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Pastor Receives Obamacare RFID Chip And Boasts To His Congregation --- John MacArthur Declares You Can Be Saved AFTER You Receive The Mark! OUTRAGE!

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We all knew this was coming, we just didn’t know how soon! Pastors across America are being implanted with the Obamacare RFID chip (aka: mark of the beast) and promoting it to their congregations.

“He [The Antichrist] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17

VeriChip (now known as PostiveID) meets all the criteria that could give the Antichrist the ability to ‘mark’ every human being and prevent them from buying or selling anything. VeriChip is a RFID microchip that can be inserted into human flesh. Today it is used to microchip people who have medical conditions and will be used under Obamacare. It is the same technology used to tag animals to help reunited a pet with its owner. In October of 2004 it was cleared by the Food & Drug Administration. According to the VeriChip website RFID solutions are currently in use in over 5,000 installations worldwide including: healthcare, security, government, industrial markets, and more.  

The Bible declares anyone receiving this ‘mark of the beast’ will be eternally damned. 

“If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:9-1

John MacArthur, on the other hand, is leading Christians astray, implying you can be saved once you become implanted with the mark…

 “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:9-1

According to the Bible anyone who receives the mark will drink the wrath of God and be tormented forever. It doesn’t say ‘temporarily’ tormented, it says tormented forever. Therefore if you receive the mark of the beast, there are no ‘second chances.’ 


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    Total 98 comments
    • Anonamoos in the hoose

      Most of us here know that these so-called new age churches, where they do this disgusting tongues (which is rubbish) . As well inviting evil entities into the church, work for the other side. I refuse to go to any Organized church, as they are full of the wrong message. They are houses of whores.

      • Boxed in Freight

        Even if this is not the Mark of the Beast, this man has sealed his fate forever. God will judge him of course, but in my opinion, not judgment, this man has aligned himself with the Beast, even if this is not the mark of the Beast and worse, taught believers a lie.

        Anonamoos in the hoose, you have judged yourself as well. I would recommend that you go find a Bible, clearly you haven’t one in your home or you have never read it if you do, and turn to Acts 2, 1-4 and read for yourself. Then, before you do anything else, you should come back here and admit to the readers of BFIN that you spoke without knowledge of the truth.

        :lol: :lol: :lol:

        • Freeamerican

          anonyminhouse, it’s not just ‘tongues’ churches that are bunk, YOUR church is a conjob for the jew world order. How many of your tax free fake churches have protesting immigration which is swarming America for the collapse, how about chemtrails, haven’t seen any protests on that either. You trolls pretending to be against one type of church conjobs so you by default imply the others are fine,. If you keep blubbering along after your ‘church’ and NOT DOING ANYTHING you deserve to be put out of your idiocy by the jew world order and you will be.
          boxedfreight you, bond, anonymouse are jew or government trolls pretending to be christians or pretending you own god which you do not, anonymous and greyfox and a bunch of other trolls below are doing fake conversation to keep the psy ops going and sheople in the organized religion herd. None of you own god, and ALL the jew christian organized religions are bunk to control sheople. Not just this pastor psy ops, but all of them including this chick doing this blubbering christian act. Sheople better wake up to the conjob, you christians are responsible either directly or by ignorance for the immigrant swarms and the associated war and surveillance schemes and blubbering in your fake churches isn’t going to stop it.

      • Bond007

        John MacArthur is a cessantionist, thus he does not believe tongues are for today, which they are. Thus we see the great Calvinist wrong on two topics

        It is you who are rubbish. My church isn’t perfect but God is with us and yes those disgusting tongues you whine abut like a little brat are with us too. So bite me.

        Might be best you go down and not up. We don’t need any cranks like you around

        • Boxed in Freight

          Much more must be done to ensure the future of the USA. All incumbents both Republican and Democrat must be removed in the 2014 midterm elections. We need to get our country back and leaving one incumbent in both the House and the Senate is not going to get the changes we all need made. Please consider voting out your current representative in the primary elections whether Democrat or Republican. This is the only way we can take back America. :cool: :cool: :cool:

      • Anonymous

        Sorry but Tongues is not rubbish, are you saying Christ and his words are rubbish in denying his instruction, Like Paul and all the Apostles in Acts 2 are you saying Gods chosen are “rubbish”
        There is a difference between gibberish and Tongues, and what we see in many new age groups, it HAS to be done decently and in Order, no breaking out in tongues when meetings are underway etc
        Too many scriptures saying we are to speak in tongues, maybe One says all we need to do is believe, whereas Paul said he praises God he speaks in tongues more than anyone else
        Please before sprouting “rubbish” do some homework, Gods Word is irrefutable, only Atheists, Muslims, Lamestream churches deny tongues (yet they have their own charismatics)

        • greyfox

          Biblical speaking the gospel in “tongues” (an unlearned language) was only a valid gift during the period of the early First Century. Tongues was a sign gift to the unbelieving Jews as Paul states in 1 Corinthians 14:22.

          “Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not:
          but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.” (1 Corinthians 14:22)

          The sign gifts of supernaturally speaking the gospel in an unlearned language was a miracle that authenticated message of the Apostles as God’s genuine message. Further, less than forty years after Christ returned to heaven, the sign gifts ceased. The reason was that after Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in 70 AD, Israel ceased from being a nation, the Jews were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire. During Jesus’ ministry and after His resurrection though His Apostles the Lord was offering Israel the Kingdom promised in the Old Testament. However, because the Jews rejected Jesus their Messiah the offer of the kingdom was postponed. With Israel destroyed and God’s offer withdrawn there was no longer any need or purpose for the sign gifts directed at unbelieving Jews. The sign gifts are to be differentiated from other gifts of the Spirit. However, all the sign gifts ceased, including tongues, whereas the other gifts of the Spirit remained. The sign gift given to Jesus’ disciples were gifts were tongues, healings, working of miracles, prophecy, raising the dead, and the discerning of spirits.

        • Bond007

          I agree with you but read the top comment. My comment was directed at him.

          Don’t confuse public tongues and interpretation to private prayer language in tongues.

          The Holy Spirit determines who has any of the 9 giftings listed in Corinthians but all christians can receive the baptism of the spirit with their own prayer language manifested.

      • Anonymous

        Questions for you, anonamoos: If tongues is evil, why didn’t the apostle Paul say so? How come he spent two whole chapters of First Corinthians explaining them and laying down rules for their use? Why is it that tongues are mentioned several times in the book of acts and elsewhere, and yet nowhere are they condemned as being evil?

        Get a life, man! Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again to keep you out of hell. If only you will surrender yourself completely to Him as your Lord and Savior, you will have an eternal home in heaven with Him. Refuse Him and you will suffer agony and despair in hell for eternity, because God cannot allow sin in Heaven and there is nowhere else for you to go when your body dies. Jesus took all your sins on Himself when he died on the cross, he took the punishment we all justly deserve for our sins. When you receive Jesus into your life, God sees the just penalty for your sins as already having been paid by Jesus, in fact he judicially sees you as innocent as if you had never sinned. The choice is yours, only you can make it, no one else can do it for you.

        Come to Jesus today. You’ll never regret it. Don’t judge all churches as evil just because some have turned from the truth. There are still good Bible believing churches around. Invite Jesus into your life, find a good church that believes the Bible and teaches Jesus as the only way of salvation and get active it it. It’ll change your whole life–for the better–for all of eternity.

        • King of Shambhala

          The Mark of the Beast is not the RFID chip it’s money.

          In Chicago, Obama’s hometown, the lottery drew 666 the day after his election.

          The lottery means money so it’s Obama’s spedning which is making us his slaves by bankrupting us; I don’t see why people don’t see this and still get lost in this mistake about the RFID chip which probably Obama invented just so as to distract all you blind sheeple.

      • AhayahPower

        You are absolutely right about tongues. What did paul say about speaking in an unknown language????

        1 Cor 14:27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, MEANING A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.

        There has to be a interpreter. If there is not an interpreter present


        The tongues the speak in church is demon possession. Christ had dealt with the same crap that goes on in the Christian Churches in Mark 9.

        Mark 9:7 And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit;

        18 And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.

        19 He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.

        20 And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming.

        (Lets see if Christ said “Dont worry hes Just talking in tongues”

        21 And he asked his father, “How long is it ago since this came unto him?” And he said, Of a child.

        • Authentica

          You’re right who in their right mind would think speaking in strange languages from unknown sources is a good thing??? That’s called insanity. Here is a case study by an open minded psychiatrist & his patient’s account of her full-blown insanity & delusions which began in a “charismatic christian service” she did not seek any help believing she’d been gifted by the Holy Spirit

      • HfjNUlYZ

        Do you mock God’s word?
        :cool: Acts 10:46 (KJV)
        For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,
        1 Corinthians 14:14 (KJV)
        For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.
        1 Corinthians 14:39 (KJV)
        Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues

        • AhayahPower

          No I mock “Your” words and understanding. You error not knowing the scriptures. Lets Close the bible for a minute so I can give you the small argument. If i come up to you and start chanting “SHABBABABAAAAAA TADDDDA” and fall on the ground convulsions, what edification did you receive from that? THATS CONFUSION!!! And God is not the Author of CONFUSION


          Paul knew MANY lanuages/tongues because he went to MANY contries to preach the gospel and he could gravitate to new tongues and lanuages easily. (1 Cor 14:5)

          1 cOR 14:23 So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues , and all speak with tongues ( DIFFERENT LANGUAGES) and ther ecome in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say ” YOU ARE CRAZY???

          1cor14:26…LET EVERYING THING BE DONE TO EDIFY, not be more confused thatn you were at the beginning.

          1 Cor 14:4 It is better to PHROPHESIETH than to speak in an UNKNOWN TOUNGE.

          1 Cor 14:11 Therefore if I know not what a person says I SHALL BE UNTO HIM A BARBARIAN AND HE THAT SPEAKETH SHALL BE A BARBARIAN UNTO ME

          You Christians Cherry Pick the scriptures to further you agenda instead of teaching whats there in the bible.

      • RAB777

        While the modern established government-approved 501-C3 churches are clearly the harlot church that has lain down with the beast, it is wrong to call any organized church a house of whores. Let your speech be seasoned with salt that it may minister grace to the hearer. … gravity, sincerity, with sound speech that cannot be condemned, that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of thee… with sound doctrine both exhorting and convincing the gainsayers… the servant of the lord must be gentle, apt to teach, in meekness instructing those who opposed themselves that peradventure God may allow them to recover themselves from the devil who has taken them captive at his will.

        You must differentiate between “evil” shepherds and BLIND shepherds. The consequences may be the same, but God does also judge the motive. Ignorant sin is sin nonetheless (and ignorance is also a sin, because it is a choice, because we have been commanded to meditate on God’s Law day and night, to cleanse our minds and be transformed through washing in in the Word, to prove all things, etc., if the average Christian was truly in the Word, praying to God that His Holy Spirit would lead them into the truth, they would not continue in ignorance; but ignorance is bliss to those who hate the truth and want to claim they are not responsible, which I refer to as the “Three Stooges Syndrome” – they cry out, “I can’t see, I can’t see” and when you ask, “Why not? What’s wrong?” They reply, “My eyes are closed.” Ignorant sin is sin nonetheless, but willful sin is sin on top of sin, compounded sin, and shall receive the greater judgment. God differentiates between evil and blind shepherds, and so should we.

        As the old saying goes “you can catch more flies with honey then vinegar.” If you truly care about serving God, you should represent Him… an ambassador speaks the words of the one he represents; he does not speak his own words. If you know things that the mainstream does not know, great; but that knowledge does no good to anyone, not even yourself, if you are not transformed by it, and if you do not present the truth properly, to where those who hear you think to themselves… “Hey, I want what that guy has.” To be blunt and call everyone else a whore, is not only anti-intellectual, but unscriptural and self-defeating. It would be self-defeating in any other area of life… the purpose is to convince others of the truth, not merely offend them and exalt yourself. The majority of mainstream pastors only know what they were taught and cannot “think outside the seminary.” You forget what it was like yourself to be blind and in ignorance, and you fail to realize that your being able to see more clearly now is not due to any merit of your own, but due to the fact that God has opened your eyes. Others cannot see unless God opens their eyes. Therefore, pray for them, instead of belittling them. Yes, use sound doctrine to differentiate between truth and error. Blunt terminal comments do no one any good. You must provide the solution and that solution must be grounded in the Word of God, and must be given by His Spirit, for the striving of the flesh will accomplishing nothing and sadly the majority of those who think they are spiritual are merely carnal minds masquerading as spiritual. Ye shall know them by their fruit. Present positive solutions. If any man think he is something when he is not he knoweth nothing as he should. We are all worms (maggots) apart from God’s grace. If you know the truth that the majority in the “whore churches” do not, then what are you doing “FULL TIME” to evangelize those steeped in error and wallowing in blindness?

    • wizard

      And he loves you. :twisted:

      • anonymoustache

        I have heard all kinds of loopholes and excuses about this issue for years-
        it is really sad to hear it now coming from John MacArthur.

        When the time comes that we all have to decide,

        Remember this:
        Do you really want to find out that you were wrong….
        The Hard Way?

    • BinaryRecoil

      I have a much more grounded reason (than a multi-thousand year old, Edited by the Pope for profit, compendium of bibliographies) for not doing this.

      Lets say something, THE INEVITABLE, happens and you anger one of these people that consider themselves the masters of infinity/gods of humanity. They decide that you’re “Blacklisted”, and with this thing IN YOUR BODY- No Matter where you go, a small sensor over the door immediately alerts security to your presence and throws you out.
      You get anger and try to fight it, or maybe it goes this way to start with- the Elitist pig that marked you, steps it up to the next level. You’re marked for death, everywhere you go- 10′s of Thousands of “Police” are notified that a “Threat to Society” is there, and they chase you with the intention of shooting you first & asking questions to your dead body.

      Path #2 The “Elites” decide that what’s wrong with you stems beyond a mental disorder, because after attempting to “ReProgram” countless people demanding Freedom & Equality, they refuse to submit. THEY Decide that it’s a Genetic disorder that’s a threat to the future of society (Which they honestly don’t care about at all, i mean just watch as the Pacific goes radioactive- they really don’t care about anything except their ability to control at will)- which gets to a very serious level immediately. They order a “Purge” of everyone with similar genetic traits, which means your cousins up to 10 times removed from your direct family- & everyone else who they can’t force to comply. You can’t run away, because their sensors are on every building, every street light, at every stop sign.

      Path #3- The country you were born in has been sold to another tyrant for an obscene amount of money. This tyrant holds a hatred against your place of birth, by nationality, that is above & beyond obscene. Your are wiped out like an infestation of rats, and the survivors are placed in a Hunger Games~esk– ENCLOSED ENVIRONMENT & ORDERED TO KILL EACH OTHER.

      Do you see where this is going? The People behind installing these RFID Chips have a lifetime history of NOT CARING WHO THEY KILL TO ACHIEVE THEIR NEXT BASE OF POWER.

      So stop basing everything off of a book and a notion that an imperfect being/human being is going to be “allowed back into Eden/Heaven” whatever you want to call it. Because that book is no big secret, the people in charge are purposefully making it look like your “Tribulations” are taking place to Keep You On Your Knee’s.

      • FarmerX

        You understand the world well, how is it that you don’t understand your creator?

        • Freeamerican

          farmer x who’s not a farmer, You nor anyone else is an authority on ‘the creator’.

          binaryrecoil, the vatican conjob was created by a jew to get in on the action a few hundred years after another group of jews ginned up christianity to control sheople. The ‘vatican’ bunk is a psy ops they are all part of the same jew world order. The psy ops do want people blubbering over jew fables instead of rising to stop their schemes. Protest immigration, quit voting.

      • FarmerX

        There have long been rumors that many “pastors” have been put in place by the state to control the citizens. Clearly any who receive these marks are such.
        Regardless what any pastor or any thousand year old (edited) book says. I know the truth for it is in me.
        I will not ignore the prophesies, we where warned of these things thousands of years in advance, in truth we received these warnings. Nearly all of these warnings are happening or have come to pass. An intelligent man would not ignore this. Regardless of his lack of faith.
        To accept this mark is to deny the truth of you creator. Without faith we are nothing.
        We possess spiritual energy, even more than our life force. We are in spiritual contact with the energy of all creation. Our source is the source of all creation. To accept this mark is to deny the source of creation, you will be cut off from the guiding energy. You will be destroyed.
        I profess Yeshua- Yahushua as Messiah and I know that through his sacrifice I am made clean.
        thereby worthy to enter into paradise. How then could I deny him? Our eternal destiny is at stake. Better to be slain on earth for our faith than than to suffer in all eternity.
        But know this doubters. I know far more of the esoteric than many and I am no blind sheep.
        Consider what this means. “Wise as serpents, harmless as doves”.

        • Lisa Haven

          Amen to that!

      • Neil Armstrong

        As I understand it once a person has taken the mark they are not allowed to die, even if it’s self inflicted. I don’t know what ploy they’ll use to entice people to take it but probably freedom from death disease and poverty, the endgame which will become apparent fairly rapidly once the mark is being implemented is of course domination of the human species and extinction of it through dna modification, which has been attempted before. First time through they had thousands of years to slowly move into place and it ended with the flood of Noah, this time they are putting everything into place ahead of time so that we can be rounded up and altered or killed in an extremely short amount of time.

        • Anonymous

          The mark of the Beast might be nano-technology.

          Robots smaller than a virus, could be use to give unnatural longevity. And “Wolverine” like healing.

          Problem is that the same robots will also be used to control your brain (thus the reason there is no way you be saved if you take the mark). Once you got it, they control you.

          Right now this technology is in diapers, but the time will come where all this can be very real.

      • Freeamerican

        farmer x, you pretend to dismiss churches but then turn around and do the yeeshusha yoshua blubbering jew fable bunk and neil armstrong using a fake patriot name is a jew troll pretending this bunk is legitmate discussion when it’s not, to feed into jew christian sheople bunk. The legitimate discussion is the core of the health scheme is jew communism and the jew world order. Pretending to blubber about religion bunk is psy ops bunk. The police state has nothing to do with religion, jews are a race, not all are religious, scheming by the jew race has been around before their bunk religions.

    • Amminadab

      how does the beast plan to get this mark in the forehead or in the hand of his followers? First of all let’s look at how the Lord seals His children so that we can better see Satan’s counterfeit.

      “And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” Revelation 7:2,3

      Did you notice that it says, the Almighty seals them in their foreheads? This is why Christians never remember being stamped, sealed, or marked by God when they become truly saved and begin to walk as He has written they will walk. When God sealed us “in” the forehead it was not a mark ON the forehead like a tattoo, and it certainly isn’t a computer chip under the skin either because I don’t recall God doing that to me years ago. In fact, I was saved by the Lord over 20 years ago before the “computer age” was so plainly upon us. Simple truth is, the forehead represents the mind here.

      Isaiah 8:16, “Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.”
      2 Timothy 2:19, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his…”
      Hebrews 10:16 says, “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;”

      Scientific discovery has recently revealed that the frontal lobe of the cerebrum, which in laymen’s terms is called the forehead, is where functions like decisions, judgments, and free will are made. We are sealed by God when we make the free will decision to accept Jesus as our Savior and His Word as Truth. This then causes our lives to be affected by His doctrine, teachings, and most importantly, His COMMANDMENTS. [Also see 2Cor 3:3 & Heb 8:10 & Heb 10:16]

      Now let’s look at how the beast administers his mark.

      “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” Revelation 13:16

      In this verse we now see the mark of the beast is not only being received in the forehead, it’s in the hand as well. We already found the forehead represents the mind in prophecy. So this means the people with the mark of the beast in the forehead have made a free will decision thinking it was perfectly acceptable to replace God’s Law with man’s traditions. But, what of those that receive it in the hand? Truth is, much of mankind is not likely to “freely” go along with the beast’s plans. So, he has to rely on the use force instead. This is where the hand comes into play.

      Jeremiah 38:23, “… thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire.”
      Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”

      In prophecy the hand represents being forced against our will as well as our ability to buy and sell, or “work” as Ecclesiastes 9:10 put it. As we all know, Jesus will never force Himself on us. He prefers we choose to worship Him of our own free will.

      The choice will soon be placed before all living souls on earth. The beast will seek to use force against those that won’t make the decision to worship him right off. This is why the hand is mentioned here. Satan will use force against God’s people by removing their ability to work, as well as coerce them by other methods. In other words, let’s say you do refuse to go along and loose your job or business. It’s not over yet. Satan will then seek to force you to buy things in ways you might not expect. One example could be, if your faith is weak in trusting Christ to feed you during this time as He promised to do in Isaiah 33:16, Satan will dangle food you have to purchase. He will place this before your eyes as “your only way” when you’re hungry. But in order to purchase the food you must go along with the Roman mandate, thereby receiving the mark in the hand by doing so.

      Luke 17:33, “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”

      The “mark ” is not a computer chip /rfid tag.

      • FarmerX

        The mark of the beast = 666 = Chi-Xi-Stigma

        you can educate yourself at the following link

        I met the man who created this technology and HE says it is the mark of the beast.
        God showed him his error and he repented and warned many.

      • Stēkō

        You are correct, it is ” in the thought life ” ( forehead ) Or ” Actions ” ( right hand ).
        But the MARK is the same exact Hebriaic word interpreted ” sign ” when God the Father says ” let my Sabbath be a sign between thee and I, that you are mine ”
        The mark of the beast is a day of worship., Sunday worship to be specific. Unsanctified, unholy, and not set aside by God: rather it was done by men so they could punish the Jews for killing Jesus.

        They are given to a strong delusion, and because they love not the truth they CAN NOT escape it, all who dwell ( live in the manner of the flesh ) upon the earth. You can messenger all you want to, and it’s the Holy Spirit who brings men to Jesus. Lest we boast; most who post here have no interest in Light and righteousness, like the Pharrisees of yesteryear they are after earthly rewards pretending to seek after the kingdom of God.

        Blessings and Quickenings in Jesus to you.

        God Bless
        Stēkō Parrēsia Iesōus

    • Pix

      At last now you are getting what religions are really all about… controlling the masses.


      • Болеслава

        Satan is about control by first offering freedom from Christian duty. God is about freedom by first renouncing satanic control. This is extremely difficult. This is the final battle. Very soon you will be forced by the evidence of your own soul, your senses and your God given intelligence to choose sides. But first you will need to renounce that which is holding you back from seeing the pure goodness of God. The difficulty of the battle is not something Christ took lightly when he died to save you from your sins through the gift of repentence.

        • Pix

          Don’t be ridiculous. God is so not about freedom, but is jealous and requires worship, obedience and total subservience. Why would such an entity require a human blood sacrifice in order to forgive. When I want to forgive, I do, simple. The bible makes it clear the almighty know it all has a forgiveness problem.


        • Болеслава

          Glad to hear you believe in God. Now all you have to do is renounce that part of you which is pure selfishness. Thats whats blocking you – and us, from seeing God as he really is.
          Forgiveness (lack of) is not an issue with God. It is a repentance problem that causes the difficulty.
          Pain and suffering in the world stem from that, nothing else.
          Its like driving a car at high speed. You have the freedom to crash it but real freedom comes from staying alive. The same with your soul. :wink:

        • Pix

          I don’t believe in god. I’m an atheist. The biblical god is ridiculous, and while I’ll agree that it’s impossible to disprove the non existence of the non existent, you can use logic to disprove it’s claimed attributes. For example if IT was all knowing there would be no free will, only predestination to follow the known future exactly like a preprogrammed Sim. Given the reality we live in, such an entity would be completely evil. The bible gives an example where IT’s not all powerful, Judges 1.19, IT can be beaten by chariots of Iron. And there are no examples of IT being all compassionate, on the contrary IT’s suffering from narcissistic schizophrenic personality disorder.


        • Pix

          If god is all knowing and knows the future as a fact to generate prophesy, and as such IT would already know the out come of everything since it popped into existence; so why would IT need to judge us after the fact?

          It’s a thoroughly ridiculous no brainer.


        • RAB777

          There is no freedom without responsibility. Freedom is not established by renouncing Satanic control… freedom is established by confessing Christ and doing what God commanded. The answer is not renouncing the unseen and the unknown… that is mysticism. The answer is confessing Christ and one confesses Christ not merely with his mouth, but with his actions. Christ said, “Why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things I say…? If you love Me, keep My Commandments.” Christ did not abolish the Law (which was NEVER for salvation, but which IS the Moral Code by which God commands His children to live); neither did He invent His own. He stepped into our skin to show us the way and “was in all things tempted even as we are, yet without sin.” He even carried God’s Law to a Higher Plane to expand the interpretation of the Law in that sin begins and exists in the heart, even if it has not been converted into actions. Not one jot or tiddle, not the slightest, most insignificant pen stroke of the Law or prophets shall pass until all be fulfilled. The Law never saved. It is the moral code God expects us to follow: His “House Rules” for His children. “Be Holy for I the Lord thy God am HOLY.” We are called unto good works, obedience, obeying God. This cannot be done by the power of the flesh, but only as we walk in the light, when we walk in the Spirit, when we put on Christ… when we realize that we are God’s servants and “it is required in a steward that a man be found faithful.” The focus should not be on renouncing whatever. The focus should be on confessing Christ and confessing God and standing up for what is right. Yes, rebuke the darkness. Resist the Devil, but this can only be done in His Name and in His Authority… a mere renunciation is self-deceptive and accomplishes nothing if one does not FIRST confess what is right… and do it… be ye doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

        • RAB777

          To the atheist. You really need to study. You are anti-intellectual. If you become God then you can dictate how your universe will run and then you will have to take aspirin daily to deal with all the nonsense concocted by the puny ants you have created. Yes, God requires worship and obedience and subservience. That is the essence of God. That is the essence of Lord. It is part of every aspect of life on a smaller scale. We all have masters and lords over us; the key is being wise enough to not submit yourself to the evil ones and actually knowing the difference. You don’t have an inkling concerning Holiness or what it demands. You don’t have a clue about logic and your arguments are not intellectual arguments but subjective emotionalism on the level of a 5 year old, “this is the way I see it therefore that is the way it is; I close my eyes therefore you can’t see me; reality is what I choose to believe.” You have the right to adopt that mindset, but it is delusion and will only end in destruction. Christ, the Personification of Wisdom declared, “He who sins against me wrongeth his own soul; all those who hate Me love death.” Choose life and live. You do not even understand the concept of God. You cannot prove He exists any more than you can prove He does not exist. You don’t have the power or brainpower to prove it one way or the other. God hides His self-revelation from those who are unworthy of knowing Him. God created all and it is His Right to declare right from wrong and it is His Right to decree what judgment there is — even though He predestined all. Just because you cannot comprehend it does not invalidate it. Just because you do not agree or like it, does not mean it is not true. If you are truly interested in reality and proving truth, read Dr. Gordon H. Clark. If you care about your own soul, if you care about eternity, if you are even coherent enough to realize the seriousness of the matter IF you are wrong about God and Hell, then read several of Gordon Clark’s books (I can recommend which to start with) and you will be dwarfed by your own ignorance… if a person has never read Gordon Clark, it is most probably that they have never truly thought; or at least they have never thought truly. Clark is unanswerable. The connsumate scholar. You have never heard of him. Most people have. Those who attack or pervert the truth from within cannot refute him, so they have simply covered him up. You can choose to forgive based upon whatever your lack of moral code governs your thought (or more likely emotive) processes. But, unfortnately for you (and fortunate for the rest of us) you are not God. Certainly, you may flex all the neurons at your disposal, hopefully enough to generate enough amperage to illuminate a pen-light, and if you are confident that you have the wherewithal to go toe to toe with the Creator of the universe, then by all means, flex all your brain cells and flex your will all you want. But I would urge you to consider, you will lose. It will be such an nonevent no one will even notice. If you had ever truly studied, you would learn with Ivan Panin, Charles Bradlaugh, Ingersol, Paine, Adam Rutherford, and a host of others, who were once atheists or agnostics, who when they actually set forth to disprove the Bible, being COMPETENT intellectuals, they were converted when they realized the Bible cannot be disproven. Read The Signature of God by Grant Jeffrey, who (though the book is not without flaw) masterfully shows from a dozen different scientific angles (even as Ivan Panin did scientifically, mathematically) that the Bible could not have been written by any mere man (much less several dozen men over a period of several millennia), but it had to have been created in the mind of God. You are in the mere infancy of intellectual thought by your anti-intellectual dismissive attempts at argument. Please, seriously, do some REAL study. Study Clark. Study Panin. Read this one book by Jeffrey. You don’t find sunken chests full of laden treasure by walking ankle deep in the water, casually, with your eyes closed, daydreaming. Do some REAL study, and not the gibberish of fools. Read what I have suggested, if you care about your soul and eternity. If you don’t care, then sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts… and fasten your seat belt, it is going to be a bumpy ride for everyone… but those who submit to God will be delivered, while those who do not will be delivered into Hell. Laugh if you want. Mock. Scorn. Belittle. That is all anti-intellectual. It is your choice to be ignorant. But I hope you will choose to be wise and actually submit yourself to God and say, “God, if You exist, please reveal Yourself to me. I would be a fool to reject You if You actually exist, if You actually are the Creator of the universe, if You will eventually judge all. I humble myself before You and ask you to reveal Yourself so that I can be saved from destruction, but I cannot believe in someone who does not exist, so please reveal Youself because I truly want to know You if You exist.” If you are honest and actually care about your soul and eternity, even if there is only a 1 in 10 million chance that you are wrong, are you willing to play Russian Roulette with your soul…? (and even if you are, while suicide is stupid, it is homicide for you to play Russian Roulette with SOMEONE ELSE’s soul… and that is what you do when you speak out of ignorance about things you know nothing about. You cannot use logic to disprove the Bible. If you think you can, then you understand the laws of Logic even less than you understand the Bible (and that would be going into negative understanding, if that is possible). Clark was the greatest logician. Order his books and disprove Clark, if you are brave enough, if you care enough about your soul. You don’t even understand the history of the United States. We were founded as a Christian nation and when we honored God we prospered more than any nation on earth ever had… as we rejected God, He withdrew His Spirit and protection and blessing according to the Law of the Harvest, “You reap what you sow.” We can start reaping blessing again anytime we sow repentance and obedience. All the ills of society were unknown when our nation was Christian. If you believe our nation was never Christian, that just shows you have again been fooled by the propagandists and have never truly studied. Again, you speak out of ignorance when you diagnose God with Schizophrenia (upon what do you base your diagnosis doctor…? I assume you have a degree in psychology…? and do you mean Schitzoid personality or Schitzoprhenia in its original sense and what are the characteristics of either…? or do you mean antisocial personality disorder with delusions of grandeur…?)… upon what do you base your diagnosis of narcisism…? and would that be a sociopathic narcisism or a benign neurotic narcisism…? Judges 1:19 does not say that GOD could not drive out the chariots, but that JUDAH could not… and why…? if you understood the Scriptures (which you do not) you would realize that God often limits His interaction on our behalf based upon our faith. Even as the Israelites originally believed the bad report of the 10 spies and rejected the good report of the 2 spies (Joshua and Caleb), so also the people of Judah must have balked at the chariots of iron, allowing their fear of the circumstances to override their understanding that no circumstances are greater than God. Your arguments are infantile. It is really sad. But I don’t fault you. An unregenerate mind CANNOT understand the truth of God’s Word because it can only be spiritually discerned. God did that to hide the truth from those unworthy of it. If you never acknowledge the truth, all that you will have proved is that you are unworthy of it. Madalein Murray Ohare’s son himself was converted to Christ and became a minister. Do you think she didn’t indoctrinate him in the atheism you espouse…? Of course she did, but God delivered him. He will deliver you too if you can be honest enough to pray to God as I suggest above… ask God to reveal Himself and to reveal the truth… if you won’t do that, you choose ignorance. Yes, God preordained everything and still holds us accountable because that is what He preordained. Just because you cannot understand it or don’t like it doesn’t overrule God. God’s ability to be is not limited (much less overridden) by fallen, faulty man’s inability to understand God’s Being or ability to be. How can the the created, finite, think that it can understand–even understand BETTER–than the nearly infinite Creator? It is like taking a thimbleful of the vast waters of the world’s oceans and then thinking that he knows everything about the sea and that he has contained the entire oceans in his thimble. God made the rules, He determined all that happened, and He holds us accountable. The issue is not one of comprehension by the intellect, but acceptance of the will. You think your can assert your will over God’s, even imagining God does not exist (why, of course He does not exist, you have thought it in your tiny little head so it must be true… you who have been alive for what, 44 years or so… of course you know more about the world than 6,000 years of history could ever reveal)… you will be disappointed (an understatment). God will prevail… it will be a nonevent, but you will suffer the consequences eternally. Of course there is a chance there is no God (in the mind of someone who has never truly studied the issue). But what if you are wrong…? Consider your ways. Consider eternity. Real Clark and you will be dwarfed at your own lack of understanding anything… and once you realize you are nothing, then you can actually become something when you submit to God and reality. God is about freedom. If you don’t think so you don’t understand the concept of freedom. Even in a free society, as this nation once was, there was not absolute freedom, for no one had the freedom to be immoral, murder at their whim, etc. Parents raise their children with boundaries. WITHIN those boundaries there is perfect freedom… everything that could be desired. God created the universe. He knows, He ordained what was good and evil; and commanded us to not cross certain boundaries… if we did, we suffered the consequences. Yet those who are anti-intellectual (most Christians and nonChristians alike) think God must conform to what they want Him to be. They then progress to accusing God of being “unfair” and then progress to denying God exists at all–when God has given them over unto a reprobate mind and destruction. Study Clark. Pray to God and ask Him to reveal Himself if He is real, if you are sincere about your own soul, the truth, and eternity. If not, I pity you, but you will deserve what you in the end receive. be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

    • danielreyes

      Zechariah 14v9 And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day the Lord will be one and his name one.

      10 The whole land shall be turned into a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem. But Jerusalem shall remain aloft on its site from the Gate of Benjamin to the place of the former gate, to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s winepresses. 11 And it shall be inhabited, for there shall never again be a decree of utter destruction. Jerusalem shall dwell in security.

      12 And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples that wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.

      13 And on that day a great panic from the Lord shall fall on them, so that each will seize the hand of another, and the hand of the one will be raised against the hand of the other. 14 Even Judah will fight at Jerusalem. And the wealth of all the surrounding nations shall be collected, gold, silver, and garments in great abundance. 15 And a plague like this plague shall fall on the horses, the mules, the camels, the donkeys, and whatever beasts may be in those camps.

      16 Then everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Booths.

      All new testament revelation is derived from old testament writings. Zechariah14v13 corresponds with the mark, it wont be until the very end of the great tribulation and just before the 7 bowls judgement.

      As for John Mcarthur saying a person can be redeemed after taking the mark, why not? There is still a 1000year period until the 2nd resurrection. Then and only then will the dead be judged. The one unpardonable sin is blasphemy against the holy spirit. Which is to literally believe in ones foolish mind that evil is good and good is evil. Those will be the ones who burn in the lake of fire.

    • Louis

      APOCALYPSE 14:9-10: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark upon his forehead or upon his hand, he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured unmixed into the cup of his wrath; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb.”

      That about sums it up. I never take spiritual advice from Protestant pastors.

      • Lisa Haven

        That it does!

        • Lisa Haven

          Although I still take advise from true believing pastors who truly love the Lord. :)

        • Freeamerican

          Your ‘pastors’ are tax free fakes, conjobs, and using the ‘fresh girly’ photo doesn’t cover your jew christain psy ops bunk. You don’t need to do the blubbering christian act to discuss the jew world order surveillance scheme. There are forty million illegal leeches in this country and more legal immigrants are being swarmed in every day. The church conjobs are part of the communist and collapse scheme. Following church conjobs creates sheople. You pretend to be a follower to dope others to do the same. Your pys ops is bunk.

    • Lee

      People who take the mark will do so willingly as an act of worship, the mark will alter their dna, so they will be unable to be saved. but this will not be implemented until the anti-Christ arises, and that won’t be until the re-strainer is taken out of the way, the church, the rapture.

    • kepano24

      Uh oh , once again no proof, 2nd and 3rd hand info from annymous callers

      • Lisa Haven

        Are John MacArthurs words not enough for you? Yipes!

        Good luck if you don’t believe his own words! LOL.

        • Freeamerican

          Your cute girly act in bunk, you’re just another marrano jew doing psy ops. BUNK.

        • Freeamerican

          Your girly act is bunk, you’re doing the same deal leahz was/is before sheople caught on. psy ops.

    • patriot156

      “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.
      Guess that statement means nothing to that guy then?
      could be ya just make it part of having health care no law saying do so or well kill you so people will think it’s ok.
      I hope this isn’t it for it would be the hardest thing I beleive to resist because who wants to get a divorce because you wont let them chip you volunterilly?
      who wants to be homeless almost instantly? I hope it’s something different something more open than this!

    • propel7

      Whoever trusts a preacher without reading the Bible is a fool. Jim Jones proves that. And a few others. If you let a preacher or priest or anyone else explain to you what is in the Bible, then you will deserve what is coming to you.

      • trumpetofpurelight777

        Jim jones was a cia plant.. and all those sheeple were sacrificed to their experiment..It is proof to how easily most will follow the crowd rather than to stand for truth and be different..Just look at what happened in Hitlers Germany… ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS TALK ABOUT PATRIOTISM AND RA RA RA GERMANY, AND JUST AS MANY SO CALLED PROTESTANTS AS CATHOLICS FELL FOR HIS DECEPTIVE SEDUCTIVE LIES… PLEASE READ YOUR BIBLES.. AND ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT TO TEACH YOU HIS WORD.. He loves to teach Yahwehs children about the Master Yeshua.. what we see rising up in this Babylon nation is there hirlings who under there 501-c3.will preach anything the IRS tells them too.. THEY HAVE SOLD OUT TO THE GOVERNMENT CHURCH.. it is time to leave those places.. judgment comes quickly on Babylon USA.. GET YOUR HOUSES IN ORDER THAT YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO STAND IN THIS EVIL DAY..

        • Freeamerican

          Or, if the trolls aren’t pushing the religion bunk they pretend to dismiss the religion bunk so they can do the ‘hitler’ meme so christain dopes keep paying for the holohoax scheme and the jew world order behind the police state. Holohoax.

    • patriot156

      guys especially who may not be working at the momemnt or what ever I sincerally hope your wife or girlfriend will keep flipping the or most bills for you if and when this is implamented.
      not working atm is pretty much the only way I see to avoid this and hope to have a understanding wife if not hope you have the nerve to say no and become homeless not sure I can or will if this is it.
      I’d hope for something forcefull an open threat not something just part of society this even though I’m a beleiver, this scares the hell out of me the full implications.
      who’s got kids a wife a mother etc… to take care of or like I said a wife that takes care of you? even if so who’s willing to leave all that if neccessary to do so in order to not have this thing?
      people say strong words up until it actually happens so I’m not relying on what people say before this thing. will have to see I guess! :roll: :cry:

    • propel7

      He holds the Bible in front of him as if he is the Word himself. Little does he know how short the time is. These are the people who will be deceived . Sad to say, but a lake of fire has been prepared for them. A permanent residence.

      • Lisa Haven

        Sad but true! All the more reason to spread the Gospel message.

      • RAB777

        How can you say that? How can you claim to know the heart motive… all by how he hold the Bible. If he thought he was God himself he would hold the BIble behind himself, or not even hold it at all. How many other sermons of his have you viewed before making such an ignorant, ignorant remark. Can you read minds? Are you the Holy Spirit who is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart? As I suggested to another, if you are so sure of yourself and your mind-reading ability and your own perfection, since you have already hinted at it, go ahead and put it all on the line and say that Dr. MacArthur says and writes as he does under the inspiration of Satan and not by God’s Holy Spirit. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the one sin God will not forgive. Are you willing to cross that line? I HOPE you are not that foolish. Your saying a lake of fire has been prepared for him and anyone who believes him implies that what he is saying … his entire life of ministry is under the inspiration of Satan… so go ahead and actually say it, or repent of it. I hope you will do the latter. I MYSELF disagree with Dr. MacArthur on this point, but I respect him and I respect his office and I respect all the truth he has taught over the past 5 or more decades (WHAT have YOU done ovethe past 5 decades?) You are a pseudo-intellectual and don’t even know the Bible and you are running on empty when the Holy Spirit should be filling you, when you denounce a MINISTER of God because YOU THINK some point of his doctrine is deficient. GOOD FOR YOU if you recognize that he is wrong on this point of doctrine. What about all his other points of doctrine… and what qualification do you have to judge him…? What have you done with your life for God on a daily basis for the past 50 years. Read how Paul replied to an EVIL high priest, after he realized he was the high priest. Discern the doctrine (if you actually have any standing to discern… and if you are a spiritual giant, again, what have you been doing for the past 50 years when the world has been in need of your wisdom…?).. but don’t attack the man, for in doing so you attack God Himself, when you attack one of HIS representatives. It is God’s place to judge if MacArthur is wrong; and God will judge you too for judging HIS servant, when it was not your place to judge, but serve God in sincerity and truth. Are you a pastor? Do you have your own church? Why not? Then don’t judge someone who is doing it, like an armchair quarterback… get in the game or leave the stadium. As Lee Iococca said, “lead, follow, or get out of the way.” I disagree with this point of doctrine, but I certainly don’t think I am a mind reader to imagine I know MacArthur has a god-complex simply by the way he holds the Bible. That is delusional as well as spiritual character assassination of a servant of God.

    • dani

      The Bible is clear and was left to us as instructions on how to live our lives and what to look out for, what to believe and the pit falls there to snare you. Even the very elect can fall into the pit, that is a big enough reason not to fallow man, any man. You must fallow God Almighty and his words, his laws that are very clearly written to fallow. Believers know the truth and can understand the written word, God is not playing games, he never lies. MATTHEW 10:34 . Be ready my friends , he is at your door knocking for you and yours. He wants you to walk on his roads paved in gold, he wants you to enter into the mansion he has prepared for you, he wants you to feel his glory of great love and peace. God wants you to know him, he wants to meet you in the sky. Repent of your sins and turn to God fully in mind , body ,soul and spirit, sounds hard– it is not hard, it is the easiest thing you will ever do.

      • Lisa Haven

        True! True!

        • Freeamerican

          In fact could ‘ lisa haven’ could be leahz doing another act
          now the end begins – leahz
          due diligence with hamilton terminator photo – leahz
          lynn tantrum – leahz
          jade fox – pretending to have a ‘devil baby’ – leahz
          ‘lisa haven’ – is probably leahz using a stock photo to do the ‘religion girl’ act, look at the ‘haven’ name that just happens to have one letter short of ‘heaven’. Ridiculous. Even if you’re not leahz you’re still a psy ops, bring up a separate subject like chipping then go to jew christian pys ops bunk, expect sheople to believe you’re some ‘yipes’ girl, at the same time doing psy ops. The jew uses the female angle to sell bunk. Between the main stream jew media scums and psy ops our taxes going to propaganda must be huge. What about the idiots who’ve been to this page and don’t lift a finger post a comment exposing the bunk or vote down the psy ops troll comments. Idiot christians protest abortion but not the forty million illegals or the swarms of welfare legals or any of what’s being set up to kill you. The sheople are as bad as leahz, think you’ll sit like cowards let others do your share, like if you’re quiet like a rabbit you’ll get by when that only guarentees your slavery. Done doing your share, get off your rears sheople. Protest immigration, expose the jwo and it’s media/trolls, quit voting.

    • Anonymous

      What he does not take into account is that the mark of the beast will also most likely be injecting something like the “Funvax” vaccine that alters our genetic make up, making us no longer God’s original creation. This was the same reason for the Great Flood. The Nephilim were hybrid demon-human and physically could NOT be saved. That is the reason God had to flood the Earth. It wasn’t some brash act by an uncaring God. He HAD to get rid of the hybrid DNA or His original creation would have been destroyed forever.

      There is SOMETHING about our DNA that scientists do not understand. It is our connection to the Father and (I believe) where our soul exists. If it becomes altered, then it severs our connection to our Creator.

    • Banderman

      Save this, you dolt.

    • LightandLife

      The whole matter is an outrageous hoax

    • sezsue

      The mark of the beast will not be something that people will be tricked into getting. Accepting the mark of the beast will be a conscious act. Each individual will have to make a decision, knowing that accepting the mark will be an agreement to worship the beast. Accepting the mark in order to be able to buy and sell, in other words, to be able to support yourself and your family, would show that you do not trust in God enough to believe that He will give you all things needed. People who have studied the Word, should know there are numerous examples of God taking those who love and know Him, and leading them by the hand, and giving them all they need, and even examples of Him doing the same for people who have turned their backs on Him. I do believe that there will be a punishment for some, but not a burning in fire forever, that would make our God a cruel and vengeful God.As Christians, and people who claim to know God, and to have a relationship with Him, we will be held to a higher standard than others…. We have to keep in mind that the workers that were chosen at the end of the day, were paid the same wage as those chosen in the morning. We have to be ok with that.

    • Anonymous

      The RFID chip isn’t the Mark of the Beast.

      • Working the Beat

        It doesn’t matter its proven dangerous to human health anyway if you do your homework!

    • Anonymous

      Anyone that says he works for the Lord, and would ask you to do this as they did, is a mini antichrist. This or anything like it is going to seal your fate. Walk away from the churches and the leaders as they are working for satan.

    • Anon

      MacArthur, Hal Lindsey, Van Impe, these two men in this video have a different bible than mine that says in Revelation chapters 13-14 that any man who takes a mark in order to buy or sell is doomed eternally and the smoke of their torment ascends toward heaven for eternity. I would like to hear these “bible” teachers explain those chapters. I assume God is going to supernaturally provide and protect those who do not take the mark; if not, we must be prepared to die for Christ and NOT take a mark in the hand or forehead required for buying and selling. Readers, please read the scripture for YOURSELF, do NOT believe what man has to say.

      • RAB777

        MacArthur, Hal Lindsey, Van Impe… that’s THREE people, not TWO. It is both dishonest and unfair to lump MacArthur together with the other two, for whatever reason you have done it. While I don’t agree with MacArthur’s assessment, Scripture says those who receive judgment will be those who WORSHIP the beast AND have the mark… not “or.” While I would not risk splitting hairs, it is not as defnitive as you suggest. Clearly, if the average “Christian” is unwilling or too “fearful” to obey God now, over the past 20 years, when there has been little to no real persecution, they will not all of the sudden “stand up and do what is right” when their life is on the line. Most will take the mark. I believe MacArthur is wrong and has done Christendom a disservice in teaching this position; but one error does not render someone a fraud or mean that they are working for Satan. That is anti-intellectual and unscriptural. Yes, read the Scripture for yourself… yes scrutinize whatever ANYONE says. But most people do not understand God nor the Bible and do not even know what they should be comparing. You are right that we must be prepared to die, because Christ said those who deny Christ before men, him also Christ will deny before the Father. However, you need to realize an even more sobering thought… Most Christians ALREADY deny Christ each and every day. EVERY SINGLE TIME that “Christians” allow evolutionists, atheists, Muslims, Talmudists, homosexuals, communinists, feminists, humanists, etc., to pervert our nation that was based upon Christ Jesus and the Bible, every time they allow antichrists to have a voice and pervert our nation… every time they allow this to happen, THEY HAVE DENIED CHRIST. Since the average Christian WILL NOT stand up even when we had the numbers, they will NEVER stand up when their entire livelihood or life is on the line. God is separating the wheat from the chaff, the wheat from the tares. I believe MacArthur is wrong. Yes, it is a serious point to be wrong on. But do you think YOUR entire life should be invalidated and YOU be shunned as an antichrist shill, just because you make one mistake? Scrutinize what he says with Scripture… understanding the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES of interpretation (GOD CANNOT CHANGE. HIS WORD CANNOT CHANGE. That which is said first is the STANDARD by which all that is subsequently said should be interpreted and understood). YOU I assume are human. All humans are prone to error. Allow Dr. MacArthur the same right to be human and an imperfect human as you yourself are. PRAY for him, that God would reveal his error to him — AND PRAY FOR YOURSELF that God would reveal YOUR ERROR to you. The very essence of delusion is that a person is not aware that they are deluded. If someone is deluded into believing error, they THINK they are believing what is true. It is the same for MacArthur as it is for YOU. With like measure that you mete it out it shall be meted out to you. He that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself (ie. that you too are human and prone to error), lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. HOW can you restore someone and HOW can you bear someone else’s burdens…? — BY PRAYING FOR HIM as well as for yourself. We are called to judge and discern, but if your life is not judgment proof, who are you to talk…? WHAT HAVE YOU done for God even one day of your life… let alone every day for the past 40 years? OBVIOUSLY those who are on the front lines, teaching, preaching, writing every single day, WILL MAKE MISTAKES… but WHAT ARE YOU DOING? or have you buried all your talents in the earth …? Who are you to judge another man’s (Christ’s) servant…? He is not serving you but God. God will judge him and God will judge you. What have you done for God and what has Dr. MacArthur done for God…? Salvation is based upon Christ’s work and our faith in it (which itself is a gift from God)… but what we do, our daily obedience, our daily service is part of our sanctification and will determine our placement/status/reward in the Kingdom. What have you done, that you so casually feel yourself adequate to denounce a faithful servant of God…? Yes, I believe he is wrong on this point. I am not an armchair theologian… but despite my own credentials, I have an inkling of God’s Holiness and Lorship to not accuse and judge a faithful servant of His who I would most readily be willing to be has accrued more jewels in his crown than the average Christian who thinks themselves so capable of judging him, even though they themselves are not ministers and have not devoted their lifetime to what they claim to believe in and which they apparantly consider themselves so expert in that they would judge another with far more credentials and track record than they could ever hope to achieve.

        Revelation 13:17 says those who do not have the mark will not be able to buy sell or trade. It mentions nothing about doom. If you are going to accuse someone, make sure you understand the Scriptures yourself and don’t jumble numerous passages together. Understand the awesome responsibility it is to expound the Scriptures, especially when you do not know what you are talking about.

        Revelation 14:11 refers to the torment of those who WORSHIP the beast and his image AND (nor “either/or”) receive his mark. Did Dr. MacArthur say he worships the beast and his image and suggest that others worship the beast too? As I said, I believe it is a dangerous hair to split and I do not agree with him, but is it dishonest–IMMORAL for you to put words into his mouth by your twisting of the Scriptures to coincide with your misunderstanding of God’s Word… and on top of misunderstanding, you heap up judgment for falsely accusing one of God’s faithful servants.

        Rev. 16:2 refers to judgment on those who have the mark AND worship the beast.

        Rev. 19:20 refers to the beast and the false prophet who DECEIVED those who received the mark AND WORSHIPPED his image.

        to re-iterate. I do not agree with Dr. MacArthur on this point; I believe it more prudent to err on the side of caution. The 3 hebrew young men COULD have bowed down to the image and pretended they were tying their sandal… or pretended that they dropped a purse full of shekels and were collecting them; or they could have prayed in their heart to the true God, while everyone else thought they were worshipping the image… but that is not what they did and that is a lesson to us all. Those who deny Christ will be denied themselves. Yes, I believe Dr. Macarthur is wrong on this point; but I do NOT impugne his character nor tell anyone DON’T believe what this man has to say, or he must be reading some Bible other than the one I am reading… we’ve already established (like the Ethiopian eunuch) that you don’t understand what you are reading or you would not have jumbled several verses together.

        Sadly in this life, many people can read the same verse and imagine thoughts entirely disconsonant with each others. This is a sad result of the fall. However, the issue is not to denounce someone else who actually is serving God, but, if your own life is in order and you are actually serving God in some capacity full time other than being an internet armchair theologian with neither credientials nor ordination of God (if your ordination was of God, you would be serving Him full time and bearing lasting fruit for His Kingdom)… if you have a different opinion, actually read the Scripture verses involved so you can competently discuss it. Don’t attack the man and tell people not to believe him… why should people believe you instead… you yourself misquoted the Scriptures. Understand, I am not attacking you. I am only trying to offer perspective and sound doctrine. I am on your side doctrinally; but methodologically I am not unless you see value in my words and realize you misspoke. Let God be true and every man a liar (or, though man will always be untrue, God will ever be true). That in all things He (Christ) may have the pre-eminence. He must increase and we must decrease.

    • Fleendar the Magnificent

      There will be many disbelievers just as there will be many non believers. Beware of false prophets as well as there will be many. Satan seeks to deceive as many as he can and Jesus has forewarned of this. We must keep the faith and be wary in the world today.

    • 4DollyMadison

      I have been a Christian for 30 years, and I am now 63 years of age. I have seen one ‘famous’ pastor after another betray the Lord Jesus Christ, in different ways. I am no longer shocked by these traitors. I stopped watching all Christian television about 10 years ago, and at the same time I stopped respecting local pastors who have no discernment. They are the blind leading the blind, and they want you to follow them into the ditch. For their master is Satan. Yes, they put on a good act. It is your responsibility to see through the act. Many are called, and few are chosen. Narrow is the way that leads to life. Even if it seems to you that you are alone on the path, Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords is with you. No one else matters.

      • trumpetofpurelight777

        great comment. I agree with everything you state.. :smile:

    • Anonymous

      Jesus Christ is coming soon. Dont take the mark. Read the Bible and do not follow man. Revelation 14:9,10

    • noidy

      We are all servants to the beast.
      Don’t you work? Maintain a large house? Buy food from shops? Pay Tax?
      We are all sending our distress (smoke) calls out into the universe.
      Is your heart filled with joy and excitement for the day ahead or fear and confusion?

      The creator gave to us all that we require, permaculture and self sufficiency are the answers.
      Through plants and animals, you shall know god and be free in your very own space of love, free from the hand of the beast.

      • RAB777

        There is a difference between being a slave to a warlord, and willingly bowing down and worshipping Him. God had His people conquered, put to tribute by, deported, enslaved by Babylon and Assyria. That does not mean all had to worship those pagan nations, but comply with their demands… but as the 3 hebrew young men showed, there is a line that they would not cross. Most Christians today will cross that line. They have allowed abuse after abuse, insult after insult to Christ and our faith and our nation and way of life. Most Christians are not Christians, are gutless, ignorant, and shameless. They entertain the happy emotional joyride of the delusion of their professed religion, yet deny it every opportunity when it counts. We are being judged by God for denying Him and submitting to heathen; first of all tolerating them, then including them, then accepting them as “normal” and “equal” no perversion excluded. We are being judged by God by our enemies; yet most Christians hold hands with the enemies and call them friends; and that makes them the enemy of God, regardless of any bits and pieces of the Scriptures they claim to fondly cling to. We are being judged by God and the judgment is also a test. The judgment can be brought short once we actually and fully repent and seek God’s Face. Once we actually stand up for God and what is right. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We have forgotten our own history (all the millennia it took for true freedom)… we have forgotten our God–and so He has forgotten us until we remember Him. God is not a carved wooden or stone idol we put on the fireplace mantle. We don’t have the right to choose when we will worship and obey Him, OR HOW. God is VERY precise. He commands obedience and worship in a specificly prescribed manner. Likewise with repentance. It has to be on HIS TERMS, not man’s (that is HUMANISM). Cain decided he would offer what he felt like offering, with the attitude, “That’s what I am willing to offer, take it or leave it.” God left it. So it with us modernly under both individual and national Judgment. Either we will truly and fully submit to God (and one can not do that if one does not even know what God requires)… or we will continue to suffer judgment… even if that judgment is terminal. God will preserve only a remnant, because the masses are not of Him. Ye shall know them by their fruit. Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see… let them hear and see. As the wisest man once wrote, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

    • Neanderthal

      Well guess there will be a run on Guns and ammo tomorrow as well.
      I have to admit i really have had an itch to by me a JUDGE I think I will add it now to my collection. He holds a bible and I hold a judge and ask him to repent, Damn i was just doing a visual.

    • WarAngel77711

      Oh boy. I am going to break this down Barney-style yet again. The Mark of the Beast is not an RFID chip…let’s look at the symbolism from “ancient” man’s perspective. The Left Hand…represented unrighteousness to “ancient” man. The Right Hand represented righteousness. The middle of the forehead represented the “third eye”/pineal gland. So…that would most definitely make the mark of the beast unrighteous people with no imagination and/or ability to dream/create. Say Hi to Jimmy Reptile when you get to your Hell deceiving person who wrote this…

    • Kent

      Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.
      All people have soul, body, and spirit.
      In animals, blood substitutes soul.
      That’s why you’re forbidden to drink animal blood. Animals don’t have spirit.
      You’re forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.
      You’re told to drink blood of Jesus (because He’s sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.
      Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.
      God gives you a name during baptism.
      Devil gives you an anti-name during anti-baptism.
      Barcode is Druid black magic curse and a form of mark of the beast just like Social Security.
      People who took any number (which is an anti-name given during anti-baptism by the beast) on documents or in computer go to temporary hell ;
      but those who receive green 666 (given with world passport with no name on it) on forehead or wrist go to permanent hell.
      How not to go to hell?
      Give back all these anti-name anti-baptism documents back to the beast
      by writing to appropriate authorities.
      If authorities refuse to cancel these anti-names, then write again (up to three times).
      If you wrote to the gov’t three times about it, but gov’t refused, then God will not send you to hell.
      Don’t take the microchip. If you already took it, get rid of it because microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take the world passport (grey plastic card with no name on it).
      Don’t go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell.
      Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Again, 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card (world passport). Police will chip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you’re about to be marked, scream: “Lord, have mercy!” three times. Go hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666.

      • Болеслава

        Animal have spirit as does all life. Man was made to be the centre of the animal kingdom according to Genesis.

        • RAB777

          Adam was not the center of the animal kingdom. Man is not an animal. Animals have souls (mind/emotions)… they have spirit, but limited spirit, they don’t have the breath of God that Adam had, having the Divine spark, part of God Himself, God-consciousness, a spirit that continues after the death of the body. Animals are animals. Bambie will not be in Heaven. They return to dust. Animals are not human. God told us which animals were permissible for food. All creation fell when Adam fell. Animals do recognize their sin, nor do they confess Christ. All dogs don’t go to heaven.

        • RAB777

          Adam was the PINNACLE of creation, but he was not more the center of the animal kingdom or even the head of the animal kingdom, any more than he was the center or head of the vegetable kingdom. The Genesis narrative makes it perfectly clear in the lanuage, that Adam was not an animal. Adam was the son of God.

      • Jason Bourne

        LOL! How can you even possibly THINK all this is fact? LOL! Ay you religious folk have such a creative imagination…I love the confidence you have lol.

      • RAB777

        No, Jesus did not say you have to drink his blood. If you cannot understand the difference between literal and figurative language you really should not be reading anything. Eating fat and drinking blood of any animal is forbidden. Cannibalism is forbidden. In animals blood does not substitute soul. The Old Testament sacrifice of clean animals provided a temporary substitute for man’s sins, until Christ came. God declared, the soul that sinneth shall surely die. Since God loves His people (sinful though we are), He provided a remedy in the sacrifice of innocent victims, the innocent for the guilty, until Christ came. However, that sacrifice itself did not save. It was the faith in God’s Promise of forgiveness, which looked forward to the Perfect Lamb of God that saved. Those who went through the motions of sacrifice in the Old Testament, whose hearts were not repentant, were not more saved than those today who sin with impunity and live like the Devil during the whole week, yet pretend to be Christians 1 hour on Sunday. Blood substituted for blood. The innocent for the guilty… temporarily, until Christ Himself, the Eternal God, died for His people who truly look to Him in repentance. You are correct, animals don’t have a living spirit as does Adamkind, the very Breath of God. Animals die and their soul (mind/emotions) goes into the earth and dust returns to dust and the metaphysical dissipates like an electrical charge when the power source is turned off. Those born of Adam have the spark of God, damaged though it be through the fall, redeemed in part (the “earnest” of our inheritance; earnest being a “partial down payment with promise of future full payment) and when the body dies the spirit returns to God who gave it: to stand judgment and either enter life or enter eternal Judgment. Whether man likes this or not is irrelevant or delusion. God laughs at those who think they are wiser or more powerful than He. God is not concerned a whiff about quotas or affirmative action or man’s fallen notions of “fairness.” What God has decreed stands and those who oppose Him will one day hear, “Depart from Me ye that work iniquity, I never knew you.” Those who are truly Christians follow Christ and Christ endorsed everything in the Old Testament (which were the only “Scriptures” to which He referred).

        We are not told to drink the blood of Jesus. That is a delusion and a complete misunderstanding of Scripture and missing the entire point…. you can’t see the forest for the trees… you hold up the analogy as truth yet you miss the meaning.

        We are not commanded to not drink blood because sins transfer. That is nonsense. Sins don’t transfer, they don’t rub off, they don’t linger in a spot like a bad smell. God said the life is in the blood. We do not understand all reasons God forbade drinking blood, but sins don’t transfer. You reap what YOU sow; not what someone else sowed. Blood transfusions (which for the most part are probably not right) are not the same as drinking blood. If you think it is, then why don’t you stop eating and just smear your next hamburger on your arm…? In battle, especially in the Old Testament, in close combat with swords, there is no doubt that warriors were covered in the blood of the slain and their compatriots. There is no doubt that some of that blood was absorbed transdermally. However, to suggest that those who had the blood of others touch their skin inherited the sins of others is nonbiblical nonsense. Think before you speak. It is a fearsome thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. Those who spout nonsense, not understanding the Scripture lead people more gullible than themselves astray.

        Drinking Christ’s blood does not save you… do you have it in the fridge? how often do you drink it; straight up or on the rocks? between meals or with a meal?

        If dogs come into your home the Holy Spirit does not leave… where do you get such nonsense?

        Where does God give us a name during baptism; what verse of Scripture says so? How do we know the new name…? do we get an email when we sign up… a card in the mail…?

        Anti-baptism… WHAT are you even talking about…? Have you ever done drugs? Do you currently use drugs?

        I don’t think you understand druidism and I doubt the the druids of the first century knew what a bar code was… how often do you go to bars…? While Social Security is Socialism though insecure; though it is a fraud and bankrupt, unconstitutional and unbiblical, it is not druidical black magic… what is your documentation for this…? do you have the druid handbook…? please share with us what section, subsection, paragraph, etc., that maintains the the S.S. number and barcodes are their design and curse… I would really like to know…

        WHAT is ANTIBAPTISM…? Book, chapter, verse. Christ spoke of Baptism. He never spoke of antibaptism. where do you get this nonsense?

        A GREEN 666 … on passports…? have you been listening to John Todd…? do you trust presumably converted ex-satanists…? what proof do you have about a GREEN 666 on a passport…? do you need a passport to get into Heaven? Can that passport be revoked? Where do you get this nonsense? Go to “permanent” Hell…? you mean that there is more than one Hell and some are not permanent…? what if there is a clerical error…? and someone gets sent to the wrong Hell… most probably all the lawyers will be there… but if they are there they can be of no use since they will only care about saving their own skin (fat chance)… WHAT are you talking about…?

        Anti-name ant-baptism… you must have done some SERIOUS drugs… have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? ever use a ouiji board or go to a fortune teller? If someone wrote to the government 3 times… where do you get this…? do you really think anyone believes a word you say? why do you spend your time writing such nonsense? do you intend to decieve people or are you so deluded that you actually believe what you are saying? Do you have a job or are you on welfare? How do you function in the world…? Don’t go into a UFO to be healed by demons…? You are just spewing nonsense or you are deranged.

        Those who reject 666 will not go to heaven; those who received Christ as savior, having repented of their sins, confessed them, turned from them, and were converted to walk in newness of life, unto good works in obedience to the Father which is proof of the inward change… every tree is known by its fruit. Simply rejecting 666 does nothing. Direct ancestor saved from hell if someone rejects 666 where do you get all your false doctrine…? online, drugs? Define direct ancestor. How far back? Documentation please…? Dinosaurs live under our level… really… what level is that…? you are just making this up to mock those who actually care about the truth and God will reward you according to what you deserve. No sense even reply further, it is clear you have a mental illness whether you realize it or not; I doubt you believe the nonsense you are spewing, but even if you don’t believe it, it still shows you have a mental illness, possibly a demon yourself (and as you already said, going into a UFO will not remedy the problem). You have just painted a target on your own face for the Wrath of God. Mock God and His children and you will be judged. Seek professional psychiatric help, cry out to God for forgiveness and deliverance. disconnect from the internet and save yourself and spare everyone else.

    • whocares

      Dr MacArthur is a fraud. The RFID story has been debunked by every single news source. Did he not get the memo. His church is nothing more then a bunch of rock n roll worship service. He probably sings Spirit in the sky at his church. MacArthur is like the medieval myth teller who gets put on trial as a heretic.

      • RAB777

        MacArthur is not a fraud. How many of his sermons have you listened to? How many of his books or commentaries have you read? One misunderstanding, area of confusion, does not render someone a fraud. A fraud is someone who purposely deceives someone else. My Bible says that only God and His Spirit can discern the thoughts and intents of the heart… so how is it that you think that you can read the mind, heart, and motive of someone you have never met and probably someone you have never even studied? Have you been to his church to factually know that it is nothing more than a rock n roll service? Christ said he who would offend one of his little ones (innocent children), it would be better if he had a millstone about his neck and were cast into the sea. How much more serious a matter do you think it is to speak so vilely concerning a preacher and teacher of God’s Word? Paul himself respected the office of the high priest though the high priest himself may have been unworthy of respect. By what authority then do you so vilely judge someone you know nothing about? How large is your congregation? How many people do you lead to Christ a year? I don’t agree with every point of doctrine that John MacArthur teaches (and I actually am in a position to discern and judge… what degrees do you have? what have you done for the Kingdom of God? how many books have you written? what do you do DAILY for God…? or ever…?) With like measure that you mete out so shall it be meted unto you… those who show no mercy shall receive no mercy. You are no more intellectual than the board of inquest alligned against Martin Luther presided over by HRE Charles V. when it ordered him to renounce everything in his books… HOW could he renounce everything in his books even if his books contained both truth and error (and we are all humans, so invariably, anything we write will contain both truth and error; but hopefully, if we are not led astray carnally as most “Christians” are, they will contain more truth than error)… so with what evidence do you accuse a Pastor, someone called by God, with evident fruit, with what evidence do you call him a FRAUD? You clearly must have a whole slew of evidence to which the rest of us are not privy… and you obviously do not fear God to insult one of his ministers with whom you (with or without right to judge) disagree…? Why don’t you take it a step further and blaspheme the Holy Spirit, if you are so sure of yourself, based upon your undocumented, unsubstantiated, unexplicative, unscholarly denunciation and accusation… go ahead and say that what Dr. John MacArthur does and says, what he writes and preaches, is not by God’s Holy Spirit but is by the power of the Devil. Go ahead… if you don’t fear God and since you clearly do not understand Scripture… maybe God will have mercy on your ignorance… but then again, since ignorance is a choice since we are commanded to study and learn… maybe He will not. Do you believe enough in what you have so flippantly declared above to cross that line…?

    • egail

      Meh, how can the “mark” exist if the beast hasn’t revealed himself yet.
      *looks around for Gier Smith*

      Technically when the mark/chip/card/money is made to buy and sell that’s when SHTF.(according to the bible)

      Having one now is not a problem. Though I don’t really want a chip under my skin. Would make me feel like I’m tagged like an animal.

      • RAB777

        Christ said in His day that the spirit of Antichrist was already in the world.

    • nooh

      Oh no the dead will walk the earth. This is it. Once they are in, the dead will walk the earth .

    • angelfood

      Who told you this lie? Read Revelation that any man who takes the number will not be able to enter heaven. That is deception and a lie from Satan. Jesus said many will be deceived and even the elect. It is happening folks, get ready and do not be deceived. These are false prophets and they shall see the lake of fire when they die. Read, get smart and know your bible because if you do not know the word of God, then you will be like these fools that are causing heresy among the elect.

    • Unxplainable.Net

      The speaker is Elvi Zapata who predicted the false rapture several times and was dead wrong each and every time. He also claims he been to heaven numerous times and is a prohpet. BUT Elvi is a FALSE PROPHET. He keeps preaching the pre-trib rapture lie and ALWAYS has false dates which fall through.

      I’d be weary of anything Elvi says..

    • kprofscrts

      The bill has been revised. I scanned through the document entire bill that is, for any elusive words with ctrl+f, nothing shows up under this type of thing. no rfid. no chip (besideds the childrens program), no implants, no devices that talk about inserting anything.

      It has been removed from the BILL. so unless martial law is instated, there is no RFID program. unless CHIP is a clever name for it, but it’s not considering the relation between the CHIP childrens program with the health care. i think this wont come into play until another year or so after the destruction of most of the usa. just saying, you cant convince that many people to take it. either comet ison is coming, or some form of disaster we have not seen yet like that bible says. than shortly after, the mark of the beast will be enforced. by than, people like me will not be here. either dead, or caught up in the heavens.

    • Thane36425

      That’s it. Get people to have their ID chip implanted and they’d better hope it isn’t one of these Saudi invented RFIDs with a build in lethal dose of cyanide.

    • Amminadab

      The time is coming when we cannot sell at any price. The decree will soon go forth prohibiting men to buy or sell of any man save him that hath the mark of the beast. {Mar 183.1}

      In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to break His law in obedience to earthly powers, they will be forbidden to buy or sell. {Mar 183.2}

      Religious powers, allied to heaven by profession, and claiming to have the characteristics of a lamb, will show by their acts that they have the heart of a dragon and that they are instigated and controlled by Satan. The time is coming when God’s people will feel the hand of persecution because they keep holy the seventh day. {Mar 183.3}

    • Freeamerican

      This is yet another chick doing the jew christian psy ops, faking outrage at some bunk pastor so she can blubber to keep the jew christian dopes going along in fear or fake outrage. How many of these chicks doing religion propaganda are Americans paying for, plus all the main stream propaganda and the trolls, probably can’t count it all. It’s not ‘obamacare’, NOW the jew communist republicans are responsible since they CAN vote to de-fund the bill but REFUSE to, that is so they get the forty million illegal leeches plus the legal leech immigrants they’re swarming in onto ‘free healthcare’. This bunk psy ops is selling the jew christian conjob angle and by calling it ‘obamacare’ trying to change the message away from the facts -that the repulicans are just as communist as Obama, and just playing on the ‘bad obama’ meme. It’s not the obama world order it’s the jew world order, including all the conjob churches and their idiot sheople helping to swarm America in immigrant leeches. Quit swallowing psy ops bunk. Protest immigration and the jew communist republicans and quit voting.

    • bennyhill

      “Bite you”? How Christ like. lol
      Is that how Christ would have responded to someone who attacks him? Are you sure that you are really “saved”? Can’t the way that you respond be consider a sin, by your God? :evil:

    • Hawbs

      look it up for yourself, folks, there is no mandate for the rfid chip in obamacare. pastor john macarthur is just another part of the lame stream churches who lead their people astray. the rapture, christmas, no 7th day sabbath and not using His real name. nothing new here. same old, same old. you people in these churches need to read your bible. let’s see, 3 days and 3 nights in sheol for Yahushua. does that equal out for the good friday-easter holiday? cmon

      • Freeamerican

        You start off like a truther on churches but then tell sheople to read the jew fable bibles. People with a functioning brain don’t swallow the jew fables but get educated on jew history, their thousands of years of usury, genocide and selling religion fables while they ginned up the talmud for themselves. The christian dummies have been warned, but like idiots they ignored it, holohoax, banking schemes, JWO. years and years of ignoring it. Trolls want sheople stay in the jew fable herd for at least some kind of control. If sheople keep wasting time blubbering over jew fables and don’t stop the immigration and welfare schemes, the communist jwo, they will get the slavery and death they deserve. Guaranteed.


      🌐Obviously God NEE:D’s Money/Or It’s Armageddon :lol:

    • Paul R. Veer

      A chip is not the Mark of the Beast. According to the Scriptures, the Mark is directly tied to WORSHIP of Antichrist. Here is a good summary of this:

      The reader should realize the Apostle John, who wrote the book of Revelation, was transported into the future and told to write the things which he saw (Rev 4:1). He saw the False Prophet forcing the inhabitants of the world to worship images of the Antichrist that the False Prophet is able to make speak.

      It is possible that these inhabitants of the world will be forced to bow before public television images, or big screen projections in football and soccer stadiums. The Antichrist will demand that all those in the “congregation” who are not bowing must be put to death. No matter how this is actually fulfilled, those who refuse to worship the Antichrist will be killed, and this point is important in our discussion of “the Mark of the Beast.”

      16 He [the False Prophet] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

      It is important to carefully analyze verses 16 and 17 to see if taking the ‘Mark of the Beast’ can be equated to accepting an NID card.

      First, all people on the face of the earth will be required to have a mark placed on their hand or forehead. Some translations of the Bible say “in” the hand or forehead, but the Greek word used here is “Epi,” meaning on or upon.

      Secondly, this mark is defined as “the name of the beast” OR “the number of his name.” In the English language, number characters are different from letter characters. There are some languages where the letters are also equated with numbers (Greek and Hebrew for example). In this latter case, names or words can have a numeric meaning. Since the requirement to take “the Mark” will be globally enforced, some areas of the world will see it as a name, while others, because of their alphanumeric alphabet, will see it as a number, which is also a name.

      Finally, the inhabitants of the earth will have to take this mark in the right hand or forehead, or they will not be able to enter into commerce. There are many in the world who do not have a right hand, but everyone who is interested in buying and selling has a forehead. Since the person cannot buy or sell without the mark, there is a need for it to be seen (or possibly scannable) by the seller of goods before the transaction can take place.

      18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

      The Antichrist will have a name which will convert to the numeric value of 666 in languages that can do so.

      Before moving to the next verses found in Revelation 14, let’s summarize the above in light of the proposed NID card [or VeriChip implant]. The current congressional discussions (and/or articles by security companies advising them) associated with an NID [or VeriChip] involve including personal information such as health records; banking information; biometrics such as palm or finger prints, retina scans, etc.; your religion, nationality, citizenship and the like.

      There is no talk about placing a world ruler’s name on the card, nor is there a call to certify our allegiance to him. More important, they are not talking about putting this information on our right hand or forehead.

      Also, our NID card [or VeriChip] is for Americans only. Other nations will be prohibited from using our card [though one may reasonably conclude that ultimately, various international systems will be linked as ONE.] Therefore, the current NID plans are NOT a fulfillment of the “Mark of the Beast” prophecy, but nevertheless, could be a preparatory step for things to come!

      For the sake of understanding more about the “Mark of the Beast,” which must come to pass some day, we will continue with Revelation 14:9…. [Read the whole article here:]

    • RAB777

      While I disagree with MacArthur (who is one of the best and most conservative Bible teachers and pastors alive), there is may be some merit to what he says. The passages clearly indicate that it is those “who WORSHIP the beast and his image AND receive his mark.” Does this mean that those who receive the mark BUT WHO DO NOT WORSHIP the beast, will not be damned? Well, there is room for debate on that point… HOWEVER, I believe it best to err on the side of caution. Christians in the west today have no concept of persecution or suffering (though hypocritically they have chosen to persecute themselves and suffer by choice through 60+ years of allowing corrupt politicians to subvert our nation and turn it into a police state).

      Further, this article was poorly written/titled… I have dial up and cannot watch the videos and that which was written is unclear. Did MacArthur himself receive a chip and is he encouraging others to receive it…? Or are the nebulous unnamed other “pastors” the ones who received the mark and are encouraging it. If someone is going to “write” a story, the story should contain the information alleged in the title of the article, and not merely leave all the data to be explained in the video; such is not journalism, but advertisement.

      To the one comment below who speaks disparagingly of MacArthur and Calvinism, anti-intellectualism does not help anything and you without shame flaunt your own ignorance and lack of spiritual maturity. You obviously do not understand Calvinism, having never truly studied it; St. Augustine himself espoused what is called “Calvinism.” I suggest you read some of Dr. Gordon H. Clark and abandon your anti-intellectualism. Argumentum ad hominem is the weakest most invalid form of attempted intellectual discussion. It shows a shallow mind that cannot debate the facts and therefore reverts to (presumed) guilt by association and demeaning of the opponent; especially one who is not present to defend himself. That is shameful. Further, claiming to be a Christian (REGARDLESS of your denomination) and then telling another Christian to “bite me” and “I hope you go to Hell” demonstrates an unregenerate, emotional, shameless being who has not even entered the kindergarten of spirituality or Biblical understanding. Christ said, “When you do it unto the least of these my brethren (whether giving a cup of cool water or not giving a cup of cool water) you have done it unto me.” YOU just told Christ Jesus to “Bite me.” Further, if you would consign someone to Hell for not agreeing with you (and WHAT degrees do you have in theology…? philosophy…? How many years have you faithfully taught and preached in the pupit…? how many books and Bible commentaries have your written..? or even read…? HOW FAITHFUL have YOU been…? Who are you to judge another man’s [Christ's] servant…? How large is your congregation? do you have a congregation? what have you ever done for God…? These are all questions anyone should ask himself before he insults Christ. Yes, we are called to judge and discern… but your life must be judgment proof and you must actually be living for God… and not merely 1 hour a week… what has your speaking in tongues accomplished for the Kingdom of God…? Ye shall know them by their fruit.) You show you that you do not have the spirit of Christ in you, and you do not even understand the seriousness of Hell, if you would so lightly consign someone to everlasting torment for disagreeing with YOU. Who are you…? do you think you are God…? Do you understand the concept of eternity? holiness? Certainly not, if in a public forum you claim to be a Christian then shamelessly bad mouth someone who is not present to defend himself, then tell another Christian to “bite me” and that you hope he goes to Hell. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. If you are not, then you are not of God. If you are ashamed, you will repent and confess your sin before God and man and then go and sin no more, walking and talking circumspectly, not foolishly and carnally.

      • RAB777

        I was not able to watch the videos with dial up; and I am sad to hear Dr. MacArthur has accepted this implant needlessly and that he thinks it is a great idea to lose privacy and control of his person and have anyone be able to track him or monitor his personal information; knowing that government, big business, and medicine is corrupt, how could this possible be a good thing, even if it is not tied to the mark of the beast? The government continually shows any encroachment into any area of life is always just the beginning… if the government said to everyone, we want you to start spending time in a prison cell one hour a day… WHAT IDIOT would sign up for it and not realize that shortly after everyone was signed up (willingly or unwillingly; those who signed up willingly actually sealed the fate of those who did not sign up willingly, since once the corrupt, idiotic, herd of the majority signed up, they will then pass laws saying it is “the law” and everyone must sign up… and shortly thereafter, the prison doors would be closed and locked on everyone, not just for an hour. This is terrible and all I can do is pray that pastor MacArthur has God open his eyes to the foolishness of this practice as well as his doctrinal error that it does not matter if you take the mark of the beast; as I explain in my comments, it “MAY” be possible to receive the mark and NOT “worship” the beast; but is that really a chance you want to take? Is it not better to err on the side of caution? Since MacArthur is so conservative and sound on most other areas of doctrine and even exposing false doctrine of pagan Rome, as well as false new age showmen like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, this is very surprising that MacArthur takes either of these weak and unsound positions. No one is perfect; it does not undo all the good he has and continues to do, but it is alarming. It does not invalidate the truth he does speak, but of course is reason to always compare whatever anyone says to what Scripture says; and while he may have Biblical ground for what he says concerning being able to take the mark and still be saved; while it is a possible interpretation, I don’t believe it is the safe interpretation due to the fact that once they have you dead to rights in any contract, they can and do change the terms of the contract (even though that constitutes fraud and it is illegal). While initially the chip may not be required for you to buy sell and trade, once they get enough people on board to illegally demand it to be mandatory, they WILL then say you cannot buy sell or trade without the mark; and eventually, they WILL say you cannot use the mark unless you profess faith in and worship of the beast… so what will you do then, once you have already compromised half-way, when you recognize you cannot buy sell or trade without the mark and you have no other option since you caved in right away and never made any provision for your future, as Scripture says we should: Go to the ant thou sluggard and consider her ways… the wise see trouble afar off and hideth himself, etc. Further, without everyone caving in and accepting it as the greatest new time saver and convenience ever devised, they would never be able to make it mandatory, so you are out of selfishness and ignorance, if you cave in and take the chip thinking it so wonderful–you are contributing to everyone else being forced to take the mark and then the rules changed without you having any say in the matter… does he not remember the social security number/card… it was PROMISED that the number would never be used for identification purposes… and yet it is the one thing that ties anyone to the federal tax fraud as well as every other area of life; job, drivers license, etc. The SS card at one time had printed on it, “not for identification purposes.” So, seeing how far more ghastly and evil society and the government has become, HOW ON EARTH can he think this is a good thing? Maybe his mind is failing as he has aged, maybe he has had some mini-strokes and is not thinking clearly? Many will of course think he sold out or was a con-man from the start, or maybe he had a chip put in his brain or was brainwashed into this, since he is so popular and has the ear of more conservative Christians than anyone else. Well, no such things can be proven so it is foolish to speculate. An anyone who has never listened to any of his other sermons really has no right to judge his entire person based on one bad idea/doctrine (even though it is a serious one). Listen to 20 of his sermons and only then will you have a LITTLE insight into his character.

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