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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Government Mandated Bug Food! Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again! They Want to Poison Us (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the UK government “sustainable food” agenda which includes the mass distribution and potential future mandating of insect food.

Of course, one of the goals of the World Economic Forum is to get the public to eat parasitic bugs and stop eating meat in order to “change the weather.” Obviously this is delusional and most of the public is not in favor of it. However, with massive propaganda campaigns to normalize bug eating, it’s getting closer to reality. Especially considering governments worldwide are looking to ration foods in the future in a time of “war” or under “climate hysteria” or due to increased inflation and poverty.

On a CBDC with a digital ID, the conspiracy theory becomes reality quickly. Food rations based on your behavior on your social credit and carbon credit score in 15 Minute Cities. It’s not surprising a trial 15 Minute City like Cambridge is one of the top places distributing this bug meat.

Meanwhile, there is an all-out assault on the food supply from World War 3 to the destruction of farms and now the “Bird Flu” hoax which has hundreds of millions of animals worldwide culled and billions potentially injected with mRNA and modRNA which survives the digestive system in humans.

They’re trying to force us into a new food pyramid which is made of famine and poison. 3D printed meats from Australia, lab grown meat from Bill Gates and vaccine induced foods to keep us unhealthy. Add in bugs and we’ve got the perfect dystopian eugenics agenda.

They see you as cattle and no matter how awake you are, you are still cattle if you have not prepared yourself accordingly.

Are you prepared for what comes next? Do you have storable foods? Seeds? Meat? Or will you be left behind and end up a piece of the puzzle that is the Great Reset in the near future? It’s up to you.

Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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