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Sealed Indictment Issued on Dr. Fauci -- Exclusive

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Sealed Indictment Issued Against Dr. Fauci

The United States Justice Department, on behalf of President Donald J. Trump, has finalized a sealed indictment naming Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the coronavirus taskforce, a traitor to America, according to a Washington sources familiar with the issue.

The indictment, which currently sits on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, charges Fauci with numerous high crimes and misdemeanors, many of which could see Fauci stripped of his medical license and deported to GITMO for the rest of his natural life. Those charges reportedly include treason, conspiring with the enemy, and fraud. Article 2 of Section 4 of the United States Constitution states: “The president, vice president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

While Fauci is neither a politician nor a government official, he is a career civil servant and therefore can be charged with criminal malfeasance as is outlined in Article 2, Section 4.

Sources close to the Fauci probe said Trump became suspicious of Fauci’s intentions after reading Tweets linking the doctor to a “Deep State” coup designed to cripple his reelection campaign. These Tweets alleged Fauci and none other than Barack Hussein Obama had orchestrated a “hoax” to tank the economy, spelling doom for a president whose main presidential achievement was fostering an economic resurgence. The Tweets surmise the Coronavirus is a pretext for stripping Americans of the rights and freedoms they hold dear, and that Fauci wants to usher in a New World Order that would abolish the Constitution and replace U.S. leaders with United Nations personnel.

Fauci’s fishy behavior at coronavirus press briefings further fueled Trump’s suspicion. On March 20, Trump called the State Department the “Deep State Department.”  Standing behind him, Fauci made a dismissive hand gesture, dropped his head, and rubbed his forehead.

“Trump took it as a personal slight. Trump doesn’t forgive or forget. He had his eye on Fauci, and Fauci’s actions helped confirm the president’s suspicions,” our source said.

Moreover, Fauci has been a frequent guest of CNN and MSNBC, networks that often criticize Trump’s pandemic response endeavors. He has used his status as one of America’s most notable physicians to directly contradict Trump’s messages.

The Tweets, combined with Fauci’s radical conduct, prompted Trump to direct the Justice Department to investigate the Fauci-Obama connection. Investigators learned—and apparently leaked—data proving that in 2015 Obama instructed Fauci to authorize a $3.5 million “donation” to a Wuhan virology lab. Fox News and the Washington Post have run articles questioning whether Covid-19 originated at the Wuhan facility. Additionally, a wiretap on Fauci’s phone and electronic devices revealed the good doctor and the disgraced former president have kept a close friendship; intercepted phone calls and emails showed that Obama and Fauci had conspired to undermine Trump’s authority by having Fauci give the president unsound medical advice in matters involving the pandemic.  First, Fauci told Trump the virus was “nothing to worry about.” Then he reversed course and warned Trump Covid-19 would utterly ravage the country unless martial law-like steps were at once taken to curb the spread. Fauci misrepresented facts and figures, and he artificially inflated the case fatality rate (CFR) by instructing the CDC to label all respiratory distress related deaths as Covid-19 fatalities, even if the person never received a Covid-19 test.

Some examples transcend absurdity. For example: In Queend, NY, a 23-year old black male had been walking home from a convenience store when a car pulled up alongside him and its driver emptied a pistol magazine in his chest. Two rounds struck his chest, collapsing both lungs. Because he had breathing difficulty and was put on a ventilator prior to death two hours later, hospital staff said the coronavirus killed him. They did not perform a Covid-19 test.

In Brooklyn, a 96-year old diabetic woman with high blood pressure dropped dead when her heart stopped beating. The New York City medical examiner’s office listed the cause of death—coronavirus.

The next day New York added over 3,000 “presumptive positives” to the state’s growing sum of Covid-19 fatalities. Trump’s investigative team unearthed a trove of evidence that proves Dr. Fauci compelled the state to blame all inexact deaths since January on the coronavirus.

“In doing so, they’ve amplified the death count. The more coronavirus deaths, the worse Trump looks. And the tighter restrictions get as more states adopt martial law. Trump had enough, and decided he’d put the screws to Fauci,” our source said.

If all information is correct, Trump’s special prosecutor secretly indicted Fauci, charging the “Deep State” doctor with crimes under the Patriot Act and the 1917 Espionage Act.

Nevertheless, Trump has yet to fire the popular doctor whose face is synonymous with words like “Trustworthiness,” “Honesty,” and “Integrity.” As the pandemic spread, so too did Fauci’s popularity, and his importance at daily press briefings eclipsed that of front men Trump and Pence. Sources said Trump will not prematurely fire Fauci, because doing so might backfire in his face and cost him the 2020 election.

And Fauci will not quit because he likely hopes to plea bargain his way out of a life sentence at Guantanamo Bay.

“Although the formal accusation is sealed, Fauci knows the gig is up. They’ve revoked his passport. After Trump wins the election, and after the pandemic has run its course, the indictment will be opened and Dr. Fauci will face a military tribunal to answer for his crimes against America,” our source said.

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    Total 50 comments
    • Болеслава

      ………..or this could be bull crap to diffuse the mounting rage against him.

      Going on past experience I say the latter.

      Maintain and intensify the rage to infinity!!!!!

      Take your complaint to God and ask him to fight your battle.

      Take faith to battle to win!

      • Don - 1

        Trump is extremely insecure. His huffs and puffs are his act of ego driven bravado.
        There are many signs of his insecurity.
        Everyday he faces the public with his face covered with that reddish-orange ChloraPrep. [available at]
        There is something very strange about that.
        His hair has not just one but several elaborate comb-overs to cover several bald spots ….plus its dyed blonde.

        Given this insecurity, he’s vulnerable to criminals like fear-monger Fauci. Its relatively easy for Fauci and others to manipulate and control Trump with fear.

        Fauci has been head of NIH for 35 years and has also created a fake AIDS test. His fraud research and fake applications are legendary.

        • dave42

          Dude I think that it is Vitiligo rather than surgical dressing he has had it for years 30+ and yes white people get it two.

          • Don - 1

            NO, he does not have Vitiligo or Rosacea….he uses ChloraPrep on his face..usually two times a day. I voted for Trump and will again.

    • decleateed

      Quite an imagination you or your ‘source(s)’ have. Only thing missing in this story is that he is already in GITMO.

      • Anonymous

        Another Gitmo Moron.

    • raburgeson

      Ya!, right crooked bastards. We are coming out to look around. Time to scoff at the idea of houses of representatives. Trying to tell us that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. While people are hollering pork, pork, pork they should be hollering funding the deep state and shadow government. With all their illegal enterprises they still need funding. Do you have any idea how much hand in hand collusion there is. They take these provocateurs and send them to start wars and take out governments all over the world and they have been doing this since 1960 or before. Oh, we elected someone else but the agenda did not change. This last fiasco where they were hollering pork, pork, pork, they should have been hollering treason, treason, treason. I have had it and hope you all have had it too.

      • Kingfish Stevens

        Fed up with all the lies, half-truths and just generally stupidity from those trying to make a few more dollars that they likely will never need.

      • TruthAgent

        I bet that’s why they ‘leaked” all this info out cuz they want average masses to be Fed Up from the neck up!! It is overdue, probably time to pray the Almighty straighten this mess out.. when folks talk about draining the swamp I’d like the whole thing covered in concrete dang fully horizontally and vertically integrated corruption. (Shaking my head still) Unfathomable! :roll:

    • b4

      the trump people knew way back when WHO fukica is–they let these people hang themselves and fukica did–he is a worthless maggot–i think he will quietly go away unless they can use him for cannon fodder in the reelection deal……the guy is a total fool like biden

      • Anonymous

        Has anyone ever told you that you were a fucking idiot? Because you are. Bigly.

        • b4

          you would never say that to my face..never

          • Anonymous

            Oh, but I would. I really would. Because you are.

            • b4

              only a drunk or drug laden fool would say that —sorry,they will never let you out of your mommies basement so you will never get the chance jackass- excuse me while i fart….get back to me when you turn 18 in 6 years….

    • counselor john

      I think that the so called source was this author’s dream he had last night.

    • Bob DD

      Should I hold my breath waiting for indictment?

      • Apollo is the A/C

        If I say yes, I would possibly be an accomplice to Murder! :lol:

    • FourTrackFiasco

      I liked this website more when it was big government/the elites vs the people. Now it’s world vs Trump and his supporters.
      I’ll be happy when this chapter in our country is over so we can get back to good old fashioned conspiracy theories we can all universally appreciate.

      • Anonymous

        Maybe if he had kept a few campaign promises instead of doing the exact opposite on every subject, people would respect him. Now go get your vaccines like your hero told you to do.

    • DangerWillRoberson

      everything about the government and news in general is a satanic lie! your being lied to everyday trump is one of them! :idea:

    • Veritas


    • Anonymous

      ***** MORE FAKE NEWS ***** For the BINNERTARDS to consume.

    • Don - 1

      I wonder if this is true….he certainly deserves it. Fauci’s creepy-meter reading is off the scale.

      • The Watcher


    • AJ

      Only comment; As my Dad would say…..Soft as a sneaker full of shit….!

    • Mclupo

      This site has been announcing the indictment, and or the arrests of both the Clintons in the past 10 years, at least twice a week…
      How come a so called alternative information site like this site uses the same crappy methods as the MSM they keep on denouncing every day?
      If you’re not sure about the veracity of your information, please refrain from misleading, or taking the piss out of your readers, who can do with less Bollox.

    • Freeus

      Unless Fauci is one of 8000 hired SES/Senior Executive Services Obama Marxist mafia people then no-one can fire him, remove him. SES need to all be in prison.

    • No time

      Dr. Fauci is a member of the Black Eye Club. Everyone at the top of the Pyramid are Satanist. And they want to keep us locked down until we accept it as normal. IMO 🤓 🤓🤓


      Dr. Fauci broke the law when he funneled 3.7 million of NIH funds to Wuhan China Lab for the weaponization of the Covid-19 virus. In 2017 Fauci predicted America would be hit by a surprise pandemic. Obama gave Fauci 3.7 million dollars to have China manufacture the
      weaponization of the Covid-19 virus. Several sources back this discovery. Difficult to digest the reality of this. I pray for President Trump and so many innocent people. Why-why?

    • spd1275

      You have a vivid imagination.

    • counselor john

      What a silly article

    • tibbs 1964

      Where does a moron like you come up with bullshit like this? Have a clue you ignorant F! If any indictment should b it should be on the POTUS! :twisted:

      • PeacePlanet

        Thanks, fúktard.
        Now, go back to watching ‘Three’s Company’.

    • Slimey

      Dr. Faucist should be arrested. His agenda has become clear. To bring down the Donald and FARCE a vaccine on everyone that could alter (as some believe) your DNA or your blood and make it permanently NON-HUMAN.

      Others say it has dog kidney cells, monkey cells, mercury, and god knows what else in them. Maybe it even got Bull Gates underarm sweat in ‘em. :lol:

    • man of few words

      Just like the what now 2,000 plus sealed indictments, or Bush, or Obummer, being excuted by military tribunal. Or the prison barges down at Gitmo, (My nephew stationed at Gitmo, says that’s crapola) Never gonna happen. When I see it, I’ll believe it.

    • tessla

      Such BS news article. Fauci was speaking yesterday. Wish it were true. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

    • tibbs 1964

      Such BS! U make shit up because you people refuse to believe the truth! Sooner rather than later u all will c but will regret it when u do!

    • tessla

      dont you get tired of the lies? this sounds like cia psyops to quell the masses.

    • Earl

      This article is total disinformation. :twisted:

    • HTLIII

      Good. NOW seize ALL of his assets and hang him. AG Barr is the full sized parasite sitting over there with the kosher sandwich. We are in their CJ ‘End Times’ pageant put on for the pleasure of the queen Lizard and their jesuit pope. The Babylonian Talmud as their guide.

    • Anonymous

      Sure add it to the other Gazillion “sealed indictments” that never amounted to a pile of dog poop. It is easy to see that Fraudi has far more pull than the designated teleprompter reader.

    • SupremeLaw

      I can’t confirm this “sealed INDICTMENT”. However, I can confirm that The White House yesterday received CONFIDENTIAL email requesting the Attorney General to invoke the wiretap and surveillance authority conferred at 18 U.S.C. 2516(1)(C) — “to commence wiretap surveillance of Bio-Safety Level (BSL) laboratories suspected of ongoing violations of 18 U.S.C. 175 thru 178″. The remainder of that Request was CONFIDENTIAL to the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so I’m not at liberty to repeat the remainder here. /s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, Private Attorney General, 18 USC 1964

      • SupremeLaw

        Also, a proper and lawful FOIA Request has now been submitted to the NIH Disclosure Officer, for an electronic copy of the Standard Form 61 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS required of Dr. Fauci by Federal laws and the Oath of Office Clause in the U.S. Constitution. If that credential is NOT disclosed timely, failure to disclose a mandatory credential will constitute probable cause that Fauci is, and has been, impersonating an officer or employee of the Federal Government, in violation of 18 USC 912 (a FELONY Federal offense that must be reported to satisfy 18 USC 4). See Miranda v. Arizona: “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.”

    • truthzilla

      UH OH! He may have to go before system controlled courts and say words written for him to them while they look on in feigned consternation …While pundits representing both sides of the issue wax poetic with vague platitudes…In the end, NOTHING will happen and a new Villain du jour will be selected to entertain the rubes…So pathetic… :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    • tessla

      more BS. Notice the CIA insider shows hiw to protect your money under it. If the wants your money or just to screw with your head. They will.

    • Jedih2

      This completely discredits Before It’s News. Why publish this nonsense without verification? Fauci is still speaking as director and representing the President as his spokesperson.


      I have listened, watched and finally made a clear decision: The ROKU virus was made in China and China tested it on 80,000 people
      which died in a short period of time. China deliberately allowed the ROKU virus to spread across the globe knowing full well that masses
      of innocent people would die. Three members of my family were military and clearly their decision would be to destroy the entire Communist Chinese government and all-ALL military equipment, chemicals and those who brought forth Global death be held to military
      law and be hung or shot. This was a war against all innocent people.
      I pray the research will create a drug to stop this insane horror and death to so many innocent people, children and animals across our
      world. Please pray for those working to provide a drug to stop the death and suffering. Thanks BIN

    • residentp

      Crisis Actors and scores: (1= bad acting, 10 very good acting)

      George Bush-said he is a Christian. He sat with school children during the 911 looking innocent. He pretended to know less than Obama debating against him for president, helping him taking over. score: 2

      Obama- He came from nowhere and won because he can. score: 2
      Hiding real birth certificates specialist
      Shot across the bow expert.
      “after my election I have more flexibility.” for political acrobatics?

      Hillary Clinton- open minded so much so that secrets don’t exist on state level
      Benghazi was a joke for her.
      Acting sick to let Trump win score:2

      Donald Trump-The nation had to trust him and they did
      He was only recorded once calling for the nwo
      He is throwing secret society signs around and no one sees that..magic
      He identifies old crimers but does nothing
      He reported to Henry Kiesinger after winning and not the other way round showing his respect for the deepeststate.
      His son in law is jewish and he is big friends with Netanyahu and he wears the jewish cap and made Jerusalem the capital and the new federal reserve has all jews as major controllers.
      With the help of Fauci and the virus, he sold America to the Chinese and everyone is still backing him.
      He will make America great…He should have said “I will make and break America”
      Fauci and Birx can say anything from his podium and he doesn’t notice.
      The deadly 5G is no problem even if it works with the virus.
      He gave America to WHO to control without proper procedures to check the validity of a Pandemic.
      He acts innocent to all misfortunes…….. score: 4

      He gets double the score because of his acting like a patriot.

    • Ideas Time This is all the proof they need to take down all the traitors involved.

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