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Were Nuclear Demolition Devices Built Into WTC Towers During Construction ?

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(Before It’s News)

Were Nuclear Demolition Devices

Built Into Twin Towers During

Construction ?


[ Article reworked, cleaned up and many links repaired.]


The evidence for nuclear demolition devices being installed during the early stages of construction is almost irrefutable. This data is just the tip of the iceburg, there is plenty more where this came from. These buildings were built with nuclear demolition  devices designed into the very core of the structures, according to some researchers. This info has been out there for a while now and it was brought to my attention by a person leaving a comment to one of my other pieces on this subject.

This evidence opens up another can of worms for the true perpetrators and creates a lot more questions for our insane leaders, like…how many more built in nukes are out there ?…and where are they ?   This should cause some serious concern by all citizens of our nation. We should be demanding a full accounting of such devices and guarantees that these things can never be used this way again.  Who knows what other scenerios these psychopaths have planned with these monster firecrackers buried everywhere.

This is pretty horrendous information with equally horrendous implications. 

This compilation comes from four or five different sources and everywhere I Iooked there was a wealth of data.  To all those individuals who complained and ƒcriticized previous material on this subject because it was unsubstantiated, coming from questionable sources or whatever else….here’s plenty of well documented and verifiable data that should keep you busy for awile. Some videos and links have been removed or scrubbed and the usual hassels of sites not being able to find the requested material does exist. 

Some of the sources that have been previously criticized as being unreliable or disinfo generators have been giving us what they could get away with sharing and in ways that seem to be disinfo but that’s how it has to be done to stay out of trouble. Many people have to disguise information in order to get it past the gateckeepers. Rebecca Roth and many others get their info out through fictional writings so cut these people a little slack once in a while.

Happy data mining and spread this around it helps turn up the heat on these psychopaths. 

[ note: some of the videos made by one of the authors get a bit tedious at times as he gets a bit off topic and opines a some about truth and the Zionist....but you can cut and run if it's too much to bare...there is, however, a lot of good info in this compilation.]


Article One:

Ground Zero:The Nuclear Demolition ofThe World

Trade Center       [a 166 page pdf report]



Article Two:

by Dimitri A. Khalezov

October 2009 from Nuclear-Demolition Website

This article describes a general concept of nuclear demolition of skyscrapers – particularly in connection with known thermo-nuclear demolition schemes of the World Trade Center in New York and that of the Sears Tower in Chicago. Though, the current article does not deal with any exact details of implementation of this concept in regard to these particular structures, but provides rather general knowledge on this subject. Besides, this article does not consider any conspiracy behind nuclear demolition of the WTC on 9/11, neither does it consider any moral aspect of this issue – such as ground zero clean-up works and so on – it aims to explain its purely technical aspect.

South Tower begins to collapse.

However, there are other articles available in the Internet that describe the WTC nuclear demolition scheme in more or less exact detail, as well as articles that describe particular conspiracy in regard to the actual WTC demolition – links to these articles are available at the end of the current description. Nuclear demolition of skyscrapers was patented by “Controlled Demolition Inc.” (alternative site) – the most renowned demolition company that deals with controlled demolition of buildings, and especially with controlled demolition of skyscrapers. The same company was a primary designer of nuclear demolition projects of the World Trade Center in New York and of the Sears Tower in Chicago. The author of this article – Dimitri A. Khalezov – is a former officer the Soviet nuclear intelligence, officially known as the Special Control Service of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry.

Part 1.

Brief history. Atomic demolition Initial idea to use nuclear devices in demolishing various constructions was born almost simultaneously with an appearance of actual nuclear weapons in the beginning of 50s. At first nuclear munitions were not called “nuclear”, but “atomic”, so a concept of demolition using these munitions was called accordingly – “atomic demolition”. These words managed to survive and despite renaming former atomic weapons into “nuclear weapons”, words “atomic demolition” could still be encountered today in names of special engineering devices – SADM and MADM. The first one stands for “Special Atomic Demolition Munitions”, the second – for “Medium Atomic Demolition Munitions”, while many people mistakenly believe that SADM means “Small Atomic Demolition Munitions”, rather than “Special”. In fact, there would not be a big mistake to call them “small” instead of “special”, because SADM are indeed “small” – their nuclear explosive yields usually does not exceed 1 kiloton in TNT equivalent. Considering that all modern SADM have variable yields that could be set at as low as 0.1 kiloton, and sometimes even at 0.01 kiloton (equivalents to 100 and 10 metric tons of TNT respectively), they deserve to be called “small” munitions. Other popular names for these Small Atomic Demolition Munitions are “mini-nuke” and “suite-case nuke”, though the second one is probably not logically correct. In reality most of SADM resemble big pots weighing between 50 to 70 kilograms that could be carried as back-packs – so it is very unlikely that they could fit into any suite-case. However, there are also modern “mini-nukes” made of Plutonium-239, rather than of Uranium-235, and due to a much lower critical mass of Plutonium, their size could be significantly decreased – some latest Plutonium-based “mini-nukes” could indeed fit into an attaché-case. Medium Atomic Demolition Munitions (MADM) are bigger in both – their size and their TNT yield. They could be up to 15 kiloton in TNT yield, weigh up to 200 kg and be as big as a typical large gas-cylinder for home use. Either of abovementioned atomic demolition munitions could be successfully used in demolishing large objects that could not be demolished by any reasonable amount of conventional explosives – especially in times of emergency, when there is neither time, nor a possibility to prepare their “normal” demolition by conventional means. For example, it could be bridges, dams, tunnels, some reinforced underground structures, large reinforced buildings, etc. However, an efficiency factor for such nuclear demolitions using SADM or MADM is not too high. As it is probably known, the main aim of controlled demolition of buildings by implosion method is not to actually eliminate these buildings by blowing them up and sending their parts flying around, but to bring them down neatly with the least possible damage to surroundings. For this reason engineers who prepare controlled demolitions have to first figure out exact points on buildings bearing structures and attach charges of conventional explosives to the right spots – in order to break these bearing structures. In almost all cases there would be more than one spot to attach explosives, since it is unlikely that any of such structures would have only a single supporting girder or a single supporting column that it is to be broken; at best case there would be a few of them, if not many. In case with nuclear demolition using abovementioned atomic demolition munitions it is not the case. People who suppose to use atomic munitions in case of emergency would have neither time, nor enough education to make such precise calculations as in case of a conventional controlled demolition. Maximum of what these people could have – is some basic field-engineering knowledge and some basic knowledge in regard to nuclear weapons usage. Thus, usage of atomic demolition munitions in such case is to bring down a targeted structure not “neatly”, but just anyhow and at any cost. That is why an explosive yield of atomic munitions used to demolish such structure in case of emergency in any case would be excessive, with major part of their entire explosive energy spent in vain – as in case with any other nuclear explosion. So, the major part of energy, released by a nuclear explosion of such an atomic demolition device would be spent on creating well-known factors of atomic blast: thermal radiation air-blast wave ionizing radiation electro-magnetic pulse, …that have nothing to do with the actual demolition task and could unlikely contribute to it. However, all these destructive factors of an atomic explosion would greatly contribute to damaging of the surroundings – and this damage could be rather extreme, definitely exceeding in its cost a cost of the actual demolition. It could be said that a nuclear demolition in the abovementioned sense would have much lower performance index compare to a precisely calculated conventional controlled demolition, since the latter one directs almost entire energy of explosives used on breaking bearing structures, rather than on creating an air-blast wave or a thermal radiation. Besides of this, an atomic demolition device itself is quite a costly thing too. At minimum, a Uranium-based “mini-nuke” costs a couple of million US dollars, if not more (a Plutonium-based one costs much more than that). Apparently, a thousand tons of TNT would cost cheaper than a 1 kiloton atomic munitions. However, it is possible to demolish quite a few buildings using 1000 tons of TNT, while it is possible to demolish only one single building (but to damage many other buildings around) using a “mini-nuke”. Considering all of this, it could be concluded that it is not an option – to use any atomic demolition munitions, either small, or medium, for demolishing any civil infrastructure in times of peace when there is enough time to prepare demolishing any of such objects nicely by conventional means. And in any case a conventional controlled demolition would be cheaper than a nuclear demolition. Mini-nukes could only be used for demolition job in case of real emergency. More information about nuclear weapons in general and about “suite-case nukes” and “mini-nukes” in particular could be found here:

Part 2.

Modern history – Nuclear demolition of skyscrapers.  So, how come that this old atomic demolition concept, despite of being known to be too costly and despite of having a too low performance index compare to a conventional controlled demolition by implosion was eventually revived and even implemented in the World Trade Center nuclear demolition scheme? It happens because of a new generation of buildings has come into existence at the end of 60s – namely steel-framed buildings. Despite common misconception, there were no steel-framed skyscrapers ever been demolished by an implosion anywhere in the world. Primarily, because the most of skyscrapers are new buildings and their time to be demolished has not come yet. The tallest building ever demolished by an implosion was only 47-strories high – it was the Singer Building in New York City that was built in 1908 and demolished in 1968 due to its being obsolete. This building was a much weaker structure compare to incredibly strong hollow-tube type steel-frame skyscrapers being built today. So, despite common misconception, it is not possible to demolish a steel-frame building by a commonly known controlled demolition (implosion) scheme. In bygone days when buildings were brick-walled and concrete-paneled, their bearing structures used to be concrete supporting columns and concrete supporting girders. Sometimes these concrete bearing structures were reinforced by insertions of metal bars, but sometimes they were plain concrete. In either case it was possible to calculate right amount of conventional explosives to be attached to these bearing structures at right spots (or to be placed into holes drilled in bearing structures) in order to break them all at once and to cause the building to collapse into its footprint. However, it is no longer possible with modern steel-framed buildings – such as, for example former Twin Towers of the New Your World Trade Center, World Trade Center building # 7, or the Sears Tower in Chicago.

Here is an example of steel structure of the WTC Twin Tower:

WTC Twin Tower under construction.

There was no any “bearing structure” in its former sense – the entire Tower was essentially a “bearing structure”. The WTC steel-frame consisted of exceptionally thick double-walled steel perimeter and core columns. This co-called “tube-frame design” was a totally new approach which allowed open floor plans rather than columns distributed throughout the interior to support building loads as it was traditionally implemented in previous structures.

The Twin Towers featured load-bearing perimeter steel columns (square in cross-section) positioned one meter from each other on the Towers’ facades to form an exceptionally rigid structure, supporting virtually all lateral loads (such as wind loads) and sharing the gravity load with the core columns. The perimeter structure contained 59 such columns per side.


The core structure of the Tower consisted of 47 rectangular steel columns that run from the bedrock to the Towers’ tops.


How such steel perimeter and core columns looked like could be seen from this picture showing some remnants of these columns as found on the ground zero after the WTC demolition following the September 11 attacks:

WTC core and perimeter columns.


Note that these core (rectangular) and perimeter (square) columns did not belong to lower parts of the Twin Towers, but to their upper parts.


That is why they were spared by general pulverization the Towers were subjected to during their demolitions, while virtually nothing, except microscopic dust remained of similar columns belonging to the lower parts of the Twin Tower structure.


Here is one more picture (from NIST report) showing the Twin Towers perimeter columns during their construction:

Twin Towers perimeter structures.


These steel columns were incredibly thick – each wall measuring 2.5 inch (6.35 cm), so the entire thickness of either of the columns was 5 inch (12.7 cm).


To imagine how thick this is, here is a good example to compare with: front armor of the best tank of the WWII period – T-34 – was only 1.8 inch (4.5 cm) and it was single-walled. Yet there were practically no armor-piercing artillery shell available that time that would be capable of penetrating such front armor.


Of course, no explosives whatsoever would ever be able to tear throw such front armor of a tank either (except only a hollow-charge shell which would still not be able to tear a complete piece of such armor, but only to burn some narrow hole through an armor plate).


Considering that the Twin Towers’ steel frames consisted of double-walled steel columns that were almost trice as thick compare to the T-34 tanks’ front amour, it would not be possible to find any solution to break such columns simultaneously in many spots in order to achieve an “implosion” effect – the basic goal of any controlled demolition.


It was, of course, technically possible to break some of these columns in certain spots, using exceptionally huge amounts of hollow-charges attached to each individual column, but even such an incredible solution would not help to achieve the desired “implosion effect”.


The Towers were simply too high and too rigid – their steel cores would have been simultaneously broken in too many spots on every floor, which no one could afford.


And even if they could, still, such a solution would not lead to the desired effect – there would not be any guarantee that such a high-raised structure would fall strictly down to its foot print – it might as well scatter its debris as far as a quarter of a mile, considering its mere height.


So, it was impossible to bring the WTC Towers down by any kind of traditional controlled demolition.


The same thing could be said about the WTC building # 7 and of the Sears Tower in Chicago. Either of them was constructed using similar thick double-walled steel frame that was impossible to break at once due to reasons described above.


However, in accordance with the US laws governing construction of skyscrapers buildings designers had to submit some satisfactorily demolition project before their construction project could be approved by the Department of Buildings. No one could be allowed to build a skyscraper that can’t be demolished in the future.

This is the main point of the skyscrapers’ in-built nuclear demolition features.


Ironically, such a nuclear demolition scheme of a skyscraper is not meant to actually demolish the respective skyscraper, especially considering that no one has any practical experience in demolishing skyscrapers by such means – it is only intended to convince the Department of Buildings to permit the skyscraper’s construction whatsoever.


It appears that all designers and proponents of such nuclear demolition schemes sincerely hope that their ideas would not be put to use during their life-time.


Anyhow, “Controlled Demolition Inc.” began to study possibilities of demolishing modern skyscrapers by underground nuclear explosions at the end of 60s, at request of the then New York Sate Governor Nelson Rockefeller – when it became necessary to get a legal approval from the New York Department of Buildings for the WTC Twin Towers construction.


After some research, a final solution was found and approved by the Department of Buildings and “Controlled Demolition Inc.” got its nuclear demolition know-how patented.



Part 3.

How does a modern nuclear demolition work?


First of all, such a modern nuclear demolition has nothing to do with the former atomic demolition using SADM or MADM as described above.


It is an entirely new concept. During modern nuclear demolition process, a demolition charge does not produce any atmospheric nuclear explosion – with its trade-mark atomic mushroom cloud, a thermal radiation and an air-blast wave. It explodes quite deep underground – much in the same sense as any nuclear charge explodes during a typical nuclear test.


So, it does produce,

  • neither any air-blast wave
  • nor any thermal radiation
  • nor any penetrating radiation
  • nor any electro-magnetic pulse

It could cause only relatively minor harm to surroundings by an ensuing radioactive contamination, which, nonetheless, considered being a negligible factor by designers of such demolition schemes.


What is a basic difference between an atmospheric and an underground nuclear explosion?


The basic difference is this. During an initial stage of a nuclear (as well as a thermo-nuclear) explosion, its entire explosive energy is being released in a form of a so-called “primary radiation” that in its main part (almost 99%) falls within X-rays spectrum (and remaining part is represented by gamma-rays spectrum that causes radiation injuries and visible spectrum that produces visible flash).


So, this almost entire explosive energy represented by X-rays would be spent on heating of surrounding air at tens of meters around a hypocenter of such an explosion. It happens because X-rays can not travel too far, being consumed by surrounding air.


Heating of this relatively small area around the nuclear explosion hypocenter would result in appearance of so-called “nuclear fireballs” that physically is nothing else than an extremely overheated air.


These nuclear fireballs are responsible for the two main destructive factors of an atmospheric nuclear explosion – its thermal radiation and its air-blast wave, since both factors result exclusively from high temperatures of the air around a nuclear explosion.


When it comes to an underground nuclear explosion, the picture is entirely different.


There is no air around a small “zero-box” a nuclear charge is placed into, so an entire amount of energy instantly released by a nuclear explosion in a form of X-rays would be spent on heating of surrounding rock, instead. It would result in overheating, melting and evaporating of this rock. Disappearance of the evaporated rock would result in creation of an underground cavity, size of which directly depends on explosive yield of nuclear munitions used.


You can have an idea on how much rock could disappear during an underground nuclear explosion from the below table – where quantities of evaporated and melted materials of various kinds (in metric tons) are shown on “per kiloton of yield” basis:


Rock type

Specific mass of vaporized material

(in tons per kiloton yield)

Specific mass of the melted material

(in tons per kiloton yield)

Dry granite


300 (±100)

Moist tuff (18-20% of water)


500 (± 150)

Dry tuff


200 – 300



650 (±50)

Rock salt




Just as an example: detonation of a 150 kiloton thermo-nuclear charge buried sufficiently deep in granite rock would result in creation of a cavity measuring roughly 100 meters in diameter – such as the one shown in this picture:

WTC nuclear demolition idea.


Underground cavity after nuclear blast.


All skyscrapers have their lowest foundations lying 20-30 meters beneath the Earth surface.


So, it is possible to calculate a position of a “zero-box” under such a skyscraper in such a way that a nuclear explosion would produce a cavity upper end of which would not reach the Earth surface, but would reach only the lowest underground foundation of a skyscraper it intends to demolish.


For example, in particular cases of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, their lowest underground foundations were 27 meters beneath the surface. While the 150 kiloton thermo-nuclear demolition charges were positioned as depths of 77 meters (measuring from the surface), or 50 meters below their underground foundations.


Such a thermo-nuclear explosion at a depth of 77 m would create an extremely overheated cavity with its upper sphere touching the lowest underground foundations of the Twin Tower it intends to demolish. But it would still be short of reaching the Earth surface by 27 meters – so surrounding structures would not to be affected by any destructive factors of this underground nuclear explosion (except by, possibly, only its radioactive contamination).


The Tower that is to be demolished supposes to lose its foundations completely, and to be sucked-in into this overheated cavity, temperatures inside of which are deemed enough to melt the entire Tower.


Nuclear demolition schemes of the WTC building # 7 and that of the Sears Tower in Chicago were calculated in the same way.


However, there is one more factor that is to be taken into consideration during calculation of nuclear demolition projects of skyscrapers. This is about the actual evaporated granite rock inside the cavity. Where all that former granite rock now in gaseous state supposes to go from the cavity? In fact, a picture of the physical events after an underground nuclear explosion is quite interesting.


Let’s consider it.

Physical process during underground nuclear blast.


This pictorial rendition schematically represents all important physical processes during an ideally deep (means occurred sufficiently far from the Earth surface) underground nuclear explosion.

So, now it should become clear that an extreme pressure of the evaporated rock inside the cavity makes at least two important jobs:

  1. it expands the actual cavity from its “primary” size to its “secondary” size
  2. because it does this expansion at the expense of the neighboring areas of the rock, it produces two damaged zones around itself, each representing a different degree of damage

A zone immediately adjacent to the cavity in nuclear jargon is called a “crushed zone”.


This zone could be as thick as a diameter of the cavity itself and it is filled with a very strange matter. Its filling is rock that is completely pulverized. It is reduced into a fine microscopic dust, an approximate particle of which is about 100 micron in size. Moreover, this particular state of material within this “crushed zone” is a very strange state – except after an underground nuclear tests it does not occurs anywhere else in nature.


If you pick up a stone from this zone, but do so very gently, it might still stick together and still resemble a stone by its form and its color. However, it you only slightly press this “stone” with your fingers it will immediately crush into that complete microscopic dust it actually consists of.


A second zone – next to the “crushed zone” is called a “damaged zone” in professional nuclear jargon. This “damaged zone” is filled with rock crushed to various pieces – from very small (millimeters in size), to some relatively big fragments.


As closer to a border of the “crushed zone”, as smaller will be such debris, and as farther from hypocenter – as larger will be such debris. Finally, outside of the “damaged zone” border, there would be virtually no damage inflicted to surrounding rock.


However, we have considered above the physical processes which are true to an “ideally deep” underground nuclear blast.


When a nuclear charge is buried not sufficiently deep, a picture will be slightly different. “Damaged” and “crushed” zones will not be exactly round in the latter case. They would be rather elliptic – with their longer ends directed upwards – comparable with an egg facing upwards with its sharper end, or possibly even more ellipsoidal and sharper upwards than a typical egg.


It happens because the pressure of the evaporated gases would encounter the least resistance towards the Earth surface (since it is too near), so either “crushed zone” or “damaged zone” would extend upwards farther than to any other direction.


But when propagating upwards upper boundaries of the “damaged zone” and “crushed zone” encounter underground foundations of the Tower which is to be demolished, the picture would be even more different. It is because materials the Tower is built of differ from surrounding granite rock in a sense of resistance of materials.


Besides, there is a lot of empty space inside the Tower, while the remaining granite rock towards the rest of directions (to either sides and downwards) is solid. So, expansion of the upper boundaries of “damaged” and “crushed” zones by the Tower’s structure will be the farthest.


In case of the WTC Twin Towers or the Sears Tower the “damaged zone” could likely reach up to 350-370 meters, while “crushed zone” that follows immediately, would likely reach up to 290-310 meters. But in case of the much shorter WTC-7 its entire length will be within the “crushed zone” – so it would be pulverized completely.


This ability of nuclear demolition to pulverize steel and concrete alike is one of its unique features.


The picture below shows an example of that fine microscopic dust that covered all over Manhattan after the WTC demolition. Many people mistakenly believed that it was allegedly “concrete dust”. No, it was not. It was “complete” dust – mainly pulverized steel.


Despite common misconception, the WTC structures did not contain much concrete. Concrete was used only in some limited quantities to make very thin floors slabs in the Twin Towers construction. It was not used anywhere else. The major part of the WTC Twin Towers was steel, not concrete.


So this finest dust was in its major part represented by steel dust accordingly.


Though, it was not only “steel dust” alone – it was also a “furniture dust”, “wood dust”, “paper dust”, “carpet dust”, “computer parts dust” and even “human dust”, since remaining in the Towers human beings were pulverized in the same manner as steel, concrete and furniture.

Dust from the WTC pulverization.


Some people might wonder – why the WTC-7 collapsed to its footprint very neatly, in its entirety, while either of the Twin Towers crushed down scattering not only dust, but even some debris to quite large distances.


This question is very easy to answer – you have to look at the distribution of “crushed” and “damaged” zones along the Twin Towers structures and the answer will become obvious.


The picture below represents an approximate distribution of damages in case of a nuclear demolition of a skyscraper using a 150 kiloton thermo-nuclear charge positioned 50 meters deeper than the lowest underground foundations of a skyscraper.


Don’t forget, that demolition charges in this particular case were buried not “ideally deep”, that is why forms of the “crushed” and “damaged” zones were not “ideally round” either – they were elliptic, with their sharper ends facing upwards – towards areas of the least resistance.

Nuclear demolition scheme.


This particular distribution of damages along the skyscrapers structures inflicted by such a process could be better understood when you watch videos (below in Part 4) showing details of collapses of the WTC Twin Towers and the WTC-7.


It should be added also that despite an apparent insufficiency of 150 kiloton thermo-nuclear charges to pulverize the tallest skyscrapers in their entirety, charges of higher yields could not be used in nuclear demolition industry due to merely legal reasons.


The problem is that in accordance with the USA – Soviet so-called “Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty of 1976” yield of nuclear munitions used for non-military purposes was limited to 150 kiloton/per individual nuclear explosion and to maximum of 1.5 megaton aggregate yield for group explosions. So, the nuclear demolition industry has to fit into these legal frames: in case of the WTC demolition it was possible to use as many charges as necessary, but not in excess of 150 kiloton per charge.


That is why the WTC nuclear demolition scheme consisted of three of such charges – with aggregate yield of 450 kiloton.


For those people who have difficulty to imagine how powerful 150 kiloton is, it could be reminded that an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was less than 20 kiloton.


As it was mentioned in the beginning, this article does not describe any nuclear demolition scheme of a particular building in any exact detail, but does it rather on a conceptual level. But there is another article that describes a nuclear demolition scheme of the World Trade Center in New York in particular.


It is available here: (link not working.)


Any comments and suggestions are welcome at: 


Part 4.

Videos showing dynamics of collapses of the WTC Twin Towers and the WTC building # 7

  • Click here to watch a video-clip that managed to catch a ground shaking that anticipated the WTC North Tower collapse (this earthquake was not natural – it was caused by an underground thermo-nuclear explosion of 150 kiloton in TNT yield intended for the WTC demolition).
  • Click here to watch details of the WTC-2 (the South Tower) collapse and pulverization.
  • Click here to watch details of the WTC-1 (the North Tower) collapse and pulverization.
  • Click here to watch details of the WTC-7 (the Salomon Brothers Building) collapse and pulverization.


Additional information


Nuclear Demolition Wikipedia

by Dimitri A. Khalezov

from Nuclear-Demolition-Wikipedia Website


This web site was created only to host one Wikipedia article that was removed by watch-dogs of the allegedly “free” Wikipedia.


It does not provide any further information except repeating the former Wikipedia article “as is”. It allows also downloading the original Wikipedia’s article on nuclear demolition that was, fortunately, saved in two formats – CHM and PDF – prior to its removal and as such it still exists even in its “original” Wikipedia form.


Please, use menu options on the left side to read the original article or to download it.


A brief history of that unfortunate article is as follows:

As it is suspected by many, the three World Trade Center buildings in New York (the WTC-1, WTC-2, also called the “WTC Twin Towers”, as well as the WTC building #7) were intentionally demolished on September 11, 2001.


However, practically no one could satisfactorily explain true demolition mechanics behind the WTC unexplainable collapses at near freefall speeds amidst clouds of strangely finely grounded steel – during the WTC demolition its entire former core- and perimeter columns became nothing but strange microscopic dust.


Understandably, no reasonable person would ever reconcile himself with the strangest notion put forward by an infamous “9-11 Commission Report” that claimed the WTC Twin Towers collapsed due to their steel cores being melted by “kerosene” (especially considering the fact that the WTC-7, which collapsed after 5 PM the same day, was not hit by any “terrorist plane” and no “kerosene” was available to cause its collapse in the same manner).


Yet on the other hand, there are many conspiracy theories that claim the WTC demolition was due to alleged “explosives”, alleged “thermite” (or due to some combination of the two).


There were even attempts to blame the WTC demolition on certain portable nuclear munitions (aka “mini-nukes”) – akin to those used against the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 on the anniversary of Hiroshima bombing. But, honestly speaking, neither of these conspiracy theories (including the “mini-nukes theory”) could provide us with any satisfactorily explanation as to the mechanics of the WTC collapses.

Everyone could see it in widely available movie-clips that the entire steel structures of the WTC Twin Towers (as well as those of the WTC-7) were almost instantly reduced to strange microscopic dust and in result these most rigid structures in the world managed to collapse in near free-fall as if under them were not any remnants of incredibly thick double-walled steel perimeter- and core columns, but only an air alone.


Of course, even though the WTC Twins’ and the WTC-7 collapses were truly strange, they were still explainable from technical point of view. In fact, there is nothing totally unexplainable in This World and all what you need – is just to find some suitable explanation using an ancient principle: “seek and ye shall find”.


I was formerly a commissioned officer in the so-called “military unit 46179″ also known as the Soviet nuclear intelligence and it so happened that I knew from my former service about in-built thermonuclear demolition scheme of the World Trade Center in New York. In fact, I knew about the WTC nuclear demolition project long before it was implemented on the 9/11.


To be honest, I got really tired of reading all those never-ending stories and conspiracy theories in regard to the September 11. That is why eventually I decided to make my own humble contribution to common efforts to find the truth about the WTC demolition.


I opened a few web sites dealing with this topic – including,, and – where I explained quite a lot of things regarding the 9/11. Since then I had a lot of requests from my visitors to publish some truly “academic” looking article in regard to the nuclear demolition concept (as a general concept, unrelated to the actual nuclear demolition of the WTC) and to make it available on Wikipedia.


Following these requests, I decided to create an article for Wikipedia – this time completely “neutral” – as it is suggested by Wikipedia’s own rules.


I described the nuclear demolition concept only as a “concept” – without making any attribution to the WTC in New York or to the Sears Tower in Chicago. All I did – I explained in it how to use a huge 150 kiloton in TNT yield thermonuclear charge for demolishing a single skyscraper without annihilating its entire surroundings. In fact, that Wikipedia article of mine did not contain even a single mentioning of the WTC demolition on 9/11, it did not even hint that such a concept had anything to do with the World Trade Center buildings.


Moreover, in that article it was not mentioned at all that such a nuclear demolition idea had anything to do with the United States in particular – the article was purely technical and it could be as well understood that such a concept could be implemented in any “nuclear” state – ranging from the former Soviet Union to India and Pakistan.


If you read the original article – you will find a confirmation of my words – the article is indeed purely technical. No politics, no “conspiracies” is involved.


Nonetheless, it did not take too long for the watch-dogs of the allegedly “free” Wikipedia to accuse this article of being just another “crazy 9/11 conspiracy theory”. Immediately this article was removed from Google search index (so that no accidental Internet user might encounter it by searching for “nuclear demolition”) and after a few days it was removed from the Wikipedia whatsoever – following some purported “democratic removal procedure” that is traditionally used in the “free” Wikipedia to remove unwanted contents without being accused of “censoring”.


Altogether this article managed to survive in the Wikipedia only 4 days in completely free access and for just another extra week during the “democratic removal procedure” during which it was cut off from any search engine and all access to it was restricted to only Wikipedia’s own watch-dogs.


To be completely honest, there were two guys who said “yes” – “keep this article” during the “democratic removal procedure”, but it did not help – the absolute majority was to remove it. I guess you will understand why it had to be removed after reading the actual article.


So, the “collective decision” was to completely remove the “nuclear demolition” Wikipedia article and, to prevent any possible future “abuse” of these seditious words, to re-direct forever any search by “nuclear demolition” keywords to another Wikipedia article dealing with the so-called “Peaceful nuclear explosions”.


And so it was done. You can no longer create any Wikipedia article under “nuclear demolition” words. It is not technically possible.


However, it is technically possible to either read the contents of the former Wikipedia “nuclear demolition”, as well as to download the original Wikipedia article saved in either CHM or PDF format “as is” from this web site. Please, use buttons on your left to get to a needed option.


I guess that despite the actual article does not say straightly that this nuclear demolition concept has anything to do with the WTC Twin Towers or the WTC-7 collapses and it did not even imply such a thing, you can still get its main point.


Thank you for your attention.


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More Additional Information

from <<a href=””>>

Dimitri Khalezov – WTC Nuclear Demolition [Complete / Full Length]



Published on May 23, 2012 by MainstreamSmasherTV Dimitri Khalezov – WTC Nuclear Demolition 1 to 26 a groundbreaking interview of an ex officer of the Soviet nuclear intelligence exposing the truth of the 9/11 events This Video series has been censored all through the web. Why I believe nuclear demolition fits all the evidence we know about. They didn’t call it “ground zero” for nothing! Before 911, ground zero only meant the area below or above a nuclear detonation, after 911, they changed some of the dictionaries to say it was also the place where terrorists attacked the trade centers. It’s all mind control. Dimitri Khalezov has been an expert in nuclear demolition for many years and has an incredible amount of proof that the buildings were taken down by underground micro nuclear demolition charges! I’ve posted some links to other material such as the melted cars that could have only been done by EMP type effects caused by a nuclear bomb since there was no jet fuel burning at ground level AND some of these cars were missing engine blocks! They were totally melted! How do you melt an engine block when no fire was burning at ground level – many of these cars were 7 blocks away! They were never explained in any way. Also it was never explained why Tritium levels were 55 times more than normal at ground zero. And of course we have ALL the strange cancers from first responders and many of them have died. They were forced to wear “air quality” badges which Dimitri says were really just radiation detectors in disguise so they could monitor everybody’s exposure and pull people out of the hot zones for a while when their badges reported higher radiation. Easy to lie to everybody and tell them the badge is to monitor air quality. That is pure garbage if you think about it. There is not going to be that much difference in “air quality around such a relatively small area anyway. Dimitri even said that in the 70’s he was told that the Americans had authorized the twin towers to be taken down at the end of their lifetimes with small nuclear demolition charges! I did some research and it was true! It was determined that only a nuclear demolition charge could safely bring down both Towers and Building 7 because of their construction. Here’s some good information on nuclear demolition WTC demolition4 9/11 – Time For Truth 3 (2012) watch 9/11 Time For Truth 1 here…… Watch 9/11 – Time For Truth 2 here…. wtc Firemen raise Flag Believe Your Own Eyes Uploaded by sv3rige on Feb 10, 2012


A follow-up to The Destruction + other stuff about 9/11. NEW 9/11 Video and Radar Analysis



Thoughts on Blue-Beam and holograms of 9-11 911




Download this video here for higher quality………



Songs taken from:…..http://


9/11 CLEAR bomb going off in WTC BEFORE first plane EVER hit



More Info……………….


35 Reasons Micro-Nukes Were Utilized to Demolish the WTC Cores on 9/11

By Spooked June 28, 2012

Editors Note: Micro-Nukes were likely used at the base core in conduction with nano-thermite and C4. Multiple demolitions were used.

Related Article & Videos: 

9/11 Cover up: Standard Controlled Demolition or Possible Micro Nukes?

Micro Nukes took down the Towers on 911 Pt. 1

Uploaded by offthahook08 on Sep 6, 2011

RDD-7 Nukes

Micro Nukes took down the Towers on 911 Pt. 2

911 Craters M-Nukes left in the WTC site

Buildings vaporized, rock melted and they still insist it is kerosene jet fuel.

Why was it called Ground Zero?

Here are the reasons:

  1. Heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)
  1. Inability to quench ground zero heat with water
  1. Red hot/molten steel at ground zero
  1. Missing core columns from ground zero (vaporized during destruction)
  1. Spreading of sand at ground zero consistent with attempts to limit radiation
  1. Washing of steel recovered from pile consistent with radiation decontamination
  1. Extreme security for ground zero steel shipments consistent with limiting access to radioactive steel
  1. Extreme security at ground zero, limiting exposure, view of devastation
  1. Extreme pulverization of WTC concrete into very fine particles
  1. Disappearance of over one thousand human bodies from WTC debris
  1. Disappearance of furniture, phones, filing cabinets and computers from WTC debris
  2. Disappearance of elevator doors, office doors, office cubicle walls, toilets and sinks from WTC debris
  1. Several floor fragments fused together in “meteorite” object
  1. Bone fragments sprayed into Bankers Trust upper floor during destruction
  1. Multiple blast waves during destruction of tower
  1. Large fireballs during initiation of WTC1 destruction
  1. Small backpack-sized fission nukes exist
  1. Fission-nuke technology well-established
  1. Low efficiency of fission nukes ensures leftover radioactive fragments and China syndrome
  1. EMP formation during tower destruction (exploding cars, partial burning)
  1. Description of heat in WTC blast cloud
  1. Extensive cover-up of ground zero air by EPA
  1. High rate of cancers, including thyroid cancer typically associated with radiation exposure, in ground zero responders
  1. Melted, hanging skin in WTC survivor Felipe David in absence of fire
  1. Vaporized press and crumpled steel door in WTC basement reported by Pecoraro
  1. Steel beam bent in U, without cracking, evidence of extreme high temps
  1. Steel beam bent in U has layer of molten metal on surface
  1. Extreme overall devastation of two massive towers and blasted out Ground Zero aftermath
  1. Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical DEW theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (EMP, extreme pulverization of tower into dust) but denies nukes at all costs
  1. Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical thermite (super nano-thermite) theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (molten steel, china syndrome) but denies nukes at all costs
  1. Small iron microspheres found by Jones et al in WTC dust— evidence of steel vaporization by high temps of nukes
  1. Pyroclastic debris cloud during WTC destruction
  1. Upwards jutting debris trails reminiscent of debris trails formed during underground nuke test
  1. Small bright flashes during destruction of both towers
  1. Extremely compacted ground zero debris

Spooked’s Bio: The official 9/11 story is a lie. The 9/11 plane hijackings and crashes were clever hoaxes.

The WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 towers were brought down by demolition, and there is evidence for the use of small nuclear bombs in the demolition of WTC1 and 2.

All in all, 9/11 was a massive and cruel hoax foisted upon the world, done in order to spark the obscene “war on terror”, to cover up financial fraud and to further the ends of the global elite. 9/11 was only the most egregious of several other recent false-flag terror operations.

Please Visit


WTC Destruction & High Temperature Aftermath: ONLY Nuclear Bombs and the China Syndrome Fit All t …

9/11 – Then as a Farce

Micro-Nukes and the World Trade Center – What Really Happened?


Uploaded on 16 Dec 2010 by KathiDecker

Go to these two links to see and download these and many more ground zero wtc photos

click on first image and then move your mouse down until the hidden menu shows up at the bottom of the images then click options to download images.

wtc nuclear detonation pictures

Nuclear Demolition – Full Play List by Der Entdecker

wtc nuclear detonation pictures HI-RES





Article Three:

WTC Constructed to be Nuclear

Device Chimneys

35 Reasons Micro-Nukes Were Utilized to Demolish the WTC


Viewer and reader comments included in this multiple post.

Must see this commentary.


written by A Truth Soldier

Audio-video transcript with added commentary by me


Related link.

See more detonation site photos here.

  Yes they were and the evidence is very obvious. I am writing this article as a supplement to the information I have gathered about nuclear devices being pre-planted in the construction of the 9-11 World Trade Center in New York City.

After you read this supplemental information and check out all the supporting information that is located here at

You will clearly see and understand that 9-11 was planned well before the buildings were constructed. Please go to this link for all the documented proof with videos, expert independent testimonies, photographs and much more. So here is my summary and my analysis of the proof of the title of this report.

The nuclear devices were planted below the 8th, being the lowest underground parking level and under the mural on the floor.

The nuclear bomb was a neutron bomb that turns metal into dust and molten liquid. The WTC buildings had a very unusual construction that I do not believe was ever used in any other high rise construction anywhere else on earth.

So I will explain to you what makes it so unusual and why it was built that way. By looking at the schematics or construction photographs of the buildings you will see that they had 47 central core columns made of the heaviest and strongest steel ever used in any construction of high rises on earth.

Between these core columns were the elevators shafts and staircases. So one thing that was unique about these core columns was that they had no (crisscrossing) cross members supports installed for stability.

This is part of the reason why these core columns were constructed of such extremely thick steel.

I will explain further below why there were no diagonal cross supports. Another thing to note is that all the vertical walls around the elevator shafts were only made of drywall plaster and not concrete.

Which is very unusual as plaster board or drywall does not give good fire resistance.

Actually I do not believe that any concrete was used in the construction above the ground floor.

All the floors were poured with a material that was then named Perlite. Perlite is a cement and asbestos fiber mixture that can be sprayed as fire proofing, as was done in the WTC and can be poured and troweled for floors. (The fibers gave the cement amazing flexibility and strength) It would them resemble concrete.

This product was later banned in construction due to asbestos fibers hazards. But the main reason this product was used is because it would not crack when the building swayed due to high winds and it was extremely light weight compared to concrete and much cheaper.

Can you imagine how expensive and difficult it would of been to try and pump and pour concrete to the 110 floor?

They never did it. Perlite (Pearlight) comes in 50 pound bags and is mixed with only water on each floor as needed.

Plus it was also sprayed on as external insulation against cold weather and for fire proofing. It also offered rust protection.

So the whole structure of the WTC had this product everywhere. This is why New York city was covered with a fine asbestos powder.

Also please know that the WTC building on 9-11 were virtually empty. Which is why almost no bodies or furnishing were found in the rubble.

Soon you will understand that the WTC destruction was very will planned. If you read all the evidence on my site, you will also discover that all the 9-11 official videos were fake.


So now I will get back to why I entitled this article about chimneys. Everyone who has studied the destruction to the WTC and seen all the videos. Heard and know about all the explosions going off before the buildings went down. So now I will explain why these explosions occurred. They had to first blow out all the underground parking suspended concrete floors but not the core columns holding them and the building up. They also had to blow out and open up all the fire stops all the way up to the top of the buildings. First I will explain what fire stops are, and then I will explain about the parking floors. All high rises have fire stops at approximately every thirteenth floor, but this varies with each building. So the emergency staircases have fire stops every so many floors. These fire stops are walls and doorways so that you can only go down so many floors before encountering a doorway. This is to stop smoke and fire from going up and through the building creating a chimney effect that allows the fire to grow quickly and would provide oxygen. This would also cause the smoke to go up like in your fireplace but this smoke would go up and choke everyone above the fire. This is also why elevators are turned off when the smoke alarms go off. To prevent air from traveling freely and feeding the fires, plus the convection effect of the hot smoke rising would suck fresh air in below the fires and create an even bigger inferno. If you have seen many of the videos and read articles about 9-11 firefighter testimonies, you will know that they said that the stairways were blown up every so many floors. Now you are learning why. But I will explain and clarify this more for you below. So now getting to why the concrete parking floors were blown out, and by the way. If you remember that ten years earlier the FBI were the ones who actually blew out the floors of the underground parking. I believe this was a test and a way to stop all the lawsuits from all the tenants who were sick from the asbestos. So they blew the floors out and this gave them and the tenants the needed and justified excuse to break all their leases and vacate the buildings. This also terminated all the expensive lawsuits. So if you read up on my site, you will eventually discover and understand that the WTC on 9-11 was almost completely vacated. Except for some cleaning and maintenance crews. That is easy to prove. Take the 3000 number of reported deaths. Remove the firefighters, police and all rescuers and then remove the number count of the people on the planes. You end up with an impossibly low number of occupants of the buildings. Especially since they were telling the public that there were 52,000 occupants of the buildings on 9-11. If you do enough of your own research about 9-11 and for that matter about any so called official stories. You will discover that all official stories, are just that fictional stories. I have always said that “There is the truth ,and there is the official story and never shall the two meet.” Okay now back to the nukes. So now the blowing out of the stairs fire blocks and also the blowing out of the elevators fire blocks explains all the pre-demolition explosions. You also now know that the concrete garage floors were blown out. Now I will explain about the very unique to the WTC construction of the exterior walls. In this photo below of the architect. He jokingly describes that the steel going up the outside of the structure was placed close so people would not fall through the windows. But in reality when understanding that the WTC towers were built to chimney and contain the effects of the nuclear bomb. You would then understand why these building were constructed like no other building on earth, EVER. When the nukes went off the 47 center (central) huge core columns went straight down and melted into the nuclear reaction. Now you know why the buildings went down so far. Why the outside steel was thrown out and why all most of the central cores disappeared and where the heat came from to create what they call the WTC meteorite. gelatin _ the b-thing.htm_20131210232447 154377_10150360108730495_830630_n


WTC Atomic Core


cid_289604914_38_Tower-4-Site—September-2008 911: Craters M-Nukes left in the WTC site Uploaded on May 5, 2011 Buildings vaporized, rock melted and they still insist it is kerosene jet fuel.



If you have ever watched the erection of the frame work for a house and skyscrapers.

You would have noticed that all the floors have diagonal cross bracing. In houses, these cross bracing are on the outside corners of the structures and if the structure is much bigger you would see more cross bracing.

Will, hi-rises also have steel cross bracing . But not the WTC buildings. Again as far as I know they are the only steel structured buildings that never had this type of construction.

I will now explain why these building were built differently then any other buildings and then you will understand about the chimney effect for the preinstalled nuclear devices. So now another note.

It is now known and proven by independent 9-11 researchers that thermate or thermite was used in the demolition of the WTC buildings, and all the other WTC buildings, especially the 48 story WTC 7 that was never struck by any imagery planes.

Yes these explosives were used to blow out the fire blocks and most likely to burn off the connections between the floor support beams that supported the floor pans and attached to the 47 massive core columns.

Cross bracing is necessary in all constructions. So here is how they were installed in the WTC.

If you look at the images from the construction. You will see the huge prefabricated interlocking sections that were lifted into place and bolted together.

These exterior pieces had to be extremely heavy duty. Their design with steel plates attaching each vertical column to the next one created the cross bracing effect.

Now you can begin to understand why it is that more steel was used in the construction of the WTC buildings then any other high rise on earth ever.

You will also soon appreciate why would the builder spend so much more money to build these building this way and not with the much more economical and light weight standard construction of cross bracing.

Also you will notice in the construction that there was no cross bracing from the exterior walls to the interior support core columns.

The floors of the buildings actually were anchored, sitting on the core columns and sitting on the exterior walls.

The floor support beams did have small cross bracing going their length. So the floor structural purpose was not only to support the floor pans that had the Perlite cement on them, The floors kept the core columns and the exterior walls straight.

The exterior walls gave the cross bracing support and the core columns supported the vertical weight of the buildings.

(Note, for those of you who are listening to my audio version of this report please go to the link below this audio video for all the supporting images and more.)

So now everything is ready for the ground zero detonations.

The nukes were very deep underground and they were neutron bombs.

These bombs energy was now able to go straight up into the now chimney of the buildings.

This is part of the reason why so many people never realized that nuclear devices were used on 9-11.

When the devices were triggered their energy did not go sideways along the ground because they were more then eight stories below the ground in solid bedrock.

Instead the energy went upwards as planned. So now again many free thinkers who have searched for understanding of what occurred on 9-11 in New York City.

You know that huge pools of molten steel at temperatures of around 5000 degrees were under the rubble months later after the demolition.

So now I will explain to you why that is. When and why nuclear devices were used. One reason was to have the maximum dramatic and horrific impact on the public.

Remember 9-11 was a completely pre-staged shock and awe event by insiders who served outside interests of the insane Rothchild Zionists New World Order Banksters.

They used nuclear devices because they never wanted these huge buildings to fall sideways onto other structures.

They engineered the destruction so that all the rubble would fall into the huge 8 plus stories deep holes.

This had to be because they could of never cleared a debris pile above ground. It would of been over twenty stories high and would of been almost impossible to clear.

As the nukes went off they had so much energy that the core columns immediately started dropping down and melted into this nuclear device. The central core columns came down straight into the deep hole of super thermal nuclear energy heat.

As the central columns were coming down into the hole, the energy from the nuke was going up creating a super heated volcano like cloud of dust.

This heat immediately vaporized the Perlite and very quickly melted the very thin floor supports.

While this was happening the exterior walls were being ejected outwards from the weight of all the debris of the floors. The debris was pushing the walls out and the amazing power of the nuke going up into the chimney of the elevators shafts and stairways guaranteed that the debris was being blown outwards.

And you will also discover that even most of the bodies you were shown falling were actually silicone dummies that were filmed and dropped from the buildings long before the event. This filming was staged by Israeli art students that were given the free use of the four floors for the previous four years, of the supposed aircraft impact area. Israeli Art of Deception Students at WTC 2013.12.10_22h10m52s_001_2013.12.10_22h42m32s_030_ In each building. They used this time to install shape charges into the external walls so they would resemble an out line of an aircraft impact. Hey, the Israelis even published a book about what they did with pictures. Can you imagine that. They really believed that they would get away with it all. They got this confidence because of their full control of all corporate medias. Read my previous article entitled “Creation of first corporation” to understand how it was made possible for our whole society to be completely subverted and destroyed.

I think now you are beginning to visualize and understand what you saw on 9-11. And yes there is proof that nuclear device were used on 9-11. If you seek the truth, you will find it. I did and so have many others. The world does have many beautiful, loving and caring people and many of them are the common American people.

All these beautiful loving peoples are truthers and we are in serious jeopardy from the NWO insane criminals.

We all need to wake everyone up and bring down the Zionist NWO before they complete their plans to own, control and exterminate most of us.

They have taken over the creation of money with their first corporation and now their criminal corporations have taken over the world.

Now they think they own the world and do not want to share it. Please read my article entitled

“They want you dead is written in stone”

We no longer have any peoples governments. We only have corporations pretending to be our governments.

The world today is not run by peoples governments. it is run or I should say is being ruined by mega-corporations. It is time for ALL sane truth loving humans to wake up the sleeping giant.

The Zionist New World Order has to be stopped now….. You need to do this.

“When you seed the seeds of truth the world wide truth revolution will blossom from the enlightenment and the tree of life will be able to grow from those seeds of truth.

But this will never be if you do not learn truth and then spread those seeds of truth. if humanity is not guided into the future by your truths then humanity is doomed.

You need to be active, you need to be an activist just like Jesus was. You need to do good. You need to do Gods work now..

This is your last calling.. The call is now out for all Truth Soldiers to mobilize. Please read my article entitled “A Truth Soldier”


















Article Four:

Ground Zero — The Nuclear Demolition of the Twin Towers!!



“He (JEHOVAH) revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him” (Daniel 2:22).
“He (Pentagon) made a PIT and digged it (with nukes), and is fallen into the ditch which he made. His mischief shall return upon his own head and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate (head)” ( Psalm 7:15-16).

The Reformation Online is getting to the bottom of the conspiracy!!

“Ground zero: The site directly below, directly above, or at the point of detonation of a nuclear weapon.”
(Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language).

The soil on the island of Manhattan is perfect for building skyscrapers. In midtown Manhattan, BEDROCK is only about 10 feet or 3 meters deep. However, at the location of the Twin Towers in the lower part of Manhattan BEDROCK is about 100 ft or 30 meters deep. There is also the problem of water from New York harbor and the Hudson River. Midtown Manhattan was thus the IDEAL place to build the Twin Towers. When it comes to demolition by nuclear weapons the deeper the foundation the better because depth of soil hides the effects of RADIATION:

“By testing underground, man has placed a shield around most radioactive by-products from nuclear explosions. In contained underground detonations of fusion devices, radioactive products are trapped in cracked rock and rubble beneath the ground’s surface. The gaseous products such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, iodine, and tritium gradually cool. Most of the water and iodine condenses to a liquid. Neutrons promptly interact with lithium in the rock minerals to produce the radioactive isotope tritium (see Box 2.1), and this heavy isotope, in part, replaced ordinary hydrogen in water to form tritiated water. The radioactive water mixes with natural ground water and moves with it through the surface rock.”(Bolt, Nuclear Explosives and Earthquakes, pp. 83-84).

The Pentagon has made hundreds of underground nuclear explosions!!

Since the first test of the atomic bomb on July 17, 1944, the Pentagon has made hundreds of undersea and underground atomic and hydrogen explosions. Most of them were disguised as EARTHQUAKES….These test tell them the exact size of the nukes required and also the size of the crater:

Nuclear explosive “Salmon” (5.3 kt) being lowered into its emplacement hole at Hattiesburg, Mississippi in 1964.


Hundreds of weapons of mass destruction have been tested by the Pentagon during the last 50 years. These tests tell them the exact size of the nuke required to knock any building down. Today’s nukes are so small that you can carry them in a knapsack.

In the case of the Twin Towers all they had to do was place the bombs directly under the foundations.

In a matter of SECONDS the millions of degrees heat will turn concrete, steel and solid rock into vapor and leave a huge empty space when the foundations stood.

Outer space and surface nuclear testing was banned when President Kennedy signed the Test Ban Treaty in 1963 so the Pentagon had to go UNDERGROUND:

The island of Eniwetok in the Pacific is gone after the second test of a hydrogen bomb on Oct., 31, 1952. The “Mike” shot left a crater 164 ft deep and 6,260 ft in diameter.



Ultimate cratering shot: “Sedan” test at Nevada Test Site, July 6, 1962 to study high-yield subsurface burst effects. “Sedan” was detonation of 104 kt device at depth of 635 ft.; explosion made 320 ft. deep crater 1,280 ft. in diameter, Dust was thrown to height of 2,000 ft. and radioactive cloud rose to 12,000 ft.; more than 12 million tons of soil was displaced. Underground explosion of this size will destroy any buried or “hardened” structure. Device diameter was less than 36.”

Nuclear explosions have unique seismic signatures!!

All nuclear explosions have unique seismic signatures that are hard to disguise as earthquakes. They are short, sharp tremors that reveal the massive power and speed of the explosion.

Onset of P waves from a Soviet underground nuclear test monitored at a relay station in England.


Seismic waves from the first atomic bomb test at

Port Chicago on July 17, 1944.

Seismic signature from the North Tower nuclear explosion.

The Twin Towers were only designed to last until Nelson Rockefeller became President!!

New York State Governor Nelson Rockefeller (left) with NYC Mayor John Lindsay inspecting model of Twin Towers.


New York State Governor Nelson Rockefeller and his brother David were the moving force behind the building of the Twin Towers. As a matter of fact, the Towers were called David and Nelson. Following in the footsteps of their tightwad grandfather John D., they insisted on the cheapest job possible.

The project managers Austin Tobin and Guy Tozzoli fired the world renowned architectural firm of Skidmore, Owens and Merrill and hired an inexperienced architect from Japan named Minoru Yamasaki.

Then they put the steel for the building out for bids. The job was so colossal that only the top steel makers in the U.S. bid the job. They were: U.S. Steel and Bethlehem Steel. U.S. steel submitted a bid of 122 million dollars and Bethlehem Steel submitted a bid for 118 million dollars. Both bids were REJECTED as being too costly….Then they put the bid out again and ALL the independent steel erectors were encouraged to bid. Only one small company bid and their bid was 20 MILLIONS dollars.

The Karl Koch Erecting Company

Karl Koch Erecting Company won the bid for ALL the steel for the Twin Towers because they were the ONLY Company that bid the job…. They were a very small family business from the Bronx with about 20 employees. They beat out BIG STEEL with their low bid of $20,000,000. Here are the official numbers from Karl Koch III:

U.S. Steel: $122,000,000
Bethlehem Steel: $118,000,000
Karl Koch Erecting Co. $20,000,000

Karl Koch was a small family owned steel erecting business from the Bronx and the only other company to bid the job.

Karl Koch Erecting Co. built the Twin Towers.

Topping Out Day Number 1: Dec. 23, 1970. Karl Koch III can be seen on the left with brother-in-law Jack Daly and company engineer Rudy Loffredo.

Karl Koch III in front of the Twin Towers, August, 2001.

The Port Authority did not tell them that they were the only other company to bid for the job. They were not allowed to have any cost escalation clauses in their contract. As expected, they soon went into bankruptcy and the Port Authority literally took over Karl Koch Erecting Co.

Where’s the steel???

The floors were help up by flimsy trusses or bar joists. The trusses were welded together and then bolted to the outside wall by 2 1/2 bolts:

Trusses or floor paneling was all that held the floors up. Some of these trusses were over 60 ft long. Single story warehouses use this type of construction!!


Never trust a TRUSS at least when it comes to holding up a skyscraper. The outer wall was connected to the center core by 60 ft tresses or bar joists. These tresses were then covered by 4 inches of concrete. Each truss was bolted to the outside wall by 2 1/2 inch bolts. These bar joists were supposed to keep the outside wall straight as the wall bore the weight of the trusses and the concrete.

A similar building in Chicago called the Sears Tower used horizontal and vertical steel beams bolted together to support the floors.

When the Towers were completed, Karl Koch took his father to see the masterpiece of construction. Here is the father’s reaction:

“It wasn’t until the day of the topping-out that my father saw the World Trade Center for the first time. Late in the day, after I had gone back to Carteret, my sister Marie and her husband George, along with my brother Donald and Dad’s nurse drove him into the city so he could finally have a look. Dad was in a wheelchair. Donald helped him out of the car and wheeled him to a good spot. “Well, Dad,” he said, “what do you think of the World Trade Center?”
My father gazed up in silence, obviously in awe. Then they went inside, rode up a freight elevator, and got off at one of the higher floors so he could see the innovative structural design.
That weekend, I visited my father at Sands Point. He said he had seen the Trade Center, and that from the outside, it looked as though we had done a good job. “But Karl,” he said, “there’s no steel in that building.”
“There’s a lot of steel in that job, Pop,” I said. “Two hundred thousand tons.”
“I didn’t see any steel,” he said.
“The whole wall is steel,” I said. “It’s like a birdcage.”
Dad stared into my eyes. It wasn’t the wall he was talking about; it was the floors. “It’s wide open,” he said. “Is every floor like that? What’s going to hold that building up?”
“The floor paneling system,” I explained. “That gives the outer wall its lateral support. It’s the modern way of building skyscrapers.”Dad shook his head. “The design is bad,” he said. “It isn’t strong. There should be steel columns across the whole floor to keep those ceilings up. Where are the beams and columns?”
“They’re spanning the open floor area with trusses, Pop. It’s a new, modern design” (Koch, Men of Steel, pp. 338-339).

Rockefeller was planning on stealing the Presidency during the Twin Towers construction!!

Nelson Rockefeller was elected governor of New York State in 1959. Together with his brother David, he planned and financed the building of the Towers. The Towers were completed just as before he was ready to assume the Presidency without an election:

Vice President Nelson Rockefeller (center) with President Ford and Henry Kissinger. Rocky became Vice President just as the Twin Towers were completed!!


As we stated earlier, Rockefeller knew that the Twin Towers would have a very short life span so why go crazy with small details like structural integrity. Right after the assassination of

President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, he introduced the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. This Amendment would allow Rockefeller to steal the Presidency without an election.

Had President Ford been assassinated, Rockefeller would have assumed the Presidency in 1975. Once in the Office of President, Rockefeller could serve as President until 1980. At any time during these 5 years, he could have ordered the demolition of the Twin Towers. Of course at that time the terrorists would have been COMMUNISTS or Reds and WW III would begin. With Rocky as President, Sept 11 could have happened anytime from 1975 to 1980.

The real reason why Nelson Rockefeller wanted to be President!!

Nuclear launch codes.

  The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He is the ONLY person who has the authority to launch nuclear weapons. He is always followed by a military officer who carries the launch codes or the “nuclear football” as it is sometimes called.

For almost 2 years, by appointment only, Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President was only a heartbeat away from the Presidency and the power to launch WW III. While Governor of New York, Rockefeller visited the Jesuit General just 2 months before the assassination of President Kennedy and he was itching to wipe Russia off the map and fulfill Fatima for his “holiness.”

Demolishing his Twin Towers and blaming the “Communists” would have provided Nelson with the reason for starting a nuclear war with Russia and causing the deaths of millions of people!!

Thank God he foils the plots of wicked men and delays their evil plans until ALL the world hears the Good News of the Gospel of Christ.

A very brave Frenchman walks between the Twin Towers!!

In August 1974, a very brave Frenchman named Philippe Petit strung a wire between the Twin Towers and walked across. The Towers were DEATH TRAPS as they had no fire sprinkler systems so this event gave them some badly needed good publicity and helped Rockefeller to sell the Towers to the public:

On August 7, 1974, French high wire artist Philippe Petit walked across the Towers on a cable.


Philippe Petit’s walk brought the DEATH TRAP Towers some badly needed good publicity!!

Vital Links

Seismic Evidence Points to Underground Explosions Causing WTC CollapseReport of seismic activity due to WTC collapseMore proof of explosion in basement


Bolt, Bruce A. Nuclear Explosives and Earthquakes: The Parted Veil. University of California Press, 1976.

Glanz, James & Lipton, Eric, City in the Sky: The Rise and Fall of the World Trade Center. Henry Holt & Co, New York, 2003.

Gillespie, Angus Kress. Twin Towers: The Life of New York City’s World Trade Center, Rutgers University Press, 1999.

Hansen, Chuck. U.S. Nuclear Weapons: The Secret History. Crown Publishers, New York, 1988.

Koch, Karl III, Men of Steel: The Story of the Family that Built the World Trade Center, Crown Publishers, New York, 2002.

Petit, Philippe. To Reach the Clouds: My High Wire Walk Across the Twin Towers. North Point Press, New York, 2002.

Willis, Carol, Form Follows Finance: Skyscrapers and Skylines in New York and Chicago. Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 1995.

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Article  Five:

Incontrovertible Proof that the WTC was destroyed

byUnderground Nuclear Explosions


Ground Zero: the point on the ground directly under the explosion of a
nuclear weapon in the air. (Chambers English Dictionary)
On the 11th September 2001 at 09:59 and 10:28 EDT, two enormous explosions pulverised
the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York. The 400 metre high towers
disintegrated in a volcanic eruption of dust and rubble while the entire world watched in
Shock and Awe on live television.

The buildings were “smulched into a smouldering pit” where the temperature remained so
high that soil and glass were vaporised – boiled away – for over 6 weeks.

Numerous reports of the discovery of molten steel weeks later, along with video proof,
give further witness to this phenomenon. []

In the aftermath of the collapse, a team of scientists from the US Geological Survey
collected samples of dust from 35 locations in Lower Manhattan where it had come to rest
from the enormous pyroclastic dust cloud that enveloped the city.

In the dust, they found high levels of chemical elements that had no business being there.

Extremely rare and toxic elements.

Some of them elements that only exist in Radioactive Form.

Elements such as Strontium, Barium, Thorium, Cerium, Lanthanum and

The concentrations of these rare elements in the dust samples were related to each other
by significant mathematical relationships.

Although these elements discovered in high quantities are very rare in the general
environment, one well known situation occurs in which they are very common. In fact, the
elements discovered form a distinctive signature and hallmark of a certain well known

chemical process.

Strontium, Barium, Thorium, Cerium, Lanthanum, Yttrium and other elements discovered
in the dust are characteristic fission products of Uranium. Even some Uranium was present
in significant amounts. The presence of all of these elements together in mathematically
related quantities can only be explained by Nuclear Fission.

The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible that the Twin Towers were subjected
to far more than just a conventional Controlled Demolition. They were each pulverised to
dust by a Nuclear Explosion.

But even more than that, the vast quantity of fallout produced and other factors show
that the explosions were not produced by ordinary atomic bombs.

The explosions were produced by a clandestine Nuclear Reactor under each tower
undergoing a “power excursion” and then a core meltdown.

It is not believable that this could have occurred by accident. The reactors would have
been located well below the 27 metre deep B6 basement level that was officially the bottom
of the WTC construction. The reactor cores were probably 80 metres below ground. The
aircraft impacted the towers high above, more than 300 metres above ground level. It is
inconceivable that the aircraft crashes could have affected the reactors buried deep
beneath the ground.

Who built these clandestine reactors? For what purpose? Who co-ordinated their
deliberate core meltdown with the aircraft crashes?

Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the WTC


166 page report with 66 figures, graphs and photographs presents the detailed
evidence for the Nuclear Demolition of the World Trade Centre. It is written in as
non-technical a way as possible for a wide audience, including explaining the chemistry of
nuclear fission.

While many people have shown that the towers were subjected to a controlled demolition,
this is the first public document to present the evidence and proof that they were in fact
subjected to a Nuclear Controlled Demolition. No data on the fallout from a nuclear
explosion has ever been available to the public before. This document presents the USGS
data along with comprehensive analysis.

While others have suspected that the towers may have been subjected to nuclear
explosions – because of the seismographic data, the hot spots and the vast amount of
energy expended in the explosions, the incontrovertible proof comes from the USGS data.

Radioactive Fallout. Nuclear Fission Products. The evidence from the USGS data makes the
case. Far Beyond Reasonable Doubt.

This report will be of service to the 911 Research Community, the Public, the People of New
York and those who are working to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice.

To those who believe that this information should not be made widely known – I say that
this information must no longer be swept under the carpet. The data is in the Public
Domain. Its implications must be brought to wider attention, so that it can be further
investigated and appropriate measures taken to ensure the health and safety of New York.

In 1986, the US Congressional Sub Committee on Energy Conservation and Power released
a report: “American Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on US
Citizens”. Surreptitious administration of radioactive substances to New York prison
inmates was still going on in 1994.

The Sierra Club have described in their report “Pollution and Deception at Ground Zero”
how people were told to clean up the dust themselves. No special precautions were
necessary, the EPA continuously assured them. Specialist cleanup contractors were rarely
used. Thousands of people have been needlessly and callously exposed.

In an interview with MSNBC, Marianne Harinko, Acting EPA Administrator at the time said
before she resigned:

“I pray to God that in the event of another terrorist attack, God Forbid, we as an agency
would be equipped to get the data analysed and posted to the public. God forbid there is a
dirty bomb”.

You can now Download the Full Report Free of Charge by clicking on the button below.


Environmental Studies of the WTC Area

This link is to the Forensic Data which proves that the WTC was subjected to intense
nuclear explosions.

On September 17th and 18th 2001, two scientists from the USGS collected samples of dust
from Lower Manhattan where it had been deposited by the collapse. Their report
OFR-01-0429 was published on November 27th 2001.

This link is to the table of data showing the concentration of different elements in the dust,
including unprecedented quantities of Strontium, Barium, Cerium, Lanthanum and
Yttrium – elements which show the distinctive hallmark of the nuclear fission sequence.

This data is analysed in detail in our report “Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the
World Trade Centre
. [ ]



It may not be widely known that several Underground Nuclear Power Plants (UNPPs) have
been operated since the early 1960s.

In Western Europe, 4 small Underground NPPs have been operated at Halden (Norway,
1960s); Agesta (Sweden, 1957); Chooz (France, 1960s); and Lucens (Switzerland, 1962).

Construction of the Swedish Agesta complex started in 1957 and operations started in
1964. The underground reactor was a small CHP system (for a Stockholm district),
producing only 10MW of electricity and some 70MW of thermal energy for district
heating. It is believed it was also used for military plutonium production.

Agesta Reactor


Construction of the Swiss Lucens reactor started in 1962 and it went live in 1966. This was
also a small reactor producing some 8MW of electricity. It was built in an underground
cavern and experienced a core meltdown in 1969.

In the Soviet Union, the AD-2 underground reactor was commissioned in 1964 to provide
combined heat and power (CHP) to the city of Zheleznogorsk. It is still operational and was
also used to produce weapons grade plutonium. Russia have recently been studying plans
to build more underground NPPs using small “mini” reactors based on naval technology.

The report “Underground Nuclear Power Plant Siting” by The Aerospace Corporation and
California Institute of Technology (1972) analysed different potential underground NPP
configurations and scenarios with a view “toward novel approaches to siting plants within
the State of California”. 4 potential underground sites on the California coast were listed.
One of the stated advantages of underground siting was the “reduced population-distance
requirements” – i.e. an underground NPP could be situated much closer to major
population centres due to the improved containment.

It was stated that underground NPP construction was feasible because of the European
experience with 4 reactors and existing experience with large underground excavations
for hydroelectric facilities.

“The most apparent advantage for underground power plant siting is improved

“The separation distance from the plant to population centres might well be reduced from
the 10-20 miles characteristic of comparable surface plants to a small localised area”.

In other words, it was seen as quite feasible to locate underground NPPs within a city

Several nuclear reactors worldwide are used not just for electrical power generation but
also for district heating – Combined Heat and Power – using the steam generated from the
NPP for heating and air conditioning (via steam chillers). CHP is desirable due to its higher
efficiency and better utilisation of power plant thermal energy.

New York has one of the largest district heating systems in the world. Starting in 1882, the
ConEdison system covers much of Manhattan (including 7 WTC) from the southern tip to
75th Street. It would have made sense for the UNPPs under the WTC to have been
integrated into the district steam heating system to improve their efficiency and to
disguise the reactor cooling system.

In his 7th August 2007 testimony to New York City Council, the President of the
International District Energy Association spoke of how “district energy recycles and reuses
the heat that is produced during generation of electricity. Standard power plants
effectively convert only about 33-36 percent of the fuel they burn into electricity. Nearly
two-thirds of the fuel used in the electricity production process ends up being rejected or
“wasted” up the smokestack, in cooling towers or exhausted to rivers, lakes and oceans.
Combined heat and power recycles this waste heat and uses it to heat buildings in a
surrounding area through a district energy system. Combined heat and power is most
feasible when there is an area near the plant that has a need for the heat – a downtown

Integration of the UNPPs into the ConEdison system would eliminate the problem of
having to discharge cooling water into the Hudson, which would lead to increased river
water temperatures, a possible radiation signature and could lead to discovery of the
NPPs. In addition, if there were or are “Manhattan Project” underground military facilities
being powered by the UNPPs, these would also require heating and cooling. Integration
into the pre-existing district energy system would be the simplest approach.

It can be seen that UNPPs had already been built and operated before construction of the
WTC commenced. The Swedish Agesta reactor could be a blueprint – a small underground
nuclear reactor used for CHP for a major city and for military plutonium production.

Where else would the military place at least some critical nuclear weapons material
facilities at the height of the Cold War other than underground? What other electrical
power generating technology would be used to provide long term power for underground
military infrastructure during and after a nuclear war?.
About the Author: 
The author is an Aerospace and Technology Consultant. He has run his own consulting firm
since 1991. He was educated in London and at Cambridge University where he read Natural
Science (Maths, Physics, Chemistry) and Computer Science, graduating with a B.A. (Hons.)
degree in 1986. He was an active Private Pilot from 1992 – 2002.
He carried out a private study into the destruction of the Twin Towers in 2004 and 2005,
particularly after discovering the USGS dust sample data. After 18 months consideration,
he decided in late 2006 that it was his duty to now make this study available to the public.
I do not necessarily endorse any products or services mentioned in these videos, on this web site or in any subsequent written material by the original authors or this web site. I do not intend to, nor do I, derive any profits or income from posting this material. I may not agree with everything presented in this material , however I may find that there is sufficient valuable information to justify bringing it forward for you to sift through in order to expand your awareness and to trigger your desire to dig deeper to learn more.  I present this material for informational, research and educational purposes only.  It is presented for your edification, you filter as you see fit for your perspective. May God’s blessings and wisdom be upon you.


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