Have You Ever Seen Anything Like This? Who Or What Do These Ancient Statues Represent?
Temehea Tohua is located in Nuku Hiva. It is the largest of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia. This beautiful yet unique island is home to some of the most strangest statues ever seen. Several statues seem to represent beings that do not appear to be from this world, but what are they really? Artists’ imagination or something that was seen at a certain period in time at the island?
Credit: http://www.etupdates.com
At first glance they seem just seem like “big statues” but upon closer inspection, interesting details are revealed; Big eyes, large elongated heads, small bodies/huge bodies, and other several strange looking features that make you wonder what could have inspired the artist to carve such non-human features?
Credit: http://www.etupdates.com
Nuku Hiva is the largest of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific Ocean. It was formerly also known as Île Marchand and Madison Island.
Location of Nuku Hiva in Pacific
Credit: Wikipedia
Herman Melville wrote his book Typee based on his experiences in the Taipivai valley in the eastern part of Nuku Hiva. Robert Louis Stevenson’s first landfall on his voyage on the Casco, was at Hatiheu, on the north side of Nuku Hiva, in 1888. Nuku Hiva was also the site for Survivor: Marquesas, the fourth installment of the popular CBS reality television show in the US
Nuku Hiva warrior 1813
Credit: Wikipedia
Nuku Hiva was, in ancient times, the site of two provinces, Te I’i covering somewhat more than the western two thirds of the island, and Tai Pi, covering the eastern third.
Latest studies indicate that the first people to arrive here came from Samoa around 2000 years ago, only later colonizing Tahiti, Hawaii, The Cook Islands and New Zealand. The legend has it that Ono, the god of creation, promised his wife to build a house in one day, so he gathered together land and created these islands, which are all named after parts of the house, Nuku Hiva being the roof. Everything he had left over he threw to one side and created a dump which is called Ua Huka. From these supposed origins the population rose to an untenable size; first European estimates vary from 50,000 to 100,000
Food became of prime importance. Breadfruit was the staple, but taro, plaintain and manioc also played a big part. As for meat, fish was the main source, but even so was limited because of the quantity needed to feed so many mouths. Pigs, chickens and dogs were also cultivated, and hunted when they took to the wilds.
Credit: Wikipedia
It is still debated why many Polynesian tribes or nations practiced cannibalism. Indeed a large number of Pacific Islands residents did so in pre-historic times. One theory is that cannibalism was more for food than ritual, although ritual played a big part. An offering to the gods was called Ika, which means fish, and a sacrifice was caught and, just like a fish, was hung by a fishhook in the sacred place. Those to be eaten were tied and hung up in trees until needed, then had their brains bashed out on execution blocks with a club. Women and children seem to have been cannibalized just for food, whereas warriors killed in battle were offerings to the gods and were eaten by their conquerors to absorb their power; their skulls were kept by their slayers for the same reason.
Called Tiki and part of the polynesian myths of first mother. It’s also related to ‘frog mother’ as a fertility symbol in prehistoric cultures. It has nothing to do with aliens.
Pix, in true form…..and always proud of being able to perform a five minute google search.
Oh no!! Pix knows all see’s all!! She is the smartest person in the history of the entire universe!!
peeved because pix’ short concise summary can not be disputed.
sux to be you loser
The only thing concise is pix’s ability to expose a particularly diminished level of sense.
I guess that the group portrait depicts their enemies as locusts who do nothing good but eat all their grain, don’t know though if locusts really were there. It is curious that the warrior drawing has tattoos or a skin suit that has as if locust eyes in the nipples, the club resembles the hind leg of a locust and the fan has roughly the shape of two locust wings spread out entirely. The horns are not like tentacles, but could do the job. Maybe they knew that they in fact were worse locusts to their enemies
I don’t dare to fantasize what the big statue depicts, but it is a brutal reminder that those people were seriously attached to their enemies in good times and worse
Creepy little guys aren’t they. Looks like a slee-slak invasion.
The one with the really big ears looks like it could be Obama’s son…
it does make think if a human were the ones who created them,,wat was there imagination thinking back in those times
Simple explanation blown apart. Stones were small and round there. Limiting the carved structure size. No mystery aliens, robots, or spaceships.
First bunch look like “survivors” of Depleted Uranium bombing by the US in the Gulf war.
The New Zealand Maori made superb tikis out of NZ greenstone & also bone.. They still do. Plenty of pics on google.
Either a really good or bad high?
No its just if I could type boldly for a sec… I D O L O T R Y… thats all the simple answer is the right answer. Oh and let me add please, The 10 Commandments are exactly as advertised, commandments for everyone to follow and are not of any man made religion. Next youll post up that god needs to follow your wishes or opinions or maybe youd like to tell him where to stick it??
Definitely our extraterrestrial ancestors.
“According to The [Rosicrucian] Lemurian Fellowship and other sources, many inhabitants of the Pacific continent were in fact GIANTS, some standing twelve feet tall or more… Possibly, in the final submergence of the continent in a pole shift, survivors of the many waves of earthquakes and tidal waves sought refuge in the very peaks of mountains, many of which were volcanic. Shortly before or after the final submergence, these survivors (who probably didn’t survive) walked on the lava that was to become the Kiribati islands. This may have happened as recently as 24,000 years ago, if we are to believe The Lemurian Fellowship’s date for the submergence of this continent…”
“…As to giants with six toes who are twelve feet tall, Frank Edwards reports in his book, Stranger Than Science, [©1959] that in 1833, soldiers digging a pit for a powder magazine at Lompock Rancho, California… hacked their way through a layer of cemented gravel and found the skeleton of a man about twelve feet tall. The skeleton was surrounded by carved shells, huge stone axes, and blocks of porphyry covered with unintelligible symbols. The giant also had a double row of teeth, both upper and lower! When local Indians began to attach religious significance to the skeleton and artifacts, the authorities ordered it secretly buried, to be lost to science.”
i could report anything in a book… wouldnt make it true.
eg: bible.
There is one book in the world that really is true. KJV only. Remember that. When Jesus is revealed to people like yourself and youu suddenly realize the truth…..that is, if your still alive, not having been killed by the brightness of hs comming…the wicked are burned up. I guess it depends n if you are wicked or just uninformed.:-)
f*** the kjv, remember the book ov JUBELIES, the book ov ENOCH, the book ov GIANTS !
jesua read them, and so should you. these are obviously the fish-giants that built nam-madol.
close enough to rapa-nuhi (easter island), i think the giant moai were scare-crows to repel another visit by giants who probably ATE everyone on the isle….
One of my favorite professors told me this and it’s stuck with me all my life.
He said, “You know all the places, artwork, buildings we’ve discussed? I’ve been there, I’ve seen it all with my own two eyes. Why? Because I don’t believe it’s all true, because history is focused on 1 single point and that’s the birth date of Jesus. The only person who can tell you what really happened is the oldest person in the world. History, anything can be built, it only takes time, anything can be written, it only takes paper and thing can be faked, it only takes faith. Do you know why they wrote on stone? Of course they had other things they could write on, but do you know why? It’s so that no one could rewrite their story. The only thing I’d believe personally is what’s written in stone because it’s not a rewritten fabrication of what we’ve been told is true.”
History as we know it is, completely wrong.
Anything that doesn’t fit into the White mans Jesus based history has been removed from history. The horned Red people of North America? They have skulls no history.
The Egyptian tombs near area 51? There’s news reports and items but oh wait they’ve been “stolen”. So nothing to report right?
It’s called, “hook line and sinker”.
And yes all of these are directly related to our ex master. We are a slave race. But one of the races that used to own us did the 1 thing they were not supposed to do. They mated with the women, and thus we have freewill. The white man, they aren’t like all the other races of humans. While all other races found balance and never were tempted by the machine, the white man made a deal with the devil. Now, we are screwed. Because we only exchanged masters.
The illustrations look like Picts
Billions of planets,evidence all over earth of star people from hopi’s to sumarians,if humans are the only intelligent beings in the universe we are in big trouble,how smart is it to destroy your planet for greed.