Katy Perry Has an Alien on Her Superbowl Dress - Illuminati Half-Time Ritual Pr-Show EXPOSED!
An investigative look into the symbolism surrounding Katy Perry and the Superbowl. The Illuminati have used the Super Bowl to perform a massive satanic ritual in front of so many unsuspecting people! In this video The Vigilant Christian shows how this year’s half-time show featuring Katy Perry will be NO different! In fact it may be the biggest one yet when we look at the evidence! And that is what we will do!
Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Katy Perry Has an Alien on her Superbowl Dress – Illuminati Freemason Symbolism.
Is Katy Perry in the Illuminati?…
ABSOLUTELY Join Isaac Weishaupt as he reveals the occult symbolism behind Katy Perry. He exposes the Illuminati agenda through images and examples of Katy Perry’s mind control, kitten programming, hidden messages in music videos, and more.
“Now that you’re caught up, let’s take a look at why the 2015 Super Bowl Halftime performance will be full of Illuminati symbolism”
” As you’ve seen on my website and others, we are subjected to Illuminati rituals on a regular basis with MTV’s Video Music Awards, Grammy performances (like Katy Perry’s Dark Horse performance), or just run of the mill music videos.”
“Katy Perry is performing at a location that was picked out precisely for its numeric significance. The University of Phoenix stadium is situated at the 33rd degree of latitude; a line that crosses the planet through the Phoenician (Phoenix=Phoenicia) city of Tyre, (a city with an entrance adorned by the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin), and Baghdad, Iraq; near where the Tower of Babel was believed to exist.”
Katy Perry Satanic Baphomet Dress EXPOSED !!! Illuminati Super Bowl Rituals!
The Illuminati Ritual for this year’s Super Bowl (2015) has already begun !!! This is part 3 in an EXPOSED series focusing on bringing light to the world’s biggest satanic ritual that masquerades as a big sporting event ! in this video The Vigilant Christian loosk at how Katy this year’s chosen puppet wore a baphomet dress to promote the event!
Katy Perry: Super Bowl Illuminati Halftime Show | Hyped for Halftime | Pepsi EXPOSED !!
This is part 2 of The Illuminati Super Bowl Half-Time Ritual. In this video The Vigilant Christian looks at a Pepsi promotional video featuring Katy Perry FULL of Illuminati symbolism. Looks like we are for sure going to see another satanic ritual this year at the Super Bowl! Please share this video!
SOURCES: http://illuminatiwatcher.com/katy-perry-illuminati-goddess-2015-super-bowl-halftime-show/
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But why? Why would the illuminati sprinkle their symbols all over the place? I guess i just never understood it.
Seriously though: If someone can explain *why* the illuminati sprinkles their super secret symbols everywhere, that would be greatly appreciated.
…because they cannot stand NOT getting credit, like the serial killer that leaves clues, who wants to get caught, because to a psychopath, it is all a game, also, i believe that Satan is imitating God, and God reveals His plan to His people through the prophets, so Satan is revealing his plan, for all to see, but if you do not know what to look for, it goes over most peoples heads?
Because that’s one of the rules of the illuminati. They have to show their agenda to the people but a majority are asleep and don’t get that they are being shown the agenda. It’s right in their faces on a daily basis
The Holy See.
i believe that Satan is imitating God, and God reveals His plan to His people through the prophets, so Satan is revealing his plan, for all to see,
Well said Kiayndr
God’s promise in Amos 3 is that He reveals all things through His servants the prophets. That is why he gave numerous prophecies revealing Obama to be the Antichrist right after the first election. He has also revealed Obama’s identity in Daniel….
At the time of the inauguration in 2009 the Lord revealed in one of several prophecies to Linda Newkirk that Obama would be the target of an assassination plot.
The Lord further revealed that three people would be involved in the plot to take his life. In the vision Linda received at the time, she saw that Bush Senior, Bush Junior, and Bill Clinton would be the ones behind the assassination.
The mention of the three former presidents in the vision reminded me of a prophecy about three kings I had read in the Book of Daniel many years prior. Upon re-reading and studying once again Daniel 7; 23 and 24, I was given understanding about the fourth kingdom of Daniel and the 11th king mentioned in the verses.
The Lord led me to understand that the USA did not become a powerful empire until after the victory of WW2. Upon counting the presidents, or kings, that came out of the USA after the war, (Truman 33 does not count) they added up to 10, Obama 44, being the 11th. The prophecy also stated that he would be diverse from the first, which I believe, must relate to him being the first black President.
Read many Obama antichrist prophecies from Linda and others at htt://revelation12.ca
hey, Mark Brander:
seems you deleted your last article – you know, the one with the comments enabled. you then re-posted the same article, and this time you disabled comments. that’s some pretty shady behavior.
mind telling us why you decided to do that?? i couldn’t imagine you’re looking to join the likes of pete santilli, glen canady, and other less-than-reputable contributors on BIN that can’t stand to have what they post held up to public scrutiny. that would be a really bad move.
For two reasons. One, they practice Druidic witchcraft with its roots in Nimrod’s Tower of Babel Babylonian Empire. The Illuminati believe that they can cast spells upon the unsuspecting masses by using media such as symbols, music and other imagery. Katy Perry’s lyrics and video images are an example of this widespread witchcraft. Madonna and Lady Gage actually perform self-sacrifices to their false gods during their stage shows, and stupid parents think it is awesome and encourage their kids to attend their concerts.
Number two is that they like to semi-covertly put their agenda out in public view to mock most of the sheeple; as the latter have no clue what they are being bombarded with. When you watch these constant symbols and images, it is believed by the illluminated adepts that their spells enter your subconscious and impact your beliefs to accept darker and darker forces and their actions. We as the viewing public are being slowly conditioned to accept the return of the elites’ savior; Satan to rule the earth. They actually view him as Lucifer, the Light Bearer of knowledge who is protecting the rest of us from that ‘angry’ and ‘mean’ God of the Bible.
If you think that I am ‘full of it’, go to any witchcraft website or book and study (with caution) various symbols and what they are used for by practicing witches. For example, the five-pointed star (either upside down or right side up); the six-pointed star; certain colors, etc. Then match those symbols up with well-known corporate logos during the Super Bowl commercials. Look for 666 in corporate logos, or the Masonic compass. The Illuminati pyramid is another big one, and the All Seeing Eye of Nimrod/Horus/Apollo. Have fun.
Read up on the various secret societies. You will find that many of them follow the tenet, “hidden in plain sight”. Their reasoning is that if they have the audacity to reveal some of their ritualistic behavior, people won’t want to believe that they are capable of the evil that they endorse. They pretend that they are just pretending, and that all of it is just for show or for fun.
Because the Illuminati are nothing but another arm of the TPTB. They are nothing. The Bible, Koran, and all the rest of the so called “Holy” books were written and passed along to the sheeple dumb enough to believe in them.
Above the Illuminati is The Brotherhood, that is a whole different world.
Bill Clinton explains it best at his meeting in Davos … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB4LMpNd8FI
The other problem with this particular “symbol” is that represents the opposition to the Illuminati. It is a Zeta head.
Energetically, governments, religious orders, secret societies and plain ol’ regular people are managed by the False Matrix (an ancient crystalline structure) which is used by a network of (from the human “view”) malicious entities. Aspects of (not ALL) the Draco bloodlines are involved.
If anything Perry is preparing the world for an ET age. When these things come up and bite people, will they “believe” in them?
My blog provides information on the various ET types and some details on character/objectives. That’s free. Important information comes at a price.
America is the only country where this sport is even relevant. Forget Katy’s dress. Look at the symbolism of the game itself. Marching down enemy territory… Penetrating defenses… Carrying an eye shaped ball into the end zone…
What is it good for?
When Americans hear of polygamy, we tend to think of Mormons. Of course there have been deviants who have started polygamist sects in the name of LDS, just like just about every other religion, but to understand why this perception is there, talk to any elder about the true history of polygamy in that church.
There was a time when many husbands and fathers were lost on the battlefield, and as instructed in Jeremiah 7:6, the widows and fatherless were cared for. But anyone who has started a polygamist sect for the sake of polygamy has encountered the same problem. Dirty old men can’t have all the little girls to themselves with all those teenage boys stealing their thunder.
So they sexually abuse their own boys. Those that submit get the ‘honor’ of being beta males to these perverts. Those that do not are traumatized to the point of homicidal psychopathy and exported to foreign lands. They leave their wives, sisters and children in the care of those who convinced them their enemy is ‘over there.’
Is that what being a man is all about?
How do the people asking you to go benefit from your absence?
Please try to put thoughts in sentences and group them in paragraphs of similar thoughts. What the fk did you just ramble on about? You go from Katy’s dress, to football, to penetration, to war, to polygamy? WTF dude. Then some how that leads to Mormons, and incest, and divorce, and being a man?
Put down the coffee or get some help.
Something tells me that coffee’s the least of his problems.
how is an alien face now “illuminati symbolism”
The Illuminati cannot be separated from the greys and reptiles, they all serve Satan and they have all been working together for a long time. Some of the reptilian shape shifting videos are very real….
It is a very big picture and vastly complicated. The sooner you become informed the better your chances are for surviving what is coming….
Read some of the false rapture/alien invasion prophecies, many people have been warned through dreams, visions, and prophecies. I have had four recurring dreams about it myself.
Says the man that believes 99% of all false prophets out there.
ya rly
Get some sleep, Brander.
Never heard of her.
NO trolls trying to disinfo. very nice to see normal people asking good questions!! maybe there is hope!
Normal people? Good questions? LOL!!!!
Aliens are not extraterrestrial in nature; they are demons that cross over into our dimension to deceive us while doing the bidding of their master Satan. The Bible tells us that the Devil masquerades as an ‘angel of light’ and that he is the ‘Prince of the air’.
The above first sentence were the separately-derived conclusions of J. Allen Hynek and Jacque Vallee; two of the 20th Century’s most brilliant astrophysicists. Both worked for the U.S. Air Force as contractors on the UFO investigation front and on Project Blue Book. Both scientists believed ‘extraterrestrials’ to actually be demonic, dangerous humanoid creatures that entered our dimension through time/space portals to carry out devious work and to deceive mankind.
Kary Perry is on record as stating that she ‘sold her soul’ to the Devil for fame and fortune. Her father is a practicing Christian minister and has said that his own daughter is currently ‘a child of the Devil’. She works for the Illuminati in the music industry, and is privy to the ‘secret knowledge’ including what I wrote above. Ergo, she was told to wear a likeness of an alien (demon/fallen angel) on her dress to appease her handlers. The halftime show, as usual, will contain numerous witchcraft/Illuminati symbols, and most of the viewers will have no idea what is happening.
February 1st into the 2nd is a powerful night in the occult and one heavy with human sacrifices to appease the gods. Phoenix is located on the old 33rd longitudinal parallel and sacred to those in the occult and secret societies. The name of the city was originally not Phoenix, and was changed. Look up what a Phoenix bird represents in the occult, and its ancient origins in pagan, polytheistic, occult cultures. Ergo why she is wearing an alien on her Super Bowl outfit.
Will the stadium suffer any electrical power issues during the half time event?
I believe the intervention here on earth is using our superstitions, ignorance and religions to
Keep humanity confused, keep us watching elsewhere so they can continue to strip our planet our animals our people because they Want our planet. You can debate endlessly or call it human greed, but this is insufficient.
There are those do do battle in the mental arena, take what they want without firing a shot. This is how a stronger mind takes a weaker mind. Humanity Knows nothing of the mental environment.
The greater the technology the greater the illusion.
I feel sorry for her and many others than have given up control of their minds to forces that are invisible.
What a brain-washed country the USA is!!
nothing will happen just like every super bowl, keep trying conspiritarts
I have a brown stain on my shorts. Does this mean I’m in league with Willy Wonka?
Grow up already. Just grow up.
She IS an alien. But the boobs are fake
If you are unaware of what is happening, are you really participating? I went to a hockey game some time back. I have no clues of the rules of hockey, none, I didn’t step on the ice, didn’t get near it, had box seats, from a friend. Did I participate in that hockey game? Nope I did not, and even after I left still had no clue as to the rules or how hockey is played. Now I have played football, basketball, baseball, soccer and softball and am intimate with the rules and regulations of all, in fact have helped coach baseball and softball for the last 8-9 years, but no hockey. Don’t even watch it on tv and have no interest in it, but when someone offers you box seats (for free) even gives you a ride there and they provide you with food and drink, you go, even if you don’t like or understand the game. But saying all this, was I participating in the game because I was there and I watched it? No, I was not. To participate in something you have to physically get involved AND know the rules or at least what you are watching. So to say that everybody who watches the Super Bowl game today, will be participating in a pagan ritual is ridiculous. Sorry to say, but I just don’t agree with you. But that is my belief, and I’m sticking with it. Oh btw, me and GOD, we’re buds, pals, friends whatever you want to call it. We speak to each other all the time. Well most of the time it’s me speaking, but he lets me know he hears me. I am right with him, so I fear no evil. Have a great day.
Big deal! I used to wear batman pajamas.
I have a little crocodile on my shirt, what could this possibly mean ??
Stop printing rubbish, there are NO Aliens .
Aliens are demons spoke about in KJV Holy Bible.
Thank God for Auto Tuning, because she can’t sing. The entire music industry is a complete fraud, every one is lip singing these days. No one writes their own music, its all smoke and mirrors, it is mass programing. With out the support of the Satanically controlled music industry, she would be cleaning toilets in some back alley whore house.
she shook me allll nightttt looonnnngggg!
Halftime show just got over with and she did not wear this alien outfit.
However there were still Illuminati symbolism within it.
At the beginning the UFO/Alien brainwashing Pepsi Commercial.
They are brainwashing the masses about UFO’s/Aliens cause they will
use this to try to unite all in their coming New World Order.
Will be such suffering in this world cause by The Illuminati that they
will accept The Antichrist’ Peace Proposal(he will shew miracles/wonder’s
that will deceive even The Elect/Chosen of God Jehovah/Yeshua.
hello saints of jc, liked your comment but one important point i would like you to remember. your last sentence is a bit off. Matthew 24 24 ““For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.” IF POSSIBLE means not possible. i watched the half time show. i hate football so didn’t watch much of that. ms perry sang some boring songs. who buys this stuff? yeah, it it kinda fun to pick out the nasty symbolism these days. how about the black and white floor? so masonic. we should know these symbols. just to tell us this junk is from the pit of hell even though it looks all well and good. the devil deceives. in my opinion, we get this occult symbolism because the devil is in our face and most do not even know it. he’s having a good ole time. we are put here to watch and be ready to survive Yah’s judgement day. the Scriptures are your instruction manual. it has predicted things that have all come true. the end of this earth will happen someday. count on it. be with the Father and His Son. it’s the only way to keep your life. peace to all.
You should feel stupid about now
the illuminati are controlled by a larger and more hidden organization. i have proof of that from a tube video that have this evidence from their own evil websites, in their own words. look at walter veith the secret behind secret societies, another is called the UN and the occult agenda. truth.
Also peep her comming out riding the beast…….Satan
She can ride me all she wants……
Grow up. Seriously.
I swear this website is a joke, most of the authors on this site are just a bunch of fear mongering conspiracy theorists. No doubt we are in trying times, but don’t you guys get tired. I have been reading the same garbage about Super Bowl halftime shows and massive nuclear attacks for the last 14 years. Well guess what? it’s 14 years later, another year come and gone and next year will be the same. Pay attention to ISIS not Katy Perry’s boobs!
Through Jesus all is possible and NOT RITUALS! PERIOD!
You’re absolutely right. Katy Perry’s dress is Satanic. She should take it off…..
When Katy was asked if she’d ever do a playboy shoot she replied something like… “No, sorry guys but you don’t get all-a-this” (trailing one hand the length of her hotness)
If she showed it all what would she have left to sell? Oh and she mentioned her boobs were real. Get it from the horse here…
… and let me know if you’re having trouble seeing her humble side.
Here’s the thing. I have zero interest in hearing her, in any capacity.
So long as she keeps her mouth shut while riding you, huh?
Well, yeah…
You saved yourself 30 minutes of boring interweb interview, 30 minutes you would never get back
I’m not a fan, and her voice is more bellow than bell; so it’s the free expression of art that i support. Even offensive art because folk can choose to not look or listen, but of course you already know this stuff.
All the same the young woman appears well grounded and grateful. Whether she’s lukewarm or hot for God i can’t say but she acknowledges the Creator, if that’s anything to go by.
Not a fan! Heck i had to watch her half time show five times to get the material for my, sarcasm dripping, earlier post.
Whats the chances that all the symbolism inadvertently comes from the collective us? The producers are slapping on as many symbols as they can fit because that’s what the internets is all twisted up about. Where does it stop? We’ll have movies about doomsday scenarios and Marines killing Jihadis, with extreme prejudice, before we know it.
I’ve been saying that for ages. It’s not like celebrities and designers are ignorant to sites like this one. They do whatever they think will get the net traffic up. They’re messing with people.