#PrideMonth (#GayPrideMonth): Some in #LGBTQ community ask: "Where is the REAL #HATE?" #WORDS vs #ACTIONS / #DEEDS!
[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES:
http://terrorstrikes.info / http://terrorstrikes.info/synopsis / http://terrorstrikes.info/about-the-book
Despite the main topic subject-matter: This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign (terror strikes) and domestic(Liberals supporting slaughter of unborn)) that would deprive others of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
PLUS how Christianity is under assault by not just GIJIAS but THE US LEFT also
AND Terror Strikes calls out against ANY/ALL #HATE - especially see the "Love vs Fake Hate" chapter (that covers some of what is outlined in this article) https://TerrorStrikes.info/table-of-contents]
Does anyone ever recall the old-addage: STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT (gonna slightly make a para-phrase change here) WORDS CAN NEVER, REALLY, KILL ME! But, yes, of course, being STONED TO DEATH actually can…..
[NOTE: There is a Wed. Feb. 7th 2023 updated, that I moved up from the comments, down-thread, also see too a Sat. Feb. 11th 2023 update below including SAVAGED UNFILTERED podcast episode 402 interview w/ "trans-woman" Lavonne Dupont (see Rumble: https://rumble.com/v284yom-s4-e402-s4-e402-transgender-conservatives-supporting-trump.html)]
[NOTE: Images get stripped, you will no longer see them and sections may get confusing, after 1 year of initial posting and #B4IN ARCHIVES Posts (sadly, they strip the images presumably to save space on their Archive server rather than allowing a piece to remain as an Author intends]
There is only one GROUP / FAITH, currently STONING PEOPLE TO DEATH (do you not know who that is, cuz the #MEDIA doesn’t report it cuz they want you in the Dark? (related articles: Brunei Stonings – https://time.com/5560200/brunei-gay-sex-death-by-stoning/, other countries – https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/06/13/here-are-the-10-countries-where-homosexuality-may-be-punished-by-death-2/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.fac455b254c2, VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZOeTBgsJVo (please read accompying Video description))), yet the Harsh, return, rehetoric never seems to ever be aimed at those Folks! Why is that?? Cuz a certain “other” Group (Not part of your Community, but looking to keep you under what they consider their beck-and-call (aka: under-their-thumb)) don’t have anything to gain by such, they have FalseNarratives they need peddled instead in order to MAINTAIN CONTROL/POWER (over you too! and they do it by keeping you #Emotionally #hysterical and distracted rather than focus on #REALITY, reasonable (reasoned thought) perspective, etc….. (Please, see some of your #LGBTQ peers speaking out in (embedded) Videos below*)
We’ve not really gone very far yet, but I want to STOP for a moment and THANK YOU for even bothering to get this far! Great that you are OPEN MINDED and hope you’ll continue down the RABBIT-HOLE of Reality even further with me….
(SideNote, but related, #Christians also Stoned to Death: https://www.christianpost.com/news/3-christians-stoned-to-death-by-muslim-mob-in-kenya-only-faith-in-god-keeps-family-going.html with whom are you really Allied, did you ever dare consider this Truth of who else they are Stoning?)
#GAYS vs #CONSERVATIVES / #REPUBLICANS (LEFT wants to continue to play-up to keep #LGBTQ community jinned-up on; EMOTION, DEFLECTION, HATE and; on #DemocratPlantation)!
Funny how LEFT wants to make big deal (& its only a small but vocal percentage of the #LGBTQ community that is beyond just wanting “acceptance” but instead #Gaytivists #ANTICHRISTIANS, not the) out of (he w/o #Sin, cast 1st stone*) say I DO NOT CONDONE (that’s called being “honest” and “truthful” with you WITH ZERO HATE (Emotions) INVOLVED, something Leftists never are) YOUR LIFESTYLE BUT I DO NOT CONDEMN IT** (#Christian Bakers just want #1A Rights / FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION (also means right to NOT ASSOCIATE))!
** (Context matters, so…) spare us the whole JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED (there is more to that Scripture, people who want to twist the Bible and CONTEXT leave out (see: /v3/religion/2019/2546594.html)) False Narratives or other Scripture twisting I go into great length in the just cross-referenced hypertext link!
Again, “Most #CHRISTIANS” stance: I DO NOT CONDONE YOUR LIFESTYLE BUT I DO NOT CONDEMN IT — COMPARED TO #ISLAMICRadicals (aka: GIJIAS) Liberals are SILENT about who are actually STONING GAYS TO DEATH (and throwing them off Buildings) yet you never see any on the Left suing #Muslim Bakeries for same refusal (#1A grounds) TO NOT BAKE GAY WEDDING CAKE (must see #YouTube Video on that topic: https://youtu.be/RgWIhYAtan4)!
Big difference from someone who is American happens to be GAY (I know many, they know me, THEY KNOW my position regard #TraditionalMarriage (which even THE MOST LIBERAL TATE IN THE UNION, #CALIFORNIA, , PASSED A TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT), that I would/do support(ed) #CIVILUNION Legislation, and it is NOT AN ISSUE for us to be Friends) and LeftWing, #AntiChristian, #GAYTAVIST (often called #Gaystapo)!
Again, me and my Christian #Conservative #GOP Friends*** DEFEND GAY COMMUNITY vs #islamic Radicals – Left (supposed champions of #LGBTQ) SILENT!
*** yes, yes, yes, I FULLY ACKNOWLEDGE there are indeed some EXTREME Republican/Christians that forget to factor in the LOVE THY NEIGHBOR Bible Context and may be HARSH toward #LGBTQ…. But, that is a SMALL PERCENTAGE and STILL NOWHERE NEAR STONING AND THROWING PEOPLE FROM BUILDINGS!!
I’m NOT the only one trying to have an ACTUAL/REASONABLE “REASONED THOUGHT” DISCUSSION ON THIS TOPIC…. See related – YahooAnswers – “Which is Worse, Islamic law stoning gays to death or Christians who oppose Gay Marriage?”: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120430075524AAFmTrh
Clearly, anyone that doesn’t recognize the #REALITY of this Article does so out of their own HATE (#AntiAmerican, #AntiChristian) and Bigotry toward STRAIGHT PEOPLE! Just as the Democrats want it…
This Post ALSO RELATES to the #WalkAway Campaign, as #BrandonStraka (http://twitter.com/usminority) himself being a #Gay #Male #PATRIOT and who has himself acknowledged that #Democrats seem to feel they OWN the #LGBTQ community as much as they insist they OWN #BLACK community, and unfortunately still about 90% of BOTH communities do Vote the #JackAss logo Straight-ticket (yes, couldn’t resist the PUN (intended, all in good Fun (please tell me you still have a sense-of-humor)))!
Consider tweeting….
#PrideMonth: How bad is the #LGBTQ (or just #Gays) vs #Conservatives / #Republicans divide (especially during #GayPrideMonth)?!?! The Left sure wants you to believe that is where it is all at (#FalseNarratives)! /v3/u-s-politics/2019/2578211.html #WalkAwayFromDemocrats
* #LGBTQ’s in their own Words, awakened to who has been BADGERING AND BULLYING THEM and insisting #LGBTQ COMMUNITY MUST ALL THINK/FEEL THE SAME (is there anything more BIGOTED than that)!
TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …
Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.
more: http://TerrorStrikes.info
Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —
Brandon's post in #WalkAway Campaign FB Page [image attached, announcement of LGBTQ WalkAway Event in Chicago]
My FB response….
As Brandon points out, there are many in the #DNC (and it’s allies like #JussieSmollett) perpetrating a HOAX…. SO, I hope everyone takes the following in the LOVING and OUTREACH manner it is intended, I know others (you know, those at the #DNC who want to continue to gin-up HATE and mistrust) will try and get you EMOTIONALLY HYPED and Hope you’ll react NEGATIVELY (as they have seemingly trained/indoctrinated the #Democrat Base to do, have an automatic knee-jerk DISDAIN for anything anyone other than a fellow #SOCIALIST (er, I mean, “#DEMOCRAT” (no I don’t, I mean SOCIALIST)) says…….. Let’s engage in REASONED THOUGHT and NOT EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS….
#PrideMonth2019: The attached Article below RELATES to the #WalkAway Campaign, as #BrandonStraka himself being a #Gay #Male #PATRIOT and who has himself acknowledged that #Democrats seem to feel they OWN the #LGBTQ community as much as they insist they OWN #BLACK community (pathetically presumptuous, arrogant, and outright #BIGOTED, to expect/demand those in those groups ALL THINK ALIKE) , and unfortunately still about 90% of BOTH communities (well, I thought it was 90% for LGBT community too, glad to see Brandon say it’s only 80% in his Post above) do Vote the #JackAss
logo Straight-ticket (yes, couldn’t resist the PUN (intended, all in good Fun (please tell me you still have a sense-of-humor)))!
Please, PLEASE, Read the following Article and give me your thoughts there-in (comment section), as a reply here, or feel free to send me a DM…. Thank You in advance!
#PrideMonth: How bad is the #LGBTQ community vs #Conservatives / #Republicans (#GOP) divide (especially during #GayPrideMonth)?!?! The Left sure wants you to believe that is where it is all at (#FalseNarratives)!
–> /v3/u-s-politics/2019/2578211.html <–
Photo below generally used in regard to the RACIAL DIVIDE (and Democrats never-ending #RaceBaiting) but equally as relevant here!! [image Black and White grasping hands in Victory, caption Democrats greatest fear]
#TrumpDerangementSyndrome (#TDS) keeps piling higher & higher & I for 1 want to THANK #Democrats for it. More & more awaken to #democratsLIESmatter & noticing #LIES more & joining #WalkAwayFromDemocrats movement. 1,000′s of Testimonials!
ALSO RELATED: #BLEXIT #BlacksWalkAwayFromDemocrats
Former #BlackTwitter warriors give their testimonies: https://youtu.be/QR1NnBA4HMI?t=372 (LifeLong #Democrats awakened)
#BlackHistory #BlackLivesMatter? #p2 #inners
#Racist #Racism #RaceBaiting no more #WalkAwayFromDemocratHate
WED. FEB. 7th 2023 UPDATE, copied up from the comments…
GOT HATE RESPONSE to a 2023 interview I conducted with a “TRANS-WOMAN”….
From Social-Media promotion of that Podcast:
A “TRANS-WOMAN” (note the QUOTATION MARKS, those mean something) calls out the Woke Pedophile Groomer DragQueenStoryHour tranny clown buffoons…
Mike and I interview her on SAVAGED UNFILTERED…
I responded to her HATE….
Did you bother to listen to the interview?!?! Or just knee-jerk react to Headline?
( I don’t condone (that’s called being “honest” and “truthful” with you NO HATE involved, something Leftists never are) her, nor the others I know in the LGBT community and am entirely honest and up front about my CHRISTIAN POSITIONS with them, and as made clear in the interview BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “TOLERANCE AND ACCEPTANCE” CROWD AND #GAYtivists* and #GAYtivism* (terms I coined) crowd, but nor do I CONDEMN her, that is up to/for Lord final judgement). I do NOT do what FASCICRATS** do and LUMP AN ENTIRE CLASS/GROUP (#IdentityPolitics, #Collectivism manure) together, but like MLK “Content of Character” and Conservative INDIVIDUALISM standards.
AND FURTHER, I suggest you research Christian Conservative BLAIR WHITE!
Part of the BRANDON STRAKA #WalkAway project/team
( related: https://tinyurl.com/WalkAway2020 )
as well as friend of Candace Owens (BLEXIT founder)
And be sure to check HER out in Tom MacDonald’s SNOWFLAKE video
strategically place FLIPPING THE BIRD to the PRONOUNS crowd during the song.
* see related article/blog:
** https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
FEB 7, 2023, 4:18 PM
She then got embarrased and tried to DEFLECT…. I responded and BLOCKED…
Did I say it did? No! Again demonstrating you didn’t listen to it for any context.
Jump to conclusions much? Yes, you do!!!
Just making a “distinction” between CLASSES (properly defining terms, versus leftist twisting of them) unlike you lumping all people’s of a CLASS together (as Emotional Hysterics SNOWFLAKES do)…
Angry much? LOL, nice try at (Psychological Projection) deflection…
I just clearly called you out and your ANGER showed for/at it in return trying to DEFLECT with AD HM “emotion based” SNOWFLAKEesque attack.
Thanks for Playing…. #EpicFail…. BYE
I don’t waste time with folks who cannot have a RATIONAL discussion
and cannot make “distinctions” / “differentiations” (but instead are COLLECTIVIST IDENTITY POLITICS SNOWFLAKE peddlers).
repeating my reply to @spykiebaby15 , since I went and MUTED and BLOCKED not sure if rest of RATIONAL, capable of having a “rational nuanced discussion” can see or not…
Let me correct your Bio:
“Canadian, closed minded”I WILL GRANT A MISTAKE I MADE, as unlike others I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE PERFECT, and I can and do make a mistake on occasion…. “TRANS WOMAN” (could, without quotations, imply, not intended there, TAKING A POSITION) in the initial Social-Media Post promoting the Show/Interview SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN QUOTATION MARKS! As, yes, THAT MEANS SOMETHING, and was MY MISTAKE, as I am an Author and often rail about THE DISTORTIONS OF OUR LANGUAGE!!!
and, again, DID I SAY THAT? No! Nowhere did I.
Just making a “distinction” in terms between the “Guest” and the “GROOMER TRANNY DRESS AS CLOWNS (not how actual Women dresses, they are nowhere CLOSE to “being a Woman” in any sense in their Dress or actions) CREW” we were talking with her about – and that “guest” who agrees otherwise as (one who holds values that are otherwise) Conservative (who happens to dress Female, like an actual one, not the clown “joke” makeup of the tranny crowd).@spykiebaby15 , nor the other Blocked before him, LISTENED TO THE INTERVIEW nor even bother to actually READ WHAT I’VE WRITTEN.
Again, bye, I don’t waste time with folks that cannot deal in “distinctions” and actual rational thoughts and concepts and discussions.
THIS IS NOT entirely their fault, the Left twists language, and far too many who claim/pretend to be Christian ( https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords ) and Conservative (#PrinciplesNotPersonalities) have fallen into their traps and incapable of “thoughtful nuanced” discussion but instead REACT EMOTIONALLY as Left has trained them to do (as well as how they show SNOWFLAKE tendencies to LUMP ALL PEOPLES OF A CERTAIN “CLASS” ALL TOGETHER – that they all must be and think ALIKE ( as they’ve shown COLLECTIVISM rather Conservative (MLK like) INDIVIDUALISM respect to the Guest (just Hate, disdain, towards, like Leftists do, rather than apply Biblical I DO NOT CONDONE YOUR LIFESTYLE BUT I DO NOT CONDEMN, for Matthew JUDGE NOT is NOT about Judging (2 dozen other Scriptures on HOW TO JUDGE BIBLICALLY, which I’ve seen no evidence some are employing any understanding of), but FINAL JUDGEMENT and CONDEMN NOT, for that is the sole position the Lord holds)) vs the others ).
2023: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/continued-twisting-warping-of-language/
2023: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/continued-twisting-warping-of-language-part-2/
SAT. FEB 11th 2023 UPDATE (From RETALK thread: https://retalk.com/c/general/jlenarddetroit-1675811988) …
Beg pardon…
I WILL GRANT A MISTAKE I MADE, as unlike others I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE PERFECT (nor had they, explicitly, but complete rigidity and inability to grasp ANY NUANCE and or POTENTIAL FOR A VALID POINT (even if don’t agree) sure suggest IMO such), and I can and do make a mistake on occasion…. “TRANS WOMAN” (could, without quotations, imply, not intended there, TAKING A POSITION) in the initial Social-Media Post promoting the Show/Interview SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN QUOTATION MARKS! However, IMO, the CONTRAST BEING MADE between the TWO DISTINCT DIFFERENT DEFINED “SUB-SECTION” WITHIN THE GROUP should have been enough – but we have to be explicit and not leave things “implied!”
As, yes, THAT MEANS SOMETHING, and was MY MISTAKE, as I am an Author and often rail about THE DISTORTIONS OF OUR LANGUAGE!!!
AS HUBRIS, and unwillingness to ever GIVE or GRANT we can mistake, is ALSO A SIN (see the sections of your Bible about PRIDE).
JUDGE NOT… is the most distorted Scripture… Those often quote JUST THAT and ignore the entire REST OF THAT VERSE as well as the other 2 dozen + verses about JUDGING BIBLICALLY (JUDGE, NOT CONDEMN, for Final Judgement is RESERVED SOLELY FOR THE LORD). I fear so many miss those parts.
EMBED of SAVAGED UNFILTERED ep. 402 (Mike and I interview) Lavonne Dupont interview in full (2023 UPDATE):
SHOW NOTES: Michael and Joseph are welcomed by a special guest of many Twitter Spaces known as Lavonne DuPont. A former man, now “trans woman” (yes, in quotes, for reason) whom is also a conservative fighting against the grooming issues facing our children. Lavonne is also a proud supporter of Donald Trump. Which is rare due to the fact the media paints out many people such as Lavonne as Democrats or Leftists Liberals.
SHOW COMMENT: see related discussion, my responses to those SPEWING HATE (very UnChristian, as we are to HATE THE SIN, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR (LOVE THE SINNER)) that this Show launched (and, yes, subsequent Shows we adopted proper tactic of using “trans woman” and the like IN QUOTATION MARKS as we indeed have to use terms sometimes to be descriptive of the supposed situation WHILE NOT AGREEING with said term(s)…
[like the Megyn Kelly situation comment below the SU ep. 439 below, and will be my TheLibertyBeacon piece discussion, covering some of this, dropping Sat June 10th 2023]
EMBED of SAVAGED UNFILTERED ep. 439 (Mike and I discuss Dylan Sillyvaney) 2023 UPDATE:
SHOW NOTES: “The Savaged Unfiltered gang talk ALL THINGS DYLAN!! No, not Bob Dylan and Music, that Hepburn Impersonator wanna-be one and Beer (specifically Bud Light) and their major flop pander to less than 1/10th of 1% of America move that cost Budweiser Billions in Corporate value. Which they now quickly released a new “BUT WE’RE REALLY ALL ABOUT AMERICAN VALUES” Ad similar to the old/popular “Real American Heroes” Ad they had great traction with. Is their Brand damaged beyond all repair (FUBAR)?? Hear the Good (well, there is no good), the Bad, and the Ugly, of it all in this episode!!”
The #JoeBiDUMB #FASCICRATS (https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS) admin… Who could ask for more/better?!?!? #TYRANNYandTRANNYs (yet another brilliant hashtag I created/coined, if I do say so myself and I just did LOL )
Keep up the pressure On ALL Budweiser products On TARGET retailer and on and on and on the list keeps growing (see the RETALK “Woke Companies to Boycott” Community ( https://retalk.com/c/woke-companies-to-boycott )) Remember, there are now TWO PLACES to find PATRIOT COMPANIES/MATERIALS to BUYcott instead… Mammoth Nation https://mammothnation.com ( plz see: https://mammothnation.com/partners/terror-strikes-by-joseph-m-lenard ) and AlignUs https://www.alignusapp.com ( plz see: https://www.alignusapp.com/listing/joseph-m-lenard-media )
ANOTHER WEEKS LATER UPDATE — OMG: did you hear the latest about idiot Dylan?!?!? Now HE did a TikTok saying he told his parents “He is interested in WOMEN!” So, he, it, IS A LESBIAN NOW??? LMFAO, we’re likely to talk about that in a future/upcoming (REALLY COMING SOON) @SavagedUnfiltered show and then back-promote the WHY BUDWEISER and MILLER shows. I mean SERIOUSLY, if this doesn’t tell HIS PARENTS that their Child is MENTALLY ILL and in desperate need of Psychological intervention – nothing ever will. This IDIOT is dangerously confused, delusional, and may be finally SUBCONCIOUSLY CRYING FOR HELP and they STILL IGNORE HIS NEEDS!
RELATING this and another episode of SUPodcast – Ported over from ReTalk (https://retalk.com/c/news/megan-kelly-announces-she-will-no-longer-use-preferred-pronouns-in-a-recently-released-video-thats-great-let-me-expound-on-the-situation/) Megyn Kelly announces she will “no longer use preferred pronouns” in a recently released video… That’s great, let me expound on the thoughts/situation… Let me say right-up-front, I did NOT watch the video, and I have no intention of watching the video my first, only, reaction, and why I have zero interest in her comments about this now is the line “will NO LONGER use preferred pronouns” as many of saw the stupidity of it all from the start AND NEVER STARTED using “preferred pronouns” (with, I admit, on some “rare occasions” I grant the “leeway” and “exceptions” (any/every Rule, can and often does call for occasional exceptions) as like in the episode we did on @SavagedUnfiltered with “trans-woman” term (yes, in quotes, on purpose, and that is the point to use the “commonly used term” NOT that I agree, but) LAVONNE DUPONT episode (a Trump supporter, not all in LGBTQ community is a mindless Leftist on all things) because to have a discussion one has to engage in COMMON TERMS/LANGUAGE * to have a reasoned, logical, common-sense, back-and-forth communication; as well as during the WHY BUDWEISER episode (when/where referring to Blair White and Lavonne Dupont, but NOT DYLAN and HIS silliness). NOW, let-me-be-fair (something Leftists never are) and say perhaps Megyn may have been “using the exception context” too and now is going to a hard I WILL NEVER AGAIN stance, regardless, whatever, I’m obviously just piggy-backing off that video as an opportunity to make the points I want to NOT HERS! LOL
RUMBLE COMMENT CHAR LIMIT REACHED – continues at: https://retalk.com/c/news/megan-kelly-announces-she-will-no-longer-use-preferred-pronouns-in-a-recently-released-video-thats-great-let-me-expound-on-the-situation/
[also, will be continued Sat June 10th as my next TheLibertyBeacon piece dropping then: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard]
Yes, you can hear me/Joe as part of Savaged Unfiltered Podcast via Audible, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and many other places Podcasts can be found - but you can see me/Joe as part of Savaged Unfiltered Podcast via Rumble as we begin to build our #SavagedArmy visual audience (and get #SavagedArmy gear (including https://www.savagedarmy.com/listing/the-man-the-myth-t-june-2023?product=2)).
And a bit of an aside, but semi-related and need to call out the Left’s absurdity….
Yes, they make this argument…..
related link: /v3/the-law/2018/2457918.html
The much broader part of my point….
[NOTE: Images get stripped, you will no longer see them and sections may get confusing, after 1 year of initial posting and #B4IN ARCHIVES Posts (sadly, they strip the images presumably to save space on their Archive server rather than allowing a piece to remain as an Author intends]
TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …
Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.
more: http://TerrorStrikes.info
Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —
My follow-up book “How to Write a Book and Get It Published” (in which I share my journey (of writing my #1 “Political Thriller” Bestseller “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (and the hints, tips, tricks, techniques, I learned in the process)) to aid you in your journey from concept, to written form, to published, to marketing, of your own book) – is available now via Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/How-Write-Book-Get-Published-ebook/dp/B0BQZB5WLL/
I, Joseph M Lenard, am NOT going to relinquish co-host duties with Savaged Unfiltered, but too branching out and trying my Hands (or Mouth) with my own, new, very low-key (not alot of fluff or flash to start), the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast!!!
It is OFFICIAL, my new ” #ChristiTutionalist #Politics ” #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.
Yes, will take time for it to migrate to the #SearchEngines and other #Streaming sources like #ApplePodcasts and #Spotify. YOU get the FIRST SHOT at listening to S1E1.
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” S1-E1 “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via JosephMLenard.us CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.
ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast now available
News/Opinion-cast (weekly/weekend) from a Christian U.S.Constitution perspective
SOME of the following is STILL IN THE WORKS so not all information available at time of this (Sat Jul 15th 2023) update about my new CHRISTITUTIONALIST POLITICS podcast show/episodes…
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” (S1E1) “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via JosephMLenard.us CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
S1E2 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 1 2023 on) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E2) “Already a correction?” and “Ranked Choice Voting! (Good, Bad, Ugly – #TheRestOfTheStory, then you reach your own conclusions)”
Thank You for considering listening to this Show, as ListenNotes Reports you have about 168.9 Million+ PreRecorded Podcast Show episodes (and growing daily) to choose from. In S1E1 “Introductions” Show was mentioned “ChristiTutionalist Politics” would air monthly – and now, only few days later, time to announce pivot/change already (a correction, good/positive thing) now airing weekly (dropping a new Show each weekend) which will coincide with new article dropping each Saturday at TheLibertyBeacon and there-by primary topic of week with “other surprises” added in! This week’s TLB piece “Ranked Choice: Great, except way AK RINOs did it.”
Episode related pieces…
also discussed: WAAM ART Sat 6/24: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-6-24-2023-e265lut
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E2 Audio: 29m 55s, Sat Jul 1st 2023)
S1E3 before edit 38m10s…
S1E3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 8 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E3) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights beyond 4thOfJuly”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday” piece!
Plus, first Guest appearance from/with Pastor Robert Thibodeau, about his background, his PodcastersForChrist organization, as well as his latest FaithCasters podcasters project and discussion of TakingTheRainbowBack project to reclaim the (full 7 color) Rainbow back for God from the (fake 6 color) Rainbow Alphabet Mafia crowd (and, yes, difference between “tolerance” Gays and “Rainbow Alphabet Mafia” #GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism and recruitment as well as trying to legitimize and legalize Pedophilia.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-beyond-the-4th-of-july/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings (tribute)
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/shop (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
- https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
(S1E3 Audio: 35m 14s, Sat Jul 8th 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E4 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 15 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E4) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday (part 2)” piece!
No-one I know wants total Anarchy, most agree we need some “limited” Government since Human-nature is such that Rules are necessary to maintain a degree of peace and allow for us to exercise our GOD given Rights to Pursue Happiness (but not infringe upon others to do same). Founders along those lines gave us the “Articles Of Confederation” but not long after it was determined a slightly more encompassing “Federal Union” and the “United States Constitution” was born that would still (but over time been weakened) Sovereign States’ Rights and reserving all else to “We The People” within States or Constitutional Amendment – and we will discuss the full/proper Political Spectrum and “Overton Window” USA lurch Leftward towards FASCICRATS-ism. US / Western “Republic” limits Govt affords, demands it protects, “We The People” Sovereign God given Rights, unlike Republics in East (China, Iran, N. Korea, Russia) whose “Republic Constitution” grant the Ruling Party and Government Power to give or take Rights to/from their Peoples.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-part-2/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/shop (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
- I discussed some of this with Bruce and Phil, Freedom isn’t free and we must work to keep it; as Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one Generation away from extinction” as quoted during WAAM ART Sat July 1st conversation – listen at: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-7-1-2023-e26eda9/a-aa2ublb
And I am ALL FOR those who want to Legally Immigrate and assimilate, NOT those looking to infiltrate and undermine our Culture!
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/xtras-christian-references
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/will-real-christians-be-able-to-save-america/
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E4 Audio: 33m 30s, Sat Jul 15th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – NEXTDOOR text from TLB RemFreedomPt2 piece AND SCOSTUS Rulings B4IN piece
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E5 before edit 33m31s w/ Mary 48m 45s
S1E5 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 22 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E5) “Theater Lobby for Snacks & Politics”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Let’s go to Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some current, as well as some from the past (mainly my love of “The Thirteenth Floor” (A Matrix Film, before the Reeves version) from great visionary Roland Emmerich (who brought Blockbusters like: Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Moonfall, and many others)), and what about the future including planned reboot of Logan’s Run the forerunner (pun intended, for those who will get it) to all the modern dystopian-nightmare movies of today. Plus a brief discussion with Mary Vaughan of TRC-MI.
Episode related pieces…
- Beyond The Mask: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2433040/
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater/
- https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/j362qem1gi04az4/WAAM-ART-08142021-You%20must%20become%20a%20Delegate%20to%20effect%20real%20change%20and%20take%20back%20the%20GOP.mp3?dl=0
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewk7wd4lxn58997/WAAM-YAH-Sat09252021-YOUMUSTBEADELEGATE.mp3?dl=0
- https://tinyurl.com/TRCMI
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/https://www.12cdrc.org/clubs
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E5 Audio: 43m 23s, Sat Jul 22nd 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E6 before edit 38m30s
S1E6 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 29 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E6) “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some additional current (Sound of Freedom, Oppenheimer), as well as some from the past (They Live 35th Anniversary, An American Carol, The Patriot), and what about the future (The Domino Revival)?
Episode related pieces…
- https://savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic?product=2
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/are-there-aliens-not-the-open-border-the-et-kind/
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E6 Audio: 34m 03s, Sat Jul 29th 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E7 before edit 33m10s
S1E7 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 5 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E7) “#BIDENomics (#BIDNEflation & #BIDENrecession)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “#BIDENomics, “working” (Alinsky and ClowardAndPiven planned USA destruction)” piece!
All the games and gimmicks, wordplay and twisting of terms, the Left employs (no “EMPLOYment pun intended) to paint a Unicorn delusional picture of the current disaster Biden Economy. Also, Michael Gardner of Savaged Unfiltered joins the show to talk about podcasting and #BIDENomics (runaway #BIDENflation) and everyone pinching pennies to get by (even High-end Movie Production Sets he’s been on as an Actor or Tech).
#BIDENomics = #GASlighting — Warping terms, fudging numbers/stats, and misrepresenting Reality for complete Unicorn dellusions.
Episode related pieces…
- < ADD TLB BIDENflation LINK >
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/why-i-a-christitutionalist-oppose-proposed-fair-tax-scheme/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- deflections: https://thelibertybeacon.com/latest-wokeism-cries-of-racism-white-supremacy-cultural-appropriation/
- distractions: https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://iheart.com/podcast/269-savaged-unfiltered-with-mi-102268347/
- save on Food/Gas: https://upside.app.link/MNTYU
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- Joseph on Chris Hood show discussing “Consumer behavior” changes: https://chr.rs/3n7sa7w5
- My Kmart (now worthless) Stock: https://dropbox.com/s/pvd8f5rhijabmqr/Kmart%20Stock.jpg?dl=0
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E7 Audio: 30m 48s, Sat Aug 5th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “The NAZI label gets tossed about, let’s examine the claim”
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E8 before edit 43m03s
S1E8 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 12 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E8) “Norton v Shelby County TN Case”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Norton v Shelby, and Government over-reach / usurpation” piece!
An old Case many are trying to bring back to the fore and attach as part of supportive arguments of “Government overreach (usurpation)” challenge of Alphabet Agencies acting far outside their purview (designed, and legitimately “authorized” by Congress scope) case to the SCOTUS. An “in the weeds” discussion for advanced Patriots looking to Restore Our American Republic. Not a topic for “casual coversation” and to broach “strangers at the local Supermarket!” Often, those able to be awakened from their woke stupor, need to be taken in baby-steps and at their “digestable” own pace (often slowly) and therefore this topic is one that can/may overwhelm someone early on in their “new Political awakening journey!”
Episode related pieces…
- < **** ADD TLB NVSC LINK **** >
- https://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy
- https://dropbox.com/scl/fi/x6q5sx5hf6avkqvfqojvz/Norton-v-Shelby-Ct-9-Most-Important-Points-regarding.doc?rlkey=nebly1lr3cnklwoue3s4wh8vt&dl=0
- https://dropbox.com/scl/fi/v27fdwbufghu1jsw39shc/Norton-V-Shelby-County.doc?rlkey=t0plekzgp3rrsoeu89ld5rgz2&dl=0
- Savaged Unfiltered full Video LIVESTREAM: https://rumble.com/v2xeo1y-savaged-unfiltered-livestream-saturday-norton-vs-shelvy.html
- https://savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic?product=2
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- /christian-news/2023/04/will-real-christians-save-america-it-is-why-the-left-wants-christianity-destroyed-it-helped-found-america-help-destroy-the-soviets-etc-2614952.html
- Klaus Schwabb and Agenda21/2030/whatever: https://anchor.fm/moment-of-clarity/episodes/Moment-of-Clarity-11-14-2020-emfvav
- EPA and other AlphabetAgenices overreach: https://rumble.com/v2xi7e6-joseph-talks-to-sadia-on-the-epa.html
- DOEd must go: Norton v Shelby: https://rumble.com/v2xeo1y-savaged-unfiltered-livestream-saturday-norton-vs-shelvy.html
- https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords
- Clearly William Wagner (Constitutional Scholar) discusses related issues during WAAM “Your American Heritage” Show (Sat. 7/8/2023)
listen at: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6QUmsCSPcQsCUsGeUo3n6p?si=34531b1fbdfd4982
as our Founders INSISTED there must be checks-and-balance, today’s Fasci-Federalists do everything to avoid them
- Our Little Polish Genie: https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E8 Audio: 37m 53s, Sat Aug 12th 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via my @JLenardDetroit Rumble/YouTube channels
S1E9 before edit XXmXXs
S1E9 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 19 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9) ”BIDENomics part 2″
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “BIDENomics part 2″ piece!
Deeper dive into the destruction caused by #BIDENflation, #BIDENrecession, and other disasterous FASCICRATS #EpicFail policies. What is ESG and are you involved and “invested” without your knowledge, permission, will (looking for the Investor Group’s elites “Political interests” rather than your Bank Account’s best Financial best-interest (yes, “interest,” double meaning word-play intended))? We cannot just #BOYcott, but too should engage in #BUYcott of “friendly” (or at least, NOT HOSTILE) to our principles and values and various “Conservative” Marketplaces are popping up all over to aid in doing just that – like MammothNation, AlignUs App, PublicSq, and more. As I discuss how the #BIDENrecession has destroyed my Budget when/as my Furnace (thankfully during Summer, not Winter) decided to bite-the-dust and need replacement. How the UPSIDE App can save you in this belt-tightening times!
Episode related pieces…
- https://joseph-m-lenard-media.myshopify.com/
- https://alignusapp.com/listing/joseph-m-lenard-media
- https://mammothnation.com/partners/terror-strikes-by-joseph-m-lenard
- https://app.publicsq.com/marketplace
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/why-i-a-christitutionalist-oppose-proposed-fair-tax-scheme/
- /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html
- /tea-party/2022/07/michigan-taxes-and-our-migop-migov-candidates-in-this-2022-election-cycle-2710485.html
- time to strengthen the STOCK Act: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/brace-yourself-im-about-to-agree-with-a-democrat-sort-of/
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2017/01/04/entitlement-reform-back-table-n236045
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2009/09/21/mandates-n187141
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2011/09/22/freedom-to-work-mi-n187200
- https://tinyurl.com/ForGreaterGood
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E9 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat Aug 19th 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via…
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
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June 2021
#ICYMI: When #CarlNassib (#LasVegasRaiders player) came out as #GAY (since it is #PrideMonth) the Left HAILED HIM A #HERO! But, since then, HE CAME OUT AS #REPUBLICAN and the Left now HATE has come out. Meanwhile, #Republicans support him like they did #Tebow and his Jersey is #1 seller right now!
Nobody remembers Michael Sam, google him, he was A JOKE who tried to use his GAYness to bolster his career but he was cast aside CUZ OF MERIT BACK THEN (he was mediocre, like Kaepernick, at Football). This guy will be around and annoying the Left for a long long career to come, cuz he’s a good player.
yes…. this relates…..
Is the #Enemy of my Enemy my #Friend? NO, but can be #UsefulIdiot Temporary #Ally… And how it relates to #MATRIXRESURRECTIONS….
GOT HATE RESPONSE to a 2023 interview I conducted with a TRANS-WOMAN….
From Social-Media promotion of that Podcast:
A REAL TRANS-WOMAN calls out the Woke Pedophile Groomer DragQueenStoryHour tranny clown buffoons…
Mike and I interview her on SAVAGED UNFILTERED…
I responded to her HATE….
Did you bother to listen to the interview?!?! Or just knee-jerk react to Headline?
( I don’t condone her, nor the others I know in the LGBT community and am entirely honest and up front about my CHRISTIAN POSITIONS with them, and as made clear in the interview BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “TOLERANCE” CROWD AND #GAYtivists* and #GAYtivism* (terms I coined) crowd, but nor do I CONDEMN her, that is up to/for Lord final judgement). I do NOT do what FASCICRATS** do and LUMP AN ENTIRE CLASS/GROUP (#IdentityPolitics, #Collectivism manure) together, but like MLK “Content of Character” and Conservative INDIVIDUALISM standards.
AND FURTHER, I suggest you research Christian Conservative BLAIR WHITE!
Part of the BRANDON STRAKA #WalkAway project/team
( related: https://tinyurl.com/WalkAway2020 )
as well as friend of Candace Owens (BLEXIT founder)
And be sure to check HER out in Tom MacDonald’s SNOWFLAKE video
strategically place FLIPPING THE BIRD to the PRONOUNS crowd during the song.
* see related article/blog:
** https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
She then got embarrased and tried to DEFLECT…. I responded and BLOCKED…
Did I say it did? No! Again demonstrating you didn’t listen to it for any context.
Jump to conclusions much? Yes, you do!!!
Just making a “distinction” between CLASSES (properly defining terms, versus leftist twisting of them) unlike you lumping all people’s of a CLASS together (as Emotional Hysterics SNOWFLAKES do)…
Angry much? LOL, nice try at (Psychological Projection) deflection…
I just clearly called you out and your ANGER showed for/at it in return trying to DEFLECT with AD HM “emotion based” SNOWFLAKEesque attack.
Thanks for Playing…. #EpicFail…. BYE
I don’t waste time with folks who cannot have a RATIONAL discussion
and cannot make “distinctions” / “differentiations” (but instead are COLLECTIVIST IDENTITY POLITICS SNOWFLAKE peddlers).
repeating my reply to @spykiebaby15 , since I went and MUTED and BLOCKED not sure if rest of RATIONAL, capable of having a “rational nuanced discussion” can see or not…
Let me correct your Bio:
“Canadian, closed minded”
and, again, DID I SAY THAT? No! Nowhere did I.
Just making a “distinction” in terms between the “Guest” and the “GROOMER TRANNY DRESS AS CLOWNS (not how actual Women dresses, they are nowhere CLOSE to “being a Woman” in any sense in their Dress or actions) CREW” we were talking with her about – and that “guest” who agrees otherwise as (one who holds values that are otherwise) Conservative (who happens to dress Female, like an actual one, not the clown “joke” makeup of the tranny crowd).
@spykiebaby15 , nor the other Blocked before him, LISTENED TO THE INTERVIEW nor even bother to actually READ WHAT I’VE WRITTEN.
Again, bye, I don’t waste time with folks that cannot deal in “distinctions” and actual rational thoughts and concepts and discussions.
THIS IS NOT entirely their fault, the Left twists language, and far too many who claim/pretend to be Christian ( https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords ) and Conservative (#PrinciplesNotPersonalities) have fallen into their traps and incapable of “thoughtful nuanced” discussion but instead REACT EMOTIONALLY as Left has trained them to do (as well as how they show SNOWFLAKE tendencies to LUMP ALL PEOPLES OF A CERTAIN “CLASS” ALL TOGETHER – that they all must be and…
Beg pardon…
I WILL GRANT A MISTAKE I MADE, as unlike others I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE PERFECT, and I can and do make a mistake on occasion…. “TRANS WOMAN” (could, without quotations, imply, not intended there, TAKING A POSITION) in the initial Social-Media Post promoting the Show/Interview SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN QUOTATION MARKS!
As, yes, THAT MEANS SOMETHING, and was MY MISTAKE, as I am an Author and often rail about THE DISTORTIONS OF OUR LANGUAGE!!!
AS HUBRIS, and unwillingness to ever GIVE or GRANT we can mistake, is ALSO A SIN (see the sections of your Bible about PRIDE).
JUDGE NOT… is the most distorted Scripture… Those often quote JUST THAT and ignore the entire REST OF THAT VERSE as well as the other 2 dozen + verses about JUDGING BIBLICALLY (JUDGE, NOT CONDEMN, for Final Judgement is RESERVED SOLELY FOR THE LORD). I fear so many miss those parts.