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Chapter 1. Be the best.

1.1 Components of intelligence

1. Biographic intelligence. Biographic intelligence is the study of politicians, military, scientists and other persons of actual or potential importance through knowledge of their personalities and backgrounds, including educational and occupational history, individual accomplishments, idiosyncrasies and habits, position and power to make decisions.

2. Economic intelligence. Economic intelligence studies the economic strengths and weaknesses of a country, including source of economic capability (any means a country has to sustain its economy), manufacturing (manufacturing processes, facilities, logistics), vulnerabilities (the degree to which a country’s military would be hampered by the loss of materials or facilities), economic warfare (information on the diplomatic, financial and special steps a country may take to induce neutral countries to cease trading with its enemies).

3. Sociological intelligence. Sociological intelligence deals with people, customs, behaviors and institutions, including population (rates of increase, decrease or migrations), social characteristics (customs, values and beliefs), manpower (divisions and distribution within the workforce), health, education, welfare and public information (information services within the country).

4 Transportation and telecommunications intelligence. Transportation and telecommunications intelligence studies the role of transportation and telecommunications systems during military emergencies and during peacetime, including strategic railways, highways, airports, seaports, network of navigatable rivers and canals, main phone and Internet services providers.

5 Military geographic intelligence. Military geographic intelligence studies all geographic factors, including terrain, climate, natural resources, boundaries and population distribution.

6. Armed forces intelligence. Armed forces intelligence is the integrated study of the land, sea and air forces, including strategy (military alternatives in terms of position, terrain, economics, politics ), tactics ( military deployments and operations doctrine), location, organizations, procurement, storage, distribution, weapons and training of the armed forces.

7. Political intelligence. Political intelligence valuates all political aspects which may affect military operations, including government structure, national policies, political dynamics (government views and reaction to events), propaganda (information and disinformation programs), special services, subversion (subversive acts sponsored by the government).

8. Scientific and technical intelligence. Scientific and technical intelligence studies the country’s potential and capability to support objectives through development of weapons and weapons systems, missile and space programs, nuclear energy and weapons technology, basic applied sciences.


1.2 Intelligence cycle.

Equally important to the components of strategic intelligence is an awareness of the strategic intelligence cycle and the debriefer’s role within that cycle. The first step is the identification of the intelligence gaps. Then analysts translate these gaps into intelligence requirements and strategic debriefer fulfills those requirements. Next step involves preparation of an intelligence report. The last step is the preparation of an intelligence report evaluation by the originator of the requirement. These evaluations measure the quality of the information as well as the quality of the report writing.


1.3 ” Illegal ” spies.

When I talk about “the best,” I mean the highest intelligence level — illegal spies, intelligence operatives who are secretly deployed abroad and covertly operate there under assumed names and well-documented cover stories, masquerading as native citizens. It’s very important if you get , for example, original birth certificate of American citizen, who died (at young age preferably) or any records and documents on him(birth, wedding, death, any IDs, etc) .

The process of training and “installing” such officer is rather complex and includes:

a) Special training. Foreign language, general, political and special (espionage and counter-espionage) knowledge of the target country; personal cover story — new biography, special technical devices, recruitment methods). Up to three years.

b) Illegal probation period abroad. A trip abroad through intermediate countries with numerous changes of passports and cover stories, jobs, personal connections. Then he gets to the target country, stays there for another 1-2 years and goes back to his country for additional training and correction of cover story — actually, it’s his first combat assignment. The most important part of this assignment is to check the reliability of the cover story and documents; the cover story has to be reinforced with new and old true facts, like short-term studies at universities or professional training courses).

c) Intermediate legislation. On his way back the officer could stay in an intermediate country for another 1-2 years, make contacts with business, scientists, government employees, celebrities.

d) Basic legislation. Officer comes to the target country, obtains genuine documents, gets a job which allows him to travel and talk to many people, recruit informants thus creating an illegal station.

The illegal is usually supplied with a variety of cover documents to make him “invisible” for counter-intelligence — some are used only to cross the borders on the way to a target country, others — to live there, other documents — only for travel to “third countries” to meet with officers of legal or illegal stations or to be used in case of urgent recall to home country (in that case the illegal is supposed to transit at least two or three countries). His further activity depends on how professional counter-espionage service is working in the country.

He could fail in his mission also because of:

- poor training and low quality documents

- neglecting security rules.

- one mistake in pronunciation can give you away

- treason (traitor-informant or a “mole” inside his own service)

- low personal security level (while working with sources)

If we talk about “legal plants”, KGB (and modern Russian SVR) loves to recruite Harvard, Yale and Columbia students and “push” them to the top of American politics – US Congress, the White House, the Cabinet.

1.4 “Golden” rules

1. No mercy, no ideology, no emotions.

2. Intuition is nothing but the ability to watch and analyze.

3. No evidence is evidence in itself.

4. Distrust is a mother of security.

5. Never look as if you are sizing up the person — that’s a sign that gives away cops and spies.

6. Don’t start first if you don’t know the rules.

7. The way you act is the way you think — behavior is a system of codes (information) which could be calculated by the enemy. Watch your face — that’s a shop window.

8. Think fast, talk slow.

9. Avoid self-programming and never think bad about yourself.

10. Don’t smoke, drink or take drugs if it’s not necessary; spare your stomach from very hot or cold food or drinks; avoid too much noise and light.

11. Don’t be shy to lie — the more you lie the more people respect you.

12. Let people talk out and “empty their brains” — then load your information.

13. People never change — everybody wants to get pleasure and avoid pain.

14. “He knew too much” means “He talked too much.”

15. Never ask extra questions — wait. Wait and the object will get used to you and open himself — nobody can stay tense for long.

16. Lonely people live longer in espionage business.

17. “No exit” situation is the one you don’t like or don’t understand.

18. Avoid:

- personal enemies (they fix negative information on you)

- silent types (they notice and think too much)

- other professionals (they’ll blow your identity)

- extra stress (it damages your heart and blood vessels and that kills your brain and your ability to think )

- talking too much

1.5 CIA or KGB ?



Cuts corners to save money on intelligence. No limitations.

Poor professional training and knowledge. KGB was famous for brilliant analysts.

“Country inside country.” Mostly patriots.

Results first. Use people and get rid of them. Security first. Respect your sources.

Promise and forget. Promise and do it.

Saw Russia as #1 enemy. Saw US as #1 enemy.

Money first. Job first.

Alcohol. Alcohol.

“We are the best.” No, we are the best.

Unreformable. A fluid structure.


Since 1991, the KGB has been re-named the SVR (Russian Intelligence Service), but it has basically the same structure.


KGB Chief and his Deputies


“R” — operational planning and analysis

“K”: external counter-intelligence

“S”: illegal spies

“T”: scientific and technical intelligence, acquisition of Western strategic, military and industrial technology.

“RI”: intelligence assessment

“RT”: operations within the Soviet Union

“OT”: operational technical support

“I”: computer services

“P”: political intelligence

Geographic Departments.


“A”: disinformation, covert actions to influence foreign nations and governments

“R”: radio communications with overseas stations

“A” of the 8th Chief Directorate (cryptographic services)

KGB station abroad:

KGB Resident (Chief of the station).

“PR” line: political, economic and military strategic intelligence

“KR” line: counterintelligence and security

“X” line: scientific and technological intelligence

“N” line: illegal spies’ support

“EM” line: émigrés

“SK” line: Soviet colony in the country

Embassy security officer

“OT” officer — operational technical support

“Impulse” station — monitoring of radio communications of surveillance teams

“RP” line officer: SIGINT

“I” line officer — computers

Cipher clerk

Radio operator

KGB inside humor:

“Recruit a woman if you can’t recruit anybody else.”

“You can lose nothing and you can find nothing inside the KGB.”

“Never make friends inside the KGB.”

“Before lunch we fight hunger, after lunch we fight sleep.”

“The law stops here.”

KGB slang sounds funny too: “music” (listening device), “Bible”(a book with listening device hidden inside), “gods”(officers who worked with informants inside churches and sects), “sailor” (informant — informant’s KGB registration card was crossed by a red stripe), “crust” (KGB ID), “To take a skin off” (to take information from the informant), “to spin information” (to “enrich” information with false facts), “lime-tree” false information). There are still stereotypes about the KGB, like “KGB knows everything” or “KGB never arrests innocent citizens,” or “KGB officers take special pills and that’s why they are never drunk.” Yes, KGB officers drink vodka on weekends and sometimes in the offices with regular Russian appetizers like smoked sausage or fish, caviar and pickles, but it’s a rare thing to see somebody really drunk. They drink mostly to ease tension from the job and social isolation. If you don’t drink alcohol with your colleagues it means disrespect and is not very good for your promotion. They take no pills and are just accustomed to regulate themselves.

The KGB business goes in cycles and it’s like any other bureaucratic government agency — July and August are “dead” months (vacations) as well as November and December (planning and waiting for promotion). The crazy busy months are January, February, March and June, because the departments and divisions chiefs try to do most of the job (especially recruitment) that was planned for the whole year. If you still don’t do anything it’s not a problem but if you miss the recruitment targets, you are in trouble. First, it’s not professional and even your friends won’t understand; second, it’s a problem now for somebody else, because if you haven’t met the recruitment target somebody has to recruit instead of you — and in a rush.

KGB officers, due to professional demands, are physically fit, intelligent, well educated, have no mental problems and know how to talk and charm people — that’s the art of recruitment. All these qualities create a big problem for married men (99% are married) because women like them. Almost every officer has a lover, but divorce is out of question. First, it’s bad for your career, second, you and your bosses have a terrible headache, because if you divorce and want to marry again, they have to check this woman — she must have “clean” biography: no criminals in the family, no relatives abroad, no mentally ill family members and she has to be normal too. In earlier years, every KGB officer was a CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) member and there were no political problems between the Party leaders and KGB chiefs. Still, there existed a super-secret Special Investigation Department in Moscow which was responsible for investigation of espionage or other criminal activity by senior Party members or government officials.

1.5.2 What we learn from KGB practice:

1) KGB intelligence never tries to save money on agents, especially those recruited or planted inside foreign government bureaucracies and special services. This rule explains how KGB got the American nuclear bomb.

2) KGB tries to get its agents out of jail no matter what, unlike the CIA which treats such agents as “disposable.”

3) The KGB practiced forcible confinement of dissidents in psychiatric hospitals, where debilitating drugs were administered (as an alternative to straightforward arrests and to avoid the unfavorable publicity that often arose with criminal trials).

4) Censorship of literature, media and art in general.

5) KGB mounted professional “active-measures” operations using forged US Government documents, pictures, evidences, stories, rumors and other “official” sources and media campaigns abroad to discredit all aspects of American policy and promote conflicts between the United States and its NATO allies and other states. No doubt the other top international agencies have similar operations throughout the world.

The political effect of this type of operations can be very strong. American biological warfare was blamed for AIDS — it was “manufactured during genetic engineering experiments at Fort Detrick, Maryland.” This information was “pushed” in 1986 through a retired East German, Russian-born biophysicist, professor Jacob Segal, who gave an interview to the British Sunday Express. He insisted that this extremely dangerous virus had been synthesized from two natural viruses, VISNA and HTLV-1. In the first six months of 1987 alone the story received major coverage in over forty third-world countries, and on German and British TV. Africa still believes the story.

Another example is a widespread story that the United States is developing “ethnic-specific weapons” that would kill “nonwhites only.” Some people think SARS and Ebola are among the results, and wonder what the Bird Flu is all about. Or — how about the “baby parts” story widely published in over 50 countries in which Americans were blamed for butchering Latin American children and using their bodies for organ transplants. And finally there is a widespread belief among American blacks that the CIA introduced them to crack cocaine to “slow down the civil rights movement.” Some people wonder as well who was pushing marijuana and hallucinogenic drugs, free sex, wife-swapping, and a variety of other “trends” that tore the social fabric in the United States in the 1960s, a tear that has never been mended? Any of the top intelligence services could have a role in encouraging developments which weaken America; or which distract and deflect the energies of restless students, intellectuals, the media and others who might criticize the war.

6) Every KGB officer is an analyst, unlike CIA employees.

7) KGB intelligence (SVR) always pursues global goals, which are currently:

- to block NATO’s expansion

- to block US hegemony

- to expand Russia’s weapons market

- to continue high-tech, military and space technology espionage. (Before, the KGB was involved in the support of “national liberation wars” in the Third World, providing arms, advisers, military training and political indoctrination of leftist guerrillas.) In 1992 Russia signed an agreement on intelligence cooperation with China which is a direct threat to US national security.

There are two more important special services — FAPSI (Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information) and the Presidential Security Service. FAPSI is a target for us because its in charge of a special switchboard which includes coded telephone communications by Russian President, the prime minister and their assistants. FAPSI is also empowered to monitor and register all electronic financial and securities transactions and to monitor other electronic communications, including private Internet access.


GESTAPO, secret state political police with unquestionable powers to arrest opponents of the Nazi regime, including Communists, liberals, Freemasons, Protestants, Jehovah Witnesses, Jews. It was responsible for counter-espionage and counter-sabotage.

1.6.1 The Gestapo structure:

Referat N: Central Intelligence Office.

Department A (Enemies: Communists (A1), Countersabotage (A2), Reactionaries and Liberals (A3), Assassinations (A4)

Department B (Sects and Churches : Catholics (B1), Protestants (B2), Freemasons (B3), Jews (B4)

Department C (Administration and Party Affairs). The central administrative office of the Gestapo, responsible for card files of all personnel.

Department D (Occupied Territories : Opponents of the Regime (D1), Churches and Sects (D2), Records and Party Matters (D3), Western Territories (D4), Counter-espionage (D5).

Department E (Counterintelligence: In the Reich (E1), Policy Formation (E2), In the West (E3), In Scandinavia (E4), In the East (E5), In the South (E6).

The local offices of the Gestapo were known as Staatspolizeistellen and Staatspolizeileistellen; they answered to a local commander known as the Inspecteur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (“inspector of the security police and security services”) who , in turn, was under the dual command of Referat N of the Gestapo and also his local SS and police leader. The Gestapo also maintained offices at all Nazi concentration camps, held an office on the staff of the SS and police leaders, and supplied personnel on an as-needed basis to such formations as the Einsatzgruppen. Such personnel, assigned to these auxiliary duties, was typically removed from the Gestapo chain of command and fell under the authority of other branches of the SS.

1.6.2 What we learn from Gestapo practices:

1. Investigated and fought against all activities which might endanger in any sense the security of Germany.

2. Kept operations simple and effective. Take for example the “public places total control” method: agents were recruited, first of all, at every big restaurant, bar, hotel or store. They delivered information on any client whose behavior was somewhat different from the general one: he was too excited or too depressed, too greedy or too generous, too open or too closed, too well dressed or vise versa, etc. And very often such a client deserved special attention.

3. Aggressive total recruitment – by the end of World War II there wasn’t a single guerilla detachment, resistance or espionage group on occupied Soviet and European territories that had not been in part or completely eliminated by the GESTAPO or SD — 100 per cent professional counter-terrorist and counter-espionage job based on agent infiltration

4. The “Night and Fog” operation. By 1941 the RSHA analysts reported that the “taking hostages” practice was not effective any more as resistance on the occupied territories was even increasing after that went into effect. It was decided that resistance fighters had to be secretly arrested and secretly transported to Germany where, after investigation, they just vanished without a trace. The US in recent years has been taking insurgents and others arrested (often on suspicion alone) in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world, and transferring them via secret flights to secret jails in Eastern Europe and elsewhere for “interrogation”. One might have predicted that the public outcry would quickly stamp out any such abomination as the prison at Guantanamo, but as we see the “current incivilities” have already gone on longer than World War II and the camp is still there.

5. The Gestapo was abhorred for using “third degree” methods of interrogation (see “Special Influence”)

6 .The Gestapo had the power of the “protective custody”, a euphemism for the power to imprison people without judicial proceedings, typically in concentration camps. The person imprisoned even had to sign his or her own order declaring that the person had requested imprisonment (ostensibly out of fear of personal harm) – the signature was forced by tortures. People were sent to concentration camps if they, according to the Gestapo opinion, had received too little punishment. It was not only left-wing politicians and trade union activists who were sent to concentration camps. (The Gestapo also arrested beggars, prostitutes, homosexuals, alcoholics, drug addicts and anyone who was incapable to work).

Besides, the Gestapo, actually, copied the KGB (NKVD) very effective structure and experience; they even coordinated joint actions. In March 1940 representatives of NKVD and Gestapo met for one week in Zakopane, Poland to “pacificate” resistance in this country. Then the Soviet Union delivered hundreds of German and Austrian communists to Gestapo, as unwanted foregners, with relevant documents.

7. British and Americans did not want to deal with anti-Nazi. First, it was due to the aftermath of the Venlo incident of 1939, when Gestapo agents posing as anti-Nazis in the Nethrlands kidnapped two British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) officers lured to a meeting to discuss peace terms. That prompted Winston Churchill to ban any further contact with the German opposition. In addition, the allies did not want to contact anti-Nazis because they feared that Soviet dictator Stalin would believe they were attempting to make deals behind his back.


1.7 CIA



Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Deputy Director Associate Deputy Director

Associate Director for Military Support (the DCI principal advisor and representative on military issues.He coordinates Intelligence Community efforts to provide Joint Force commanders with timely, accurate intelligence; also supports Department of Defense officials who oversee military intelligence training and acquisition of intelligence systems and technology. A senior general officer, he ensures coordination of Intelligence Community policies, plans and requirements relating to support to military forces in the intelligence budget ).

National Intelligence Council

Office of Congressional Affairs

Center for the Study of Intelligence


Directorate of Administration

Directorate of Intelligence Offices:

President’s Support Division, Operations Center, DCI Crime and Narcotics Center, DCI Nonproliferation Center, Collection Requirements and Evaluation Staff, Office of Advanced Analytic Tools, Office of Transitional Issues, Council of Intelligence Operations, Office of Support Services

Geographic Offices

Offices of Advanced Projects, Development and Engineering, Research and Development, Clandestine Information Technology Office, Technical Collection, Technical Service, Community Open Source Program, Foreign Broadcast Information

National Clandestine Service (Planning and carrying out covert destabilization operations, dissemination of propaganda, paramilitary operations, coordination between agencies)

Directorate of Plans

Counterintelligence Center

DCI Counterterrorist Center

National HUMINT (human intelligence) requirements center


Communications, Facilities and Security Services, Finance and Logistics, Information Technology, Medical Services, Human Resources Management, Personnel Security, Training and Education, DCI Center for Security Evaluation, Center for Support Coordination



The Israeli MOSSAD (Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks), formed in 1951, has responsibility for human intelligence collection, covert action and counterterrorism with the focus on Arab nations and organizations throughout the world.


MOSSAD Structure


Collection Department: espionage operations

Political Action and Liaison Department: political activities and liaison with friendly foreign intelligence services and with nations with which Israel does not have normal diplomatic relations —who is responsible for Israel’s image, which is extremely low on the international arena? What these people are doing over there? Drinking kosher vodka?

LAP Department: psychological warfare, propaganda and deception operations. I have the same question for this department.

Research Department: intelligence production, including daily situations reports, weekly summaries and detailed monthly reports, weekly summaries and detailed monthly reports.

15 geographic sections.

Special Operations Division: assassination, sabotage, paramilitary and psychological warfare projects

Technology Department: development of advanced technologies to support operations

1.8.1 What we learn from MOSSAD practice:

1. Very effective method of non-stop 24/7 monitoring of all Arab terrorists leaders’ movements all over the world. Don’t you think they know where Osama Bin-Laden is? — if MOSSAD had informants among his aides before, it has them now.

2. Unlimited practice of political murders — which means MOSSAD has no idea how to recruit and work with Arab agents (monitoring is a passive tool).

3. MOSSAD has been super-active at the United Nations, with zero effect — 99% of the UN delegates vote against Israel on every issue.

My Israeli colleagues have some unfortunate qualities: they promote an unprecedented level of PR according to which every MOSSAD officer is a genius and each MOSSAD Director is “Mr. Intelligence.” MOSSAD unfortunately soiled its reputation in the international espionage community after the case of the exceptionally unprofessional John Pollard. The following morality tale emphasizes the first rule of recruitment — do not recruit psychos.

John Pollard was born in 1954 in Texas to a Jewish family. He studied at Stanford University and being a schizophrenic and drug abuser, claimed he was a colonel in the Israeli army and a MOSSAD spy. After Stanford the US Navy hired him in 1979 as a civilian intelligence analyst at Naval Operational Surveillance and Intelligence Center, the Naval Intelligence Support Center and the Naval Investigative Center.In 1984 they brought him into the Anti-Terrorism Alert Center where he gained access to the whole federal intelligence system and a high level of clearance known as SCI or Sensitive Compartmented Information, and a special “courier card” that opened the CIA, FBI, State Department and National Security Agency restricted archives for him.

In May 1984, through a New York businessman, he was introduced to Israeli Air Force colonel Aviem Sella. Pollard told him that he had positive proof that the USA, the only Israel’s ally, friend and sponsor, was not sharing all the intelligence data it should with Israel, and Pollard was angry with the US and willing to help his historic motherland. (In truth, although Israel does not share much with the US, Israel was receiving full political, economic and military support from the US plus $3 billion a year at that time — and even more in recent years.) The report about the “walk-in” volunteer was passed to Rafi Eitan, the LACAM (Israeli military technology espionage agency) chief, and in a month Pollard was recruited. For a year Pollard was supplying Israel with top secret documents, including satellite reconnaissance photographs which were of a special interest to LACAM. The documents were going straight to Prime Minister Shimon Pres, Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Finally on November 21, 1985 the FBI went after him. In a chase, he made it into the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, but the MOSSAD officers threw him out. He may spend the rest of his life in jail. So far President George Bush and President Bill Clinton have refused the multiple Israeli requests to pardon him.

Since 2000 MOSSAD has advertised its recruitment of collection officers (a concept which is unthinkable for the KGB).

1.9 Ministry of State Security (MSS), China.

China’s MSS aggressively targets the US high tech sector heavily concentrated in Silicon Valley. Cover for Beijing’s espionage includes the 1,500 Chinese diplomats, 15,000 Chinese students who arrive here each year and 2, 700 visiting delegations each year and the US correspondents of the major Chinese newspapers, including The People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency. (Altogether the MSS has established “branches” in 170 cities in nearly 50 countries all over the world). Here what communist China is doing in the United States.

1998 was a very special year. We got 4 (four) cases of suspected Chinese espionage against the United States dating back to the 1980s. The most serious case involved China’s alleged acquisition of key information about our nation’s most advanced miniaturized US nuclear warhead, the W-88, as well as serious security breaches at the Department of Energy (DOE) Los Alamos Laboratory between 1984 and 1988. In 1997 Dr. Peter Lee, who worked in Los Alamos on classified projects relating to the use of lasers to stimulate nuclear detonations, was convicted for passing classified national defense information to China’s representatives. In 1999, FBI arrested Wen Lee, a Taiwan-born Chinese American scientist, who downloaded critical nuclear weapons codes, called legacy codes, from a classified computer system at Los Alamos to an unclassified system accessible to anyone with the proper password. Same year the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board presented a report saying that DOE “is a dysfunctional bureaucracy that has proven it is incapable of reforming itself”.

China is striving to acquire advanced American technology of any sort, whether for military or civilian purposes, as part of its government program to improve its entire economic infrastructure – a direct threat to our national security. They are mostly interested in astronautics, information technology, laser technology, automation technology, energy technology, new materials. Watch, if you have to deal with China Aerospace Corporation (CASC) and its Hong Kong subsidiary China Aerospace International Holdings, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), China North Industries Group (NORINCO), Aviation Industries Corporation of China (AVIC), China Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Company, China National South Aero-Engine and Machinery Company, Qinghua University Nuclear Research Institute, China International Trade and Investment Company (CITIC), Polytechnologies Corporation, China Great Wall Industry Corporation, China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO).

China is trying to steal from us information in the following areas of military concern:

1. Biological warfare. Gene researches (bioengineering) that could have biological warfare application.

2. Space technology. Satellites with remote sensing capabilities, which could be used for military reconnaissance, as well as space launch vehicles.

3. Military information technology. Intelligent computers, optoelectronics, image processing for weather forecasting; the production of submicron integrated circuits on 8-inch silicon wafers. These programs could lead to the development of military communications systems; command, control communications and intelligence systems; advances in military software development.

4. Laser weapons. Pulse-power techniques, plasma technology and laser spectroscopy, all of which are useful in the development of laser weapons.

5. Automation technology. Computer-integrated manufacturing systems and robotics. Electronics, machinery, space, chemistry, telecommunications.

6. Nuclear weapons.

7. Exotic materials. Optoelectronic information materials, structural materials, special function materials, composites, rare-earth metals, new energy compound materials that could advance the development of military aircraft.

The primary professional China’s intelligence services, involved in military technology espionage are the Ministry of State Security (MSS) and the PLA General Staff’s Military Intelligence Department (MID). The MSS relies on a network of non-professional individuals and organizations acting outside the direct control of the intelligence services, including scientific delegations and China nationals working abroad.

China also adopted a three-track approach to acquiring US equipment and technologies:

-the diversion of parts or tools from commercial end uses

-direct purchase

-joint ventures



1.10 Federal Intelligence Service (BND), Germany

Like the KGB, the German BND chose total global espionage as its basic strategy. This means strong government support, perfect semi-classified financing. It means Germany wants to dominate not only in Europe but worldwide — a very dangerous tendency if you think about the past. I once met a BND officer under cover as an engineer in Ukraine; we had beer and vodka and he talked to me pretty straight about Ukraine and its post-Chernobyl radioactive future. He informed me about a super-secret deal Ukrainian President Kravchuk signed with Germany, allowing the transfer of German radioactive waste to Ukraine). The BND is very sensitive to international illegal weapons, radioactive materials and the drugs trade.

1.11 General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), France

French security officials, like those of other countries, are suspicious of foreigners and have perhaps less mercy and respect for their colleagues and for quarries from other countries. In the USA they are very aggressive in high-tech and industrial espionage.

1.12 Secret Intelligence Service (MI6, “The Firm”), Great Britain

Thank God, our British friends don’t seem to be focusing on us — but who knows? Right now they are too busy working against Germany (industrial and military secrets) and France (military technology). God bless them.

Chapter 2. Special Influence


1. Tortures

Torture is a category of methods of interrogation designed to shock, hurt and humiliate the object and get information or to make him do something (if used for blackmail). Points to remember:

-ongoing torture decreases pain sensitivity

-people with strong will power take torture as a test

-resistance to torture is often a form of hysterics after arrest

-the object could take himself as a martyr if you torture him too much

-torture could damage object’s psyche and you won’t be able to work with him (that’s why we keep terrorists in Guantanamo Bay without trial – we turn them into idiots)

-people usually trust “after torture information” more than voluntary confessions

-there are different types of torture and professionals often combine them

Techniques of psychological torture include:

- fake execution

- complete isolation (“wall therapy”)

- daylight deprivation

- forcible narcotics addiction. Here you can use depressants, stimulants, opiates or hallucinogens (psychodelics): depressants (alcohol, barbiturates, antianxiety drugs

with effects of euphoria, tension reduction, disinhibition, muscle relaxation, drowsiness; stimulants (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine (crystal meth), with effects of fast

- euphoria, exhilaration, high physical and mental energy, reduced appetite, perceptions of power , and sociability; hallucinogens with effects of euphoria, hallucinations, distorted perceptions and sensations

-making the object observe others being tortured (such as family members)

-abuse of object’s national, religious feelings or political views)

The effects of psychological torture are: anxiety, depression, fear, psychosis, difficulty concentrating, communication disabilities, insomnia, impaired memory, headaches, hallucinations, sexual disturbances, destruction of self-image, inability to socialize

Techniques of physical torture include:

-food, water, sleep deprivation

-damage to vital body organs (brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, private parts) plus electric shock. The brain is particularly dependent on a continuous and stable supply of oxygen and glucose.


-face deformation

-water cure ( the torturer pours water down the throat of the subject to inflict the terror of drowning. In another variation, the subject is tied or held don in a chair, his face is covered with a cloth or plastic sheet, and water is poured slowly or quickly over his face to encourage him to talk

The effects of physical torture are: extreme (unbearable) pain, hypertension, fatigue, cardio-pulmonary and other disorders, brain atrophy.

2. Special psychology

1. “Brain washing” (implantation of new ideas). The process is: isolation from outside world (“information vacuum”) — sleep and food limitation (very effective) — “bombing” with slogans – ideological aggression – achieving the result (brain is loaded). The object is now ready to brainwash newcomers.

2. “Behavior modification” (by placing into a group). The process is: initial contact — introduction to a group — mutual interests — mutual activity–mutual ideas — control and prevention of any negative contacts outside the group. No rush, no pressure.

3. Special psychotherapy methods: talk + drugs + blondes + alcohol (used for recruitment)

Attention: An alcoholic is more impulsive, untrustful and unreliable; he demonstrates a poverty of ideas and incapacity for attention. He usually has serious personality maladjustments. He’s immature, insecure, oversensitive and anxious. Without alcohol he’s unable to meet and enjoy people socially, and suffers from marked feeling of inferiority. Besides, alcoholics suffer from vitamin B1 deficiency, which leads to anatomic changes in the central nervous system and heart with symptoms like anorexia, fatigability, and sleep disturbances. Other common symptoms are irritability, poor memory, inability to concentrate, heart pain.

4. “Transfer” (the object is placed in a regular hospital and then he’s transferred to a mental health clinic or jail). In jail you can use such methods an accelerated work schedule (to exhaust the object), turning him into a number to traumatize his psyche, physical punishment or a threat of punishment to keep the object tense and depressed; senseless labor to destroy his personality. Remember: the lower the intellectual level of the object, the more aggressive he is and more sensitive to incentive or punishment.

You can actually re-organize any object’s behavior by combining rewards and punishments, exposing him to feared situations and teaching him an instinct of a total (political) obedience.

Imprisonment is a very strong (sometimes — ultimate) tool. My friend who spent 10 years in jail described the changes in his behavior like this:

1st year — aggression as self-defense method (to survive)

2nd year — less personal tension, attempts to adapt the mind and body to the new, isolated way of life

3rd, 4th, 5th — gaining some inside status

6th, 7th — life in jail looks like natural routine

10th — euphoria before gaining freedom

3. Blackmail

Used to force a person to do something (or stop the action) against his will; it’s used also for recruitment. Blackmail methods include:

1. Leaking “dirt” on the object through media

2. Creating problems in his personal life and career

3. Straight blackmail (threatening to make public certain compromising facts about him)

4. Placing weapons, drugs, secret documents in object’s house or office, followed by search and arrest

5. Accusations of rape (robbery) (use hookers for that)

6. Blackmail by pressing family members. Careful, object may commit suicide after intense blackmail, especially if he is an intellectual



Chapter 3. Special tools

3.1 Surveillance


Actual espionage is not what you see in the movies and you have absolutely no chance of evasion if a real professional surveillance crew is following you. Why? Because they use multiple methods and mixed methods.

I. Physical surveillance.

3.1.1 Methods

1. “One line” – officers follow the object forming a line behind him and passing him one by one.

2. “Two lines” – officers form two lines on both sides of the street.

3. “Circle” – officers block the area and start searching (used in case they lose the object).

4. “Fork” – one officer (a car) moves in front of the object, another one — behind, other officers (cars) move along parallel streets.

5. “Box” – used when the object enters supermarket, hotel, restaurant. One or two officers follow the object, the others wait for him at the exits.

6. “Demonstration” – officers demonstrate their presence to press the object and lower his activity.

7. “Provocation” – officers attack the object, beat him, steal (secret) documents. Often used to lower his activity if he’s trying to play James Bond.

8. “Outstrip” – officers do not follow the object because they know exactly where he’s going.

9. “Football” – officers pass the object to each other (car — a group — bicyclist — car…)

10. “Movie” – the crew watches the object in stages: first day — to the subway only, second day — from subway to his office, etc. (used abroad). The crew has to have a female member if they are watching a woman (she could use the ladies room for a secret meeting) and members of various ethnicities (white, black, Latino) because the object could go to a specific ethnic area.

3.1.2 If you’re the object and you’ve noticed surveillance:

Don’t rush, move at the same speed.

Relax at the nearest bar (and relax the crew).

Don’t show how professional you are by trying to disappear, otherwise they could intensify surveillance or even neutralize you (smash your car, beat you up).

Postpone the operation you were engaged in .

Use a “draught” if you need to see your agent no matter what. Change lanes (if you are driving), stop the car and then drive left or right.

If you don’t see surveillance, that means either there’s no surveillance or you’ve failed in counter-surveillance. Discreetly watch the agent who’s coming to meet you and try to detect any possible surveillance; or you may have been “outstripped.”

3.1.3 Surveillance crew mistakes:

The same crew follows the object all day long.

The object “rules” the crew and calculates it (he moves faster — the crew moves faster).

A crew member is too noticeable (unusual dress, haircut, disabled parts of the body, too fat or too skinny, too ugly or too pretty).

The crew starts to search possible hiding places for espionage evidence right after the object leaves (and he may be watching).

The crew leaves traces after a secret search of the object’s house (office).

The crew does not report its mistakes or the fact that they’ve lost the object.

The crew is not professional (using childish tricks like jumping out of a subway train just before the doors close).

II. Technical Surveillance

1. Visual surveillance. Done through special holes in the ceilings and walls, through the windows from the opposite building (car) or by installing the camera inside the house (you can substitute something, like a clock, for the same thing but “stuffed” with a camera or recorder.) You can use informant as well to watch the object outside his house (especially if you want to do a secret search).

2. Listening devices. The easiest thing is to listen to the object’s phone (record all calls, including those dialed “by mistake”). If you work inside his apartment, make sure you equip the room where he usually talks. Attention: avoid widespread mistake when your agent keeps the listening device on his body; install a miniature device in his clothes or shoes, because the object could try a test and ask the agent to take off his clothes or invite him to the sauna or pool.

3. If you are working abroad, listen 24/7 to local counterintelligence surveillance radiofrequencies.

4. Reading the mail. When you control the object’s mail, remember he could use multiple addresses and PO boxes. Open all the letters with no return address or PO box. Watch when you open the letter — the object could leave a tiny piece of paper, hair, etc. to check if anybody opened the letter. Analyze the text carefully — there could be a cipher or the words with double meaning (jargon), especially when you read mafia mail.

5. Combination of above-mentioned methods

3.2 Murders:

3.2.1 Regular

Shooting, explosives or poison (cyanides, curare). Use a sniper or a “mouse” car (loaded with explosives and parked on the object’s route) if access to the object is impossible because of high security. Anyway, the murder is obvious and investigation is inevitable.

General scheme.

The best thing to do is to recruit or ” install” somebody with access to the object’s security system and get information on his schedule (plus health and habits), places where he likes to relax. Try to gain access to his phone.

Then prepare the plan and train three groups: surveillance (with optics and radios), action (includes snipers, explosives technicians or staged accidents specialists), and security (these people neutralize bodyguards, witnesses and other people who could interrupt the action; they complete the action if the action group fails; and they can neutralize the action group later, if planned so; they “cover” the safe retreat of action group and “cut” the chase).

For some operations you can modify the ammunition to make it more deadly – hollow cuts in the tip of the bullets will cause the lead to fragment upon impact, making a huge exit hole. You reach same effect using bullets with a drop of mercury in a hollow tip and you can also coat bullets with arsenic or cyanide. Use depleted, non-radioactive uranium bullets (uranium is much heavier than lead – it can be used to make a bullet with a smaller slug and a larger portion of explosive). Teflon bullets are good because with Teflon’s antifriction characteristics they pierce bullet proof vests.

3.2.2 Complex

Staged accidents (suicides, catastrophes, drowning or fall, robbery or rape followed by murder, technical accident (fire, electricity, gas), drugs, weapons, poison, explosives misuse. Also, staged natural death (stroke, heart attack, chronic illness as a result of special technical devices like irradiation).

Attention: you can conceal injection sites by choosing areas that could not be easily detected, such as fingernails or toenails. For staged accidents you can use acetone (absorption of large quantities via either the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract results in decreased respiration, stupor and death); carbon monoxide — acetylene gas, illuminating gas (coal gas), automobile gas, furnace gas; or a simple novocaine + coffee combination. In some cases nonbacterial food poisoning is suitable. It can occur following the ingestion of (1) certain species of mushrooms such as Amanita Muscaria, which contains the toxic alkaloid muscarine, and Amanita Phalloides, which contains phalloidin or other toxins, (2) immature or sprouting potatoes, the active poison of which is colanin, (3) mussels — death may occur as a result of respiratory failure, (4) grain, especially rye, which has become contaminated with the ergot fungus, Claviceps Purpurea. Ergot contains a number of active principles including ergotoxin, tyramine and ergamin (histamine), (5) fruits sprayed with salts of lead or arsenic and food stored in cadmium-lined containers.

Staged botulism is effective, too. It’s an acute intoxication manifested by neuromuscular disturbances, following ingestion of food containing a toxin, elaborated by Clostridium botulinum, a common soil bacillus. The disease is always caused by the ingestion of improperly preserved food, usually a home-canned product, in which the toxin has been produced during the growth of the causative organism. The spores of Clostridium botulinum are highly resistant to heat; in water they require exposure for 5 hours at 212°F to ensure their death.

The preserved food wherein the toxin is most commonly found are string beans, corn, spinach, olives, beets, asparagus, sea food, pork products and beef. The mortality of botulism may be as high as 65 per cent. Most of the fatal cases die between the 2nd and 9th days following the ingestion of the toxin. Death usually results from respiratory paralysis or from secondary bronchopneumonia. In those who survive, the disease usually reaches its height in the first days of illness. Recovery is characteristically very slow and residual weakness of the ocular muscles may persist for many months.

Some cases demand usage of poisons, both organic — like concentrated nicotine that enters the body through skin or concentrated inhalation of horseradish, garlic or rotten meat, which causes breathing paralysis; poisons extracted from rattlesnake, cobra, stonefish, and inorganic — arsenic, thallium, cyanides. Teflon can generate a deadly methane gas; or carbon tetrachloride can be boiled or burnt so that it gives off lethal phosgene gas. Any poison could be mixed with an agent that enters the body through the skin and takes anything with it.

Against terrorists, use their own weapons — high and low explosives. High explosives include TNT (trinitrotoluene), nitroglycerine, dynamite, plastique. Nitroglycerine is a mix of nitric acid (made by mixing saltpeter, potassium nitrate and sulfuric acid, then heating them and condensing the fumes), pure sulfuric acid and glycerin. TNT (nitric acid, sulfuric acid, toluene) is far more stable. Plastique is composed of cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, isomethylene and motor oil.

Low explosives – gasoline, saltpeter, picric acid, acetone peroxide, urea nitrate.

Many ingredients like gasoline, paraffin naphtha, acetone, swimming-pool cleaner, high-nitrogen fertilizer are generally available. Saltpeter is extracted from any soil with old decayed animal or vegetable matter – pour boiling water through, filter the water through wood ash, boil solution, remove salt crystals and leave the remaining solution to evaporate until only the potassium nitrate (saltpeter) crystals are left.

Mixed with sulfur, lampblack and sawdust it becomes a black powder. Urea nitrate involves boiling a large quantity of urine down to one-tenth of its volume, mixing that with nitric acid and filtering for the urea nitrate crystals. Like saltpeter, these crystals are used in pipe bombs. Picric acid is used as explosive or as a booster for high explosives. Very easy thing to make is nitrogen tri-iodide — filter ammonia through iodine crystals and when the resulting brown sludge dries, it will explode on contact.

Fertilizer mixed with fuel oil can be used in a pipe bomb.

A 5-pound bag of flour used with a small amount of low explosive and an incendiary such as aluminum powder can create a dust explosion big enough to demolish a room.

Swimming pool cleaner is used in pipe charges. Bleach, acetone and sulfuric acid combined can form a primary explosive. The explosive substance from a commercial detonating product can be mixed with acetone and mineral oil — then a book or newspaper is soaked in the solution, and dried, to create a powerful explosive that can be detonated with a blasting cap.

Use incendiaries (firebombs) like a Molotov cocktail — a mixture of gasoline and oil in a corked bottle with a gasoline-soaked rug as a fuse. Similar is the fire bottle with mixture of gasoline and sulfuric acid.

Light bulbs can be booby trapped with explosives. Letter and parcel bombs can be made with friction-sensitive tabs.


3.3 Coup d’etat


Coups, like war, are one of the most violent tools of special services and one could be artificially staged in a target country by “feeding” and “pushing” the political opposition or by using VIP agents in the government. Most coups are “Bureaucratic,” and entail mainly a change of leader, usually by person #2. That person might be the trigger or might be induced to practice “passive sabotage” and allow certain others to take over. It is also an example of political engineering. Coups usually use the power of the existing government for its own takeover.

Conditions for a successful coup:

-the army is supportive or at least neutral (a coup usually involves control of some active

-portion of the military while neutralizing the remainder of the armed services)

-the leader is out of town (vacation, visit abroad) or is ill

-a political or economic crisis.

-opponents fail to dislodge the plotters, allowing them to consolidate their position, obtain the surrender or acquiescence of the populace, and claim legitimacy

3.3.1 Military Coup

Changing a civilian government to a military one, usually in developing countries.

Conditions: a long-term political and economic crisis that threatens national security and the unity of the country. Military chief(s) eventually let the people elect a civilian president and form a civilian government after “re-construction” of political and economic systems. They usually leave for themselves the right to control further political process. A good example is the attempt of anti-Nazi officers to assassinate Hitler in a coup. On July 20, 1944, Colonel Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg brought a bomd-laden suitcase into a briefing room where Hitler was holding a meeting. The bomb exploded and several persons were killed. Hitler ws wounded, but his life was saved when the suitcase was unwittingly moved away by someone. Hitler was shielded from the blast by the conference table, leaving him with minor injuries. Subsequently about 5,000 people were arrested by the Gestapo and about 200,including Stauffenberg, were executed in connection with attempt, some on the very same day (which means that Himmler was involved and knew perfectly well about the coup).

3.3.2 “Democratic” Coup

A democratic coup would be a change of the government by the most aggressive (nationalistic) political party.


-artificial or actual government crisis

-mass anti-government propaganda

-organized “democratic” movement all over the country

-provoked mass protests (10,000 particiapants and up) and civil disobedience actions

To provoke a mass anti-government meeting you have to bring to the place well-trained group of agitators (bring as many as you can), and they will inevitably attract an equal number of curious persons who seek adventures and emotions, as well as those unhappy with the government (unemployed people, young and old, are usually very supportive). Arrange transportation of the participants to take them to meeting places in private or public vehicles. Design placards, flags and banners with different radical slogans or key words; prepare flyers,pamphlets (with instructions for the participants), posters and signs (to make the concentration more noticeable). It’s good if you place a surveillance team on the top floors of the nearby buildings – they will report any changes in the event; have also messengers to transmit your orders.Remember, if you clash with police and military and a participant(s) is being killed, the conflict inflames right away.

Your people can also infiltrate the spontaneous anti-government meeting and turn it ito a mass radical demonstration with fights and incidents. Key agitators (with security attached to them) have to be dispersed and stand by placards, signs, lampposts; they have to avoid places of disturbances, once they have provoked them.

-the leader of the meeting must be protected by a ring of bodyguards (they protect him from police or help him to escape).

-government buildings must be “covered” by a blockade

“Democratic” nationalistic coup in Ukraine (2004), so-called “orange revolution”. Scenario: acts of civil disobedience, strkes, sit-ins (in the central square), agressive propaganda, mass demands to revote the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election.

3.3.3 Revolution

A change of government and political and economic systems by political gangsters, usually fed, pushed, incited, and possibly funded and equipped by the secret services of another country. (Even the American Revolution would not have succeeded without French military advisors and financial support.) Government buildings are blockaded, the government isolated, all communications and transportation systems captured, government media closed, new government formed.


-political and economic crisis

-mass anti-government propaganda (in the army too)-provoked mass protests and civil disobedience actions -terror and urban guerillas

3.3.4 Self-coup

The current government assumes extraordinary powers not allowed by the legislation. It often happens when the president is democratically elected, but later takes control of the legislative and judicial powers.


Chapter 4. How to run agents.

You can get tons of information through technical devices but no device can influence decisions made by leaders of other countries. That’s why for thousands of years to come, a reliable agent will be the top tool of any special service, and their actual names have to be kept secret forever, please. A VIP agent (a top government employee) is a very rare thing and depends hugely on luck, because he can make or influence big political decisions. If he has access to the Oval Office, he can change the President’s plans and strategy, and can sabotage political, economic or military actions. When major presidential initiatives fail, time after time, one might wonder who is sabotaging whom.

The most important thing a secret source can get is a reliable information on any possible attempt on the US President’s life, or concerning a decision of a foreign government to start a war against the United States. A professional agent is actually is both an instrument (to get information) and a weapon (to influence or neutralize people).

4.1 Categories:

A.”Garbage” (60%), the “no trust ” category.

Recruitment is #1 priority for the officer and a part of his working plan and very often he has to recruit people who are not born agents. You can work with a nice guy, teach him, pay him, press him — and he still avoids any cooperation (busy, sick, on vacation, etc.). It’s hard to get rid of him because, first, you have to explain to your superiors why you recruited garbage and second, there’s a rule: if you want to be very smart and innovative, a reformer, who came here to start intelligence revolution and get rid

of a passive agent, recruit an active one first. Also, agents who work under pressure (blackmail) sooner or later slide into this category.

B. Good agents (30%), middle category. They adhere to the rules of discipline and keep the schedule (that’s very important even if there’s no information), deliver a lot of information that you have to verify through other sources, but don’t show much initiative. Used for regular espionage: go and talk to the object, copy documents, make a recording, take pictures, listen, watch. You can trust them and check often, anyway.

C. Born agents (10%). You are very lucky if you can recruit such people. They betray their country with pleasure and sometimes do not even ask for money because it’s in their character — they are looking for adventure or are not happy with their personal or professional life and seek improvement or revenge. They take risks, have good analytical abilities, good education, make (VIP) connections easily, “crack” any object, play the “good guy” whom you can trust. Sometimes they come to you as volunteers, and if they bring valuable stuff — recruit them.

D. Women. Women are a special category here, as elsewhere, and the rule is: if you can’t recruit a real agent, you recruit a woman. It’s not professional to recruit a woman for a serious operation, but if you want to get to an important object, a woman can introduce you. OK, you can recruit a US Senator’s secretary or a typist from the Pentagon, but it will be on your conscience if she gets caught. Such cases entail a life sentence, usually — how would you feel? Besides, women often fall in love with their objects and tell them everything. Finally, a married woman is much bigger problem than a married man.

4.2 Recruitment

Recruit a small number of well-informed people.

Do not recruit:

- psychos

- volunteers (unless it’s a “mole” or other government employee who brings you top secret information right away. In a counter-intelligence set-up, a “volunteer” will try to get information about you, telling the minimum about himself.)

- persons with low educational and intellectual level

- people under 30 or over 70, unless it’s a VIP. (Did someone get Jim Baker? Dick Cheney?)

- mafia members

- people who are happy with their lives and careers

The best formula when you recruit is a mix of money and ideology (brainwashing). It’s not necessary to sign recruitment obligations — people take that as a blackmail tool. It’s enough if the fellow brings a good piece of information and get paid (make a video, anyway).

Recruitment Pyramid

Priority recruitment candidates in the USA:


The White House staff

The Cabinet and federal agencies

The US Congress

Big corporations

Big scientific institutions

Local politicians

VIP world (celebrities — big media, show biz, big sport)

4.2.1 Candidates for recruitment

1. All spies who work in the USA under legal “cover” as diplomats, reporters, scientists, businessmen, actors, artists, musicians, sportsmen have the legal right to make and develop any contacts and invite people to private parties; then they “transfer” these contacts to professional recruiters. Any embassy can invite any politician to official and private parties and “work” with him there. Besides, all those people can invite prospective candidates to their countries or to other country to develop the contact; it’s much easier to recruit abroad. And remember, any contact, any talk, any piece of biography is already information.

2. You can get information about candidates through other agents and through the media.

3. It’s useful to install listening devices in the government buildings or listen to the phones, and collect compromising information on politicians. I recommend listening to the phones all over the city, if it’s the capital of the country.

The biggest mistake in FBI history was made by homosexual FBI Director Edgar Hoover. In 1971 Elvis Presley shook hands with President Nixon at the Oval Office, and was granted a private tour of FBI headquarters. There he volunteered as a secret source – Hoover said “no”. Idiot.

4.2.2 Deciding if candidate is viable

When an agent candidate appears, judgments are needed on four essential questions to decide if a potential operation makes sense, if the candidate is the right person for the operation, and if one’s own service can support the operation.

Has he told you everything ? Enough information can ordinarily be obtained in one or two sessions with the candidate . CIA idiots use polygraph – don’t do it ! Does he have stayability ? This term combines two concepts – his ability to maintain access to the counterintelligence target for the foreseeable future, and his psychological stamina under the constant (and often steadily increasing) pressure of the double agent’s role. If he lacks stayability he may still be useful, but the operation must then be planned for short range. Does the adversary trust him ? Indications of the adversary trust can be found in the level of the communications system given him, his length of service . If the opposition keeps the agent at arm’s length, there is little prospect that doubling him will yield significant returns. To decide between what the officer thinks the motive is and what the agent says is not easy, because agents act out of a wide variety of motivations, sometimes psychopathic ones like masochistic desire for punishment by both services. Other have financial, religious (that’s how Israelis recruit), political or vindictive motives. The last are often the best double agents: they get pleasure out of deceiving their colleagues.

Its important to recognize signs of sociopathic personality disorder in potential double agent. Sociopaths are unusually calm and stable under stress but can’t tolerate routine or boredom. They have above-average intelligence. They are good polyglots, sometimes in two or more languages. Their reliability as agents is largely determined by the extent to which the case officer’s instructions coincide with what they consider their own best interests. They are naturally clandestine and enjoy secrecy and deception for its own sake. They do not form lasting and adult emotional relationships with other people because their attitude toward others is exploitative. They are skeptical and even cynical about the motives and abilities of others but have exaggerated notions about their own competence. They are ambitious in short sense only – they want much and they want it now. They do not have patience to plod toward a distant reward.

The candidate must be considered as a person and the operation as a potential. Possibilities which would otherwise be rejected out of hand can be accepted if the counterintelligence service is or will be in a position to obtain and maintain an independent view of both the double agent and the case. The estimate of the potential value of the operation must take into consideration whether the case has political implications.

4.3 Working with secret sources.

“Golden” rules.

1. Do not tell the agent about problems and mistakes of the agency, about your personal problems, about other agents, about his own file and compromising information you have on him.

2. Don’t show him any classified documents — you might provoke him to sell the information to somebody else.

3. Don’t trust your agents too much; they can use you to compromise their personal enemies.

4. Never criticize the source — be an adviser. Don’t talk straight if he avoids cooperation or brings you garbage — just reduce or stop payments, or get rid of him.

5. You lose the agent if you don’t pay him for a job well done, ask him to “produce” fake information (to show your bosses how much great espionage activity you have going on) or if you don’t care about his personal security and his personal problems (health, career). And — never give poison to your agent for security reasons.

4.3.1 Questioning the source.

This is of extreme importance — the right question brings you the right answer and top secret info. Give your agent a chance to tell and show you everything he’s brought, no matter how chaotic the story might be or how ordinary the documents look. Don’t make written notices. Don’t bring written questions even if you are talking about some advanced technology — look and be professional. Don’t let the agent analyze the information before he talks to you and don’t let him bring it in a written form — it’s usually not complete; he can lose it; or it may be stolen from him. If there are documents, he has to bring a microfilm. Ask questions — when? where? what happened? why? what’s going to happen next?

After that you tell the story back to him and he adds details. At the end of the meeting give the agent another task and don’t ask him to bring you “something,” because he’ll bring you just that “something” and nothing else.

Remember, questioning is not interrogation; do not bring another officer to the meeting because it will look like cross interrogation.

4.3.2 Teaching the source

Teach your agent to:

- follow security rules while talking to people, working with the documents and especially meeting the officer (some foreign agencies practice open contacts with many people, hoping that the meeting with the agent won’t attract much attention — I don’t recommend that)

- always stay calm in stressful situations

- always keep discipline and come in time

- use analytic abilities working with people and documents — ask yourself as many questions as you can

4.3.3 Checking the source

You can never be sure you are not working with a “double agent,” even if he brings you top secret stuff. Besides, agents are human beings and they make mistakes — they forget about security, spend too much money, talk too much and ask extra questions; if arrested they may not play the hero but will tell everything. Anyway, you can check your source:

a. by fake arrest followed by severe interrogation.

b. through provocation (tell him you know about his “double game” and watch his behavior after the meeting (it’s good to have a listening device or a camera in his house).

c. by making an analysis of all the information and documents he delivers and comparing it with information from other sources.

d. through other agents.

e. through your “mole” in counter-intelligence (if you’re lucky).

f. through technical devices (reading the mail, listening to the phone, secret searching his house and office, watching him through hidden cameras, trying surveillance in the street).

4.3.4 Agent termination (one-way ticket)

It doesn’t happen often but you have to know some special situations when you have to terminate the agent:

1. He knows too much (talks too much) and is ready to betray you.

2. VIP agent (politician) is under suspicion and you can’t help him for political reasons (diplomatic, international scandal, etc.) — in such a case an accident could be staged. It happens that the agent is too close to President.

3. Agent was involved in special operations (murders) and is dangerous as a witness.

4. Agent is trying to blackmail you.

5. You need to press (blackmail) other agents.


Chapter 5 . FBI Helper


5.1 “Golden rules”

1. Don’t die a hero – that’s bad planning, poor training and lack of experience; the dead man goes to a hall of shame and stupidity. Bad planning is an operational failure; once things have gone off track it is far more complicated to achieve the objective. Multi-step complex operations come from the fantasies of bureaucrats who watch too many movies. Keep it simple if you want to get it right.

2. Never provoke people to break the law – that’s not professional.

3. Always look for insider if it’s about sophisticated operation (bank robbery, etc.).

5.2 Investigation

5.2.1 Stages:

- secure and examine carefully the crime scene (every person who enters the scene is a potential destroyer of physical evidence)

- record the scene (make photos, sketches, notes with detailed written description of the scene with the location of evidences recovered)

- collect physical evidences (blood, semen, saliva, hair, documents, drugs, weapons and explosives, poisonous substances, fingerprints, traces, soils and minerals, fiber) and package everything

- collect confessions and eyewitnesses accounts and then

- make a plan of investigation and correct it later

- research similar crimes and criminals involved

- make a model (profile) of the suspect

- analyze expertise data

- work with secret sources

- cooperate with other divisions (abroad, if needed)

- make arrest

- interrogate


5.2.2 Arrest

In daytime arrest people discreetly — don’t bring extra public irritation. There’s a general rule: more arrests — less crime prevention (after being in jail people, engage in more sophisticated and secret criminal activity). After mass arrests at certain places (buildings) repeat the action in a day or two.


- chasing the object, block the area into circles (follow the plan for a certain area) and try to “push” him to a certain place where your team is waiting

- taking the object in the street: look around for his partner(s), who could shoot you from behind

- be on the alert if anybody tries to talk to you in the street — it could be an attempt to divert your attention

- arresting a crew, shoot and disarm any people with guns first

- never hesitate to shoot terrorists — some of them have mental problems and won’t think a second before shooting you

- arrest a dangerous object while he’s relaxed (drugs, alcohol, sex, sleep) and don’t let him kill himself, eliminate evidences or warn his partners. (Most people feel more relaxed when traveling abroad.) To take the object alive, scream, shoot over his head, use smoke and light grenades.

- camouflage your team (as ambulance workers, construction workers, vendors, etc.)

- if there’s a crowd around the object, shoot in the air and order everybody to lie down— the object has no choice

- if the object is well armed and very dangerous (and you have intelligence information on that), you have to shoot him even in a very crowded area as you never know what he’s going to do next — take hostages, shoot people or blow up a bomb (three wounded people is a better score than three hundred dead).

5.2.3 Interrogation

Interrogation is a conversational process of information gathering. The intent of interrogation is to control an individual so that he will either willingly supply the requested information or, if someone is an unwilling participant in the process, to make the person submit to the demands for information.

Remember, people tend to:

-talk when they are under stress and respond to kindness and understanding.

-show deference when confronted by superior authority, This is culturally dependent, but in most areas of the world people are used to responding to questions from a variety of government and quasi-government officials.

-operate within a framework of personal and culturally derived values. People tend to respond positively to individuals who display the same value system and negatively when their core values are challenged.

-respond to physical and, more importantly, emotional self-interest.

-fail to apply or remember lessons they may have been taught regarding security if confronted with a disorganized or strange situation

-be more willing to discuss a topic about which the interrogator demonstrates identical or related experience or knowledge

-appreciate flattery and exoneration from guilt


Before you interrogate the object, you have to gather some intelligence on him — examine his documents, read his files (if any), interrogate his partners or co-workers. Then you must establish and develop rapport, when the object reacts to your statements. Rapport may be developed by asking background questions about his family, friends, likes, dislikes; by offering incentives like coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, meals, or offers to send a letter home; by feigning experiences similar to those of the object; by showing concern for the object through the use of voice vitality and body language; by helping the source rationalize his guilt; by flattering the object. Be convincing and sincere, and you’ll control the object for sure. ( Hollywood “insists” on using the “truth serum”, but I can tell you one thing – KGB never used it, a professional interrogater does not need it. I know about tests with Oxytocin, when 130 college students were randomly given a snort of Oxytocin or placebo. Half were then designated “investors” and were given money. They could keep or transfer some or all of the money to a student “trustee”, whom they did not know and could not see. The act of transferring money tripled its value, creating a big payoff for the trustee receiving it. That person could then keep it all or acknowledge the investor’s trust by returning some portion. The investors getting Oxytocin on average transferred more money than those getting placebos, and twice as many – 45% versus 21% – showed maximal trust and transferred it all. Oxytocin had no effect on how much money trustees shared back with their investors, suggesting that the hormone acted specifically to promote trust in situations where there was risk and uncertainty. My conclusion is : you can you drugs like Oxytocin to improve and accelerate rapport, nothing else).

After that you can start questioning using follow-up questions (they flow one from another based on the answer to previous questions), break-up questions (to “break” the object’s concentration, if he’s lying, by interrupting him all the time), repeated questions (to check the previous information), control questions (developed from information you believe to be true and based on information which has been recently confirmed and which is not likely to be changed. They are used to check the truthfulness of the object’s responses and should be mixed in with other questions throughout the interrogation), prepared questions developed in advance of interrogation to gain precise wording or the most desirable questioning sequence (they are used primarily for interrogations which are technical in nature), leading questions (to prompt the object to answer with the response he believes you wish to hear) to verify information.

There are two types of questions that you should not use – these are compound and negative questions. Compound questions are questions which ask for at least two different pieces of information and they are, actually, two or more questions in one. They allow the object to avoid giving a complete answer. Negative questions are questions which are constructed with “no,” “not,” “none.” They should be avoided because they may confuse the object and produce false information.

Never allow the suspect to deny guilt. But it’s good if he is involved in discussion and gives you the reason why he didn’t or couldn’t commit the crime, because you can prove he’s wrong and move him towards offering alternatives and giving two choices for what happened; one more socially acceptable than other. The suspect is expected to choose the easier option but whichever alternative he chooses, guilt is admitted. Also, offer punishment alternatives and deals and lead the suspect to repeat the admission of guilt in front of witnesses.


a) “good cop / bad cop”

b)”story under a story” (after intense interrogation the object tells a different story — which is not true, either)

c) “bombing” with questions

d) pressure by not interrogating

e) “silence makes your situation worse” trick

f) “admit one small episode and that’s it” trick

g) “I help you — you help me” trick

h) “shift” – try to shift the blame away from the suspect to some other person or set of circumstances that prompted the subject to commit the crime. That is, develop themes containing reasons that will justify or excuse the crime. Themes may be developed or changed to find one to which the accused is most responsive.

Remember, every object has a breaking point and there are some indicators that the object is near his breaking point or has already reached it. If the object leans forward and his facial expression indicates an interest in the proposal or is more hesitant in his argument, he is probably nearing the breaking point.

If you are being interrogated,

your major objective is to buy time and use “effective talking,” disclosing information that is correct, but outdated or worthless. I can add also a few words about the polygraph (“lie detector”) , which measures heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, and skin conductivity to detect emotional arousal, which in turn supposedly reflects lying versus truthfulness. The polygraph does in fact measure sympathetic nervous system arousal, but scientific research shows that lying is only loosely related to anxiety and guilt. Some people become nervous when telling the truth, whereas others remain calm when deliberately lying. Actually, a polygraph cannot tell which emotion is being felt (nervousness, excitement, sexual arousal) or whether a response is due to emotional arousasl or something else, such as physical exercise. Although proponents contend that polygraph tests are 90% or more accurate, tests show error rates ranging between 25 and 75 percent. My own experience says that you can successfully lie to polygraph. In 1987, while at KGB Andropov Intelligence Institute, I was tested by “lie detector”, and I failed the first set of questions, like :” Have you ever cheated on your wife?” or “Do you like prostitutes?”. Then I relaxed for half an hour watching other students going through the procedure, and took the test again – this time I tried to stay absolutely indifferent and “programmed” to lie. I won . I think, the best thing is to use “guilty knowledge” questions to make the polygraph reliable – that is, questions based on specific information that only a guilty person would know ( such as the place where the object (a “mole”) had a “brush contact” with intelligence officer) – the idea is that guilty person would recognize these specific cues and respond in a different way than an innocent person.


5.2 The Mafia

5.2.1 Levels:

1. Lower: drugs, weapons, racketeering, money laundering and other regular criminal activity

2. Middle: involvement in economy (big banks and corporations) and politics

3. Upper: government infiltration

5.2.2 Rules:

- help your brother no matter what

- revenge is inescapable

- obey orders and keep silence, order is a trust

- minimum membership with maximum profit

- leave no evidences (no papers),

- don’t lie, steal, or cheat

- there’s no justice but mafia justice

- live and die together

5.2.3 Action

The basic principle is a total secrecy of structure, methods, operations, names and banking accounts. The most powerful tool is an exchange of favors. The Mafia covers any country with a chain of connections, creating a perfect terrain for total corruption. The first row of the Mafia’s best friends are corrupted police and FBI officers, second row — local and federal politicians. The Mafia cultivates mutual help, protects better than a law and that’s why mafia laws are primary for the members of a family. Members get help from the family automatically and it’s a very strong incentive. The Mafia launches political murders only if certain politicians seriously offend its big financial interests. Have you noticed that every presidential candidate is ready to fight crime but nobody is talking about fighting the Mafia? You can’t win, but you can keep the Mafia under control. And you have to control the Mafia because it penetrates politics, and political psychology (behavior) could be substituted by a criminal psychology, and that will be the end of America.

I have met Italian mafia members because they were racketeering a huge bakery in Boro Park, Brooklyn, where my friends worked, and because I lived in Italian area of Brooklyn – Bensonhurst. A very polite man about 40 used to come to the bakery every Thursday and even talked to the workers while waiting for his weekly envelope with the money. In Bensonhurst I lived in private house owned by Italians, who didn’t talk much, but showed enough respect to John Gotti, the Gambino crime family boss, who died in prison in 2002.

I have also met Russian mafia members both in Russia and in the United States and know them very well. I can’t agree with FBI and police experts who don’t see much threat from those people. First, they don’t hesitate to kill, even if it’s a cop. Second, they are not afraid of American prisons and even have people who stay in jail for years to “teach” young generation of gangsters. Third, they don’t mix with other ethnic groups (for security reasons). Fourth, they usually look for big illegal business opportunities, like serious money laundering or drugs, weapons and diamonds trafficking. (When it comes to drugs, it has to be wholesale only — Russians don’t sell drugs on American streets.)

“Five [Italian] Families” based in New York City control organized crime activities all over America. Their criminal interests include labor racketeering, narcotics, pornography, gambling, loansharking, extortion, solid and waste dumping violations, hijacking, pier thefts and fencing. These families are: Genovese Family (the most powerful, secretive and disciplined crime family in USA),Gambino Family, Bonanno Family, Lucchese Family and Colombo Family.

Other families ( altogether there are about 3,000 Italian gangsters in USA) include:

DeCavalcante family ( New Jersey), small and less powerful.

“Chicago Outfit” (Chicago) controls Chicago, runs many of the Las Vegas gambling establishments, is almost equal in power with the New York Families.

Los Angeles family, controls Hollywood; due to influx of Hispanic and African-American crime gangs in California the mafia has very little control over crime, although they still operate and run rackets across the town.

“The Partnership” (Detroit).

“The Arm” (Buffalo).

St. Louis family.

LaRocca family.

Marcello family.

Lanza family.

“Russian” (former Soviet) mafia organizations in USA

Kikalishvili, Fineberg, Chechnya, Dagestan, “Lubertsy”, Mazutkin, Baklanov, Kazan’, Brandvein, Sorkin, Rudyak, Brook, Ibragimov, Ittayev, Efros, Sogomonyan, Arakelyan, Brikyan, “Vilnus”, “Vorkuta”, “Solntsevo”.


5.2.4 FBI tricks:

a) “house trap”: Spread information that a certain place is packed with money or drugs, and prepare an ambush.

b) advertise discreetly (through your sources) some semi-legal or illegal business. People who are willing to get involved in dubious operations will “fly” to you (change cities).

c) encourage wars between mafia families.

d) “car trap”: Install a video camera in an expensive car and leave it in the “bad” area. A thief gets in a car and … the trap is closed.

Have some fun, guess who this is: blue jeans, blue baseball jacket, work boots, silver chain (with a badge under T-shirt), short haircut, clean-shaved face, “walkie-talkie,” Pepsi and cheap cookies, walks like a President of the United States and looks straight into your eyes like a pastor. (NYPD undercover).

5.3 How to Manage Civil Disturbance

The FBI and the police have to join forces in response to any serious tip about a “planned crowd,” one which is being organized to assemble at the call of a leader and step forward with serious political demands, and is ready to create a civil disturbance. Civil disturbance arises when a crowd gathers to air grievances on issues and transfers its anger from the issues to the people dealing with the issues, swells uncontrollably as curious bystanders and sympathetic onlookers join forces with the activists or protectors, is incited to irrational action by skillful agitators, adopts irrational behavior and becomes a mob. And if the crowd comes to encompass two or more groups with opposing views, they become engaged in a violent confrontation.

The crowd is the engine and the basic human element of a civil disturbance action. When blocked from expressing its emotions in one direction, a crowd’s hostility often is, or can be, re-directed elsewhere. In a civil disturbance environment, any crowd can be a threat to law and order because it is open to manipulation. Leadership has a profound effect on the intensity and direction of the crowd behavior. In many crowd situations, the members become frustrated by confusion and uncertainty and they want to be directed. The first person to give clear orders in an authoritative manner is likely to be followed. A skillful agitator can increase a crowd’s capacity for violence and direct a crowd’s aggression toward any target included in his statement (he can also use the media to reach millions of people and incite them to unlawful acts, or even a revolution, without having a direct personal contact). On the other hand, an experienced leader is also able to calm down a crowd and avoid a social explosion.A crowd is affected by negative emotions and panic, which can occur during a civil disturbance when people think or feel danger is so close at hand that the only course of action is to flee; when they think the escape routes are limited or that only one escape route exists; think the limited routes are blocked; believe an escape route is open after it was blocked and in trying to force a way to the exit, cause those in front to be crushed, smothered, or trampled; are not able to disperse quickly after being exposed to riot agents and begin to believe their lives are at risk.


Chapter 6. Spies Identification.


6.1 “Moles”

A “mole” is a spy inside the government, recruited or “installed” most often within the special services, by an outside government/agency. The 3 most dangerous things a “mole” can do:

1. Calculate President’s plans and decisions judging by information he’s asking for.

2. Manipulate information being sent to President, and thus influence global political decisions

3. Paralyze to some extent the government (if he’s CIA or FBI Director)

6.1.1 How the “mole’ sees himself

Special, even unique. Deserving. His situation (career and money) is not satisfactory. No other (easier) option (than to engage in espionage. Not a bad person. Espionage isn’t very wrong – many people

worldwide do it. His performance in his government job is separate from espionage; espionage does not discount his contribution in the workplace. Security procedures do not really) apply to him.

He sees his situation in a context in which he faces continually narrowing options, until espionage seems reasonable. He sees espionage as “victimless” ( government isn’t a victim!) crime. Once he considers espionage, he figures out how he might do it. These are mutually reinforcing, often simultaneous events. He finds that’s it’s easy to go around security safeguards. He belittles the security system, feeling that if the information was really important, espionage would be hard to do (the information would be better protected). He is anxious on initial hostile intelligence service contact. In the course of long term activity “mole” can reconsider his involvement. Sometimes he considers telling authorities everything. Those wanting to reverse their role aren’t confessing, they’re negotiating. Those who are “stressed out” want to confess. Neither wants punishment, both attempt to minimize or avoid punishment.

6.1.2 Methods to detect a “mole”

A. Use index cards (special file) — never use computers to save this information!

Prepare a file on each officer and mark there the signs of a “mole” — has or spends too much money, asks too many extra questions; uses professional skills to check for physical and technical surveillance; has discreet contacts with foreigners; discreet copying of top secret documents; attempts to get a job in most secret departments; talks with close friends and family members about the possibility of making money as a “mole”; behavior deviations — extra suspiciousness, excitement, depression, drugs or alcohol addiction. Three signs are enough to start an investigation — the “triangulation” principle.

B. Use provocation. If a prospective “mole” is looking for a contact with the enemy and is ready to betray, and you have exact information, organize such a “meeting” for him. Do not arrest the person right away — play along, as he may give you connections to other people who are ready to betray. There’s one more provocation method: you supply the suspects with “highly classified information” and just watch what they do.

C. Use “filter” or “narrowing the circle.” Include all the officers you suspect in a “circle” and narrow it until one name is left as the most likely suspect.

D. Make a “model” of a “mole,” judging by information you have on him.

E. Recruit an insider. Recruit a “mole” inside your enemy’s intelligence service and he’ll help you to find the one inside yours (it’s called “grabbing the other end of a thread”).

F. Don’t trust anybody.

6.1.3 What to Do If You Detect a “Mole”

- assess the damage

- restrict his access to classified information and start “feeding” him with fake data

- stop all operations he was involved in and create the illusion they are still in progress

- bring home officers and agents who work abroad and had contacts with him and those to whose files he had access

- start 24/7 surveillance if you’ve decided to play the game and look into his contacts

- arrest the “mole” discreetly (if you want to continue the game)


Effective methods to prevent treason do not exist.

6.1.4 How to Cover Your “Mole”

There are special methods to cover your own “mole” and a “switch” is the most effective — it’s when you “switch” counterintelligence to other, innocent persons who work with the “mole.” You can try information “leaks” through a “double agent” — it looks like you receive top secret information through another traitor or by breaking the electronic security systems. Or you can try information “leak” through publications in big newspapers — it looks like information is not secret and is known to many people or there’s another “mole.”

By the way, was John Deutch, Bill Clinton’s CIA Director, a Russian “mole” covered by the US President? Let’s see.

John Deutch was born in Belgium to a Russian father and he was the only Russian CIA Director. His biography is very impressive. He graduated from Amherst College (B.A. in history and economics) and earned a B.S. in chemical engineering and Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where the KGB loves to recruit future scientists. He served in the following professional positions.

1970-1977 MIT Chairman of the Chemistry Department Dean of Science and provost

1977-1980 The US Department of Energy: Director of Energy Research

Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Technology

Under Secretary

1980-1981 President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight Commission

1983 President’s Commission on Strategic Forces

1985-1989 The White House Science Council

1990-1993 The President’s Intelligence Advisory Board

1993-1994 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology

Deputy Defense Secretary

1995-1996 Director of Central Intelligence

1996 The President’s Commission on Aviation Safety and Security

1998-1999 Chairman of the Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Since 2000 — MIT Professor and Director for Citigroup. Awarded Public Service Medals from the following Departments: State, Energy, Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard plus Central Intelligence Distinguished Medal and the Intelligence Community Distinguished Intelligence Medal.

John Deutch was appointed Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) by President Clinton and stayed in Langley for a short period of time, from May 10, 1995 to December 14, 1996. My professional opinion is: John Deutch, a former Russian DCI, is a Russian “mole,” and he’s not been arrested because President Clinton obstructed the investigation and pardoned this enemy of state in 2001.

Three signs are enough to triangulate a “mole” and here they are for Mr. Deutch:

1. Two days after Deutch retired from the CIA, on December 16, 1996, technical personnel discovered at his house highly classified information stored on his unclassified computer, loaded from his agency computer. He refused to explain why he violated strict security rules.

First, a normal Director of Central Intelligence doesn’t need highly classified data on his home computer, because he is a bureaucrat, not an analyst.

Second, here we have a trick — the Internet-connected computer is accessible by anyone with some technical knowledge and you don’t have to send anything — the Russians will read secret information right from your home computer. Simple.

2. In 1997 the CIA began a formal security investigation. It was determined that his computer was often connected to the Internet with no security, and that Deutch was known to leave memory cards with classified data lying in his car. Deutch used his influence to stop further any investigation and the CIA took no action until 1999, when it suspended his security clearances. He admitted finally the security breach and merely apologized.

3. In 1999 the Defense Department started its own investigation, and it appeared that in 1993 Deutch, as Defense Undersecretary, used unsecured computers at home and his America Online (!) account to access classified defense information. As Deputy Defense Secretary, he declined departmental requests in 1994 to allow security systems to be installed in his residence.

4. In 2000 Senator Charles Grassley asked the Justice Department to look into the case. There was no investigation.

5. In 2001 President Clinton pardoned Deutch. There were no comments.

Now, the question is: why is he still in the US if he’s a “mole” under suspicion? I see only one explanation – he has a very powerful friend who can give orders to Attorney General and Secretary of Defense.

P.S. Professor Deutch is still at the Department of Chemistry, MIT. In March 2006 I asked him for an interview. As far as I know, he’s still pondering that request.

6.1.5 KGB “moles” inside CIA

Aldrich Ames

Aldrich Ames, b. 1941, began working for CIA in 1962. In 1969, on his first assignment as a case officer , he was stationed in Ankara, Turkey, where his to was to target Soviet intelligence officers for recruitment. When assigned to the US Embassy to Mexico in 1983, he committed adultery with Rosario Dupuy, an employee of the Colombian Embassy to Mexico. Upon his return to the States, he began divorce proceedings against his wife, ho had the upper hand in taking the joint assets of their marriage as the divorce was on the grounds of unfaithfulness. He also began cohabitation with Rosario, who was spending a lot of his money, as she was a shopaholic. The financial pressure of is divorce and Rosario’s high living made Ames think of a way to figure out how to make big money. Nobody paid attention that he was a chronic alcoholic. In 1985 he walked into the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C. and turned himself into KGB “mole”.

Ames was assigned to the CIA’s Europe Division/Counterintelligence branch, where he was responsible for directing the analysis of KGB intelligence operations. The information Ames provided led to the execution of at least 10 U.S. secret sources, mostly KGB officers. KGB paid Ames $4.6 million, and with that money he bought a new $60,000 Jaguar (that was his official salary ), jewelry, designer clothing and a house in Northern Virginia valued $500,000 and paid in cash; his wife’s monthly phone bills exceeded $6,000. In 1986 and in 1991, Ames passed two polygraph screening examinations. ( Markus Wolf, the retired director of Stasi’s foreign intelligence directorate, claimed in is memoirs that Gardner Hathaway, the CIA counterintelligence director, approached him in 1990 with an offer of cosmetic surgery, lavish compensation, and a new life in USA if he were to defect and help CIA to identify the “mole”. Wolf declined the offer, as he did not have sufficient guarantees that the CIA would not betray him).He was arrested in 1994 by FBI. Ames and his wife liquidated about $2.5 million of the KGB money (they still have $2.1 million in a Russian bank account).

6.2 Identifying Spies


If a spy is an intelligence officer working abroad under “cover” (diplomat, businessman, reporter) you can identify him by:

- following the careers of all diplomats who work at your enemy’s embassies all over the world

- recruiting a “mole” inside the intelligence service (or inside the station)

- setting up your agent for recruitment by the enemy’s station

- watching foreigners who try to make discreet contacts with native citizens with access to secrets

- making a model of a spy (professional behavior, attempts to detect surveillance, attempts to recruit sources or just get any classified information during normal meetings, “throwing away” money trying to get access to government employees, military and scientific circles)

- using secret surveillance and listening devices inside the station and practicing secret searches

If a spy is an intelligence officer working in your country under “cover” of a native citizen (or he is recruited by a native citizen) you identify him by making a model (contacts with identified spies — that’s often the only sign which points out a spy, and that’s why surveillance is very important in getting information from a “mole”).


Chapter 7. Strategies.

Every operation demands a set of original methods, especially if we are talking about strategic intelligence. I give you a few examples.

1. “Domino” or “chain reaction.” A coup, revolution or civil war in one country provokes the same actions in other countries (neighbors). It doesn’t matter what country is going to be next, most important – what country is a target.

2. “False flag”. The planned, but never executed, 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by the U.S. administration for a war with Cuba involved scenarios such as hijacking a passenger plane and blaming it on Cuba.

3. “Sliding” strategy. Transformation of a secret operation into an open one: support of illegal opposition/coup.

4. “Restriction.” You damage (limit) international and economic connections (projects) of the enemy.

5. “Monopoly.” Special operation to keep country’s monopoly or status as economic leader or special (nuclear) holder, or high tech producer. Includes actions to restrict the attempts of other countries to get strategic raw materials and modern weapons and technologies.

6. “Reverse effect.” The government declares a certain goal and launches a military or special operation, but the result is something quite different, possibly opposite. Examples: instead of separating (ethnic) group “A” from group “B” both of them are being exterminated; instead of peace and democracy in a certain region, power is being concentrated in one group and the opposition is being exterminated.

7. “Clash.” You “clash” the government and opposition of a target country and support civil war until the country is ruined and you get it for free.

8. “Salami-slice strategy”. It’s a process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. It includes the creation of several factions within the opposing political party, and then dismantling that party from inside, without causing the “sliced” sides to protest.

9. “Positive shock.” A domestic operation; to save the government during a crisis, special service provokes artificial civil conflict or sabotage, imitation (terror), and the government takes care of the “problem.”

10. “Controlled crisis export” (see “Foreign Policy”)

11. “Sanitation border.” “Fencing” the target country by enemies (neighbors).

12. “Alibi.” You build a “chain” of evidence (witnesses) and move the investigation to a dead end.

13. “Passive sabotage.” A very effective strategy used to cover up a major action like the assassination of a President or the destruction of several office towers. You just “do not see the bad guys” who are going to kill the President or blow up the city. In any case you win — the perpetrators are not sure you are watching them; you can arrest them if the object survives or liquidate them once the object is dead. You don’t need a big conspiracy, you just give the order to ignore certain people until their plan materializes.

14. “Special tour.” You help the target country to “build democratic institutions” (the government and local administrations) by sending official crews to help. Actually, they rule the country and that’s a “hidden occupation.”

15. “Mask.” You mask your actual global plans (reforms) by another big action (war).

16. Illegal espionage operations. Very dangerous , because illegal spy is playing born American and can make career in business, becoming #1 Pentagon supplier or in the government, getting to the Congress or even White House.

Other Strategies. Breaking Up the USSR

As an example, we can look at the strategies that were used to break up the USSR. This was political warfare on unprecedented scale, which means very aggressive use of political tools to achieve national objectives. It means a constant policy of taking political actions against the vital interests of another power. External strategies that were used to destroy the USSR included: economic exhaustion by the arms race, dollar intervention, prohibition to sell high-tech equipment to Soviet Union (official explanation — they could be used for military purposes; reality — they could be used to boost economic production), incentives to go for “dead end” economic projects, induced to engage in a senseless war against Afghanistan, aggressive “anti-communist” propaganda. Internal strategies used to destroy Soviet Union included: incentives and provocations (through local media and opposition parties) of national, religious and social conflicts; inducement into military conversion programs; encouragement of the disintegration of the Soviet republics under the appeal of illusory calls to undefined values like “democracy,” “self-determination,” and “freedom,” instigation of corruption within the Kremlin; support of Soviet leader Gorbachev’s utopian to “plant” democracy in the USSR. As you understand by now, planned crowds etc. were also used extensively to force the government’s hand.


Chapter 8 . President’s security.


The estimated cost of protecting the President, Vice President and their families alone is $356 million/year. Since 1994 presidents have been entitled to Secret Service protection for 10 years after finishing their terms of office (previously they were protected for life,which continues to be the case for presidents who served before 1997).

“I guess there’s always the possibility [of assassination], but that is what the Secret Service is for.” President John Kennedy

“Trained pigs.” “Stay ten yards away at all times.” “If you want to remain on this detail, get your ass over here and grab those bags!” First Lady Hillary Clinton on the Secret Service.

Four US Presidents have been killed:

1. Abraham Lincoln.

On April 14, 1865 during a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theatre, John Booth killed Abraham Lincoln by shooting him in the back of the head. Leaping from the balcony to the stage, he broke his leg —but escaped. Federal troops found him hiding in a barn in Virginia, where they shot and killed him.

2. James Garfield.

On July 2, 1881 Charles Guiteau, who wanted to work for the President but wasn’t accepted, shot James Garfield in the back at Union Station in Washington, DC. Garfield died eighty days later. Refusing to plead not guilty by reason of insanity, Guiteau was tried for murder, found guilty and hanged.

3. William McKinley.

On September 6, 1901 anarchist Leon Czolgosz shot William McKinley twice during a reception at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. He had concealed his revolver in a bandage and fired from only two feet away. McKinley died a week later from infection in one of the wounds. His killer confessed that he wanted to change the government; he was executed.

The next year, the Secret Service assumed full-time responsibility for protection of the President.

4. John F. Kennedy.

On November 22, 1963 JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while campaigning, allegedly by Lee Harvey Oswald (see later chapters).

6 US presidents were nearly killed:

1. Andrew Jackson.

On January 30, 1835 President Jackson went to the US Capitol to attend the funeral services of Congressman Davis. As the President filed past the casket and descended to the Capitol rotunda, Richard Lawrence, an unemployed house painter, fired at him point blank but a bullet failed to discharge from the gun barrel. Then Lawrence drew a second pistol and fired again, and again the gun failed to fire. A jury found Lawrence not guilty on grounds of insanity.

2. Harry Truman.

On November 1, 1950 two Puerto Rican nationalists, Oscar Collazo and Oriselio Torresola, attempted to assassinate President Truman, who was staying at the time in Blair House, across the street from the White House, due to White House renovations. They approached the house and tried to shoot their way inside, but were killed by White House police officers. President Truman was taking a nap upstairs.

3. Richard Nixon.

On February 22, 1974 Samuel Byck, an unemployed tire salesman with mental problems, attempted to hijack a plane from Baltimore-Washington International Airport. He intended to crash it into the White House hoping to kill the President. He stole a revolver from a friend and made a bomb out of 2 gallon jugs of gasoline and an igniter. He went to the airport, killed a police officer there, stormed aboard the plane and killed 2 pilots after they told him they couldn’t take off until the wheel blocks were removed. Eventually, after Byck was shot and wounded by police officers, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

4. Gerald Ford (two attempts).

On September 5, 1975, Lynette From, a follower of a cult leader Charles Manson, pointed a handgun at President Ford as he was shaking hands with well-wishers at Sacramento’s Capitol Park. The weapon was loaded with 4 bullets but none was in the firing chamber. She was arrested and convicted of attempted assassination; she’s serving life in prison.

On September 22, 1975 Sara Moore tried to assassinate President Ford outside the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. A psycho with revolutionary ideas she was once recruited by the FBI but her cover was blown. Then, in order to prove herself with her radical friends, she attempted to shoot Ford.

The President was saved by bystander Oliver Sipple, a former Marine Corps member who fought in Vietnam and was honorably discharged. He wrestled Sara Moore and grabbed the gun. She fired one shot which did not hit the President. Ford wrote a thank-you note to Sipple three days later, but never invited him to the White House. There is speculation that he was treated shabbily because he was alleged to be homosexual, and this severely affected his family.

5. Ronald Reagan.

On March 30, 1981 John Hinckley Jr. shot President Reagan, his Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy and police officer Thomas Delehanty while they were leaving the Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC. Hinckley, a loser from a family of oil company owners, was obsessed with actress Jodi Foster, stalking her and developing ploys to get her attention, including by assassinating the US President. President Reagan was not hit directly but he was wounded in the chest on a ricochet — a stray bullet that bounced back from the bulletproof glass of the Presidential limousine hit him in the chest. Hinckley didn’t attempt to flee and was arrested at the scene. At the trial he was found guilty by reason of insanity and confined at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, DC.

6. George W. Bush.

On May 5, 2005 Vladimir Arutunyan threw a grenade at George W. Bush who was greeting a crowd (of about 15,000) on Freedom Square, Tbilisi, Georgia (a former Soviet republic) during an official visit. The grenade fell about 100 feet away from the tribune where the President was standing, but did not detonate. Early in the morning, before the US President appeared, thousands of local residents broke through the barriers and metal detectors and made their way to the city’s central square waiting for Bush. Special agents and police officers of Georgia could not keep the crowd back, so they removed the barriers and let the people flow in without any inspection (!!). Arutunyan was arrested two months later and sentenced to life in 2006.


Managing the Secret Service

The top priority in protecting the President’s life must be organized and complete intelligence. Any information from any person from any country concerning the President’s personal security has to be immediately analyzed, and immediate action has to be performed. This is the first priority for intelligence and counter-intelligence agencies and police as well as the Secret Service. If the system is organized properly, nobody could even get in a position to try to shoot. Of course, the safest thing is to restrict the President’s routes to government buildings only; but he has to travel and he has to travel abroad, too. Still, the President should leave his Office only when he really has to.

Since the President has to be let out from time to time, the newer technique is to restrict where the onlookers may congregate, especially those who wish to take the opportunity to express dismay with Presidential policies. Thus we now see the evolution of “free speech corners” so that demonstrators are confined to specific areas far from the actual event where the President is appearing or the route he is transiting.

Practical Protection during Presidential Appearances

1. The Secret Service must have a top-secret plan of all visits, because the advance group has to come to the place at least a week ahead and cooperate with the field FBI offices and police (foreign special services if it’s a visit abroad) paying attention to extremist groups and organizations. Officers and technicians search the place, looking for possible explosives, radioactive, biological and chemical dangerous or poisonous stuff and weapons; they check the walls, floors and ceilings; check air and water in the area; install weapons and explosives detectors and stay at the place 24/7, using night vision devices, too. (Dogs are good helpers if there is any question of explosives.) You have to check nearby houses as well (there could be people with mental health problems or dangerous criminals. Remember, the President must not appear in open areas close to apartment buildings. And the President has to be able to reach the National Security Command Center at any time.

2. If the President has to make a speech in open area there should be at least 3 security circles around him:

- up to 50 ft (personal bodyguards, weapons and explosives technicians)

- up to 200 ft (fast reaction anti-terror group)

- up to 1000 ft (support groups, snipers, police)

The security system includes both “open” and undercover groups (obvious security and people who play the crowd or service — drivers, waiters, cleaners — terrorists don’t pay attention to them, as a rule). Each group follows its instructions strictly and avoids mess (personal bodyguards are in charge of immediate protection, anti-terror group has to fight and chase terrorists, etc.). Extra people always mean extra danger, so the most secure situation is when extra people have no access to the President at all and can’t get into any of three circles. The guest list has to be triple checked to exclude anybody with criminal records who could compromise the leader. Reporters are there too and you have to tell them exactly where to wait (they have to be checked and kept separate after that), where to stand and what pictures (poses) to take; the President can’t look stupid or funny. Inside the building watch when people applaud, stand up and sit down — terrorists prefer these situations to shoot or blow explosives.

When President moves through or along the crowd, “cut” it into pieces, guard him in circles, watch people who are carrying any objects (no flowers!) — they must not approach him; watch people with hands in their pockets, those who try to touch him, shake his hand, pass any object (gift, picture, photo). They must not be allowed to do that. If anybody behaves in a suspicious way, hold him tight (so he can’t take out a gun) and “screw” him out of the crowd. In case of any attempt push the President to the ground, cover him and shoot immediately. Then leave the place as soon as possible and bring him to the hospital for a check up (even if he’s OK).

Frequent Security Mistakes

The worst one – Secret Service and other agencies get inadequate intelligence information on a possible attempt or overlook important information, including anonymous letters and mail from psychos. (They must have information, even if it’s “inside” the White House conspiracy. Agents have to memorize pictures of all the most dangerous persons who are wanted in the United States and people who were involved in attempted attacks on top politicians worldwide.)

The next two — extraneous people are allowed access to the President or extraneous people stay in the area close enough to shoot the President. In 1997, a France Press reporter took a picture of the Clintons dancing during their vacation on the Virgin Islands — they were dressed for the Caribbean and were happy in their privacy. Luckily, it was just a reporter, but what if it had been a sniper? What was the Secret Service doing? Then the picture was published worldwide and Hillary Clinton was furious – she didn’t look attractive at all.

The last two major errors occur when (1) you can’t identify the potential terrorists in the crowd and (2) you react too slow or waste time evacuating the President.

Bonus. I saved Hillary Clinton

On August 9, 2006 at 8 A.M. I saw strange green flyers inside the Lefrak City, Queens buildings saying that: “State Senator John Sabini invites you to meet U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton on the issues. Lefrak City (by the pool). Wednesday, August 9, 2 P.M. Call Sabini for Senate at 718-651-8190 if you have any questions”.



Do you know what’s Lefrak City ? It’s 20 old brick 18-floor projects for poor African-Americans, Latinos, and Russians. The most dangerous area in Queens and the New York State, stuffed with street gangs, crack cocaine,heroine, prostitutes and illegal guns. Three years ago 100 NYPD officers stormed the ghetto and arrested 13 most ruthless gangsters who terrorized people for years (another 10 are still wanted), confiscated guns, ammunition, drugs and $2.5 million in cash.

On August 1, 2006 NYS Senator John Sabini delivered a speech at Lefrak City community meeting at St. Paul’s Church demanding new, severe state and federal laws to control illegal weapons. And now, the same Sabini invites everybody to meet in person a former First Lady, the U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton at some open playground. What’s that ? A sweet candy for terrorists? A regular stupidity?

I saw flyers at 8 A.M. , and in two minutes I was already walking to the place – just to make sure Mrs. Clinton, who saved my family, will meet the voters guarded by the “best of the best” – the U.S. Secret Service.

I was sure they already watch the area for the last 24 hours.

I was sure the access to the area is restricted.

I was sure that one week before the event local police instructed the secret sources to stay at alert and report any suspicious activity and people who had or tried to purchase illegal guns.

I was sure bad guys and aggressive psychos were isolated temporarily or kept under control at least.

I was sure technicians checked the air, soil and water (in the open pool) for radioactivity and toxic substances, looked for explosives and brought a specially trained dog.

I was sure there was no access to a single roof and they’ve installed a metal detector to check VIP and other guests.

I was sure they had a double checked guest list. Kill me, I was sure the Secret Service would never let any bad guy approach Hillary Clinton. I was wrong.

At 8.30 A.M.,six hours before the meeting, I came there to check the place and estimate the threats.

Nothing and nobody around.

The place was a heaven for terrorists:

- a circle of six 18-floor-1500-window buildings (such meetings in the open areas close to residential buildings are strictly f o r b i d d e n )

- a playground

- an open stage under a small roof (no walls)

- barbeque place

- a pool

And six hours to get ready for assassination:

- observe the place and then plan assassination

- install a mine under a stage

- try a silenced sniper rifle out of any window or from the roof and make necessary corrections

- bring and place the whole army of terrorists all over the place

I’ve checked one of the building – free access to the roof. Perfect conditions for a sniper.

At 11 A.M. two girls, three assistants and free “Pepsi” appeared out of nowhere. 2 cops – in and out. No restriction. Not even a “Don’t cross” tape.

At 1 P.M. about 500 people came to the playground – retired old men and women, homeless alcoholics,drug addicts, kids,teens and reporters.

At 2.30 P.M. people surrounded the playground and screamed like crazy when Hillary Clinton finally appeared among them and tried to make her way through the crowd. Anybody could touch or hit her – 2 cops and 2 Secret Service agents just smiled happily. Then she got to the stage encircled by a wild , absolutely uncontrolled crowd. One agent was standing behind her, another one – at the stairs. No security. I had to move close to the stage – the situation was unpredictable and I could help to protect Mrs. Clinton with my 10 years of KGB experience and 2 years of “The Nabat” anti-terror group.

She made a 15 minutes speech and then I’ve witnessed a total chaos – still on the stage, she tried to shake hands and people went wild; somebody gave her flowers (absolutely unacceptable thing), somebody asked her to hold a baby to make pictures; people screamed and pushed each other. I had to ask people to move back and some did. I was at the stage, right at the middle and people couldn’t reach Hillary Clinton easily, some women tried to push me – I was laughing and playing a nice guy, but didn’t leave my spot.

Agents paid no attention – they were slowly chewing gums, obviously proud of their James Bond style sunglasses. Poor Sabini asked people to move away – nobody cared. Only when some young girls jumped up on the stage, police officer reluctantly restricted the place with a yellow tape – the Secret Service guy looked at him insurprise. Then Hillary turned over to talk to somebody on the stage , and the agent turned his back to the crowd, too – I couldn’t believe it.

At 3.30 she left the playground and had to move through the huge crowd again. I was next to her pretending I’m making video.

She was lucky – God loves her. I love her too.


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