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Winter Special Report - Timeline - BQQM Week - Bitcoin Founder Arrested - Pedo Wars 2 - CIA Director Gina Haspel Arrested - Israel Human Organ Trafficking Capital - Latest in the Midst of the Storm News

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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 22 Dec. 2021

Compiled Wed. 22 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Q was the Plan to Save the World
– which soon was to go into lockdown.

Watch the News.
Trust the Plan.
Military was the Only Way.
Godspeed, Patriots.

Angels Among Us

Judy Note: Today Wed. 22 Dec. was a major Satanic Holiday where children were kidnapped, raped tortured and murdered by the global and political elites in Satanic rites to honor Satan. Please be aware and report Satanic activities in your neighborhood.

The triggering Event for the Global Currency Reset was said to be a global economy meltdown – that was expected by around Wed. 22 Dec.

Mass Arrests continued across the globe with the Alliance remaining in charge.

All this week Redemption Center personnel remained at work as the Redemption Team was pushing to get Global Currency Reset liquidity before Christmas.

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could receive email notification to set appointments some time on Wed. 22 Dec.

The UK Team has filed a complaint of Crimes Against Humanity with the International Criminal Court of Justice:

A. The Plan, “Coach Jerry” (Judy Note: “Jerry” was my very highest Intel Provider and trusted friend): “The Alliance has done its best to minimize the long term “collateral damage” (spiritually, economically and terminally (deaths) as much as possible, if at all possible… A tough assignment, my friend, with an enemy who has “nothing to lose” and is hell-bent on worldwide destruction.  So the basic overall strategy has been a delicate tri-fold balance of…(1) keep us as Analytical Anons informed if not preoccupied, (2) give the Satanic Adversary “the impression” they are winning, while (3) simultaneously cutting off this enemy at the knees…”one-by-one”!”

B. Tues. 21 Dec. 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Tier 3 Bond Holders were told they could be notified by email overnight tonight of codes that would give them access to monies in their accounts.

Once Tier 3 were notified, Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) should also receive email notification to set appointments to redeem bonds/ exchange currencies.

Zim Bond holders would be the first to receive emails.

All would receive email notification at the same time according to the zip code where they lived.

Christmas Eve Day Fri. 24 Dec. the St. Germaine Trust would be released (45 zeros).

Christmas Day Sat. 25 Dec. the Rodriguez Trust would be released (bigger than the St. Germaine Trust).

The USN would come out Christmas Day Sat. 25 Dec.

Tier 5 the General Public can exchange (though not at the special rates Tier 4B will receive) on Mon. 3 Jan.

Last Sun. 19 Dec. the Alliance held a major Sting Operation, as they did last Thurs. 16 Dec. in the UK, France, Australia and South Africa.

No cash would be given out at your appointment. You would have immediate access to your monies through credit and debit cards. You could obtain up to $5,000 cash per day from the ATM machines.

Because of the long term payouts Zim Holders need to have a figure in mind of how much money you need in the first 90 days and first six months for both your project and your personal use.

C. Tues. evening 21 Dec. MarkZ:

Redemption Personnel remained at work in the centers, with a partial crew working late into the evening. They expect to work all week except for Christmas Eve. My treasury source said it would be released “Before Christmas”

Bond Holders expected a release of funds overnight tonight.

Rod Steele: A Pentagon source said that they have their best intentions to get notices out before Christmas. My treasury source is still saying before Christmas too. Iraq is still saying they are going to announce their Prime Minister on the 22nd.

D. We Are in the End Game:

The triggering Event for the Global Currency Reset was said to be a global economy meltdown – that was expected by tomorrow Wed. 22 Dec.

Also tomorrow Wed. 22 Dec. was a major Satanic Holiday of Winter Solstice Feast Day and two days later on 24 Dec. was High Grand Climax Da Meur Demon Revels. In a quest for power Global and political Elites celebrated these Satanic events with sexual orgies and a blood sacrifice of male and/or female victim of any age, while 24 Dec. was torture and sacrifice of a male baby and his mother in a Nativity Scene. Please be aware and report any possible Satanic activities you may observe so as to save teens and children caught up in this Mind Control torture.

It could be a different world by Mon. 27 Dec – when the world was said to be going on lockdown (they say because of the CV Variant). (Behind the Scenes the world would actually be on lockdown in order for the Alliance to complete Mass Arrests, along with the Global Currency Reset).

E. Timeline of this BQQM-WEEK TO REMEMBER according to Mr. Pool:

Dec. 21 = Chongqing Stock Market Crash Before Declass

Dec. 22 = Necessary Scare Event Start = Fake World War scenario, Fake Nuclear Catastrophe

Orange Men’s Day. POTUS Tweet: “My Fellow Americans…The Storm is Upon Us!” two days ahead of schedule! = (3) days.

Dec. 25 = (((EBS))) START – 10 DAYS 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, Jan.1, 2, 3, 4

Jan. 4 = 11.11 FREEDQM DAY

January 19 = January 6 – TRUMP BACK!!!

F. Christmas Lockdowns (due to COVID?):

-UK Christmas lockdown fears: Boris to make big announcement on new rules ‘in next 48 hours’

-NEW – Biden set to address the American people later today. He promised to “shut down the virus.”

-Protests to lockdowns in Weiz Austria, Brussels, Romania, Germany, Genoa Italy.

G. The Event:

All NATO USSR go back to Russia (Ukraine is not NATO but yes they go back to Russia).

Remember the Flip: Everyone vs UK Royals, Israel & CCP.

UK Royals will get angry at Russia & Bidan for letting Former USSR countries rejoin Russia. This is how Queen gets taken down in a Helicopter.

The Event 777, 7 Presidential Msgs, 7 Trumpets, 7 Kingdoms.

Planes & Trains grounded

Lights/Power switched off

Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.

34 satanic buildings & dams bombed.

Bitcoin Servers turned off

99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.

WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens

Water Event.

Stock Market Crash

Global Martial Law.

CASTLE ROCK – Scenario

Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.


Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts

Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. (3 × 8 hr Sessions)



H. Whiplash347: 17 Militaries (Elite Forces) Australia , France, Germany , Poland, Romania, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, N. Korea, and USA. Daniel 7 17 & 7 3 (4 Beasts). 17 is the letter Q in the alphabet. Q is the Plan to Save the World. It started off as 17. 140 + now. When the Charles De Gaulle returned from the Pacific last year March to May the French Foreign Legion raided CERN. Yes Lake Geneva will be hit with Rods & Dew. Do you remember Donald J Trump’s Secret Trip to Switzerland? Do you remember the US Flag being raised in Switzerland? Do you know Swiss Bank is the Basel Bank? Isn’t that funny Swiss Custody are tied to Luxbank. 2 Neutral Venues. Vatican Gold I dare say has been transported there. Russian Spetznaz raided the Vatican.

I. Judy Note: Please read the below carefully as it beautifully summarizes our present state of affairs. “Coach Jerry,” whom over the years I have realized to be my very highest Intel Provider and trusted friend, wrote it on Tues. morning 21 Dec. 2021:

Dear Community,

I had initially wanted to send you a flowery and festive greeting for the holidays. The truth is, I am so “Guru jaded”, I am no longer clear as to the true dates for the holiday season or which calendar is applicable… Gregorian, Julian, Chinese, who knows?

Moreover, such holiday cheer seems rather lame given the intense spiritual battle against the forces of darkness we are presently engaged in.

One thing appears obvious…we are beginning to understand why The X22 Report has been called The X22 Report. Could it be, all these years, The Alliance was intentionally giving us a type of “time line clue” in plain sight? I believe in 2022, everything will begin to manifest, “delta wise” and otherwise.

Throughout this transition, regardless to the circumstances or geopolitical uncertainties, I have sought to remain faithful, unrelenting, in my “Red Pill-ing” efforts… especially amongst family and friends.

Below is an intimate example of my final “Red Pill” effort of 2021… perhaps this enclosed e-letter represents an appropriate theme in an effort to spread holiday cheer.

It involves a dear friend. He is a prominent independent film producer in Hollywood (CA / USA) who is professionally impacted by the increasing “disappearing acts” (pun intended) of several Hollywood celebrities and actors.

He intuitively suspects “something isn’t  right,” but he is still floating aimlessly at sea from the CNN induced Scam-demic Media Matrix.

Over the years, I have personally attempted to help “open his eyes”. However, as the sadistic, sorted, late film maker Stanley Kubrick’s movie suggests…”Eyes Wide Shut.”

Below is a redacted version of my recent effort… I am using a fictional name in reference to him. Let’s call him Alan.

Dear Alan,

Perhaps the movie Matrix, isn’t a Sci-fi fantasy after all. Perhaps it is a glimpse into reality.

What if for decades, we were “brainwashed” by our main stream media, public education, and other social “norms” into a fake world, a type of emotional matrix?

Believing that:

1. Our government and every three letter law enforcement agency were for the most part, a group of hardworking, dedicated, patriotic Americans, or publicly elected officials, who have sacrificed their private lives in humble service to this country.

[But in the “Red-Pill Reality” Alan, things were far more sinister: dark, devious & disgusting… that up to 80% of Republicans AND Democrats in Congress were actually corrupt, dishonest & self-absorbed… that they are only in politics for selfish financial gain… and beholden to a group of very sick, twisted, Satanic destroyers of humanity, especially children… many politicians active participants in such destruction!]

What if, for decades, we were “brainwashed” by our own Main Stream Media, public institutions and other social “norms” … forced into a “make-believe-world,” a type of digital fabrication? … Believing that

2. The food manufacturing industry, for example, along with Big Pharma, the medical industry, etc, were coordinating all their creative business efforts to bring about the finest foods, medicines and healthcare the world has ever known.

[But in reality, outside this matrix, the precise opposite was true! In the “Red-Pill Reality,” these corporations and companies were owned or controlled by the same aforementioned puppet masters, thus distributing the exact opposite of truth as far as our health is concerned… all designed to keep us continuously sick, with ever increasing medical cost, insurance costs & hospitalizations.]

What if for decades, we were “brainwashed,”  i.e. our minds manipulated by international media coverage and other social “norms” into a false reality?… Believing that…

3. Our sacred institutions of entertainment, religion and worldwide charities are investing billions annually in solving the world’s challenges such spiritual deprivation and worldwide poverty.

[But the “Red-Pill Reality,” would make even the most emotionally detached person cry like a baby at the realization of the truth.]

Unfortunately my friend, most people, indeed billions worldwide, are frankly too exhausted emotionally or too “burnt out” mentallywithin their own life circumstances, to care. Most people Alan, are locked in this “Matrix”… a fake world of the uninformed, misinformed and misled.

I can attest. I was once a resident.

Here for you should you have any questions.



Of course, I went on the explain to Alan, the pending geopolitical “disclosure storm”, etc. I have done my best dear community. Like you, my fellow Light Warriors and Digital Soldiers, I take solace in knowing soon this damn “emotional matrix” will indeed be shattered forever!

Yes, our seemingly never ending “movie” is frustrating to watch… even more so as partially blindfolded participants. In other words, for now doesn’t it appear that we a have merely traded an evil and destructive matrix for a well intended movie-matrix orchestrated by The Alliance?

My personal prayer is that sooner or later, one day all false narratives will be destroyed… obliterated… so be it. Bring it on!

Perhaps next time I will share Alan’s response. It was polite, albeit the typical negative feedback, filled with confusion and denial.

Be encouraged good people. I believe we are in the final stages of this geopolitical vortex. Military manifestation seems imminent.

Me? I am looking forward to a wonderful New Year… beyond the years of tears… especially for the children.

Amid all the pain & suffering, allow me to use the old adage “Merry Christmas”!

Thank you dear community for being there for me. Because of you, I feel less isolated… less alone.


Coach Jerry

Where We Go One We Go All

J. Must See Videos:

The Foundation Of The Rv, The Final Draining Of The Swamp With Steve 5G & Charlie Ward


Sat. 18 Dec. 2021: Big Military Events, Q, Arrests, Charlie Ward, Melissa:

Mon. 22 Dec. 2021: X22Report – How Do You Defuse A Bomb? Dark Clouds Are Forming! History Is Being Made! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

Mon. 22 Dec. 2021: Situation Update: The Great Awakening Is Here! Washington DC State of Emergency! Russian Reserves! Ukraine! NATO/Russian Confrontation Looming! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

12.19.21: THIS W@R is SPIRITUAL! Entities exposed, FEAR is their lethal WEAPON! We MUST PRAY! (

K. The Real News for Tues. 21 Dec. 2021:

-Tues. 21 Dec. 2021 Whiplash347: Something REALLY BIG is going on Switzerland & Luxembourg.

-JUST IN – Trump to hold “news conference” on January 6.

-Italy 18 Dec. 2021: 4.9 magnitude earthquake hits Bergamo area in Italy, tremors felt in Milan (Judy Note: Are we talking destruction of the 150 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Switzerland where Charlie Ward’s Team took out 650 plane loads of Cabal-stolen gold and precious artifacts?)

-California 20 Dec. 2021: Severe earthquake off Northern California with M6.2. Around 20:10 UT a severe quake with magnitude M6.2 took place off the coast of Northern California, releasing an energy of 1.9 Ae, not far from the fault zone where the severe quake series off the coast of Oregon occurred about 10 days ago! So, there is no rest, – the activities have merely migrated and as with the Oregon quake, there are 24 (21:31 UT) moderate aftershocks so far with magnitudes ranging from 2 – 4.

International Child Sex Trafficking:

-Q said the Hunters were becoming the Hunted. Q talked of Black Forest and Rothschild Estate. This was not a vacation home. This was a hunting lodge. They weren’t hunting animals. They were hunting children. They are animals.

-June 17 2014 European Royals Killing Naked Children for Fun at Human Hunting Parties: /celebrities/2014/06/european-royals-killing-naked-children-for-fun-at-human-hunting-parties-2465154.html

-July 16 2018 CIA, Vatican, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Soros, Royals Child Sex Trafficking: /celebrities/2018/07/cia-vatican-obama-bush-clinton-soros-royals-child-sex-trafficking-2475424.html

-Pedo Wars 2! The World is on Fire. Get your front row seat to the greatest show on earth. Satanic pedophiles versus no-step-back kick-ass Patriots for control of the planet.

Global Financial Crisis:

-“Bitcoin founder” arrested. On his flight to Mexico, the self-proclaimed #Bitcoin founder JÖRG MOLT was arrested at Frankfurt airport. He is alleged to have defrauded dozens of investors out of millions.

-JUST IN – Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, deferred from January 2022 to summer “because of the #Omicron outbreak.” This means the Global Reset will happen before summer. It’s just another way of saying they cancelled Davos Globalists. THE Event will start soon. Get ready.

Global Food, Goods and Fuel Shortages:

-Gas in Europe has broken a historic high – now $2,000

-JUST IN – Gas prices in Europe surge to new record high, up 11% today.

-European Energy Crisis: Russian gas flows stop via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, with the Mallnow metering station (Polish-German border) dropping to zero this morning.

-UK: Hundreds of trains cancelled as Covid hits railways:

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

-Russia quits strategic “Open Skies” treaty abandoned by the US: Russia has officially left a landmark strategic agreement that allowed surveillance flights over its territory. Moscow said the US wrecked the post-Cold War confidence boosting Treaty on Open Skies by abandoning it last year. Signed in 1992, it allowed countries to conduct a certain number of short-notice unarmed reconnaissance flights over each other’s territory. The deal was devised to bolster transparency and build confidence, after decades of mistrust.

-Putin: Deeply Concerned by Build-up of NATO & US forces near Russia. Vladimir Putin has announced that Russia has upgraded its army & navy in 2021 – in what’s been an exceptional year. One which has seen flare-ups and tension. The Russian president confirmed that Moscow’s proposals, sent to Washington and NATO, seek a legally-binding agreement to prevent further build-ups. Putin did however stress that the US has backed out of treaties in the recent past – giving the Open Skies agreement as an example. He warned if NATO infrastructure moves closer and appears in Ukraine, the flight time of missiles will be reduced to 7-10 minutes, and hypersonic weapons to just 5 to strike Russian cities.

-N. Korea’s military staging wintertime drills, S. Korea says, Yonhap News Agency:

-Russia launches underwater Kalibr cruise missiles. Russia’s Pacific Fleet has demonstrated its Kalibr cruise missiles fired from its newest diesel-electric submarine, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The test took place in the Sea of Japan, successfully hitting a coastal target over 1,000km away.

BREAKING – Iran has issued an Area Warning and NOTAM in the Gulf of Oman, the very same place where the air Defenses went on suddenly in the early hours of the morning of December 20th.

COVID/Vax Hoax:

-Trump forced the hand of the Cabal as he knew the jab was already made in 2018. This brave action destroyed the need for lockdowns, which were not supposed to end until late 2024 and the jabs released from 2025. Trump getting the jab released early justified an end to the lockdowns and an end to the Emergency Usage Act, again forcing big Pharma to seek proper FDA approval of a commercial vaccine, which the FDA would never have given approval for. This is why they came up with new strains, to keep the EUA and lockdowns. This also caused the Cabal to speed things up. They made mistakes and people started to wake up earlier and quicker.

-Graphene found in Co-codamol medication.

-Fox News Tucker Carlson has published the great news that METICORE is the cure for every ‘modern’ disease and it is a great protection from Covid-19. It will kill every infection and help you lose weight! As they published the truth, Joe Biden tried to STOP this product everywhere because it’s not going in his favor. We are sorry if you won’t be able to order Meticore if they stop this product. We recommend you to order while they are still here!

-No one at CNN has died of Omicron but there has been an outbreak of pedophilia.

-Convid vaccines link to heart attacks confirmed.

-Robert Kennedy Jr: Anthony Fauci blocked early treatment of CHY-NA virus causing upward of 80% of what were AVOIDABLE DEATHS in the USA. WHY??? Because he wanted to enrich himself and his big pharma friends. Fauci is a murderer, Nuremburg trials 2.0 for him and his kin. Despicable EVIL man.

-Lethal Drug Included In Over The Counter Covid Test Kits. Big Pharma adds lethal Sodium Azide to DIY test kits.

-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh Has a Message for Biden Admin Regarding OSHA Mandate.

2020 Election Fraud:

-Wasn’t Gina Haspel allegedly in Germany when the Scytl Servers were taken? The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany Tied To The Dominion Election System Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Company Refutes Claims? Gina Haspel, Trump’s Pick for CIA Director, Ran a Black Site for Torture. Gina Haspel, directly involved in the most grotesque torture abuses, was nominated to lead the agency.

-Rachel Maddow is PANICKING about the ELECTION SERVER RAID at a CIA Blacksite in Frankfurt, Germany. Conducted by our Military. She’s trying to discredit General McInerney, Sidney Powell and others. Also, they’re falsely claiming Sidney Powell was commanding these soldiers. No not at all. This is partially Fake News here. Q, Trump, and a few others were behind it. Possibly Known By ECW. You know damn well that when [they’re] bringing this all up and trying to ridicule it, they’re in a manic state of panic. Little do they know they’re only red pilling the sheep who still watch the MSM. How dare you mock an operation where we lost brave men fighting for our freedom. How dare you insult their sacrifice you fucking pathetic Deep State sheep. Hey Rachel, where’s your pal Gina Haspel? Oh wait, I forgot. Our boys assassinated her like the rat bastard she is. I bet she had the same grotesque sexual perversions that you hold. You people fucking disgust me.

-CIA Director Gina Haspel was arrested after she was injured in the Frankfurt Germany CIA building raid to secure the servers. The building had no guards and was unprotected. Haspel pulled in some private special military trained security forces to protect the building from such a suspected raid. When the raid happened Haspel was there. 5 of our special forces troops along with a CIA official CIA Director Gina Haspel Alive and Cooperating with US Military Personnel at Guantanamo Bay

L. Israel Human Organ Trafficking Capital:

ISRAEL: Organ Trafficking Capital of the World:

NYT Finds ‘Disproportionate Role’ of Israelis in World Organ Trafficking:

Israel Became Hub in International Organ Trade Over Past Decade:

Israel Is the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Capital of the World:

Israel: Ringleader of Ghoulish Human Organ Trafficking Syndicate:

Israeli organ-smuggling ‘mastermind’ arrested in Cyprus:

Israeli arrested in Rome for organ trafficking:

Jewish American Convicted of Organ Trafficking:

How US Rabbis & Israel Traffic In Human Organs & Money Laundering:

Israel Special Investigations Unit busts organ trafficking ring:

Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent:

M. Follow the Money Trail:

SPIRITUAL RESET by KomorusanQ714

The sons of God lost control of Creation due to the worthless concepts of spirituality that the hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are born in our Father’s Love genetically encoded with His Righteousness we have a moral compass and know right from wrong.

Trump was born to complete the task that Jesus started. He knew the time would come to answer his calling to stand up and step in at this time in human history. Trump is not bound to any religious indoctrination and therefore he’s totally receptive to what has to be done so that our Heavenly Father’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

It’s the cleansing and rebirth of our Earth. It’s the “Second Coming” where all original creation will be restored. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will fall again. United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

The Nephilim Used Religion To Divide And Conquer The Sons Of God

The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus The Irrefutible history behind Roman Emperor Constentine’s ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out. Revelation’s Doom And Gloom Is Part Of The Programing. The irrefutable history behind the book of Revelation.

The Globalist Globe To Be Exposed Next: The greatest challenge we will ever face is the ability to deprogram ourselves to the truth about our earth.

It’s about ending what has plagued our earth for thousands of years. The nephilim hybrid human demonic race feed on our children and through the abduction scenario, took our children to D.U.M.B’s to experiment, torture, extract adrenochome, traffic and genetically modified themselves to look like us. The nephilim are no longer the giants of old with two rows of teeth with six fingers and toes. They’re the new men of renown who control all governments on earth which allows them to do their evil degenerate activities, genetic experiments and satanic rituals underground. This video shows how for many generations parents have been abducted and used to be manipulated genetically themselves and their children. They can’t survive without our DNA. They’ve been doing this for thousands of years.

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 4 comments
    • Trueblue2k2

      A word or two on Trump continuing to back vaccinations.

      Historically, vaxes were first made effective by injecting weakened strains of bacteria to awaken immune response, while antibiotics (oral or injected) are fungal preparations that attack bacterium. Only more recently did Big Pharma intro vaxes to treat a virus like infuenza. For that profit-making venture, they now employ other patented methods. Safe vaxes should be the first priority for their industry.

      Ivermectin can be injected or taken orally, so it does qualify as being a vaccination; one that has decades of safe and effective use. Trump used and promoted it as effective (which it was) for Covid early on. It was Big Pharma that suppressed its distribution and overrode its use with their own expensive, patented, and dangerous MRNA shots.

      Trump’s vax promotion also stopped the even worse, decade long, US economy-destroying Cabal lockdowns that would have killed millions. Refusing to back down on vaxes would be Trump’s correct response, even though Big Pharma’s products are proving to be toxic, and dangerous. The better solution is to prohibit mandated injections and then prosecute them for any intentional crime against humanity. Let the (Military?) courts judge them for malicious intent.

    • Anonymous

      Durham has disclosed that people used the cia,fbi,etc to get unlawful info on trump–the implication is it was dembocrap folks who accessed the illegally obtained info–there already has been arrests and pled guilty so it is assumed they gave up info that leads to the top–they could have used clearences thru obumer and old joe–all this may blow up in the dembocraps face by spring–Durham has indicated in court proceeding against those already arrested–that there is a lot to disclose yet

    • LonePatriot3

      Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!

    • mike d

      What a load of made up horseshit, who writes this crap? It’s one load of disinformation after another ! Pure fantasy and delusion , trust the plan !

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