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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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US Government Made A Treaty With Aliens For Otherworldly Technology (Videos)

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(N.Morgan) Many in the paranormal and UFO communities believe that the US government has been working closely with other worldly beings for decades.

This theory, though severely criticized and ridiculed, might actually be true since numerous scientists and governmental official have come forward suggesting that there is more to alien life on Earth than previously believed.

The legendary Philip Schneider was a man who is believed to have come forward with highly classified information.

He was a geologist and structural engineer of the Government of the United States and was involved in the construction of deep underground military bases in the United States with the Army Corps of Engineers.

He was one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys and U.S. intelligence and military forces at Dulce underground base.

At Dulce, Schneider maintained, “gray” humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. In 1979, a misunderstanding arose.

In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified number of “grays”.

Philip Schneider’s dad, Oscar Schneider was a medical adviser to the US Navy.

During the last two years of his life, Phil Schneider gave over 30 lectures to a variety of audiences around the world talking about highly classified information of the government involving alien technology, alien weapons, experiments and pacts between governments worldwide and aliens.

Many people remained skeptical about what Schneider had brought forward and much of his life was seriously questioned by people worldwide.

He was scorned by many, but there were many who believed that what Schneider was telling was the absolute truth, something that no one dared to talk about.

In an unexpected turn of events in 1996, Schneider was found dead in his apartment.

Authorities claimed it was a suicide, but many people believe that Schneider was killed because he had leaked extremely classified information to the public.

In 1954, former President Dwight Eisenhower, made a pact with three species of aliens, Schneider said at a conference in 1995.

In exchange for alien technology, Eisenhower allegedly gave permission for the aliens to abduct a limited number human beings to perform numerous experiments on Earth and in space.

Schneider had claimed that many of the thousands people who have gone missing around the world, may have been taken by aliens. He said there are nine races of aliens who see the human race as “a bag of food.”

According to Schneider, the technology that aliens gave us as part of this exchange includes a type of metal that is almost indestructible.

Schneider showed the audience what he said was a piece of this metal.

It is made of niobium, an element that we have in the periodic table, and Marinite, a strange element which is not found on Earth.

But there were other technological utilities that aliens gave to humans thanks to the pacts.

The government was able to develop a spy satellite with help of aliens that can detect a penny on the floor of your kitchen according to Schneider.

This spy-satellite uses some sort of infrared technology with a resolution factor of 99.99961.

But this pact was broken by the aliens since they have abducted way more aliens than agreed.

According to Schneider, since the pact was broken there have been high tensions among alien races and humans.

With the mounting evidence that the US government not only knew about alien beings, but entered an agreement with these beings for technology, one must wonder if there isn’t more than a little truth to this mystery.


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    Total 11 comments
    • readyornot

      I agree with this story 100%.
      Ever since the Roswell crash there has always been the question, what did they do with the survivors?
      Don’t forget there was a UFO recovered by the Nazi’s in the 1930′s, where the Nazi’s tried to reverse engineer the craft.
      Since that crash look at how their rocket program took off during WWII, the V1 & 2, the jet plane program could have turned the tide of war to the German’s favor.

      There’s been more than one UFO recovery by the US since Roswell.

      With all of the advances in technology since Roswell I can’t help believe that there wasn’t a deal to swap tech for human research.

      These aliens have been on this planet for thousands of years, living below ground and below our lakes and oceans.

      I’ve already accepted that fact that they are here and living among us, but our governments still spend billions on trying to convince themselves and us, that we are not alone in the universe!

      Makes no sense to me….anyway, great article.


    • Anonymous


    • anonymous

      But who are the military men BEHIND this coverup? Read more about all the crimes going on inside the military today you also are not suppose to know of.


      Just like all the highest ranking Generals and Admirals today, ARE ALL HIGH TREASONOUS TRAITORS TO THE US FLAG! It starts with General Dempsey, who is the SOLE DICATOR OF THE ENTIRE US Forces. Dempsey “Just also happened” to be HAND SELECTED BY PRES B0 to be the SOLE DICTATOR OF THE ENTIRE MILITARY FORCES, and answers to NO ONE BUT THE PRESIDENT HIMSELF! So you see, the military is 100% run by a criminal equal to BO who runs our nation. One person runs the US,and the other criminal party runs the military. Then yet another criminal runs the Congress, and the other the House of R. See how all this criminal actions start right at the top. Read more on the High Treasonous General Dempsey here (its the only story known about him not by the mass media):

      Also, understand why most of the High Treasonous Generals and Admirals in the US Military today and over the past years ARE DISHONORABLE COWARDS who all gave illegal orders down to their troops, and activately performed harm against its very own nation. If these Generals and Admirals were so Honorable, why did they each “Early Retire” and start to collect their Bribed monthly pension rathter then fight the criminal corruption going on inside the Military? When is it honorable to walk away and collect the money then to fight the system, as their oaths required them? You see, dishonorable treasonous cowards at the military top had the option to stand their ground or turn their backs to freedom and their military duties, yet 99.9% of choosen to turn their backs and walk away… Proof? Read this:

      • berp

        The accomplice to murder is….the joint smoking chief with a staff infection……offed jfk…also senator Robert k……also killed you on 911…don’t for get to waive your dripping gonorrhea patch “us coward flag”

    • Pink Slime

      Hello Angle#3(prelim),

      Charlie here. I do not believe in aliens. They do not exist.

      However, that does not mean what you see is not real. What I mean is demon entities could be doing this charade for ONE PURPOSE and that can be corroborated by a verse in the Bible where mankind will actually ATTACK their very own savior returning to SAVE them because they think he is an ALIEN!!

      And notice how TV and Hollowood likes to portray aliens as ugly, grotesque bent on DESTROYING mankind?? As something to FEAR and FIGHT?

      We are being brainwashed into this. Beware! That will NOT be aliens in the sky that will be Jesus Christ and His Saints returning to execute judgement on them ALL!


      Charlie (never feel alienated anywhere, offer doughnuts!) :lol:

    • The Watcher

      President Dwight Eisenhower allowed Alien abductions and chose the wrong group of Aliens to bargain with! We could have had no disease, free energy, plenty of everything for all, longer lives, 60 years ago, but Eisenhower said NO! The worse decision OF ALL TIME!

    • Dodgeball

      In one of Phil Schneider’s videos, he makes mention of the man in the center of the top photo, sitting and looking at the speaker. I can’t remember his name (he was known by many there and who he was), but Phil said that that man was hundreds of years old and was a friendly alien who sat in on many meetings and never appeared to age.

      He pointed out that the man was different than the rest of the human’s in the room as he had an unusual lower jaw that protruded more than the average man there, his neck was MUCH thicker (for the size of his head which was a bit larger than most there as well), and his fingers were much longer than the average human. Every time Phil saw him (in person or pictures), he looked the same. I can’t remember what happened to him but it was explained in more detail on one of his videos. Phil mentioned that he (the man), was an adviser of sorts of the space program at that time.

    • Bobbyray

      Ahhh the young do not know the history of UFOs or facts.. Have a look here at these facts.

      UFOs AD60 to 1900

      This is an official documentary and truth.

    • Bobbyray

      Ahhh the young do not know the history of UFOs or facts.. Have a look here at these facts.

      UFOs AD60 to 1900

      This is an official documentary and truth.

      W56 supplied barium +++ to greys (on YT)

    • Jiliane

      The New Message from God over 9000 pages of revelation
      Confirms this also. We are nothing but a resource for other races
      In the Greater Community of life.

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

      Todays GMO’s will help fatten you up and ripe for pickiens for aliens to abduct you. :evil: Eat my GMO make you big fat and plump my little pretty :twisted:

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