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The Mysteries Of The Jesus Prayer

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Saying the Jesus Prayer
By Dr. Albert S Rossi, Director of Field Education and licensed clinical psychologist.
my source: St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary

“Prayer is Not Optional”

A layman at the St Vladimir’s Seminary Summer Institute, wrote this sentence as the most important thing he learned all week.

Which Words

The classical form of the Jesus Prayer is,

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

The actual words of our short prayers can vary. We might say the classic version of the Jesus Prayer, or we might say, “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” We may say, “Lord Jesus, have mercy.” Or, we might say a Psalm verse, or a Bible quote, or some other prayer.

Monks of old said, “Lord, make haste to help me. Lord, make speed to save me,” all day long.

The history of the Jesus Prayer goes back, as far as we know, to the early sixth century, with Diadochos, who taught that repetition of the prayer leads to inner stillness. Even earlier John Cassian recommended this type of prayer. In the fourth century Egypt, in Nitria, short “arrow” prayers were practiced.

Abba Macarius of Egypt said there is no need to waste time with words. It is enough to hold out your hands and say, “Lord, according to your desire and your wisdom, have mercy.” If pressed in the struggle, say, “Lord, save me!” or say, “Lord.” He knows what is best for us, and will have mercy upon us.

Pray Ceaselessly We are all called to pray without ceasing, says St. Paul in 1 Thess 5:17. The real questions is, how. The Jesus Prayer provides one good way to pray constantly. In fact, the Jesus Prayer is the most widespread and most specifically Orthodox spiritual prayer, according to Metropolitan Corneanu. Our task is to draw nearer to God. St. Isaac of Syria says that it is impossible to draw near to God by any means other than increasing prayer.

The Power of the Name

Biblically, knowing a person’s name gave power over that person. Name was linked with being. In the Old Testament, God would not disclose His name. In the New Testament, Jesus explicitly gives us God’s name, Father, and tells us to use the name in prayer. Jesus gives us access to the Godhead through the name. Jesus told His Apostles that they hadn’t really used His Name in prayer enough. “Hitherto you have asked nothing in My Name; ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full” (Jn 16:23).

Hidden Martyrdom Trying to pray repetitively is an inner asceticism. According to St Ignatius Brianchaninov, trying to pray without ceasing is a “hidden martyrdom.” A casual, but profound, example of this came to a small group of high school students. They were visiting a home for unwed mothers. The woman who directs the home spoke to them for a half hour. Because the woman sensed that the students were wondering about her own faith commitment, she said, “Well, you have been here 30 minutes and I have prayed 15 times.” She hadn’t been out of their sight, nor out of their conversation. Yet, during the active interchange, this woman found the desire, attention, and time, to shoot 15 “arrow” prayers to God. That’s keen vigilance. That’s a hidden martyrdom, especially when attempted all day long. Prayer requires super-human courage, given the atmosphere of the world today. The whole ensemble of natural energies is in opposition. So says Sophrony. Lions may not eat us for the sake of the Gospel. Rather, our call to martyrdom takes the form of being attentive to the present moment, relying upon God’s power always, and doing His will. Our call to martyrdom may not be any easier than death by violence.

Who can Say the Prayer

Clearly, the Jesus Prayer is not only for monks. We are told that the prayer is for cab drivers, social workers, business persons, teachers, professional baseball players (not necessarily used to win a game), psychiatrists. We use the Jesus Prayer to do God’s will, not our own bidding. Anyone, everyone can say the Jesus Prayer. There are no prerequisites for saying the Jesus Prayer.  We are all sinners and need to pray, always.  We try to keep the Commandments, be living members of His Body on earth, and try to find a guide. Bishop Kallistos Ware has sound advice for those who simply can’t find a suitable guide. “But those who have no personal contact with starets may still practice the Prayer without any fear, so long as they do so only for limited periods – initially, for no more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time – and so long as they make no attempt to interfere with the body’s natural rhythms.”
When to Pray The Jesus Prayer is recommended in the morning, following our prayer rule, for some period of time, perhaps 10 or 15 minutes. If that is impossible, then sometime before noon, or in the evening. This might be called “formal” use of the prayer. The second form of the Jesus Prayer is the “free” use of the prayer. This means at any and all other times of the day, or night. This is especially true for the semi-automatic tasks such as driving, doing dishes, walking, being unable to sleep, etc. The Jesus Prayer is notably useful in time of extreme concern or upset. When alone, we might find it helpful to pray the Jesus Prayer, out loud. This can help lower the distraction level.

Prayer of the Heart  

The Jesus Prayer is also called the Prayer of the Heart. In Orthodoxy, the mind and heart are to be used as one. St Theophan tells us to keep our “mind in the heart” at all times. Heart means the physical muscle pumping blood, and emotions/feelings, and the innermost core of the person, the spirit. Heart is associated with the physical organ, but not identical with it. Heart means our innermost chamber, our secret dwelling place where God lives. “The heart is but a small vessel; and yet dragons and lions are there, and there poisonous creatures and all the treasures of wickedness; rough, uneven paths are there, and gaping chasms. There likewise is God, there are the angels, the heavenly cities and the treasures of grace; all things are there.” So says St. Macarius. Someone said the heart is a dimension of interior consciousness, awareness, where we come in touch with an inner space, a space of no dimensions. This consciousness is timeless, the place where tears reside and deep contact with the present moment abide, and from which restful movement comes. Acting out of our heart means to act lightly, with vigor and enthusiasm. When not in that inner awareness, we are restless, agitated and self-concerned. There is within us a space, a field of the heart, in which we find a Divine Reality, and from which we are called to live. The mind, then, is to descend into that inner sanctuary, by means of the Jesus Prayer or wordless contemplation, and to stay there throughout our active day, and evening. We descend with our mind into our heart, and we live there. The heart is Christ’s palace. There, Christ the King comes to take His rest.

Silence is a choice. We choose the things we want to do. These things, then, order and measure our lives. Someone said that Christians “order and measure” their lives from communion to communion. We might also say the Christians “order and measure” their lives from silence to silence. Silence, at its best, is God-awareness. We quiet down our outer and inner lives, and listen to God speak. Someone said that when God speaks, His words are like the sound of a flutter of a bird’s wings. We need to be attentive if we are to hear anything. Outer silence is a choice. When my son, in his teen years, rode with me in the family car, we cut a deal. He had the car radio half the time, and I had the car radio half the time. He always chose his half at the beginning of the trip. Like most teens, he wanted his jollies up front. For my half of the ride, I sometimes chose silence, because I like silence. I really didn’t do it to cause him pain. He, however, did sometimes have a restless and difficult time of it. Later he did tell me that he enjoyed our quiet evening rides together. Outer silence calms the senses. By contrast, sensory overload and excitement can be addictive. Inner silence can usually be achieved only by substituting one thought for another. Hence, the Jesus Prayer overrides our usual compulsive stream of consciousness about our own anxieties. Beginning with this form of prayer, then we might be led to deeper inner stillness, prayer without words. The caution here is that prayer without words is not heaviness, semi-sleep dullness. Rather, wordless prayer is alive, vigorous God-awareness. A seventeen year old said she learned recently that, “Silence is my friend.” Abba Pastor tells us that any trial which comes to us can by conquered by silence.

Contemplation has been described as clear awareness without words. Contemplation is a “seeing clearly.” We lay aside thoughts, not to lead to a vacuum or drowsiness, but to inner plenitude. We deny to affirm. Wordless contemplation is not an absence, but a presence, a God-awareness. The aim is to bring us into a direct meeting with a personal God, on God’s terms. Inner silence, inner stillness, called hesychia, is experienced by wordless sitting, imageless contemplation. When consciousness strays, a phrase like “Lord Jesus” can be used to bring the mind back, and then the person sits quietly in the presence of the Lord. The desire of wordless sitting awareness is to open oneself to God, to listen to God. Some teachers suggest that if we are able, we spend a half hour of wordless sitting, begun by asking God to teach us to pray, or a Bible quote. Usually this is best done in the morning, upon rising or before noon. If the person is able, a block of the some quiet time is also recommended for the evening. Hopefully, all this is worked out with the direction of a spiritual guide. Both the Jesus Prayer and contemplation make us single-centered, concentrating upon the here and now, focused, one-pointed. The point is God.

Changing the Universe 

Every prayer changes the entire universe. Our every prayer, each prayer, actually changes history, the way God created the world, and all else. God is outside time. God is not “waiting up there” for our prayer, and then He acts. All has already occurred in God.

Intercessory Prayer

St Therese, a Roman Catholic saint, had difficulty knowing that God heard her prayers for others. As a youth, she decided to put God “to the test” once and for all. Perhaps only a saint can “test” God. She prayed fervently for the salvation of a callused serial killer of women, Henri Pranzini. Pranzini was caught, found guilty and sentenced to the guillotine. During this time, Therese prayed that he be saved, and that she be given a sign that a conversion took place. Pranzini became more arrogant. Therese persisted. On the execution day, Pranzini walked up the steps, put his head onto the block, still jeering. Then, unexpectedly, he lifted up, grabbed the crucifix hanging from the side of the nearby priest, and Pranzini kissed the feet of Christ three times. Pranzini publicly repented. He then put his head back down onto the block, and the guillotine fell. Therese claimed that her prayers were answered. She claimed that her intercessory prayers saved a hardened criminal. Is this really the way intercessory prayer works? In a word, yes. How? The answer to that rests somewhere in God’s mysterious ways. What we do know, for certain, is that every prayer for someone else is heard, and in God’s goodness, answered, for the other person’s good. Every single prayer for another helps that other person, and helps us. The lives of the saints are replete with examples. St Monica, mother of St Augustine, prayed day and night for her son when he was living a wild life. Augustine had, among other activities, fathered a child out of wedlock. Monica was told by her Bishop that “no child of so many tears (prayers) could be lost.” Monica’s prayers were instrumental in saving Augustine. We are each called to pray, ardently, for our children, family, priest, the Church, country, world. We have a noble and royal vocation, to pray and make an untold difference in the entire cosmos.
How Does It Work? Like swimming, we are to “jump in” and just begin. There is a world of difference between thinking, or talking, about quiet prayer, and actually praying. Like beginning swimmers , we only learn by getting wet. The Fathers tell us that, often, the first thing that happens is an experience of darkness and resistance. Then, when we persist, peace begins to replace the darkness. The temptations may become more severe, even temptations to stop the praying, but we sin less. The Fathers tell us that, as we continue to pray and live the commandments, go to Church and listen to our spiritual Father, we can expect to become freed from indecision, upset and hesitation. Our will becomes stronger. We can expect to be available to others in ways we otherwise would not have been, and we will become more effective and creative. Bishop Kallistos Ware says that by spending only a few moments invoking the Divine Name each day, we actually transform all the other remaining moments of the day. In the beginning, there may be no new insights and no pleasant feelings. Was it a waste of time? Not necessarily. By faith, the Christian believes that spending time wanting to pray, and actually praying, does touch a Merciful God. God hears. And, in turn, Divine Truth is known through direct experience, sometimes called intuition. Something is happening, and changing at a deeper level of consciousness, unnoticed. We can expect invisible, subtle snares, sent from Satan, precisely because we have upscaled our efforts, and are turning to God. In a sense, we rouse the enemy to action. St. John Chrysostom says that when we begin to pray we stir the snake (living within us) to action, and that prayer can lay the snake low. There is no ascetic effort more difficult, more painful, than the effort to draw close to God, Sophrony tells us. When we begin to pray, we expend desire and effort. The results are up to God. Real prayer is a gift from God, not the payment for our perspiration. Prayer works in the Unseen Warfare as a power/gift from Jesus, given as a function of our ability to receive it. We increase our ability to receive by asking for the increase, and God grants it as He sees fit, in His tender, all sweet and merciful manner.
Not Yoga Sitting, saying the Jesus Prayer, or in wordless contemplation, is not Yoga or any far Eastern practice. The difference is the Christian encounter with the living God, Jesus. The postures, techniques and outer form may be similar, but the content is unique in Christian prayer. The content of Christian prayer is Jesus. Sometimes the difference is likened to a priceless painting. We might admire the exquisite frame of the painting, and rightly so. But the frame is not the masterpiece. The similarities of Eastern Yoga and Sufi practice in prayer are the frame, but Christ is the masterpiece, the insides, of the prayer of the Christian. And, that is all the difference in the world.

Techniques & Psychosomatic Issues

The Orthodox understanding of the role of the body in prayer rests upon a sound anthropology. The body, soul and spirit act as a single unit, not divided or split up. Therefore, the body has a role in prayer. How we involve the body can be understood in three ways. Sometimes this is called psychotechniques. 1. Breathing, 2. Inner Exploration, and 3. Posture. Across the centuries, these issues have been explosive.

Breathing. Bishop Kallistos Ware says that if we pray the Jesus Prayer for short periods, ten or fifteen minutes at the beginning, then there is no problem matching the words of the prayer to our breath. We are to breath naturally, without playing with the rhythm of the breath. On the inhale, we can say, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.” On the exhale, we can say, “have mercy on me, a sinner.” We are to breath and pray slowly and reverently and attentively.
Inner Exploration. Inner exploration usually means following our breath into the nostrils, down into the lungs, around the insides, and out. This is unquestioningly, forbidden. The dangers involved in all this cannot be exaggerated.
Posture. The usual position, as recommended by Bishop Kallistos Ware, is a comfortable sitting position in a chair. Sometimes standing is recommended. Usually the eyes are kept closed. Posture can take many forms, as long as the postures are reverent.
Modern serious and enlightened authors, such as Bishop Ware, St Igantius Brianchaninov and Sophrony all agree that “the fullness of the Jesus Prayer can by practiced without any physical methods at all.” In summary, it can be said that physical methods are optional and not at all necessary. Physical techniques are more suitable for beginners, says St Gregory Palamas. Physical techniques are potentially dangerous, and not to be used without a guide. St Theophan suggests, “Make a habit of having the intellect stand in the heart, but not in a physical way.”
Prayer Rope  

Orthodox prayer ropes are usually soft and made of wool. The purpose is to help us concentrate, not necessarily to count. In the famous book, The Way of the Pilgrim, the pilgrim said the prayer 2,000, then 6,000, then 12,000 times. Is 12,000 Jesus Prayers better than 2,000? Absolutely not. Quantity has nothing to do with love, and a living relationship with Jesus. The pilgrim did 12,000, no more and no less, as an act of obedience to his spiritual father, not because he was “making progress.” He also prayed much because that was his “heart’s desire.” Every prayer is an act of love, made to the Author of Love, Who is waiting expectantly for our desire, and our acceptance of His Love.

The Jesus Prayer as Psychotherapy As medicine, the Jesus Prayer is destructive of the passions and altering of conduct. Just as a doctor places a dressing on a patient’s wound, and the dressing works without the patient’s knowing how, calling on the Name of God “removes the passions” without our knowing how and why, according to Barsanupius and John. The Holy Name, when repeated quietly, penetrates the soul rather like a drop of oil, spreading out and impregnating a cloth. Our modern translation of “mercy” is limited and insufficient. “Mercy” comes from the Greek eleison. Eleison has the same root as elaion which means olive and olive oil. In the Middle East, olive oil provides physical healing for many sicknesses, particularly respiratory. “Have mercy” means to have “healing oil” on my soul. The Fathers tell us that praying the Sacred Name changes our personality, from overstrain to joy. “Hitherto you have asked nothing in my Name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full” (Jn 16:24). The Jesus Prayer functions as therapy, much like healing oil, transforming our personality from overstrain to joy, and by continuing to pray, these changes become permanent.
Results of Prayer  

We don’t say the Jesus Prayer, or enter wordless contemplation, to get “some benefit.” We don’t pray to reduce our stress, or strengthen our immune system, or lose weight, or add years to our life. On the contrary, we enter prayer to follow Christ, to become open to Him. His way is the Way of the Cross.

Listen and watch this video in a spirit of prayer and it will teach you a lot.

Also, read “Be Still and Know:
God’s presence in Silence”
by the same author; with its companion video of the same name.   The publicity says:

A 60-minute ethnographic field study of ancient and contemporary Christian monasticism and prayer.  This is the perfect film to use with the book, “Be Still and Know: God’s Presence in Silence” and the accompanying Study Guide from Fortress Press.  Never-before-seen locations, demonstrations and commentary from hermits, monks, nuns, bishops and archbishops.  Unprecedented access to St. Antony’s, St. Catherine’s, Vatopaidi (Mt. Athos), Rohia and Varatec (Romania/Transylvania) monasteries.  A step-by-step summary of the Holy Liturgy (St. Basil’s) filmed at St. Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai, Egypt.  The ideal companion to the Fortress book of the same title.  The free Study Guide is also available at and more information about the book and Study Guide on this site.

Early Christian spirituality is a topic of enduring fascination today among scholars and general readers alike. Stories of hermits living in the desert in their pursuit of God catch our fancy. What motivated them and drew them to silence on their path to God? In this gracious tour, Norris J. Chumley introduces us to Hesychasm, or silence, and to the lives of its early practitioners. The reader is introduced to St. Anthony, St. Pachomius, Evagrius, St. John Climacus, and many others. Then, as only a teacher and mentor can, he opens up the important possibilities the practice has for today.

I shall be buying the book ($29) and video ($4,99)( or rent video for $1.99) just as soon as I learn how to send the money.


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    Total 35 comments
    • Welcoming Truth

      The Power and uniqueness of this Prayer is amazing.
      In the name of Jesus the people were healed and raised from the dead.
      This prayer has unique qualities …

      Use this prayer to connect your heart to the heart of Jesus and see the change as he grows in your life!

      • stompk

        One random act of kindness per day is more powerful than all the prayers put together. Get busy, stop pretending you’re the only one that has a relationship with God, and go out and help your fellow neighbors feel a little love.

    • Amminadab

      Historical note: Roman Catholics borrowed the idea of praying with beads from the pagan religions who were already using them hundreds of years before: In 456 AD, Hindus are thought to have introduced the concept of praying with beads to the world. The earliest reference to a rosary (boberkhas) is in their “Jain Canon” (456 AD) These boberkhas had various numbers of beads 6,9,12,18,36 (any sub-multiple of 108) Islam (610 AD) uses a rosary of 99 beads, one for each of the names of God. Buddhists have 108 prayer beads on the string. The Rosary is of pagan origin and no Christian prior to 1000 AD used beads to pray.

      Question #1: Did Jesus forbid repetitive prayer using Rosary Beads?

      “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. Matthew 6:7

    • Amminadab

      NET Bible
      When you pray, do not babble repetitiously like the Gentiles, because they think that by their many words they will be heard.

      Aramaic Bible in Plain English
      And whenever you are praying, you shall not be verbose like the heathen, for they think that they are heard by speaking much

      GOD’S WORD® Translation
      “When you pray, don’t ramble like heathens who think they’ll be heard if they talk a lot.

      Jubilee Bible 2000
      But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the worldly do, for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

      King James 2000 Bible
      But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

      American King James Version
      But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

      American Standard Version
      And in praying use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

      Douay-Rheims Bible
      And when you are praying, speak not much, as the heathens. For they think that in their much speaking they may be heard.

      Darby Bible Translation
      But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as those who are of the nations: for they think they shall be heard through their much speaking.

      English Revised Version
      And in praying use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

      • Welcoming Truth

        You misunderstand the context of the text. The heathens repetitions were vain because they were Pagan and given to a false god/idol.

        The “Our Father” , Psalms and many Bible versus are repeated all the time by all kinds of Christians–and this is good!

        The vain repetition argument represents a lack of Biblical scholarship.

        • chefjim

          [The “Our Father” , Psalms and many Bible versus are repeated all the time by all kinds of Christians–and this is good!]

          Repeated “all the time” by “all kinds” of Christians? Let me explain something to you. Not only are there only ONE kind of Christian, there are only two kinds of people that have ever lived; saved or lost. The saved go to God’s Kingdom and the lost go to perdition.

          Let me define each. LOST: a person who, despite the fact that God is manifest in them (Romans 1:19) and that the Gospel was taught to them, REJECT the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are not covered by His shed Blood for the remission of their sins. IF they stay in this condition, they will be sentenced to Hell and then the Lake of Fire to burn in torment for eternity separated from God and hopeless of any kind of relief from their pain and suffering.

          SAVED: a person who responds to the Spirit of God that is manifest in them and they BELIEVE the Gospel of Jesus Christ when it is taught to them and because they TRULY believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, (that He is God in the flesh, died a torturous death paying the penalty of death that we who believe in Him deserve, was buried but rose again and ascended into Heaven and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father) they are sorry for their sins and they CONFESS their sins and then TURN from their sins (repentance) hating their sins and although they are not yet sinless, they do sin less.

          Vain repetition is vain repetition. That is what Jesus forbade. The heathen used beads to “keep track” of their vainly repeated prayers and the RCC adopted the same practice from the ISIS sun god worshipers. Repetitive prayer is part of a system of trying to appease an angry god and to somehow get closer to that god. Every religion is based on man’s efforts to get to God (including Catholicism).

          The Gospel tells us that God made the effort by coming as one of us and dying in our place so we don’t have to be condemned for our sins, all we have to do in this dispensation is BELIEVE (and if you TRULY believe, you will confess your sins and be sorry for them). If you use vain repetition today, either in “chanting” or “saying the Rosary”, you are doing what the heathen of Jesus Christ’s day were doing and are acting against the will of God which is SIN.

        • Neo

          I think you misunderstand. The use of repetitive sounds by the heathen is designed to induce a hypnotic trance in which contact with the spirits can occur. It doesn’t MATTER what the words are and this is why the practice is explicitly forbidden in scripture.

    • The Watcher


      • Osimandias

        That may be your truth.

      • chefjim

        I hope God allows us Christians to say to you “Handle it!” while you are in the Lake of Fire for REJECTING the Sacrificial Death of Jesus Christ who died for YOU and shed His precious, Holy, Innocent Blood yet you reject the greatest gift that anyone has ever given!

        • The Clucker

          “I hope God allows us Christians to say to you “Handle it!” while you are in the Lake of Fire”

          I love it when Christians hope that people burn in a lake of fire for eternity. How Christian of them.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Here, here. Most of these brainwashed biblical idiots don’t even realize that
        any so called ‘rapture’ would apply to only 144,000 of the judeo-christian god
        yahweh’s “chosen” & favorite people) the semetic jews. I also have zero percent
        fear of being ‘judged’ by a so called ‘god’ yahweh that has poorer virtues than I.
        Personally if such a single deity existed I would expect a lot more out of said
        deity than a self-described “VAIN & JEALOUS” god named Yahweh that plays favorites
        amongst people which is called discrimination today. i can hear all of the black
        people now arguing with yahweh saying ‘ So, you won’t let me into heaven because
        you are racist and would love me more if i was a jew.’. What in the hell would a
        supposed ALMIGHTY god yahweh be Jealous of in this first place? A mere mortal? lol-
        please- a false “idol’ which means inanimate object? Please, personally I would
        expect a god be more secure in ‘himself’ and not have such poor and child like virtues.

    • Big dog.../small fish...

      It doesn’t matter what prayer out of whatever bible is being said: AS LONG AS IT’S HEARTFELT.

    • Klemens

      The Rosary has been treasured in the Church for many centuries. In a profound sense, it is a summary of the Christian Faith in language and prayers inspired by the Bible. Pope Pius X wrote that “among all the devotions approved by the Church, none has been favored by so many miracles as the devotion to the Most Holy Rosary.”

      The Rosary traditionally is said to have originated with St. Dominic, a Spanish monk of the 13 Century who was the founder of the Order of Preachers (more commonly known as the Dominicans) and a mighty missionary against heresy. One night, as he was deep in prayer, Our Lady appeared to him, holding the Rosary in Her hand and said: “Be of good cheer, Dominic, the remedy for the evils which you lament will be meditation on the life, death and glory of My Son, uniting all with the recitation of the angelic salutation (Hail Mary) by which the mystery of redemption was announced to the world. This devotion, which you are to inculcate by your preaching, is a practice most dear to My Son and Me. The faithful will obtain by it innumerable advantages and shall always find Me ready to aid them in their wants. This is the precious gift which I leave to you and to your spiritual children.”

      Over the centuries, inspired by the teachings of St. Dominic and his followers, especially the Blessed Alain de la Roche and St. Louis de Montfort, the Holy Rosary has become the most beloved and popular of all Catholic devotions. It has long been associated with innumerable miracles of faith and healing.

      Speaking of Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima (where She identified Herself as “the Lady of the Rosary”), Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité has written that “if She willed to appear at the Cova da Iria holding (the Rosary) in Her hand … it was to show us that it is the surest means, because it is the easiest and the humblest, of winning Her Heart and obtaining Her graces.”

      You never ever make a mistake if you pray the Rosary!
      Jesus himself want that we all pray a lot.
      Catholics and Orthodox Christian know this fact.
      If someone tells you do not pray, you can be sure he is not a Christian.

      • Damien

        My son and I

        True Catholics don’t speak Chav.

    • Deputy Dawg

      “The Jesus Prayer” I don’t mean to be disrespectful but what are these folks smoking? I mean really, where do they get this crap? The antichrists are obviously out in full force. The truth is we are to pray THROUGH CHRIST not to him. He, the Passover became the gateway to God as our High Priest and advocate before God the Father. It is only through him that we have access to God to petition for forgiveness, however Jesus Christ’s forgiveness is not what repentance is. God’s forgiveness we must seek if we hope to share in His promise.

      Please folks understand these inaccuracies are not free of agenda. Misinformation is Satan the devils efficient way of muddying the water of life. These false depictions of God and His Son, of their divine purposes, plans and mysteries are all designed to make you worship entities that just don’t really exist. This is how in a nation with a Bible in every dresser drawer and a church on every corner can be hoodwinked into worshiping false gods. If you stop for a brief moment and think it through, is it possible you have fallen into his snare? It is remarkably easy to do, we are all equally gullible, it is after all our carnal nature to sin.

      Obviously like the scriptures say, there is no truth in a lie. So what does that mean in regards to our faith in and worship of God? What it means and I will apologize now as I realize some may be offended by this, if your religion or faith supports, advocates or partakes in sun worship or any other form of paganism then factually you neither know or have access to the one and only true God Yahweh Elohim. The reason is simple and it has nothing to do with a lack of God’s abiding love for all who seek Him.

      First and foremost God is all that is good, He will never reside in sin, period! If you are a participant in idolatry and you knowingly fail or refuse to repent of that offense you have committed what is known as unpardonable sin. Ignoring the obvious and substituting it for man created delusion falls into this category. The penalty for sin without God’s forgiveness is death! The truth is when you worship false depictions and accept alternative narratives about Father and Son, these blasphemous fabrications inspired by very a deceitful spiritual force separate you from Yahweh and prevent you from receiving the miraculous gift He has included you in through the offering of His Son, our Passover.

      As I have mentioned numerous times to date there exist good indicators of false religion, Indicators that are simple to remember and easy to verify through both history and scripture. The first and probably most important is the Forth Commandment.” God instructs us to keep His appointed times sacred practicing adherence from generation to generation to time indefinite. To neglect His direction is to oppose Him! These appointed times include the seventh day sabbath and the seven Holy Days that we were given to demonstrate step by step God’s true plan for mankind. If you don’t participate and don’t understand then you oblivious to our Heavenly Father’s plan for us to become Elohim, part of the god family.

      What I find so remarkable is that God’s actual plan for us is so much better than all these phony depictions put together, yet man continues to prefer his own version of reality. Christmas is a great example. Most understand that Jesus was not born on the winter solace or high day in sun worship, he was born at the end of harvest or last September early October. This has become common knowledge yet many religiously celebrate Christ’s birthday on December 25th anyway because it is traditionally amusing. They do this insubordinate to Christ’s instruction. He said not to celebrate his birthday but to instead celebrate his death for the Passover is the beginning of life. That means repentance is always the primary step towards salvation. Forgiveness of sin is an essential ingredient necessary to redeem what God has and is establishing in our benefit.

      Now let discuss the pagan celebration of Easter. This was a real slick maneuver by the “evil one.” Satan has cunningly devised a doctrinal scenario where the only proof Jesus Christ was willing to offer that he was in fact the Messiah prophesied in the old testament is vandalized.

      When prodded by the Pharisees for proof he was the Messiah Jesus offered one piece of evidence. He explained that like Jonah remained in the belly of the wale for three days and nights so would he in his tomb. Here is where the power of evil can be illuminated. God provides us with His definition of a day in the Bible’s book of Genesis. A day is the span of time between the evenings. From eve to evening. Now pay close attention, if Jesus was executed and died “Good Friday” or Friday afternoon and then was risen by God early Sunday morning That is not three days and nights. This alleviates, destroys and abolishes the only proof Christ offered. It may not seem like much but spiritually this has great significance.

      Finally the lie that when we perish for our physical existance we either ascend to Heaven if we’re good and descend to eternal torture if we’re not. If so many people were not stumbled by this it would be comical! Scripture tells us in no uncertain terms, “no man has ascended from the Heavens who has not descended from the heavens, the Son of man Jesus Christ. Speaking of Christ, he gave us the Lord’s Prayer. The second verse of that prayer is self explanatory. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” John describes the “New Jerusalem” coming to earth from out of Heaven bearing the names of the twelve apostles on it’s gates. With these and other pieces of solid scriptural evidence that God and His Kingdom are coming to earth whay would anyone want to go to Heaven.

      If you recall ascending to Heaven and being like God was Lucifer’s greatest desire. Can you see the correlation? If not it’s time to open your eyes and ears because there is little time remaining. What the scriptures say is that the earth shall abideth forever and man shall reside upon it, that the former evil world will perish that Yahweh will be our God and we His people, that Christ will rule as King of Kings not in Heaven but here on earth. The appeal of going to Heaven is something the curious mind enamors, but this is just not the plan God has devised for those who love and obey Him. If you believe you’ll be going to Heaven, then your in for a major disappointment because that was never the game.

      Now, please, please, please if you feel anxious or agitated about what I’ve just conveyed I urge you to research it for yourself. Satan has spent ages trying to come up with effective ways of thwarting God’s entire plan and misleading His children. Deceit and misinformation have created a matrix of uncertainty and confusion. Our pillar, our island of refuge within a literal sea of antichrists, the devils agents, is Truth, God’s Truth and nothing but His Truth.

      I pray that you have an eye to see and a ear to listen. I ask that God open your mind to His hidden secrets according to His Will. I request that you might be called receiving the Spirit as your talents and service to God Almighty and fellow human beings ripens for the harvest. As I said before, be patient. In my experience always God responds in His time. That does not always coordinate with our desire for an immediate answer to our prayers, but don’t be discouraged. If you repent then pray, He’s listening!

      In closing I would like to mention that on the eve of May 23rd or beginning of the 24th as sanctioned by God, is the Holy Day of Pentecost. In 31 AD God’s Church was created and mans ability to receive God’s Spirit was born. It is one of the seven Holy Days required of God’s people.

      I offer this with love and prayers for your salvation,


      • Country Boy

        warning..some of the above is Obot disinformation!

        • Deputy Dawg

          Don’t be shy, lets hear it! Exactly where did I mislead others? Be careful because if you make this proclamation you’re going to have to be more specific otherwise your voice is mute. Remember if ever God’s Truth is spoken and you posture yourself in opposition to it, you are against God, His adversary!

          Now I will admit that I am a student of the scripture and I have a human mind. I am not above making mistakes myself. I do make them pathologically every single day. There hasn’t been a day go by since my calling that I haven’t needed to repent several times. Some days I may end up repenting for similar offenses multiple times throughout the day. My point is, I am not above error, nevertheless in response to this post I see no error and if you do I would recommend praying for spiritual clarity. If then you still feel like I’ve offered spoiled meat speak directly to my error. Don’t leave me in the dark, share your wisdom and enlighten us all.

          To be honest if there existed question in my mind about what I’ve said I would have never offered it for group consumption. Those who teach are held to a higher standard in God’s eyes. There was a time when it was different, but at this stage of the game pleasing Yahweh while in the spirit of Christ being in the service of others is what I live for. Faith without works is no faith at all!


        • maxxy

          Just-a-Word…Keep it up don’t quit. I look forward to your comments. Thanks for your honesty….Semper fi-not just for leather necks.

        • Bill Lyle

          Country Boy! Where you been hiding? Still the same old, tired responses to everything, I see….
          Go back in your hole…. The adults are talking..

    • my2pesos

      Above All ~ A Love Able

    • haha


    • MikeSavage

      You know, the scriptures clearly say that anyone who prays to ANYONE or ANYTHING other than God the Almighty, has become God’s enemy. Jesus said it.

      • Welcoming Truth

        Right and Jesus is God made flesh.the incarnation!

        • Deputy Dawg

          Another antichrist spewing misinformation demeaning God in the process, placing Him equal to His own creation. Satan too tried to convince Adam and Eve that all they needed to do was eat from the Tree of Knowledge and they would be equal to God. Lucifer or Satan himself is self glorified believing he as a spirit entity is eternal, equal to God. The truth however is he is not self sustained, his very existence is subject to God’s Will. Satan had a beginning and will certainly have an end.

          My point is really simple. This distorted doctrine raises Jesus the Son to the level of God the Father which is unfounded with no scriptural bases. Christ himself said in John 14:26 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father:for MY FATHER IS GREATER THAN I. And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.” It doesn’t sound to me like Jesus is advocating the deceitful doctrine of the trinity to me, how ’bout you? This by the way is hardly the only scripture that clearly demonstrates how Christ and his Father are separate but of the same mind.

          Unlike God who had no beginning and no end Christ had both. Jesus did not exist prior to God impregnating Mary. Later Jesus was crucified and died. This is God’s Logos and cannot be modified, changed or added to. If Jesus didn’t die he would not have had to be resurrected. Jesus did not resurrect himself scripture assures us that Yahweh, his Father resurrected him. Ask yourself the question, “Did Jesus ascend to Heaven to sit at his own right hand?” When put to the smell test this entire concept of the trinity smells like trash and is really imbecilic when you stop and think about it..

          Where this distortion may have originated is from taking scripture out of context like with John 8:15 where Jesus said “Yea and if I judge, my judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. Yea and in your law it is written, that the witness of two men is true. I am he that beareth witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me. They said therefore unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye know neither me, nor my Father:if ye knew me, ye would know my Father also.”

          What the perpetrators of deceit focus on is a false or imagined physical unification of Spirit rather than accepting what Christ refers to here as it was intended. He was describing the corresponding mind and purpose that God the Father and His Son Jesus share. He was not saying they were one in the same. Nothing like purposely twisting someone’s words to fit your own narrative. These antichrists who regurgitate such nonsense are sadly slicker than greased snot. With their deception they are as hungry lions in the wait, ready to pounce on the vulnerable at first opportunity.

          God had a plan, Jesus is an intricate part of that plan. His role in God’s plan for mankind is why God even created a Messiah. He was God’s sacrifice in behalf of his creation, man. Jesus was a necessary element to enact the plan God developed intending to bring mankind into Elohim, or the God Family. Scripture says Jesus was one of many sons to come.

          God’s Son, the first of men to enter Elohim. 1 Cor 15:20 “But now Christ has risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruit of those who slept. For since death is through man, the resurrection of the dead also is through a Man.”

          Christ through his inheritance of perfection was the only human being who could be offered as the Passover. The sacrifice requiring an unblemished Lamb. After Christ being crucified a high priest going to the mercy seat and make a sacrifice in repentance for everyone’s sin, Jesus became our continual sacrifice alleviating that Levitical requirement. This is what Christ fulfilled, not the Law. He said not one jot or title would pass before the fulfillment of God’s plan.

          What Jesus did was to merely simplified it for better understanding. He condensed all ten commandments breaking it down into the concept of love. If you love God with all your heart and soul, if you love your brother and your neighbor as yourself then obviously you wont be inclined to rob or steal from them, you will not lust after their wife and so on! This was the new covenant that has been so grossly distorted.

          As I have mentioned time is critical. Many have made predictions and it appears most everyone agrees we are living in the end times. Based on what I know I believe Pentecost 2019 is when Jesus will return. We’ll just have to wait and see won’t we? What I’m trying to drive home is that it’s time to poop or get off the pot. It really matters what you believe and how you worship God. If you out of pride refuse to free yourself from the Harlot or false religion you will go down with the ship. If you are practicing Baal, or any worship that does not coordinate exactly with God’s direction you are guilty of idolatry. You will not receive God’s promise.

          Again a good indication of false religion is Sun-Day worship/God’s weekly sabbath falling on the seventh day, Christmas/the winter solace in sun worship, and Easter/replacing Passover and removing the only proof Christ provided he was the Messiah.

          I offer my response with love and hope for your salvation,


      • maxxy

        Savage…most don’t know what prayer is , or what it’s real function, and effects are. Honesty of intent is the prerequisite, to understanding how to pray. Most people wouldn’t know what to pray for in the first place.

    • James - Divine Love Spirituality

      You missed out the most important prayer, the one Jesus has given to us himself.

      Jesus’ prayer for Divine Love from the Padgett Messages.

      The Prayer for Divine Love










      Repeated mental prayer alone, or saying repeatedly a mantra, falls on deaf ears. A child repeatedly saying the same words to its parent, to its Father, is irritating.

      Mind prayers are a waste of time so far as doing anything for your soul. They do plenty for the power hungry ego.

      A true longing with feeling is what reaches out to God and gains a response. Long with feeling to God for His Divine Love; and long to God to help you uncover the truth of your soul through your feelings. This is what drives our ascension of truth to Paradise.

      • Deputy Dawg

        I was actually finished here when I caught this response out of one eye. It truly beckons my input. The term soul as it is used in scripture does not refer to some self propelled inner spirit of man. What this is actually is referring to the physical body of man. During the time when scripture was written people were often referred to as souls. ” I counted seven souls on the trail” for example. The soul as it is commonly depicted in false religion mistakenly suggests that man has what God says will not be given until we receive His reward, a spiritual body. These antichrist who advocate such garbage seem determined to prove God a liar!

        The truth is if we all had this immortal spirit inside us that emerges the instant we die, what would be the purpose of the resurrection? This should be the red flag. It just doesn’t make good sense. Upon our passing the essence of our minds are retained by the Creator. This works in much the same way as how a computer hard drive contains the operating system and all memory. If the computer breaks it’s gone however all the necessary data to restore it remains intact on the hard-drive. Who a person was is carefully preserved by God until their resurrection. It will then and only then be reunited with either a new physical body or a spiritual one depending one whether a person is part of the first harvest or the second.

        Scripture tells us that the dead are conscious of nothing and that many will rise from their graves at Christ’s return. If the soul lived beyond physical death wouldn’t it be absolutely horrifying to be buried alive or for that matter dead with an active and conscious mind. I’m kind of claustrophobic myself, this would not be pleasant. This false narrative is just as blasphemous as eternal torture malarkey. The eternally lasting punishment of death without hope of resurrection is a far cry from endless torture. The imposters of truth like to make God out to be a heartlessly cruel ogre instead of a God of love.

        So with this said this old soul is going to grab me my final cup of coffee this morning. I wish you all a spiritually prosperous day. In closing I want to explain one simple fact. If you have a ear to listen or an eye to see, God has opened your mind. This is His calling, for without it, without His Spirit Truth is not possible. Your acceptance of His Truth is evidence of His presence in you! As you mature in knowledge God will take you where you need to be to fellowship with those He has given to Christ for safe keeping. I express this teared with emotion, I can’t wait to call you brethren.

        Praying for your enlightenment,


        • AllRoadsLead2NWO

          More than ‘just-a-word’. First of all if you had actually read the bible you would already know that Lucifer is the God of this world- not Yahweh. Lucifer and satan are 2 different entities- just like jesus and Yahweh. Clearly if jesus was Yahweh incarnate he would have been praying to himself and asking ‘himself’ for forgiveness. The old testament teaches that Yahweh ‘scooped up a handful of dirt and breathed life into it.’ That would make everyone dirt people- but the bilble is neither literal nor logical.
          You have given yourself to follow Yahweh- a self admitted “VAIN & JEALOUS” god whom plays favorites in choosing one group of people above all others- the jews/semetics in Deuteronomy 7, 6-8. Jesus was not jealous but Yahweh is!, jesus was not vain but his father Yahweh is, jesus did not play favorites even though all 12 disciples were jews- but Yahweh plays favorites.
          I have zero percent fear of being ‘judged’ by a supposed god Yahweh that has POORER VIRTUES THAN I. Are you vain? Are you jealous? Do you play favorites? Yahweh- the god of the bible certainly does. The old testament is totally butchered and censored in the first place. There was no gold in the desert to build the ark. It was made of wood. In the garden there was on 1 woman- this would make us all the products of INCEST. Eve was the ONLY WOMAN GOD YAHWEH ‘CREATED’. YAHWEH TOOK NO CREDIT FOR CREATING THE PEOPLE OR THE LAND OF NOD THAT CAIN WONDERED OFF INTO AND STARTED POPULATING THE WORLD WITH SOME UNKNOWN CHICK FROM THE LAND OF NOD. WHO CREATED ALL OF THE PEOPLE IN THE LAND OF NOD?/ NOT YAHWEH FOR YAHWEH ONLY ‘CREATED the adam and the eve and the ADAM CAME FROM DIRT THAT YAHWEH BREATHED LIFE INTO, LOL. Yahweh is a Jewish God, his people are the jews- Moses was A jew- the ten commandments were written for and received by the Jews. Jesus was a Jew and yet the JEWS DO NOT BELIEVE IS JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD BUT THE BIBLE IS A JUDEO-CHRISTIAN BOOK AND IF MOSES WAS A JEW AND JESUS WAS A JEW -THEN LOGIC WOULD DICTATE THAT HIS ‘FATHER’ (not joseph) YAHWEH WAS A JEW TOO. BUT JEWS BELIEVE NOT- SO THEY YAHWEH’S CHOSEN PEOPLE ABOVE ALL OTHERS (DISCRIMINATORY) WILL GO TO A SUPPOSED HELL? YEAH RIGHT- THE JEWS -YAHWEHS CHOSEN ONES- WILL GO TO HELL FOR NOT BELIVING JESUS IS THE SON OF YAHWEH THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN GOD.
          Finally “You cannot petition the lord with prayer”- James Douglas Morrison.

    • Pix

      “Abba Macarius of Egypt said there is no need to waste time with words. It is enough to hold out your hands and say, “Lord, according to your desire and your wisdom, have mercy.””

      All prayer for mercy falls on deaf ears, eg, c10’000 innocent children starve to death every single day. WTF is that all about? Mercy my ar$e, IT doesn’t have any.

      According to the Bible IT is all knowing and all powerful, meaning IT all knowingly created a planet with a million and one ways to end your life before it’s time, while IT sits idly by watching theist and atheist alike die in the most appalling ways. Presumably in IT’s all known anticipation of torturing it’s sensitive, thinking, feeling creation in hell for all eternity,based on the few short years we get to dodge death on this flawed planet we live on.

      You guys can’t have it both ways, IT is either all knowing or not… which is it?

      • Deputy Dawg

        in short, God is not responsible for all the chaos in the world. He has not been trying to save the world for the past six thousand years unsuccessfully. That would mean He is weak, which is a horribly inaccurate mistake to believe. As we look around even a moron can see Satan’s side of the scoreboard easily shows a prevailing evil in this world. What Yahweh did was did not focus on saving anyone, He merely has provided a time of witness, six thousand years of man’s failure to act as irrefutable evidence proving that man cannot govern themselves fairly, that mankind can never achieve lasting happiness and fulfillment in the absence of God, the head of the Family of Elohim.

        I hope this helps you better understand,


      • maxxy

        pix…God has been aware of his enemies since the rebellion, and the consequential destruction of the first eon…called Katabole. A plan was set into motion, to restore order. The enemy set a plan into action, also… a plan, to PREVENT the Lord from restoring order. This convoluted and polluted human era, (second eon), is the result of humans being given free will to choose between order and disorder. All being foretold in scripture,(a fact you have never grasped).
        The lord of this world, Satan, has indirectly been at the root of all the evil business, that has ever been inflicted on this world since day one. Not being aware of this, is possibly the most dangerous, and insidious ignorance, ever to cloud the minds of men.”
        Satan tried his best to pollute the bloodline of King David, in order to keep the Messiah, Jesus Christ from being born…..Satan failed. Jesus WAS born, to a virgin, and He brought a new promise of resurrection and repentance…A restored pathway to the Father’s peace and acceptance.
        Satan murdered the man, Jesus….and failed completely, to prevent The truth of immortality, coming to us in these times….which, actually, has been Satan’s intention, far longer than we have been able to find historical reference.
        Satan’s special talent is bringing death to humans….The Father proved through Christ’s resurrection that death,(Satan), does not exist in His reality. His faithful children have been busy trying to convince all the people of this timeless truth, for over two thousand years….unfortunately, most men can only believe what they can see, and seeing a dead human is hard to forget….for anyone. Thus we have intractable chaos, and an unimpeachable belief in and fear of death, (Satan), in our human world. The devil runs things here, with these tactics.
        All of us have been endowed by God with free will to choose….LIFE/DEATH. Choose well. All, is at stake.

    • James - Divine Love Spirituality

      I think a lot of people are confused about what the soul is. This is how I see it:

      Our soul is the existential part of us that has been created by our Heavenly Mother and Father, we, the souls that we are, being, Their children.

      They, our true Parents, have bestowed personality upon our soul, that being Their unique gift to us. Our soul then seeks to express its personality, of which it has two – as each soul is duplex in nature hence we all have a soulmate – in Creation. We then as one of the unique personality expressions of our soul in Creation set about experiencing all that God wants us to, all by following the pattern that is already in our soul.

      As we experience we feel things. And it’s through our feelings we relate to life about us, to each other and to God. And with our mind we can think about and express our feelings, and anything else. But it’s only with and through our feelings, if we stay true to them, do we grow in understanding about ourselves, life and God, including understanding about our personality and so too our soul.

      So our existential soul is experientially growing in light and truth as we feel and communicate our feelings, with our mind coming along helping us put it all into some sort of perspective we can intellectually understand. And as our soul expresses more of us in Creation, so we express more of our personality as we grow in the truth that arises from our feelings. Our personality being all of us that we are in Creation, so including our emotions, thoughts, fantasies, physical body, spirit body, will system, and all other subtle body systems that make us be our souls in Creation.

      When we die we just drop the physical and the subtle bodies that link it to our spirit body. We retain all the rest of our personality with our consciousness focused through our spirit body as we get on living our lives in spirit. So we just shift our focus from one dimension of awareness and being to another. We go on expressing our souls personality in the spirit worlds. And since Jesus’ coming we don’t have to go through any ‘sleep’ upon death (that was all relevant to pre-Jesus), so as he showed by coming back and appearing in his spirit body, we simply carry on, we die and wake up in our spirit body living our spirit lives. We experience this instantaneously, however in fact three earth days have passed, that being the equivalent of three earth days in spirit, enabling people on earth to see and speak with the dead immediately after death.

      When we die our soul goes nowhere as it exists in the existential realm of existence, or if you like, in its own unique soul-plane. It’s we as the personality of our soul that moves from one reality to another, with our consciousness merely shifting its focus form the physical to the spiritual. We have our spirit body fully functioning now with us but mostly we’re not aware of it. So when we die it’s all there working properly, it not needing to be created, we just start living consciously through it, so living picking up where we left off, with all our same thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviour and outlooks on life.

      Also as Jesus has re-revealed in the Padgett Messages, such information having got lost since his life on Earth, our souls are created in natural love and are not inherently divine. We are created in the same love as the creatures on the planet so our souls can evolve humanity as one of the creatures of this world. It is then up to us, as we have the potential to become ‘higher’ or more soul-evolved than animals, to one day long to our Heavenly Mother and Father for Their Divine Love. And when our longing is earnest and true, done from and with sincere feelings, and not just done as some mental intellectual exercise like so much prayer is, our Parents respond by giving us Their Divine Love, which is brought to us and put in our soul by the Holy Spirit. Then gradually as we partake of or receive more of Their Love, our love becomes like this love, so our soul evolves from the natural to the divine. But we have to long specifically to Them for it, They won’t just give it to us, and why we do is because we’re all conceived into a world that is denying Them and is anti Truth and Love. So we have to decide that we no longer want to be evil, we want to be at-one with Them and be as They are, which is all-loving and true, and can start our ‘healing’ by longing to Them for Their Divine Love.

      Then to do our healing, to heal ourselves completely of our evilness, we have to long to God to help us see the truth of our wrongness through our feelings. And then we have to fully honour, accept and embrace all our feelings, looking to express them so we understand what we are really feeling, all of which will give rise to the hidden truth of ourselves, that truth being why we are evil, how it came about, how our parents inducted us into it, and how we’ve manifested it. And as we bring to light the truth of our negative state, the truth of our evilness, then God will see to it that it leaves us, with us eventually becoming true and loving. But as our Mother and Father have incarnated us into this evilness, wanting us to become of it, to fully experience it, so our healing of it is about our coming to understand what being evil is all about – what it feels like, seeing what They want us to understand about it. And why we need to ‘follow’ Jesus, and also Mary Magdalene who is Jesus’ soulmate, they are a soulpair, a perfect team, is so their Spirits of Truth will come and help us understand more about the truth of ourselves, life, them, and God that we’re needing to know. And if we don’t look to our feelings to show us the truth, so we won’t receive help from their Spirits of Truth, just as if we don’t long to our Mother and Father with and from our feelings, we won’t receive any of Their Divine Love in our soul. (And if you only look to Jesus, and leave Mary out, then you’ll only receive the help of Jesus’ Spirit of Truth but it won’t do you much good because you need it balanced with Mary’s Spirit of Truth.) We are to keep our mind out of it, so by adhering religiously or dogmatically to Scripture, to a set of mental rules and beliefs, you are not going to allow your feelings to freely express themselves, as your mind will keep them repressed, continually interfering and controlling them. So you won’t be able to have a true feeling-felt relationship with yourself, another person, nature, or with God. You’ll keep your relationships all contained and controlled by our mind, so needing to keep up the ‘good works’ saying all your mind prayers religiously and obediently, all in misguided hope that if you are a good boy or girl doing what you’ve been told to do, so doing what you believe, you’ll be rewarded by God. But it’s all a lot of bollocks.

      The other part that a lot of people seem confused about which The Urantia Book helps us to understand is that we all receive into our higher mind when our mind is fully formed, so round about five to six years old, a spirit fragment or part of God, commonly referred to as the Indwelling Spirit of God. And this ‘bit’ of our Mother and Father resides within us, within the personality part of us, we being in Creation, and not in our actual soul. When we fully heal ourselves of our evilness, of our rebellion against love, truth and light, and when our soul has received enough Divine Love to qualify it as being immortal and of a Celestial level of truth, then our Indwelling Spirit can fuse completely with our soul, and it then, as it is now before fusion, helps inspire and guide us toward Paradise, the actual residence of our Mother and Father at the Centre of Creation, so we can actually meet and be with Them.

      So we do have a ‘God within’, it being our Indwelling Spirit – or thought adjuster (look up the relevant papers about it in The Urantia Book, they are fascinating and enlightening) – as to we also have a ‘God without’ They being our Mother and Father the creators of our soul and givers of our personality.

    • am123

      From the article:

      “The history of the Jesus Prayer goes back, as far as we know, to the early sixth century,”

      CORRECTION: The history of what you are referring to as the Jesus Prayer goes back to Gospels. And if you read the following verses in context, you’ll see it wasn’t vain repetition of a phrase but a heartfelt cry that was the impetus for the miracle they wanted from Jesus:

      “And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us.”
      — Matthew 9:27

      “And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David.”
      — Matthew 20:30

      “And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.”
      — Mark 10:47

      “And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.”
      — Luke 17:13

      “And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.”
      — Luke 18:38

      • Welcoming Truth

        Right on!

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