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Debacle of a Debate

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

I did not watch the recent presidential debate. It would have been too difficult with everything occurring leading up to and during the debate. I knew there would be plenty of commentary and video clips afterwards so I’ve been focusing on those.

Here’s the problem…I think Vivek Ramaswamy says it correctly. What the world witnessed last night was deliberate as it gives the Dems an out where Joe Biden is concerned. Vivek also stated because the debate was held so early, it gives the Democrats the opportunity to replace Biden possibly in August and be able to enjoy that honeymoon period with the replacement candidate before the November election. The timing appears to be perfect. Of course, you’ll never hear Dems admit to this, though many are wringing their hands over Biden’s abysmal performance as if they just discovered some problems with him.

In watching a few clips, it is clear that Biden is more incoherent than ever, in spite of Jill Biden praising him to the hilt as though everything he did was perfect. It was far from that and many pundits and even CNN people disagree with Jill’s assessment of her husband’s performance.

This debate debacle is the perfect reason why so many Leftists (with the possibly exception of probable paid activist Harry Sisson), are saying aloud that Biden needs to withdraw from the race. We need to remember that the Left’s “shock” at Biden’s performance is simply an act. They’ve known for a while that Biden is supremely incapable of being president, but they had to come up with a plan where they could act surprised. It simply reinforces the idea that someone other than Biden is actually running the country. I honestly feel sorry for Biden because he should be in an assisted living situation that specializes in memory care, but instead he continues to be pushed out as the leader of America. He’s not the leader. In fact, he cannot even compose a significant sentence. Listening to his rebuttals to Trump proves to anyone who can see that Biden cannot adequately state his position. He starts saying one thing and then wanders off into the area of golf. It’s point blank ridiculous.

So what can we expect in the coming months? Several possibilities. One, Biden may well be replaced with some other candidate (Newsom? Michelle Obama?). Again, if this happens, there will be a honeymoon period where Dems will go gaga for the replacement candidate and the time will be too short to critically expose any real weaknesses for that candidate. However, if Newsom is the guy, then people already know what he’s about and what he has done to California will be done to the entire USA.

Another alternative is that there may not be a November election if WWIII really ramps up. At every turn, it appears that the USA via Ukraine (and other proxies), is doing all it can to force Putin to use nuclear weapons. Putin, for all his faults, has shown great restraint. If he continues to not want to push the nuke button, I would not put it past the USA to create some major false flag using nukes in order to get into a full-fledged war with Russia.

Rumor has it that this is what happened during WWII with Pearl Harbor. There is much evidence suggestion that FDR knew of Japan’s plans to attack our military at Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen to drag us into WWII. There were many in America who were fully opposed to that war and didn’t believe it was America’s problem. Once Pearl Harbor happened that opposition quickly dwindled.

Will this same thing happen again with respect to Ukraine’s war with Russia? We cannot discount the possibility.

Few really like Joe Biden. Yes, there are those who are fully brainwashed who say they do. There are even those who call Joe a “friend” who are admitting that he needs to step away from running a second term. Joe Biden stands up and lies about many things likely because he cannot discern truth from lies. In one particular statement during the debate, Biden stated that the Border Patrol supports him. Unfortunately for Joe, the Border Patrol Union made clear that they “never have and never will endorse Biden.”

So what’s happening? We are being propagandized to believe that Joe Biden has done a remarkable job but that only now is he suffering from a failure to think critically. He sounds weak and his run-on sentences are arguably tell-tale signs of his growing dementia. He’s 81 and definitely needs to retire to spend the remaining days of his life at peace with whatever remains.

If a new candidate replaces Joe Biden, it may work against Trump to a great degree. As I’ve said before, Trump is not the best candidate by far. I’m not sure who would be. I like Vivek Ramaswamy’s positions but the question is always, is that what he really believes or is that simply an act? I have no clue. I also like RFK Jr., but his position on abortion rules him out for me.

The problem is that it will be President Trump versus the chosen Democrat candidate. If the Dems do replace Biden, they will choose wisely and likely put someone in who appears moderate, self-assured without being egotistical, and in general, a person that people will feel they can trust and hope in. Newsom doesn’t fit this bill because his policies are obvious. Michelle Obama doesn’t really fit the bill either because of her complete lack of political expertise. Yes, many blacks and women would rally around her but in my opinion, it would be dog and pony show because she is black (and potentially transgender). Apart from that, she really brings nothing to the table, kind of like Kamala Harris.

While polls show Trump way ahead after last night’s debate [1], we cannot assume the Dems will do nothing. In fact, on CNN last night David Urban actually silenced the entire CNN panel with his comments.[2] Here’s more Democrat panicking.[3]

When you watch the video clips of the debate, Biden appears “slow,” which can be a sign of dementia. He exhibits no real strength. He laughs at the wrong time, he goes off on side trips that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, and in general, he unfortunately comes across as a laughing stock. The entire world is laughing at the once powerful USA.

Joe was handpicked I believe because he is virtually a puppet. I still recall Barack Obama stating to the effect that “we don’t give Uncle Joe much to do.” What does that mean unless Barack is pulling the strings (and someone is pulling Obama’s strings).

All of this is simply to say that if Biden (or his substitute) gains the office of the presidency, it will be because God allows it. This country is facing increasing judgment from God. As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 17:28-37). What I always find fascinating about Jesus’ comments is that people tend to think that everything was normal because He notes people were married and given in marriage, there was eating and drinking. These are the normal things in life. However, it is clear that behind these things, there was tremendous evil with evil people doing the normal things in life like eating, drinking and marrying. Make no mistake, evil was unprecedented and rampant then as it is becoming today.

The problem though is just like the days of Noah and then Lot, while those normal things continued to occur, the tremendous uptick in evil and immorality overtook those societies so that God had no choice but to purge the world of those types of people.

In America, we have been pushing the immorality limit for many decades. Democrats want mothers to be to be able to murder the child they carry up until the moment of delivery. Some Dems go so far as to say that even after the child is born, the mother should be able to kill the child.

Beyond this, we have the constant push of transgenderism throughout the world including America. The appalling level of horrific evil is now being showcased routinely. Nickelodeon now has videos directed to children featuring drag queens trying to brainwash children into thinking that transgenderism is perfectly normal.

Beyond this, the USA continues to involve itself in the affairs of other nations, either trying to dictate, change election results or even incite war between nations. We need to mind our own business, but we don’t. We continue to push boundaries that help destroy leaders and nations.

If God destroyed the entire world in a flood during Noah’s day and the cities of the plains during Lot’s day all due to the abject corruption and evil that existed then, why would we think God would somehow ignore what is happening in the world and in America today? He won’t and His judgment is coming, even at the door. That is what the entire Tribulation period is really about, with His personal judgment of the nations occurring at His physical return.

Yes, God has a plan, which includes His timing in all these things, but His patience appears to be running out. I don’t believe we can pray our way out of this. Oh sure, if the majority of people in America literally got on their knees after seeing the error of their ways, and fully repented, that would probably help. But I don’t see that happening, do you?

I know that Preterists and others tend to believe that if Christians would simply work harder to convert the unsaved, then we would experience a great revival as Nineveh experienced with Jonah. I just don’t see that in Scripture though in all the prophetic areas of God’s Word that highlight what the end of human history will be like prior to the return of our Lord. His Word indicates that things will progressively worsen especially during the coming Tribulation, when Antichrist will rise through political maneuvering as Antiochus IV Epiphanes did in 168 BC (Daniel 11). Antiochus was a type of Antichrist where we see how Antiochus managed to overcome many odds to gain favor and friends, only to destroy them when he got the chance. Antichrist will do the same, especially where Israel is concerned.

It is extremely important that we understand what is going on in the world right now and where it leads. If we rightly understand it, we will throw ourselves to a greater degree on God and His mercy, relying fully on Him to carry us through. The next few months in the USA will be telling and as Vivek Ramaswamy says, it could be a rough ride. It will be rough for those who aren’t anchored in God.

8 But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord;
In You I take refuge;
Do not leave my soul destitute.
9 Keep me from the snares they have laid for me,
And from the traps of the workers of iniquity.
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets,
While I escape safely. (Psalm 141:8-10)




Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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