Mysterious Cities Began to Appear in the Sky All Over the World what Is It?
Mysterious cities began to appear in the sky all over the world what is it? Fatamorgana?
Something really weird is going on in the earth’s atmosphere. Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core, HAARP?
People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomens. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? Can it affect a human evolution? What do you think about that?
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
Watch the video and judge for yourself…
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
Mysterious cities began to appear in the sky all over the world what is itFatamorgana
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
Nearly Illegal Tactical Flashlight Saves Many Families During Power Outtages During East Cost Winter Storms
our skies have been filled with liquid crystals for many decades now so essentially we are living beneath a huge movie screen.
these are holographic images, a precursor to the inevitable world wide hoax that will be coming.
shine a light on/through a piece of quartz crystal and you will see a rainbow effect like the ‘rainbow clouds’.
all man made.
Why do such mysterious things only appear on internet and never in real life?
the internet fools people into thinking its real
huge movie screen I do hope so I want to see superman and batman on the big screen
Come on… No mystery here..”Project Blue Beam”
Project blue beam at work . I have pictures of a plane that crossed my home . When I saw it at a distance , I noted a blue beam that was streaming out of the sky to one wing of the plane . I immediately ran and got my camera . I took several pictures . After the plane passed I downloaded it to a lap top I had then . To my surprise the plane was not there . I could see the blue beam but no Plane . I had read that soon they would be using it to invading the world with aliens . And even a fake rapture were you could see people flying in the air . So I guess these cities are the beginning of the fake rapture . I guess it’s supposed to be Jesus or GOD coming in the clouds with HIS city . But they forgot to read the bible . The rapture happens just before the 1000 year reign of peace in Revelations 20:5-6 .and the city of GOD does not appear until after the thousand years of peace and after Satan is released to once again attack GODs people . Then after he has been cast into the lake of fire then GOD makes or fixes this earth and Heaven then the city of GOD comes down to dwell with mankind forever Revelations chapters 21 and 22 . Heaven will be on earth with GOD coming to visit and live with us .
Bro I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but there is no reward of salvation coming from fantasyland. The myth about the rapture accomplishes one good thing, it exposes the religious organization promoting such malarkey as offspring of the harlot. Pleas I understand the boldness of that statement, but please don’t be offended. Let me explain what I mean. If you still choose to embrace doctrine that is opposition of the one true God’s Word you’ve made an informed decision.
Believe it or not the misconception about Man ascending to Heaven to be with God actually originated with Satan the devil. This is Lucifer’s expressed aspiration as we can easily grasp from the following passage.
Isiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
God’s plan for man never included his ascending to Heaven, in fact that is exactly the opposite of what God has in store. Is it really that difficult to imagine the devil using this type of cunning deception? In truth God’s intention is for the Kingdom of God to come to earth. Jesus Christ deliberately provided slam dunk evidence of God’s blueprint in the Lord’s Prayer. In the second verse of this prayer God’s truth is revealed. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” In cooperation with this the bibles book of Revelation announces the arrival of the “New Jerusalem” (God’s Kingdom) describing God’s plan in undeniable detail.
Rev 21:2 “And I saw the holy town, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, like a bride made beautiful for her husband. And there came to my ears a great voice out of the high seat, saying, See, the Tent of God is with men, and he will make his living- place with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them, and be their God.
The logical question this reality poses is why would anyone want to go to Heaven if God’s Kingdom is coming to earth? Perhaps to sit at the right hand of their father the devil who shares this absurd and ungodly desire. Sorry he wont be there either God has drafted special punishment for his blasphemous indignation. I suggest you would not want to meet the same fate by jumping on the bandwagon of false and misleading doctrine.
The idea or concept of the rapture is justified through the misunderstanding of scripture that specifically refers to the 144,000 tried and true God has hand selected over the past six thousand years. These are the first-fruit, the first harvest who are resurrected to a spiritual body. They are slotted to help Jesus, the King of kings run God’s holy government during what is called the Millennial Rein of Christ.
Upon the arrival of Jesus at his second coming these chosen ones will rise to the heavens (sky) to meet him. The purpose is to provide a miraculous display for all to observe. This would of course not be possible if it were to occur in the distant Heaven where Yahweh Himself resides.
Rev 1:5 “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by his blood; and he made us to be a kingdom, to be priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they that pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn over him. Even so, Amen.”
The identical theme is obvious in other scripture as well. For example:
1Thes 4:16 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we that are alive, that are left, shall together with them be caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
Now along with the above evidentiary scripture one can pretty well established in their own mind the error of the rapture doctrine by what is conveyed in the book of John;
John 3:12 “If I told you earthly things and ye believe not, how shall ye believe if I tell you heavenly things? And no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended out of heaven, even the Son of man, who is in heaven.”
In closing I want to mention that the false doctrine of the “rapture” is customarily associated with other fables that muddy divine waters. Embracing elements of Baal are the pagan practices of Christmas, Easter and Sunday worship.
Jesus was not coincidentally born on Nimrod’s birthday in the depth of winter. Christ never instructed this observance but instead told us to celebrate the Passover for it is the beginning of life. December 25th is the winter solace of high day in sun worship. The pagan Christmas tree began after Nimrods death. When a tree stump sprouted new growth his wife/mother claimed it was her husband had returned. The adorning of the Christmas tree and offering presents was birthed in evil, not good.
Easter replaced God’s annual Holy Day of Passover. This is one of Satan’s slickest accomplishments. Through this distortion he was able to remove the only evidence Jesus Christ offered the Pharisees that he was in fact God’s son the Messiah. That evidence was that he would after being put to death he would remain in the tomb for three days and night identical to how Jonah did in the belly of the wale.
In the book of Genesis God provides His definition of a day, it begins in the evening and ends the following evening. If we use God’s day we can easily see something is array. If Jesus was crucified and died late Friday afternoon and rose early Sunday morning that time frame falls far short of the three days and night thereby removing that proof. Ask yourself, who would do such a thing? Trust me there is no divine inspiration, this doctrine was carefully designed by those who oppose God to deceive those who seek truth.
Sunday worship is equally distorted and for the same reason. Again it is exactly the opposite of God’s appointed time, His required weekly Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. The false contention that this forth commandment was done away with or fulfilled by Christ is calling Jesus Christ a liar. Jesus said in the book of Matthew something totally different.
Mat. 5:18 “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven:but whosoever shall do and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
The trinity doctrine is just as ridiculous. It is designed to reduce God Almighty to that of His own creation. Jesus like man is God’s creation. He created him with a specific purpose in regard to His plan to create and fill Elohim, the family of God. During the Levitical system man had no access to God’s Spirit. Individual worshipers were prevented from petitioning God on their own for the forgiveness of their sin. Animal sacrifice was necessary and the high priest had to petition God from the mercy seat for the collective forgiveness of the sins of others. Jesus a perfect human being, the unblemished Lamb was created by God to become our eternal Passover sacrifice. Man could then personally approach God through our high priest and Passover in repentance.
Jesus unlike God had both a beginning and an end to life. He was born in the flesh by his mother Mary. He perished, his physical life ending as a result of his crucifixion on the torture stake. The Eternal God is the alpha and omega. He has no beginning and has no end. There are too many scriptures in the Bible to recite here that positively reaffirm this truism. The best of course would probably be;
Ephes 4:4 “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all.”
I sincerely hope these scriptures and the God’s Spirit will open your eyes to the false doctrines that can and no doubt will cost a lot of people their salvation. If you are inspired to seek truth a good place to start is God’s Church, the Church of God PKG. I wish you the best is your search for truth. May God and direct your endeavor.
Offered out of love,
Praise God Amen. I could never have found the words as well as you did but amen.
Where are the bible thumpers to explain this phenomena?
You should be able to pull anything and everything from the that old idiotic bible.
it’s a shame that people like you think your so smart yet are unable to think outside the box. Think about the so called God particle. Michio Kaku is brilliant with his ability to break things down, with a simple to the point explanation. Matter of equal mass began to move, collide, friction, heat and light. Read Genesis very closely. Set aside your the pre conditioned biases of religion. Shouldn’t be called the “God” particle. Maybe the lucifer particle ” light bringing” etc. People are foolish for dismissing anything from our history because of what mankind has chosen to do with it. If people would set that aside, what they will find is a history of ancient texts and similar themes spread throughout the world in many different societies and cultures. Many of these ancient societies were separated by thousands of miles and hundreds, even several thousand years with no evidence of any interaction with one another or possible external influence. Noahs ark? An ancient story with the same basic theme can be found in Asia. Go to this link about the Mayan deity Quetzalcoatl What is he carrying on his back? What was his role in their beliefs? Open your mind and you will find that there is something very wrong with the nice little gift wrapped box we have all been sold by the “mainstream joseph goebbels 6.0 propaganda machine”. I know the bow on the box is pretty and all but it is really just a method to distract you. What the truth is about our real history? None of us know for certain but I can tell you we aren’t going to find out from Wolf Blitzer, Brian Williams, Anderson Cooper, text book, or university.
Michio kaku is just another pawn of the NWO´ rupert murdoch sucks him off
Did you know the Ark of Covenant is a double shielded faraday cage and it is a soul trap box? The carriers and the keepers of that box didn’t know what it was. Nobody told them what it was in scientific term.
That’s why the bible is an idiocy text to subjugate mindless morons.
It tells the nature of the soul. The souls are made of magnetic monopole neutrinos and it is very hard for a mixture of these particles to pass through the Faraday Cage. It is like a bunch of electrons trying to pass through a strong magnetic field.
Ark of Covenant is a soul trap and it also can be a hiding place for deadly evil demonic souls. The movie Raiders of the Ark was telling the story correctly.
It is the real box for the Ghostbusters to carry it around.
The Bible is a text for idiots but movies tell the real story?
If you keep reading the bible and believe it is the truth word by word, you will eventually become a killer, cheater, fear mongerer and murderer. Flat Earther etc. Not a very good prospect.
You’re thinking of religions, 4809, and you’re mostly right in what you say but what does religion have to do with the faith?
If 99.99% twist the Bible into knots it does not automatically mean that the Bible is at fault.
Have you noticed how well the religions “do” around here?
I think just following the golden rule “Don’t do anything to others you don’t want others do to you” faithfully will bring much better society to the world than reading the bible over and over and following all the idiotically selfish and the extremely racistic doctrine comes with it. Let alone all the fear mongering.
There are many cyanide spots here and there in the bible that many people don’t know it is a poison. You have to have a very advanced knowledge of cause and effect due to a certain doctrine to realize that such a benign sounding story can be a deadly poison for the humanity.
By the time you realized it could be a poison, your soul probably have already been killed and basically made you a living zombie.
Such a poison should never be allowed to be swallowed by a minor before his/her mind reach mental maturity.
These symptoms are seen for example from Lyn, Lisa and others of typical bible thumping idiots.
What could you mean “golden-rule”? Your ideal, 4809, comes directly from scripture. The same that you have decided is fatally flawed.
Much of your point has merit but, yet again, you blame the Bible for the sins of men. Men who knew/know the value of a get-out-of-jail-free-card when it comes to wholesale slaughter, subjugation of science and mass deceit.
In claiming that God told them to do it they’re hoping that the useless eaters are too stupid, or too lazy, to notice that they’re holding the Bible up side down.
Such a golden rule is not unique to the bible, it can be found everywhere in the ancient religious texts. It is even built in your free conscience mind. What are you talking about? Do you need any ancient text to learn that such a golden rule is the ultimate truth?
I have no problem with the idea that one could arrive at the “golden rule” through sense and reason except for God having written the law on our hearts and in our minds.
Which brings me to your main point. I accept, given the oldest known scripture dates to the mid 2nd century BC, that there exists older references to the golden-rule. Having said that; none of these alternate accounts mirror the Bible narrative closely enough to be considered reliably comparable.
The point being; i’ve studied many a god and well know their flaws and weaknesses but the same cannot be said of the Creator/Father. No body of work has 66 books by 40 authors all in complete harmony and no reasonable person ought be able to deny that’s freaking impressive.
Just more ‘sky-high’ housing I can’t afford. Who cares? The problem with the NWO’s plans, is that they have over-desensitized the population to where they don’t care if little purple aliens showed up to do the nightly news tomorrow.
Their surprise is going to be when they think they have a field of sheep to merely mow down. There’s a great big surprise coming, and they have absolutely no clue what it is. They think they have control, but no where near what they think they have. Their last words are going to be akin to channelling Gumby for us, but let them think they have this under control. It’s funnier that way.
IT’S “NEW JERUSALEM”!!!… See the proof and TRUTH here:
Not you’re BS again. You keep coming as if any of this is proof and again and again we prove you wrong.
They are warming up Project Blue Beam for future use.
You’re seeing all this happening because of the obvious… He already returned.
( thats a snake, not a man
Here come the Rayel cultists
Obvious images nothing more….
Most of those city captures in the sky are real .. but it is NEW Jerusalem getting ready to land soon. It will not fully descend until a couple more major end time events take place.
The New Jerusalem doesn’t descend from Heaven until the 1000 year reign of the saints and the final defeat of Satan. If you know anything you would know that it is obvious that Satan could not be let loose on the earth again if the New Jerusalem had already descended.
You keep telling yourself that but Alan Douglas has filled your head with a ton of BS. Its time you use a little critical thinking.
It could simply be a mirage effect due to the thermal inversion like you see Oasis in the middle of the desert. Abnormal weather condition can accentuate such phenomenon.
You see ignorance causes panic and superstition and the bible writers knew it very well and used it plentifully to scare the readers and make them become mental slaves to perpetuate their evil agenda.
Once you found out what were the actual events behind the story, you will realized that the bible is truly an evil text designed to subjugate your soul. For example, the laughable Babel tower story as the cause of many different languages in the world is like a fairy tooth story for 5 year old kids.
The reason those stories seems in harmony to each other is because they share the common agenda.
You are a slave and the YH is your master. The god that doesn’t have any idea how to cure the most common fatal disease of the humans that is cancer. But it created you and knows everything about you. No knowledge to provide you for the free and abundant energy from the space either.
But it wants one thing. It wants you to be fearful of it and be obedient.
I would say f*ck that.
The books, of the Bible, do not “appear” to be in harmony, 4809, they are in complete harmony. If you’re interested you might put forward what seems to be contradictory whereby i’ll demonstrate that no such thing exists except in the imagination of men.
We are all slaves and if you don’t believe that then stop paying your taxes or mortgage and see how long it takes for your slave masters to come down on you like a ton of bricks. Granted in English “slavery” is an entirely negative term however the Bible wasn’t written in English wherein “slave” is often better defined as “worker”. Fathers would sell their sons into slavery, as a means for survival, and compete to find the best slave masters. We call it having a job as does Colossians 3:22.
Once again you are limiting your understanding of scripture by holding the Bible accountable to modern dictionaries where “fear” is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm.
It will be of benefit, regarding discernment, to consider that the OT has only 12,000 unique words and the NT only 8,000 whereas in English we have just recently cracked the 1,000,000 mark. Given that fact, 4809, what then are the chances that context is of the utmost importance?
I presume you won’t stand for me reading, out loud, much of the Bible but there is an important point i cannot make with my own words so please bear with me…
Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.” – Rev 15:4
… now then, in this passage and according to context, how could the word translated as “fear” mean anything other than “reverence”? Glory, Worship and Righteousness, huh. Well i gave the modern definition of “fear” and it didn’t include any of these terms.
And God didn’t give us cancer rather we brought it on ourselves by living outside of His instructions. In God’s kingdom the wolf and lamb dine side by side and the lion is vegetarian. In it there will be no sickness, pain or death.
God gave us a spirit, not of fear, but of power, love and self control (2 Tim 1:7) therefore it is God’s wrath not the creator himself that is to be feared. Is the potter called a tyrant when he destroys imperfect pots? Is the geneticist called a mass murderer when he destroys the mutations that show no benefit?
If it were not so, 4809, then i too would be saying “F” that.
All of this is fake and was proven fake by Dahboo77/Dahboo777 and Spiro/Spiro 1. Please do your research folks. Stop being brainwashed. Learn how to question everything you see, hear, and touch.