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The Deep State Shadow Government Is the Veiled NWO

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Proof the Shadow Government exists -

Unacknowledged and Sirius Documentary




An In-Depth Look At The Deep State &

Shadow Government

Kalee Brown  June 21, 2017
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If you’re familiar with CE’s content, you may have noticed that we frequently refer to the shadow government, the deep state, the cabal, the Illuminati, and the elite. We often use these words synonymously, though some of these terms have slightly different meanings.

If you’re unfamiliar with the true meanings of these terms, then this article is for you! This article will examine what the shadow government is, what people and which companies fall within it, and how they gained so much control over the U.S. government and society in general.

What Do “Shadow Government” and “Deep State” Mean?

Shadow government and deep state are both political terms in a sense, as they’re used to define the groups of people who control the U.S. government. I’m not referring to the people within political parties that perceivably control the system — not the Presidents or Congress — but the individuals and the companies who control the government and influence policies and decisions.

The very definition of the shadow government lies within the term itself; it’s the real government entity that hides within the shadows, making all of the important decisions in secret. Their political agenda and true motives are completely hidden from the public. These aren’t the people you see on mainstream media, nor are they the people you vote for; they’re the individuals who lurk in the shadows, which is precisely how they’re able to maintain control over the population, feeding the illusion of democracy.

The term deep state refers to “a state within a state,” a group of people who have so much control inside of a state that they don’t actually have to abide by the same laws, largely because they’re the ones creating them. The deep state can even include elements of the government, including the Pentagon, which has acted immune to many laws. Up until this year, for instance, they had never been audited, despite the fact that this is illegal and an astounding $10 trillion in tax payer money had gone completely unaccounted for since 1996.

According to an in-depth report by journalist Mike Lofgren:

Numerous politicians have publicly discussed the people who secretly control the U.S. political system, and are creating laws and bending them.

As John F. Hylan, former Mayor of New York City, explained:

Senator Daniel K. Inouye, a high ranking Asian-American politician, has also stated: “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” (source)

 Theodore Roosevelt, former President of the United States, stated:

When former President Eisenhower coined the term “Military Industrial Complex,” his main concern was the potential for the “disastrous rise of misplaced power.” After him, former President John F Kennedy (JFK) warned citizens that we are living in “a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” He went on to state that “its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Even before both of these two, former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson revealed:

The following video from THRIVE Movement, a documentary created by the heir to Proctor & Gamble, Foster Gamble, perfectly explains how this system works:

Who Is a Part of the Shadow Government and the Deep State?

Since the shadow government and the deep state are fairly broad terms to define the people and the corporations that control the government, they include a lot of people and a lot of corporations.

To begin, the shadow government includes billionaire families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds became very wealthy in the 1700s off the banking system, and then spread out all over Europe, gaining more power through other industries. The family also has strategic marital times to big names such as Du Pont, Hilton, and Guinness. However, the Rothschilds are most well-known for their control over the American Federal Reserve Bank, though they own countless big banks all over the world. Check out this CE article to further understand how big banks actually work and gain control over society.

The Rockefellers have their hands in practically every industry, including banking, health, oil, food, and more. Over a century ago, the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations began to alter university medical curricula to reflect a greater focus on pharmaceuticals so they could increase their profits. They put their money into drug-based research and made that the main focus of modern day healthcare.

Since then, the Rockefellers and banking elite have been able to control and profit from the drug industry. The AMA, the largest association of physicians in the U.S., enforces the drug-treatment paradigm by heavily lobbying Congress and publishing one of the most influential journals, JAMA, which is largely funded by pharmaceutical advertisers.

Mainstream media networks are owned by fewer than five multinational corporations, and all of these corporations have ties to the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. The Rockefellers were also involved in the creation of the United Nations (UN), which you can read more about in our CE article here. This may not raise red flags to those who aren’t familiar with the Rockefeller family, but consider this: The UN was created in 1945 as a result of World War 2. In practically every global conflict, something is created out of that conflict to give the illusion that whatever is created will solve it. Have you ever thought that the people who created the conflict are doing so so they can propose the solution in order to manipulate the population and gain further power?

George Soros is another key member of the shadow government, disguised as a philanthropic billionaire. His donations seem heartfelt and meaningful, but if you look a little closer, you’ll realize that every donation he makes has an ulterior motive behind it, helping to secure his control over the political landscape and in turn profit from it. Similar to the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, he has secured his political control all over the U.S. and in other places like Europe and holds many strategic investments, including in the DNC and in organizations that support the DNC. You can read more about George Soros in our CE articles here and here.

Many large corporations fall into the shadow government as well. SONY is one of these corporations, as the CIA and the government have strong ties to the movie industry. In a statement made last year, Wikileaks wrote: “The Sony Archives show that behind the scenes this is an influential corporation, with ties to the White House (there are almost 100 US government email addresses in the archive), with an ability to impact laws and policies, and with connections to the US military-industrial complex.” You can read more about that in our CE article here.

The list of corporations that could be seen as members of the shadow government goes on and on: Exxon Mobil, Monsanto, Big Pharma companies, Corrections Corporations of America, Wall Street (Goldman Sachs, etc.), American Bail Coalition, other big oil corporations, big players in the factory farming industry, and more. Corporate members of the deep state or the Military Industrial Complex include big military contractors like Lockheed Martin. According to William Hartung, the Director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy, contractors will “periodically intervene to try to stop practices that would make them more accountable.”

How They Influence Legislation and Gain Control Over the Government

It’s clear that corporations have a strong hold on government regulations; why else would chemicals be put in our food and the environment? Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has strong ties to oil companies, despite the fact that they’re supposedly the government agency that protects the environment (learn more here).

The simple answer to this question: money, the promise to gain more control over the population, and lobbying efforts. The shadow government can manipulate, or in some cases, create legislation through either close ties to politicians or even organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

ALEC is a conservative group comprised of state legislators and corporate leaders that allows corporations to help write, or in some cases, just hand over legislation that the “official lawmakers” can then take credit for and formally propose. ALEC has been responsible for numerous immoral bills including those that aim to lower minimum wage, suppress voter rights, pro-gun laws, ag-gag (animal cruelty) bills, and more.

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) conducted research into ALEC’s funding while looking into Exxon Mobil and the company’s wrongdoings regarding climate change denial. CMD found that 98% of ALEC’s funding comes from private sources other than state legislators. This means that ALEC is basically entirely funded by global corporations, including Exxon Mobil.

Political satirist John Oliver explains this in detail below:

ALEC has played a crucial role in influencing laws surrounding gun control, the prison system, voting laws, environmental policies, animal cruelty laws, minimum wage, and more. ALEC-backed legislation is not created “for the people,” but rather, designed so corporations can increase their profits and create loop holes so they don’t get in trouble with the law. You can read more about ALEC in our CE article here.
There are tons of other examples of corporations influencing the government outside of ALEC as well. One court case addressed the EPA’s ties to Monsanto, bending laws and lying about the environmental and health issues involved with the company’s products (GMOs, herbicide Round Up, etc.). You can read more about that here.
Big Pharma is another industry with close ties to the government. Even though it’s illegal for Big Pharma to advertise drugs in other countries, it’s completely legal in North America. The advertisements are often misleading, overstating the benefits and completely omitting the risks or potential side effects (or simply putting them in tiny, illegible letters). Although the FDA has stepped in multiple times, sending pharmaceutical companies warning letters or even forcing them to take down their ads because they are false, misleading, and/or exaggerate the effects of their drugs, this is still an ongoing issue (source).
Lobbying expenditures by the pharmaceutical industry have been increasing every year and hit an all-time high of $273 million in 2009. This money is then used to influence lawmakers and politicians to shape pending legislature. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association conducted by a team from Yale University found that one in three FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs have safety issues. Big Pharma pressured the FDA to speed up their drug approval process, and this is what happened as a result. You can read more about that here.

The U.S. government also holds strong ties to the meat and dairy industries. The government has helped food providers become more dairy-based, and implemented milk education into school programs. Check out this video that elaborates on the government’s ties to the dairy industry here.

The USDA has heavy ties to many advertisements and campaigns encouraging consumers to purchase meat. The U.S. government spends $38 billion annually to subsidize the meat and dairy industries, in comparison to only 0.04% of that on fruits and vegetables. If the government didn’t benefit from meat and dairy sales, our recommended intake of animal products would look significantly different.

Instead, the USDA Food Guide Pyramid states you should eat 2-3 servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese, despite the fact that only 75% of people can actually digest milk properly, as well as 2-3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts per day. What the food guide doesn’t mention is that numerous studies have proven that meat and dairy consumption can cause cancer, heart disease, obesity, and many more health complications.

Lastly, another crucial way the deep state gains control over the public and the government is through false-flag terrorism. Yes, the government is involved with the creation of these terrorist attacks and the infiltration of other countries, but it’s not just the U.S. government that profits off war and terror.
False-flag terrorism is the idea that a government would stage a terrorist attack in a country (even their own) in order to justify war and the infiltration of a foreign country for their own purposes (whether that be for money, oil, etc.). It’s also used to heighten a state of fear and security within their own country, and in order to do so, they need a villain. For example, in the case of 9/11 it was Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

As former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook explains:

In essence, war and chaos are profitable businesses, and they’ve been used by the shadow government and the deep state for many years to not only take over nations, but to control the masses using fear as well. War is often just a collaborative effort between powerful individuals to play out big picture plans through creating conflict and justifying war. Then, when this heightened fear state occurs in society, people don’t question terrorist bills and surveillance because they’re implemented in the name of “national security.”

“I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”

General Smedley Butler, one of the highest ranking generals in American history

The subject of war and terror also relates to the New World Order, as this is often the overarching goal when it comes to the U.S. invading other countries or the elite creating chaos and terror in other countries.

The New World Order is the supposed goal of a handful of global elitists who are pushing for a one world government and a heightened national security state. This group, often referred to as the cabal/the shadow government/the deep state/the elite, has been using foreign threats to heighten security, strip us of our rights, and invade other countries. The entire world is practically covered with U.S. military bases and big banks owned by the Rothschilds, with the exception of only a few countries.

Why This Is Important Information

Many news organizations and people refuse to discuss the shadow government and the deep state, whether’s that’s because they fear the negativity surrounding the subject or because they’re owned and funded by these groups of people.

Amber Lyon is a three-time Emmy award winning journalist at CNN who went on record stating that mainstream media outlets are routinely paid by the U.S. government as well as by foreign governments to selectively report and manipulate information on specific events. She has also admitted that the U.S. government has editorial control over mainstream media content.

This isn’t anything new; the CIA’s Operation MOCKINGBIRD is the government program referring to its interest and relations with mainstream media. MOCKINGBIRD stemmed from the CIA’s forerunner, the Office for Strategic Services (OSS, 1942-47), which, during World War II, created a working relationship with journalists and psychological warfare experts operating primarily in the European theatre.

It’s clear that the truth has been hidden from us for a long time, but it’s crucial that we don’t perceive this information as “scary,” but rather as empowering. If we fear the shadow government and refuse to discuss them, then we’re feeding into their perpetual control over the system. However, if we shed light on this subject and explain to others how our political system actually works, then real, sustainable change can actually occur. Democracy only gives you the illusion of freedom and “human rights,” because only without an overarching, elite-serving government could you truly have these things.

Related CE Articles: The Deep State Institutions That Control America, They Don’t Care Who You Vote For

The Black Budget – This Is What The Secret Government Doesn’t Want You To Know


Video: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All

to Expose the “Shadow Government”

Global Research, August 28, 2017


Featured image: Kavin Shipp, former CIA Officer (Source:

Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up.

At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes.

The total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny is also fully exposed. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure.

The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all. We desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin’s lead.

All of us are essential in the battle to help wake the masses to the truth so that the whistleblowers have the support they need to come forward.

If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the fight for the greater good.

The original source of this article is



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    Total 7 comments
    • Man

      yes. everything and everyone is the deep state……

      • Anonymous

        They aren’t particular. You just say the same things, over and over. Now, if you disagree with Pavlov’s salivating click dogs on BeforeItsNews, you’re some paid, NWO operative. Fact is, there’s not a freaking job description on the planet to communicate with comments sections morons. As if they threaten anybody, but that lame ass in the mirror.

        If I were some deep state alien, I would be encouraged by BeforeItsNews that you could get anything past the idiots of the human race. Obviously, you can. This would apply to the lame asses posting the articles, too. What a suck job, rolling that stone of cranking out trash up a hill, 24×7, for chump change. You could make more money as a butcher.

        • 2QIK4U

          A butcher pays more than most jobs. About $3000 Aussie a week same as roof tiling. (tiles are what every country other than America use)

    • 2QIK4U

      Unacknowledged and Sirius are nearly the same documentary. I never learnt anything from unacknowledged that wasn’t already covered in Sirius… Hate to admit but something isn’t right with Greer.. Seems like a gatekeeper to find out people’s info and still hasn’t brought anything to the field like he said unacknowledged was all about. I nearly went to America just to meet him and attend his (faked ) orb light shows out on the ocean /lake.. Think id discover more if I stalked the airbases at night.. Still planning it if we survive

    • 2QIK4U

      Gday today Mr Dawg 😁 thought you’d like to know that more crisis actor wanted ads have appeared for the 28th of October and the 6th of November in New areas (sorry just bloody forgot where? The name’s of the city /towns aren’t well known to me) I currently have redditors making it viral and they’re finding many extras… Check out

      • Knarlydawg

        Thanks 2QIK4U………I’ll check it out. You could pop up a quick posting with the info you discover, as well you
        know !!

        Thanks again.

    • unidentified

      they could build cities underground and large caverns and not have to worry about the weather outside

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