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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Bill Gates and WHO Call for Military To Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers During Bird Flu Pandemic? (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Bill Gates has joined forces with the World Health Organization in calling for vaccine refusers to be rounded up by the military and force-jabbed with mRNA during the next pandemic.



Gates and the WHO have ordered governments to lay the groundwork to mobilize the military because they claim that vaccine skepticism is “morally reprehensible” and vaccine refusal is an “act of aggression” that must be met with force.


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 14 comments
    • Original Ones

      This Dr. Peter Hotez needs to be jailed for his part in crime against humanity. He is a criminal, along with the rest of the “Vaccine villains”! The world is being systematically destroyed by these cretins. Whatever you do, do not comply with their depopulation vaccine agenda!!!👊🏿👊🏾

      • Jimmy

        Which proves, this world is still run by “Nazi Satanists”,…

    • residentp

      Drug pushers of the vax kind may feel the full weight of the Constitution and the real law.

    • residentp

      Data released has proven that the last vax attack program has inured a 100 mil Americans and many are dead and many are dying and so a charge of attempted murder can be laid against the depopulator. What happened to serial killers in the past? To plan a deadly plot has become acceptable.

    • residentp

      Ask this man what will he do “law wise” to act against Putin when he refuses again to allow the bio weapon into Russia. Putin has a law that prohibits the installation of 5G in Russia and his bomb shelters for citizens have no gas pipes leading into the units as the Fema camps have.
      The Japanese are stopping all vax with the strange ingredients and they are sorry that they allowed it in the past.
      Congress members and the ‘connected’ won’t be injected for real, again like last time.
      So they are REAL VACCINE REFUSERS. If they agree then to let random front line doctors inject them with random selected vaccine capsules and to have the contents analized and not by previous Pharma ceo’s appointed as FDA board members.

    • The Watcher

      No vax in 50 years :!: :eek: :razz:

    • Anonymous

      Now you know what the staged Vax Daddy ear shooting was for. They will try to collect defense weapons before they try a door to door slaughter. If this wasn’t the plan, the Dems would be calling out Trump’s fake ear wound. Instead, they are still pretending like he was actually shot even though there is not a mark on his ear.

    • Justin Case

      Anyone coming to me to “enforce” a vaccine program is going to get to see some serious aggression. Personally, I think the common people should rise up and kill ALL THOSE demanding mandatory vaccination. Anyone trying to force me will most likely get shot…

    • Anna Lyse

      Can somebody take this idiot to psychiatric clinic and take his money to compensate for all the damage he did to mankind?

    • GJ

      I will take his shot if he takes mine. The ingredients of mine will be posted on the shell casing.

    • G

      Can anyone explain why this criminal, in fact one of the biggest mass murderer in known human history, is still free to continue with his criminal agenda?

      • frosty

        In america the government functions according to the will if those having the most dollars to distribute to the politicians. Here the love of money, which the Bible calls the root of all evil, dominates. Gates and other psychopaths like him who call themselves the elites instruct others to perform the mass murders to depopulate the planet for them. Since they don’t murder directly they are immune form prosecution.

    • Icfourfour4

      Hahaha who the fuck is bill gates to determine what we do with our lives?? Hey bill gates don’t get who and the military in as much trouble as you are already in I need to tell everyone about that annunaki mother ship that is parked in that beautiful skiy just waiting for you demonic bastards to make this fucked up as move down here?? There are earth angles walking this planet doing the will of the most high GOD , the Creator of the Universe. I suggest you stand the fuck down with your non human demonic ass’s…there is something BIGGER than you, who and the military just waiting for you to make that fake ass bird flu forced vaccine on this planet. You did the unthinkable with covid and we dare you to try it again!! Fuck u all

    • BruceWinshipWright

      Bill Gates and the leadership of the World Health Organization (WHO) should be arrested, charged with crimes against humanity, then executed.

      These are the most horrible people in World History, yet because they have so much money, they can compromise EVERY LEADER WE HAVE.

      YES, all of our current leadership are compromised and never “allowed” to tell the truth about Viruses & Vaccines. Why? Because the truth

      about viruses & vaccines would put BIG PHARMA out of business. The Leadership of the FDA, CDC, and National Institute of Health should also

      be arrested, charged with Crimes against Humanity & TREASON, then executed. Louis Pasteur was WRONG and they all Know it.

      GERMS CAN NOT MAKE ANYONE SICK!!! Read THE MISCONCEPTION CALLED VIRUS by Dr. Stefan Lanka, the man who proved that The Measles

      Virus does not exist!!! Yet, today, we still vaccinate our babies with the MMR vaccine, don’t we? History will call us, you and me, some of the

      most horribly uninformed and cowardly people in history for allowing VACCINES to remain legal. It’s like legalizing RAPE!!!

      Donald Trump has been either HORRIBLY UNINFORMED OR CORRUPT regarding Viruses & Vaccines. He has never told us the truth about

      viruses and vaccines. Since March, 2020, when numerous people told TRUMP the truth about this FRAUD we call COVID-19, Trump has never

      bothered to tell us the truth about them. Instead, the stupid asshole brags about how wonderful the vaccine is and how brilliant he was for

      pushing OPERATION WARP-SPEED. Trump will go down in history as either a Horribly Uninformed DUMBASS or one of the MOST CORRUPT

      TRAITORS, ever!

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