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By Judy Byington
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2,400 Children Missing in a Winfrey, Gates, Zuckerberg, CIA Child Trafficking Cover UP

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The threatened exposure of a Deep State Pedophilia Child Trafficking Ring centered in Lahaina Maui Hawaii was now believed the main reason behind Direct Energy Weapon Attacks (DEW) that devastated the area and left over a hundred dead, thousands of mainly children, missing and over 4,000 dislocated after their houses were scorched to the ground on Tues. 8 Aug. 2023.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Officials have been slammed by locals over their slow response to the devastating wildfires. So much so that over a week later on Wed. 16 Aug. US Marines were sent in to confront 2,500 FEMA employees, National Guard infiltrated with CIA Agents and Maui police who were doing more than opposite their job of helping survivors.

An even more important and very secretive goal of the Marine’s mission was to find 2,400 missing children. Before the fire four schools in Lahaina served over 3,000 students. A week after the area was devastated only 400 Lahaina students were enrolled in other schools, with a mere 200 doing virtual learning. That left at least 2,400 children unaccounted for.

Reports had come in that the police were supporting FEMA workers blockage, both by land and by sea, of food, water and needed supplies from reaching Lahaina; refusing to hand out food and water to desperate survivors; closing down desperately needed food stations and refusing to account for the over 2,400 missing children.

Meanwhile FEMA officials were staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid the recovery efforts in Lahaina.

According to the White Hat Global Military Alliance which sent in the US Marines, the DEW Attacks were also believed done in part to kill several people who were set to expose an International Child Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome and Organ Harvesting ring that was housed in underground tunnels beneath properties owned by Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and a CIA operation headquarters.

Lahaina had become known for missing children. Before the fire White Hat Military operations had been closing in on Lahaina and it’s human trafficking network. Over a hundred cases of child and women kidnappings had been reported that weren’t being investigated.

The multiple DEW attacks were also believed to have been planned in order for the Deep State to destroy evidence of Deep State Underground Tunnels beneath Lahaina, including a base that housed child trafficking.

Evidently the Deep State DEW Attacks were also to test weapons on humans, test smart car explosions on a mass scale, plus to destroy Lahaina in order to acquire the Native Hawaiian’s very valuable land in a carefully calculated land grab.

Not surprisingly a Media Blackout was now taking place that encompassed all of Lahaina. Maui Police have closed off a 12 mile range around the city.

On Tues. 22 Aug. at a Press Conference Maui resident Karli Boone repeatedly asked Maui Mayor Richard Bissen to disclose where the thousands of missing children were. The answer came in a Maui police head-lock just for asking the question. Bissen had repeatedly refused to confirm how many, or even talk about, the estimated over 2,400 missing children of Maui.

According to local citizens who have seen the bodies and personally know their missing neighbors, the reports of over a hundred deaths and a thousand missing in Maui were false numbers. Over 2,000 to 4,000 dead or missing would be more accurate.

The number of Native Hawaiians feared dead was not the only reason that the police closed off the Media. The police were controlled by the government, who were controlled by the Elites inside the Democrat run state, who were running with CIA operations and UN (DAVOS) Deep State Operations. And, part of the Media Blackout had to do with hundreds of people who died inside smart cars that exploded like bombs.

Everyone had assumed that the 2,500 FEMA employees on Maui were handling the devastation – not adding to it. The children were now believed taken by those Maui police, Deep State FEMA employees and National Guard infiltrated with CIA agents.

That same Deep State group also could have killed the native children’s parents on orders from Hawaii’s Democrat governor Josh Green. All were thought loyal to the Deep State in a well planned attempted takeover of valuable Native Hawaiian land.

For years Gates, Winfrey, Zuckerberg, the UN, Bilderbergers and hundreds of world billionaires including those involved in the Cabal’s BlackRock and Vanguard, have all tried to buy huge portions of Lahaina, but were denied by the Lahaina citizens who remained true to their land and heritage. Their ancestors originally settled Lahaina, the land was where they buried their dead and where they worshipped their God.

The Deep State real estate agents, FEMA, Maui police and National Guard infiltrated with CIA Agents, felt differently. Their massive human/child trafficking line ran through the second most expensive real estate in the world of Lahaina. Hawaii was the base between Australia, Taiwan, China and California for Oprah, Epstein, Zuckerberg, CIA, UN Elites and their international Child Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome and Organ Harvesting network.


An Urgent Plea For Help

The capitol of the Sovereign Nation in Lahaina Maui has been destroyed. Thousands of men, women and mainly children are missing and presumed dead. Any aid to you could give to help the people of Hawaii who are suffering tremendous losses would be greatly appreciated.

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