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Shocking Message From the Virgin Mary on December 25, 2012 From Medjugorje

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The Virgin appeared with little Jesus in Her arms and She did not give a message, but little Jesus began to speak and said :

“I am your peace, live my commandments.”

With a Sign of the Cross, Our Lady and little Jesus blessed the attendance together.


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    Total 15 comments
    • Louis

      The Blessed Virgin is not appearing at Medjugorje and never has. The alleged apparitions there, which began in the 1980s, have not received Church approbation and never will.

      Therefore, any messages supposedly coming from Yugoslavia are false.

    • Maria Vox

      Is ““I am your peace, live my commandments.” the whole SHOCKING bit of news??? I am sorry the title is a bit deceptive.

    • Evangelist Michael Parker

      Mary was given divine rights to conceive the Savior of this world. But that’s as far as it goes. The bible never states that Mary is someone that we as Christians should pray to or ask anything of. The dogma of the Catholic Church from Popes in the past created this, and it should not be followed…those that worship Mary, will be sent to hell on judgment day by God, because they have listened to a different Gospel other than the one Jesus preached.

      • Louis

        So-called “evangelist” Michael Parker, who is not a gentleman and has no idea what he’s talking about, should not be listened to.

        The Blessed Virgin Mary, who was assumed body and soul into Heaven and elevated to the position as Heaven’s eternal Queen, actively participates in the Holy Trinity’s Divine Perfection forever.

        Therefore, She may be freely prayed to as an Intercessor between mankind and God. Such is God’s will.

        The Popes did not invent these notions. Instead, these notions are obvious.

        No gentleman would ever stoop so low as to insult the Virgin Mother of God, whose incredibly selfless courage and willingness to bear God’s only Son made the salvation of world possible.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          Who insulted whom?

          If your information comes from outside of the Scriptures, then your information is suspect. The Scriptures speak of the QUEEN OF HEAVEN in disparaging terms only. The mother of Messiah Yehoshua DID NOT ascend into Heaven. She awaits bodily resurrection just like all of the saints who have died and now sleep in Messiah.

          The more familiar you become with the written Word of YHWH, the less Catholic you will be. The doctrines of the Catholic Church bear no resemblance AT ALL to the written Word of the Almighty, with the notable exception that YHWH castigates, accuses, and threatens your beloved institution.

          Have you read the Second Commandment lately?

          Have you read the entire Bible?

        • Louis

          Mr. Dib: Biblical disparagement of the false idolatrous queen of heaven refers to Astarte. But that’s beside the point.

          If you read the Bible books of Wisdom and Sirach in Latin, you will note that Wisdom bears a female gender. And since the Holy Virgin, as the legitimate Queen of Heaven, shares in the Divine Perfection of the Holy Trinity forever, She also is privileged to share the title of the Personification of Wisdom.

          I have no doubt that you read the Bible. But in order to understand it, you must first be blessed by grace which is dispensed by Catholic sacraments.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          Mr. Anonymous,

          You wrote:

          “I have no doubt that you read the Bible. But in order to understand it, you must first be blessed by grace which is dispensed by Catholic sacraments.”

          And how is a person expected to defend against such a statement in an honest discourse? Statements like this will need to be confirmed with evidence and by confirming witness. What is the source of authority for this claim? What is your evidence? Where are your witnesses? Who says your statement is true: The Church? Show me where it is written that I must rely on grace dispensed by some Catholic sacrament or other. Once again, you are attempting to add to the written Word. I need nothing at all from the Catholic Church. She has nothing to offer me. I reject her entirely as a fraudulent entity. She claims to be that which she is not.

          “And since the Holy Virgin, as the legitimate Queen of Heaven…”

          Please show me where it is written that “Mary” ever ascended to Heaven. I once saw you state that we can simply assume or extrapolate that this is so. Funny thing – the Scriptures tell us ONE has ascended to Heaven and no others. Please point out your source of verification for this claim. If this claim cannot be verified, then it needs to be rejected as spurious.

          “… shares in the Divine Perfection of the Holy Trinity forever…”

          The “Holy Trinity” is a pagan construct which has no bearing at all on the Father and the Son. This is very easy to demonstrate using the extant manuscripts as well as the writing of the men who came to be known as the ‘early Church fathers’ – namely Eusebius and later Erasmus. The trinity is pagan in origin. Do you know what is meant by ‘pagan’?

          “… She also is privileged to share the title of the Personification of Wisdom.”

          Again, according to WHOM?

          These are wild assertions you are making (and the Roman Church makes). NONE of these claims and assertions will be taken at face value by any responsible follower of the Way, without verification from the one known and reliable source of information on the Instruction of the Almighty – The Scriptures. Anything the Roman Church has to say on the matter is OVER and BEYOND that which we are instructed never to add to. How does this make sense to you? Are you simply a man of religion, or do you intend to obey the Commandments of the Almighty?

          Just out of curiosity – when you say ‘God’, Whom do you intend to signify? What is His Name?

        • Louis

          You are too far submerged in pseudo-intellectual self-delusion to debate with in any meaningful fashion. Or — more simply put — I never argue with pea-brains. It’s a waste of time.

          But I hope you have a happy New Year.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          Allow me to translate:

          Mr. Dib,

          I understand that you are a man who actually choses to question everything I have to say. I much prefer to limit my conversations to those with the members of mankind who merely accept what I have to tell them without question. You see, there really are no answers to the questions you have asked. This means that all of Catholic doctrine and the entire Roman Church have been founded on entirely unsupportable claims, and that the Roman Church is completely illegitimate for the reason that it pretends to be something which it is not.

          Rather than engage in a debate which could force me to face these facts, I will choose instead to belittle your intelligence and to call you insulting and childish names. I realize that this will not actually manage to distract any of the folks reading this from the fact that I am incapable of answering your questions, but at least I will be able to exit this exchange having poked my finger in your eye, for there is nothing else I can do. You see, I am unwilling to question the reasons for my beliefs; and I am not interested in abandoning the organization which I have come to know so well. After all, I have given them a significant sum of money over the years, and I would hate to have to come to grips with the fact that I have wasted so much of my time and my finances on what just might be the most monumental of all scams.

          So please allow me to withdraw from further conversation with you Mr. Dib. I’m sure you will understand. But before I go, I would just like to remind you that you are an arrogant fool who thinks he knows everything about everything and you really are just interested in hearing yourself talk, without ever just absorbing what others have to offer you by way of knowledge and advice. Doom on you for daring to think. Doom on you for daring to question Roman doctrine. Doom on you for reading the Bible without the Holy Roman Emperor standing over your shoulder at all times, that he might be there to explain to you what you are too stupid to understand on your own.


          Mr. Aleister P. Anonymous, esq

          ps – Merry Christmas

    • Heaven33

      I totally believe that the Virgin Mary is appearing in Medjugorie. Look outside. Everything has not “just come into being”. There is a God. God has put everything into motion. Just take one thing like a fruit tree and how intricate that is, let alone the Human body. God loves us and knows that we are in trouble. A lot of us make bad choices with our free will and it has caused pain to God and pain in the world. He lets us have free will out of his love, yet he wants a relationship with us and does not want to abandon us, so he is reaching out to us. Jesus has a mother, Mary. We are also her children and Jesus gave her to us as our Mother when he was dying on the cross. As to the Evangelist Michael Parker, we are loving our Mother Mary…we worship God. We pray to her to intercede for us…she is able to look into the face of God, we are not. The same with the saints. We love them for the way that they love and worship God and we want to be like them. They are beautiful examples of humanity. No one who loves the Mother of God will be sent to hell. God is love. I pray he fixes your heart.

    • Pix

      ““I am your peace, live my commandments.””

      That rules out Christians then, because twice Jesus said ‘if you want to get into heaven, sell everything you own and give it to the poor’.

      How many propertyless Christians do you know?

    • Cascadian

      The source of this apparition is questionable. Yet it may be possible for divinity to manifest itself in the world, somewhere, somehow. Given the challenges the world is facing, assistance from the divine is both needed and possible. The most impressive and convincing manifestation of this is in the “New Message from God,” a 9000 page revelation received by a “Messenger” in the United States named Marshall Vian Summers. More information about it:

    • Quantum Kev

      Extraordinary? Seems pretty short, sweet and ordinary to me. Lame.

    • Channel of Light

      Great article:

      This event is not so uncommon. There are on many occasions, which generally are unpublicized, occasions whereby individuals see apparitons at times in dreams or in
      wakened states, day or night, whereby they experience an inner vision or a visionary experience into the inner
      planes: the ethereal, mental or astral planes.

      And, for example, when this occurs in countries or cultures of the Christian nations, these apparitions or visions generally include the images of familiar deities or saints or, in some cases, familiar demons.

      That these are, in part, experiences which are called forth from inner plane communication between individuals who have a kind of attunement or opening of consciousness which allows them to see into these inner planes, and whereby there is the willingness of individuals or energies on the Inner Planes to expose the inner plane to that physical individual or group of individuals.

      And this often occurs whereby these energies of the Inner Plane are capable of taking on whatever form is acceptable to the-physical individual’s philosophy or religious concepts. What is of consequence is the social phenomena and reaction of consciousness to these apparitions.

      With respect….


    • Gorja

      Hmmm live my commandments. Lets see, thou shall not kill being one. So what is the rapture if not mass murder on a global scale?

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