
HfjNUlYZ is the official website of the Southeast Region of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR). Abortion is so horrific, there are no words to describe it. People have to see abortion to understand or even believe it, so we show it to them. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "America will not stop racism until America sees racism." America finally saw pictures of Black men and women being attacked with dogs and water cannons, and America demanded change. Successful reformers have always exposed injustice; in fact, no movement has ever brought about reform by allowing it to be hidden. Only when people are uncomfortable with the status quo will they demand and work for change. Dr. King knew that exposing injustice would make Americans uncomfortable. He counted on it. We count on it. CBR was founded in July of 1990 as a privately-funded, non-profit educational corporation. We are strictly non-violent. We do not engage in civil disobedience and all activities fall within the legal bounds of the First Amendment. We oppose violence against unborn babies and abortionists. By God’s grace and with your help, our work is winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives. In fact, our on-campus project is "saving babies like nothing the pro-life movement has ever undertaken and is worthy of [your] heartiest support," says Father Frank Pavone, Director of Priests for Life. Please help us save unborn children by joining our team and encouraging your friends to do the same.
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

