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Georgia Guide Stones - Cube Deciphered

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Georgia Guide Stones – Cube deciphered

With little ceremony the stone, that was only recently inserted in the top corner of the slab  with the English text on the Georgia Guide Stones, was removed again. Supposedly ‘unauthorized’, thrown down and cut to pieces. I believe however that there is a purpose to all of this as well as to the seemingly amateuristic video that showed the whole thing. Whoever filmed it made sure that we could see every side. One of the first things that catches the attention is the fact that there are other inscriptions apart from the 20 and 14 that were initially visible.
We also find the numbers 8 and 16 as well as the letter combinations MM and JAM. Before we could only read the year 2014, now if decoded, we can find an exact date.

The cube was tossed down like a dice and this brought me to the idea of understanding the code. A characteristic of a dice is that the dots on opposite sides always add up to seven; 5 + 2, 3 + 4 and 6 +1.

Likewise it is the opposite sides that match up in the ‘2014-Cube’:

If we assume that the MM side is the top and we view it from that side we can display the four adjacent sides around it. This is the diagram we use:

Now we simply add the numbers in the opposite sides:
8 + 20 = 28
14 + 16 = 30
As is customary in numerology, we keep adding the digits until a single digit number is left (except for 10 which is a pure number and stays as it is):
8 + 20 = 28 → 2 + 8 = 10
14 + 16 = 30 → 3 +0 = 3
We now derive the numbers 10 and 3. Likewise we add the top and bottom. Here letters are used and we need to translate them to numbers.

This is easy, letters are numbered according to the alphabet (A=1, B=2, etc.) Thus:
MM = 13 + 13 = 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 8
JAM = 10 + 1 + 13 = 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 6
8 + 6 = 14

The tree numbers we get are 10, 3  and 14. I believe a date, being October 3, 2014 ! (March 10 is ruled out because the stone was placed after that date.)
I am not going to speculate what could happen on that date, but it is likely that it has everything to do with the (start of the) ’New World Order plan’ as laid out on the Guide Stones (UPDATE1: see note at the end of this article). This is driven by dark forces and one of the things they need to do for their events to become rituals is ‘reveal’ them in advance (lesser magic). All this might very well be part of this lesser magic. The occult uses numerology often and this goes into extremes. Here we see that there is much more to the coding than that which is shown above:

In the following diagram I have added the numbers in the neighboring sides and written the result in the squares on the respective corners. Again I’ve added the single digits and written those results in the circles. For example the 34 on the top right corner is the sum of 14 and 20. The digits 3 and 4 add up to 7:

Now we add the opposites again, but in this case diagonally (the numbers in the circles). So the 6 and 7 add up to 13. The 4 and 9 also add up to 13. The two times 13 are represented by the M and M thus showing a perfect relation between all the numbers. You might explain this away as coincidence, but I’ll show you that the very same applies to the bottom side.

Since this is the reverse side, we have to use a reverse method so we will subtract instead of add. And we don’t add single digits but we split up.

34 – 24 = 10 → J
36 – 22 = 14 → 1 + 13 → A + M

The total of all the numbers and letters is 108 which can be translated in either 18 or 9. Whichever you choose, in occult numerology both are the replacement for 666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9). This brings us to the deeper spiritual battle that is going on and of which this is part.

I believe the removal of the stone was very well planned as well as the filming of it. It seems almost ridiculous the way it was removed, thrown down and then cut to pieces and divided among the bystanders. The latter by the way seemed to be completely uninterested in the meaning and origin of the cube. Unrealistic. The ignorant ‘sheeple’ the controlling ‘elite’ so much desires. Just a side note: the man who removed the stone asks “who wants a chip?”, this could be interpreted otherwise and may be a hint to the implantable chip which the people will probably wish for just as eagerly.

The man acts as a literally mason with his hammer, but most likely shows symbolically who is behind all this. Let’s also not forget that the cube has the inscription MM (Master Mason). He is also kneeling on his left knee. An unnatural position for someone who is right-handed and has the stone he is chiseling in front of his foot. However it is the exact position an entered apprentice has when taking the Masonic oath. The right leg forming the square and the left hand supporting the Bible (in this case represented by the stone).

The stone was never meant to be there for a long time, just long enough to get our attention. No glue or cement had been applied, of which the man who removed the stone apparently was very well aware. He went up the ladder without tools and without hesitation lifted the stone out right away. He stated that it was unauthorized. He also mentions in the video that, quote: “we have the original piece”. Showing that he was very well aware (or present at) the removal of this original piece (and possible placing of the ‘unauthorized cornerstone’).

Seems to me a very well orchestrated symbolic repetition of the rejection of the corner stone:

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” (Ps 118:22 / 1 Peter 2:7). Even in some Bible translations this cornerstone has been replaced. The New International Version (NIV) renders the above verse as follows: “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone” (emphasis added). Hasn’t this been the plan all along of the secret societies, inspired by Satan himself. To dethrone Jesus Christ, the cornerstone, and replace him with the antichrist, the capstone.

Heads up for the 3rd of October and above all, let’s keep our eyes and hearts on the true Stone. After all He will have the last word:

Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
… and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
(Daniel 2:34, 35b)


1UPDATE: As it seems the plans of the New World Order as laid out on the Guide Stones have indeed started. The first ‘commandment’ on the stone slabs is to keep humanity under 500,000,000. This requires massive depopulation. Ebola is an effective tool in this and has now come to the US.

See Part 2Georgia Guide Stones – Cube deciphered – EBOLA


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    Total 47 comments
    • HotFish

      or it could just be a scrap from the nearby granite processing plant, put in place with the 20 and 14 facing by a prankster.

      • trashman

        The way i read the stone is like this : M= 1000 in Roman numerals so : M M = 2 . : 8 = 08 = 2008 stock market crash. M M 2000 and of course the other numbers added too the 2000 = 2008, 2014, who knows what , then etc etc. Somethign huge is about too happen. Then of course is 2016 perhaps the next phase, then the next. I know this might seem too simple, but sometimes the simplest explanation is the most logical. I agree i think something HUGE is about too happen, and i think its in October, its almost like i can sense it.

        • Einstein

          I believe you are correct on the MM=2000.

          The others 08, 14, 16, 20 could be the years of major events planned by our zionist rulers. 08 already done. 14 the start of WW3, at least by the way things are going? 16, and 20 who knows?

          I think JAM is likely initials or code for something in English. Maybe the initials of our new world dictator? I haven’t given this much thought. This monument is pure evil and should be destroyed. I believe if it were destroyed, it would give these criminal zionists the message that they will be destroyed too. These satanic scumbags are less than 0.2% of the world population, I believe it is time to put them in their proper place.

        • Chili



        • Anonymous

          The CERN “Large Hadron Collider” Was Designed to be a Reptilian “Stargate”

    • Ryan

      MM=WW> World War
      JAM=war> WAR / JAM= Judgement Against Mankind
      16 Flipped/Reversed=91>9+1>10; 8=8 ; 20 – 14 =2014
      you get the Date of 10-8-2014 or the 2nd coming BLOOD MOON that represents WAR that aligns with the 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse:
      1) White : Conquest ; 2) RED : -Blood Red- WAR Horse ; 3) Pale-Green : Famine/Plague/Sickness 4) Black : Death-Hell

      Synopsis: WW3 to start on or around this time in accordance to GODS signs/timing in the sun MOON and Stars?
      * Note Putin makes Indirect threat of WW3 by threatening to take Europe in 2 Days

      ‘ Vladimir Putin Threatens World War 3, Says Russia Could Invade Europe Within Two Days ‘
      Pope Francis say WW3 has already started
      ‘ Pope Francis warns on ‘piecemeal World War III ‘

    • jcd0101

      as a christian i do believe that their are very evil forces in this world..
      And over 2/3 of our nation is now deceived and thinks that by tearing the usa apart
      they will have a new socialist mecca..

      They have no idea of the comming horror..
      America will burn –
      the alarm bells have been going off for 20 years or longer ..
      Many christians reported visions and dreams from God about our pending destruction..

      I dont think it is going to happen – i KNOW !!!!
      just a matter of when..

    • crabby

      paul is dead..

      • pdeibn

        Who is Paul.

        • komotion

          Paul from the Beatles…

      • komotion

        Them let him be buried.

      • Writers Block

        Yip and Faul is still alive.

    • FusedNail

      ‘As is customary in numerology, we keep adding the digits until a single digit number is left’
      Where on earth is this coming from??

      • Papa est Satan

        It comes from numerology, as stated. Do you know how to interpret text?

    • Nunya

      wtf are you talking about??

      • Benny


      • Papa est Satan

        Please reserve your ignorance to ponies and bubble gum.

    • Jango

      Eid al-Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to follow Allah’s (God’s) command to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Muslims around the world observe this event.

      In 2014 it runs from Oct 3 to the 6th.

      Is there going to be a special sacrifice that day????? Remember what Jim Garrow said would happen on a special Islamic Holiday……the shopping malls.

      • Jehbus

        One problem.
        The sky gods Father would not have asked Abraham to sacrifice his son.
        That’s Abracadabra stuf.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Another order could be this… MM 16 20 14 JAM infinity. The numbers 16 20 14 gives this in Google Maps: Jefferson Lab 12000 Jefferson Ave Newport News, VA 23606. They apparently have an accelerator and an electron laser. They study the nature of matter. It’s just outside of Norfolk, Va. and next to a Dept. of Energy office. MM is on top, then go down a side to 16. JAM is on the bottom under 14.

      16 20 14
      JAM 8 (on its side)

    • 0 Sum

      Quote: “The total of all the numbers and letters is 108″

      108 looks VERY familiar.

      As quoted from above site:

      “The following set of numbers comprise what I call the cosmic sequence:

      27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864, 1728, 3456

      Each successive term is double the value of the preceding term.

      The first term, 27, is equal to three cubed. Pythagoras said that three cubed represents the cosmos.

      Many of the bodies in our solar system resonate with terms in the cosmic sequence. Accuracy percentages are given in parentheses.

      Saturn 108,000 km polar diameter (99.3%)
      Saturn 10,800 day orbital period (99.6%)
      Venus 108 million km orbital distance (99.8%)
      Earth 108,000 km/hour orbital velocity (99%)

      Sun’s diameter is approximately 108 Earth diameters (99%)
      Earth averages 108 solar diameters from the Sun (99.5%)
      Moon averages 108 lunar diameters from the Earth (98%)

      Also check the following link for many more 108′s

      “Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti.
      54 times 2 is 108.”

      • Apollo is the A/C

        Nicely done


        Paul is dead Faul is alive thats why his wife Heather split. She finds she got a cheap knock off.


      It’s too complicated !

    • Jehbus

      Jack? :shock:

    • Jiliane

      This all just another distraction from the reality facing humanity.
      The Alien intervention loves Our superstitions and they use it against us.
      If we knew what was really coming, we’d be in the streets and kicking ET off the planet.
      This is the only home we will ever have and others want it as their own. Ignorance and
      Arrogance will get 5 billion of us killed by OUR OWN HANDS. They do not need to lift a finger for their weapon is the mental environment, something that humanity has yet to develope.
      Suggested reading : Allies of Humanity volumes 1,2,3

      • zanaelf

        Wrong you are your religion are contributing to superstition on this planet… to be true, anyone who believes in a god is immediately identified by the creators and visitors as being stupid, primitive superstitious and are the ones destroying this planet and ecosystem, and well contributing to genocide. Masons, Christians, Muslim, and including your theistic cult….

    • Don't be hating!

      Who cares. We are the ones with the power not them.

    • banks.nlb

      J=Jesus (christianity)
      A=Abraham (judaism)
      M=Muhammed (Islam)

      I don’t know but that is what I feel it means.

    • Jack Shlitz

      What a load. Nothing’s going to happen. All this conjecture and gnashing of teeth reminds me of Monty Python’s Life of Brian. :roll:

    • vaalix

      8-16-2014 bill gates took on the ice bucket challenge..

    • HfjNUlYZ

      There are some pretty good theories about this CUBE but they are missing the most crucial part about the whole thing. Also, since this stuff revolves around ‘As Above So Below’ they should know there is another CUBE…

    • I.P.Dailey

      Thanks for sharing, 5*!!

    • Sean

      108 or 10/8 also 108 is a scared number in Buddhism, reminds me of a cave in the southwest with..Egyptian, Hebrew and Buddhist Mummies and Artifacts….what do you come up with if you translated the Numbers into Letters to create a Word or add to JAM and MM?

    • Griffin

      Read another article earlier today from ‘the Truther’ about possible assassination attempt on Obama whilst he’s visiting Indiana. Take it all with a grain (or bucket) of salt, but I notice that Mr Obama is visiting a Steel Mill on 10.03.14 – MILLENNIUM MILL. M = 1000 or a ‘Millennium’…
      JAM could be an acronym for so many things.
      Judgement Awaits Mabus, Jerusalem Awaits Meshiach, Just Another Messiah, Jesuit Antichrist Mason, Jupiter And Mars, etc.,etc.

    • Trex

      WTF , put the crack pipes down .

      Their is no logic to your thinking .

      BIN has become such B.S it astounds me !

    • woody188

      MM = 2000
      MM+8 = 2008
      MM+14 = 2014
      MM+16 = 2016
      MM+20 = 2020
      J = Jesus
      A = Abraham
      M = Mohammad
      JAM = One world religion

      So the dates are significant years on the track to one world religion and the implementation of the commandments.

    • rayvd

      Thank you for this effort. I believe you have made an error, however, in your numerology:
      You came up with 10/3/14 as follows:
      8 + 20 = 28 → 2 + 8 = 10
      14 + 16 = 30 → 3 +0 = 3

      However, if you treat these numbers as you did the MM and JAM, I believe you will come to the correct solution:
      8 + (2+0) = 10
      (1+4) + (1+6) = 12
      (We do not add up the resulting digits, because they are a valid day of the month (or month of the year, for 10).
      Thus, the day I believe we should expect something big is October 12, 2014.

      • LastTrumpetBlast

        Actually there is no reason not to add up resulting digits simply because they form a valid day. We would then presume that it’s always dates that are calculated in numerology, which obviously is not the case. If we simply and consequently follow the ‘rules’ we come up with the result I presented. The only time digits are not added up are the 10 (pure number) and 14 for the year because I believe there are deliberately three letters used instead of two (JAM instead of for example JN or KM) to signify an extra digit is desired.

        • rayvd

          I am no expert in numerology, but I suggest this restriction only for dates, because without it, there would never be a date later than 10 days into the month, provided it was given using numerals as opposed to letters.

          What was the significant development regarding Ebola that took place on 10/3?

        • LastTrumpetBlast

          I understand your reasoning and it seems logic. I don’t want to dismiss any possibility however it needs the presumption that we know in advance that we are deciphering a date. Usually extra digits are only retrieved through extra hints like the three letters.
          By stopping to add at two digits we could also run in problems for dates below 10 (12 could mean 1+2=3). Although I realize there are ways around this. But now we are making up the rules… Anyway, let’s keep our heads up for the coming dates, time will tell.
          I added a link to part two of this article which I published to day. It covers the link to Ebola.

    • Igotit

      JAM = 10.1.13
      I made a web search for the date, got to a site “This Day In Founding Fathers History”. It read:
      “On this day in 1776, Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense was published”
      Then I made a search “1776 illuminati”, and found that the original “der Illuminatenorden” group was founded on 1.3. on that year. The group started gathering members from freemasons four years later, after which it started forming into a more mystical and hierarchial group. In 1784 the government of Karl Theodor banned all secret societies including the Illuminati and Freemasons, after which Illuminati has been said to have collapsed and disappeared… But look at the Freemasons today!

      Pompous temples and symbolism all over the World and embraced by the richest and highest ranking western leaders even throughout Europe as high as Finland and Norway! (People can be pulled by their noses by pretending of having a Godly mystery).

      MM= 13 13
      -”In the year 1313 AD According to Max Heindel a Rosicrucian Order was formed in the inner worlds”
      - In the year 1313 “Battle of Gamelsdorf: Louis the Bavarian defeats his cousin Frederick I of Austria.”
      - Prime Factors of 1313 = 13 x 101

      Strangely JAM and MM lead straight to the founding years of both the Rosicrucian Order and the Freemasons Order.

      The Common Sense, book association was right, because there has appeared a book named “Common Sense Renewed” by the man himself, Robert Christian!
      Christ is often is some Rosicrucian and Masonic texts referred to as a stone, a cornerstone, of a building, of which other stones are “living stones”, Freemasons.

    • Mind\\\'s Eye Show

      Speaking on The Mind’s Eye podcast on the 35th anniversary of the Guidestones’ unveiling, in March 2015, the builders of the monument reveals the true origin of the mysterious 2014 cube and never heard before information about the original installation process. Chris Kubas, Vice President of the Elberton Granite Association dispels some of the rumors, myths, and conspiracies.

    • Bill Lyle

      Another great prediction, by The Simpsons…..
      *phone rings
      Mr. Burns: “Ahoy hoy? Yes, this is Monte Burns. Is this about my cube?

      The numbers are a phone number. Call it, and see if Matt Groening answers.

    • judas iscariot

      All the way in New Zealand and you think you know what America is all about.

      You make good points- there are levels of our government which are doing these things, but what you don’t realize is that these portions of the government have been hijacked and go AGAINST both the will and the ideals of most Americans.

      Why is no one doing anything? They are distracted. They are lied to. They aren’t even aware these things are happening. America was founded on such sound spiritual principles, that most trust the government to the point that they don’t even see what is happening.

      Many of us are awakening, however, and are doing more than you realize to correct this mess. ‘They’ planned on being in syria 10 years ago, and ‘we’ were able to prevent it until last week. That’s just one example.

      So how bout you quit bad mouthing all Americans. Try reaching out to those of us who are making a difference. After all, we’re all in this together. And whether you want to admit it or not, if ‘their’ plans succeed, it’s only a matter of time before tanks roll down YOUR street.

      He who asks receives… What are you asking for when you curse any of god’s children?

    • ThatsIt!!!

      Well said!

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