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By Judy Byington
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CIA Tortuous Mind Control Experiments on Children – Part 4

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In 1988 MKULTRA Mind Control Survivor Linda McDonald (of the McDonalds Hamburger Chain) won a class action suit against the CIA and President of the American and World Psychiatric Association’s Dr. Ewen Cameron.


Linda McDonald, like many child victims of the CIA Mind Control program, grew up in a multigenerational Satan Worshipping Family. The McDonalds were suspected to not only be involved in the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children, but were thought to be leaders in the movement. They were found to use human meat in their hamburgers. Of course, like everything connected to the CIA, nothing much has been done about it, nor have their evil deeds been made known to the general public. McDonalds Chain Closing Globally: Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food? | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (

In 1963 McDonald was sold by her parents to be child victim of Dr. Ewen Cameron’s destructive Mind Control experiments. Cameron used a “treatment” which involved intensive application of brainwashing techniques such as drug dis-inhibition, prolonged sleep deprivation and prolonged psychological isolation that were combined with the painful Electric Shocks of Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT). The amount of electricity introduced into Linda’s brain exceeded by 76.5 times the maximum amount recommended.


Dr. Cameron’s technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. A class action suit against the CIA for Dr. Cameron’s MKULTRA experiments was settled out of court for $750,000, which was divided among eight plaintiffs.


Cameron’s numerous other child victims were never compensated for their life time of physical and emotional pain caused by his experiments – nor were thousands of other child victims of the CIA Mind Control program.


Congress has held two investigations on the illegal CIA program which involved extensive torture of children, though nothing has come of their findings – nor were results of the inquiries published, nor was the information released to the general public, nor has the CIA been reprimanded for the program centered on changing the developing brain patterns of children through prolonged physical and mental torture.


On Feb. 8 1988 another MKULTRA victim, Cathy O’Brien, was rescued from her mind-control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips. She had been a victim of the CIA covert government program MKULTRA Project Monarch operation. Her programming began at a very young age with being used in child pornography and eventually led to her serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave.


Although Linda McDonald and Cathy O’Brien were eventually able to escape the CIA hold on them, other child victims have not survived, or were still being held captive – such as Cathy O’Brien’s daughter. Some who did get out claim that the CIA torture of children in Mind Control experiments was still going on, even today.


· In 1973 CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKULTRA records destroyed after getting word that Congress had decided to look into the matter of illegal CIA Mind Control experiments on humans. The CIA Mind-control program, which was centered on changing the developing brain patterns of children through torture, was supposedly permanently halted – although survivors of the program say otherwise.


· Significant aspects of the CIA Mind Control Program was in the use of Satan Worship and Electro Shock Treatments. Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors who were tortured throughout childhood have reported that it was common for their perpetrators to electro shock mothers while their babies were still in the womb. Back in the 1970s the use of Electro Shock was prominent in US and Canadian Mental Hospitals.


· Judy Note: In 1975 as Supervisor over Children Services for Lethbridge Alberta Canada Mental Health I was observing patients of the local Mental Health Hospital: “For four hours I witnessed patient after patient lined up down the hall on gurneys awaiting Electro Shock Treatment (ECT). Evidently this was a regular treatment for most inpatients. Even though I was a Supervisor over Outpatient Childrens Services I had been told by my administrator that because it was so difficult to obtain permission for me to observe the Mental Health Ward, I was not to talk to staff or patients, nor obtain any information on what they were doing. No one talked to me for the four hours I was there. What I saw with the multiple patients being Electro-shocked was especially disconcerting because I had recently moved there from Utah where ECT had been outlawed by the state legislature because there was no way to judge if the so-called “therapy” would produce any positive results other than permanent damage to the brain.”


· 1975 US Army Mind-control using Electrodes. A file released by the US Army dated 22 August 1975 shows how patients were used as guinea pigs for mind control studies. Electrodes were inserted into parts of their brains, ostensibly because “it could help to heal them.”


· In 1976 during a Senate Intelligence Committee investigation on the MKULTRA Mind Control Program, Committee Chairman Senator Frank Church uncovered MKULTRA records, even though CIA Director Helms had ordered all destroyed three years prior. Church reported that the CIA was “a rogue elephant operating above the law as it plotted assassinations, illegally spied on thousands of Americans and drugged citizens in its effort to develop new weapons for its covert arsenal.”


· 1976 Final Report of the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities, S. Rep. No. 94-755, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. Book I, at 385-86 (1976). CIA officials, such as the Deputy Director for Science and Technology Carl E. Duckett admitted at U.S. Senate hearings that the CIA unwitting drug tests were “wrong.” The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that compartmentalization was used in the MKULTRA Program to conceal the “unethical and illicit activities” by the CIA. “Few people, even within the agencies, knew of the programs and there is no evidence that either the executive branch or Congress were ever informed of them. The highly compartmented nature of these programs may be explained in part by an observation made by the CIA Inspector General that, “the knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions….”


· In 1977 through the Freedom of Information Act, Author John Marks requested and found 16,000 pages of MKULTRA financial documents. Marks research resulted in significant articles about the CIA Mind Control program being published in the New York Times. Although, neither two official reports of Committee findings, nor the New York Times articles mentioned the use of child victims in the program.




Control C.I.A., Not Behavior – The New York Times (

Senate Committee Report: “Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Research Program in Behavioral Modification”:


Senate Committee Report: “Secret Justice Dept. Report: How the US helped Nazis” page 374: CIA first worked with Nazi official Claus Barbie in 1947. He came to the US several times. In 1949 there were public claims by Nazi victims that Barbie used torture in interrogation techniques, but Army officials continued to protect Barbie.


· 1977 Senate Pike Committee Investigation on a CIA Mind Control: A MKULTRA Administrator was taken before a Senate Pike Committee Hearing to answer questions about CIA mind-control projects. He revealed that the CIA had indeed funded a series of such operations. The programs were code named MKULTRA, MKACTION, MKNAOMI, ARTICHOKE and BLUEBIRD, which involved people being used as guinea pigs in mind experiments. Many subjects lost their sanity and at least two people died.


· Congress voted not to publish results of the 1977 Pike Committee Investigations on the CIA MKULTRA mind-control program and just as with the Senate Church investigation a year prior in 1976, no action was taken.


· In 1979 John Marks published “The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: the CIA and Mind-control and Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences” by John Marks (W.W. Norton & Company Inc.) The book was based on documents of the MKULTRA government intelligence mind control programs.


· 1980 Canadian Mind-control Victims sued the CIA and won. Their Complaint was filed December 11, 1980 against the CIA under the Tort Claims Act. 8 A million dollars was awarded nine Canadian victims in the successful litigation against the CIA, Dr. D. Ewen Cameron and US and Canadian governments for brainwashing experiments done in the late 1950s and early 1960s at the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill University psychiatric hospital in Montreal.


· In 1983, 1984 professional mental health treatment organizations of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD and International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS were formed. Their purpose was to create treatment modalities for thousands of Dissociate Identity Disorder and mind-control clients knocking on their doors. Survivors claimed that as children they were forced to participate in government mind-control experiments in combination with Satanic Ritual Abuse in local satanic covens. The US and Canadian government mental health facilities refused (and to this day, still refused according to SRA Survivors) to recognize or adequately treat Satanic Ritual Abuse victims suffering Dissociate Identity Disorder, commonly known as multiple personalities. Government Mental Health treatment commonly put SRA Survivors on a huge amount of drugs so they couldn’t function on their own.


· In the 1985 CIA vs. Sims Case, (471 U.S. 181 U.S. 159) Chief Justice Burger protected CIA MKULTRA “intelligence sources.” Declassified MKULTRA documents such as grant proposals, contracts and names of institutions and individuals who performed research in the CIA mind-control programs were ordered to be made available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. However, such requests for the documents were delayed or not honored. The CIA vs. Sims Case was filed, but the CIA fought release of documents to the Supreme Court. On April 16 1985 Chief Justice Burger of the United States Court of Appeals delivered the opinion of the Court in favor of the CIA saying that the “intelligence sources” who were guaranteed confidentiality at the time of these CIA funded research projects would continue to remain protected and classified.

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