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Dalai Lama - Saint or Antichrist - Shocking Story....

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Dalai Lama – a Saint or the prophesied Antichrist?

Dalai Lama – the supposed ”God-King” from Tibet 


The question marks regarding the man described as a ”God-King” by the secular, and atheist Western press can´t be anything else than huge.  Why is he described as a ”God-King” while other religious leaders are merely scoffed at?



L-R: Dalai Lama meeting Obama. Receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. 


Why is he received as a King by all the Heads of State around the world whenever he wishes and how can he charge alot of money from thousands of rich and famous people to havet hem participate in large magic ceremonies called ”Kalachakra rituals”? If a Bishop had gone to the press and said that he would organize a large magic ceremony, would he be deemed insane? Yes he would. 


Dalai Lama is a person with more power than any other person in our society. 



Pres. FD Roosevelt gave the Dalai Lama a Rolex watch when he was 7 years old in 1942.


To conclude the facts we have a supposedly holy ”God-King” from Tibet touring the world and visiting the highest Heads of State, being a Nobel Peace Prize Winner with a big collection of expensive Rolex watches(”My first present, a watch that I got was from President Roosevelt, 1942, I was then 7 years old”).. Let´s take a step back and investigate the little known history of Tibet and their religion and relationship to other countries. 


The unknown plot of a lama against Tsar Nicholas II in Russia 


L-R: The Kalachakra Temple in St Petersburg – built under the Tsar and later supported by the Bolsheviks.  Lama Dorzhiev in the Kalachakra temple in St Petersburg. 


We have a situation where the Russian Tsar was deceived by flattering Tibetan Buddhists such as lama Agvan Dorzhiev and mystic Peter Badmaev – who were secretly supporting the bolshevik revolution. Rasputin is also said to have learned some tricks from the Asian mystics. Before the bolsheviks seized power they flattered the Tsar and said that he was the White Tsar and that he was predestined to rule Asia etc. After the bolsheviks seized power the lamas were very happy and swiftly turned focus to destroying Germany with a similar satanic marxist deceit. In 1915 they had erected a Tibetan Buddhist Kalachakra temple(Kalachakra meaning ”Wheel of Death”) in St Petersburg with the support of the Russian Tsar.  After the revolution the bolsheviks supported the lamas but no other religious groups like for instance the Russian Orthodox Church. 


In the book Mongolia: Travels in the Untamed Land” we read:

”John Snelling points out that the lama Dorzhiev working with the Tsar before the revolution continued his work after the revolution and stated: ”Buddhist doctrine was largely compatible with current communist tradition…. Other lamas went even further and claimed Buddha Shakyamuni to be the original founder of bolshevism.” 

We also read in the ”Encyclopedia of Buddhism”: 

Hence, it is extremely surprising that the Buriat(lama Dorzhiev) greeted the Russian October Revolution and the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks with great emotion. What stood behind this about-face, a change of attitude or understandable opportunism?”


Here you have the important facts – the Tibetan lamas(Yellow Hats) invented and controlled marxism and communism for their own purposes to reach world power and as we show here that they used international satanist jews as their international henchmen to subvert all the western countries. Everyone knows that Marxism from the outset was referred to as a Jewish conspiracy to overthrow the world. Marx was a jews and 80% of all Bolsheviks were jews. The Tsar family was killed by a group of jews and not asingle Russian person was involved. The Soviet Communist Party even organized national buddhist conferences in 1923 and 1926. Tolstoy too had embraced many ”buddhist” ideas and propagated them among the soviet intelligentsia.

The lamas made use of the international network of traitorous black crypto jews that had spread across the whole world in their diaspora. These people were the useful tools of the Tibetan lamas to implement their wicked communist ideas for world dominion. 


The Russian mongol and mystic Tibetan Buddhist, Dr. Badmaev said in 1895:

”Tibet, which – as the highest plateau of Asia – rules over the Asiatic continent” He also said to Tsar Nicholas II : “I am training young men in two capitals – Peking and Petersburg – for further activities,” 

”St. Petersburg… in 1905 was probably the mystical centre of the world.” — Colin Wilson 

By now you understand that the lamas conspired for decades in St Petersburg to topple the Tsar family with their black magic. The western jews were their useful tool to do the dirty work and most of the top leaders had been trained in the west by the US black jewry. 



L-R: Dalai Lama with swastikas. Immediately after the Bolsheviks killed the Tsar family in 1917 the black lamas celebrated their victory with army emblems and bills with their swastika. 15 years later they copied it in Germany. 


Tibetan ”Book of the Dead” including Israel´s star of David and the swastika. Poster illustrating the copy of the Bolsheviks in Germany. 


Josef Strunk wrote a German book in 1937 called: ”To Judea and Rome:  Tibet and their struggle for World Dominion” – in his book he explains that all jewish and christian secret societies are controlled from Tibet. The lamas in general have a depraved lifestyle and exploit and abuse the local people in Tibet. An interesting detail described by Strunk is how the lamas cheated ordinary people in Tibet by charging them interest rates of 50-200% and later enslaving them under the lamas when they couldn´t pay back the interest rate. Does this sound familiar?


Nicolas Roerich – a mystic hero in Russia 


In a Magazine called ”Russia&India Report” an article shows the clear connection between Tibet and the Bolsheviks.

”Nicolas Roerich, the Russian mystic who travelled in Tibet, got a mission from the lamas to Moscow(Mahatma means Great Master – remember Mahatma Gandhi):

Roerich ”delivered a parcel from the Tibetan lamas. In addition to a letter, the lamas sent the minister a box with sacred Buddhist earth. The letter said, “We are sending earth to the grave of our brother, Mahatma Lenin. Please accept our greetings.” Lenin was already dead. The lamas not only honoured his memory, but also recognized him as a Mahatma. It is a remarkable story—but all the stories involving Roerich are remarkable.”


Isn´t it extremely strange that an atheistic mass murderer as Lenin can be hailed as a Great Master by the Tibetan Buddhists?? The reason is obviously that Lenin was the lamas puppet.


Russian President Putin in 2013 emphasized that, “Buddhism plays a significant role in Russia… It has always been that way. It is well known that the Buddhists helped during both world wars.” 

The poet, Vladimir Solovjov declaimed, “Pan-Mongolism — this word: barbaric, yes! Yet a sweet sound” (Block, n.d., p. 247). 


So the whole Russian revolution and the Nazi creation was orchestrated from Tibet and even today the Russian leaders recognize this fact. 



Nazis travelling in Tibet to learn black magic. Himmler´s welcome gift to Nazis returning from Nazi Tibet Expedition in 1937: Death´s Head Ring. 


 A big group of Tibetan lamas in Berlin 1931 on secret mission.


The Nazis on their hand carried out several expeditions to Tibet during the 1930s where they looked for secret occult knowledge to be exploited. The Nazi leaders supported their secret Thule Society but tried to suppress other secret societies in Germany. Himmler was the only German officer allowed to wear a black uniform and he was obsessed by occultism and held many occult ceremonies at his castle. No wonder that he was murderred before the Nuremberg trial, he could have exposed everything. At the end of WWII there were hundreds of dead Tibetan monks with green gloves found in Berlin, reportedly having committed mass suicide. The green lamas in Tibet are those who are regarded as the highest Yoga practicing lamas. 


The famous German war hero from WWI, General Ludendorff said in his book Europa den Asiatenpriestern, that all the jewish and christian secret societies are ruled by the Tibetan Lamas who practice black magic.   


Another German, Theodor Illion, an independent researcher not belonging to any secret society, went to Tibet in disguise to find out the real truth. His book is nothing less than a small miracle and Illion explainds the terrible slavery that the lamas create for the Tibetan people who have very kind hearts but are very afraid of ghosts and evil spirits. Hence the lamas take advantage of them and cheat them in all kinds of ways while living depraved lives themselves, such as abusing young boys in the temple. Illion said in his book ”In Secret Tibet”: 


”the lamas…are more dangerous than all their cold and hot hells put together.” 


The Protector of Dalai Lama – Palden Lhamo – a demon looking ”Goddess”


The Dala Lama has a female demon-looking Goddess as protector, the protector is called ”Palden Lhamo”.


This sounds normal until you hear that she looks like the worst type of demon and rides a mule under which there spreads a sea of blood from the veins of her slaughtered enemies. The mule’s saddle is made from the leather of a skinned human, which is her own son that she killed when he refused to follow her example and adopt the Buddhist faith. She has a child´s skeleton as a club..  With her left hand she holds a skull bowl filled with blood to her lips… Poisonous snakes are entwined all around her. 


An intricate detail: In Tibet stands a temple devoted to this cold-blooded female adviser, and each successive Dalai Lama is required to spend a night with her, alone, in a bloodcurdling room lavishly decorated with dried human body parts. We see the connection to the western Secret Societies obsession with child ritual murders. 

It is documented that four Dalai Lamas went mad and died shortly after that dreadful night spent with her. As for our beloved 14th Dalai Lama, he didn’t come out crazy, seemingly he still has a healthy relationship with her. 

With this kind of protector, what else can we expect to find from the self-appointed “God-King”? A man is bound to be like his friends is an old saying. Let´s take a look at Dalai Lama´s friends across the world.


L-R: Dalai Lama with friends like Nazi Heinrich Harrer and terrorist Shoko Asara

A few words about Dalai Lama´s own version of Buddhism. He doesn´t care at all about the precepts of Buddhism.


Contrary to Buddhist belief, Dalai Lama is not a vegetarian. He eats meat. He has done so (he claims) on a doctor’s advice following liver complications from hepatitis. But doctors don´t agree that meat consumption is necessary or even desirable for a damaged liver.


Who introduced Tibet to the West?


L-R: Aleister Crowley and Gerald Yorke, two famous satanists in the West 


As reported by Tim Cummings in The Guardian, the man credited with “almost single-handedly bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West,” was the Dalai Lama’s emissary, Gerald Yorke, a personal friend and secretary to Aleister Crowley, the godfather of twentieth century Satanism. Gerald Yorke was also the personal representative to the west of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama (died 1933) and the author of an original foreword to a secret book on the Kalachakra initiation.


Dried human skins and baby skins used for black magic  in Tibet


Anyone with some interest in Tibet might have noticed that there are countless stories of Lamas leading depraved lives and taking advantage of young boys and men in the monasteries, indulging in homosexuality and paedophilia. Not only that, they are famous for their occult powers and are rumoured to be able to kill people at a distance by using their black magic. So perhaps there is no coincidence that the goddess protector of Dalai Lama has a terrifying life story and that the most famous western satanists introduced Tibetan tantrism to the west. 


Dalai Lama  - a traitor who controls China and the CCP?


Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama with their good friend Mao Zedong 


After the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) took power in China Dalai Lama was very positive and immediately gave up Tibet´s sovereignty to China without any negotiation. Later he went to Beijing for 11 months(!) and had a good time with the top leaders in Beijing – nobody officially knows what he did in Beijing. 

One thing is certain, Beijing never touched Tibet as long as Dalai Lama lived there. As soon as he had left Tibet they started destroying the whole country and 99,9% of the temples were ravaged. In the book ”A Great Deception: The Ruling Lamas’ Policies” Dalai Lama says: 

”It was only when I went to China in 1954-55 that I actually studied Marxist ideology and learned the history of the Chinese revolution. Once I understood Marxism my attitude changed completely. I was so attracted to Marxism, I even expressed my wish to become a Communist Party member… I..went to China to meet chairman Mao. We had several good meetings. 


”I have heard chairman Mao talk on different matters and i received instructions from him. I have come to the firm conclusion that the brilliant prospects for the Chinese people as a whole are also the prospects for us Tibetan people; the Path of our entire country is our path and no other.”

Does anyone believe Dalai Lama knew nothing of Marxism? Wasn´t it the case that Mao was an errand boy of the Lamas? Mao never dared to do anything in Tibet until after Dalai Lama had left. The actions of Mao and Dalai Lama speak for themselves. Wasn´t Dalai Lama supported by the CIA? Yes, and he was supported by Beijing too and everything was a charade because both Beijing and the US were controlled from Tibet. The real truth about his flight suggested by Tibet opposition leaders is that Dalai Lama was too scared of the Tibetan patriotic rebels killing him so he ran off to India. The Tibetans had already realized that he was a traitor. 


The Kalachakra Wheel – Dalai Lama´s ”Wheel of Peace” or ”Wheel of Death”? 


Mao Zedong – killed by Dalai Lama´s Kalachakra Wheel?

Dalai Lama has boasted about his magic powers and claims that Mao Zedong died in 1976 during a Kalachakra ritual carried out by the current Dalai Lama. In the most recent edition of his autobiography Dalai Lama explains how he staged a rite connected to the Kalachakra Tantra on the day of Mao Zedong’s death. „On the second of the ceremony’s three days, Mao died. And the third day, it rained all morning. But, in the afternoon, there appeared one of the most beautiful rainbows I have ever seen. I was certain  that it must be a good omen” we hear from the Dalai Lama’s own mouth (Dalai Lama XIV, 1990, 222).

Keeping in mind the extreme fear of the lamas black magic in Tibet it looks like this is just a way for Dalai to try to boost his poor image in front of the Tibetan people. In fact, Mao was in very bad shape in 1976. Towards the end of his reign some reports say that he didn´t obey his superiors and that might be a reason for this story. One example is that Mao imprisoned the Panchen Lama in Beijing for nine years.


Dalai Lama and the ”Demon King” in the ”Kalachakra Prophecy” 


Dalai Lama performing the Kalachakra ritual for ignorant westerners 


The Kalachakra prophecy is the most famous prophecy in Buddhism. Buddha Shakyamuni taught the root of the Kalachakra prophecy about 2500 years ago and it has been transmitted until modern times. Dalai Lama´s Yellow Hat sect has an absolute belief in the Kalachakra prophecy. Since 1951 Dalai lama has held Kalachakra Initiations for two million people around the world. For western people he even charges up to 400 USD per person to do the ritual.

A translation of Dalai Lama´s instruction during the Kalachakra-Tantra:From henceforth I am your [deity] Vajrapani. You must do what I tell you to do. You should not deride me, and if you do, not forsaking fright, the time of death will come, and you will fall into hell” (Dalai Lama XIV, 1985, p. 242). 

The main points of the Kalachakra prophecy are: 

·      This is the final battle between good and evil. Good will overcome evil. 


·      The King of Kings is called Raudra Chakrin and he comes from his perfect Kingdom called Shambhala(”Land of Bliss”). 


·      Raudra Chakrin will appear during the epoch of “Non-Dharma” when the people have lost the essence of the Buddhist teachings and have become egotistic and materialistic with natural disasters and diseases abounding. 


·      In the Kalachakra prophecy, ”Krinmati”, the ”King of Delhi”, will declare himself Mahdi – the ”supreme enlightened being”. “Krinmati” in Sanskrit also means “The Destruction-minded One.” This is the ”Demon King” of the World at the End of Times. He will be of non-Indian ethnicity and attack Shambhala from India with his Barbarians. 


The words and actions of Dalai Lama concerning the Kalachakra Prophecy


Since the Tibetan “God-king” acts as the supreme master of the Kalachakra Tantra we need to put the fundamental question? Which part does he try to play in the prophecy? There are only two choices, either he is the Demon King or he is the Supreme enlightened Being, the Raudra Chakrin. No other choices are realistic. 

The Kalachakra Tantra, is referred to by the Dalai Lama as a “vehicle for world peace”: “We believe unconditionally in its ability to reduce tensions”, the god-king has said of the Time Tantra, “ (Levenson, 1990, p. 304).


The Similarities between Dalai Lama and the Demon King – Krinmati.

·      Kala means time, destruction and death. Chakra means wheel. So Kalachakra can be translated as ”time wheel” or ”wheel of destruction/death”. Dalai Lama says he turns the wheel for world peace but is it really peace or is it destruction? 


·      Dalai Lama refers to himself as ”God-King” and ”His Holiness” when he travels around the world. Just like the Demon King, Krinmati, does in the prophecy when he appoints himself the ”supreme being”. 


·      Dalai Lama came to New Delhi in 1956 and met the government. Still today his Tibetan exile government has their Indian office in New Delhi. 


·      Dalai Lama is of non-Indian descent and he lives in India. This matches the description of the Demon King perfectly. 


·      He says that he is a Marxist – how can a true God be an atheist? This is exactly the actions of a Demon King. Dalai Lama says: “Whether you believe in God or not does not matter so much, whether you believe in Buddha or not does not matter so much.” 


·      Dalai lama says he is the last Dalai Lama, nobody will come after him. In the prophecy Krinmati will be destroyed and only the righteous will survive. Is that the true reason – there will be no more Dalai Lama because the Demon King will be destroyed? 


At the very least we can conclude that Dalai Lama has stunning similarities with the Demon King of the Buddhist Prophecy and he also identifies himself with the prophecy.


Antichrist in the Christian prophecies


Stunningly the Christian prophecies about the Antichrist also matches the Buddhist and Dalai Lama profile very well.

L-R: Dalai Lama: Born a crypto jew? Chinese jews look like Chinese. 


“Antichrist will come as the Messiah from a land between two seas(India – editor´s note) in the East. He will be born in the desert; his mother being a prostitute to the Jews and Hindus; he will be a lying and false prophet and will try to ride to heaven like Elias. He will begin work in the East, as a soldier and preacher of religion when thirty years old. (Ven B. Holzhauser, ca 1650)


Antichrist will present himself to the Jews as the Messiah. They will be his followers.” (Bible: 2 Thess. 2:9)


”Antichrist would first seize the empires of the East; he would have Jerusalem(China is Jerusalem in the prophecies) as his seat and imperial Capital.” (Sulpicius Severus, ca AD 400)


Satan goes on: “At the beginning of that period, he says, I will make use of every blasphemous word and of everything unjust in view of the destruction of Your Kingdom… I will transform everything into a work tool, against You. First of all, I will dig out that place where the larger number inhabit(China – editor´s note)… I heard that Lucifer — if I am not wrong, would be let go for a time, fifty or sixty years before the year 2000.(CCP took power in 1949 – 51 years before ad 2000)”(Jahenny, ca 1888)


“…The satanic Jerarchy will rule upon Earth, lead by a demon who will speak the tongue of Attila but will wear the dress of Caesar…”(Nun of Dresden) .


According to Christian prophecy the Antichrist originates from China and then attacks from India. He cooperates exclusively with jews and speaks the Mongol tongue and wears a robe like Caesar did. Dalai Lama was born in a remote desert area in north east Tibet.  Does these prophecies match Dalai Lama´s profile or not? 


Finally an advice for all the people in different nations across the world, coming from “St John of the Cleft Rock, 14th century”:

“The Angels will enlighten men and in the third week they will wonder if this is truly the Antichrist, and realising that it is they will either have to fight to overthrow him or become his slaves.”

Does this sound familiar with the NWO coming along? Conspiracy theorists have talked about this for years. Where is the Antichrist and what is his ideology?

Check the prophecies and compare with the world today, we have the answer now. China is the answer and Tibet is the origin of the most evil person. Remember that Tibetan people are very kindhearted and good, it is just their leader who is an evil traitor of Tibet and the World.

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    Total 40 comments
    • Syco

      You much be delusional…

      • Ozymandias

        Clearly, the toppling of Tsarist Russia was accomplished the CIA and U.S. State Department not the Dalai Llama LMFAO!!

        • You People Are Nuts

          Does he raise Llamas or something?
          what a weird name they gave him.

          • guibus

            It’s a name given by Mongol Altan Khan to Sonam Gyatso (ocean of merits).

    • King of Shambhala

      Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the highest form of culture in the world.
      Buddhism and Hinduism never carried out war.
      Islam is the worst thing existing in the world.
      The article above is of a very low intellectual value.
      Millions of Westerners are studying Tibetan Buddhism. Why dish out these old crazy loons from this article?
      Why not use updated sources about the Kalachakra?
      I disagree with the Dalai Lama about the Kalachakra and the prophecy of the Apocalypse.
      The Kalachakra says that the Demon King Krinmati will be Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Manichean (which mixes Hinduism, Buddhism, Zorastranism, the Greek Gods etc…).
      Obama perfectly fits Krinmati’s description.
      Obama’s marked as the Antichrist by the lottery draw of 666 in his homestate the day after his election.
      I’m the King of Shambhala (the world Saviour and Messiah) because I’m a scholar on Kalachakra and did five years of Tibetan language and culture study at Paris University. I also did eight months of meditation retreat on the female deity Naljorma.
      I’m revealed as the Christian Messiah and Jesus’ Second Coming because I’m alone in spreading the news of the lottery draw marking Obama as the Antichrist. Everybody who noticed and wrote about the lottery draw of 666 has shut up for years about it.
      I myself am heckled continuously so as to shut me up.
      Ignore the false dchrist who always troll my comments everywhere.

      • You People Are Nuts

        yeah well….you like little boys so I don’t know what to believe anymore.

        • King of Shambhala

          Ignore the false dchrist who always troll my comments everywhere.
          I’m revealed as the Christian Messiah and Jesus’ Second Coming because I’m alone in spreading the news of the lottery draw of 666 in Obama’s homestate the day after his election. Indeed that marked Obama as the Antichrist.
          That 666 lottery means Obama’s Mark of the Beast of 666 means his money and we must refuse his handouts and spending because it’s bankrupting us.

          • King of Shambhala

            The false christs who heckle all my comments are demonics working for the Antichrist Obama who is Satan-in-Person i.e. the Devil-on-Earth.
            “Don’t follow them” said Jesus in the Bible.
            Follow me instead as I’m the Way and I’m the Truth and you’ll be saved by following me only.

            • Syco

              Take your meds crack head

            • King of Shambhala

              The trolls heckling the comments here are demented loons.
              jesus said to not follow the false christs in the end times. Wikipedia says to “not feed trolls”: “Deny Recognition” is what Wiki says.

      • Synickel

        They never carried out a war because they’re too busy being zoned out in nirvana. The only activity they participate in, is the monks going around begging for food and money.

      • King of Shambhala

        The point is that Buddhism is a good faith that preaches peace and compassion while Islam preaches hate and is evil.
        Buddhism’s a superior faith.
        It’s my, the Messiah’s faith.

        • Synickel

          Could I suggest a strong anti-psychotic med?

      • jonesy

        ….Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the highest form of culture in the world….and pedophilia is the highest form of sexuality, in Tantric Buddhism…Tell the truth Geir.

    • BroBill

      Those who reject Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior will be deceived by the imposters who come in their own name. (John 5:43)

    • Anonymous

      I think they should parasite upon them selves Shrink.

    • King of Shambhala

      People can’t take this article as a scholarly work about Buddhism.
      You can’t crticise anything unless you’ve studied it.
      Or else you just demonstrate your ignorance and it’s worse for you than if you didn’t even say a thing and shut up.

    • Anonymous

      This article is obviously written by someone who has not the slightest idea of what Tibetan Buddhism is truly about, which is nothing other than kindness and compassion born of understanding the true nature of reality and the desire to ease the suffering of this world. I have been a Tibetan Buddhist since 1978 and just completed a rigorous 3 yr.meditation retreat. I hope to dissuade the reader from taking this article very seriously, as it is just thrown together mudslinging!
      If the author had bothered, for example, to do the most minimal research into the Buddhist swastika, he would have discovered that it means :good fortune, auspiciousness, well-being”. It is not the fault of Buddhism that Nazis perverted and even changed its directionality for their own evil ends. The author also knows nothing at all about the Kalachakra. Here is a worthy explanation:
      “Kalachakra (in Tibetan Du kyi khorlo) is a Sanskrit word that can be translated literally as “wheel of time.” Kala, or “time,” is not linear time but the flow of all events, past, present, and future. This is similar to our concept of space, which does not imply a particular direction or limitation. The Kalachakra deity represents omniscience, for he is one with all time and therefore knows all. Chakra, meaning “wheel,” refers not only to the cycle of time but also to the way in which the enlightened experience of great bliss radiates like the sun from the self to all sentient beings. The wheel, with no beginning and no end, is also the universal symbol of Buddhism, representing the teachings of the Buddha. …”
      There are so many farfetched and stupid statements in this article, I cannot possibly cover them all – it would take much too long to expose all of them!!

      • Titus Return

        The article has nothing against the swastika, it merely points out the similarity between Tibet, Bolsheviks and Nazis in their abuse of the swastika, showing the power of the lamas over these countries. Kala means time, death and destruction, it has these meanings but Dalai claims he does it for peace and charges money while telling people that he is their God and the audience must follow him.

        • King of Shambhala

          Titus Returns wrote:

          “it merely points out the similarity between Tibet, Bolsheviks and Nazis in their abuse of the swastika”

          Well if that’s all the article did, then it didn’t do much did it then? But it didn’t just do that.

          “….showing the power of the lamas over these countries. Kala means time, death and destruction, it has these meanings but Dalai claims he does it for peace and charges money while telling people that he is their God and the audience must follow him.”

          The article sums up the influence of Tibetan Buddhism throughout Russia and the West. It’s interesting. The article has an Anti-Russian bias which is surprising.

          In Russia, Nicolas Roerich propagated Tibetan Buddhism. But the big propagator was Helena Blavatsky who founded Theosophy.

          The article rants about how evil the Russians and Nazis were but forgets that the theosophical Socisety has a very well-known Western precense as well.

          The Theosophists are in the USA, England, France etc…. Blavatsky’s books about Kalachakra/Shambhala (The Secret Book of Dzyan) are well-known and widely circulated throughout the Western world. (see below)

          The article has a pro-Christian bias which is clear. It says Kalachakra and the rest of the “evil” is all Satanism.

          That’s typical Christian fanatical fundie tripe.

          What the article doesn’t say is that Buddhism is far superior to Christianity because it never carried out war.

          But it’s interesting because it shows the influence of Tibetan Buddhism throughout the West during the early years of the 20th century and even earlier. At least the West wasn’t totally ignorant even at that early age.

          What’s extraordinary is that Westerners are still so ignorant of the wisdom of the East, and of it’s meditation technics and of it’s deep spiritual treasures.

          DISCLAIMER: I don’t adher or support Blavatsky. I’m just showing the influence in the West of Tibetan Buddhism THROUGH HER.
          The Secret Book of Dzyan

          “The Secret Doctrine,” the master work of H.P. Blavatsky, is a two volume book which begins with and is based upon stanzas and verses from what she called “The Secret Book of Dzyan.”
          Contrary to common misunderstanding, however, she did not say that the Book of Dzyan was entirely unknown or unheard of by anyone in the modern world. What she did say was:
          “The Book of Dzyan (or “Dzan”) is utterly unknown to our Philologists, or at any rate was never heard of by them under its present name.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xxii, emphasis added)
          Does this mean then that “the Book of Dzyan” is merely a sort of generic code name for a book which in fact has another name or other names? After all, this title merely means “Book of Mystic Meditation” or “Book of Wisdom attained by Meditation.” Might it not be the case that the name “the Book of Dzyan” may have been chosen both for sake of convenience and also in order to avoid revealing too much of the secret esoteric teaching, including its sources and nature, of her Masters and Teachers in Tibet and the Trans-Himalayan regions?
          Scoffers and sceptics – who seem to very rarely pay proper attention to the significance and content of HPB’s words yet who nevertheless feel themselves qualified and competent to criticise, berate, ridicule, and condemn her – have probably never stopped to consider that there could be something legitimate and genuine about the Book of Dzyan and that it could actually exist. The idea that HPB may well have been an honest, truthful, decent person has most probably never occurred to them.
          David Reigle, a Tibetologist, has spent several decades in detailed research and investigation which has resulted in him being able to identify and state, with some degree of certainty, that what we call “the Secret Book of Dzyan” is in fact the now “lost” and “missing” esoteric root text of a certain Tibetan Buddhist scripture, the name of which is now quite well known.
          But first, let us see what HPB herself has to say in regard to this great book:
          “There exists somewhere in this wide world an old Book – so very old that our modern antiquarians might ponder over its pages an indefinite time, and still not quite agree as to the nature of the fabric upon which it is written. It is the only original copy now in existence. The most ancient Hebrew document on occult learning – the Siphra Dzeniouta – was compiled from it, and that at a time when the former was already considered in the light of a literary relic. One of its illustrations represents the Divine Essence emanating from ADAM* like a luminous arc proceeding to form a circle; and then, having attained the highest point of its circumference, the ineffable Glory bends back again, and returns to earth, bringing a higher type of humanity in its vortex. As it approaches nearer and nearer to our planet, the Emanation becomes more and more shadowy, until upon touching the ground it is as black as night.”
          “* The name is used in the sense of the Greek word Anthropos.” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 1)
          “Tradition says, and the records of the Great Book explain, that long before the days of Ad-am, and his inquisitive wife, He-va, where now are found but salt lakes and desolate barren deserts, there was a vast inland sea, which extended over Middle Asia, north of the proud Himalayan range, and its western prolongation. An island, which for its unparalleled beauty had no rival in the world, was inhabited by the last remnant of the race which preceded ours. This race could live with equal ease in water, air, or fire, for it had an unlimited control over the elements.” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 589)
          [Note: When HPB quotes the above paragraph in “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 2, p. 220, she writes “the Book of Dzyan” in brackets after “the Great Book“.]
          “There was no communication with the fair island by sea, but subterranean passages known only to the chiefs, communicated with it in all directions. Tradition points to many of the majestic ruins of India, Ellora, Elephanta, and the caverns of Ajunta (Chandor range), which belonged once to those colleges, and with which were connected such subterranean ways. Who can tell but the lost Atlantis – which is also mentioned in the Secret Book, but, again, under another name, pronounced in the sacred language – did not exist yet in those days?” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 590-591)
          “Volume I. of “Isis” begins with a reference to “an old book” –
          “”So very old that our modern antiquarians might ponder over its pages an indefinite time, and still not quite agree as to the nature of the fabric upon which it is written. It is the only original copy now in existence. . . .”
          “The “very old Book” is the original work from which the many volumes of Kiu-te were compiled. Not only this latter and the Siphrah Dzeniouta but even the Sepher Jezirah, the work attributed by the Hebrew Kabalists to their Patriarch Abraham (!), the book of Shu-king, China’s primitive Bible, the sacred volumes of the Egyptian Thoth-Hermes, the Puranas in India, and the Chaldean Book of Numbers and the Pentateuch itself, are all derived from that one small parent volume. Tradition says, that it was taken down in Senzar, the secret sacerdotal tongue, from the words of the Divine Beings, who dictated it to the sons of Light, in Central Asia, at the very beginning of the 5th (our) race; for there was a time when its language (the Sen-zar) was known to the Initiates of every nation, when the forefathers of the Toltec understood it as easily as the inhabitants of the lost Atlantis, who inherited it, in their turn, from the sages of the 3rd Race, the Manushis, who learnt it direct from the Devas of the 2nd and 1st Races. . . . The old book, having described Cosmic Evolution and explained the origin of everything on earth, including physical man, after giving the true history of the races from the First down to the Fifth (our) race, goes no further. It stops short at the beginning of the Kali Yuga just 4989 years ago at the death of Krishna, the bright “Sun-god,” the once living here and reformer.
          “But there exists another book. None of its possessors regard it as very ancient, as it was born with, and is only as old as the Black Age, namely, about 5,000 years. In about nine years hence, the first cycle of the first five millenniums, that began with the great cycle of the Kali-Yuga, will end. And then the last prophecy contained in that book (the first volume of the prophetic record for the Black Age) will be accomplished. We have not long to wait, and many of us will witness the Dawn of the New Cycle, at the end of which not a few accounts will be settled and squared between the races. Volume II. of the Prophecies is nearly ready, having been in preparation since the time of Buddha’s grand successor, Sankaracharya.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xlii-xliv)
          “That which is given in these volumes is selected from oral, as much as from written teachings. This first instalment of the esoteric doctrines is based upon Stanzas, which are the records of a people unknown to ethnology; it is claimed that they are written in a tongue absent from the nomenclature of languages and dialects with which philology is acquainted, . . .” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xxxvii)
          “One of the greatest, and, withal, the most serious objection to the correctness and reliability of the whole work will be the preliminary STANZAS: “How can the statements contained in them be verified?” True, if a great portion of the Sanskrit, Chinese, and Mongolian works quoted in the present volumes are known to some Orientalists, the chief work – that one from which the Stanzas are given – is not in the possession of European Libraries. The Book of Dzyan (or “Dzan”) is utterly unknown to our Philologists, or at any rate was never heard of by them under its present name. This is, of course, a great drawback to those who follow the methods of research prescribed by official Science; but to the students of Occultism, and to every genuine Occultist, this will be of little moment.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xxii-xxiii)
          “Extracts are given from the Chinese, Thibetan and Sanskrit translations of the original Senzar Commentaries and Glosses on the Book of DZYAN – these being now rendered for the first time into a European language.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 23)
          “The Book of Dzyan – from the Sanskrit word “Dhyan” (mystic meditation) – is the first volume of the Commentaries upon the seven secret folios of Kiu-te, and a Glossary of the public works of the same name. Thirty-five volumes of Kiu-te for exoteric purposes and the use of the laymen may be found in the possession of the Tibetan Gelugpa Lamas, in the library of any monastery; and also fourteen books of Commentaries and Annotations on the same by the initiated Teachers.
          “Strictly speaking, those thirty-five books ought to be termed “The Popularized Version” of the Secret Doctrine, full of myths, blinds, and errors; the fourteen volumes of Commentaries, on the other hand – with their translations, annotations, and an ample glossary of Occult terms, worked out from one small archaic folio, the Book of the Secret Wisdom of the World – contain a digest of all the Occult Sciences. These, it appears, are kept secret and apart, in the charge of the Teshu Lama of Tji-gad-je. The Books of Kiu-te are comparatively modern, having been edited within the last millennium, whereas the earliest volumes of the Commentaries are of untold antiquity, some fragments of the original cylinders having been preserved. With the exception that they explain and correct some of the too fabulous, and to every appearance, grossly exaggerated accounts in the Books of Kiu-te – properly so called – the Commentaries have little to do with these. They stand in relation to them as the Chaldaeo-Jewish Kabalah stands to the Mosaic Books.” (“The Secret Books of “Lam-Rin” and Dzyan” published posthumously in 1897)
          If we piece together the key statements from these passages, we discover the following:
          * There is now only one original copy in existence of this Book.
          * It deals with matters of cosmic and human evolution, i.e. Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis, which are the titles of the first and second volumes of “The Secret Doctrine.”
          * It has served as the source and basis for many world scriptures.
          * It is not a particularly large text but rather is “one small parent volume.”
          * It was written in the Senzar language. Senzar, according to Theosophy, is a very ancient and secret language, used privately by Adepts and Initiates. The name “Senzar” is itself a Tibetan word or conjunction which literally means “Secret Language” or “Secret Speech.” It is said that Senzar is older than any language now known to man.
          * It was written in Central Asia, at the very beginning of the Fifth Root Race. The concept of Root Races is explained in some of the articles linked to below but for now it will suffice to say that the Fifth Root Race, known as the Aryan, Indo-Caucasian, or Indo-European, is our present epoch and that it began a very long time ago. If one takes the figures given in “The Secret Doctrine” literally, it was 1,000,000 (one million) years ago. If one chooses not to take them literally – and there is good reason not to, seeing as HPB says in the selfsame book that the real figures, numbers, and calculations, of cycles and evolutionary periods are not permitted to be given to the public – one is still forced to admit that this must have been a very long time ago; surely tens of thousands of years ago at the very least.
          * Its real authors were “Divine Beings” who wrote it through dictating it to “the sons of Light.” Turning to the Stanzas of Dzyan themselves, we find that the very last Stanza quoted in the second volume has been given the title “THE FIFTH RACE AND ITS DIVINE INSTRUCTORS.” It is described how the last great island (save Poseidonis, Plato’s Atlantis, which perished much later) of Atlantis was destroyed and submerged, with “ALL HOLY SAVED, THE UNHOLY DESTROYED,” and it is said that the good and pure souls were led to safety in high and dry lands, namely the Himalayas of Central Asia, which became the starting point or birthplace of our present race.
          The last two verses of this Stanza (XII) in Volume 2 read thus:
          These statements will become clearer through a reading and study of “The Secret Doctrine” itself but they are quoted here because it may well be that this is referring to those “Divine Beings” who dictated the Book of Dzyan to “the sons of Light,” i.e. the great Adepts and Masters of the early Fifth Race. If this was after the destruction of Atlantis, then it would not have been quite a million years ago but closer to 850,000 years ago, as “The Secret Doctrine” asserts that Atlantis disappeared beneath the ocean that long ago. But again, those dates are not necessarily intended to be literally and blindly relied upon. “Serpent” (“Naga” in Sanskrit) is a symbolic term for an Initiate or Wise One, the serpent having always represented wisdom and knowledge. Even the Bible shows Jesus advising the people to “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
          * Whenever it was first dictated, its content may have been added to afterwards, seeing as it covers events down to the start of the Kali Yuga, which coincided with the death of Krishna, generally said to have occurred 5,118 years ago as of 2016. So the Book may only have been finally completed 5,118 years ago or all the key events and developments leading up to that time may have already been contained within it in some sort of prophetic form.
          * Amongst the numerous secret books and esoteric records in the possession of the Masters of the Wisdom is another one – “the first volume of the prophetic record for the Black Age” (i.e. the Kali Yuga) – which covers the first 5,000 years of the lengthy Kali Yuga period, going up to 1897-1898, when that first cycle of the Kali Yuga came to an end. And another one – “Volume II. of the Prophecies is nearly ready, having been in preparation since the time of Buddha’s grand successor, Sankaracharya.” It is now most probably complete and in use. Its preparation began in the lifetime of Adi Shankaracharya, a great figure in both Hinduism and Theosophy, who lived around 2,500 years ago. If this second volume covers another 5,000 years, it will go up to the year 6897 or 6898 A.D.!
          * Nothing from the Book of Dzyan had been translated into English or any other European language before the work of HPB.
          * However, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese translations (perhaps others too?) already existed in her time, either of the Book of Dzyan itself or commentaries based upon it.
          * As well as the Books of Kiu-te (rGyud-sde in the Wylie transliteration used by academics, which are the canonical scriptures of Tibetan Buddhism), there are fourteen (or seven?) Books of Commentaries, which are partly commentaries on the Books of Kiu-te but which in their other parts actually pre-date them by long ages. Those Books of Commentaries are all “worked out from one small archaic folio, the Book of the Secret Wisdom of the World.”
          * It is not quite clear whether our Book of Dzyan is this parent text, the “Book of the Secret Wisdom of the World” (described as “one small archaic folio” while the Book of Dzyan, as we saw, has been described similarly as “one small parent volume“) or “the first volume of the Commentaries upon the seven secret folios of Kiu-te, and a Glossary of the public works of the same name.” It sounds more like the former and as the passage we are now referring to is from the so-called “Third Volume” of “The Secret Doctrine,” a misleadingly named book published by Annie Besant six years after HPB had passed away, largely from her unfinished and discarded manuscripts, it is not really possible for us to know how HPB herself may have altered the text, had she lived longer and had the opportunity or wish to do so, nor to what extent Besant and her collaborators, such as G.R.S. Mead and G.N. Chakravarti, may have altered and edited it prior to publication, seeing as Besant and Mead already had a reputation for altering and changing HPB’s words and work.
          * The Books of Commentaries, presumably with the Book of Dzyan itself, “are kept secret and apart, in the charge of the Teshu Lama of Tji-gad-je,” i.e. the Panchen Lama of Shigatse. In the Gelugpa branch of Tibetan Buddhism, the “Yellow Hats” founded by Tsong Kha-pa (1357-1419), and with which HPB and the Masters have made clear Their connection, there are two chief Lamas, the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama. Although the role and work of the Dalai Lama is better known today, Theosophical literature states that the Panchen Lama is of greater esoteric significance and import. He is also known as the Tashi (“Teshu”) Lama, due to his traditional monastic seat being Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse (“Tji-gad-je” phonetically). Unfortunately the present Panchen Lama was abducted as a young boy by the Chinese in the 1990s and his whereabouts and condition remain unknown. The Chinese government have replaced him with a fake “Panchen Lama” of their own, the son of hardline communists, who travels the world talking about how wonderful the Chinese government is. No doubt the most important texts and scriptures have been safely and securely preserved, perhaps moved elsewhere.
          Anyone who is especially interested by the things mentioned here is strongly encouraged to get a copy of David Reigle’s book “Blavatsky’s Secret Books” as it goes into far more depth and detail than an article like this ever can. It is Reigle, after all, who has spent decades researching relentlessly into both the works of H.P. Blavatsky and the archives and scriptures of Tibetan Buddhism and who has made the majority of the interesting discoveries in this regard.
          HPB said that the exoteric or public volumes of Kiu-Te “may be found in the possession of the Tibetan Gelugpa Lamas, in the library of any monastery.” This has been found to be indeed true but even these exoteric volumes are regarded in the Tibetan tradition as containing the Buddha’s secret teachings and so they continue to have restricted access to outsiders. “Even now only a tiny fraction of them has been translated into English,” remarks Reigle.
          In HPB’s article “Tibetan Teachings,” she quotes the words of “the Venerable Chohan-Lama – the chief of the Archive-registrars of the libraries containing manuscripts on esoteric doctrines belonging to the Ta-loi and Tashu-hlumpo Lamas Rim-boche of Tibet” [i.e. the Dalai and Panchen Lamas] . . . “the learned Chohan, than whom no one in Tibet is more deeply versed in the science of esoteric and exoteric Buddhism” and who was quite probably the same as the Maha Chohan, the elderly Chief of the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood.
          Regarding “the sacred canon of the Tibetans,” the Kanjur and the Tanjur volumes, which comprise the Books of Kiu-te, he wrote, “I can assure the Theosophists that the contents of these volumes could never be understood by anyone who had not been given the key to their peculiar character, and to their hidden meaning. Every description of localities is figurative in our system; every name and word is purposely veiled; and a student, before he is given any further instruction, has to study the mode of deciphering, and then of comprehending and learning the equivalent secret term or synonym for nearly every word of our religious language. The Egyptian enchorial or hieratic system is child’s play to the deciphering of our sacred puzzles. Even in those volumes to which the masses have access, every sentence has a dual meaning, one intended for the unlearned, and the other for those who have received the key to the records.”
          These holy books, he states, “contain no fiction, but simply information for future generations, who may, by that time, have obtained the key to the right reading of them.”
          Remember that in “The Secret Doctrine” HPB commented that the Secret Book of Dzyan “is the original work from which the many volumes of Kiu-te were compiled.”
          David Reigle believes, for reasons he explains in “Blavatsky’s Secret Books,” that THE SECRET BOOK OF DZYAN IS MOST PROBABLY THE MULA KALACHAKRA TANTRA.
          The word “mula” means “root” in Sanskrit and the Mula Kalachakra Tantra – also referred to as the Kalachakra Mulatantra – is the hidden esoteric root and source of the more exoteric Kalachakra Tantra, the latter of which has become so widely heard of today due to the efforts of the Dalai Lama.
          The lost (lost from the eyes of the profane but forever known to the high Initiates and Masters) Mula Kalachakra Tantra is said by Buddhist experts and historians to contain 12,000 verses and “also stands out among the other tantras because of its connection with the sacred land of Shambhala. Tradition states that the king of Shambhala requested the Kalachakra teachings from Gautama Buddha, and then returned with them to Shambhala, where they became the state religion. It is from Shambhala that the abridged Kalachakra Tantra [i.e. the publicly known one] came to India and Tibet.”
          This is not to be understood as meaning that the Kalachakra system or the Book of Dzyan Teachings originated with Gautama Buddha. If this were the case, it would make them only approximately 2,600 years old. The implication is that Buddha was simply handing on knowledge and teaching which already existed and which he had himself learnt.
          HPB even hinted at the fact of the matter herself when she wrote, in a footnote to her article “The Mystery of Buddha” (published posthumously but referred to in Vol. 1 of “The Secret Doctrine” as if it had already been written) that “What is given here is taken from the secret portions of Dus Kyi Khorlo (Kala Chakra, in Sanskrit, or the “Wheel of Time,” or duration).” Shortly after this she begins a sentence by saying, “For in the Kala Chakra Commentary it is shown . . .”
          And in her work “The Voice of The Silence” there is a verse which reads, “Would’st thou become a Yogi of “Time’s Circle”?” In Sanskrit, “Time’s Circle” is of course “Kalachakra,” which is variously translated as “Wheel of Time,” “Circle of Time,” or “Time’s Circle.” In Tibetan its name is “Dus-Kyi Khorlo.”
          In the posthumously published “A Few More Misconceptions Corrected,” she refers to “the “Dus-kyi Khorlo,” or Tibetan Mysticism. A system as old as man, known in India and practised before Europe had become a continent, “was first known,” we are told [i.e. by the Orientalists and academics], only nine or ten centuries ago! The text of its books in its present form may have “originated” even later, for there are numerous such texts that have been tampered with by sects to suit the fancies of each. But who has read the original book on Dus-Kyi Khorlo, re-written by Tsong-Kha-pa with his Commentaries? . . . this grand Reformer burnt every book on Sorcery on which he could lay his hands in 1387 . . . he has left a whole library of his own works – not a tenth part of which has ever been made known.”
          Both during her lifetime and ever since, many have considered it implausible and impossible that Helena Blavatsky could have had access to knowledge, information, books, and even places and locations, which were unavailable and inaccessible to the world at large. Time will surely show – and has already begun to show – that they were wrong and that she was indeed what she claimed to be and much more…an emissary, agent, messenger, and representative, of that hidden Esoteric Brotherhood of the East, which guides and watches over the spiritual evolution and advancement of humanity.
          Richard Taylor, an expert on Buddhism, has pointed out something significant in his series of articles titled “Blavatsky and Buddhism.” By means of comparison he settles the matter sufficiently clearly by showing that:
          1. In the 1880’s HPB says:The Stanzas of Dzyan she quotes and expounds upon in the “Cosmogenesis” and “Anthropogenesis” volumes of “The Secret Doctrine” are from the first volume of the Kiu-te commentaries. No-one believed her.
          100 years later academic research shows: The Books of Kiu-te are the Tibetan Buddhist Tantras, the first section of which is comprised of the Kalachakra Tantra, and the first section of the Kalachakra Tantra deals solely with the subjects of cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis. Taylor writes, “The Kalachakra system is largely cosmological and deals with the creation of the universe from space, through six elements, with extremely complex numerology and astrology. This is the subject of the entire volume one of Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine.”
          2. In the 1880’s HPB says:The esoteric volumes of Kiu-te are kept secret and under the supervision of the Panchen Lama of Shigatse and that there is a secret Esoteric School connected with the private retreat of the Panchen Lama near his Tashilhunpo Monastery at Shigatse. No-one believed her.
          100 years later academic research shows: Tashilhunpo Monastery has in fact long been considered by Tibetans to be the major centre in that country for Kalachakra studies and that the Panchen Lama did indeed have something of an esoteric school, where esoteric (as opposed to more exoteric) studies and practice of the Kalachakra Tantra were carried out.
          3. In the 1880’s HPB says:That she has direct familiarity and connection with a highly esoteric system of Tibetan Buddhism and that she knows full well what she’s talking about when it comes to such matters. No-one believed her.
          100 years later academic research shows: In the words of Richard Taylor, who was forced by his own in depth research to admit that “Blavatsky had access to Tibetan Buddhist sources which no other Westerner during her time had. Her works are by no means merely strings of plagiarisms, but rather very cogent arguments, supplemented by masses of data, that her readers should believe Buddhist claims that there is a perennial philosophy, in the possession of Adepts, which explains the origins of the world and leads to salvation from it. … Blavatsky knew what the Buddhist Tantras were, knew their content and philosophical import better than any Western contemporary, and knew bona fide Tibetan traditions surrounding them. This alone gives strong reasons not to dismiss her claims out of hand.”
          4. In the 1880’s HPB says:“No one styling himself a “scholar,” in whatever department of exact science, will be permitted to regard these teachings seriously. They will be derided and rejected a priori in this century; but only in this one. For in the twentieth century of our era scholars will begin to recognize that the Secret Doctrine has neither been invented nor exaggerated, but, on the contrary, simply outlined.” No-one believed her.
          100 years later academic research shows: That what she said is exactly what has happened.
          The Sanskrit word “Tantra” literally means “Continuum” or “Expansion.” Although it has become linked or synonymous in the minds of many Westerners with sexual practices, sexual magic, and so-called “sacred sexuality,” this is not its inherent or original meaning.
          While it is true that there are scriptures and systems of Tantra in both Hinduism and Buddhism which include sexual elements to varying degrees and in various forms, this is not always the case. There are numerous Mahayana Buddhist scriptures called “Tantras” which have nothing at all to do with sexual matters.
          The publicly known versions of Kalachakra Tantra have a sexual side and the Dalai Lama even openly refers to, endorses, and promotes sexual Tantra in some of his bestselling books. None of this would be supported or agreed with for a moment by HPB, the Masters, or the real Esoteric Philosophy. It goes against the very essence of Theosophical teaching and practice. Sexual magic and sexual Tantra are “the worst form of black magic or sorcery,” says HPB with italicised emphasis in the entry for “Tantra” on p. 319 of her book “The Theosophical Glossary.” We can thus safely assume that the Mula Kalachakra Tantra and the various Kalachakra Commentaries possessed and used by the Brotherhood have nothing to do with such things.
          It is not the place here to go into a discussion of various verses purported to be additional “Stanzas of Dzyan” that have been published by certain individuals since the time of H.P. Blavatsky. Alice Bailey did so, as did “The Temple of the People” in their own spurious “Third Volume” of “The Secret Doctrine.” Others have done so and a few New Age channellers still do so today, from time to time. One need only compare these with those in “The Secret Doctrine” and notice the vast difference between them, in terms of such aspects as style, content, doctrine, and clarity. Those published by Bailey, for example, have a decidedly Western and Christian Kabbalistic feel to them.
          The article Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books) definitely needs to be read by any students and followers of the Alice Bailey teachings. It is a lengthy article but those who genuinely want truth and fact rather than deception and fiction will read the whole thing carefully and dispassionately and then come to their own conclusions.
          A strong connection with Tibetan Buddhism will have been noticed by those who have read through the present article.
          The Masters and HPB are not any type of exoteric Buddhists but are connected with the secret and esoteric Yogacharya School of Buddhism, founded in India by the original Aryasangha, an Arhat and direct disciple of Gautama Buddha, and relocated later, owing to persecution from the Hindu Brahmins, to the Trans-Himalayan region. The esoteric Yogacharya School operates in strict secrecy and preserves the genuine esoteric teachings of the Lord Buddha himself. It is Buddha’s own Esoteric School. More has been written regarding these things in such articles on this site as Alaya – The Universal Soul and Self and Non-Self in Buddhism and Theosophy.
          In her article “Old Philosophers and Modern Critics,” HPB expressly states that the Stanzas of Dzyan belong to “the Esoteric Yogacharyas.”
          It is time for “The Secret Doctrine” to be read, studied, assimilated, taught, and popularised, like never before. It is the Masters’ greatest gift to us in this era, as a New Age dawns for mankind. Will we make proper use of what They have unveiled and made so freely available to us, from the long sealed fountains of the hidden East? They watch – and wait.

          • King of Shambhala

            The article doesn’t talk about the Kalachakra’s influence in China through Tibetan Buddhism.
            Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the head of the Chinese Buddhist Church.
            Kalachakra is the State Doctrine there brought in by the Tibetan lamas Sakya Pandita and his nephew Phagspa.
            They ruled China’s Buddhism under royal Mongol Rule for several years and established Tibetan Buddhist tutelage of China for eternity.
            People have to speak about this and give up this bigotted snide needling of Tibet’s culture started by the missionnary Christians since thousands of years.
            Just stick to history and quit lying.
            It’s easier to speak the truth than to lie pathologically like the article does.
            But one has to give the article tht it does turn up facts about Russia that are interesting.
            The Buddhist lamas were in the midst of the turmoil of the Russian Revolution.
            There’s a book about the Revolution and Mongolia’s History: Beasts, Men and Gods – audiobook
            Ferdinand OSSENDOWSKI (1876 – 1945)
            “Beasts, Men and Gods” is an account of an epic journey, filled with perils and narrow escapes, in the mold of “The Lord of the Rings.”

        • Black Humor

          ”Tolstoy too had embraced many ”buddhist” ideas and propagated them among the soviet intelligentsia.” Tolstoy died 1910, so he never saw ”Soviets” at all. Revolution in Russia was years later. :lol:

          • King of Shambhala

            TRUMP WON MASSIVE VICTORY IN THE USA TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
            From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2007)
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            Antoni Ferdynand Ossendowski
            Ferdynand Ossendowski.jpg
            Ossendowski in the late 1920s
            Born 27 May 1876
            Ludza, Russian Empire
            Died 3 January 1945 (aged 68)
            Żółwin, Poland
            Resting place Milanówek
            Occupation Writer, journalist, traveler
            Language Polish
            Nationality Polish
            Notable works Lenin
            Cień Ponurego Wschodu
            Antoni Ferdynand Ossendowski (27 May 1876 – 3 January 1945) was a Polish writer, explorer, university professor, member of the French Academy, and anti-Communist political activist. He is best known for his books about Lenin and the Russian Civil War, a war in which he participated.
            Contents [hide]
            1 Biography
            1.1 Early years
            1.2 St. Petersburg to China
            1.3 Back to Poland
            1.4 World War II
            1.5 After his death
            2 Bibliography
            3 See also
            4 References
            5 External links
            Early years[edit]
            Antoni Ferdynand Ossendowski was born 27 May 1876, on his family’s manor near Ludza in the Vitebsk Governorate, of Lithuanian Tatar descent. He studied at the famous gymnasium in Kamieniec Podolski, but he moved with his father, a renowned doctor, to Saint Petersburg, where he graduated from a Russian-language school. Then he joined the mathematical-physical faculty of the local university, where he studied chemistry. As an assistant to professor Aleksander Zalewski, he traveled to many distant areas, including Siberia, the Caucasus and the Altay Mountains. During the summer he was frequently enrolled as a ship’s writer on the Odessa-Vladivostok line, a job that allowed him to visit many parts of Asia, including Japan, Sumatra, China, Malaya and Indonesia. For his description of his trip to Crimea and Constantinople he received his first royalty. His record of a trip to India (Chmura nad Gangesem: A Cloud Over the Ganges) gained the prestigious Petersburg Society of Literature prize.
            In 1899, after a students’ riot in Saint Petersburg, Ossendowski was forced to leave Imperial Russia and move to Paris, where he continued his studies at the Sorbonne, his professors being Maria Curie-Skłodowska and Marcelin Berthelot. It is possible he received a doctorate back in Russia, but no documents have survived. In 1901 he was allowed to return to Russia, where professor Zalewski invited him to the newly founded Institute of Technology of the University in Tomsk. There he gave lectures on chemistry and physics. At the same time he also gave lectures at the Agricultural Academy and published numerous scientific works on hydrology, geology, physical chemistry, geography and physics.
            After the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) Ossendowski moved to Harbin in Manchuria, where he founded a Central Technical Research Laboratory, a Russian-financed institution for development of the ore deposits in the area. At the same time, he headed the local branch of the Russian Geographic Society in Vladivostok. As such he made numerous trips to Korea, Sakhalin, Ussuri and the shores of the Bering Strait. In Manchuria he also became one of the leaders of the considerable Polish diaspora and published his first novel in Polish, Noc (Night). He also got involved in the Main Revolutionary Committee, a leftist organization that tried to take power in Manchuria during the Revolution of 1905. After the failure of the revolution, Ossendowski organised a strike against the brutal repressions in Congress Poland, for which he was arrested. A military tribunal sentenced him to death for conspiracy against the Tsar, but his sentence was later commuted to several years hard labor.
            St. Petersburg to China[edit]
            In 1907 he was released from prison with a so-called wolf ticket, which prevented him from finding a job or leaving Russia. At that time he devoted himself to writing. His novel V ludskoi pyli (In Human Dust), in which he described his several-years-long stay in Russian prisons, gained him much popularity in Russia and was even described by Leo Tolstoy as one of his favorites. The popularity allowed him to return to St Petersburg in 1908. There he continued to write books and at the same time headed the Society of the Gold and Platinum Industry and several newspapers and journals, both in Russian and in Polish. After the outbreak of World War I, Ossendowski published several more books, including a science fiction novel, a propaganda novel on German spies in Russia and a brochure describing German and Austro-Hungarian war crimes.
            After the outbreak of the February Revolution of 1917, Ossendowski moved yet again, to Siberia, this time to Omsk, where he started giving lectures at the local university. After the October Revolution and the outbreak of the Russian Civil War he also got involved in the counter-revolutionary Russian government led by Supreme Governor Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak. He served at various posts, among others as an intelligence officer, an envoy to the intervention corps from the United States and an assistant to the Polish 5th Rifle Division of Maj. Walerian Czuma. In 1918 he was responsible for transfer of many tsarist and White Russian documents to the Entente, including many fake proofs of German support for Lenin and his Bolsheviks (so-called Sisson Documents).
            After Kolchak’s defeat in 1920, Ossendowski joined a group of Poles and White Russians trying to escape from communist-controlled Siberia to India through Mongolia, China and Tibet.[1] After a journey of several thousand miles, the group reached Chinese-controlled Mongolia, only to be stopped there by the take-over of the country led by mysterious Baron Roman Ungern von Sternberg. The Baron was a mystic who was fascinated by the beliefs and religions of the Far East such as Buddhism and Lamaism, and “who believed himself to be a reincarnation of Kangchendzönga, the Mongolian god of war.”[2] Ungern-Sternberg’s philosophy was an exceptionally muddled mixture of Russian nationalism with Chinese and Mongol beliefs. However, he also proved to be an exceptional military commander, and his forces grew rapidly.
            Ossendowski joined the baron’s army as a commanding officer of one of the self-defense troops. He also briefly became Ungern von Sternberg’s political advisor and chief of intelligence. Little is known of his service at the latter post, which adds to Ossendowski’s legend as a mysterious person. In late 1920 he was sent with a diplomatic mission to Japan and then the US, never to return to Mongolia. Some writers believe that Ossendowski was one of the people who hid the semi-mythical treasures of the Bloody Baron.
            After his arrival in New York City, Ossendowski started to work for the Polish diplomatic service and possibly as a spy. At the same time, in late 1921 he published his first English language book: Beasts, Men and Gods. This description of his travels during the Russian Civil War and the campaigns led by the Bloody Baron became a striking success and a best-seller. In 1923 it was translated into Polish and then into several other languages.
            Back to Poland[edit]
            In 1922 Ferdynand Ossendowski returned to Poland and settled in Warsaw. Immediately upon his return he started giving lectures at the Wolna Wszechnica Polska, Higher War School and School of Political Sciences at the Warsaw University. At the same time he remained an advisor to the Polish government and an expert sovietologist. He continued to travel to different parts of the world, and after each journey he published a book or two. In the interwar period he was considered the creator of a distinct genre called the traveling novel. With over 70 books published in Poland and translated almost 150 times into 20 other languages, Ossendowski was also the second most popular Polish author abroad, after Henryk Sienkiewicz. He repeated the success of his Beasts, Men and Gods with a book on Lenin, in which he openly criticized the communist methods and policies of Russia, as well as the double face of the communist leaders. In Poland, three of his books were being filmed at the moment World War II started.
            World War II[edit]
            After the Polish Defensive War of 1939 and the outbreak of World War II, Ferdynand Ossendowski remained in Warsaw, where he lived at 27 Grójecka Street. In 1942 he converted to Catholicism (previously being a Lutheran), and the following year he joined the ranks of the underground National Party. He worked in the structures of the Polish Secret State and cooperated with the Government Delegate’s Office in preparation of the underground education in Poland during World War II and post-war learning programmes.
            After the Warsaw Uprising, Ossendowski, by then seriously ill, moved to the village of Żółwin, near the Warsaw suburb of Milanówek, where he died on 3 January 1945. He was buried the following day in the local cemetery in Milanówek.
            After his death[edit]
            Two weeks after Ossendowski’s death, on 18 January, the area was seized by the Red Army. It turned out that Ossendowski was being sought by the NKVD, and was being considered an enemy of the people for his book on Lenin and the Soviet system, which was considered an act of anti-Soviet agitation. The Soviet agents exhumed his body to confirm his identity and that he was really dead.
            After the war, the new communist Soviet-led authorities of Poland issued a ban on all books by Ossendowski. Many of his books were confiscated from the libraries and burnt.[citation needed] It was not until 1989 that his books were again published openly in Poland.

      • King of Shambhala

        Anonymous wrote:

        “This article is obviously written by someone who has not the slightest idea of what Tibetan Buddhism is truly about, which is nothing other than kindness and compassion born of understanding the true nature of reality and the desire to ease the suffering of this world. I have been a Tibetan Buddhist since 1978″

        Me myself…. I’ve been a Buddhist religious since 1970 (46 years!!!!). I’m belong to the Sakya School. Buddhist name “Jamyang Khedrup”. I did five years of Tibetan language and culture at Paris “Dauphine” University. Then an 8-month meditation retreat upon Naljorma. I’m the world foremost scholar on Kalachakra, having done 28 years of post-university research upon Kalachakra. I disagree with the Dalai about key issues such as to say that the Buddhist Apocalypse will occur in 400-some years. In the Wikipedia Kalachakra page, it states that the lineage of Kalachakra has a mass of contradictions in it, because the line of lamas consists largely of pseudonyms. Therefore, the chronology cannot be trusted for accuracy. That sheds doubt upon the Kalachakra line of kings as well because of that lack of accuracy.

        Therefore, given that doubt, I assert that the date of the Apocalypse can well be now, rather than in 400 years. (and the signs are all here as sell as a heaven-sent miracle of the lottery draw of 666 that’s cursing Obama)

        No one can contest that.

        That’s how I state that the advent of the Kalachakra’s Apocalypse is now and Obama’s the Antichrist and I’m the only one revealing it and I’m the one who’s said to defeat the Antichrist aka Krinmati of the Kalachakra (who is Obama).

        The resaon I say Obama’s Krinmati is because the description of Krinmati is Obama to the T. It says Kirnmati’s faith will be mixed of Judaism, Islam, Christianty and Manicheism (Manicheism mixes Greek gods, Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism.)
        Obama’s mixed faith is just like that to the T. Obama carries a Buddha statue in his pocket and claims to be Chrisian despite his Muslim name which is Muhammed’s nephew’s name!!!! Obama’s also famous for carrying a Hanuman Hindu staue too. His family’s Jewish beginning with mother-in-law Ruth Nidesand, brother Mark NdeSandjo and his cousin Capers Funnye, who’s a Black Hebrew Israelite (Antisemitic) so-called “rabbi”!!!! Obama says the call of the azaan [call to prayer] at the break of dawn is the prettiest sound on earth (sic!)

        All those who follow me should get behind me and we all join so as to spread this message that the Apocalypse is now. Not a minute is to be lost.

        “and just completed a rigorous 3 yr.meditation retreat. I hope to dissuade the reader from taking this article very seriously, as it is just thrown together mudslinging!
        If the author had bothered, for example, to do the most minimal research into the Buddhist swastika, he would have disc overed that it means :good fortune, auspiciousness, well-being”. It is not the fault of Buddhism that Nazis perverted and even changed its directionality for their own evil ends. The author also knows nothing at all about the Kalachakra. Here is a worthy explanation:
        “Kalachakra (in Tibetan Du kyi khorlo) is a Sanskrit word that can be translated literally as “wheel of time.” Kala, or “time,” is not linear time but the flow of all events, past, present, and future. This is similar to our concept of space, which does not imply a particular direction or limitation. The Kalachakra deity represents omniscience, for he is one with all time and therefore knows all. Chakra, meaning “wheel,” refers not only to the cycle of time but also to the way in which the enlightened experience of great bliss radiates like the sun from the self to all sentient beings. The wheel, with no beginning and no end, is also the universal symbol of Buddhism, representing the teachings of the Buddha. …”
        There are so many farfetched and stupid statements in this article, I cannot possibly cover them all – it would take much too long to expose all of them!!

    • Jango

      He is giving the people of Tibet False Hope. He has no power, is living in exile, can convince no one to support his cause (other than sympathetically) and will NEVER free Tibet from China’s rule. Get a life man…. But, if you put your faith in Jesus, well that’s another story, because he Has Power, Authority, and Rulership and He Will Rule the Earth very soon. And this guy will be like the rest of us, having our day in court before the KING.

      • King of Shambhala

        Jango, you say “if you put your faith in Jesus, well that’s another story, because he Has Power, Authority, and Rulership and He Will Rule the Earth very soon.”
        Of course that’s false.
        Buddhism and Hinduism never made war like Christianity and Islam which is the worst thing existing in the world.
        But you’ure right that the Dalai is wrong to imagine he’ll return to Tibet and regains it’s freedom. He’s lost Tibet and he was never the king and leader of Tibet.
        The outside world believes him saying that lie and the Nobel gave him the Nobel Prize for a reason no one can understand.

    • humble mechanic

      Swastikas are not German or related to Nazi. It has been a symbol with Hindus for over 5000 years…This is totally a delusional description and twisting of facts and truths

      • Titus Return

        The meaning of the article is to show the power of lamas in Germany and Russia during WW II. They showed off their power by ausing the swastika in these countries on the russian and german money and army symbols. Bolsheviks and Nazis were all satanists at the top, controlled by the lamas.It seems like most of them shared the same lifestyle in most aspects: homosexuality, killing people, lieing etc. It has already been proven by many authors that Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill etc were all in on WW II together and the purpose was to destroy the western countries so the black jews could take over. Ordinary German jews were sent to Palestine or toasted. Be a zionist or…

        History is rational when you know the agenda of the winner.

        • King of Shambhala

          Titus Returns, you wrote
          “It seems like most of them (Bolsheviks, Nazis and lamas) shared the same lifestyle in most aspects: homosexuality, killing people, lieing etc.”
          Well, the Christians are known for homosexuality, killing people and lying right?
          So are the Muslim extremists and the mainstream moderate Muslims as well.
          You can agree African Animist sorcerers aren’t the same because they’re cannibals to boot.
          So Commies, Buddhists, Christians, Nazis and Muslims are all the same i.e. homos, killers and liars.
          So what is new?

      • Black Humor

        Swastika is also ancient Finnish(northern europe) symbol. Many northern symbols were taken by Nazis for their symbolic use.

    • Icecharge

      He looks like a snake oil man to me, sneaky and slippery like a horned viper as he shows with his fingers, demon-possessed. He carries no gun, at least not openly, but he resembles another, late snake oil man, Yasser Arafat that had a Peacemaker dangling on his hip. Equally skilled liars, equally little real achievements. Losers both of them.

      • King of Shambhala

        Why aren’t people answering all the comments I made?
        Are they cowards? Ugly ignorance at work?

        • Big dog.../small fish...

          ‘Cause all of this is copy/paste?? Besides, you never ever give anything different than all the garbage you spew out.

    • Rob Costello

      ONE SIMPLE RULE…..If you Do Not Believe In Christ- Then you are Anti- Christ……..

      And We all Know What That Means……….Don’t be fooled with The Lies that Anyone is Good……Belief in Christ Is The Only thing which seperates The Wheat from The Chaff!! Everything else and Everybody else is Deception…..

      • King of Shambhala

        Jesus said there would be many false christs coming in his name in the end times and to not follow them, Rob, LIKE YOU.
        Don’t follow Costello.
        Obama’s the Antichrist and the proof I’m the Messiah is that I reveal he was cursed by 666 in the lottery in his homestate the day after his election.
        And that’s the truth.
        I don’t claim I’m Jesus but that makes me be Jesus because I rely upon heaven’s miracle sent to curse Obama with 666.

    • Synickel

      Anybody that doesn’t recognize the sovereignty of Jesus Christ is an antichrist. The pope leads the way as he loves his pantheon of pagan gods and goddesses.

      • King of Shambhala

        BOOM! DOUBLE WHAMMER HERE! Jesus said there would be many false christs coming in his name in the end times and to not follow them, Synickel, LIKE YOU.
        Don’t follow Synickel.
        Obama’s the Antichrist and the proof I’m the Messiah is that I reveal he was cursed by 666 in the lottery in his homestate the day after his election.
        And that’s the truth.
        I don’t claim I’m Jesus but that makes me be Jesus because I rely upon heaven’s miracle sent to curse Obama with 666.

        • Loki

          “I don’t claim I’m Jesus but that makes me be Jesus…”

          French Authorities, Please put this person into a mental institution where he belongs. Lithium will be of little value at this point. A full scale lobotomy will more than likely be necessary.

          • Big dog.../small fish...

            I second on the LOBOTOMY.

    • Big dog.../small fish...

      I love to hear the Dalai Lama speak. He preaches COMMON SENSE.

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