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The Satanic David Bowie – Pushing the Satanic Agenda Through His Songs

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Aleister Crowley and the David Bowie Connection

Published on 25 Jun 2014
By Eternal Watchman

NEXT DAY? DAVID BOWIE DAVE DAVIES kinks crowley 911!!!!

Published on 19 Mar 2013
Dave plays just before 911 sh!!!! SANDY HOOKS

“J” = HOOK
“Z” = 77





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    Total 61 comments
    • PeoplePower

      Satanic “S” Represents a lightning bolt that means “Destroyer”. In mythology, It was the weapon of Zeus. Worn to have power over others. Also was worn by the feared SS of Nazi Germany.

      Exposed: David Bowie fake staged hoax death, dies at 69.

      The number 69 and its usage by the Freemason Illuminati/Luciferian crowd.  Ronald Reagan’s association with the number 33 and being age 69 when he was first elected President of the United States.  

      These numbers and the manner in which they have been used predict the “raising ceremony” of the coming Antichrist/Lucifer.  The number 69 has always been used, and what it represents to the “enlightened ones” who are planning a New World Order for their “supernatural world leader”!

      Just as the Washington Monument (Phallus) inside the circle represents sexual union in the place of dead spirits (hell), the number 69 is representative of the exact same thing as well.  The overall plan of Satan is to bring WORLD UNION to all nations under a New Global World Government over which his “chosen one” will rule.  The number “69” and its usage is very evident in Satan’s plan to accomplish this very thing right in plain view of all with “eyes to see”.

      NASA is also involved in the “69 game” of calling for the birth of Antichrist/Lucifer. The 69th Mission of NASA lifted off of runway “33”!  You should now be able to understand how all these “spiritual numbers” of the Illuminati/Luciferian indoctrinated crowd believe in the “magi-ck” of these numbers to bring forth their soon to be exalted leader.

      David Bowie Was Born On January 8, 1947.

      Nothing like a satanic birthday ritual to ring in the big 69..

      Coincidence?  I don’t think so…

      • The Seer

        PeoplePower is a nut job

        • _2Lolo

          At least PeoplePower has an exciting theory/concept to bring to the table. Which is more than what you got.

        • Buffalo

          Heh Seer nice bit of trolling…again!!!

          Maybe you should change your name to queer?

      • Anonymous

        Good points, PeoplePower.

        • Findottier

          Another theory; Bowie was truly a people person. It could be sharing, entertaining, making people smile, or doing a good deed. He didn’t focus on judgement or hold onto fear… In his earlier years he fell prey to their (the Powers That Be) tactics, but soon could see through it and really did try to break away. When he was younger something happened (like an illness, addiction or something) and it made him really re-evaluate life. He evolved into a free spirit and people look to love him for that…

          His death is related to “an acidic diet, exercise and lifestyle.” Many times performers travel, don’t eat right (lots of preservatives). The abnormal sleep cycles makes your body weak, breaks down the immune system, and prevents proper cellular healing. As toxins from environmental sources enter the body…rogue (cancerous) cell begin to form..

          Bowie was bold, thought outside the box, and shared his creativity with the world, but the PTB never saw him as a direct threat. They paid attention to his work, but I don’t see him ever being threatened or concerned regarding anything he released. RIP David Bowie;

          • BOBSTOUFUS

            Another theory…Bowie was a sick and perverted individual who lived an immoral life of sexual and spiritual debauchery. He was also worth $800 Billion and ate in exclusive restaurants you are to stupid to pronounce so you idea he dies from eating poorly is as laughable as Bowies so called music. :twisted:

    • Bacchus

      Butlincat, you use the word “an” when the next word in the sentence starts with a vowel. When it starts with a consonant, you use “a”.

    • What\'s wrong with this picture

      Wow… thanks for posting. I didn’t know he was a satanist. I thought, he was just a really weird guy.

      • FindtheTruth

        Newsflash! You don’t have a music career or much of any career for that matter unless you become a satanist especially in this day and age.

      • Leroy Winston

        He was a drunken hedonist junkie, and a sexual pervert and deviant, but that doesn’t mean he was a satanist. A loser and a creep, yes; satanist, maybe.

    • _2Lolo

      Dear Mr. Bowie,

      I hope you are enjoying your new abode. You will be there for a very long time. I hope it exceeds your wildest expectations, and was every bit worthy for the great sacrifices you’ve rendered your entire being for.

      • FindtheTruth

        If you are alluding to him being in Hell, I can think of a hell of a lot more people who are more deserving of it than him. Like all the people trolling around where he just died, for example. It seems to me, just another IllumiPoo trick. You got Rupert Murdoch, Jerry Hall, Wendi Deng, Charlie Sheen and who ever else trolling his death bed. Who is the greater evil in this Illuminati pool, eh? At least Bowie doesn’t own rag news sites that cause all kinds of discord and mayhem. At least Bowie doesn’t go around looking for more money. At least Bowie doesn’t go screwing every porn chick and man in Hollywood. Who’s the lesser of the evil?

        • Judge Roy Bean

          Hell is the grave.

          Rev 20:14

          14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.


          haides (hah’-dace); from NT:1 (as negative particle) and NT:1492; properly, unseen, i.e. “Hades” or the place (state) of departed souls:

          KJV – grave, hell.
          (Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

      • Judge Roy Bean

        Unless he had an a spiritual awakening, accepted Yahshua as his savior, repented then he is resting as in dead somewhere waiting for his eternal judgment of death of the soul, the second death.

        • You People Are Nuts

          Yahshua despises clowns and abhors those who adulate them with pictures.
          Yahshua considers them painted demon spirits.

          • kay bee

            Believing in clowns make you a satanist

          • Ambicatus

            actually NO, nutso, our Master looks INSIDE, and not OUTSIDE, pennywise’s pic, like mine, is IRONY and SARCASM far beyond your feeble ken

            • BEEF SUPREME

              Sarcasm? Who would employ such tactics. Certainly not WE!!!

              And who is this speaking for our KING?

        • Anonymous

          do mean JESUS CHRIST? because Yahshua in Hebrew refers to a bastard son of a whore, which is how jews refer to him in their REAL book of authority, the Talmud.
          Stop being a Useful Idiot follower of the fake Israel pharisees- and never use their blasphemous, insulting name for Him.

      • TRUTHY1

        He isn’t there yet. John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
        John 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
        1 Thessalonians 4:15-17King James Version (KJV)
        15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
        16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
        17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    • Busta Myth

      Interesting video

      I used to watch his videos years ago and knew he was pretty strange and gay (BI) but just put it down to drugs and artistic expression and entertainment

      I didn’t realise he was into that satanic poop

    • Bad-Clown

      It’s a oldie, but a goodie.
      So long Mr Bowie, has a good after-life!

    • FindtheTruth

      You probably really shouldn’t overthink what they do with the numbers crap, because they don’t really know what they are doing. Yes, when you know how they operate, you catch it. They think they are doing it for the “greater good”, (i.e. Illuminati/NWO crap), but it mostly makes no sense. It’s 2016 now and it’s been an all out assault on our psyche by them from every outlet. Many of us were expecting bombings on New Year’s and they knew it, so they opted for mass mindless sexual assault instead. Who knows what they pumped into the air or water this time in Germany and Sweden.

      Here are some things that I couldn’t help but notice since the New Year:

      Merkel and her chaos creating antics

      Obama and his gun control agenda after chaos creating antics (San Bernadino, etc.)

      The latest homegrown Jihadi attack in Philadelphia that injured a cop (all over Fox News. Fox seemed to care more about how the mayor addressed the situation than to focus on the fact that someone to kill a cop. (How is someone who is non-religious or of another religion less guilty than this self-described Islamist? I don’t get it. Why does there have to be a “war” on anything? Obviously, all of our “wars” are doing the exact opposite).

      The release of David Bowie’s odd last album on his birthday and his death a couple of days later. (Bowie has always been one of my favorites. I heard about this album a long time ago, but didn’t research it because I knew that it alluded to the Illuminati a lot and I want to believe that he wasn’t completely involved because he totally rejected knighthood more than once.). Just the name “Black Star” has Illuminati written all over it. I want to think that he avoided it as much as he could. The lyrics can be taken a lot of different ways. He could have totally been mocking the whole establishment as his final swan song for all we know because I know that most if not all in the music industry are under Illuminati influence.

      (sidenote* – Over the weekend alone in the 2 big Illumitard epicenters, New York and Los Angeles: Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall announce their engagement!?! Did Jerry Hall not get a big enough settlement from Jagger? Even more weird is Murdoch’s ex Wendi Deng pictured walking by Bowie’s New York apartment on the day of Bowie’s death? What are these Illuminati retards up to? Of course in Los Angeles, the Golden Globes (another Illuminati Fest) was being held. Plus, that extreme retard, Charlie Sheen happens to be in New York giving his Peace/Victory sign like the evil demon that he is??? I’m sick of these retarded demons. They are definitely up to something and it makes no sense as usual.

      The Oregon stand-off with extremist fake patriots. They will defend their own and that’s it. Tear-gassing and arresting Occupy Wall Street unarmed people? No problem. Granted, the Occupy folk were probably controlled opposition as well, but less so then the Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupying dudes. Hopefully, it’s because the authorities don’t want to harm the animals. Maybe that’s why they occupied that area. Who knows?

      The permeation of rape culture, pedo-sex, slave labor into mainstream society. While there is lots of sex terror being committed by dudes of middle-eastern and/or muslim religion, there is a lot of sex terror being committed here in the U.S. by non-descript peoples (non-labeled or categorized specifically). This kind of thing is happening a lot in all towns across the U.S. It’s not just confined to so-called ghettos or “big cities”. This kind of garbage seems to be taught in our damn schools and churches even. One thing that IllumiPoo likes to do is distract people with stuff like this ISIS crap on the surface while they pull even more evil crap beneath it. It’s easier to pull people under that way. They never see it coming. Remember this and guard your loved ones.

      • Judge Roy Bean

        You don’t have a clue about what’s going on in Oregon, all that George Soros Walll Street stuff was garbage, the Oregon patriots is about exposing the unconstitutional government and educating people as it goes along as the people are as ignorant on constitutional government as a box of rocks.

    • FindtheTruth

      I know that I am ranting a lot today. I apologize. I am just finding much of what’s happening disturbing. I want to add that we the people are going to be pummeled mercilessly by their nonsense and it’s good to be prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

    • King Of Jambalamba

      LOL everyone is a Satanist! you bible folks sure are crazy!

    • Judge Roy Bean

      Never heard of the dude and I go back as far as he does, guess I was not into the changing Rock at that time and the weird people who were performing.

      • DK

        Wrong side of the pond, of course it was all Punk and Glam Rock 70′s London, your side was still Elvis and Hard Rock.

    • butlincat

      :arrow: A woman said in a video youtube wouldn’t let me upload, made hours after his death, that he’d had 6 heart attacks recently. One pays dearly for worshipping scum. :twisted:

      • DK

        He was a chain smoker as witnessed by Chris Evans in 1996 when he was a guest on TFI, a habit which leads of course to angina and cancer. The particular type he died from was not divine punishment, it is endemic in my family in the males on my mothers line leading to deaths in the early 50′s, the tumor is in fact operable, but rapidly spreads before diagnosis.

        • kay bee

          He had so many photos of him over the years where he was smoking. He smoked on TV during his Dick Cavett interview. Clearly he smoked a lot if he couldn’t go 35 minutes without a cigarette. This isn’t some punishment he got for “worshipping the dark side.” Even a saint can die of lung cancer brought on from 50 years of smoking cigarettes. It makes no difference whether he died of liver or lung cancer, clearly he died of cancer because he smoked. There’s no judgment of God here, there’s no karma, there’s no punishment. He smoked. He got cancer. He died of cancer. That’s it. It has nothing to do with God.

          The Black Star is so spiritual, yet many people choose to see Satan instead. What does it say about those people who choose to see Satan in this video? Do they see Satan everywhere?

          Also, people project onto other people. If people see Satan in this video, it’s because they are projecting their own darkness onto this video.

    • VirusGuard

      The picture at the top left is nothing like the pose david is doing on the right unless standing up has some evil meaning about it.

      David Bowie was a good man and thats comeing to you from someone who does not like faggots or transexuals and the rest of the perverts that keep coming out of the wood work.

      I am not sure 100% if he was any of the above but he did dress a bit strange so who knows

      • butlincat

        Yes of course its quite normal to stand like as depicted in those pics – quite normal – NOT!!

        Anyway, even if 50% of whats been written about Bowie’s dark side is total bs, it still leaves 50% which shows something very dark. Or is that to be brushed aside too? :eek:

    • Geeper

      Wow. Fifty years of Bowie deliberately pushing at all kinds of boundaries and the best you come up with is one freezeframe photo that looks like a pose from someone who might be Crowley?

      • butlincat

        What a shame you havent watched the videos – just 2 of many. Nevermind. :mrgreen:


      I had no idea that David Bowie was so satanic! WOW… I pray that he repented and trusted Jesus before his death.

    • The Clucker

      He tried to steal a baby in Labyrinth.

      • DK

        The Goblin King, his best and most believable role, did all the films music too. It turns out he performs the villain to catch our attention so well we no longer believed that there was a David Jones.

        • The Clucker

          Indeed. The Goblin King. I saw that one on TV the other day and I just had to stop and watch.

      • Madtingo

        He also played Pontius Pilate in “The Last Temptation Of Christ”, so does that mean he killed Jesus??? What a naughty boy!

    • Anonymous

      This makes a lot more sense than Indian in the Machine’s article.

    • kay bee

      Since no one has ever gone to hell and returned, you’re believing in hell because you were told by someone it exists. It’s like believing in unicorns, trolls and leprechauns from fairy tale books.

      I just couldn’t get myself worked up, as many of you are, by something called hell, when it’s just a word, not an actual place that we know exists. it’s a program that was put into your head people. There’s no proof hell exists. All I see here is a lot of fear based hatred.

      • butlincat

        Do you deny there are lower dimensions? Surely you know who are there, just as Angels are in the higher dimensions. See any alternative commentator, from Jordan Maxwell to Graham Hancock, who took iayahuasca and saw the lower realms. O wait -= they made it all up, didn’t they? I forgot. Dang! :lol:

        • Bill Lyle

          No, they got high, and had a bad trip. Big difference.

          Kay bee: You mean Leprechauns and Unicorns don’t exist? My mom lied to me? :lol: :lol:

          • butlincat

            ok what about people who have NDE’s in car crashes etc. who go to the other side and return cos it aint their time and tell of witnessing the other side? They aint on drugs. O dang – I forgot – they made it all up didn’t they? This gullible one has getting senile these days don’t yez know?

            • The Clucker

              “ok what about people who have NDE’s in car crashes etc. who go to the other side and return cos it aint their time and tell of witnessing the other side? They aint on drugs.”

              Actually if I remember right when you die your brain releases a crap load of DMT. I have the book DMT The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman, M.D.

              He injects people intravenously with large doses in a clinical setting and records their responses. Most described similar things that people with NDEs have experienced and some even describe being probed by strange beings, much akin to what people that claim to have been ‘abducted’ describe.

              In fact, he found so many similarities with peoples’ descriptions of being abducted and what people experienced in his trials that he theorizes that many abduction cases could be explained away by a massive release of DMT during sleep. After all, many abductees claim to have been abducted while sleeping. :neutral:

              Some even believe that upon death the DMT acts as a bridge to bring your soul/spirit out of your physical body and into the next world. Still others believe that it’s just a way for the body to cope with the trauma of death.

              Anywho, it’s worth a read.


            • The Clucker

              Also, it’s very common for the person having the DMT ‘trip’ to say afterwards that the ‘reality’ they experienced felt more ‘real’ than everyday waking life. Ever had a dream like that?

            • unidentified

              maybe we do have other personal concerns and interests elsewhere even though we dont think of them or remember them during our awake/aware senses during the day while attending to the daily grind we’re living

            • Ambicatus

              im convinced we are in a VERY fancy tvgame. a mind-crackingly fancy tv game.

            • The Clucker

              That’s what I think it is too Richard. God is the Master Programmer and we’re just the 1s and 0s, bits and bytes or whatever you wanna call it. Funny how you can take an atom of something and add protons and electrons (1s and 0s) and it can become a completely different material for us to see and interact with. Seems like a really complex system to me. The kind of system that doesn’t come about by accident, but must be carefully thought out.

              Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

              Pretty sure that means the things we see are made out of the atoms we can’t, but that’s just ze Clucker’s opinion.

      • HereAmI

        Three words in the Greek and Hebrew are translated as “hell”.
        Hades and Sheol ; a place of shades, a hole in the ground, the common grave of mankind.
        Tartaroo from the Gk; a place of restraint.
        Gehenna in Hebrew; a place of final consumption by fire, as in the place outside Jerusalem where they burned bodies, I believe.

        None of these words carry any connotation of torment, as you can clearly see.
        The RCC added this overlay so as to terrify people and render them subject to extortion and religious control.

        “Christ Jesus, Who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time”.
        “And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world”.
        Two scriptures are confirmatory; others exist with the same import.
        David Bowie rests in the sleep of the dead.
        He will be resurrected to stand before his Creator; and no man can stand before Him with Whom we have to do clad in their own righteousness; for we have none.
        It seems the most likely interpretation that this man will be sent to the left of God’s Throne; into the Lake of Fire, where he will be burned up in an instant, and remembered no more.
        His spirit will return to God Who gave it.

        • kay bee

          All of this is based upon stuff someone wrote down. No one alive today was there when people wrote stuff down. I could write stuff down saying “Mice are going to save the world, all we have to do is worship cheese.” If I wrote that down would you believe it?

          There are conflicting writings from different parts of the world with regard to what happened 1000 years ago, 2000 years ago, etc. Anyone can write anything, that doesn’t make it true. Lower levels or dimensions exist, that doesn’t mean you go there when you die. We don’t know what happens when we die, that’s the point. Hell is merely someone’s invention to scare people. And apparently some people get scare reeeeeaaaaaaallllllllly easily. All people are doing by saying he went to hell is trying to play God. But they’re not God are they?

    • kay bee

      I’m 33 years old and I was born on the 13th day of the 11th month. I have 33 pairs of shoes and 69 pairs of socks. My address is 11 Main Street and it has 13 steps to the porch. This is my 33rd post on this forum. OMG I’m Satan himself! Wait a minute, I also have 13 books on my bookshelf, 13 coffee cups, 13 pairs of earrings, 13 sweaters and 13 jackets. But, it’s really the 69 dollars in my bank account that confirms it. I’m Satan, oh no!

    • vimy15

      must watch .. 44 second mark … a satanist would not do such a thing … rip david bowie

    • srsly1

      WTF are you all thinking, David Bowie was just another false flag brought to you by our facist government. This is just the start to our Wal*Mart FEMA death camps. If this doesn’t rattle you to the core, you are truly lost. Wake up people!!!

      • kay bee

        Waking up and living in fear are not equal. There’s nothing to be gained by scaring people to death. The reason we are in this mess is because they’ve used fear to control us. How is getting scared to death over Fema camps going to help anyone? They want you to be afraid, as it’s an effective way to control you. Hell was invented for that exact purpose. Wake up sure. Be scared to death, for what exactly?

        • butlincat

          because theres different places to go, imo, depending on how you’ve lived whilst here. Or was that made up by our lizard masters? We’ll find out – thats for sure. :grin:

          • VirusGuard

            “lizard masters” Looks like you have had the same bad drug induced trip as David Icke with that bit.

            Yes i agree Bowie was strange, very strange and maybe even a bit of a queer but that does not make him a bad man just because you want to link him to things were no link exsists.

            Did one of his LP’s contain 13 tracks or something because we cannot all avoid that number all the time even if we try but if you are looking for someone then try looking at Elton John because he is evil as far as i am concerned.

    • LucidMebin

      This article is awful. David Bowie was a brilliant man – you people are the evil ones.

    • butlincat

      :arrow: David Bowie – another occult happening:

      “AND ALONG COMES MR. SCRATCH” – David Bowie R.I.P….

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