
- Tues. 26 Sept. BOOM! New Epoch of Peace: The Inception of QFS Gold-Backed Coins, the Salvation for the Patriotic! (video) – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
- Robert Powers on Telegram: “I got an email from my credit union that they are now have Wealth Management services and scheduling appointments for anyone that has questions.”
Rumored GCR Recent History:
- On Fri. 15 Sept. Iraq officially RVd their Dinar.
- On Fri. 22 Sept. Iraq announced the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate as $11.90.
- On that same Fri. 22 Sept. the Quantum Financial System took over the Global Financial System.
- On Sun. evening 24 Sept. the QFS was activated, with all funds gold backed.
Global Financial Crisis:
- Wed. 27 Sept. While we’re all distracted with election shenanigans, Gold is sky rocketing and BTC and other crypto are puking.
- Wed. 27 Sept. UBS Trading Halted as US Steps Up Credit Swisse Probe: https://www.proactiveinvestors.com/companies/news/1027916/ubs-trading-halted-as-us-steps-up-credit-suisse-probe-1027916.html
- Wed. 27 Sept. Bitcoin Holdings Plummet, Mass Exodus: https://finbold.com/us-bitcoin-holdings-plummet-as-regulatory-uncertainty-triggers-mass-exodus/
- Billionaire chairman of China Evergrande, Hui Ka Yan, has been placed under police control, but it is unclear why. https://www.livemint.com/news/world/evergrande-chairman-hui-under-police-control-as-chinas-property-crisis-deepens-report-11695785004538.html
- CVS Pharmacy to Close 900 Stores by the End of 2024, Citing Shoplifting as Major Problem: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/cvs-pharmacy-close-900-stores-end-2024-citing/
- India: Indians told to return billions in high-value notes as bank issues recall order. Indians have until the end of September to deposit the high-value notes or exchange them for another denomination. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1817076/India-rupee-billions-bank-currency
- Will the US Government shutdown 1 Oct? https://www.al.com/news/2023/09/is-government-shutdown-unavoidable-hopes-dim-as-deadline-nears-gaetz-threatens-mccarthy-ouster.html
- “Expect Stock Market to continue bleeding today Wed. 27 Sept. DOW dropped 1.14 % Tuesday. It will lose another few % points today. 1.14% doesn’t seem like much however the fluctuation average is .6%. The PERFECT STORM consists of 1 government shut down, 2 auto workers/industry, 3 student loan forgiveness revoked and 4 soaring gas prices. Think all 4 are met. FYI – the crash of market will start on a Friday – once trading hits sell off to 20%, the stock exchange stops, as in closes all trading for a cooling off period, then reopens on Monday. Sell off continues until another 20% and again triggers a close of all trading until next morning. Fri 29th sell off 20%. Mon 2nd sell off 20%. POINT OF NO RETURN. Tues. 3rd sell off 20%. Wed 4th crash. EBS test TIMING. IMO.” …ApolloMemphis on Telegram Wed. 27 Sept.
Restored Republic:
Emergency Broadcast System Tues. 26 Sept: HAL TURNER: October 4 TEST of Emergency Alert System, Nationwide. No, It’s not the Zombie Apocalypse! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
Maui Massacre – an Urgent Plea For Help: The capitol of the Sovereign Nation of Hawaii in Lahaina Maui has been destroyed. Hundreds of men, women and children were presumed dead. Over two thousand children were still missing. At least 4,500 displaced.
- Gene Decode: Breaking Intel Sept 26, 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- 15 out of 2,000 missing Maui Massacre Children found by Navy Seals: Navy SEALs Save Missing Maui Children | Real Raw News
- No Media Coverage on 2,000 Still-Missing Maui Children Believed Kidnapped | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Maui Roadblock: Maui worker’s viral video shows Front Street police roadblock – YouTube
- DEWS melted the water pipes underground in Lahaina and Paradise California fires: /prophecy/2023/09/new-michael-jaco-live-dews-melted-the-water-pipes-underground-in-lahaina-and-paradise-fires-2545384.html
Any aid you could give to help those suffering tremendous losses would be greatly appreciated.
Be Careful Where You Donate: The Kingdom of Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina Website was the only official and authorized site solely dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua Donations (malamalahaina.org)
Help Save Our Constitution – It’s Hanging By A Thread: You can add your letter of support to the ongoing Brunson Petitions by going to: www.enoughisenough.me SCOTUSLetter.pdf (brunsonbrothers.com) Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
H. For over five years Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling for our right of Freedom from the privately owned US Inc.’s Goliath IRS. Even after they had won their case in a federal tax court that ruled they owed no monies to the IRS, 27 men SWAT teams took away their fully paid for home and all their possessions including expensive camera equipment Ken used to make a living, and then incarcerated Ken. A Tues. 12 Sept. 2023 interview Ken Cromar gave from jail – a must hear for all Patriots: http://www.lnrlive.com/audio
Donations were Needed in these Battles for our Freedom – But you get COOL Liberty stuff! All try to help each other financially by sharing donations that pay for the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. Your donation can help to make miracles happen! See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page: https://393817.e-junkie.com/ http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/got-miracles/
The Real News for Wed. 27 Sept. 2023:
- Wed. 27 Sept. US Raise Your Hand If You Think General Mark Milley Committed Treason! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
- Wed. 27 Sept. Australia: Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia, who presided over some of the world’s longest and most draconian COVID lockdowns, has resigned.
- Award-winning journalist, Alex Newman, on the effort by Bill Gates and other advocates of mass depopulation, to deliberately collapse the food supply, so people will have no choice but to eat insects and lab-grown fake meat: “When you have people who are obsessed with the idea that there are too many of us, promoting—I don’t care if it’s a medical intervention, I don’t care if it’s a new food source—frankly, my default position is going to be, I don’t trust it.”
- Election Fraud Delaware County Pennsylvania: A video from Camera 7 shows a woman filling in blank ballots and stamping them! A Uniformed Officer standing right there watching!
- The US Senate just approved a repeal of the War with Iraq authorization, the US House of Reps are to vote on the Repeal of said declaration tomorrow which removes all sanctions currently remaining in place thus allowing a currency reinstatement with a revaluation to follow shortly thereafter. All our hurdles removed with 2 days remaining in the month.
- Drug shortages reported at 96 percent of U.S. pharmacies as Big Pharma’s supply chain begins to fail. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) conducted a survey recently which found that 96 percent of pharmacy technicians across the country are reporting shortages of what are considered “essential” pharmaceutical drugs. Everything from chemotherapy and attention-deficit… Read More
- Canadians have gathered at Parliament Hill to protest the indoctrination of children into gender ideology in schools as mainstream outlets call it a hate fueled rally. The mainstream media has firmly positioned itself as enemies of the children as they say it is now hate to resist child mutilation. Anyone with common sense sees what a crime it is to push this agenda on our most precious children. Crimes against children will unite the world.
- EMR (electromagnetic) waves. (H.A.A.R.P.) can penetrate everything on Earth. With EMR – electromagnetic pulses you can start fires and destroy everything on earth. Including to cause the earthquakes! Including a tsunamis! Including Tornadoes!
- Tues. 26 Sept. Bombshell — Unmasking the Bidens: The Shocking Allegations of FBI Moles, Chinese Partners, and Sealed Indictments! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
- Tues. 26 Sept. 5D QFS Stops All 3D Deep State Corruption In Its Tracks: QFS Satellite Monetary System & GCR Unraveling The Tethers of Deep State Depravity – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
- In Underground DUMBS they found food and drink hidden by the Cabal that could feed the population of the whole World for the next 150 years: 14.2 billion tons of high quality food. They have been analyzed. The samples did not contain toxic substances that are normally released in the general population.
- 9/11 The BBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 approximately 20 minutes before its actual collapse on 9/11. They even had their reporter deliver this news as Building 7 stood tall in the background. How did the BBC know that a 47 story steel-framed skyscraper would collapse from fire, which was a first in HISTORY (prior to the Twin Towers)?
Biden Crime Family:
- James Biden confirmed to FBI family tried to help Chinese firm buy US energy assets: https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/james-biden-confirmed-fbi-family-tried-help-chinese-firm-buy-us?utm_source=mux&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tr
White Hat Intel:
- With the TRUMP arrest the CIA and FBI were creating False Flag Event Shootings and were trying hard to create violent Civil unrest scenarios leading to Civil War Scenarios.
- Be careful out there, Patriots, as the Deep State starts MASS cycles of deadly shootings through the U.S. and BLAME Trump supporters, QAnon, Patriots, or blame the shootings created by transgenders on bullying (making the Right scape goats for their actions).
- They are inside a third stage of 4th and 5th generation warfare, pitting humans against humans in deadly human tragedy scenarios, looking for an outcome to blame to the political oppositions and bringing in near death US Civil unrest (war) events that would lead U.N. intervention in the US.
- This was always the Deep State Pentagon, CIA, Obama, Rockefeller, Rothschild plan. Their idea was to bring in the U.N. and create quick laws in massive Civil War unrest scenarios and give power to the U.N. over the U.S. and their military.
- The Deep State’s final moves was to arrest U.S. military commanders loyal to the Constitution, Republican followers, Trump loyalists, or seemingly rogue commanders who would not support their Deep State Agendas.
- We were far inside the Storm now. There is no turning back. We are crossing the Rubicon.
The Latest News, David Wilcock:
- According to NSA sources, “White Hats” are currently attacking the Fort McPherson base complex in Atlanta, Georgia. It is here that the Rockefeller citadel of AT&T and CNN conducts fake psychological operations of the Joe Biden administration.
- Biden reads quotes from his teleprompter. “End quote. Repeat the line.”
- According to Canadian intelligence sources, Biden’s fall will be followed by a similar move in Canada. “Justin Castro will be removed from office and humiliated in front of the world community. The Canadians, supported by the military alliance, are waiting for a signal to act,” they promise.
- Dutch farmers warn Prime Minister Mark Rutte: “The protests will continue. We have the support of millions of people. There will be actions that Holland has never seen.
- It looks like it started in China too. People are rebelling against the CCP machine. Banks collapsed there, and the police were unable to stop the protesters by fraudulently manipulating their mobile devices to make them look like they had “Covid.”
- The Chinese people should understand that George Soros boasted that his people took over China in 1987. We had a video of him saying that, but it seems to have been deleted from our computers and from the internet. However, the fact that the regime there agrees with the fake pandemic and the accompanying excessive social control is a clear sign that they are not working for the Chinese people.
- An MI6 source says: “The days of the G7, G20 and the like are over. Their failure will be reflected in an economic crisis leading to global unrest, similar to what we are seeing in Sri Lanka. All these archaic prime ministers should be captured and shot along with all these old habits Clear the deck,” the source continued.
- When the regime finally falls, people will hear a lot of shocking things. Horrifying truths will come to light during public trials and hearings that will follow the worldwide defeat of HMM.
The DEEP STATE G20 power in COLLAPSE, Benjamin Fulford
- The UN and NATO were collapsing as Deep State Elites and the Cabal power control these operations: The Rothschild, Rockefeller, CIA Regime.
- UN, G20 Operations in panic as over 70% of African nations decline to attend the summit and the most notable surprise not in attendance was President of CHINA and CCP executives.
- PANIC has hit NATO/UN/CIA/MI6/G20 that their money laundering operations through the G20 countries is coming to an END as AFRICA HIDES IT’S RESOURCES and becomes allies with Russia China and coming BRIC’S invitation for African countries to join.
- As PANIC HITS CIA/ ROCKEFELLERS /NATO UN Regime, a powerful vaccine EXPOSURE begins as CONGRESS dives into EXPOSURE of FAUCI. cia vaccines connections and start private behind the scenes investigations and publicly TRUMP COMES OUT AGAINST THE VACCINES AND LOCKDOWNS.
- The Military General’s are well aware 2024 elections will not happen and EXPOSURE of the PLANDEMIC is COMING for 2024 and the death VACCINES and Trump is will testify and give all information in Military TRIBUNALS CONNECTED TO THE FIRST BATCHES OF FAKE VACCINES/ SALINE/ PLACEBOS/ that was released through his WARP SPEED. (One day after Trump released the vaccines, the Deep State Pfizer released their Death Vaccines).
FOX NEWS Unleashes Classified Revelations, Ben Fulford
- Hold on tight as we embark on an eye-opening journey into the shocking revelations recently dropped by FOX NEWS. Brace yourselves; the truth is far stranger than fiction.
- The Chemtrail Controversy Unearthed: But wait, there’s more. FOX NEWS took aim at the skies, uncovering a startling story out of Missouri. This bombshell report exposed alleged (CIA) U.S. military operations that involved spraying predominantly black communities with cancer-causing agents from airplanes via chemtrails. As if that weren’t enough, they detailed the intentional installation of exhaust systems on buildings, releasing radioactive isotopes and harmful chemicals into impoverished communities.
- The Congressional Unearthing Begins: Now, the real digging commences. Congress has rolled up its sleeves, delving deep into state records and archives, unearthing evidence of the CIA’s covert cancer-causing chemtrail operations spanning decades. Shockingly, the trail of this depopulation agenda leads back to the Rockefellers, a family deeply enmeshed with other elite dynasties, steering the vaccine networks and global medical industry. This web of power birthed figures like Fauci, set the CIA in motion, and handed over the reins to the likes of George W. H. Bush and George W. Bush, architects of bioweapons projects, including the infamous gain-of-function research.
- A Worldwide Disclosure Unfolds: Behind the scenes, the Military Alliance has ensured that both CNN and FOX NEWS continue to drop these red pill revelations, awakening liberals and the unwittingly compliant. Classified information is infiltrating civilian sectors, with leaks hitting the internet and select mainstream media outlets. This global dissemination ensures that declas drops resonate across languages and borders.
- The Plan for a Global Awakening: A global resistance revolution is underway, spurred by the impending failure of Plandemic II and the world’s rising opposition to the globalist elite’s agenda. The Military Alliance is orchestrating this worldwide resistance to the deep state cabal’s sinister operations.
- Tucker Carlson’s Strategic Move: Even Rupert Murdoch, the owner of FOX NEWS and a CIA asset, couldn’t censor the two monumental reports. Recognizing the power of Twitter, the Military Alliance orchestrated Tucker Carlson’s move from FOX to Twitter to ensure maximum impact.
- Hold On, The Truth Unfolds: Buckle up, dear readers, for we are witnessing an unprecedented unveiling of classified information and truths long buried. Stay vigilant as the stage is set for further revelations that will shake the foundations of our understanding.
Stanley invented a car that was powered 100% on water. He was poisoned by two “NATO” investors because his invention was going to change the World.
- The basic principle is this: Molecules have a positive and negative negative magnetic side. Normal electrolysis can use the magnetic principles of water to rip it apart, but it uses a ton of energy.
- If the exact resonant frequency of the water is used, along with special circuitry that multiplies the voltage, while reducing the amperage to as little as possible, the resonant frequency will cause the water molecule to temporary “elongate”.
- A normal oxygen molecule has 6 electrons, but can hold up to 8 in it’s stable state. That makes it accept the 2 electrons of the hydrogen atoms. When the water molecule elongates, it allows the hydrogen atoms to be separated from the oxygen atom very easily. In turn, this produces “hydroxy gas”, called “Brown’s Gas” or “HHO”, which are basically forms of hydrogen and oxygen.
Must Watch Videos:
- Wed. 27 Sept. Situation Update: Judy Byington: Bombshell Countdown Has Begun! Collapse of the CIA, Return of Trump & Final Blow to Global DS! Special Intel Report For Wed 27 Sept 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Tues. 26 Sept. Situation Update: Situation Update: Red October Inbound! Global Financial Collapse Event! Dollar Wars! US Corp Bankruptcy! EBS! WW3: Russia Preparing For Event Of Century! False Flag Shootings! Fall Of The Cabal! | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Wed. 27 Sept. SGAnon: SG Anon: Situation Update – Upcoming Shock Event – Be Ready!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Tues. 26 Sept. Dr. Jan Halper: Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: She Exposes it ALL! The Intel You Can’t Afford to Miss! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Tues. 26 Sept. X22 Report: X22 Report: The Pause Was Needed To Do Things That Traditionally Couldn’t Be Done! War Crimes!! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
- Tues. 26 Sept. Huge Intel, Ward and Johnson: LIVE – Derek Johnson & Charlie Ward HUGE Intel: “Derek Johnson Updates ‘September 26, 2023” | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
Read Full Report (Doc):
Source: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2023/09/28/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-september-28-2023/
Stories Contributed by N. Morgan
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Very True there all dead Joe biden was executed for Treason and crimes against Humanity Long ago thats actors Thats are Playing him Hunter was Executed also. He kept yelling he didnt do anything. he was a civilien.
Are you prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse?