Alex Jones Killed In New Report Linking Him To Obama, Bloomberg And STRATFOR
David Chase Taylor
June 17, 2013
SWITZERLAND, Zürich — Based on recent news and events, it now appears that nationally syndicated radio host Alex Jones is working in concert with the Zionist run Obama administration to set-up his own audience of 3 million gun-owning Americans for future acts of domestic terror. Although there are already 10 good reasons why Jones should be tried and hung for treason, this one definitely takes the cake.
Jones himself admitted as much on his June 16, 2013, radio program when he declared, “They wanna blow something up and blame it on us so they can then have an all-out war on us”. Jones’ ominous statement is partially correct except that HE himself will attempt to provocateur an all-out war against the Obama administration in the aftermath of domestic terror attacks which will no doubt be blamed on his listeners.
“You don’t know who’s good or bad until you get to that crisis point.” — Alex Jones (10/14/2011)
The change to Alex Jones’ traitorous strategy began to metastasize shortly after February 16, 2012, when Jones was forced to cancel his nationwide speaking tour due to security concerns after he was directly linked to the Zionist intelligence agency known as STRATFOR. The private espionage firm, which is also located in Austin, Texas, has the underlying mission of spreading dis-“info” in order provoke a civil-“war”, hence the name of Jones’ website “Infowars”. Shortly after being exposed, Jones was joined by the STRATFOR staff of 50 in his new 20,000 square-foot studio compound in Austin where they have collectively doubled-down on their 24/7 mission of disseminating counterintelligence, disinformation and propaganda. The marriage between Jones and STRATFOR was then fully exposed on March 2, 2012, with the assassination of journalist Andrew Breitbart who was apparently sacrificed in a desperate move keep Jones’ traitorous affiliations under the radar.
Access: Alex Jones And Infowars: A False-Flag Terror Threat Assessment
Alex Jones “Builds Bombers”
On the same day that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was made internationally famous, the “Alex Jones Terror Operation” went into high gear when Bloomberg News reported that both of the alleged Boston Bombers along with Jared Loughner, the man who allegedly killed 6 and wounded 13 in Tucson, Arizona, including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, were fans of Alex Jones and listened to him constantly. The article went on to stated that “others obsessed by the violence have coalesced around Jones” and that “[Alex Jones] does not build bombs, he builds bombers…and some of those people engage in real-life terrorism”, this according to Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center who was featured in the report. Although the Alex Jones Provocateured NSA Terror Attack was apparently canceled or postponed, the fear is that in the aftermath of domestic terror attacks, Jones will attempt to bait his fellow Americans into a violent revolution against police and military just as he attempted to do on December 31, 1999, the eve of Y2K.
Future Assassination of Alex Jones
Since June 11, 2013, Jones has begun paraphrasing the aforementioned Bloomberg News report by repeatedly stating, “I don’t build bombs, I build bombers” on his radio show. Either Jones is trying attempting to provocateur an organic domestic terror attack or he is repeatedly rehashing the phrase on the record so that in the aftermath of domestic terror attacks allegedly committed by his listeners, the audio can be played in a courtroom for all of America to hear. Case in point: On June11, 2013, Alex Jones stated on his radio program: “Our government is Hitler…We need to get aggressive” and “They might kill me”. Two days later, Jones stated “I am in danger” and we need to “accelerate to ramming speed”. Jones, who has been planning a departure from public life for quote some time now is obviously setting up his future assassination but not before he completes his mission of inciting a bloody revolution in the aftermath of terror attacks. The NSA scandal and the inexplicable “building bombers” talk by Jones clearly indicates that Jones’ audience is systematically being set-up to take the fall for future acts of domestic terror. Not surprisingly, the Infowars headline in respect to the Bloomberg News report read: “Alex Jones’ Free Speech Causes Terrorism”, ultimately linking the words “Alex Jones” and “Terrorism” in the same sentence as some sort of a sick inside joke.
Alex Jones’ Endgame
The main goal of the Zionist establishment is to get America to destroy herself the same way that Russia was destroyed under Stalin. This is done by dividing and then collapse society upon itself by baiting the gun-owning American public into a violent revolution against their own police and military while the real terrorists sit off-shore and pull the strings. In the aftermath of major U.S. terror attacks, media personalities such as Alex Jones, Michael Savage, and Glenn Beck will attempt to bait gun-owning Americans into taking up arms against the Obama administration and the U.S. government. Remember, violence of any kind MUST be avoided at all costs for it plays right into their hand. Interestingly, most of Alex Jones’ alleged allies and enemies such as Michael Savage, Matt Drudge, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and Rachel Maddow all just happen to be of Jewish decent which shows that both the heroes and the villains surrounding Jones are nothing more than Zionist operatives playing both sides in a coordinated effort to spark a violent revolution.
Domestic Terror Imminent
The agency known as the Southern Poverty Law Center advised the U.S. government on March 5, 2013, that there is an imminent “domestic terror threat” posed by political conservatives, patriots and conspiracy theorists. The SPLC letter to the U.S. Departments of Justice and DHS, refers to its 2013 report entitled “The Year in Hate and Extremism” in which it allegedly found an almost 1000% upsurge in “militias and radical antigovernment groups…from 149 in 2008 to 1,360 in 2012.” In October 1994, the SPLC’s “KlanWatch” program issued a similar warning to the federal government on the purported threat of militias. Six months later on April 19, 1995, the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed by the ATF and FBI. The report was reiterated again in a Potok report entitled “Radical Antigovernment Movement Continues Explosive Growth; SPLC Urges Government To Review Resources Devoted To Domestic Terrorism”, in which he states, “We are seeing a real and rising threat of domestic terrorism as the number of far-right antigovernment groups continues to grow at an astounding pace…It is critically important that the country take this threat seriously. The potential for deadly violence is real, and clearly rising.” According to the SPLC’s intelligence file on Alex Jones, “Besides exploiting racial animosities, Jones’s conspiracy theories often appeal to the fears of the antigovernment “Patriot” movement”. Since the SPLC anti-government terror reports, Jones has been prominently featured by most of the world’s biggest media outlets including but not limited to Fox News, Forbes, MSNBC, Bloomberg News, CNN and even the BBC.
Oklahoma City Bombing 2.0
Although it’s impossible to know exactly what form new domestic terror attacks allegedly committed by Jones’ audience will take, bombings and shootings targeting U.S. government installations (i.e., IRS, NSA, The Federal Reseve, etc.) in the heartland states of America (i.e., Ohio, Oklahoma, Michigan, Missouri, etc.) are the most likely targets. In essence, a repeat of the 1995 ATF and FBI orchestrated bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is in order for it would be obvious enough for Jones to foment a violent revolution in its aftermath. Although there is no new news, developments or evidence to report in respect to the now 18 year-old OKC Bombing, a propaganda film entitled “A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995” (2012) was released (see trailer) which features Jones who also partnered on the film. Aside from selling it in his online store, Jones has hosted the filmmakers in studio for multiple sit-down interviews and has repeatedly interviewed them on his radio program in a systematic and coordinated effort to rehash the “Inside Job” nature of the OKC Bombing for millions of his new radio listeners.
Alex Jones Goes Mainstream
Prior to a major domestic terror attack scapegoated onto the audience of Alex Jones, the public must first be psychologically programed that this is in fact possible. Starting in January of 2013, there has been an all-out media blitz in both the United States and England in order to make Alex Jones a household name. Jones has now been prominently featured on CNN and the BBC (see below), two of the largest media outlets in the world. During both of his prime-time interviews, Jones purposely acted like a madman in a shtick meant to demonize gun-owning Americans as well as to set them up for future acts of domestic terror by acting like a crazy irrational extremist. Jones’ mission is to publically portray himself as a gun crazed anti-government lunatic so that the public can make the mental leap and ultimately conclude that anyone who listens to Jones must also be crazy and irrational themselves. Needless to say, Jones succeeded with flying colors.
Alex Jones on CNN
In the kick-off of the new “Alex Jones Terror” media campaign, Jones was featured on CNN in an interview with Piers Morgan which took place on January 7, 2013. Naturally, Jones acted like a crazed lunatic and began screaming, “Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I’m here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms! It doesn’t matter how many lemmings you get out there in the street begging for them to have their guns taken. We will not relinquish them. Do you understand?” After Jones’ crazy tirade, news outlets around the world released headlines with the words “Alex Jones” next to terms such as “crazy”, “blows up” and “explosive” obvioulsy foreshadowing Alex Jones terror. The interview was such a success that late-night TV host Conan O’Brien even did a comedy bit about Alex Jones on his show.
Alex Jones’ CNN Headlines:
1. January 7, 2013: Alex Jones, Creator Of ‘Deport Piers Morgan’ Petition, Blows Up On CNN (Politico)
2. January 8, 2013: Crazy Person Alex Jones Rants And Raves On CNN (Glenn Beck)
3. January 8, 2013: Alex Jones Has On-Air Meltdown In Explosive Interview With Piers Morgan (Yahoo)
4. January 9, 2013: Jones Claims Life Was In Danger After Explosive Piers Morgan Interview (Daily Mail)
Alex Jones on BBC
Roughly 5 month after Alex Jones’ CNN debacle, Jones was part of another media false-flag when he allegedly “disrupted” the BBC’s Sunday Politics television show on June 9, 2013. Normally, when someone “storms” onto a television show uninvited they are promptly arrested and charged with trespassing, but not Jones. Instead, Jones was given a seat at the show’s table where he once again spewed his crazy rhetoric which was then used as cannon fodder in order to further demonize the truther movement. As the headlines state, Jones went “berserk”, “mad” and was ultimately called an “idiot” on the show. Predictably, key terms such as “blow up” and “martyr” were again disseminated in headlines worldwide. As the June 10, 2013, PolicyMic headline correctly stated, “Alex Jones BBC Video: Sunday Politics Disruption Proves He’s Ruining The Conservative Movement”.
Alex Jones’ BBC Headlines:
1. June 9, 2013: Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Goes Berserk During BBC Show (Business Insider)
2. June 9, 2013: BBC Host To Alex Jones: ‘You Are The Worst Person I’ve Ever Interviewed’ (Raw Story)
3. June 9, 2013: Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Goes Mad On BBC Sunday Politics (Spectator)
4. June 9, 2013: Alex Jones Rants On BBC’s Sunday Politics Show, Neil Calls Him An ‘Idiot’ (Metro)
5. June 9, 2013: Alex Jones Blows Up On BBC: If My Enemies Murder Me, It Makes Me A Martyr (IBT)
6. June 10, 2013: Conspiracy Theorist [Alex Jones] Has BBC Blow Up (The Age)
Alex Jones Terror Trending
As evidenced by recent Alex Jones headlines, there is a concerted effort to both attack and promote Alex Jones by all facets of Zionist media in both the U.S. and Europe. If Jones was not part of the intelligence establishment he would not be constantly featured in Forbes, Salon, Bloomberg, LA Times, Huffington Post, Drudge Report and Media Matters. Nor would Jones be routinely talked about on Fox News, MSNBC and “The View” by television and radio hosts such as Barbara Walters, Rachel Maddow, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck if there wasn’t a larger agenda at play. Publically demonizing Jones while simultaneously cross promoting him is part of a coordinated media effort to make Jones a household name just prior to domestic terror attacks blamed on his listeners who are increasingly being portrayed as mentally unstable, violent and prone to terrorism.
Alex Jones Headlines:
1. April 7, 2009: Did Paranoid Right-Wing [Alex Jones] Fuel Pittsburgh Cop Killer’s Rage? (AlterNet)
2. April 8, 2009: Another Obama Liberal Attacks Alex Jones (Infowars)
3. November 16, 2009: Alex Jones: Rage Grows In America: Anti‑Government Conspiracies (ADL)
4. November 19, 2009: Limbaugh Promotes Alex Jones’ Prison Planet Website (Media Matters)
5. May 25, 2011: 9/11 ‘Truther,’ Radio Host [Alex Jones] Leads Mob to Capitol (Houston Chronicle)
6. February 4, 2011: Fox Nation Turns To Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones For Content (Media Matters)
7. February 28, 2011: ABC’s The View Inexplicably Hosts Alex Jones (Media Matters)
8. November 17, 2011: Talk Show Host Alex Jones And Guest Call For Run On Banks (Forbes)
9. August 17, 2012: Soros Propaganda Front Slanders Rand Paul And Alex Jones (Infowars)
10. January 8, 2013: Alex Jones Spins ‘Piers Morgan’ Appearance: ‘I Don’t Respect That Show’ (Forbes)
11. January 9, 2013: Who Is Alex Jones, Anyway? Five Fun Factoids (Forbes)
12. February 8, 2013: Michael Savage Covers Infowars’ DHS Ammunition Story (Infowars)
13. April 15, 2013: Rachel Maddow Froths Over Boston False Flag and Alex Jones (Prison Planet)
14. April 16, 2013: Boston Attack: Alex Jones’ Thoughtless Speculation Is Ridiculous (PolicyMic)
15. April 19, 2013: Alex Jones Is Phoning It In (Salon)
16. April 19, 2013: Bill O’Reilly Attacks Alex Jones and Infowars (Infowars)
17. April 19, 2013: Alex Jones Has A Sick Theory About The Boston Marathon Bombings (LA Times)
18. April 23, 2013: Matt Drudge Promises “Year Of Alex Jones” (Media Matters)
19. April 26, 2013: How Matt Drudge Serves As Alex Jones’ Web Traffic Pipeline (Media Matters)
20. May 23, 2013: Maddow Continues To Go After Alex Jones (Infowars)
21. May 24, 2013: Rachel Maddow Excoriates Republicans And Alex Jones (Huffington Post)
22. May 30, 2013: Jealous O’Reilly Attacks Alex Jones (Infowars)
23. June 10, 2013: Alex Jones Sells Gold On Sirius With Bombing Conspiracies (Bloomberg)
24. June 16, 2013: Rachel Maddow Attacks Republicans, Infowars…Again (Infowars)
About the Author
David Chase Taylor, the editor-in-chief of, is an American journalist living in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum since the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with subverting a false-flag/state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also released The Bio-Terror Bible, a website exposing the coming global bio-terror pandemic. Taylor has also been credited with exposing numerous terror plots including the 2012 DNC Terror Plot, the “Twilight” Premier Terror Plot, as well as the Alex Jones links to STRATFOR. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to prevent terror attacks by drawing unwanted global attention to these terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror related assertions, forecasts and predictions made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility they could theoretically happen based on the cumulative terror related data. Historically, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., the Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot), the terror plot is immediately canceled or postponed. State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the true perpetrators of terror. By first identifying and then connecting the dots of the terror related paper trail, has successfully blown the whistle on numerous terror related plots. Please spread the word in helping make terrorism a thing of the past. Namaste.
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I was interesting in your logic, but when you start out in your first paragraph with:
“when he declared, “They wanna blow something up and blame it on us so they can then have an all-out war on us”. Jones’ ominous statement is partially correct except that HE himself will attempt to provocateur an all-out war against the Obama administration in the aftermath of domestic terror attacks which will no doubt be blamed on his listeners.”
I have to ask, how did you come to the conclusion that “HE himself will…”? That isn’t what he said. If you are going to change his words the you can easily come to any conclusion you want.
Too bad, I was really interested in your facts, but it appears to all be your own opinions rather than any facts.
welcome to before its news
Sh*ts getting deep… where’s my body rubber @… is controlled opposition. This is a Progressive Saul Alinsky game! Read “Rules for Radicals”
Watch how long this link stays up. It will be removed from this comment section within a day. Just like one of the posts I made here last night is gone. THE TRUTH HURTS!
This article is just a shill of the SPLC trying to devert attention from all the crimes and false flag operations they have committed to push their agenda. What a joke, Alex must be doing something right to cause them to try this.
I agree, I wanted to agree with this article but his logic is flawed, he draws conclusions without showing any evidence. It seems to me that this article is in fact the dis-info piece. There are good reasons to be wary of Alex but this article showed none of them. Only Hersey and adamant shrillness without showing any real facts. Hey Beforeitsnews you can do better than this type of garbage!
I never believe you.
I think there is something very wrong with how your brain works.
This is the worst article I’ve ever seen on beforeitsnews. So since Alex Jones, Bloomberg, Drudge, Soros and Maddow are of jewish descent it automatically makes them all linked together as Zionist Globalists? Dude ur a total moron honestly. Jones helps to expoit the evil that runs our world, and without people like him many more would still be in the dark. Get out of here with YOUR clear establishment propaganda. I’m sure Bill O’Reiley is the end all of journalism to people like you
It really is the worst thing on beforeitsnews I have ever seen. Think before speaking…
I wanna know where you get your info at. I believe sometime that Alex Jones is crazy but he is helping spread the news about stuff we dont see in the mainstream….HOT BUTTON ISSUES. And ive heard numerous times Alex Jones calling for “peaceful movements to stop government..”
idiot,he wants to start a war with his followers but he won’t be fighting as hes a coward full of hot air. Jews got to him many years ago and will not ever bring up Israel or Zionists,yet everything bad is as Hitler did! I stopped listening to that fraud and my thinking is clearer now,Jews are bad mmkay?
Yeah, ok, your statement is entirely 100% not true, Alex talks about Zionists, and Isreal quite often, and yes, he does blame them for all of our troubles. I do not listen to Alex too much these days, meaning I do not go to Infowars dot com, but I do watch some of his viodeo clips when embedded in news articles, he talks about Zioists, Israel, Banksters, Rothschilds, which are all pretty much synonomous with each other, and the concepts of evil oppression theft and slavery…
Please do not repeat that lie anymore.
Praise Jebus your a coward full of “BS” at least Alex has created an open venue for thought and dialogue, which is still legal for now under Mau-obamunism’s Nazi regime.
Mr Jones might be highly egocentric person and more often than not “forgets” about Zionism and its control of the USA. But he has also open the door for many news that would otherwise be ignored by the Main Stream media. He is not George Washington, nor even a Paul Revere. But his hearth is in the right place and he is doing something. He has a rough style of saying things, but more often thats the most effective way of saying them.
Care to elaborate in what exactly are you doing?
Thats ODD did not Alex Jones promote the film 911 Chronicles? It was all about Israel and Mossad! If he were to approach these issues playing the ZIONIST CARD he would be associated with skinheads and white supremacists and labeled and discredited. Perhaps he’s smart enough not use the label and effectively attract more people by not resorting to the use of the label. I know that the label applies, but I myself don’t see the need to introduce the subject when initiating the conversation with someone. If I did I would discredit myself and lose their attention. Read the book Defensive Racism. Edgar Steele is now in prison for shedding light on the Zionist.
Alex has done the job better than any single human being in our age. He’s not a god…he’s a man.
Alex Jones will not admit 9/11 was an inside job. He is a CIA mole.
Really…Paul Watson/Alex Jones Reports Now Admits 9/11 was an Inside Job
LOL He has too. You obviously don’t listen to the show.
Definite Hit-Piece. You should clean the “sleep matter” from your eyes fellow.
It’s been known for some time Jones is working for puppet masters. I’ll not mention the mind control organization here but there are many who know what I mean.
OK City bombing was indeed done by the FBI and ATF, the first responding ATF and FBI agents after the explosion, were only concerned with covering the exposed undetonated bombs, not with securing the scene, not with injured toddlers from the day care, not with getting bystanders back to a safe distance from the bombed out building. They immediately rushed in to cover the exposed unexploded bombs with thick dark plastic, so that the OFFICIAL STORY where the blame was cast on McVeigh and Nicholls, would not be undermined by yhe presence of…bombs placed within the building…How were McVeigh and Nicholls supposed to have planted the rather large bombs inside of a secure Federal Building???
The fact that 2 of 3, or 3 of 4 bombs did not explode shows that the FBI and ATF are not even close to fully competent, which is a good thing, as they will continue to screw up and expose their flase flag ops as exactly what they are, bullsh1t…
Could not of said it better myself
In a China we can use a language direct against the state media and a nobody care. You American have a big problem with your Sayanim controlled media. It make you crazy to fight the Jew and then the Jew say, “We told you so!” In a China, we understand a Jew is a necessary for the human balance. In a Europe and America you too afraid to be rabled lacist.. How you know white person is Sayanim? Of course a Rachel Maddaow, Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are Sayanim. Everybody knows. Chinese people are not so stupid.
Sorry, pal. The NSA already knows you’re not Chinese and they already know that most of the R-E-D countries speak better English than Y-O-U do.
youre not chinese
Really? It is known as basic fact around the world, that talking bad against the Chinese State is a one way trip to prison or execution. MAYBE the Chinese State ignores it when Chinese Americans talk directly aghainst the State, because they cannot do jack about that. If the Chinese State were so easy going and permissible, why do monks self immolate? Why does Taiwan want to be and consider itself to be a free and independent State from China, if China is so cool on free speech against the Chinese Gov? Ur full of crap..
agreed. crap.
I’m still trying to figure out how fertilizer and your very own bulls**t and milk can blow up a building.What an imagination you have. I would suggest you leave those oreo cookies alone.
You better stay on the west coast. It’s not to safe there.
Even if everything you said about Alex was true, it wouldn’t matter because all the things he talks about would still be true.
This is why you fail at failing. You are operating on a the old paradigm of “destroy the messenger” to destroy the message. Except now, the messenger is independent of the message.
Fluoride in the water exists. The Malthusian anti-human Agenda 21 exists. The Bilderbergers exists. Globalism exists. Cancer viruses in the vaccines exists. False flag pseudo-terror exists.
Take Alex out of the equation and you accomplish nothing.
But where I really stopped reading was when you quoted Mark Potok.
Mark Potok. Really? Who takes that guy seriously? You only discredit yourself when you suck up to the SPLC.
Go back to your masters and tell them to beat you, dog, for being such an incompetent fool.
I think you have the best most succinct post here WELL PUT.
I have been posting at PrisonPlanet under this name for nine years and have come to believe, personally, that Alex is a Zionist disinfo shill, and have posted on numerous occasions these beliefs.
I have listened to his broadcasts daily for that same nine years, up to and including today, just to see what he is going to say.
I am but a simple baseball umpire, hardly a disinfo bot, shill, troll, etc., But have an opinion. Alex woke me up. After the 2004 election, i knew something was wrong. So i began to explore.
Watched AJ’s movies, listened to his shows and commented daily on his PrisonPlanet site. I thought i was really learning something because he spoke about the secret societies, the “Illuminati”, “Global banksters”, “Elites”, “The New World Order”, etc., etc., But after so many years, and so much more research i noticed one thing…
AJ never mentioned who owned those banks, who were the “Elite”, who were the “New World Order”? Except for 9/11, he always sided with the governments version of their hoaxes, i.e., Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston Marathon. In that i mean he claimed it was a false flag, but would never except that people were not killed and that crisis actors were in place.
He would put those stories up, and ask for comments, but then of course, any dissention from either the government’s, nor Alex’s dissemination, was highly frowned upon, and on occasion, attacked for belief in the contrary.
Once i began to wake up to who was really in charge of those banks, media, etc, i began realizing that Alex won’t mention these people, so i began a crusade to expose them on his own website and i did through numerous posts with links. Of course the trolls like one in particular, ‘Tom’, would always defend Israel, vehemently, whenever i would even mention the word. And this guy would stay on the site night and day for years. Every post, every comment section where people would mention Israel, there he was. And still is to this day.
After all the celebrity interviews i watched and listened to, Alex conduct, it was clear through his tone that we wanted to be one of them, and i was certain he would do anything to become one of them. And here he is today. BBC, CNN, FOX…He is a rockstar. And i woke up a second time.
Once you realize that you don’t get to be on TV, be a celebrity, disseminating information about who THEY are nowadays without being one of THEM! He is one of THEM! It’s clear in his rants, it’s clear through his website, it’s clear through his actions…he is a COINTELPRO, STRATFOR, Zionist shill.
Alex Jones is a circus act, and he is the ringleader. Do not be fooled by his doublespeak and hyperbole, he is working a schtick. An angle. The angle is fear. The angle is making you think you’re being let in on some knowledge that you were seeking. Leading from the idea that Israeli dual-citizens have infiltrated and are in control of the most sensitive forms of our infrastructure and are following their “Protocols” to the letter.
Alex is a pied piper for those that are just waking up from their comatose state, to the reality of what is right in front of them, acting almost as a liaison between the Zionist infrastructure, and the christians. Leading the mice, sheep, whatever you wish to call those that follow, to their demise.
Alex blames everything on Christians and Muslims, yet Israel bears no blame for anything. And what’s even more bizarre is that he acknowledges the U.S.S. Liberty attack was conducted by Israel, he blames Johnson for the stand down order saying in one of his videos that President Lyndon B. Johnson stated, “I want that ship going to the bottom, no help”. So you can see there how he puts the blame on the Gentile Johnson, rather than the culprits who were actually doing the shooting, Israel. And that is fact, look it up for yourself.
Look, i was always thinking Alex was on the inside, but to assert that he is trying to influence domestic terrorism is, at best, silly. His followers are smart. I’ve looked at their comments for years and most do not advocate violence. I always stopped those that tried to iniate a conversation leading to violence and called the trolls out for who they were. Most AJ followers are very intelligent people, just misguided, caught up in the AJ truth circus.
Don’t get me wrong, there are FEMA camps, a police state, etc. But he is leading you to them, not away from them. You have to make a choice and stop letting Alex make you feel guilty about knowing that sometyhing is wrong, but that the Zionists are not complicit. They are. As a commenter on here states time and again named, “ThenAgain”, the Zionists run and control everything.
Don’t take my word for it, do your own research. AJ is controlled opposition, he wouldn’t be on the air saying what he does if he wasn’t. Think about it. He gets away with blaming the government for everything and his site clearly posts old stories to stir up the beehive. Nobody gets on the air unless they are approved by the Jewish controlled FCC. Think about it. Dissenting voices are stifled. Breitbart come to mind? The DC madame, whom AJ actually had on the show a week or two before she was killed.
The point is, if you are a threat you are dealt with. That right there should be enough to tell you who is fake and who is real. It is a tough reality to deal with, but unfortunately, for those that believe the likes of AJ are sheep being lead to the slaughter. You can bet if he’s this big then he has handler’s.
Look, my only stake in this race is the truth. I’m not a shill, I’m not a bot, I’m a person with a voice. I only seek the truth. Look for yourselves. Look into everything and form your own opinion. I just gave you some of what i witnessed. The truth is out there, you just have to find the truth that best fits you, i guess.
its so annoying when people start sentences with … “look, ….”
if youre saying something… shouldnt it be “listen… ” but regardless.. saying either is stupid.. .. if im listening to you in the first place, telling me to listen more.. is one way to get me to ignore you.. saying look all the time.. is just plain stupid..
.. by the way.. i started to read your comment.. but it was too long… something about you wasting 9 years of your life listening to AJ and posting on his site..
That’s your problem. Take from the comment whatever makes you feel warm and cozy inside, smart guy.
look! – not a problem for me at all idiot.
Good, then move on troll. Unless of course you have some evidence to post, entertain, dispute, refute to the contrary. Which i am all ears. let’s get this party started. You post your evidence, and I’ll post mine.
im a troll because i tell you youre habit of starting sentences with “look” is annoying and stupid.. and that i ( and probably others ) dont care to read your overly long comments..
maybe if you were not such a boring dipstick and wrote something interesting..
but .. you and the other idiots here who complain about anyone who disagrees with you.. trolls… well.. that agin… just stupid..
That’s what i thought.
I’m presumptuous? Why because i called you out? You have a beef with me, let’s see what you got?
To begin with, what’s your argument? What is the cause of your action? Can you refute my claims point by point? Can you tell me what you believe? Why so angry? I obviously touched a nerve, what say you?
Alex admits that “half his family” is CIA. Wanna hear it from the horse’s mouth?
Your turn.
im not angry idiot..
you touched no nerve.. i think AJ is as big a joke as you are… thinking anyone cares that youre an umpire or what you personally feel about AJ…
you think hes a shill after 9 years.. well good for you idiot..
what did you call me out on? i called you out on being a self absorbed w@nker who rotes whole essays for comments.. and starts sentences with “look”
thats stupid!
if i see something stupid.. i say its stupid.. you cant handle that? well cry more you pathetic girl..
toughen up princess
LOL, sorry little wimp. You’re pathetic.
So far you’ve attacked me for beginning a sentence with “look”.
Then you attacked me for being an umpire…all the while calling me an idiot.
So that leads me to the conclusion that my presence threatens your fragile little ego.
In summary; You aren’t mad at my rantings about AJ as you admitted. You’re mad personally at me. Well that’s funny because you don’t even know me. Is it perhaps that you suffer froma little person ego?
look, usm_magik, youre an idiot.. ok… just deal with it.
poor little joshua got all butthurt did he…
LOL…Well we know who you work for. At least i don’t hide behind ‘anonymous’. I’m not afraid of you trolls. So you got my email and name. You still haven’t refuted my claims.
I’m waiting.
i didnt attack you for being an umpire.. i simply said no one cares … what the hell does you being an umpire have to do with AJ being a shill or not?
i dont expect you to understand.. being an idiot and all
what do you want me to refute idiot.. the fact that alex jones says his family is cia? – ive already told you i think AJ is stupid..
so im suppossed to refute what i believe ??
lol – i work for myself idiot.. youre the one that puts his email and photos and name and birthday and where you live all over the internet… dont have to be cia to get that infor dipstik..
ohhh …. and you called me a little wimp! lol… funny..
So what’s your problem? What is your beef? What, besides the fact that i am 10 times the man you are has your panties in a wad? Because i started a sentence with “look”? Because I’m an umpire? Don’t be put off by a real man, son.
i was born well before 1970 “son”
ive explained my “beef” over and over.. not my fault you didnt pass reading comprehension
real man? ha! ive seen the pics.. idiot
Were ya? Before 1970? Well, son, then you definitely have no shot. But i would definitely love to meet you in person. If you’ve looked into me so deeply, seen my pics, then you must be very desperate to meet me. I would be happy to meet ya. Probably not in the context you were thinking of. But I’m very athletic and we can go a couple of rounds of fist to cuff if that’s what you want since you’re so into wanting to fight with me. There is a park on the corner of Boulder and russell here in Las Vegas, we can have a talk there if you wish. is that what you wish?
lol –
wimp.. you couldnt fight your way out of a wet paper bag idiot..
and umm… youre the one who wants to fight simply because he cant take a little bit of simple criticism
precious ego much ..
Hey, LOOK, it is not my fault, I didn’t cause it, but I am very sorry that you are so repulsed by reading for 2 minutes or so…there is no excuse for intellectual lazyness, unless the intention is to remain clueless…
Now LISTEN here…DO you wanna know why you are a moron? Becuase you let the stupidest little non-significant things stop you from getting information…like someone writing as they talk…Seriousy, you have NO business calling anyone else an idiot.
idiot proof… the proofing aint working… youre an idiot
LOL…If i’m such a wimp then surely you wouldn’t have any trouble whooping my ass. When and where?
i doubt id be allowed entry into the usa.. and its too far to go to simply smack you around the head a few times..
do you always resort to violence when youre losing an argument little boy? werre you bullied by the girls at school were you>?
“In summary; You aren’t mad at my rantings about AJ as you admitted. You’re mad personally at me. Well that’s funny because you don’t even know me. Is it perhaps that you suffer froma little person ego?”
whats funny is i know you more than you know me.. im not mad at you.. i simply believe you to be a stupid idiot..
in summary… you dont have a clue what youre on about smegmabrain
“Just a simple TV show can summon an evil entity into your home.”
you post garbage like that and expect people to take you seriously?
what an utter moron
you gone? was it something i said…
ohhh well… good luck finding someone else online you can meet in the park to do your fisting with… not really my scene.. but far from me to judge others..
This is a beautiful post. Thank you, Sir.
Look. Good comment. Of course you will never persuade these alex jones acolytes and sycophantic truthers that Jones [Jonestein] is compromised. Theyve fallen hook line and sinker for the truther paradigm and Jonstein is their cult guru. You cant tell them that jonestein only reveals the “truth” to a certain point then beyond that NOTHING, you cant tell them he is sponsored by Jewish interests! Jones selling point is Fear porn! David Icke [David kike] operates much the same way, and his selling point is the bloody reptiles, in place of Teh Jews. They all have their own poison apple. I dont think we have to worry about “Teh gubberment” coming in the middle of night and black bagging us, dragging us off to a fema camp [lol] , we should worry about these brain dead truthers who have been driven to the edge of reasonable sanity by fear porn, to the point they are willing to follow another jones acolyte, Kokesh- the rabbid rabbi, into washington on an armed march! ..Um..yeah…bad idea! …trust me, its these unstable truthers we have to worry about!
Brilliant post Deprogrammer. Don’t feed the bored trolls mate, they just want ego approval.
Thanks, i appreciate that.
ego approval…lol.. funny lucas..
whatever dipstick.. brilliant post? wow.. you must never see anything truly interesting if you think his pathetic carry on is brilliant… too much time playin et perhaps.. oLe!
Look! im not a troll or a bot! im an umpire! AJ is a shill!.. could have said it all in one sentence..
some people just cant take criticism.. and some.. like you.. are just stupid morons
@ idiot proof..
im not adverse to information.. but i do draw the line at banal boring opinion..
for serious information i go to other websites as this place is just a magnet for morons like you and joshua
enjoy the fisting..
This is clear expranation. Thank you. Even a Chinese can a understand what a dopplegrammar have a say. And not so often see sentence start with a “Look” so, how you say in the Engrish? “Go for the it!” Anyway, I see a many more sentence start with the “And” and that a awefulgrammar.
you have awful gramma and awful grampa
You ever notice Obamma gramma aweways a perfect. Jeez! I wonda why. Maybe he a robot? Not maybe for how you say sake of your Christ! Definitery! Everybody in a China know Obamma a high tech biobot. A for this Obamma gramma is aweways a perfect. Jeez! I get so a frustrated with a rack of common sense and a whack a dicipline. Okay okay! Sorry about that! I calm down now.
@Deprogrammer – Great post!
Never forget this one thing:
“Truth is more deceptive than lies” AJ is the perfect decoy to pull in the people who don’t trust the “official” version of the “News”. I’ve learned much by noting the things AJ WON’T talk about or the issues guests and callers are steered away from. I’ve also picked up a lack of interest in the growing dangers we face from China and Russia.
And please note that Zionism is Jesuit – not Jewish. This is extremely helpful to remember.
if his related doesnt seem like they get along with eachother
tk3839, I was just thinking the same thing when I then read your comment. Great minds and all that!!! I began by asking myself ” Uh oh, what is happening that Jones, after all these many years, 14, I believe, is now all of a sudden a target for disinfo?
Then I saw SPLC listed in there and knew right away, this is the zionist mossad run American operation and as long as he left the zionists alone, he was also left alone, but recently he has had some very revealing guests on his various programs that continually and factually keep pointing a finger at the Zionists and do so with much credibility.
His audience is huge and growing, so I suspect they are afraid they will not be able to counter his successes in exposing the underbelly of the “HATE SPEWING – ISRAELI ANTI-HATE groups like SPLC and ADL.” Lets not forget these are the same people that brought down Russia in 1917, and they are BRUTAL, do not ever doubt that. No matter what, do not ever let yourselves be taken under control by either of those two groups. Talk bout hate, they hate everything American. Don’t ask me why, but they truly hate us.
what a bunch of NONSENSE!!!
You keep citing the Southern Poverty Law Center. Really? One of the biggest hate groups out there and what they have to say is the basis for your reporting?
Jones sure has appeared to me to be a gate keeper. I suspect Mike Rivero as well because both of these guys tell you just enough to get your confidence but then they will both try to steer you away from all the countless evidence out there that shows the media has been in on the staged terror from the beginning, including 911.
Just a shill, If you get the chance to see the documentary IN PLANE SITE the local news programming in OK had an interview with the fire or police chief and they said they had found at least 3 more bombs strapped to the pillars in the basement ?? I doubt Mr McVeigh was able to get into the bldg and strap bombs to the columns???
Never saw that on the evening news did you …….
Albert Pike would be proud of Alex Jones!
I want to be able to listen to this article precisely but it’s hard when the person writing it won’t show his face or doesn’t supply a consisten show, research, or even youtube channel that we can judge their credibility on. Thanks for the ideas, I mean I’m not completely disagreeing with you but being awake and what not and knowing we can’t trust our govt, it’s kind of hard to trust anybody at all! That’s why when you present info like this u need to prove you are not a shill yourself. BTW, Alex Jones doesn’t work a 9-5, I see this guy “online” traveling to different areas of the county and London thru all hours of the morning, night, on a plan ride, hotel room just to update the public. He is just really dedicated. Plus with all the “flaws” he says in some of his words, how many times does he sound sincere compared to uncincere? To me the best thing to do when judging him or Icke, just listen to the motivation and care in their voice or body language. If they were lying you could tell especially for the length that they talk.
He is a Pete santille helper or pete him self, one of the anonymous people is one of his i recognize his sophomoric style
I feel sorry for the nsa having to wade through nonsense like this comment board…and yet I still read through the entire thing. Why? Bread and circuses. Shadows on the cave wall. Ahh, the internet. A whole new kind of rabbit hole. Cheers, mate.
What a bunch of nonsense.
this is garbage!! no way!!I listen to jones,,try another one!!
It doesn’t fit, Alex is too easily discredited even though much of what he brings to the table is accurate he could never effectively orchestrate such an elaborate plan and if he had ever planned on doing he would most likely have a track record of at least making attempts it by now. His track record shows he’s exercised his right to peacefully assemble and freedom of speech and maybe a few instances of trespassing here and there. The type of mentally unstable individuals that show up and take the stage in a manner very much like Alex did more than 20 years ago would all most never wait this long in acting out a plan becuase they tend to believe the threat is imminent and must be dealt with right now. More likely this administration is setting him up to be completely discredited becuase he hits too close to the truth on too many occasions. Alex’s having a link to this administration is more likely due to having insider’s leaking valid information that they have at least heard discussed on the inside to him. I’ve been wrong before but this is my take.
This story is BS.
Alex was the first voice that alerted me to the criminality of our “government”. At some point I stopped listening because of his disrespect for callers and that he was spending way more time ranting than digging up facts and pointing them out. I fear for his listeners.
People who are searching for the truth need to start with themselves first. I found that I had many problems as I read post after post, then checking the proof/evidence for myself to try and gain my own insight. It was not until I read a few books relating to self awareness that I realized my path was not following others but myself. Alex Jones is definitely a controlled mouthpiece; with the sheer number of his so-called ‘expose’s’ it is a miracle that he hasn’t been shot, not even an attempt upon his life. If you want to follow anyone, perhaps you wouldn’t go far wrong by following your own hearts?
Zionist Obama admin??? The same Obama admin. that audited Pro-Israel groups along with TeaParty’ers and Conservatives?
Don’t you know that when you attack a man like Alex Jones, his ratings go up?
I’m talking to the truth seekers, not the low-information people or un-educated where they believe what is convenient or what they are told to believe. 90% of the American people do not believe what the main media says see..
Check out and see for your self. Clearly Alex Jones hit a nerve with you left wing progressive idiots. It hurts your agenda when a man comes out and speaks truth. He has got a movement going and you don’t like the direction, or the fact his audience is growing because he makes sense. He must be doing a good job for you to attack, and lie, and take things out of context like you did in this article. Truth seekers go to and get what he really said. This article is full of hate and attacks which are far from the truth.
and God Bless America! God Bless that God comes back in schools.
Article II of the constitution:
A well related Militia, begin necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That’s not article 24, it’s right up there at the top. Why? Well I will tell you it’s not to hunt. Thomas Jefferson wrote, when a government becomes a wicked, and a police state, and protests are put down and freedom of speech gone, then we may have to protect our selves from the government. That’s why we have the second article in the constitution.
Read the Declaration of Independence, We left an oppressive government for exactly what we are going through right now!
I appreciate your oppinion, but think you may be off base. Listen to Alex Jones and he can rant BUT I am not going to do anything horrible because he says so. Educate myself and make my own choices as anyone should. Don’t blame Mr. Jones.
Did you ever stop to think that as are life and our personal freedoms mean nothing to those pulling strings in our Government that we all need a “wake up call ” to pay attention and to protect our families and our rights and freedoms?
Do you really think the OWNED MAINSTREAM MEDIA is going to say Hey, Alex good job… Or try to discredit him and say he is a mad man? I suggest you watch his stream from the Bilderbergs meeting – where in he was being interviewed by BBC. The lady reported had no interest in facts or the issues. Just repeatedly tried to state he was crazy… To try to get he to overreact and film him and try to use that as a diversion from the truth.
I SAY WAKE UP – AND STAY AWAY FROM FEMA CAMPS, scary situations. GO ALEX! GO ALEX keep up the good work of bringing light to things in the dark.
up to I looked at the check of $8358, I accept that…my… mom in-law woz like realey taking home money parttime on there computar.. there best friend has done this for under fourteen months and by now took care of the loans on there condo and purchased a great new Renault 4. go to,… Rush60.ℂℴm
Randolph Hearst is that you? Yellow journalism lives on BeForItNews!
How dare you guys title this “Alex Jones Killed…… What’s the matter with you.
I care about Alex Jones’ life just as much as he cares about mine…
Bottom line is, maybe he cuts corners, maybe he doesnt always tell the truth, BUT the truth he does tell is enough to get people wanting a revolution, and that is what we need…
It feels as though everyone of these “talkies” (Beck, Savage, Jones, et al ad nauseum) are in the circle pointing to the guy next to him. “HE is the one at fault!” Hells bells! what goes around comes around, don’t you know? What are we all supposed to do, just sit this dance out and wait for the good guys to do battle over us as we duck and cover our heads? I think it is high time to get on bended knees and ask for REAL guidance!
AJ came out today and basically admitted to being a “humanist” by endorsing the recent new age scifi movies that un-holy-wood has been putting out lately, the ones with Tom Cruise in them in particular! One CANNOT be a “humanist” and a true “Christian” people! Humanists believe that they can create their own future, that they can create their own heaven on earth, through the developments in their sciences and technologies. A true Christian has “faith” in the promises of the Almighty, one of which is to create a “new heaven and a new earth” which is to be done by no human hand! AJ also alluded to the sun as the cause of all the severe storms of late, but the technology to “own the weather” exists, but he made no mention of this. Strange don’t you think?
You can debate whether or not Alex Jones is a disinfo agent. But how can anyone say that he has been ineffective at exposing the corruption that exists? If Alex Jones is to be shunned for what he has done, then everyone here should be shunned as well. There is not one person here that has been as effective. And to the people that narrowly think it’s all the “Jews” fault, you obviously don’t understand the real power structure. The people that are running things are Luciferians. They may appear in public to be Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or whatever, but many subscribe to the doctrine of Lucifer.
There are “many” who hold to a “counterfeit faith”. They promise us freedom, but are themselves slaves of corruption.
HAHAHA,…ALEX JONES,must really have the RICH BANKER THIEVES in america worried,there ain’t nothing they won’t do to DEMONIZE HIM,he’s been exposing them for years and the awaking of america can be layed at his feet,not to mention the rest of the world,ALL YOU DEVIL WORSHIPPERS,keep attacking ALEX,cause the days coming when WE’RE GOING TO HANG all you criminals and you know its coming THANKS TO “ALEX JONES”………..WAR is coming to america this 4th of july get ready ,you got NATO troops coming in by the thousands every day………………….YOUR BEING INVADED……..get ready…………………
It does not matter in the least what Alex Jones is, he gives up extremely useful information, and whatever he says, should be fact-checked and verified no matter what, as all “news” stories should, MSM and AltMedia alike. As long as he is in that position, and maybe it is controlled opposition, use him as the valuable resource that he truly is, just don’t trust him or worship him as a cultist, or follow him as your personal Christ, and you should be ok…
Jones is a bit over the top, but good to check in on because he has the most current info on DC policy making.
Would this ‘article’ be a phony hit piece written to be posted on this site, as part of a ‘psyops’ operation to discredit Alex Jones? Alex deserves high marks for patriotism after his recent heroic work done exposing the Bilderberg conference in the UK, isn’t that the majority opinon of those who visit this site?
To all dis-info trolls I personally heard Jones Dec. 31, 1999 show, he told huge lies and tried to get ppl. to go fire on cops. I didn’t think much of him before that show, and after ? Please, the nwo made his image, think he really sneaked into Bohemian Grove ? They invited him, to give him credibility. He Has David de Rothschild, private ph. no. ,& the same stoops to speak to Jones on his show ? Why ? Because Jones is working for the nwo, it’s so obvious. Only a disinformation troll would disagree…
LOL – Govt Shill Alert! And like it was said below – welcome to B4itsnews.
Outstanding article. Jones’ own lies are available to anyone who spends a few moments searching the internet. The only questions were was it for the sake of sleazy self promotion, or part of sinister agenda. I think this article does a good job of laying out the case for the former.
The main problem of the article is that it relies too much on supposition, that the casual reader, unaware of the outside documented facts, may too easily dismiss.
The 90% truth Jones tells is nothing but bait to ensnare the unwary on the 10% of lies. First, do you really think anyone speaking the truth would ever be allowed anywhere near a national media outlet? Second, once given that chance, would any sane, sincere, cogent person act like Jones? Does anyone out there reading this really think that acting like an idiot is a reasonable strategy for winning over the public and you’ld have done the exact same thing?
Without needing to resort to any shred of evidence, these media theatrics don’t pass the smell test Listen at your own risk.
What a horrible mis-informed disgusting propaganda article.
So the only way to oppose the the American Bolshevists…who wantonly lie and murder for the sake of creating a war with its own population and deliver a death blow to the concept of popular sovereignty within our species…is non violence? Nazism was a deliberate social experiment. The rulers of human societies unavoidable think of themselves in exactly the same way military officers do…as being seperate from and superior to the sacrificial rabble. So while everyone in the private sector laments uncertain future prospects those who insulate themselves from the same through government theft all of a sudden think of themselves as rightfully superior. German society…and the world since…has paid a huge price for thier acquiescence.
He could very well be right about Jones. Reasonable after starting a fire to have someone fan the flames. But if He’s not…isnt what this article says about him exactly what the strifemakers would want us to think. Just goes to show you…whether its msm or a recent plethora of well paid and practiced shills on the internet…no good Bolshevist is worth his salt without the control of information. Over the course of several deliberately planned decades THEY have very effectively created a situation that nigh on approaches everybody hating everybody. Complete chaos. Oh by the way insisting on ‘facts’ is just another part of the ploy because that situation is deliberately confused as well. Anybody hear of GAI? Would you believe that the American public is completely surrounded by chemical, biological and nuclear weapons? And they would have us believe that that’s possible with the massive police state? The police state itself is a shill because there’s almost nothing there to find but is there instead to make us believe there is. Manufacture chaos start poppin of your weapons – nobody knows where to turn – everybody dies just like is intended with the added caveat that everybody thinks somebody did it who didn’t. Easy when you have craft that can do a 180 on the planet in under a minute and have things doing your dirty work that can’t even be detected without specialized and super top secret equipment.
The magnum opus…the breakdown of our culturally based cognitive reference points…began in the 1960,s with what has been openly referred to as the ‘counter culture’ movement. Drugs, anti war – anti everything that is…which extrapolated into this day is exactly what you’d expect it to be a miasma of relativism with everything accept agreement and certainty. Is it really a coincidence that the earths magnetic field is as wobbly as our society seems to be? If you could ask an angel I bet he’d tell you its not. Bill Ayers just wasn’t Barack Obamas friend. He was his handler. Someone ask Bill Ayers who he’s really working for. This is why Barack Obamas identity and background have been carefully hidden. And our ‘representatives’ – intended to be our guardians precisely by making sure the law is adhered to – completely obfuscated this matter by way of carefully orchestrated culturally based guilt.
I thought your article said he was dead.
Kudos for this solid research and valid conclusions. You have exposed a CointelPro agent so completely that it is doubtful he will now succeed in his mission with Stratfor. Well done,!
There was some guy in S.F. that hated our current president of the usa, he posted very ugly posters of the guy around the S.F. Bay Area, because Alex had some kind of contest, when the guy was found dead and had posted hundreds if not millions of posters of Mr. Obama and his ugly little face that looked like something out of a batman movies (the joker) Alex NEVER MENTIONED IT ON ANY OF THIS BROADCASTS OR SO NEWS SITE….. Instead of the contest winner, he LOST HIS LIFE…. NOW, Im not saying that what he did was a artful act of communication, but it got someone pretty pissed off.
Sorry, if any of my comments may be wrong, thats what a few blogs mentioned a while back. PEACE TO ALL>>LV
Anybody in the media is “A shill.” It’s a good paying job and beats working in a factory. Marlin Brando once said if cleaning toilets paid better than acting thats what he would have done for a living. Rush L, Alex J or whomever are performing an Act, just like Brando. And yeah they can seem sincere—thats what a good actor does. It’s all phoney and they are putting you on folks.
re: jones endgame,,, which you misspelled
all fords are cars, all fords are green. DOES NOT mean all cars are green. the odds of 1 in 50 million people blowing something up is a jones listener is DUHH quite good. you are basically an idiot. if a white conservative group was to do something, which they should, there is no doubt they listen to one of those guys but not all conservatives do, you know that. you’re the provocateur. you use the word bait, well, if you sit on the bank and throw pieces of bread in the water, the fish will eat that as well. is it bait if there is no hook? yeah, it is but your desired outcome is different. information is information. how you or i act on it has nothing to do with beck savage jones. You got to love this guy. Interesting reading.
ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media’s massive deceptions
Been listening to Jones for over a decade. Hard to know where the real truth lies. The best deceptions contain 90% truth – the better to beguile us with. He is good at invoking emotional response from his listeners. But the claim his material is well researched sometimes falls flat when you look at the articles and realize it’s a reach to draw the conclusions Alex does from that material. But then he looks at a lot more stuff than I do to build his worldview. His coverage/harassment of Bilderberg seems quite organic. His attack against intrusions on liberty from both domestic and foreign/corporate structures also seems true.
It’s tempting to think about others who have taken on the powers-that-be only to have run-ins with the government. Does Alex succeed because of talent and caution, just where caution is needed? Or does he succeed because he is furthering or facilitating another agenda (knowingly or otherwise)? Once you achieve the status of a “personality”, there are forces, money, and who knows what else – threats, blackmail?
With respect to SPLC, I’m guessing it’s a government protected organization. Their history is shady but they sure seem coddled by our law enforcement agencies and Justice Department for their valuable “assistance”.
I happen to like a lot of things Alax Jones says and a lot of them are true. One man I respect on Radio is “Dr. Michael Savage of “The Savage Nation”. His comment about Alax Jones is that he is a true American and hero. Forget about Jones, the person and just look at what he says.
Where do I sign up to buy advertising. I have state of the art tin foil protective head gear for sale.
From the title of the article to most, if not all, of its contents…. complete anti-jones propaganda. I suppose being pro-jones makes me crazy? Well then, I’m crazy and I’m okay with that. Rather be crazy than lay down and allow the guv to do whatever they want with me and my rights or any rights of any american. Author really needs to get with the de-program!
Crazy people like Jones listen to his show..This guy is mad and focuses on people who are mad just like him. Believe me there are alot of people mad in this country alone.. . Peaceful demonstrations will prevail.
Although there are some well made points in this article, my conclusion is as follows: Alex Jones is fighting against the establishment to the best of his ability. I think that perhaps, although well intending, the writer may have been mislead, even unintentionally. The establishment has been going to extraordinary lengths to discredit Mr. Jones. If we take your advice and never stand up to brutal tyranny with force, then what is the point of owning a firearm. If the establishment continues to commit murder, then things will come to blows. Unfortunately, a little of that maybe inevitable. I think that there certainly is a conspiracy afoot by the establishment to create division and civil war, and I think they are trying to play Alex Jones. However, like the Occupy Movement, their mechanisations are beginning to backfire. We occupied Occupy and turned that into something positive for change that caught fire worldwide. The people are winning and the globalists are running out of options. I stand will Alex, and trust that when the time comes he will do what is best.
Fire the shill who allowed this article to be posted here. In fact, give them a good slapping on the way out the door. is controlled opposition. This is a Progressive Saul Alinsky game! Read “Rules for Radicals”
Watch how long this link stays up. It will be removed from this comment section within a day. Just like one of the posts I made here last night is gone. THE TRUTH HURTS!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard Alex J. “exploiting racial animosities”. I think he cares more about the color of your character than the color of your skin.
This article is crap. I kept looking for the “Read more at” It even sounds and smells like Sorcha Faal puke. If this guy is editor-in-chief of, I would seriously question that site.
I prove Alex Jones is a liar and a censoring stooge that has run away from real solutions like recalls that have worked in Colorado. You’ll be shocked when you learn what he has hidden from you! /alternative/2014/02/open-letter-to-the-alternative-media-2895742.html
This is a old story I’ve read before. What proof do you have but quotes from the left-wing liberal Southern Poverty Law Center. Wouldn’t trust anything from them. If you want us to believe your crap—SHOW US SOME REAL PROOF. Blame everything going bad in our world on Zionists. Don’t by that at all.