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Opening of COVID (FEMA) Camps Begins

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August 21, 2021

Utilizing the fake science of COVID, the CDC and selected states are starting to deploy COVID (Concentration) Camps. This constitutes a serious escalation against the Citizens of America; by traitors from within. 

It appears that the Vaccine Operation itself is failing to achieve its vax quota and the clock is ticking. If too many vax deaths begin to occur– the entire operation will be exposed as a Global Soft Kill Genocide Program.

There will be multiple methods to push the undesirables and certain races, into a camp and many will go happily along.

NO VACCINE– Is just an excuse to place you into a camp, knowing that many Conservatives and Christians remain anti-vax.

POSITIVE COVID TEST– Those who do not embrace the New World Global Order, will “test positive.” In other words, they can control the lab test results depending if you are on the Red or Blue list.  The lab running your COVID test will bounce your SS number against the list stored on the cloud, depending on your politics and social score, they will return a positive or negative lab test result. Hence Biden’s recent mandate for weekly COVID testing of Citizens who are unvaccinated.

CONTRACT TRACING– If you are on the wrong list, you may be accused of being in contact with another person who supposedly had COVID, simply an excuse to place you into a camp.

MASK AND SMALL BUSINESS VIOLATIONS– Those who don’t follow mask mandates or emergency business mandates. Of course it is selective prosecutions, depending upon which list you are on.

These are all simply excuses to round up conservative patriots who will never accept the New World Order. This is a STEALTH genocide program which will be carried out against both political targets and specific races worldwide.

Australia and other tyrannical countries were the testing ground; for what is now being set up in America. This is not about healthcare, this is a communist take-over of America using public health as an excuse.

Expect major events deployed in the next sixty-days to distract the public from this plan perhaps a terrorist bomb on a large US city or a mass shooting type event. This is what Biden referred to back in 2020 as a Dark Winter a very sinister and evil plan to utilizing COVID to conquer America and arriving just in time for Christmas, perhaps even before the mid term election.

The CDC’s own website openly reveals these camps, see CAMP/SECTOR at this link and here is a link to their document. Funny how they describe “High Risk” individuals in secure “Green Zones” are they high risk for COVID or high risk to the New World Order as American Patriots? Notice CDC use of the word “SECTOR” and keep reading to the end of this article.

Many DNC controlled states such as WASHINGTON STATE announced their own state “ISOLATION CAMPS” where you are a “guest” and they have also used the words “strike teams” as in military death squads; although they have now scrubbed the words “strike team” on more recent web pages.

The Governor of TENNESSEE signed an executive order 83 authorizing the NATIONAL GUARD to take unvaccinated citizens to hospitals (i.e. camps) across the state, there is some debate on what the Guard can do, but the order plainly states the Guard can drive and transport citizens, might be by ambulance first but how long before they start operating concentration transport trains?

Not to be out-done NEW YORK is the test bed for roads and bridges COVID CHECKPOINTS and these may also be coming to a town near you.

The Globalists utilize the methodologies of both socialism and communism to destroy the free enterprise system and transition the world into a global dictatorship (with no more free elections and representative government).  Combining the worst aspects of these political-economic systems with advanced technologies, fake science, and environmentalism, is called a TECHNOCRACY also known as a Scientific Dictatorship.  Governed by their so-called-paid-for-experts like the unelected- Dr. Fauci for example; no one seems able to fire this stooge. 

The Technocracy Study Course, implemented by the traitorous Trilateral Commission (aka the CFR) calls for a North American Union, notice their current website calls for a Continental Hydrology (water system) that combines the US, Mexico, and Canada into one nation similar to the European Union.

The US/Mexico border is under attack by the Biden Administration to merge the US, Mexico, and Canada as the North American Union. The Globalists seek to consolidate the world into seven unions, and then merge the unions into a One World Government. They have established the European Union and expect other unions such as the Asian Pacific Union.

Prolonged food shortages and Domestic Unrest, will become the catalyst for BLM and ANTIFA led looting and the justification to bring in “Peace Keepers” aka Foreign UN Invasion Troops to reestablish order in the chaos. This was tested during the last round of riots where “Antonymous Zones” were created for the purpose of declaring Sovereign Independence (from US Territory) and thus setting up Landing Zones for Foreign UN Invasion Troops. 

For the First Time in US History, Obama signed an executive order on July 1st, 2016 allowing the US Military and UN Troops to use force against American Citizens.

The arrival of UN troops will reveal that COVID is also about gun confiscation with 5G tracking metals in the vax provides the capability to locate every registered gun owner. This is why back in 2020 the UN posted advertisements to Hire English speaking gun confiscation personnel. The pieces of this diabolical plan are starting to fall into alignment; add economic collapse and supply-chain food famine as another component, food as a weapon.

With the local police defunded or terminated– they will need legions of communists to monitor, control, and police American Citizens, this is what they are setting up and calling AmeriCorps (Biden Recently Funded with $400 Million of our Tax Dollars). They use “Ameri” as the shortened word America since the country no longer exists after this North American Union.

The infamous FEMA flood map has little to do with flooding, and is more about breaking up the United States of America into Ten FEMA regions with Ten Corrupt Governors being promised a lifetime appointment as Governor of one of these Ten Regions (i.e. SECTORS).

It is important that Americans start speaking out to let congress, senate, and governors know that their plan is exposed. Send them this article with the words- WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP TO AND IT WILL BE DEFEATED.

The breakup of the USA is covered in this video from April of 2020. Check back as our writing staff continues to research and update this story, if you have another piece to the puzzle send to: [email protected]



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    Total 14 comments
    • GJ

      Weekend warriors won’t last a minute if they step out of line. They will either be there to help Americans or they will be plowed under like weeds in a field. I chose to believe they will uphold the oath they all swore to the US Constitution.
      I remember the words. Preserve protect and defend. We’re no inclusions or stipulations for a staged pandemic.

      • 2QIK4U

        When will these American Pussies use thier Hardware they Claim is thier God Given right ? Fuck you all for letting it happen 🖕💯

        • ExecuteTyrants

          I understand your thoughts and these are torturous times for American Patriots for sure! It is even more painful for Americans who have not been tricked or deceived by this old war from within, and ironically the more intelligent the Patriot is the more pain they are forced to suffer at the hands of the useful idiot retards that now flood our country with stupid! I just get the idea that you have suffered beyond what most should ever have to endure, so maybe some support and perspective will help in some way… It is pretty clear that the reason that the American patriots have not responded with their “Hardware” is that “we” (Americans) are being baited into taking action in any Constitutional physical way, but “we” also understand that most of the overt threats against Americans are not being followed through upon in any material way. We are at war and being slaughtered, but not in the direct physical force manner that is being threatened (yet). It is a sick game of “Chicken” for sure, but it is mostly a mental terrorist assault on most Americans and that is nasty because many don’t understand it as a threat to use physical force to defend against. The fact is that this oddball time in history will not last much longer, because soon there will be more & more cases of government abusing and assaulting Americans with forced vaccines, gun confiscation, and other extreme unconstitutional assaults upon Americans. On this trajectory, if left unchecked, we can…

          • Justin Case

            In my opinion, that is when the “God given right” will get some exercise…

    • jdpent01

      If J Durham makes mass arrest like most all of WDC, and these people are held in various jails Etc, there will be little opposition to the return of Trump, as president. Gone are Dem Senators, Rhinos, the squad, most of the D-House, activist judges, Dem Mayors, Governors, Election Officials, FBI AGENTS, CIA, NSA, DOS,MSM Media gone, Hollywood ,big tech, -no more censorship, no more fake news, WITH THOUSANDS OF INDICTMENTS TO BE UNSEALED, BEING WOKE may disappear, Military mandated vax and purge ended, 70 % or better believe the 2020 was stolen destruction of America by Joe and staff ended. Trump reinstate as president completes his term and runs and wins 2024, but in his 3rd yr an assignation on his life is attempted and succus by he bad guys. [Prophesied] dream by others. Durham very busy but in private comms soon.

    • truck driver

      Vaccine people are saying they can’t see and hear anymore it took about 4 weeks for their vaccine to make them blind

      • Redlist Renegade

        They Obviously couldn’t Think either if they got the vaccine in the First place !!!

      • SnakeEyes40

        If people didn’t do the research and took this “vaccine”, they can blame themselves. Maybe if they had spent a little less time virtue signaling us “anti vaxxers” and ridiculing “conspiracy theorists” and a little more time doing actual research, they wouldn’t be in the situation they’re in today. It sounds horrible to say, but taking this “vaccine” is now more or less an IQ test, and maybe a culling of mass stupidity is actually necessary for humanity to survive. The Bible says in the last days God will allow some people to be given over to a reprobate mind and blinded..anyone who has tried to reason with these pro vaxx people knows that it’s literally like trying to talk to a brick wall. It’s a tragedy, but they ALL had a CHOICE.

    • Judge_Jury_Executioner

      Believers and Patriots… ignore and go to more reliable sources! Nothing to see here and uneducated, unintelligent fearmongering without any intelligence or discernment applied.

      Stop peddling BS! Cheap content, thirty-year old ATS BS, no legit data. Your FEMA Flood-Map explanation is the most uneducated tripe imaginable and wipes any intellect out of your messaging you might have mustered!

    • JBC4

      Green zones?? Like Soylent Green?

    • ExecuteTyrants

      If any state government attempts to imprison Americans in such prison camps I would fully expect that no government employee, contractor, or politician would ever be safe again in the US! Americans have been threatened, abused, deceived, robbed, tortured and murdered by their own government used as a weapon for as long as any American has been alive, so just ONE example of any state that starts to imprison Americans in concentration camps will erupt into a nightmare of horrors that will NEVER end~! If The American Constitution is not observed and followed, then ALL who violate it are subject to immediate and ruthless judgement! Have a nice day! :)

    • caleb

      is this person trying to kill people? hes waaaaay off and completly wrong on how much food gold and stuff u need

    • HTLIII

      If the British Empire is successful in pulling off the same chicken brained scheme here in the U.S. today like what they did in Russia in 1917 and in China in 1947, I am going to be very angry with the sheeple.

    • raburgeson

      That better be deep state and crooks, I see common people that have 1 crappy car and struggling picked up I will be triggered.

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