Exposing China's Horrifying Human Organ Harvesting Market - The Dan Bidondi Show
Exposing China’s Horrifying Human Organ Harvesting Market
The Dan Bidondi Show
With Guest: Mitchell Nicholas Gerber of http://www.StopOrganHarvesting.org Hosted by: Dan Bidondi of TruthRadioShow.com
Mitchell Gerber exposing the sinister attack on the Chinese people and how the Communist Government are killing their citizens harvesting their organs while massively persecuting the Fulan Gong https://faluninfo.net/what-is-falun-gong-falun-dafa/ & https://faluninfo.net/violent-suppression-of-100-million-people/
Links described In The Video Death threats made to Mitchell https://www.videoasis.com/student-recalls-death-threat-received-for-being-a-good-samaritan-i-feel-chilled-to-the-bone_36779.html
End Transplant Abuse In China https://endtransplantabuse.org/
The Kilgour Matas Report Confirming the irrefutable evidence: https://dafoh.org/unethical-organ-harvesting/evidence/matas-kilour-report/
On the 17th June, 2019, the China Tribunal delivered its Final Judgement and Summary Report: https://chinatribunal.com/final-judgement-report/
The award winning 10 minute documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiP-5MfA1Mk
Anastasia Lin Miss World Canada Speaks to BBC World About Forced Organ Harvesting in China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQOMJRiVyEk
South Korean TV Documentary Confirms Organ Harvesting Still Occurring in China https://dafoh.org/
Endtransplant.org videos confirming more evidence: https://endtransplantabuse.org/govt-videos/
The Coalition Roundtable: Proven Evidence of the Crime against Humanity Watch the Series: http://endorganpillaging.org/rt2017/
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As I have said, the Chinese are BRUTAL people and have no honor. All that matters to them is MONEY and to the leaders – POWER. This has lead to the “Emperor” system turned communist for a modern update.