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Was the EAS Test a Mind Control Experiment?

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Did the Emergency Alert System fail on (9/11) ? Notice the date.. I have been hearing a lot of different reports about the EAS test that was conducted by FEMA! I have found out that many states/towns didn’t receive these messages, but was it a complete failure? I don’t think the government/tv stations would waste their time to broadcast a message that has been around since 1997? (See background info below) Many people have been talking about the possible mind control experiment that was played on the citizens of the United States. Just think about Operation Paperclip which recruited Nazi scientists to help the U.S Government implement different methods of mind control on the population. We all know that subliminal messages are a common practice by TV stations, advertisements and our government! All I’m doing is providing some interesting information that I found on the web, read more about this mind control test below:

Background Information

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is a national warning system in the United States put into place on January 1, 1997, when it superseded the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), which itself had superseded the CONELRAD System. In addition to alerting the public of local weather emergencies such as tornadoes and flash floods, the official EAS is designed to enable the President of the United States to speak to the United States within 10 minutes, but the nationwide federal EAS has never been activated.

A national EAS test was conducted on November 9, 2011 at 2pm Eastern Standard Time. The EAS regulations and standards are governed by the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the FCC. Each state and several territories have their own EAS plan. EAS has become part of IPAWS – the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, a program of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). EAS is jointly coordinated by FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the National Weather Service (NOAA/NWS).

The EAS is used on AM, FM and Land Mobile Radio Service, as well as VHF, UHF and cable television including low-power stations. Digital television and cable providers, along with Sirius XM satellite radio, IBOC, DAB and digital radio broadcasters have been required to participate in the EAS since December 31, 2006. DirecTV, Dish Network and all other DBS providers have been required to participate since May 31, 2007.

There has been only two occurrences of the Emergency Broadcast Message in movies, games and shows (see below):

In the video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, during a Russian invasion of the United States, one of the loading screen videos is simply the Emergency Alert System. A message scrolls across the screen giving evacuation instructions for residents of Prince George’s County. Strangely, the scrolling message says “EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM” when the tone is actually the EAS tone.

In the 2009 science fiction film “Knowing”, when “Diana” pulls in at the gas station and goes to the clerk for gasoline, the television in the background is displaying a 24 hour news broadcast, when suddenly the screen changes with both the “Emergency Alert System” alert tones and an alert message stating, “This is an Emergency Broadcast Transmission!” “This is not a test!” The message repeats again and you see a portrayal of a fictionalized presidential cabinet alerting the public of the impending solar flares.

BTW: Why wasn’t this ‘broadcast system’ activated during September 11th or during all the natural disasters? Is it because this is only for the NWO, Martial Law, A Fake Alien Invasion, Doomsday and or a False-Flag Nuclear Event? Many people have reported hearing completely different messages across the country. The weird thing is that people reported weird blinking, strange noises and scrolling messages which would be a form of ‘Mind Control’ but no one is sure of the exact purpose of this test so far.. I found a video on youtube which was posted by a Direct-TV member; the EAS message had the notorious ‘mind-control’ NWO puppet: Lady Gaga playing in the background. (See Video Below)

Now there is a lot of illuminati, NWO, Satanism symbols in her videos.. Of all songs why did Direct-TV happen to play Lady Gaga – Paparazzi? Did they happen to implant a code phrase or something to ‘activate’ the mind-control subjects? I also it find it weird on the above video, ‘this is a test’ seems to be blinking in a awkward motion. I haven’t had time to slow down these videos and see if anything was implanted within the TV refresh rate.. The video explains some of the symbolism in Lady Gagas Paparazzi music/video:

Now if your not familiar with the executive orders that have been passed by our government with the help of FEMA and other agencies, you will find this one interesting. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media. Now this EAS was just a ‘test’, it was a test for a huge disaster or during civil unrest when they will broadcast a message to all the slaves.. “Prepare for a solider to come knocking on your door, please following his directions. You will be brought to a camp for safe-keeping.” (Today [11-10] Alex Jones interviewed Max Keiser and he talked about putting Americans in Concentration Camps) Here a VERY interesting video that I found online above the EAS test (View More Videos on YouTube):

Could this all connect to HAARP? Well lets look at the signals during 2pm.. It looks like HAARP station was active during the test! Coincidence? Is it connected to Mind Control? Maybe but it’s also interesting that the day before an Asteroid passed pretty close to the earth.. There was also a big spike in the HAARP charts during that day as well! Is something worse going to happen real soon? Now today is 11/11/11 and this number seems to have a big importance to many people. Could this be the day of enlightenment for everyone but was ‘altered’ by this EAS test? (Egypt Closes Pyramids for 11/11/11) Now that’s pretty strange, I wonder if some ‘cult’ is going to have some type of ritual there? Not to mention; the Crystal Skull Ceremony was the other day. (Read More Here) And today I came across this youtube video that explains a solider was charged with espionage because he emailed his mother and told her to Prepare For End Of Wold.. (Ill be posting a separate article later about that)

I find that there are way too many coincidences with all these ‘tests’ (terrorist drills and others alike) and the interesting stories this past week. I have a feeling that something will be unraveling very soon! Over government has gained control over all of us.. Think about it: 100 years ago it was almost impossible to control people, but now you give everyone a ‘upgraded life’ with TV’s, Radios, Phones and other worthless crap; what do you think will happen? We becomes slaves to items! Not including the daily dose of subliminal messages, chemtrails, toxic GMO food and everything else that is designed to alter your natural sense of enlightenment. Everyone believes what they see on the TV, no one can think for themselves and the sad part of all this is, we can change the world but we don’t have to occupy cities.. How about we really fight for what’s right, a better life without a controlling government/police/military that is hurting it’s own citizens. Once that’s out of the picture, everything else (like the economy) will soon be able to support everyone and everything that is needed! I really hope we never see Martial Law in the United States.. Anyway here is more information about Mind Control:





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