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By Les Visible (Reporter)
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It is Another Kind of Washed in the Blood... as They Towel Themselves off... With The Treated Skins of Their Victims.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

The mind reels at the horrors of the day, as vile events are broadcast across the digital toilet of The Crass Media, but few news flashes in recent memory are as luridly pornographic as The dead hostages. Tens of thousands of Palestinians… mostly women and children are murdered in cold blood, and driven from their homes by armed men; drones with loudspeakers… under the pretense of searching for Hamas fighters… and then their homes are bulldozed, and their streets torn from the Earth.

Were Hamas fighters hidden in the bedrock beneath the roadways? The only ones buried beneath the roadway are tens of thousands of other Palestinians… slaughtered in the decades before.

Let me point something out here. These AshkeNAZI invaders… with not a drop of Semitic blood… faked a holocaust to cover their tracks after killing tens of millions of Russian Christians, and then used this forgery to demand a rite of passage to a land they have no business living in. Maybe they got tired of killing Christians and decided to murder Muslims instead?

Not in the history of The World… in this present accounting… is there a people with more innocent blood on their hands than these vicious savages… who bathe in the blood of children, and shine with a Satanic incandescence… as they rise to towel themselves off with the refurbished skins of their victims.

Just recently… a monster who raped a Palestinian… was paraded on Israeli television and showered with applause from his nation for this despicable act. Vile… vile… there are no words I can find as adequate descriptors for this nation of serial killers. I am good with words, but it is beyond my skill and knowledge to capture just how alien and repulsive these people are.

Six non-entities die, and it isn’t known by whose hand it occurred, and The World Press screams for yet more Palestinian blood!!! How is it that these creatures came to own The World Press? Their bankers stole the wealth of nations through usury and duplicitous events…, and then the funds were used to buy up all the entertainment companies… all the news media… nearly all of the publishing companies… and the list goes on and on.

They needed this temporal power because of the horrors they intended to inflict on the people of The World… so that they might transmit awful lies, and transparent fantasies in place of the truth they hide from the duped and bewildered.

They stole so much money from financing wars against both sides in the conflicts that they were able to buy governments, and everyone they could not buy… they slandered or killed! Lord God!!! Lord God Almighty!!! How long will you permit this?

Even now… with Killer Vaccines that they manufactured to that end… they murder the citizens of the country they call their best friend. They seek to murder the whole world!!! They have no conscience. They have no morals, and they have no love, except for their love for the performance of evil upon all living things.

Somewhere in the future… if there is one… another land of the free… will rise up from the rubble of the past, and perhaps… perhaps… they will be wiser. Perhaps they will have learned, and written into their constitution… these prohibitions as the law of the land… in some future Byzantium… let the law say that at no time may these people and their offspring seek employment in government… banking… or education. You are… at present… living proof… of what happens when such guidelines are not enforced.

The Founding Fathers of this endangered nation knew about these people. There had been ample evidence of the dangers they pose for all living things. They spoke out and wrote down their admonitions. All traces of their warnings are being erased, along with the evidence of their crimes against us.

I cry out for The Divine Mother to rise up against these craven offspring of demonic rites; this demon seed. Divine Mother! Come for them in their minds where they have no protections. Let them be possessed… with the compelling desire… to gnaw off their own offensive hands and feet… that inflict such injuries on others. Strike them dumb so that they can speak no further evil! Come for them in their bloodstreams and across the circuits of their nervous systems.

Let microbes… like themselves in miniature… consume them with diseases… fit for their criminal behavior. Let all of your invisible realms attack them in their invisible bodies so that the fruits of that effort shall precipitate down into their physical forms!!! Divine Mother… their very bodies are composed of your substance. Let every cell of their bodies go to war against them.

Divine Mother!!! The Earth cries out in torment that it should witness such horrors visited upon others. Wake their minds and engulf them with shame, Mother… so that to even draw another breath gives them such agony that they cannot bear it. Inflict them with conscience, Mother! I know they possess no conscience; cause them to be assaulted by fits of conscience that they cannot escape. Let them crawl into holes in The Earth… screaming for surcease, and let them find that the very darkness burns them with the fires of recrimination and unbearable guilt.

Father in Heaven!!! Open the gates of Shamballa, and loose the armies of light upon them… in every country, and under whatever guises they are concealing themselves in. Lord God! Send the thunderbolts of Heaven upon them, and make them as if they never were!

Dear God!!! Teach me the magic language of light that I might speak it and break the doors of every prison they presently torture Palestinian people in. Lord, please!!! Through me or some other… grant that we might speak with tongues of fire that sear them in the moment of the commission of their crimes against others.

Let every hand they raise against another be consumed by your holy fires! Let every foul and evil word they speak turn to poisonous snakes in their mouths. Let every dark and twisted emotion… directed at others… cause their hearts to burn in such a fashion that they tremble to feel anything other than unbearable regret. Let their thoughts of harm for others set their minds on fire. Sear them Lord with their own malevolent thoughts. Let them feel with ten times the intensity of EVERYTHING that they wish on others!!!

Oh blessed and merciful God!!! Please, I pray with the whole of my being… show your mercy NOW… that they may turn all of their harm upon themselves and never harm another living soul without first doing it to themselves.

Dear God… every day I must see the execrable whitewashing of their crimes upon humanity through their ubiquitous media. Every day I see them lay the blame… on the victims… of their vicious behavior; upon the very people they torment without ceasing.

Lord! The heart of Humanity… The Earth… The Devic and Angelic Realms can no longer bear these offenses by such callous beasts as these!!! Turn their money to dust! Let all their pleasures turn to rust and ashes in their mouths. Let there be no safe place for them, Lord!!! Let the demons they previously commanded… through their reversal of your sacred magic… now become their pursuers. Let every harm they have wished on others return upon them!!!

Let the real truth of the scriptures be revealed to the human heart. Let the false narratives that they created; the false lineage they ascribe to Jesus, be shown to all The World. The Lord Jesus was NEVER of their kind… could not have been of their kind, but by their trafficking in demons… they have altered scripture so that the religions of The World have been turned into cash registers and ATMs for them to plunder and spend on unspeakable perversities.

Lord God! Destroy the citadels of Evil!!! Lord! Turn every Evil plot upon Evil… so that Evil might be destroyed by its own hand. Lord! Expose all the public and private faces of Evil to The World, that The World might see them clearly revealed, and that the collective scorn of The World’s people… the outrage of the animals and the plants… the insects and the rocks upon the Earth… let all of them wash these creatures with the light of your holy love… channeled through every living and seemingly inanimate thing… that it might awaken them to the evil that they do.

Let there be no escape for them here… or hereafter, and…

one last thing.

End Transmission…….

Links may be at GAB today. We shall see=

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