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White Hat Intel for 25 May 2022 - Davos & the Great Reset New World Order - Financial Collapse - Monkeypox Hoax - Real In The Midst Of The Storm News

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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 25 May 2022

Compiled Wed. 25 May 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

“We Choose a Great Awakening not because it would be easy, but because it would be hard.”
…John F. Kennedy, US President

It’s not easy to leave behind what we know and travel into the unknown, but it’s a step we all must take at some point in our lives. May we prepare ourselves through prayer that the fire of faith will burn in our heart when the time comes for us to cross our own ocean and find our own place which God for us has prepared.

HeydonMusicPage “Latest News Video’s Davos & Much More ” 5.25.22

Judy Note:

On the Restored Republic: On Tues. 17 May, 2022 a Constitutional Convention of 38 states was held in Washington DC, where US Inc was declared officially dead and the US Republic was Restored to principles of the original Constitution. …Fleming

White Hat Intel for Tues. 24 May 2022:

Twitter would have you believe they aren’t complicit in the censorship and tracking of Domestic US persons. They use botnets of zombie accounts to target whatever they don’t agree with. Twitter uses a bunch of clowns.

Elon asks (You) to take a sample of any 100 accounts and look further into them because anyone should be able to take a sample size and replicate the results of what those accounts are or are not doing. It’s the Scientific Method. Not rocket science. Instead of utilizing the RT function to promote your account, these Bots are simply applying the opposite effect to censor content they want to silence or suppress. They use machine learning and advanced AI to deploy, track and trace this process.

Think Mirror: – instead of +. Simple Mathematics. Suppression instead of amplification.

As a Corporation in America Twitter can do whatever it pleases so long as those decisions and actions please it’s shareholders. The only entity a soulless corporation is accountable to is it’s bottom line.

Unfortunately the majority of Legal scholars in this country aren’t bold or brave enough to put their wits or careers on the line because their career field is a Swamp full of degenerate inbred CLOWNS who need to be properly humbled…

It’d be a shame if Twitter shares took a 15-20% dip and those very same shareholders filed a swarm of Class Action lawsuits. [Their] Intellectual Property will be FULLY EXPOSED for the FRAUD and IMPROPRIETY it is knowingly involved in. Enabling Terrorists is Treason. Guilty by association. It’s all connected. Sunlight kills. We’ll take care of the heavy lifting… but GET IN THE FIGHT or GET OUT OF THE WAY!

War within UN and NATO: Several countries including Presidents & Military Leaders were at odds over Sending troops and supplies to Ukraine. Canada, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Portugal, Spain, Iceland were all refusing NATO/UN push of war.

Many Military Generals were at odds within the NATO Pac. Confusion, infighting and anger at the Biden Administration is growing.

How do you take apart the Deep State Cabal Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Vatican, DAVOS Group, World Banks, UN, NATO? (Human trafficking, world money laundering, Blackmail government controlled network that has created most of the Colour Revolutions in the World working with the CIA and Five Eyes Agencies ect.). Answer: You utilize the largest Military Force on Earth to bring down the UN NATO and expose the weaknesses inside – which will lead to exposure of world corruption in the UN.

Trust the Plan. Military Generals across the world are working with the White Hats behind the scene. You are watching the movie unfold in real time.

Alice Bailey and her husband, Foster Bailey, author of The Spirit of Masonry, were Luciferians. The organization was originally called the “Lucifer Publishing Company” because Bailey worshiped Lucifer, the Devil, Diablos. The objective of the Lucifer Trust foundation was to take full control at the UN. Its goal was to initiate “The Externalization of the hierarchy of Government and Presidents, Elites and World Banks backed by the Rockefellers, Rothschild and Bill Gates.” The Lucifer Trust had gained full control of the Europe Union and NATO. At one time, the Luciferian Trust office in New York was located at 666 United Nations Plaza.

On the Great Reset of the New World Order:

Today through Fri. 28 May nations and Elites of the DAVOS Group and World Health Organization (WHO) were in meetings to make final preparations for a takeover of our Global Society. This Cabal was already doing so through Pandemics and a long ago planned invasion of the US by the CCP.

Now they had cooperation of the Biden Administration, plus thousands of Nuke Cruise Missiles that since the Obama Administration, had been secretly embedded throughout the US.

It would be up to Patriots to support the Alliance by doing what we could to expose this evil plan for a Nuclear World War III. We had no choice but to Save Our Planet and thus, ourselves.

This Cabal World Elite Cabal was led by the Chinese Communist Party, US Inc, UK Crown and the Vatican and they controlled Blackrock, Vanguard, the Central Banking System, Big Tech and Big Pharma.

High on the agenda of WHO and the DAVOS Group was the Pandemic Treaty – a draft of which was 56 pages of confusing acronyms designed to confuse the signers, but would ensure WHO’s control over world populations.

“Amendments pushed by the Khazarian Mafia will give WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilateral authority to declare a public health emergency in any nation based on whatever he chooses. This will create a de facto world totalitarian regime far more repressive than any yet on this planet. This power grab has been planned since at least 1975 when a World Bank paper first suggested using a pandemic as a tool to install a fascist world government.” …Fulford Report
Also high on the DAVOS and WHO Agendas was Monkey Pox and other virus releases, along with fraudulent elections across the globe, while Global Financial & Internet crashes, food, fuel and goods shortages were now imminent.

The next step was a Chinese Communist Party invasion of the US aided by Biden, along with thousands of Nuke Cruise Missiles that had been embedded throughout the US by the Chinese Communist Party.

On the other side of things in that pending Nuclear World War III and through the Alliance’s new Starlink Satellite System, Special Forces had been using Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) as standard Military equipment for many years.

According to the White Hats there were, in fact, a lot of other weapons that the worldwide Alliance have not yet used and were safely stored underground. China and Russia could disable and incapacitate the militaries of entire countries in minutes. Not destroy and kill people (soldiers), but disable them without damage and without bloodshed.

Global Financial Collapse:

Soros is breaking the Chinese banking systems and Rockefeller controlled banks are pulling money.

Inside sources say Bitcoin will rise before the crash, then bust. The ripple effect will be felt from country to country as China Stocks and companies reach into all nations.

The Globalist’s Great Reset Agenda of the UN, WEF, WHO, World Banks, GPMB, Obama, Bush elites has always been to crash the Markets and then bring in fiat digital currency and digital tracking.

The main Cabal Bank, Deutsche Bank in Germany, is collapsing – that will collapse the Federal Reserve. These together are the World Banking System.

The Wed. 25 May Announcement by the World Bank of an additional $12 billion in funding for projects to address the global food crisis (bringing the total to $30 billion) was actually an official announcement of the global food crisis to the world. Watch the Market panic – a Global Market Crash was in the works.

On Tues. morning 24 May Snap (chat) shares were crashing over 40% in early trading. Nasdaq down over 3.7%. Lobster assets – domain & icons down. Do not stress. Remember 3 Day Event (eQualizing)
NESARA in effect and rolling.

Over 3 billion people have now crossed over to a Gold backed system: China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and many countries not mentioned in mainstream media are now trading on the new system. (only took 72 hours for the new system to be up and running and trading 12 countries in an instant).

The effect of half of 7 billion people leaving the Deep State Central Banking System means the collapse is imminent. World Cabal owned markets are collapsing, There is panic in DC, EU, UN, NATO, ect. world Elites including Big Pharma, Big Tech and MSM.

Now they are trying everything they can to create WWIII. Next Pandemic, next False Flags, weather manipulation. These people are willing to fight to death because their lives depend upon it. The world Deep State panic.

The Fall of the Cabal Central Banking System is happening. You are witnessing the collapse of the old system. In the end the world will connect through Quantum.

Chinese stocks plummet as tech stocks drop; investors weigh possible U.S. tariff cut on China’s goods:

Covid/Vax Monkey Pox Hoax:

Japan: Thousands were escaping from Shanghai because of Covid restrictions scam and Storm Troopers Mafia.

Bill Gates: “The vaccines we have now are not good a infection blocking.”

Theories Emerge for Mysterious Liver Illnesses in Children:

Moderna CEO: ‘I’m in the process of throwing 30 million doses into a garbage because nobody wants them.’

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

On Tues. 24 May Russian Aerospace Forces and Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force conducted joint air patrol in the Pacific Rim.

The Real News for Tues. 24 May 2022:

Mon. 23 May [email protected] Just when reading about the collapse of the West was getting boring, Jim Stone revealed that Chinese delegates walked out of the WEF Davos Conference over criticism of Russia. This is incredibly significant. It means Russia and China are defying the Rothschild-run NWO. It seems almost certain there will be a nuclear war.

The West has allowed itself to be eaten by Satanist termites. It seems almost fitting the house should collapse. It makes me sad to think of what would be lost. How can we stop this tragic gadarene swine rush to agony? Society is certainly possessed by demons. My hope is that the Rothschild-controlled West feels so much economic pain that the Rothschilds are forced to back down. The West is the aggressor.—china-.html?_ga=2.11381111.278872712.1648752767-346964864.1627224119

Mon. 23 May Donald J. Trump: “I never thought, in my wildest imagination, that the United States would be involved in a Nuclear War. Now, however, because of our leaders rhetoric and very poor choice of words, it is perhaps more likely to happen than not. Russia/Ukraine would NEVER have happened under a TRUMP Administration. Now there are fewer cards to play, but still very playable. China up next?”

Former head of the CDC Robert R. Redfield confirms that the next Scamdemic will be Bird Flu which will kill “10 to 50 percent” of the population.

US Customs Intercepts Devastating Moth Import:

Charlie Ward: If you’ve been finding it a challenge to make sense out of all the common law/sovereignty information out there, this is for you. Jon Little and Greg Paul, the creators of the “Law For Mankind” are putting on their first ever open-to-all free 2-hour live Q&A – it’s a one-off opportunity to get your biggest questions about law and sovereignty answered. It’s free and happening on Wednesday 25 May at 7pm UK time (11am Pacific) Click to reserve your spot or find out more   Opt-in now for the FREE Q&A

JFK Awakening Q17: Med Beds coming – Quantum Healing.

Durham Report Sussmann Trial Mon. 23 May:
Common Law Handbook:

The Globalist’s Great Reset Agenda of the UN, WEF, WHO, World Banks, GPMB, Obama, Bush elites has always been to crash the Markets and then bring in fiat digital currency and digital tracking.

Today through Fri. 28 May nations and Elites of the DAVOS Group and World Health Organization (WHO) were in meetings to make final preparations for a takeover of our Global Society.

These Globalists were already attempting that takeover through Pandemics, vaccines embedded with chips and a long ago planned invasion of the US by the Chinese Communist Party.

Now these Globalists had cooperation of the Biden Administration in the thousands of Nuke Cruise Missiles that had been secretly embedded throughout the US since the Obama Administration.

Era of Light: “It would appear as though the rulers of this world have decided to let the cat out of the bag concerning their exploitation of children in pursuit of eternal youth. New research from Stanford University suggests that the blood, organs and other body parts of children and babies are a fountain of youth that could provide endless life.” Evil Elitists
Admit Through “Science” That Children And Babies Are Being Harvested For Their Life Essence – Era of Light

In the 1500 Mile Tunnel that ran from the Vatican to Jerusalem there was more gold than you could imagine found, retrieved and returned to it’s country of origin, mainly the US: Medeea Greere Nov. 9, 2021

President Trump: What “2000 Mules” Exposed Was Given to GA Officials Who Did Nothing.

If you would like to support Judy Byington’s work you may subscribe to her daily report by clicking the PayPal Subscribe button at the bottom of this page here:

                   SPIRITUAL RESET by KomorusanQ714             

The sons of God lost control of Creation due to the worthless concepts of spirituality that the hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are born in our Father’s Love genetically encoded with His Righteousness we have a moral compass and know right from wrong.

Trump was born to complete the task that Jesus started. He knew the time would come to answer his calling to stand up and step in at this time in human history. Trump is not bound to any religious indoctrination and therefore he’s totally receptive to what has to be done so that our Heavenly Father’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

It’s the cleansing and rebirth of our Earth. It’s the “Second Coming” where all original creation will be restored. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will fall again. United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus The Irrefutible history behind Roman Emperor Constentine’s ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out. 

The Book Of Revelation Is Part Of The Programing. The irrefutable history behind the book of Revelation.

The Nephilim Used Religion To Divide And Conquer The Sons Of God

The Globalist Globe To Be Exposed Next Watch The Water: The greatest challenge we will ever face is the ability to deprogram ourselves to the truth about our earth.

It’s all about the manipulation of our pure human DNA to create for themselves humanoid bodies to inhabit. This nephilim hybrid human demonic race feed on our children and through the abduction scenario, take our children to D.U.M.B’s to experiment, torture, extract adrenochome, traffic and genetically modified themselves to look like us. The nephilim are no longer the giants of old with two rows of teeth with six fingers and toes. They’re the new men of renown who control all governments on earth which allows them to do their evil degenerate activities, genetic experiments and satanic rituals underground.

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Lion’s Mane Mushroom

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    • troublemaker

      As Bud spreads those huge jock legs and feet wide, I get down between those sexy warm thighs, take hold of that amazing beautiful giant leaking cock filled with blood pulsating and begin to lick, kiss and suck on that purple cock head.TRUST THE PLAN I suck out more of that thick sweet precum liquid–soon I am using my tongue to run down that red hot underside of the vein covered cock shaft as I swallow that whole dick to the back of my throat.DEEP STATE IS PANICKING I use my years of cock sucking to wildly go all the way down and then off and back down as I use hand to play with his giant balls causing Bud to thrust his hips up and moan as I take care of his needs.TRUST THE PLAN
      “Oh fuck yea Mick, you know how to take care of a man’s cock like no one I have ever had suck me. Don’t stop. suck me, suck me, please suck me.”WWG1WGA MAGA

      I suck that amazing dick for the longest time while Bud has his hands on the back of my head pushing his cock deep in my throat. He smells so great and the taste of that textured dick has me ready to shoot. I feel the beating of his balls as I play with them.TRUST THE PLAN

      As Bud moans loudly and after some five minutes of my mouth servicing his cock, I feel his cock head swell warning me he is about to come. He pulls me off his cock and stands up. TRUST THE PLAN

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