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Wormwood, Mini Solar System Approaches - The Time of Tribulation

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In 2013 the renowned astrophysicist James McCanney indicated that a number of professional scientists in the field of Astronomy had informed him that a mini-solar system was entering our solar system and would bring with it a bombardment of comets and giant meteors that would threaten all life on earth.

Never in history have so many human beings been interested in a particular planet, it seems these days. Not a day goes by where you can’t find some new information relating to Planet X. From those that wholly believe, to those that think believers in Planet X to be crazy, there is no shortage of opinions on either side. What I’ve tried to do however is to look at the issue of Planet X from all sides, sort of ‘walk around’ the question and see if I can see anything that might be missing, or rather may have been overlooked.

Here’s some of what I’ve found. ”The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died of the water, because it was made bitter.” Revelation 8:11

Well, as you can image my search began with the Bible where indeed there is mentioned, a cryptic one to be sure, about a ‘star’, planet, of some kind called Wormwood. And further research shows that we are far from the first generation of human beings to be concerned about this Wormwood. So dreaded is the ancient knowledge of this planet that our ancestors- handed down to each and every one of us an instinctual knowledge of when it would come again.

The devastation and utter destruction of life on this earth is even said to have produced in humanity an actual amnesia in us because to remember it was too overwhelming. The ancient myths and legends of our ancestors is not only full of the stories of this planet’s last visit, it’s what they are all about, period. As a warning to the future our ancestors built, upon every continent on earth, pyramids and secreted in them the records of how and when this planet would return and how to prepare for its coming. And what were they warning us about? Wormwood is reported to be four times larger, and twenty three times more dense than the Earth.

The Bible states that when it passes, its magnetic and gravitational effects upon the Earth’s molten iron core will cause increased earthquakes/ volcanic eruptions, and other phenomena. Speaking of the last days, it states:

“Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.”

I have noticed over the last ten years the drastic changes in our present day weather patterns, increased earthquake/ volcanic activity, reports of the gradual slowing of the Earth’s rotation and geomagnetic planetary field deviations, and other anomalies. All of which are allegedly due to the energy being released by our planet in response to the gravitational field that is preceding Planet X.

And coupled with these changes are the efforts of world governments to keep telling us that everything is OK. NASA will continue to identify objects ahead and around Wormwood to misdirect attention. The normally helpful and professional NASA employees are being evasive and condescending when asked about it.

How NASA has chosen to handle their knowledge of Planet X fits into a pattern of concealment, Wormwood /Planet X has intentionally been made to sound ridiculous and confusing for several reasons. One of which is to avoid causing panic among the world’s population. Many websites and articles continue to be written about Planet X that spread lies.

They say it only may exist and comes around only once every few million years if it does. This misinformation is widespread and done with a purpose. Planet X’s mass, magnetism and density are such that it disrupts the surface of every planet it passes. In fact, history shows approximately 7 years prior to its passage its far reaching electromagnetic/gravitational influence changes Earth’s core flows triggering weather, volcanic and seismic activity.

Since early 1996 traditional weather has changed dramatically, breaking all time records regularly. The up-tick of earthquakes, volcanic incidents and changes in electromagnetics are being kept out of the media as much as possible. Weather alone can falsely be blamed on global warming and sun cycles but not earth’s rumblings at the same time. Being prepared and forewarned gives one an excellent chance to survive. Some may wish they never learned or prepared because of the difficulties presented to them, compared to their lifestyle before.

At that time I would simply say that you were primarily responsible for drawing the information toward yourself and determined your level of personal preparation. I’m not fishing now for your future thanks, but am trying to avoid you berating the messenger. Just learning now and not being able to prepare because of family ties or financial binds could end up causing needless worry, prior to your passing on. So, be careful before you jump in too deep here. It’s not always better to know. My belief system tells me that there is a reason for everything.

Science is finding greater evidence for order in chaos at every turn. For those who would label me a messenger of doom, please do you and me a favor, don’t finish reading this book. My focus is to find people who want this information, or who have been drawn to it by whatever means to make their right choice. Staying alive might be a good one. The fact that you’re reading this perhaps means that your gut instinct is telling you something is not quite right with the world, and the reasons you’ve run across thus far have been less than adequate. 

There’s no doom in being made aware that you live on the railroad tracks, the train is approaching and what time it will arrive, so you can pull up your roots to get the heck out of the way. It’s ignorance that will put you in harms way during the up and coming cataclysms. There will be many places that have a good chance of being safe. I’m now going to paint a word portrait using some of my words and those of others. In order to view the mosaic, look at it in its entirety.

Focusing too closely on one part or another might result in your missing the big picture. In the 1980′s astronomers were searching for a 10th planet in our solar system, one that explained the perturbations of our outer planets,Uranus and Neptune. The planet was discovered, but since then we have heard nothing more about Planet X. Why has the discovery not been publicized since then?

Zechariah Sitchin tells of the ancient Sumerian legends of a planet with a comet-like orbit that came into our area of the solar system every 3600 years. The inhabitants of this planet were like gods to the earth natives. They shuttled from their planet to earth with rockets and mined gold to take back to their home planet, Nibiru. He contends they were the ones the Bible in Genesis refers to as the Nefilim, and as giants. Could this same Planet X or 12thPlanet be the source of the many myths and legends that describe comets as portents of doom, and speak of battling planets? Could it be the cause of the periodic destructions of great civilizations of the past by earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, as described in many ancient texts, including the Bible, and by Velikovsky? Does Planet X cause a pole shift on earth as it passes by?

Geologists, not recognizing the periodic cataclysmic nature of our planet, look at ancient fossils and calculate they are millions of years old. That is only because they calculate the cataclysmic events as required to take millions of years to happen. Once they recognize that these events could have occurred suddenly, in a matter of days, their historical timelines will be drastically altered.

After seeing the Comet Shoemaker-Levy crash into the planet Jupiter a few years ago, astronomers now realize the possibility of asteroids and comets similarly affecting earth. Their most recent discoveries of planets circling other stars, planets with elliptical orbits, circling two stars, “rogue” planets, methane “brown-dwarf” planets, are all proof that no matter how certain science is one day that something is silly and impossible, they can be proven quite wrong the next. The best scientists are, therefore, not the hardened skeptics, but those who continually keep an open mind.

In January 1981 several daily newspapers stated that Pluto’s orbit indicates that Planet X exists. The report stated that an astronomer from the U.S Naval Observatory told a meeting of the American Astronomical Society that irregularities in the orbit of Pluto indicates that the solar system contains a 10th planet. He also noted that this came to no surprise to Zechariah Sitchin, whose book about this planet came out three years prior. 

In 1982 NASA itself officially recognized the possibility of Planet X, with an announcement that an object is really there -far beyond the outermost planets. One year later in 1983 the newly launched IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) quickly found Planet X (the 10th).

The Washington Post summary of an interview with the chief IRAS scientist from JPL California had these words to say, a heavenly body as large as Jupiter (The size being in perfect parallel to the ancients’ knowledge) and part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation of Orion by an orbiting telescope.

The orbiting telescope found it right where it was sent to look. They had known of its existence and location for years but wanted to confirm it with their own technological eyes. These are facts I strongly urge you to check out for yourself. There have been attempts to cover-up this event and rewrite history. Perhaps Nibiru is not a planet at all, but a small system consisting of a Brown Dwarf Star and a small accompanying planet.

Brown dwarfs were, until recently, only theoretical planet/star hybrids. Astronomers believe that they have now located some brown dwarfs, whose luminosity is so low as to make their detection extremely difficult. Essentially, they are the product of an accreting gas cloud that is several times more massive than that which eventually made Jupiter.

Beyond a certain threshold of mass, reactions within this world lead to the emission of heat and a minute amount of light, but the body is still too small to set off the thermonuclear chain reactions that ignite a conventional star.

They appear a dull red, contrary to the colour that their name would suggest, and do not increase beyond the spherical dimensions of Jupiter, despite having a greater mass. They are thought to be relatively commonplace in the Universe, and their relative lack of appearances thus far reflect their dark star qualities.

If one is in orbit around the Sun, then it is quite plausible that its detection by telescope has not yet occurred, so one can understand the paucity of tangible data from further afield.

But as we become more able to detect and observe planets around other stars, so will our ability to observe this maverick in our own system increase. The sensational aspect of all this is when one starts to consider this world as a very dim star, rather than a planet.

The implication is that we are in a binary star system! Of course, the brown dwarf alluded to is not a star in the conventional sense, but it may emit enough light and heat to make possible moons around it life supporting. Considering its distance from the Sun in the extreme cold of the void, that possibility is an exciting one. It is certainly the case that any terrestrial planet that far from the Sun would not be able to support life on its own.

So, what if this Brown Dwarf in fact had planets circling in close proximity around it. Surely this would better explain the presence of life. After all, the Nibiruans are supposed to have lived on the Earth and then fled to their home planet, which takes it on a 3600-year orbit out of the known solar system.

If; that was the case, and it was just a planet and not an actual Brown Dwarf/Planetary system, how could life be sustained in the far reaches of our Solar System?

The Brown Dwarf theory makes much more sense and has a correlation with the Hopi Prophecies. When an object in space is moving towards the observer its colour changes by means of the Doppler effect. This is effectively where the light waves are “squashed” together and shift towards a different light spectrum. When the object is moving towards the observer at high speed it turns blue.

The Hopi prophecies quite clearly refer to the Blue Star that shines in the heavens. Newton’s law of gravity is insufficient to explain planetary science. Planets are magnetic objects and also have a repulsion force that creates the balance between them and keeps them moving.

The momentum theory for planets is positively ridiculous. What we call modern astronomical and planetary science is still very much in the dark ages because of this. Play with two magnets to find out that if both are turned a certain way it’s difficult to get them to touch because of the repulsion force.

The exclusion of the repulsion force in planetary science is a gigantic flaw and political embarrassment to any who’ve been involved. The story of the Emperor with no clothes is a perfect analogy for how it’s being dealt with.

The earth’s 30 miles thick crust acts as a magnetic shield, hiding the true magnetic relationships between planets from our terrestrial scientific instruments. If you want to begin to understand the workings of the solar system you would do better just to eat a Fig Newton cookie than to read Newton’s law of gravity that does not take into account the repulsion force.


The most interesting scientific revelations of planets that are discovered are generally kept away from the public under the guise of military security. History records many names for Planet X.

-The Sumerians called it the 12th Planet or Nibiru (translates into; planet of passing).

-The Babylonians and Mesopotamians called it Marduk, The King of The Heavens and The Great Heavenly Body.

-The ancient Hebrews referred to it as the Winged Globe because of its long orbit high among the stars.

-The Greeks called it Nemesis. (Its most telling name)

-Prophets have named it The Blue Star, The Red Star, The Fiery Messenger, and The Comet of Doom among others.

No matter what the name used, it’s the same object that has the same effects before and during its passage of earth. 

-The Sumerians also had a name for its approximate 3600-year orbit (A Shar).

-The ancient Hindu astronomers named Treta Yuga (3600 years) and the destruction it causes Kali Yuga.

The evidence for Planet X is overwhelming in our historical past. The present changes on earth are accelerating, not diminishing. These are true facts, what more can I say? Look to Discovering Archaeology, July/August 1999, on page 72. The date 1628 BCE is given for a world wide catastrophic event. Approximately 3600 years ago and coinciding with its return at this time.

Page 70 shows a medieval picture with a large comet looking object as big as the sun streaking across the sky horizontally with a giant tail. Below is a town that is shaking apart with hysterical people in the streets. Its elliptical orbit takes it around two suns. The other sun it orbits is our sun’s dark twin. 

Our best telescopic equipment on and off earth is closely monitoring Nibiru’s inbound approach. This is one of many reasons the orbiting Hubble telescope live feed is hidden from our view. Each time it approaches it starts a chain of events that culminates with it passing by and causing our earth’s surface to change.

These changes are the cause of massive death and destruction. History is rich with these stories. Many people from the past didn’t draw the connection between what looked to be a large comet overhead and what they were experiencing at the time (volcanoes erupting, earthquakes, land masses sinking and rising, tidal waves, severe weather and floods).

Some of these writers from the distant past simply noted what they thought was a foreboding sign or messenger of the prophets, instead of the cause for their woes. In 1995 Planet X became close enough to us that its magnetism started to effect earth in a big way, which increases now daily.

The closer it gets to us the faster it moves toward earth and the stronger its magnetic effects become. There is an ebb and flow to these events that are akin to the calm waves before the next big set. Surfers would be most familiar with this analogy.

Expect things to get worse as it approaches nearer but not in a straight line. Our own sun’s gravity is what is pulling it closer and faster. Planet X is not going to hit earth or the sun because of the repulsion force, which comes into play as they near each other.

There is still reason to be forewarned and concerned. Earth now has two strong magnetic influences in the vicinity (our sun being the main one) and its core is heating up because of it. It’s like a car with the accelerator and brake on at the same time.

The sun is pushing and pulling on earth one way and Planet X is now upsetting that balance with its own set of influences. This has been the reason for all the strange weather and seismic activity as of late. The records of thisapproximate 7 years of turmoil prior to passing are part of biblical record from at least the last time it came by earth. With correct scientific arid historical information you don’t need to be a prophet to predict the same cycle of events are happening again during Planet X’s approach.

These events are just a minor taste of what will come when it goes by this time. And yet even these relatively minor events can cause much destruction. Many areas of the world will begin to be severely effected even before the date of passing, so don’t think you can wait to the last minute and then jet away safely!!

There will be nowhere to go. That is why you are seeing such drastic changes in air travel and security, because when the warning does it go out it won’t go to you or me. Those who have been chosen will just suddenly up and go with armed guards at every airport to prevent the unwashed masses from trying to flee and getting in their way.


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    Total 8 comments
    • Jango

      You are so all over the place with this. Firstly, Wormwood is a STAR, not a planet, and the rest you said is pure speculation and not in the Bible. The tribulation will start first which is when the resurrection/rapture happens. Then the 6 trumpet judgments start. Wormwood falls on the earth. Still a ways to go, but close. More at

      • LifeIs

        Stars can’t “fall to Earth,” and neither can planets. And they wouldn’t make waters into “blood.” So, this is figurative language. Metaphors.

    • Jack Shlitz

      Wormwood in Ukrainian is pronounced CHERNOBYL… :eek:

    • King of Shambhala

      This is the end of the world.
      This is the Apocalypse!
      Google it
      Trump Crushes Hillary in 30 Seconds With BRUTAL New Ad (Video) Also Asks Russia 4 Hillary’s 30K Emails! Hillarious!

    • Jack Shlitz

      Pretty good presentation. Problem is that most people don’t have the coin to “Prep” outside of the organic low cost ways. So basically if you’re preoccupied with paying your bills and other expenses, whatever they are, than be prepared to start looting when the S does HTF. There’s not a lot of wild game out there to effectively feed 7 billion people wherever they may be and there’s only so many zoo animals you can butcher. So the only thing you really have is guns & Jesus… :shock: :eek: :shock: :eek:

    • Elekwense

      TLDR Planet X is coming

    • Anonymous

      this information has been around sine the 90′s. 1982 when you include the NYT IRAS article. 4,500 BC if you include
      the Enuma Elish and all the other tablet “myths”.

      We won’t be protected by our governments -but they also seem to be unsure as to an exact year.

      A conversation now 12 years ago with Dr. Scott Kenyon (HS CFA) here in Cambridge informed me that indeed, a large mass
      long period object is considered “out there” but he wouldn’t offer more.

      Between John Titor (hoax v real?), Sitchen (RIP; met him years ago), and McCanney – I would give it about 4 years. Maybe 5.

      But who knows. People have been predicting this objects arrival (and disaster) since 2003.

      To keep us off the scent?

    • Anonymous

      You are pretty close.

      There is actually a brown dwarf star that was captured long ago along with its dwarf planets. The brown dwarf draws Kuiper Belt Objects into,Sun grazing orbits and they break up forming comet swarms. When the swarms pass thru the inner solar system, some fragments usually hit Earth causing massive climate changes and tsunamis (Noah’s Great Flood). O swarm may be due soon. There can be little or no,warning.
      A Dangerous New Jovian Sized Body In Our Solar System

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